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Investigating the mechansim of p53 repression of Gfi1 and the mechanism of Gfi1 involvement in lymphomagenesisDu, Pei January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Breast cancer (BC) is a complex disease with over 25,000 new diagnoses made in Canadian women every year. The disease can be caused by inactivation of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) pathway, a major anti-tumor mechanism that protects against the abnormal cell division and growth that occurs in breast cancer, but how the pathway is inactivated has yet to be completely elucidated. BMI1 is an established oncogene that is overexpressed in BC and is associated with poor disease prognosis. BMI1 is a component of the polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) that acts to repress transcription of the ARF/INK4A locus encoding two important tumor suppressor genes. We have recently shown a novel property of BMI1 in attenuation of ATM function independent of this locus. We thus hypothesize a role of BMI1 in promoting BC formation through inhibiting oncogene-induced ATM activation, allowing cancer-promoting genes to induce abnormal cellular growth. To examine this hypothesis, we transiently expressed oncogene c-Myc with or without BMI1 co-expression. As expected, ectopic c-Myc expression upregulated γH2AX, a demonstrated target of ATM; concurrent BMI1 expression reduced the γH2AX levels. Similar observations were also obtained using a BMI1 mutant deficient in promoting PRC1-mediated repression of the ARF/INK4A locus. These observations support the concept that BMI1 contributes to ATM inactivation during BC tumorigenesis through mechanisms independent of PRC1. To further examine this concept, we investigated the association of γH2AX and BMI1 in vivo. In MCF7 cell-produced xenograft tumors, the presence of γH2AX nuclear foci was clearly observed, indicative of ATM activation during BC tumorigenesis. In xenografts generated by MCF7 cells stably expressing BMI1, a trend of reduction in γH2AX nuclear foci was observed. To further model BMI1’s pathological relevance in c-Myc induced BC under a more physiological setting, we are developing transgenic mouse models (GEM) with breast-specific c-Myc expression with or without a breast-specific BMI1 knockout. The goal of these experiments is to recapitulate the above in vitro and in vivo observations. The expectation, should it be achieved, will significantly strengthen the connection between BMI1 and ATM during breast cancer tumorigenesis. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Breast cancer (BC) is a complex disease with over 25,000 new diagnoses made in Canadian women every year. Normally there are anti-tumor mechanisms in place to protect against the abnormal cell division and growth that is associated with breast cancer. We propose a novel function of protein BMI1 to explain how breast cancer cells override these protective pathways. BMI1 is known to contribute to BC through inhibiting production of key tumor suppressing proteins and has recently been shown to decrease activity of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)- mediated tumor inhibiting pathway. We propose a novel role of BMI1 in promoting breast tumor formation through inhibiting the ATM-mediated anti-tumor barrier, allowing cancer-promoting genes (oncogenes) to induce abnormal cellular growth. BMI1 was shown to be able to reduce oncogene induced ATM activity, in an action independent of established mechanisms. Additionally in MCF7 BC tumors, the presence of BMI resulted in a trend of reduction in ATM activity. Continued work to develop a transgenic mouse model with a breast specific BMI1 knockout will help further our understanding of BMI1’s role in BC tumorigenesis.
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Erythropoietin drives breast cancer progression by activation of its receptor EPORChan, K.K., Matchett, K.B., Coulter, J.A., Yuen, H-F., McCrudden, C.M., Zhang, S-D., Irwin, G.W., Davidson, M.A., Rülicke, T., Schober, S., Hengst, L., Jaekel, H., Platt-Higgins, A., Rudland, P.S., Mills, K.I., Maxwell, P., El-Tanani, Mohamed, Lappin, T.R. 18 March 2017 (has links)
Yes / Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Anemia is common in
breast cancer patients and can be treated with blood transfusions or with recombinant
erythropoietin (EPO) to stimulate red blood cell production. Clinical studies have
indicated decreased survival in some groups of cancer patients treated with EPO.
Numerous tumor cells express the EPO receptor (EPOR), posing a risk that EPO
treatment would enhance tumor growth, but the mechanisms involved in breast tumor
progression are poorly understood.
Here, we have examined the functional role of the EPO-EPOR axis in preclinical
models of breast cancer. EPO induced the activation of PI3K/AKT and MAPK
pathways in human breast cancer cell lines. EPOR knockdown abrogated human
tumor cell growth, induced apoptosis through Bim, reduced invasiveness, and caused
downregulation of MYC expression. EPO-induced MYC expression is mediated through
the PI3K/AKT and MAPK pathways, and overexpression of MYC partially rescued loss
of cell proliferation caused by EPOR downregulation. In a xenotransplantation model,
designed to simulate recombinant EPO therapy in breast cancer patients, knockdown
of EPOR markedly reduced tumor growth.
Thus, our experiments in vitro and in vivo demonstrate that functional EPOR
signaling is essential for the tumor-promoting effects of EPO and underline the
importance of the EPO-EPOR axis in breast tumor progression. / Cancer Research UK - C10141/A9977 (TRL, MET, KKC). European Commission FP7 (EpoCan) 282551 (TRL, KBM); Invest NI RD0914223 (TRL, KBM).
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Rôle des protéines BH3 dans l'apoptose dépendante de C-MYCLabrie, Mireille 12 April 2018 (has links)
La dérégulation de l'oncogène c-myc sensibilise les cellules à la mort programmée induite par le cisplatine en agissant sur la voie mitochondriale de l'apoptose. Les membres de la famille de protéines Bcl-2 sont essentiels à la régulation de ce sentier apoptotique. Parmi ceux-ci on retrouve une sous-famille de protéines pro-apoptotiques incluant Bid, Bad, Bim, Noxa et PUMA qui ont comme caractéristique de posséder un domaine BH3 unique. Suite à divers stress cellulaires, ces protéines BH3 interagissent avec les autres membres de la famille Bcl-2 via le domaine BH3 et favorisent ainsi la sortie du cytochrome c de la mitochondrie et l'initiation de la cascade des caspases. / L'influence de la dérégulation de l'oncogène c-myc sur l'expression, la phosphorylation et/ou localisation intracellulaire des protéines BH3 a donc été analysée. Ainsi, il semble que Bid et Noxa ne soient pas impliquées car ni leur expression ni leur localisation intracellulaire sont influencées par c-Myc. Par contre, c-Myc augmente légèrement l'expression de Bim et module sa localisation intracellulaire. Les résultats démontrent également que la phosphorylation de Bad est négativement régulée par c-Myc, mais que son expression et sa localisation en sont indépendantes. Finalement, l'expression de PUMA, tant au niveau de l'ARNm que de la protéine, est augmentée par c-Myc, mais cette protéine ne semble pas jouer de rôle fonctionnel dans cette apoptose. Ainsi, au moins trois protéines BH3 sont modulées par c-Myc mais aucune n'a pu être identifiée clairement comme étant impliquée dans l'apoptose dépendante de c-Myc suite à un traitement au cisplatine.
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Mécanismes d’oncogenèse dans les Leucémies Aiguës Lymphoblastiques T : TAL1, MYC et ciblage thérapeutiqueLoosveld, Marie 24 January 2014 (has links)
La leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique T (LAL-T) est une hémopathie maligne représentant environ 15% des LAL pédiatriques et 25% des LAL de l'adulte. Malgré l'amélioration de la prise en charge des LAL, le devenir des patients atteints de LAL-T reste péjoratif avec environ 30% de rechute dans les deux années suivant le diagnostic. En effet, les LAL-T constituent un groupe de leucémies particulièrement hétérogène dans lequel différents oncogènes sont activés dans des combinaisons diverses. De ce fait, l'identification de voies oncogéniques pouvant être ciblées thérapeutiquement reste un des défis majeurs dans la recherche translationnelle des LAL-T. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressée au mode d'activation de deux oncogènes majeurs dans les LAL-T: les oncogènes MYC et TAL1. Nous avons montré que l'hyperactivation de la voie AKT, notamment à travers les mutations perte de fonction du gène PTEN induisait une augmentation de la protéine MYC. Nos résultats suggèrent que les axes MYC et PTEN/AKT pourraient représenter des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles dans les LAL-T. Nous avons alors conduit une étude pharmacologique révélant qu'in vitro plusieurs drogues induisent l'apoptose ou l'arrêt de prolifération des cellules de LAL-T. Par ailleurs, certaines de ces drogues sont responsables d'une inhibition de l'expression de MYC. L'efficacité de ces drogues est maintenant testée in vivo grâce à des souris immunodéficientes xénogreffées avec des cellules de LAL-T primaires humaines. / T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) are malignant proliferations of thymocytes which represents around 15% of pediatric and 25% of adult ALL. Despite indisputable therapeutic progress, T-ALL remains of poor prognosis and about 30% of cases relapse within the first 2 years following diagnosis. In fact T-ALL is a heterogeneous disease in which different oncogenes are activated in various combinations and this represents a major hurdle in the molecular analysis of T-ALL oncogenesis. During my thesis I investigated how MYC and TAL1, two key oncogenes in T-ALL, are activated. We showed that hyperactivation of AKT pathway, notably through PTEN loss-of-function mutations, gives rise to an increase of MYC protein level. Our data suggest that in T-ALL, MYC and PTEN/AKT axis may represent potential therapeutic targets. Then, we performed a pharmacological study which shows that, in vitro, several drugs lead to apoptosis or proliferation arrest of T-ALL cells. Moreover, some of those drugs impede MYC expression. The efficacy of these compounds are now tested in vivo using immunodeficient mice engrafted with primary human T-ALL blasts.
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Comparação das técnicas de PCR em tempo real e PCR para o estudo dos genes MYCN, DDX1 e NAG em pacientes portadores de neuroblastoma / Comparison between real time PCR and PCR for the determination of MYCN, DDX1 and NAG amplification in patients with neuroblastomaSouza, Ana Carolina Mamana Fernandes de 02 May 2007 (has links)
O neuroblastoma é o tumor sólido extra-cranial mais comum e mortal da infância, sendo o tempo de sobrevida nos casos mais agressivos ainda muito curto. Uma das esperanças nesses casos é que os estudos moleculares possam fornecer informações sobre os genes ou as vias moleculares que governam a patogênese dos neuroblastomas. Pois, há poucos genes como o MYCN, que foi descrito por estar diretamente ligado ao neuroblastoma. A amplificação deste oncogene ocorre em pouco mais de 25% dos neuroblastomas e é considerada como o mais importante marcador de prognóstico nestes tumores, sendo fortemente relacionada aos estádios avançados da doença e falha no tratamento. Outros genes do amplicon do MYCN, incluindo o DDX1 \"DEAD box polypeptide 1 gene\" e o NAG \"neuroblastoma-amplified gene\", estão sendo observados por se apresentarem co-amplificados com o MYCN. Entretanto, a importância deste fenômeno no prognóstico ainda é desconhecida. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar qual o melhor método para estudar a amplificação dos genes MYCN, DDX1 e NAG, além de esclarecer a importância da coamplificação dos genes DDX1 e NAG no prognóstico. Procedimento: O número de cópias dos genes MYCN, DDX1 e NAG foi determinado por PCR em Tempo Real e PCR convencional em 100 neuroblastomas primários. Os dados da PCR em Tempo Real foram analisados por quantificação absoluta e relativa. Os resultados da PCR convencional foram analisados por eletroforese em gel de agarose, medindo a intensidade das bandas formadas no gel no sistema Kodak. A relevância da amplificação gênica como marcador de prognóstico foi avaliada em 74 pacientes, dos quais nós obtivemos o acompanhamento clínico. Resultados: Nos 74 casos estudados, ambos os métodos demonstraram que a amplificação do MYCN estava associada com os estádios mais avançados da doença. A análise das curvas de sobrevida livre de progressão confirmou que pacientes com ausência de amplificação do MYCN apresentavam maior tempo de sobrevida. Nós também analisamos a amplificação do DDX1 nas mesmas amostras incluindo aquelas com ausência de amplificação de MYCN. Não foi encontrada nenhuma relação entre a co-amplificação com idade ao diagnóstico ou tempo de sobrevida. Conclusões: Os métodos aplicados para calcular o número de cópias dos genes na PCR em Tempo Real mostraram-se equivalentes. A PCR em Tempo Real apresentou maior acurácia nos resultados quando comparada à PCR convencional. A análise da sobrevida não demonstrou relação entre a amplificação dos genes DDX1 e/ou NAG com piora no prognóstico. / Neuroblastoma is the most common and deadly extra-cranial solid childhood tumor. Survival rates for aggressive neuroblastomas are still disappointingly low. One of the hopes is that molecular studies will provide insights into the genes and molecular pathways that govern neuroblastoma pathogenesis. However, at present only a few genes as MYCN have been directly linked to neuroblastoma. MYCN oncogene amplification, occurring in up to 25% of neuroblastomas, has been considered the most important prognostic factor, strongly correlating to advanced stage disease and treatment failure. Another genes in the MYCN amplicon, including the DEAD box polypeptide 1 (DDX1) gene, and neuroblastoma-amplified gene (NAG gene), have been found to be frequently co-amplified with MYCN in NB. But the prognostic significance of the coamplification remains unclear. The aims of this study were to evaluate which is the best method to study the gene amplification of those three genes MYCN, DDX1 and NAG, as well as clarify the prognostic significance of the co-amplification or DDX1 and NAG with MYCN. Procedure: The gene copy numbers of MYCN, DDX1, and NAG were determined by the real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and conventional polymerase chain reaction in 100 primary NBs. Real-Time data were analyzed by absolute and relative quantification. For conventional PCR, samples were electrophoresed on a 2% agarose gel and the intensity of each band evaluated by Kodak image software. To evaluate of the prognostic significance of the gene amplification we had only 74 cases in witch we could analyze the follow-up. Results: In all 74 cases, both methods demonstrated that MYCN amplification was associated mainly with advanced cancer stages, and the analysis of overall survival confirmed that patients without MYCN amplification had a cumulative survival significantly higher than patients with oncogene amplification. We also studied DDX1 and NAG amplification for all NB samples even that without MYCN amplification. No relationship between any gene co-amplification status and disease stage, age at diagnosis, or overall survival was found. Conclusions: The two methods used to calculate gene copy number for Real Time PCR assay shown to be equivalent. Real Time PCR assay shown to be more accurate to study gene amplification than conventional PCR assay. Survival analysis pointed out that DDX1 and/or NAG amplification has no additional adverse effect on prognosis.
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Les lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules de type activé : rôle de NF-κB et c-Myc. / Activated B cell Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma : role of NF-κB and c-Myc.Arnaud, Nicolas 15 December 2017 (has links)
A l’instar du lymphome de Burkitt (LB) avec la translocation de MYC, les lymphomes diffus à grandes cellules B (DLBCL) par d'autres mécanismes (mutation, amplification, dérégulation du promoteur) sont associés à une dérégulation de c-Myc, facteur de transcription maitre de la prolifération. Les DLBCL sont classés en deux sous-groupes: « centre germinatif » (GCB) et « cellule B activée » (ABC) avec activation constitutive de NF-κB. Cette activation constitutive de NF-κB peut être le résultat d'altérations génétiques (MYD88, A20, TRAF2 et TRAF5) ou de l'activation du BCR ou CD40. Ces caractéristiques soulèvent la question de la synergie d’action entre NF-κB et c-Myc dans les ABC-DLBCL. Nous avons analysé l’effet d'une activation continue de c-Myc dans un contexte de sur-activation de NF-κB par plusieurs inducteurs. Nos résultats montrent que la surexpression de c-Myc dans un contexte d'induction de NF-κB, i) par le programme EBV latence III, apporte un avantage sélectif à ces cellules (expression génique en faveur d'un métabolisme élevé, prolifération intense et protection contre apoptose), ii) par le TLR9 (modèle in vivo et in vitro), augmente la survie et la prolifération des lymphocytes B des souris λc-Myc (augmentation des cellules B activées, splénomégalie, augmentation de la prolifération des lymphocytes B, modification du microenvironnement tumoral), et iii) par CD40, induit une lymphomagenèse B très agressive dans les souris doubles transgéniques CD40/Myc, les tumeurs ont un phénotype proche des ABC-DLBCL. Ces résultats suggèrent que c-Myc est un événement co-transformant dans les lymphomes agressifs avec un phénotype activé par NF-κB, tel que les ABC-DLBCL. / Not only Burkitt lymphoma (BL) with the translocation of MYC, but also diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) by other mechanisms (mutation, amplification, promoter dysregulation…) are associated with dysregulation of c-Myc, the master transcription factor for proliferation. DLBCL’s are classified in two subgroups: “Germinal center B-cell” (GCB) without and “activated B-cell” (ABC) with constitutive NF-κB activation. This constitutive activation of NF-κB can be the result of genetic alterations (MYD88, A20, TRAF2, and TRAF5) or the activation of B-cell receptor or CD40. These features raise the question of the synergy of action between NF-κB and c-Myc in ABC-DLBCL. We analyzed the effect of a continuous activation of c-Myc in a context of over-activation of NF-κB by several inductors. Our results show that overexpression of c-Myc in the context of induction of NF-κB, i) by EBV latency III program, provides a selective advantage to those cells (gene expression in favor of a high metabolism, intense proliferation and protection against apoptosis), ii) by TLR9 (in vivo and in vitro model) increases the survival and proliferation of B lymphocytes of λc-Myc mice (increase of activated B cells, splenomegaly, increased B cells proliferation, modification of tumor microenvironment), and iii) by CD40, induces a very aggressive B lymphomagenesis in CD40/Myc double transgenic mice, the tumors have a phenotype close to ABC-DLBCL. These results suggest that c-Myc is an NF-κB co-transforming event in aggressive lymphomas with an activated phenotype by NF-κB, such as ABC-DLBCL.
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Metabolic remodelling driven by MYC overexpression regulates the p53 tumour suppressor responseEdwards-Hicks, Joy January 2018 (has links)
The MYC onocogene is frequently overexpressed in human cancer due to its capacity to promote cell growth and cell proliferation. MYC overexpression activates the p53 tumour suppressor pathway, which resists the pro-tumourigeneic program elicited by MYC. How MYC overexpression engages p53 is yet to be elucidated, and in this study I carried out a large metabolic siRNA screen to determine whether p53 responds to a specific MYC-driven metabolic pathway. Two clear lipid metabolic pathways emerged from the siRNA screen: PPARγ/arachidonate metabolism and de novo sphingolipid synthesis. Knockdown or inhibition of PPARγ increased p53 levels, and PPARγ ligands decreased following MYC overexpression. Knockdown of ceramide synthesis depleted p53 levels, and MYC overexpression increased de novo ceramide synthesis. This demonstrated that MYC-driven ceramide synthesis positively regulates p53, and highlights the role of cell metabolism in the tumour suppressor response to MYC deregulation.
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Etude des cellules souches et progénitrices mammaires et de leur contribution à la tumorigenèse : rôle des facteurs de transcription Myc et p53 / Study of mammary stem and progenitor cells and of their contribution in tumorigenesis : role of transcriptional factors Myc and p53Chiche, Aurélie 20 December 2012 (has links)
L’épithélium mammaire est organisé en bicouche : une couche de cellules luminales sécrétrices et une couche de cellules basales myoépithéliales. Des cellules souches multipotentes capables de régénérer l’épithélium mammaire après transplantation résident dans le compartiment basal tandis que les deux couches épithéliales mammaires contiennent des cellules souches/progénitrices à propriétés clonogéniques. De nombreuses études suggèrent que les cellules souches et progénitrices de la glande mammaire pourraient être les cibles d’une transformation oncogénique menant à des cancers du sein, justifiant l’attention particulière portée à ces populations cellulaires mineures.Pour étudier les rôles du proto-oncogène Myc, ou du suppresseur de tumeurs Trp53, dans le contrôle des fonctions des cellules souches et progénitrices, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques présentant une invalidation de Myc ou Trp53 dans la couche basale de l’épithélium mammaire. Les souris déficientes en Myc présentent des glandes hypoplasiques et les cellules basales dépourvues de Myc perdent complètement leur capacité régénérative. En revanche, la perte de p53 induit une augmentation des populations de cellules souches et progénitrices avec un potentiel d’autorenouvellement accru, suggérant que p53 restreint la propagation des cellules souches/progénitrices dans l’épithélium mammaire. Ces résultats montrent que Myc et p53 jouent un rôle essentiel dans le contrôle des fonctions des cellules souches et progénitrices mammaires.Les souris transgéniques K5Ncat générées précédemment dans notre laboratoire, développent des carcinomes mammaires de type basal avec des composants métaplastiques, induits par l’expression d’une forme activée de la -caténine dans la couche basale mammaire. Nous avons trouvé que la population de cellules souches fonctionnelles est augmentée dans l’épithélium pré-néoplasique des souris K5Ncat. Pour étudier les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires du développement de ces tumeurs, les souris déficientes en Myc ou Trp53 ont été croisées avec des souris K5Ncat. Nous avons constaté une inhibition complète de la tumorigenèse induite par la -caténine en absence de Myc et une accélération de celle-ci en absence de p53. Nos résultats suggèrent que les cellules souches/progénitrices basales pourraient être à l’origine des tumeurs mammaires de type basal avec des caractéristiques métaplastiques et que les rôles joués par Myc et p53 dans la tumorigenèse sont liés à leurs fonctions régulatrices des cellules souches mammaires. / Numerous studies suggested that mammary stem and progenitor cells could be targets of the oncogenic transformation in breast cancer, attracting a particular attention to these cell populations. Mammary epithelium is organized as bilayer, with a layer of luminal secretory cells and a basal myoepithelial layer. Multipotent stem cells able to regenerate mammary epithelium upon transplantation reside in the basal compartment, whereas both mammary epithelial cell layers contain clonogenic stem/progenitor cells.To study the roles played by a proto-oncogene Myc and a tumor suppressor p53 in the control of mammary stem and progenitor cell function, we generated mouse mutants presenting conditional deletion of Myc and Trp53 genes in the basal layer of the mammary epithelium. The Myc-mutants presented hypoplastic glands, and basal cells depleted of Myc were unable to regenerate mammary epithelium. In contrast, deletion of p53 led to increased stem and progenitor cell activity with enhanced capacity to self-renew suggesting that p53 restricts the propagation of the stem/progenitor cell populations in the mammary epithelium. These data clearly demonstrate that Myc and p53 play a central role in the control of the mammary stem cell function. Transgenic mice K5Ncat obtained previously by our team develop basal-type mammary carcinomas with metaplastic component, induced by the expression of activated (N-terminally truncated) -catenin in mammary epithelial basal layer. We found that stem cell activity is increased in preneoplastic K5Ncat mammary epithelium. To study molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying tumor development, Myc- and Trp53-mutants were bred to K5Ncat mice. The deletion of Myc completely inhibited tumorigenesis, whereas in the absence of p53, tumor development was significantly accelerated. Our data suggest that basal stem/progenitor cells might be at the origin of basal-type breast tumors with metaplastic characteristics and that roles played by Myc and p53 in the tumorigenesis are associated with their regulatory functions in stem cells.
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Epigenetic Regulation of hTERT in Human Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line NB4 and Role of c-Myc / Régulation épigénétique de hTERT dans le modèle de leucémie aiguë promyélocytaire NB4 et rôle de c-MycLiu, Qingyuan 17 December 2014 (has links)
La régulation de la télomérase s’effectue à de nombreux niveaux dont la transcription de la sous-Unité catalytique (hTERT). Les travaux du laboratoire effectués sur les cellules NB4, modèle de Leucémie Aiguë Promyélocytaire (LAP), ont montré que l'acide rétinoïque tout-Trans (ATRA) réprime la transcription de hTERT. Cette répression peut être associée à la différenciation (cas des cellules NB4) ou en être dissociée conduisant à la mort des cellules (cas des cellules NB4-LR1 résistantes à la maturation induite par l’ATRA). A partir de la lignée NB4-LR1 a été sélectionnée la lignée NB4-LR1SFD résistante à cette mort cellulaire du fait de la ré-Expression de hTERT même en présence d’ATRA. Cependant cette résistance à la répression de hTERT peut être levée par le co-Traitement ATRA et trioxide d’Arsenic (As2O3) qui conduit à la mort des cellules. Il s'agit donc d'une propriété nouvelle de cette lignée dont le mécanisme reste à élucider.Les résultats obtenus par le laboratoire suggèrent l'importance du statut de méthylation de l’ADN du promoteur de hTERT jusque là peu explorée qui pourrait rendre compte de la résistance à la répression de hTERT. Mon projet a pour objectif de valider cette hypothèse en tirant profit de la diversité des réponses biologiques (différenciation, prolifération, mort cellulaire et expression de hTERT) des variants cellulaires du modèle NB4. Une coopération entre le statut épigénétique (méthylation de l’ADN et modification des histones) du promoteur de hTERT et la fixation de facteurs activateurs et/ou répresseurs sera étudiée. Le statut de méthylation du promoteur de hTERT sur une région allant de -2500pb à +1000pb par rapport au site d’initiation de la transcription a été étudié par la technique de séquençage (Illumina) après traitement des cellules NB4-LR1SFD par l’ATRA seul ou en combinaison avec As2O3. Le résultat obtenu à ce jour montre une hypométhylation d’une région limitée du domaine distal (de -1300pb à -800pb) du promoteur de hTERT associée à la répression de hTERT dans les cellules traitées par la combinaison ATRA+ As2O3 par rapport aux traitements seuls par ATRA ou As2O3. Ceci renforce l’importance du statut de méthylation de cette région du promoteur dans la régulation de l’expression de hTERT. Ce co-Traitement induit également une diminution de l’expression protéique de cMyc et WT1, et aussi de l’ADN methyltransférase 1 (DNMT1) suggérant un rôle de cette enzyme dans le maintien de la méthylation de cette région du promoteur de hTERT. Dans le but d’évaluer le rôle de c-Myc dans la régulation de hTERT, nous avons montré qu’un analogue de l’AMPc, le 8-CPT-CAMP, induisait une dégradation (en partie protéasome dépendant) de la protéine c-Myc dès 6h de traitement dans la lignée résistante NB4-LR1SFD et non la lignée parentale NB4. La lignée NB4-LR1SFD est caractérisée par un déficit en sous unité régulatrice PKA RII. Spécifique knock-Down de PKA RII et l’utilisation d’agonistes et d’antagonistes spécifiques de PKAI a montré : 1) PKAI et PKAII ont des rôles différents sur la stabilité de la protéine c-Myc; 2) le rapport PKAI/PKAII déterminait la stabilité de c-Myc suite à l’activation de la signalisation PKA. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle possible de PKA comme régulatrice de expression de hTERT via son implication dans le maintien de la stabilité de la protéine c-Myc. / The regulation of telomerase occurs at various levels, including the transcriptional regulation of hTERT. Previous results in our laboratory from acute promyolocytic leukemia cell model NB4, have shown that all-Trans retinoid acid (ATRA) repress the transcription of hTERT. This repression can be associated with differentiation (in the case of NB4 cells), or be dissociated with differentiation and triggers cellular death (the case of maturation resistant NB4-LR1 cells). Another variant NB4-LR1SFD cells were isolated from NB4-LR1 cells with continuous presence of ATRA and were resistant to the cellular death induced by ATRA. In fact, this resistance is related to the re-Expression of hTERT in presence of ATRA. However, this resistance can be overcome by combination of ATRA and AS2O3 and triggers cellular death.The results obtained in our laboratory suggested the importance of the DNA methylation status in the promoter region of hTERT and could be the one mechanism of the resistance to the repression of hTERT induced by ATRA. My project is by taking the diversity of biological response of the NB4 cells variants to validate the hypothesis. And the cooperation between epigenetic modifications and the binding of transcriptional factors will be equally studied.The DNA methylation status in the promoter region of hTERT from -2500bp to +1000bp has been analyzed with the sequencing technique (illumina) in NB4-LR1SFD treated by ATRA alone or in combination with AS2O3. The results showed a distal hypomethylated region from -1300bp to -800bp associated with the repression of hTERT by the co-Treatment of ATRA and AS2O3 compared with the treatment by ATRA or AS2O3 alone. This result strengthens the importance of methylation status in this region in the regulation of hTERT. The co-Treatment induces also a diminution in protein expression of cMyc, WT1 and DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT 1), suggesting this enzyme may play a role in the maintenance of methylation level in this region.In order to evaluate the role of cMyc in the regulation of hTERT, we have shown that an analog de cAMP, 8-CPT-CAMP, induces degradation (partly proteasome-Dependent) of c-Myc protein since 6h in NB4-LR1SFD cells but not in NB4 cells. NB4-LR1SFD cells are characterized by a defect of the PKA regulatory subunit II. Specific knockdown of PKA RII and utilizations of agonists and antagonists of PKA I have shown that: 1) PKA I and PKA II have distinct functional roles on the steady-State of c-Myc protein. 2) The ratio of PKA I/PKA II determines the stability of c-Myc protein with the activation of PKA signalization. These results suggest a possible role of PKA in the regulation of hTERT expression through its modulation on the stability of c-Myc.
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