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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The challenges of community development workers in the implementation of the Community Development Workers’ Programme in Makhado Local Municipality, Limpopo Province

Rikhotso, Rhandzavanhu Harris 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The community development workers’ programme (CDWP) is a strategic policy intervention by government to address challenges of service delivery to communities. The purpose of the CDWP is to facilitate the removal of obstacles in the course of providing services to communities. The CDWP is located in local government. Its purpose is often misunderstood by the stakeholders, because of the perception that the programme is meant to deliver services like provision of water, electricity and other social services. In essence, the CDWP is meant to facilitate communication between government and communities in order to ensure that services are delivered effectively and efficiently. Some of the challenges faced in the Makhado Local Municipality relate to the lack of infrastructure maintenance initiatives, including expansion plans that are well funded. Massive backlogs of infrastructure and services remain in the areas of water and sanitation, energy provision, housing, social security and others. If these problems relating to infrastructure and access to services are not adequately addressed, it will be impossible for the implementation of the CDWP to be successful. It is, therefore, critical that the government as a whole, and working with the private sector, should develop a comprehensive programme that mobilises society through both public and private initiatives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by community development workers (CDWs) in the implementation of the CDWP in Makhado Local Municipality. A qualitative research paradigm was adopted for the study. A literature review, focus groups and interviews were employed within the context of structured questions formulated in line with the framework of the study. The above were meant to facilitate a response to the research question of the study, which sought to find out what the challenges was faced by CDWs in the implementation of the CDWP in Makhado Local Municipality. One of the recommendations of the study is that the CDWP should be integrated with the Makhado Local Municipality plans and budget in order to ensure that it is sustainable and meets its stated objectives. Once this is achieved, it will be possible to confidently say that:  The introduction of CDWs is succeeding in addressing challenges of service delivery in the implementation of the CDWP  Challenges of CDWs in municipalities are being resolved through the effective implementation of the CDWP If the CDWP can be implemented fully in the Makhado Local Municipality, challenges of service delivery can be resolved over a reasonable period. It is, therefore, critical that the CDWP should remain an intergovernmental programme that fosters planning and partnership between the public, as beneficiary, and the government as service provider. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerkers Program (GOWP) is ‘n strategiese beleidsintervensie deur die regering om uitdagings met betrekking tot dienslewering aan gemeenskappe aan te spreek. Die doel van die GOWP is om hindernisse tot dienslewering aan gemeenskappe uit die weg te ruim, en die program is binne die plaaslike regering gesetel. Misverstand oor die doel daarvan kom dikwels onder belanghebbendes voor vanweë die veronderstelling dat die program bedoel is om dienste soos die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en ander maatskaplike dienste te lewer. In wese is die GOWP bedoel om kommunikasie tussen die regering en gemeenskappe te bewerkstellig om te verseker dat dienste doeltreffend en effektief gelewer word. Uitdagings vir die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit van Makhado staan in verband met die gebrek aan inisiatiewe om infrastruktuur in stand te hou, insluitend goed befondste uitbreidingsplanne. ’n Massiewe agterstand van infrastruktuur en dienste bestaan steeds op die gebied van water en sanitasie, kragvoorsiening, behuising en sosiale sekerheid. Indien hierdie probleem met betrekking tot infrastruktuur en toegang tot dienste nie voldoende aangespreek word nie, sal die implementering van die GOWP geen sukses behaal nie. Dit is dus van uiterste belang dat die regering, in geheel, en met die samewerking van die private sektor, ‘n omvattende program ontwikkel wat die gemeenskap deur middel van openbare en private inisiatiewe mobiliseer. Die doel van die huidige studie was om die uitdagings waarvoor gemeenskapswerkers met die implementering van die gemeenskaps- ontwikkelingswerkers program in die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit van Makhado te staan kom, te ondersoek. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsplan is vir die studie gebruik. ‘n Oorsig van die literatuur, fokusgroep en onderhoude is gebruik, met gestruktureerde vrae wat binne die raamwerk van die studie geformuleer is. Die vrae was bedoel om ‘n respons tot die navorsingsvraag oor die uitdagings wat deur die gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerkers met die implementering van die GOWP in Makhado ondervind word, te fasiliteer. Een van die aanbevelings van die studie is dat die GOWP by die planne en begroting van die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit van Makhado geïntegreer moet word om die onderhoubaarheid van die program te verseker en dat die gestelde doelwitte bereik word. Wanneer dit geskied, sal dit moontlik wees om te sê dat:  Die instelling van die gemeenskapsontwikkerlingswerkers behaal sukses ten opsigte van die uitdagings van dienslewering binne die Gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerkers program.  Die uitdagings aan gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerkers in die munisipaliteite word deur die effektiewe implementering van die GOWP oorkom. Indien die GOWP ten volle in die Makhado Munisipaliteit geïmplementeer kan word, kan die probleem rondom dienslewering binne ‘n redelike tydperk opgelos word. Dit is dus belangrik dat ‘n onderneming soos die program vir die gemeenskapsontwikkelingswerkers behoue bly as ‘n inter-regeringsprojek wat die vennootskap tussen mense en die regering ondersteun.

Assessment of the performance of a PPP arrangement in financing municipal infrastructure and services : a case of a solid waste management project in Windhoek municipality

Amaambo, Ruben 03 1900 (has links)
Theses (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) capitalise on the distinctive advantage of the private sector’s capacity and experience in providing public infrastructure and services. This collaborative arrangement pools the resources and strengths of each partner in order to attain the anticipated project objectives. Municipalities are faced with a number of challenges; among them the consistent increase in urban population growth and resource constraints. This then inhibits infrastructure provision and puts pressure on the public institution to deliver basic services such as water and sanitation, and solid waste disposal. In light of this, private sector participation can enhance urban development through capacity building and delivery of the necessary infrastructure and services. This study examined the performance of an operation and maintenance PPP project in the area of solid waste management in the Municipality of Windhoek. More specifically, it assessed the extent to which this particular project has contributed to infrastructure development and service delivery at the municipal level, the factors that contributed to the success of the PPP arrangement, the lessons that can be learnt from, and the challenges associated with such an undertaking. By applying a case study methodology and utilising typical performance indicators of a PPP, the author attempted to determine the effectiveness of this PPP project. The study revealed that engaging a competent private sector partner can be an effective way of delivering critical services needed for attaining the desired goal. On the other hand, the study found that a lack of explicit quantitative targets and/or deliverables incorporated in the contract agreement makes it difficult to assess and measure the performance of the project. Furthermore, the study discovered the importance of clearly identifying, prioritising and apportioning all risks associated with the project at the time of contract formulation to avoid any undesirable consequences such as non-compliance, which can lead to penalties for the contracted partner. The study observed that the factors contributing to the success of the project were the keen interest of both partners in the long-term sustainability of the project, the presence of an experienced contractor, and having clear monitoring mechanisms in place.

What are the challenges facing municipalities in financing their water services infrastructure? : a case study of water services authorities in the North West Province

Chuene, Tshepo Benny 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / The World Bank (1994) concluded that there is a close relationship between infrastructure and economic growth. This also reflects on the water sector because, despite water sector importance, water services infrastructure is probably one of the most difficult to finance, while its deficiency or absence instils a particular burden on society. According to Baietti and Raymond (2005), more than 1.1 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water, and approximately 2.4 billion are without adequate sanitation. Yet these estimates underestimate the gravity of the situation in relation to access gap and quality of services provided. Most consumers face situations where water services are intermittent and when available the water is not safe for consumption, while sanitation facilities are overloaded, unused or in despair. This research was conducted in the North West Province with municipalities that have the status of water services authorities. This included a combination of district and local municipalities. The North West Province has 11 water service authorities of which nine are local municipalities and two are district municipalities. The competing demands and needs for governments to provide infrastructure for other sectors such as roads and energy further aggravate the stance of finance unavailability for the water sector. The purpose of the study was to highlight the challenges that municipalities face in financing water services infrastructure. The result of the study will provide knowledge and innovative ideas that will allow South Africa‘s municipalities to address challenges of service delivery. At municipal level water services are provided through a variety of approaches, although most involve centralised systems with large supply, distribution and treatment facilities. The social benefits that water services provide are well known, particularly those that relate to public health including reduced morbidity and mortality from waterborne diseases. The challenge is that funding to meet these development objectives is either scarce or entirely unavailable. The Water Services Act 108 of (DWAF, 1997) requires water services authorities and water service providers to put significant efforts into cost recovery for sustainable provision of water services. This aspect has significant challenges which results from widespread poverty and a culture of non-payment from communities inherent as a remnant of protest against apartheid. The scope of the water sector is complex, owing to its diversity, interactions and synergies with other industrial, commercial and financial sectors, and its international nature. Under the current South African constitutional and legislative framework, municipalities will remain to be a major player in the development, financing and delivering of water services infrastructure for sustainable growth and development. Water Services Authorities (WSAs) have responsibilities including protection and management of water resources, provision of adequate and sustainable water services, operation and maintenance of water services infrastructure, monitoring and management of municipal water quality to regulatory requirements and reporting to the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) with regards to the aforementioned. Water service delivery failures at the municipal level are a widespread and fundamental problem in South Africa. At the same time, under the current decentralisation policies, the responsibility for delivering such services is increasingly being delegated to lower levels of government/municipalities that are often ill equipped for the challenge in terms of financial and human resources capacity. Cardone and Fonseca (2006) indicated public administration and financial management capacity at central and sub-sovereign levels of government as limited, and affecting the timely transfer of funding as well as the capacity of municipalities to absorb those funds. Various strategies are needed to enable municipalities to secure and finance their water services infrastructure. These include understanding what bankers are looking for, understanding where donors are going, greater involvement of the private sector, matching service levels to affordability, improving revenues and influencing the regulatory regime.

The management of potable water supply in rural areas of Umhlathuze Municipality

Buthelezi, Lucky 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / This study gives an overview of the sustainability of potable water supply in rural areas of South Africa in general and four rural areas of uMhlathuze in particular. Three key challenges in achieving sustainable rural water supply are discussed in more detail and later on used to evaluate the inadequacy of financial revenues to cover the full operation, maintenance and replacement of infrastructure. This research study analysed the factors pertaining to the tariff structure used in maintaining and sustaining rendered service. It analysed the current tariff structure that includes the poorest and most marginalised in line with revenue needed to cover recurrence costs. It was the purpose of this study to examine the adequacy of the management system used to sustain the supply of potable water in rural areas, taking into cognisance the costs of rendering the account and of illegal connections combined with high water losses. The study also attempted to link these points to the challenges faced by the rural areas. The sustainability of rural water supply was analysed, based on financial factors, affordability and on the willingness to pay for the service. The researcher first compared the water billing (levies) and payment patterns of each customer in rural areas of uMhlathuze Municipality with others; and secondly, compared the primary data against theory and the literature. Differences and similarities between the collected data and theory were at the core of the analysis The research results determined that the municipality has the capacity to maintain and sustain the potable water supply network in these areas, while dealing with management questions and recommending to management what is needed to ensure that the water reticulation system is run on a sustainable basis. Sustainability of rural water supply seems to be dependent on factors like policy, legal framework and economic factors such as an ability to meet the costs and willingness to pay for rendered service.

A public-private partnership initiative for the rebuilding of the Tshwane municipal headquarters : City of Tshwane, South Africa

Qomoyi, Nontando 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa boasts significant cumulative public-private partnership experience when compared to other African countries. However, little has been done to investigate the success and failure of implemented projects versus those registered on the National Treasury database. There is a limited amount of documented progress of public-private partnerships in South Africa, these being successes and failures in project implementation as well as the contributing factors for such outcomes, and these would serve as critical lessons for future partnerships. The main objective of this study is to investigate the challenges faced in the implementation of municipal public-private partnerships, especially concerning the City of Tshwane’s accommodation public-private partnership. A case study approach was adopted, reviewing the City of Tshwane’s public-private partnership initiative by looking at some of the reported challenges faced as well as the process followed during the implementation of the project. The results of this research assignment indicate that major strides have been made in acquiring sufficient experience and knowledge relating to public-private partnerships as they relate to the South African environment, and the main project team members, who have been involved long enough to understand the objectives of the project. However, of concern is the constant change of project team members taking into account that for each project phase a new team is established. The implication of this is that project knowledge may be lost due to changes in the structure of the project team. It should be noted that at the submission of this assignment the City of Tshwane accommodation public-private partnership was still in progress and in the initial stages of physical construction.

Assessment of municipal sources of revenue: a study of city of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality

Mathang, Ruby Francisco January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of Masters in Development Planning, Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment, School of Architecture and Planning, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / The purpose of the thesis is to assess municipal own sources of revenue in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. Section 229 of the Constitution of South Africa states that municipalities may impose rates on property and surcharges on fees for services provided by the municipality or on behalf of the municipality. The primary data obtained from the City of Johannesburg facilitated the assessment of property tax and user fees revenue performance of the municipality as well as the challenges in the administration of revenue. A case study approach was used and the data required was on assessment of property tax and user fees revenue performance of the municipality as well as the challenges in the administration of revenue. Data was therefore collected from the primary data sources.This research shed the light on challenges that the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality encounter in the process of tax rate and charges administration in order to raise enough revenue to cover the cost of service delivery. Findings in relation to revenue collection were based on the information obtained from a user’s survey, the department of revenue, head of property unit, MMC finance and the executive mayor. Amongst other challenges that affect the CoJ own source of revenue, is the issue of property valuation and billing system which is to allow the city to charges tax payers according to property market value. In addition, there is no proper line of communication between the city and the community about the necessity of property tax rates and fee charges. Hence, some members of local community are not fulfilling their property tax obligations because of poverty or by preference. Observations from the study indicates that practical difficulties related to tax base identification and the lack of human capacity contribute significantly to the underperformance of the property tax administration system across South Africa as a whole. The inadequate records on property information have contributed to the inefficiency of the property tax system since many taxable units are not known, and therefore, it becomes difficult for the taxing authorities to collect property tax. Consequently, the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality is unable to collect enough revenue to cover the cost of service delivery. In order to rectify these problems some of the measures recommended include the need to improve human capacity and the communication/collaboration between local community and the municipality. / MT2017

Examining the role of integrated development planning on infrastructure service delivery : the case study of Kwanyuswa, eThekwini Municipality.

Mzimela, Siphamandla Francis. 20 October 2014 (has links)
This research sought to examines how Integrated Development Planning has been used as an approach for improving infrastructure service delivery in historically disadvantaged communities. It examines the extent to which integrated development planning has been used to facilitate infrastructure provision in KwaNyuswa. It identifies key development challenges that are currently faced by the eThekwini Municipality in its attempts to accelerate infrastructure service delivery in KwaNyuswa. Both secondary and primary sources of data were used to source information. Key experts and community members were interviewed to supplement data from secondary sources. It was found that KwaNyuswa has a large proportion of Durban Metro Open Space, riverines and steep divided topography which constraint infrastructure provision in the area. Nevertheless, EThekwini Municipality has to a large extent managed to provide affordable services such as water and electricity in KwaNyuswa. Despite this success, roads and transportation networks have not been upgraded especially in sub-settlements called “Izigodi” and no Reconstruction and Development Programme Houses have been constructed since 1994. The study has identified a rural planning scheme, the affordable service delivery strategy, human capital development programme and nodal development strategies as solutions to enhance infrastructure provision in KwaNyuswa. Lessons learnt were identified jointly with recommendations to make Integrated Development Planning work in KwaNyuswa. / M.T.R.P. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2013.

The experience and views of indigent older persons in Atteridgeville on the Indigency policy / programme of local government

Latakgomo, Christabela Nthabiseng 02 1900 (has links)
The Indigency Policy / Programme was introduced by the Tshwane Municipality in 2000 to alleviate poverty by assisting the poor with subsidized limited basic municipal services. The goal of this study was to explore the experiences and views of indigent older persons in Atteridgeville of the Indigency Policy / Programme of the Tshwane Municipality. Limited literature was available on the topic and hence the researcher undertook a qualitative study that was exploratory and descriptive in nature to explore this unknown area. The key recommendations were: There is a need for active involvement and availability of municipal social workers; continuous monitoring, education and evaluation by the municipality for the communities. It was recommended that the Municipality conduct a full scale research on indigents` experience and perceptions/ views of their Indigency Policy / Programme in Tshwane. / Social Work / M. A. (Mental Health)

A decision model for contracting out local government services in a South African context

Slot, Paul Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Business management / M. Com. (Business management)

The implementation of the balanced scorecard for service delivery performance : the case of Gauteng Metropolitan Municipalities

Mbala, Chantal Banga 02 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study set out to investigate the extent to which the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been implemented for service delivery by South African Metropolitan Municipalities. The Ekurhuleni Municipality, City of Johannesburg (CoJ) and City of Tshwane (CoT), which together form the Gauteng Metropolitan Municipalities (GMMs), were used as multiple cases for this study. A good performance management system should cover activities relevant to the adoption of a performance measurement tool such as the BSC, which was developed by Kaplan and Norton in 1992. These two authors published a framework integrating different components of performance management and measurement system, namely strategy, vision, mission, objectives, measures, targets and strategic initiatives. In short, the BSC framework is the key for its successful implementation, which is evaluated according to the achievement of targets. The problem addressed in the study was the lack of a proper performance management system, as well as the poor design and inappropriate manner of implementing the BSC by the GMMs. The objectives of the study were to examine principal elements such as performance management activities, performance measurement framework, design and implementation of the BSC following the original framework developed by Kaplan and Norton (1992), as well as its impact on the outcomes of service delivery performance. Objectives, measures, targets and initiatives were the core elements for evaluating the municipalities’ performance management, as well as their implementation of the BSC. Moreover, the attainment of targets was the key for examining performance outcomes or the impact of the BSC on service delivery performance. In order to reach the above-mentioned objectives, a literature and document review, including municipalities’ policies and annual reports, were conducted for collecting relevant data. This review involved content analysis, and data were presented in the form of tables and charts. Finally, credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability were used to measure the validity and reliability of the findings. The results showed that the performance management (PM) activities of the GMMs were not adequate for implementing the BSC. Naturally, the selection of measures and targets was catered for through the policy of the Ekurhuleni Municipality, as well as the City of Johannesburg (CoJ). However, the setting of objectives, selection of measures, and setting of targets were all part of the performance management framework of the City of Tshwane (CoT). The BSC was intended to be used as a performance measurement framework for the Metropolitan Municipalities of Johannesburg and Tshwane. Nevertheless, the instrument was poorly implemented by these municipalities. Although the BSC was not adopted by the Ekurhuleni Municipality, the principal activities integrated into the BSC framework were implemented for its service delivery. In addition, during the 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 financial years, the achievement status of targets was not determined for the Ekurhuleni Municipality. This was also the case for the CoT during 2011-2012. However, the full-achievement, non- achievement, partial-achievement and over-achievement of targets were well defined for the City of Johannesburg during all three financial years under study. In the same way, such finding was indicated only for the two last financial years for the City of Tshwane. The findings of the study indicated that the implementation of the BSC within the Metropolitan Municipalities of Johannesburg and Tshwane did not comply with its original framework. This is due to the lack of an adequate performance management system, which in turn affects performance measurement. Before adopting a performance measurement framework, there should be an appropriate performance measurement system in place to ensure its success. Consequently, future research should focus more on the investigation of standard requirements for measuring performance, especially in the public sector. / Management Accounting / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

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