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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of the limit state of superheater collectors / Estimation de l'état limite des collecteurs des surchauffeurs

Iasnii, Volodymyr 22 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université Technique Nationale Ivan Pul'uj de Ternopil (TNTU, Ukraine) et l’Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont Ferrand, France). Les travaux ont été effectués au sein de l'Institut Pascal de l’Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont II, de l’IFMA et du CNRS, dans le thème scientifique Matériaux actifs et intelligents, modélisation multi-échelle de l'axe Mécanique, Matériaux et Structures, et au sein de l'Institut Français de Mécanique Avancée. Les travaux réalisés sont inscrits dans l'action transversale « Matériaux et Modélisations Multi-Echelles » de l'Institut Pascal et, en partie, dans l'action MAIM du Laboratoire d'Excellence Labex IMobS3. La thèse présentée appartient au domaine scientifique de la mécanique de la rupture et la science des matériaux.Le but de ce travail est l’étude de l'effet du temps de fonctionnement sur les dommages de la structure, les propriétés mécaniques et la ténacité d'acier de collecteur de surchauffe dans les centrales thermiques et de développer les méthodes qui sont basées sur l'évaluation de la résistance résiduelle du collecteur en tenant compte des dispersions des propriétés mécaniques, du chargement opérationnel et des défauts de taille. La thèse étudie l'influence de l'hydrogénation sur le comportement mécanique, la ténacité et les micro-mécanismes de rupture dans le matériau du collecteur de surchauffe à déformation lente. / This thesis has been performed under the cotutelle agreement between Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University (TNTU, Ukraine) and Blaise Pascal University (Clermont Ferrand, France). The thesis has been carried out within Pascal Institute of the Blaise Pascal University - Clermont II, the IFMA and the CNRS, in the Scientific Theme “Active and Smart Materials and Multiscale Modeling” of the Mechanics, Materials and Structures Department, and within the French Institute for Advanced Mechanics. The work is included in the Transversal Action "Materials and Multi-scale Modelling" of the Pascal Institute and in the Action MAIM of the Excellence Laboratory Labex IMobS3. The presented thesis belongs to the scientific field of fracture mechanics and material science. The aim of the thesis is to study the effect of operating time on damage of structure, mechanical properties and fracture toughness of superheater collector steel at thermal power plants (TPPs) and to develop the methods that are based on the assessment of the residual strength of collector taking into account the mechanical properties scatter, operational loading and defect sizes. The thesis studies the influence of hydrogenation on mechanical behavior, fracture toughness and fracture micromechanisms in the material of superheater collector at slow deformation.

Einfluss von Rissen auf den Feuchtetransport in textilbewehrtem Beton

Lieboldt, Matthias, Mechtcherine, Viktor 03 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In diesem Beitrag wird die Wasserabsorption und die Wasserpermeabilität von axial vorbelasteten Prüfkörpern aus textilbewehrtem Beton (TRC) und biegebelasteten Verbundprüfkörpern (Normalbeton + TRC) im gerissenen Zustand untersucht. Durch in situ Permeabilitätsmessungen wird das dehnungsabhängige Transportverhalten im einaxialen Zugversuch beobachtet und mittels eines analytischen Modells beschrieben. Es besteht eine ausgeprägte Abhängigkeit der Transportraten von Flüssigkeiten zu relevanten Risscharakteristika (Rissanzahl, Rissbreite). Weiterhin wurden Selbstheilungseffekte von feinen Rissen infolge einer zyklischen Wasserbeaufschlagung beobachtet. Die Feuchteverteilung in einer gerissenen Normalbetonprobe und einer Verbundprobe (Normalbeton + TRC) wird mit Hilfe der Neutronenstrahlradiographie zeit- und ortsaufgelöst dargestellt. Das Eindringen von Wasser wird anhand der Messungen qualitativ vorgestellt und diskutiert. / In this study water absorption and water permeability were tested on uniaxially preloaded, cracked specimens made of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and cracked composite specimens (ordinary concrete + TRC) preloaded in bending. The influence of imposed strain on the permeation of water was observed in-situ by using uniaxial tensile tests and described by an analytical model. The transport values for the cracked material correlated with the cracks’ characteristics (number of cracks, crack width). Furthermore, the effect of self-healing phenomena on the transport properties of TRC was considered. The distribution of water in cracked ordinary concrete and cracked composite specimens was studied by means of neutron radiography which provided with a high spatial and temporal resolution. The penetration of water is presented qualitatively and discussed.

Investigação do comportamento de Engineered Cementitious Composites reforçados com fibras de polipropileno como material para recapeamento de pavimentos / Investigating polypropylene fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites as a pavement overlay material

Garcez, Estela Oliari January 2009 (has links)
Uma parcela substancial das rodovias do país apresenta processos de deterioração graves de seus pavimentos, fato que acarreta sérios impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, resultando em aumento do consumo de combustível, dos gastos com manutenção dos veículos, da frequência de engarrafamentos e do tempo gasto em deslocamentos. A utilização de recapeamentos ou overlays de concreto tem demonstrado ser uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para a reabilitação de pavimentos. No entanto, em muitos casos, os overlays de concreto não tem conseguido prevenir a ocorrência de fissuração por reflexão. Os Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECCs) são um tipo especial de compósitos cimentícios de alto desempenho reforçados com fibras, cuja principal característica é a altíssima ductilidade. Esta propriedade faz com que os mesmos sejam capazes de superar muitas das limitações dos overlays de concreto tradicionais. Fibras de PVA com uma camada superficial modificada foram especialmente desenvolvidas para serem empregadas no reforço de ECCs (ou PVAECC). O custo de tais fibras é o principal responsável pelo elevado custo dos ECCs, o que pode inviabilizar seu emprego em alguns casos. Buscando alternativas, este estudo se focou na investigação da possibilidade de uso de fibras de polipropileno (PP) de alto desempenho. Estas fibras, com custo mais atraente, já são produzidas comercialmente no Brasil, e usadas na produção de fibrocimento. As mesmas se demonstraram adequadas para uso como reforço em ECCs (ou PPECC), sendo capazes de garantir que se atinja um comportamento dúctil através do desenvolvimento de um processo de múltipla fissuração. Um resultado importante foi que a dimensão média da abertura das fissuras nos PPECC foi de 10 m, enquanto nos PVAECC a mesma era 60 m. Este resultado pode resultar em incrementos na durabilidade de estruturas. Além disto, o trabalho investigou o comportamento à flexão e fadiga dos ECCs reforçados com fibras de polipropileno. Os resultados demonstraram que os compósitos produzidos com cimento Portland tipo V-ARI não se comportam adequadamente à fadiga, uma vez que ocorre a deterioração das fibras. Por outro lado, os compósitos produzidos com cimento tipo I, já usualmente empregado em ECCs, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Um modelo de previsão de vida útil foi gerado para recapeamentos de PPECC, PVAECC e concreto, em função das espessuras dos revestimentos. O mesmo indicou que os ECCs requerem camadas 1,5 a 2,5 vezes mais finas que as usuais de concreto. O material foi, então, testado especificamente quanto à resistência à fissuração por reflexão. Os resultados demonstraram que o PPECC pode modificar o modo de ruptura frágil dos recapeamentos através do processo de múltipla fissuração. Na última etapa do trabalho foi realizada uma análise do ciclo de vida e dos custos do ciclo de vida de quatro diferentes sistemas de recapeamento – concreto, asfalto, PVAECC e PPECC. Os resultados mostram que os overlays de ECCs são bastante atrativos, pois diminuem tanto o consumo de energia associado aos processos de projeto, construção e manutenção do recapeamento, bem como reduzem a liberação de emissões gasosas à atmosfera, constituindo uma alternativa mais sustentável que as demais. Os sistemas de recapeamento com ECC também resultaram em vantagens econômicas. Apesar do alto custo inicial, a menor frequência de atividades de manutenção resulta em uma redução do custo total ao longo do período de 40 anos considerado. Isto representa uma importante economia em termos de custos diretos para os responsáveis pelas rodovias. De forma geral, o trabalho evidenciou a viabilidade de uso dos PPECCs para reabilitação de pavimentos. / Many old pavements in service today are approaching the end of their design service lives. Others are in dire need of major repair to continue serving, resulting in economical, environmental and social impacts by increasing vehicle fuel consumption and maintenance costs, traffic jam and delays. For pavements subject to moderate and heavy traffic, concrete overlays are increasingly being used as a cost effective and sustainable rehabilitation technique. However, concrete overlays have some physical limitations that contribute to durability concerns, which increase the probability of pavement overlay failure and maintenance frequency. Consequently, alternative materials are being developed to improve overlay performance. Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) are a special type of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites, designed for high ductility and damage tolerance which may overcome concrete overlay limitations. Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) fibers with special coating are typically used as reinforcement of ECC. Although some successful field application of PVAECC, the use of ECC is restrained by the high cost of the material, consequence of high PVA fibers cost. This research is focused on the investigation of using high tenacity polypropylene fibers as reinforcement of engineered cementitious composites (PPECC). Those fibers are produced and available in Brazil for fibrocement industry by less than half price of PVA fibers. PP fibers have demonstrated good performance in reinforcing ECC, assuring composite strain-hardening behavior through the development of multiple cracking processes. An important finding was the tinier crack opening of PPECC – 10 m average- comparing to PVAECC – 60 m average. This result may result in higher material durability. Furthermore, flexural and fatigue behavior or ECCs reinforced with PP fibers were investigated. Results have shown that Portland cement type V (high early strength) is not adequate for PPECCs subject to fatigue loading, resulting in fiber deterioration and premature rupture. By the other hand, promising results were found with cement ordinary type I, usually used in ECC production. A model of service life prediction was developed for PPECC, PVAECC and concrete overlays correlated to overlay thickness. Results have shown that ECCs may reduce overlay thickness in 1.5 to 2.5 times the usual thickness of overlay concrete. Reflective cracking resistance of PPECC was also testes. From the results it is possible to deduce that PPECC may modify typical rupture mode of concrete overlays through the development of multiple cracking. In the last stage of this work, life cycle analyses and life cycle cost analyses of four different overlays systems – concrete, hot mix asphalt, PVAECC and PPECC – were carried out. The results of this study have shown that an ECC overlay system have lower environmental burdens, reducing the energy consumption related to design, construction and maintenance activities, reducing green house effect as well. Life cycle costs analyses over a 40 years service life revealed that PPECC is the most economical overlay system compared to concrete, hot mix asphalt and PVAECC overlay systems. Agency costs are significantly reduced by adopting PPECC overlays. PPECC is a feasible alternative for pavement rehabilitation.

Investigação do comportamento de Engineered Cementitious Composites reforçados com fibras de polipropileno como material para recapeamento de pavimentos / Investigating polypropylene fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites as a pavement overlay material

Garcez, Estela Oliari January 2009 (has links)
Uma parcela substancial das rodovias do país apresenta processos de deterioração graves de seus pavimentos, fato que acarreta sérios impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, resultando em aumento do consumo de combustível, dos gastos com manutenção dos veículos, da frequência de engarrafamentos e do tempo gasto em deslocamentos. A utilização de recapeamentos ou overlays de concreto tem demonstrado ser uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para a reabilitação de pavimentos. No entanto, em muitos casos, os overlays de concreto não tem conseguido prevenir a ocorrência de fissuração por reflexão. Os Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECCs) são um tipo especial de compósitos cimentícios de alto desempenho reforçados com fibras, cuja principal característica é a altíssima ductilidade. Esta propriedade faz com que os mesmos sejam capazes de superar muitas das limitações dos overlays de concreto tradicionais. Fibras de PVA com uma camada superficial modificada foram especialmente desenvolvidas para serem empregadas no reforço de ECCs (ou PVAECC). O custo de tais fibras é o principal responsável pelo elevado custo dos ECCs, o que pode inviabilizar seu emprego em alguns casos. Buscando alternativas, este estudo se focou na investigação da possibilidade de uso de fibras de polipropileno (PP) de alto desempenho. Estas fibras, com custo mais atraente, já são produzidas comercialmente no Brasil, e usadas na produção de fibrocimento. As mesmas se demonstraram adequadas para uso como reforço em ECCs (ou PPECC), sendo capazes de garantir que se atinja um comportamento dúctil através do desenvolvimento de um processo de múltipla fissuração. Um resultado importante foi que a dimensão média da abertura das fissuras nos PPECC foi de 10 m, enquanto nos PVAECC a mesma era 60 m. Este resultado pode resultar em incrementos na durabilidade de estruturas. Além disto, o trabalho investigou o comportamento à flexão e fadiga dos ECCs reforçados com fibras de polipropileno. Os resultados demonstraram que os compósitos produzidos com cimento Portland tipo V-ARI não se comportam adequadamente à fadiga, uma vez que ocorre a deterioração das fibras. Por outro lado, os compósitos produzidos com cimento tipo I, já usualmente empregado em ECCs, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Um modelo de previsão de vida útil foi gerado para recapeamentos de PPECC, PVAECC e concreto, em função das espessuras dos revestimentos. O mesmo indicou que os ECCs requerem camadas 1,5 a 2,5 vezes mais finas que as usuais de concreto. O material foi, então, testado especificamente quanto à resistência à fissuração por reflexão. Os resultados demonstraram que o PPECC pode modificar o modo de ruptura frágil dos recapeamentos através do processo de múltipla fissuração. Na última etapa do trabalho foi realizada uma análise do ciclo de vida e dos custos do ciclo de vida de quatro diferentes sistemas de recapeamento – concreto, asfalto, PVAECC e PPECC. Os resultados mostram que os overlays de ECCs são bastante atrativos, pois diminuem tanto o consumo de energia associado aos processos de projeto, construção e manutenção do recapeamento, bem como reduzem a liberação de emissões gasosas à atmosfera, constituindo uma alternativa mais sustentável que as demais. Os sistemas de recapeamento com ECC também resultaram em vantagens econômicas. Apesar do alto custo inicial, a menor frequência de atividades de manutenção resulta em uma redução do custo total ao longo do período de 40 anos considerado. Isto representa uma importante economia em termos de custos diretos para os responsáveis pelas rodovias. De forma geral, o trabalho evidenciou a viabilidade de uso dos PPECCs para reabilitação de pavimentos. / Many old pavements in service today are approaching the end of their design service lives. Others are in dire need of major repair to continue serving, resulting in economical, environmental and social impacts by increasing vehicle fuel consumption and maintenance costs, traffic jam and delays. For pavements subject to moderate and heavy traffic, concrete overlays are increasingly being used as a cost effective and sustainable rehabilitation technique. However, concrete overlays have some physical limitations that contribute to durability concerns, which increase the probability of pavement overlay failure and maintenance frequency. Consequently, alternative materials are being developed to improve overlay performance. Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) are a special type of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites, designed for high ductility and damage tolerance which may overcome concrete overlay limitations. Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) fibers with special coating are typically used as reinforcement of ECC. Although some successful field application of PVAECC, the use of ECC is restrained by the high cost of the material, consequence of high PVA fibers cost. This research is focused on the investigation of using high tenacity polypropylene fibers as reinforcement of engineered cementitious composites (PPECC). Those fibers are produced and available in Brazil for fibrocement industry by less than half price of PVA fibers. PP fibers have demonstrated good performance in reinforcing ECC, assuring composite strain-hardening behavior through the development of multiple cracking processes. An important finding was the tinier crack opening of PPECC – 10 m average- comparing to PVAECC – 60 m average. This result may result in higher material durability. Furthermore, flexural and fatigue behavior or ECCs reinforced with PP fibers were investigated. Results have shown that Portland cement type V (high early strength) is not adequate for PPECCs subject to fatigue loading, resulting in fiber deterioration and premature rupture. By the other hand, promising results were found with cement ordinary type I, usually used in ECC production. A model of service life prediction was developed for PPECC, PVAECC and concrete overlays correlated to overlay thickness. Results have shown that ECCs may reduce overlay thickness in 1.5 to 2.5 times the usual thickness of overlay concrete. Reflective cracking resistance of PPECC was also testes. From the results it is possible to deduce that PPECC may modify typical rupture mode of concrete overlays through the development of multiple cracking. In the last stage of this work, life cycle analyses and life cycle cost analyses of four different overlays systems – concrete, hot mix asphalt, PVAECC and PPECC – were carried out. The results of this study have shown that an ECC overlay system have lower environmental burdens, reducing the energy consumption related to design, construction and maintenance activities, reducing green house effect as well. Life cycle costs analyses over a 40 years service life revealed that PPECC is the most economical overlay system compared to concrete, hot mix asphalt and PVAECC overlay systems. Agency costs are significantly reduced by adopting PPECC overlays. PPECC is a feasible alternative for pavement rehabilitation.

Investigação do comportamento de Engineered Cementitious Composites reforçados com fibras de polipropileno como material para recapeamento de pavimentos / Investigating polypropylene fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites as a pavement overlay material

Garcez, Estela Oliari January 2009 (has links)
Uma parcela substancial das rodovias do país apresenta processos de deterioração graves de seus pavimentos, fato que acarreta sérios impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, resultando em aumento do consumo de combustível, dos gastos com manutenção dos veículos, da frequência de engarrafamentos e do tempo gasto em deslocamentos. A utilização de recapeamentos ou overlays de concreto tem demonstrado ser uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para a reabilitação de pavimentos. No entanto, em muitos casos, os overlays de concreto não tem conseguido prevenir a ocorrência de fissuração por reflexão. Os Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECCs) são um tipo especial de compósitos cimentícios de alto desempenho reforçados com fibras, cuja principal característica é a altíssima ductilidade. Esta propriedade faz com que os mesmos sejam capazes de superar muitas das limitações dos overlays de concreto tradicionais. Fibras de PVA com uma camada superficial modificada foram especialmente desenvolvidas para serem empregadas no reforço de ECCs (ou PVAECC). O custo de tais fibras é o principal responsável pelo elevado custo dos ECCs, o que pode inviabilizar seu emprego em alguns casos. Buscando alternativas, este estudo se focou na investigação da possibilidade de uso de fibras de polipropileno (PP) de alto desempenho. Estas fibras, com custo mais atraente, já são produzidas comercialmente no Brasil, e usadas na produção de fibrocimento. As mesmas se demonstraram adequadas para uso como reforço em ECCs (ou PPECC), sendo capazes de garantir que se atinja um comportamento dúctil através do desenvolvimento de um processo de múltipla fissuração. Um resultado importante foi que a dimensão média da abertura das fissuras nos PPECC foi de 10 m, enquanto nos PVAECC a mesma era 60 m. Este resultado pode resultar em incrementos na durabilidade de estruturas. Além disto, o trabalho investigou o comportamento à flexão e fadiga dos ECCs reforçados com fibras de polipropileno. Os resultados demonstraram que os compósitos produzidos com cimento Portland tipo V-ARI não se comportam adequadamente à fadiga, uma vez que ocorre a deterioração das fibras. Por outro lado, os compósitos produzidos com cimento tipo I, já usualmente empregado em ECCs, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Um modelo de previsão de vida útil foi gerado para recapeamentos de PPECC, PVAECC e concreto, em função das espessuras dos revestimentos. O mesmo indicou que os ECCs requerem camadas 1,5 a 2,5 vezes mais finas que as usuais de concreto. O material foi, então, testado especificamente quanto à resistência à fissuração por reflexão. Os resultados demonstraram que o PPECC pode modificar o modo de ruptura frágil dos recapeamentos através do processo de múltipla fissuração. Na última etapa do trabalho foi realizada uma análise do ciclo de vida e dos custos do ciclo de vida de quatro diferentes sistemas de recapeamento – concreto, asfalto, PVAECC e PPECC. Os resultados mostram que os overlays de ECCs são bastante atrativos, pois diminuem tanto o consumo de energia associado aos processos de projeto, construção e manutenção do recapeamento, bem como reduzem a liberação de emissões gasosas à atmosfera, constituindo uma alternativa mais sustentável que as demais. Os sistemas de recapeamento com ECC também resultaram em vantagens econômicas. Apesar do alto custo inicial, a menor frequência de atividades de manutenção resulta em uma redução do custo total ao longo do período de 40 anos considerado. Isto representa uma importante economia em termos de custos diretos para os responsáveis pelas rodovias. De forma geral, o trabalho evidenciou a viabilidade de uso dos PPECCs para reabilitação de pavimentos. / Many old pavements in service today are approaching the end of their design service lives. Others are in dire need of major repair to continue serving, resulting in economical, environmental and social impacts by increasing vehicle fuel consumption and maintenance costs, traffic jam and delays. For pavements subject to moderate and heavy traffic, concrete overlays are increasingly being used as a cost effective and sustainable rehabilitation technique. However, concrete overlays have some physical limitations that contribute to durability concerns, which increase the probability of pavement overlay failure and maintenance frequency. Consequently, alternative materials are being developed to improve overlay performance. Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) are a special type of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites, designed for high ductility and damage tolerance which may overcome concrete overlay limitations. Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) fibers with special coating are typically used as reinforcement of ECC. Although some successful field application of PVAECC, the use of ECC is restrained by the high cost of the material, consequence of high PVA fibers cost. This research is focused on the investigation of using high tenacity polypropylene fibers as reinforcement of engineered cementitious composites (PPECC). Those fibers are produced and available in Brazil for fibrocement industry by less than half price of PVA fibers. PP fibers have demonstrated good performance in reinforcing ECC, assuring composite strain-hardening behavior through the development of multiple cracking processes. An important finding was the tinier crack opening of PPECC – 10 m average- comparing to PVAECC – 60 m average. This result may result in higher material durability. Furthermore, flexural and fatigue behavior or ECCs reinforced with PP fibers were investigated. Results have shown that Portland cement type V (high early strength) is not adequate for PPECCs subject to fatigue loading, resulting in fiber deterioration and premature rupture. By the other hand, promising results were found with cement ordinary type I, usually used in ECC production. A model of service life prediction was developed for PPECC, PVAECC and concrete overlays correlated to overlay thickness. Results have shown that ECCs may reduce overlay thickness in 1.5 to 2.5 times the usual thickness of overlay concrete. Reflective cracking resistance of PPECC was also testes. From the results it is possible to deduce that PPECC may modify typical rupture mode of concrete overlays through the development of multiple cracking. In the last stage of this work, life cycle analyses and life cycle cost analyses of four different overlays systems – concrete, hot mix asphalt, PVAECC and PPECC – were carried out. The results of this study have shown that an ECC overlay system have lower environmental burdens, reducing the energy consumption related to design, construction and maintenance activities, reducing green house effect as well. Life cycle costs analyses over a 40 years service life revealed that PPECC is the most economical overlay system compared to concrete, hot mix asphalt and PVAECC overlay systems. Agency costs are significantly reduced by adopting PPECC overlays. PPECC is a feasible alternative for pavement rehabilitation.

Einfluss von Rissen auf den Feuchtetransport in textilbewehrtem Beton

Lieboldt, Matthias, Mechtcherine, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag wird die Wasserabsorption und die Wasserpermeabilität von axial vorbelasteten Prüfkörpern aus textilbewehrtem Beton (TRC) und biegebelasteten Verbundprüfkörpern (Normalbeton + TRC) im gerissenen Zustand untersucht. Durch in situ Permeabilitätsmessungen wird das dehnungsabhängige Transportverhalten im einaxialen Zugversuch beobachtet und mittels eines analytischen Modells beschrieben. Es besteht eine ausgeprägte Abhängigkeit der Transportraten von Flüssigkeiten zu relevanten Risscharakteristika (Rissanzahl, Rissbreite). Weiterhin wurden Selbstheilungseffekte von feinen Rissen infolge einer zyklischen Wasserbeaufschlagung beobachtet. Die Feuchteverteilung in einer gerissenen Normalbetonprobe und einer Verbundprobe (Normalbeton + TRC) wird mit Hilfe der Neutronenstrahlradiographie zeit- und ortsaufgelöst dargestellt. Das Eindringen von Wasser wird anhand der Messungen qualitativ vorgestellt und diskutiert. / In this study water absorption and water permeability were tested on uniaxially preloaded, cracked specimens made of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and cracked composite specimens (ordinary concrete + TRC) preloaded in bending. The influence of imposed strain on the permeation of water was observed in-situ by using uniaxial tensile tests and described by an analytical model. The transport values for the cracked material correlated with the cracks’ characteristics (number of cracks, crack width). Furthermore, the effect of self-healing phenomena on the transport properties of TRC was considered. The distribution of water in cracked ordinary concrete and cracked composite specimens was studied by means of neutron radiography which provided with a high spatial and temporal resolution. The penetration of water is presented qualitatively and discussed.

On initiation of chemically assisted crack growth and crack propagation paths of branching cracks in polycarbonate

Hejman, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
Stress corrosion, SC, in some cases gives rise to stress corrosion cracking, SCC, which differs from purely stress intensity driven cracks in many aspects. They initiate and grow under the influence of an aggressive environment in a stressed substrate. They grow at low load and may branch. The phenomenon of SCC is very complex, both the initiation phase and crack extension itself of SCC is seemingly associated with arbitrariness due to the many unknown factors controlling the process. Such factors could be concentration of species in the environment, stress, stress concentration, electrical conditions, mass transport, and so on.In the present thesis, chemically assisted crack initiation and growth is studied with special focus on the initiation and branching of cracks. Polycarbonate plates are used as substrates subjected to an acetone environment. Experimental procedures for examining initiation and branching in polycarbonate are presented. An optical microscope is employed to study the substrate.The attack at initiation is quantified from pits found on the surface, and pits that act as origin for cracks is identified and the distribution is analysed. A growth criterion for surface cracks is formulated from the observations, and it is used to numerically simulate crack growth. The cracks are seen to coalesce, and this phenomenon is studied in detail. Branching sites of cracks growing in the bulk of polycarbonate are inspected at the sample surface. It is found that the total width of the crack branches are approximately the same as the width of the original crack. Also, angles of the branches are studied. Further, for comparison the crack growth in the bulk is simulated using a moving boundary problem based algorithm and similar behaviour of crack branching is found. / <p>Both papers in thesis as manuscript, paper II with title "Branching cracks in a layered material - Dissolution driven crack growth in polycarbonate"</p>

Experimental study of the behavior of colonies of environmentally-assisted short cracks by digital image correlation, acoustic emission and electrochemical noise / Etude expérimentale du comportement des colonies de petites fissures environnementales par corrélation numérique d'image, émission acoustique et bruit électrochimique

Bolivar Vina, José 07 July 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une meilleure prédiction de la durée de vie de structures soumises au risque d’amorçage et de propagation de fissures multiples de corrosion sous contrainte (CSC). Ainsi, en développant une méthodologie expérimentale originale basée sur des mesures conjointes de corrélation d’images numériques (DIC), d’émission acoustique (EA) et de bruit électrochimique (EN), et leur analyse, ce travail vise à contribuer à l’amélioration de la compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans le développement de colonies de fissures courtes de CSC qui interagissent entre elles, et à la simulation du comportement de cette colonie. Le choix de conditions optimales de traitement thermique d’un alliage base-Ni et de pH d’une solution de polythionate, a permis la maitrise des paramètres géométriques et morphologiques de colonies de fissures intergranulaires, qui ont été investiguées par DIC grâce à l’optimisation d’une préparation de surface adaptée. Les différentes phases de propagation d’une fissure unique et d’une colonie de fissures ont été identifiées, de même que les mécanismes associés, par des expérimentations et analyses réalisées en 2D et en 3D. Cette approche expérimentale innovante a permis de poser les bases d’une approche numérique puis de la valider. Un focus particulier a été porté sur l’EN au travers d’une analyse critique des perturbations engendrées par le bruit de l’instrumentation et par l’asymétrie du système d’étude. Les limitations de la technique pour son application à l’étude quantitative de la corrosion sous contrainte ont été évaluées sur la base des résultats de l’étude. Une transposition de la démarche expérimentale à hautes pressions et températures est proposée comme perspective à court terme de ce travail, qui permet également d’envisager la prise en compte de différents modes de propagation des fissures en lien avec la microstructure du matériau dans l’approche numérique. / This work concerns with the current needs of enhancing the tools used for predicting the remnant lifetime of structures subjected to the risk of initiation and propagation of multiple stress corrosion cracks (SCC). The approach consists in developing an original experimental methodology based on joint measurements of digital image correlation (DIC), acoustic emission (EA) and electrochemical noise (EN). The final objective is to contribute to both the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of interacting short stress corrosion cracks and to the modeling of the colony behavior. The choice of optimal conditions for the heat treatment of a Nickel-base alloy and for the pH of a polythionate solution allowed controlling the morphological parameters of intergranular cracks colonies, which were investigated by DIC owning to an optimized suitable surface treatment. The different propagation stages of a single crack and some colonies were identified, together with the involved mechanisms, through experiments and analyses performed in 2D and 3D. This innovative experimental approach allowed settling the basements of the numerical modeling and validating it. A particular attention was focused on EN measurements through a critical analysis of the perturbations generated by the instrumental noise and the asymmetry of the studied system. The limitations of the technique for its application to the quantitative study of SCC were evaluated on the basis of the present results. A transposal of the experimental approach towards high temperature and pressure conditions of test was finally proposed as a short-term prospect of this work, also allowing considering other modes of crack propagation linked to the material microstructure in the numerical approach.

Medientransport durch Verstärkungsschichten aus textilbewehrtem Beton

Lieboldt, Matthias, Mechtcherine, Viktor 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In den durchgeführten Versuchsreihen wurden die Wasserabsorption sowie die Gas- und Wasserpermeabilität sowohl an gerissenen als auch rissfreien Prüfkörpern aus textilbewehrtem Beton (TRC) untersucht. Eine deutliche Steigerung der Wasseraufnahme bei Proben mit unbeschichteten Textilien konnte mit Zunahme der Garnfeinheit beobachtet werden. Bei den gerissenen Proben besteht eine ausgeprägte Abhängigkeit der Transportraten von Flüssigkeiten und Gasen zu den relevanten Risscharakteristika (kumulative Risslänge, Rissbreite). Weiterhin sind Selbstheilungseffekte von feinen Rissen infolge einer zyklischen Wasserbeaufschlagung beobachtet worden. Hierbei kam es zu einer deutlichen Reduzierung der Transportraten sowohl für Wasser als auch für Gase. Eine speziell entwickelte Permeabilitätsmesskammer zur Durchführung von In- Situ-Messungen ermöglicht Untersuchungen zum Stofftransport unter axialer Zugbelastung bei verschiedenen Dehnungszuständen.

Medientransport durch Verstärkungsschichten aus textilbewehrtem Beton

Lieboldt, Matthias, Mechtcherine, Viktor 03 June 2009 (has links)
In den durchgeführten Versuchsreihen wurden die Wasserabsorption sowie die Gas- und Wasserpermeabilität sowohl an gerissenen als auch rissfreien Prüfkörpern aus textilbewehrtem Beton (TRC) untersucht. Eine deutliche Steigerung der Wasseraufnahme bei Proben mit unbeschichteten Textilien konnte mit Zunahme der Garnfeinheit beobachtet werden. Bei den gerissenen Proben besteht eine ausgeprägte Abhängigkeit der Transportraten von Flüssigkeiten und Gasen zu den relevanten Risscharakteristika (kumulative Risslänge, Rissbreite). Weiterhin sind Selbstheilungseffekte von feinen Rissen infolge einer zyklischen Wasserbeaufschlagung beobachtet worden. Hierbei kam es zu einer deutlichen Reduzierung der Transportraten sowohl für Wasser als auch für Gase. Eine speziell entwickelte Permeabilitätsmesskammer zur Durchführung von In- Situ-Messungen ermöglicht Untersuchungen zum Stofftransport unter axialer Zugbelastung bei verschiedenen Dehnungszuständen.

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