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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atua??o e intera??o de stakeholders no processo de implanta??o do turismo: um estudo no munic?pio de Sitio Novo/RN

Borges, Aylana Laissa Medeiros 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:51:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AylanaLMB_DISSERT.pdf: 1726610 bytes, checksum: 4b70ee42d9f73b6fc2c28d0f8444ba12 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present work is a study which deals about the stakeholder approach towards the issue of tourism development in a city of Rio Grande do Norte state: S?tio Novo. As a goal, we sought to understand the stakeholders action and interaction mechanisms in the implementation process and, consequently, tourism planning in the municipality. Regarding to the methodology, the study is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach, given the intention of trying to understand meanings and situational characteristics presented by the research subjects. The interview was the instrument used to collect information, and it was performed with 10 (ten) actors of tourism in the municipality, documents about tourism development (Proceedings of the Regional Council of Polo Agreste Trairi were analyzed S?tio Novo municipality incorporates the Polo, and the Strategic Plan for Tourism). The study shows that public actors are the majority in the destination, notes that there is a minimal involvement of civil society in actions for tourism in the municipality, highlights that representatives of the municipality participate effectively in meetings of the Regional Council of Tourism Polo Agreste Trairi, to discuss actions related to the development of the activity in the locality, and attests that local actors interviewed, mostly understand their functions regarding to tourism development, however, do not perform actions consistent with the role they have, which have as purpose the planning and development of tourism. For that matter, this paper concludes that the participation and coordination among the stakeholders of the municipality should be reconsidered in order to seek and/or propose alternatives that gather in a more adequate way the local actors, so that something more effective about the tourism development in the destination could be done / O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo que trata acerca da abordagem de stakeholder voltada para a quest?o da implanta??o do turismo em um munic?pio do interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, S?tio Novo. Como objetivo, buscou-se compreender os mecanismos de atua??o e intera??o dos stakeholders no processo de implanta??o e, consequentemente, planejamento do turismo no munic?pio. No que se refere ? metodologia, o estudo caracteriza-se como sendo uma pesquisa explorat?ria, descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, haja vista a inten??o de tentar compreender significados e caracter?sticas situacionais apresentadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa. A entrevista foi o instrumento utilizado para levantar as informa??es, tendo sido aplicada com 10 (dez) atores do turismo do munic?pio em quest?o, bem como foram analisados documentos que tratam sobre o desenvolvimento do turismo (Atas do Conselho Regional do Polo Agreste Trairi o munic?pio de S?tio Novo integra o polo; e o Plano Estrat?gico de Turismo). O estudo revela que os atores p?blicos s?o maioria no destino, constata que ? m?nima a participa??o da sociedade civil nas a??es voltadas para o turismo do munic?pio, destaca que os representantes do munic?pio participam de forma efetiva das reuni?es do Conselho Regional do Turismo do Polo Agreste Trairi, a fim de discutir a??es relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da atividade na localidade, e atesta que os atores locais entrevistados, em sua maioria, entendem suas fun??es no que se refere ao desenvolvimento do turismo, no entanto, n?o realizam a??es coerentes com a fun??o que possuem, para fins de planejamento e desenvolvimento do turismo. Nesse sentido, o trabalho conclui que a participa??o e a articula??o entre os stakeholders do munic?pio devem ser repensadas, no intuito de buscar e/ou propor alternativas de reunir de forma mais adequada os atores locais, para que assim possa se desenvolver algo mais consistente em se tratando do desenvolvimento da atividade tur?stica no destino

Compartimenta??o pol?tica do territ?rio: uma an?lise do processo no Curimata? oriental Paraibano

Cunha, Rosimeri de Lourdes Estev?o 21 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RosimeriLEC_DISSERT.pdf: 4117921 bytes, checksum: a6582e1cf7e53ade4b77bbd99fb161b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / During the 1980‟s, the Brazilian State has undergone a process of redemocratization, causing a profund change in the political and institutional organization of the country. That reorientation of the Brazilian federative structure had as normative framework the enactment of the federal Constitution of 1988, occuring after its enactment a considerable political opening under the cloak of new democratic arrangements of tax and fiscal decentralization, which generated a new federative order, especially with regard to municipalities. Such institutions contributed to the creation of several new municipalities, involving, directly, changes in the structure of national territory, driven by the political context. This case was notoriouns in the 1990s, increased in the country's municipal mesh and spread all over the states of the federation. The Para?ba State was integrated in this context, creating in this period, 52 new municipalities. In the perspective, it will seek to understand the purpose that sustained this process of fragmentation of Para?ba state territory. For this purpose was made use of several bibliographies, secondary data, documentary sources and research in locus of the municipalities of Casserengue and Riach?o, located in the Para?ba‟s Curimata? Oriental microregion, which were selected as a focus for specific analysis of the event. It is understood, however, that the production of municipalities, includes several intentions through political appropriation of the territory, although, being permeated by the Institutional / Durante a d?cada de 1980 o Estado brasileiro passou por um processo de redemocratiza??o, ocasionando uma profunda modifica??o na organiza??o pol?ticoinstitucional do pa?s. Essa reorienta??o da estrutura federativa brasileira teve como arcabou?o normativo a promulga??o da Constitui??o Federal de 1988, ocorrendo a partir de sua promulga??o, uma consider?vel abertura pol?tica, sob o manto de novos arranjos democr?ticos de descentraliza??o tribut?ria e fiscal, que geraram um novo ordenamento federativo, sobretudo, no que se refere aos munic?pios. Tal institucionalidade contribuiu para a cria??o de in?meros novos munic?pios brasileiros, implicando, diretamente, em modifica??es na estrutura??o do territ?rio nacional, impulsionadas pelo contexto pol?tico. Este processo foi not?rio na d?cada de 1990, visto que foram incrementados ? malha municipal do pa?s mais de mil unidades municipais, difundidas por todos os estados da federa??o. O estado da Para?ba foi Integrado a este contexto, criando, no per?odo mencionado, 52 novos munic?pios. Nesta perspectiva, buscar-se-? entender as finalidades que sustentaram este processo de fragmenta??o do territ?rio estadual paraibano. Para tanto, fez-se uso de diversas bibliografias, dados secund?rios, fontes documentais e pesquisa in locu no munic?pio de Casserengue e Riach?o, localizados na microrregi?o do Curimata? Oriental Paraibano, os quais foram selecionados como foco para an?lise pontual do evento. Entende-se, entretanto, que a produ??o de munic?pios, embora, sendo perpassada pelo car?ter institucional, contempla intencionalidades diversas por meio da apropria??o pol?tica do territ?rio

Papel do munic?pio e rela??es federativas: atua??o de munic?pios cearenses nas pol?ticas de forma??o continuada de alfabetizadores

Rab?lo, Clotenir Damasceno 29 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-01-13T12:02:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ClotenirDamascenoRabelo_TESE.pdf: 2970854 bytes, checksum: d81c9c7a42cf08fdbe3047122bc981e0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elisangela Moura (lilaalves@gmail.com) on 2016-01-13T12:27:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ClotenirDamascenoRabelo_TESE.pdf: 2970854 bytes, checksum: d81c9c7a42cf08fdbe3047122bc981e0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-13T12:27:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClotenirDamascenoRabelo_TESE.pdf: 2970854 bytes, checksum: d81c9c7a42cf08fdbe3047122bc981e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / A investiga??o analisa o papel exercido pelo Munic?pio nas pol?ticas de forma??ocontinuada de alfabetizadores, tomando como campo de estudo os Munic?pios cearenses deJaguaruana e Palhano. O espa?o pol?tico-educacional tido como recorte do estudo ? oper?odo de 2003 a 2006, momento em que se verifica, nas diretrizes de governo e naspol?ticas educacionais brasileiras, ?nfase na a??o cooperativa entre os entes federados,real?ando a atua??o municipal na implementa??o e execu??o dessas pol?ticas. Aperspectiva materialista hist?rico-dial?tica, entendida como an?lise da realidade socialcomo elabora??o hist?rica e produto da pr?xis humana, ? expressa como o caminhote?rico-metodol?gico requerido. A investiga??o se operacionaliza por meio de etapas interrelacionadas:uma que envolve an?lise bibliogr?fica e documental, na qual se integram osaportes te?ricos do exame, bem como documentos federais, estaduais e municipaisacessados; e outra, referente ao trabalho de campo, estudando o car?ter espec?fico doobjeto e suas rela??es m?tuas nas municipalidades. O exame traz a no??o de rela??esintergovernamentais e mecanismos cooperativos como ferramentas te?ricas centrais e,dialogando com essas, inserem-se ideias como descentraliza??o, municipaliza??o eautonomia municipal, num corpo te?rico/pr?tico, pelo qual se explicitam os aspectoshist?ricos e l?gicos do objeto. O estudo realiza a descri??o e interpreta??o das pol?ticas deforma??o continuada de alfabetizadores com foco nas diretrizes nacionais formuladasdesde os anos 1990 e na incorpora??o governamental nos espa?os nacionais esubnacionais. Neste sentido, assenta a an?lise na compreens?o da inter-rela??o daspol?ticas municipais e as pol?ticas elaboradas pelo Governo Federal e/ou Estadual paraofertar forma??o continuada de alfabetizadores. Considerando o recorte investigado,mostra como se constitu?ram o papel municipal e as rela??es entre Estado e munic?pioscearenses e suas caracter?sticas quanto ? pol?tica e ? gest?o da educa??o, considerando aspr?ticas de municipaliza??o e de colabora??o entre estes na sua constitui??o hist?rica. Comefeito, revela as pr?ticas que se evidenciam nos munic?pios pesquisados, destinadas ?forma??o continuada de alfabetizadores, trazendo as realidades constatadas e marcasespec?ficas da atua??o municipal na ?rea, evidenciando o papel atribu?do e o papelexercido. Com base na vis?o dos gestores entrevistados nos Munic?pios de Jaguaruana ePalhano, verifica os significados e a efetividade das pol?ticas executadas. Com taiselementos, discute as assimetrias municipais em suas homogeneidades e heterogeneidadesna execu??o do seu papel federativo. A an?lise mostra que o papel do Munic?pio seapresenta sentindo os efeitos das interven??es hist?ricas, pol?ticas e sociais em cadamunic?pio. No ?mbito da formula??o e da execu??o de pol?ticas educacionais, a a??o dosgovernos municipais, situada e com significativas inger?ncias, revela assimetrias queap?em um munic?pio com maior autonomia do que outro e participando de modo maisefetivo na produ??o e distribui??o das pol?ticas. No plano das realidades pesquisadas,mostra-se que cuidar das pol?ticas de forma??o continuada dos alfabetizadores n?o ? papelmunicipal exclusivo, mas ? assim assumido e exercido nas municipalidades com variadosn?veis de ?xito. Esse papel ?, na verdade, uma compet?ncia comum aos entes federados, no?mbito do federalismo cooperativo brasileiro. / The investigation analyze s the role of the municipalities in the ongoing development of literacy teachers, having as a field of study the municipalities of Jaguaruana and Palhano, both in the State of Cear?. The political - educational space adopted as a sample of the study is the p eriod between the years 2003 and 2006, when the emphasis on cooperative action among the federated entities is observed in the Government?s guidelines and Brazilian educational policies, showing the municipal presence in the implementation and execution of these policies. T he historical - dialectical materialistic perspective, understood as an analysis of the social reality as historical elaboration and product of the human praxis, is expressed as the required theoretical - methodological path. The investigatio n is operationalized through interconnected stages: one that involves bibliographical and documental analysis, in which the theoretical input of the research is added, as well as the Federal, State and M unicipal documents accessed ; and another, regarding t he field work, studying the specific character of the object and its mutual rela tionships in the municipalities . The research brings the notion of intergovernmental relationships and cooperative mechanisms as central theoretical tools and, dialoguing with them, ideas such as decentralization, municipalization and municipal autonomy are inserted into a theoretical/practical body, through which the historical and logical aspects of the object are detailed. The study describes and interprets the policies of on going development of literacy teachers with focus on the national guidelines formulated since the 1990?s and on the govern mental incorporation in the national and subnational spaces. In this sense, the analysis is based on the comprehension of the interrel ationship between the municipal policies and the p olicies created by the S tate or Federal G overnments in order to offer ongoing development of literacy teachers. Considering the investigated sample, it shows how the municipal role and the relationships bet ween the State and municipalities of Cear? have emerged, as well as their characteristics regarding the education management policies, taking into account the practices of municipalization and cooperation between the State and municipalities in their histo rical composition. It shows the practices which aim at the ongoing development of literacy teachers observed in the researched municipalities, pointing out the realities and specific marks left by municipal presence in the area, demonstrating the assigned role and the role played. Based on the points of view of the managers interviewed in the municipalities of Jaguaruana e Palhano, it is possible to note the meaning and effectiveness of the policies carried out. With such elements, it discusses the municipa l asymmetries in their homogeneities and heterogeneities rega rding the execution of their federative role. The analysis shows that th e role of the municipalities vary according to the historical, political and social interventions in each municipality. In the fields of formulation and execution of educational policies, the actions of the municipal governments, situated and with expressive interferences, reveal asymmetries in the sense that some municipalities have bigger autonomy and participate more effect ively in the production and distribution of policies than others. In terms of the researched realities, the study shows that taking care of the policies of ongoing development of literacy teachers is not a task that should be assigned exclusively to the mu nicipalities, nonetheless it is a role that they play with varying degrees of success. This role is in fact a joint competence of the federated entities, in the scope the Brazilian cooperative federalism.

A pol?tica ambiental e os munic?pios brasileiros / Environmental policy and the Brazilian Municipalities

Neves, Estela Maria Souza Costa 09 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Estela Maria Souza Costa Neves.pdf: 1438797 bytes, checksum: 6ef3e1715f7718c7aa41515fc5ef39b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-09 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The thesis investigates the environmental policies of Brazilian municipalities. The starting point is the involvement in environmental action by municipalities mandated by the environmental legislation of 1981 and confirmed by the Brazilian 1988 Constitution. Contrary to the case in education and health, the environmental responsibilities vested on municipalities do not have financial and institutional strengthening mechanisms attached. We focus our study on the environmental mandate of municipalities and the resources available to them to carry out the corresponding environmental agenda. The question leading the research is whether municipalities can face up to their environmental mandate in the absence of regular financial transfers from other levels of government. Using a step-wise approach, the thesis pins down the contents and characteristics of the municipal environmental agenda, the resources required to implement it, and the extent to which those resources are available to municipal authorities. The first part of the thesis demarcates the field of environmental action according to the Brazilian legal and institutional framework. The profile of our main actor, the Brazilian municipality, is then presented. This is done through the mapping of the structural characteristics of municipalities and of their governmental responsibilities under the federal system of the country. The area of work of municipalities in environmental protection and management is identified next by crossing the overall municipal mandate for government action with the national environmental matrix. This allows establishing the contents of the municipal environmental agenda. Resources were examined first from a theoretical perspective and then through empirical study. The latter included both qualitative analyses using case studies and interviews, and the statistical scrutiny of data sets. The question of whether resource availability is a binding constraint to municipal environmental action can be answered as follows: municipalities do much more than expected in the environmental area, much less than they could possibly do under present conditions, and much less than is required from their constitutional mandate. The thesis concludes that, in spite of the institutional and financial restrictions binding their capabilities and limiting their resource mobilization possibilities, municipalities have shown an impressive environmental performance. Nonetheless, resource mobilization for this purpose was under potential. There is hence a wide area of municipal environmental action that remains to be colonized . Considering, however, the breadth of their overall environmental mandate, it is not possible for municipalities to fully respond to their constitutional environmental agenda without a supporting national strategy involving the federal and state governments. / As pol?ticas p?blicas de defesa ambiental promovidas pelos Munic?pios brasileiros constituem o tema da pesquisa. O ponto de partida ? a obrigatoriedade do envolvimento municipal com as tarefas de defesa do meio ambiente, determinada em 1981 pela regula??o da pol?tica ambiental em ?mbito nacional e consagrada na Constitui??o Federal em 1988. Ao contr?rio de outros temas como a educa??o e a sa?de, a atribui??o ambiental outorgada aos munic?pios est? desprovida de mecanismos que assegurassem seu financiamento e a capacita??o de seus promotores. Neste contexto, a tese investiga o campo e conte?do das atribui??es ambientais sob responsabilidade dos munic?pios e os recursos dispon?veis para fazer face ? agenda ambiental. A pergunta-guia da investiga??o indaga se os munic?pios s?o capazes de responder ?s suas atribui??es relacionadas ao meio ambiente na aus?ncia de transfer?ncias regulares de recursos financeiros. O m?todo adotado para a pesquisa consistiu em aproxima??es sucessivas ao tema dos recursos e capacidades municipais para pol?ticas ambientais. A primeira parte da pesquisa foi dedicada a delinear o objeto da a??o ambiental - os contornos do campo de a??o ambiental tal como entendido no marco institucional brasileiro. A seguir, foi delineado o perfil do ator principal, o Munic?pio. Foram analisadas as caracter?sticas estruturais dos munic?pios brasileiros e as atribui??es nas quais se insere a a??o municipal, ? luz do processo de descentraliza??o e das rela??es federativas. O campo de atua??o dos munic?pios para a defesa ambiental foi identificado atrav?s do confronto entre o conjunto de atribui??es municipais e a matriz ambiental nacional, sendo delineada a agenda ambiental municipal. O tema dos recursos foi abordado desde uma perspectiva te?rica e em seguida atrav?s de estudos emp?ricos. Estes conjugaram an?lises qualitativas atrav?s de estudos de caso e entrevistas, e an?lises quantitativas atrav?s de procedimentos estat?sticos de descri??o e an?lise explorat?ria. No que diz respeito ? disponibilidade de recursos, os resultados da pesquisa podem ser assim sintetizados: os munic?pios fazem bem mais do que seria de esperar no campo da defesa ambiental, bem menos do que lhes ? poss?vel fazer com os recursos de que disp?em e muito menos do que lhes ? exigido por suas atribui??es constitucionais. Tendo em vista o panorama institucional e financeiro que enquadra as atividades municipais, suas capacidades e recursos j? mobilizados, a pesquisa conclui que os Munic?pios t?m tido um desempenho not?vel. Entretanto, desde o ponto de vista dos recursos dispon?veis, seu desempenho t?m sido inferior ?s suas possibilidades. H? um amplo territ?rio do exerc?cio da autoridade estatal em benef?cio da qualidade ambiental que est? ainda por ser colonizado pelos munic?pios com recursos e capacidades atualmente dispon?veis. Do ponto de vista do conjunto das atribui??es municipais, sem uma estrat?gia de ?mbito nacional na qual estejam envolvidos os governos estaduais e federal, ? imposs?vel aos munic?pios cumprir integralmente com sua agenda.

O munic?pio brasileiro e o direito fundamental do acesso ? justi?a: a presta??o da assist?ncia jur?dica municipal ao necessitado

Costa J?nior, Dijosete Ver?ssimo da 08 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DijoseteVCJ_DISSERT.pdf: 592942 bytes, checksum: ff5b545bfea8c57b9a2e42f8bdcbd615 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-08 / This scholarly work aims to investigate the feasibility and constitutionality of access to justice through the provision of full and free legal assistance by the Brazilian municipalities. Investigates the historical aspects of federalism in a global context, emphasizing the contributions left by American federalism. In the Brazilian context, emphasizing the importance of municipalities as federal entities and their outstanding characteristics, while addressing regional issues of federalism. Leanings to the more detailed analysis of the Brazilian municipalities, contextualizing its legal status, its independence and its constitutional powers. It is emphasized in the same way, the relevant transformations of Brazilian municipalities over the last twenty years of this Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, especially the various constitutional amendments that affected the local autonomy and budgetary aspects, fiscal and skills, bringing significant changes to the municipalities. It is an approach to the concept of justice and deepening the studies on the fundamental right of access to justice in its various connotations. In this vein, it is a study on the legal advice provided in Brazil, especially the powers of the Public Defender of the States and Union, as well as the provision of such public service by Brazilian municipalities and its relevance to citizens in need. At this point, it deepens the relevance of the theme of this dissertation earning the implications of municipal performance in the provision of legal assistance provided to the needy, and the activity of the Municipal Attorney or legal counsel in conducting such a task and its implications for legal and procedural especially on the constitutionality or otherwise of the conduct of such public service, confronting the constitutional articles that are correlated with the subject. Within this context, evaluates the municipal legal assistance under the test of constitutionality, in particular the assistance given by the Executive, through the Municipal Attorney or specialized secretariats and that provided by the Legislature, although it only has the typical functions of legislating and control the municipal accounts, comes in a few municipalities in Brazil deploying sectors with the performance of legal services to the needy. At this point the thesis, one wonders if some important aspects of this activity such as political influence and patronage, very common in day-to-day municipal prosecutors and legal advisers, public employees or occupying commissioned positions within the municipal administrative structure in several municipalities throughout Brazil. Finally, there will be a conclusion as to the constitutionality of the service being done by presenting proposals and recommendations that may improve the municipal legal aid, allowing a constitutional backing to this important service is being provided in capital cities and municipalities throughout the length of Brazil / Esse trabalho acad?mico tem por objetivo investigar a possibilidade e a constitucionalidade do acesso ? justi?a atrav?s da presta??o da assist?ncia jur?dica integral e gratuita pelos munic?pios brasileiros, em especial, ao atendimento ao necessitado. Investiga-se os aspectos hist?ricos do federalismo, no contexto mundial, enfatizando as contribui??es deixadas pelo federalismo norte-americano. No contexto brasileiro, ressaltando a import?ncia dos munic?pios como entes federativos e suas caracter?sticas marcantes, sem deixar de abordar aspectos do federalismo regional. Envereda-se pela an?lise dos munic?pios brasileiros, contextualizando sua natureza jur?dica, sua autonomia e suas compet?ncias constitucionais. Ressalta-se as relevantes transforma??es dos munic?pios brasileiros nos ?ltimos vinte anos da vig?ncia da Constitui??o da Rep?blica Federativa do Brasil de 1988, em especial as v?rias emendas constitucionais que repercutiram na autonomia municipal e nos seus aspectos or?ament?rios, fiscais e de compet?ncias, trazendo significativas altera??es aos munic?pios brasileiros. Faz-se uma abordagem sobre o conceito de justi?a e aprofundando-se os estudos no direito fundamental do acesso ? justi?a. Neste diapas?o, faz-se um estudo sobre a assist?ncia jur?dica prestada no Brasil, destacando-se as compet?ncias das Defensorias P?blicas dos Estados e da Uni?o, bem como a presta??o de tal servi?o p?blico por Munic?pios brasileiros e sua relev?ncia para aos cidad?os necessitados. Neste ponto, aprofunda-se a relev?ncia do tema dessa disserta??o auferindo-se as implica??es da atua??o municipal na presta??o da assist?ncia jur?dica prestada ao necessitado, bem como a atividade do Procurador Municipal ou assessor jur?dico na realiza??o de tal mister e suas implica??es jur?dicas e processuais, especialmente quanto ? constitucionalidade ou n?o da realiza??o de tal servi?o p?blico, confrontando os artigos constitucional que tenham correla??o com o assunto. Neste ponto da disserta??o, questionam-se alguns aspectos importantes desta atividade, tais como as influ?ncias pol?ticas e o clientelismo, muito comum no dia-a-dia dos procuradores e assessores jur?dicos municipais, concursados ou ocupando cargos comissionados dentro da estrutura administrativa municipal em v?rios Munic?pios espalhados pelo Brasil. Por fim, realiza-se a conclus?o quanto ? constitucionalidade ou n?o do servi?o que vem sendo realizado, apresentando-se propostas e recomenda??es que possam aprimorar a assist?ncia jur?dica municipal

Compara??o de ?ndices de vegeta??o no mapeamento da cobertura da terra no semi?rido: estudo de caso no Munic?pio de Martins/RN

Guedes, J?nio Carlos Fernandes 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-12T14:50:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioCarlosFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 4148387 bytes, checksum: 9d18aacae04088b9f6e20ef25426e179 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-18T16:08:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioCarlosFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 4148387 bytes, checksum: 9d18aacae04088b9f6e20ef25426e179 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-18T16:08:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioCarlosFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 4148387 bytes, checksum: 9d18aacae04088b9f6e20ef25426e179 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O contexto atual da rela??o homem e natureza vem exigindo novas configura??es no tocante ao uso adequado dos recursos naturais, baseadas nas premissas do Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel. Nesse sentido, se destacam as geotecnologias, caracterizadas como um suporte instrumental eficiente para caracteriza??o de diversos padr?es ambientais. Os levantamentos de cobertura da terra se constituem como um ex?mio exemplo a ser destacado, pois a partir de ?ndices de vegeta??o ? poss?vel distinguir diferentes classes de cobertura da terra. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou comparar ?ndices de vegeta??o NDVI e SAVI, quanto a classifica??o e espacializa??o da cobertura da terra no munic?pio de Martins/RN. Para tanto, foram selecionadas imagens do sat?lite Landsat 8 e mapa de uso e cobertura da terra elaborado pelo INPE. Essas imagens passaram por etapas de pr?-processamento, aplicando-se corre??es radiom?tricas e geom?tricas. Posteriormente aplicou-se os ?ndices NDVI e SAVI no software Erdas 9.2, com quantifica??o das classes de cobertura da terra e elabora??o dos layouts no software ArcGis 10.2. A partir destas imagens procedeu-se a pesquisa de campo, onde foram observados e coletados ?s coordenadas de 125 pontos de controle, obtendo-se as seguintes classes de cobertura da terra: Floresta estacional, Savana-Est?pica florestada, Savana-Est?pica arborizada, Agricultura permanente e Tempor?ria, Solo exposto, Zona urbana e Corpo d??gua. As informa??es subsidiar?o a elabora??o da matriz de confus?o, a qual objetivou a avalia??o da acur?cia dos mapas a partir do ?ndice de Exatid?o Global e o ?ndice Kappa para ambos os mapas (NDVI, SAVI, INPE). Diante da matriz de confus?o com um ?ndice Kappa de 66,96%, o ?ndice SAVI apresentou melhores resultados em compara??o com o NDVI para o mapeamento da cobertura da terra do munic?pio de Martins/RN. Na avalia??o da precis?o do mapeamento de cobertura da terra, a partir de uma matriz de confus?o, os ?ndices para avaliar a acur?cia da precis?o dos mapeamentos (?ndice de exatid?o global e Kappa) mostraram-se como ?timas op??es no que diz respeito ? an?lise da vericidade desses dados, obtendo assim melhores resultados para o ?ndice SAVI. Dessa forma, conclui-se que, o uso de imagens de sat?lite provenientes do sensoriamento remoto na aplica??o de ?ndices de vegeta??o, mostrou-se como ferramentas relevantes no estudo da cobertura da terra, juntamente com os ?ndices de Exatid?o Global e o ?ndice Kappa, que por sua vez, mostraram-se como alternativas relevantes no tocante a acur?cia dos mapas de cobertura da terra. / Studies related to sustainable development and proper planning of the use of natural resources is one of the challenges of today's society in the search for instrumental support for the characterization of environmental standards as, for example, the survey of land cover. With the advent of geotechnology, studies about the land cover in the semiarid region from vegetation indices are paramount in the study of natural resources, making it possible to distinguish different types of coverage and land use. Thus it is intended with this work compare the NDVI and SAVI, classification and land cover spatial distribution in Martins / RN. Therefore, satellite images were selected Landsat 8 and a map of land use and land cover developed by INPE. These images have gone through stages of preprocessing, where applied radiometric and geometric corrections, and then applied the NDVI and SAVI index in ERDAS software 9.2, with quantification of the land cover classes and preparation of layout in ArcGIS 10.2 software. In the field, they were observed and collected the coordinates of 125 control points, and then confusion matrix was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the maps from the Global Accuracy index and the Kappa index for both maps (NDVI, SAVI, INPE ). Initially, before the satellite images treatment were observadadas field eight land cover classes in the city of Mantins / RN, as follows: Seasonal Forest, Savannah-Est?pica forested, wooded Savannah-Est?pica, permanent and Agriculture Temporary Soil exposed , urban area and water body. Given the confusion matrix, prepared from 125 control points obtained in the field, with a Kappa index of 66.96%, the SAVI index showed better results compared with NDVI to map Martins municipal land cover / RN. In assessing the accuracy of the land cover mapping from an array of confusion, the indexes to evaluate the accuracy of accuracy of mappings (global and Kappa accuracy Index) showed to be great options with regard to the analysis of vericidade such data, thus obtaining better results for SAVI index. Thus, it is concluded that the use of satellite from remote sensing images in the application of vegetation indices, has proved to be relevant tools in the study of land cover, along with the Global accuracy rates and the Kappa index, which in turn, proved to be relevant alternatives regarding the accuracy of land cover maps.

Geoprocessamento aplicado a gest?o de informa??es territoriais do munic?pio de Grossos-RN :estudo multitemporal do uso e ocupa??o do solo

Nascimento, Sergio Roberto Vital do 30 April 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:19:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SergioRVN.pdf: 3914529 bytes, checksum: f675e6634445ab12c769726f659a0a55 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-04-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present work was carried through in the Grossos city - RN and had as main objectives the elaboration of an physicist-ambient, socioeconomic survey and execution a multisecular evaluation of 11 years, between 1986 and 1996, using remote sensing products, to evaluate the modifications of the land use, aiming at the generation of an information database to implementation a geographical information system (GIS) to management the this city. For they had been in such a way raised given referring the two Demographic Censuses carried through by the IBGE (1991 and 2000) and compared, of this form was possible to the accomplishment of an evaluation on the demographic aspects (degree of urbanization, et?ria structure, educational level) and economic (income, habitation, vulnerability, human development). For the ambient physical survey the maps of the natural resources had been confectioned (simplified geology, hydrography, geomorphologi, veget covering, ground association, use and occupation), based in comments of field and orbital products of remote sensoriamento (images Spot-HRVIR, Landsat 5-TM and IKONOS - II), using itself of techniques of digital picture processing. The survey of these data and important in the identification of the potentialities and fragilities of found ecosystems, therefore allows an adequate planning of the partner-economic development by means of an efficient management. The project was part of a partnership between the Grossos city hall the municipal City hall of Grossos - RN and the Geoscience post-graduate program of the UFRN, more specifically the Geomatica laboratory LAGEOMA / O presente trabalho foi realizado no Munic?pio de Grossos RN e teve como principais objetivos ? elabora??o de um levantamento s?cio-econ?mico, f?sico-ambiental e execu??o uma avalia??o multitemporal de 11 anos, entre o per?odo de 1986 e 1996, utilizando-se de produtos de sensores orbitais, para avaliar as modifica??es ocorridas na utiliza??o e ocupa??o do solo, visando a gera??o de uma base informacional para implementa??o de um Sistema de Informa??es Geogr?ficas (SIG) voltado para a gest?o ambiental do referido Munic?pio. Para tanto foram levantados dados referentes a dois Censos Demogr?ficos realizados pelo IBGE (1991 e 2000) e comparados, desta forma foi poss?vel ? realiza??o de uma avalia??o sobre os aspectos demogr?ficos (grau de urbaniza??o, estrutura et?ria, n?vel educacional) e econ?micos (renda, habita??o, vulnerabilidade, desenvolvimento humano). Para o levantamento f?sico ambiental foram confeccionados os mapas dos recursos naturais (geologia simplificada, hidrografia, geomorfologia, cobertura vegetal, associa??o de solos, uso e ocupa??o), baseados em observa??es de campo e produtos orbitais de sensoriamento remoto (imagens SPOT-HRVIR, Landsat 5-TM e IKONOS - II), utilizando-se de t?cnicas de processamento de imagens digitais. O levantamento destes dados e importante na identifica??o das potencialidades e fragilidades dos ecossistemas encontrados, pois permite um planejamento adequado do desenvolvimento s?cio-econ?mico por meio de um gerenciamento eficaz. O projeto fez parte de uma parceria entre a Prefeitura municipal de GrossosRN e o Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Geoci?ncias da UFRN, mais especificamente o Laborat?rio de Geom?tica LAGEOMA

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