Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dadas"" "subject:"cadas""
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Diversité et différenciation génétiques des populations de tortues vertes (Chelonia mydas) dans les sites de ponte et d‟alimentation du sud-ouest de l‟océan Indien : Application aux stratégies de conservation de l‟espèceTaquet, Coralie 23 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La tortue verte (Chelonia mydas) constitue l‘un des espèces emblématiques de la vie marine, pourtant de nombreuses menaces pèsent de nos jours encore sur sa survie (braconnage, captures accidentelles). Ainsi, malgré l‘essor de mesures de protection menées à travers pour sa sauvegarde, la tortue verte constitue une espèce ‗en danger d‘extinction‘ et figure dans l‘Annexe I de la Convention de Washington (CITES). Afin d‘élaborer des plans de gestion et de conservation qui soient efficaces, il est important d‘avoir une parfaite connaissance de la biologie de la tortue verte, mais aussi de la structure de ses populations et de leurs caractéristiques. C‘est dans ce cadre que s‘inscrit la présente étude. L‘objectif de cette étude était d‘acquérir des connaissances sur la structure des populations de tortues vertes dans le sud-ouest de l‘océan Indien grâce à l‘utilisation de l‘outil génétique. Au total, 1551 échantillons de tissu ont été collectés dans la zone d‘étude et dans notre site témoin la Polynésie française (37 échantillons). Toutes les catégories d‘individus ont été échantillonnées (excepté les mâles en phase de reproduction) et les 15 sites d‘échantillonnage comprennent à la fois des sites de ponte, d‘alimentation et de développement pour les immatures. Deux types de marqueurs ont été utilisés : la région contrôle de l‘ADN mitochondrial et 6 loci microsatellites, afin d‘appréhender au mieux l‘apport des lignées maternelles et paternelles. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence la présence dans le sud-ouest de l‘océan Indien de 29 haplotypes distincts, appartenant à trois clades fortement divergents dont l‘un constitué d‘haplotypes originaires de l‘océan Atlantique. Parmi ces haplotypes, 7 ont été détectés pour la première fois dans la zone d‘étude, et 15 autres n‘ont jamais été précédemment décrits chez cette espèce. Ils sont présents dans chacun des 3 clades d‘haplotypes. Ces nouveaux haplotypes semblent spécifiques à la région, et en font une zone originale. On observe par ailleurs une grande richesse allélique dans les effectifs analysés. Ces résultats montrent que le sud-ouest de l‘océan Indien est une zone riche et très diversifiée. Cette région joue un rôle important dans la diversité génétique globale de l‘espèce. Le sud-ouest de l‘océan Indien constitue l‘une des deux seules zones connues à l‘heure actuelle de contact entre les deux métapopulations de tortues vertes (Atlantique-Méditerranée et Indo-Pacifique). Ce contact a entraîné la formation d‘un cline génétique portant principalement sur les fréquences relatives des haplotypes CM8 (Atlantique) et C3 (Indo-Pacifique). Les résultats obtenus lors de l‘analyse microsatellite de la différenciation entre les individus originaires des deux métapopulations montrent que le sud-ouest de l‘océan Indien constitue une zone d‘échanges génétiques entre les deux métapopulations, participant au brasage génétique de l‘espèce. L‘étude de facteurs, intrinsèques et extrinsèques, pouvant influencer la structuration des populations apportent de nombreuses informations qui pourraient s‘avérer utiles lors de l‘élaboration de plans de gestion. La structure des femelles et des mâles en alimentation ne diffère pas, contrairement à celle des immatures qui semble s‘organiser en ‗pools régionaux‘ qui seraient le fruit de l‘interaction d‘un comportement de philopatrie et d‘une influence des courants océaniques. La forte différenciation mitochondriale des femelles en ponte et la très faible différenciation microsatellite observée à l‘échelle de la région, indiquent l‘existence de flux de gènes via les mâles. La composition génétique d‘un site ne varie pas de manière significative au cours de l‘année. Par contre, elle peut varier d‘une année à l‘autre, signifiant l‘alternance dans certains sites de ponte de plusieurs populations distinctes. L‘évolution de la composition génétique d‘un groupe, au cours de 10 ou 20 ans, diffère selon le site considéré. La distance ne semble pas influencer de manière significative la structuration des populations au niveau microsatellite. Les femelles en ponte sur la plage de Saziley (Mayotte) diffèrent génétiquement de celles pondant sur les deux autres plages de l‘île. La structure observée des populations est en accord avec l‘organisation des courants océanique dans la région.
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Écologie trophique de la tortue verte Chelonia mydas dans les herbiers marins et algueraies du sud-ouest de l'océan IndienBallorain, Katia 12 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les relations interspécifiques sont un indicateur naturel de l'état de santé d'un écosystème et de son éventuelle évolution. Dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique et d'intensification des activités humaines, nous décrivons, par une approche intégrée, les interactions existant entre les tortues vertes et leurs ressources trophiques, afin de contribuer à la compréhension de la dynamique de la biodiversité marine. La tortue verte est la seule tortue marine herbivore aux stades sub-adulte et adulte. Elle se nourrit principalement sur des herbiers de phanérogames marines et des algueraies en milieu côtier relativement peu profonds et constitue ainsi un modèle privilégié pour étudier l'écologie trophique et fonctionnelle des tortues marines en conditions naturelles. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit étudie deux populations de tortues vertes : la première s'alimentant de phanérogames marines sur le site de N'Gouja à Mayotte et la seconde d'algues benthiques sur la côte ouest de l'Ile de La Réunion. A ce stade de l'étude, le système tortues vertes-herbier est le mieux connu. Nous proposons une synthèse des relations existant entre le comportement de plongée et d'alimentation d'individus juvéniles et adultes avec la disponibilité trophique au sein d'un herbier marin plurispécifique. Ceci a été obtenu à partir de systèmes d'acquisition embarqués, d'observation directes de tortues vertes et de relevés phyto-écologiques conventionnels. Par ailleurs, notre étude a permis d'engager le suivi du système tortues vertes - herbier marin de N'Gouja et d'en décrire les premières tendances. En quatre ans, une diminution de près de 80 % de la biomasse végétale du site de N'Gouja accentue la pression d'herbivorie des tortues vertes sur l'herbier. Ce phénomène entraîne l'appauvrissement de la diversité spécifique des phanérogames en faveur des espèces végétales pionnières. La diminution parallèle de l'effectif de la population de tortues vertes du site de N'Gouja suggère un modèle alimentaire basé sur le principe de densité-dépendance. Les conséquences d'une surexploitation de l'herbier par les tortues vertes sont alors en opposition avec celles obtenues suite à la simulation d'une pression d'herbivorie nulle. Nous montrons que sous une pression d'herbivorie modérée, un stade successionel intermédiaire de l'herbier est maintenu et la diversité spécifique est favorisée par la diminution des capacités compétitives des espèces consommées. Il découle ainsi de notre étude des indicateurs du stade phytodynamique d'un herbier plurispécifique et de la pression d'herbivorie exercée par les tortues vertes qui permettent d'envisager les réponses écosystémiques d'un système tel que celui de N'Gouja sous différents scénarios environnementaux. Enfin, dans un cadre plus large, nous posons la question de savoir si l'évolution statutaire de Mayotte peut contribuer à approfondir et pérenniser la protection des tortues marines qui se trouvent sur son territoire. Nous décrivons la départementalisation comme un moyen d'accentuer le processus de clarification du droit applicable à Mayotte et d'assurer des moyens humains, matériels, et financiers nécessaires à la protection de l'environnement. Des recensements aériens réalisés au dessus de la côte ouest de l'île de La Réunion révèlent la présence d'individus sexuellement matures et immatures, dont le nombre augmente depuis 1996. Cette approche nous aura permis d'identifier une fréquentation préférentielle des habitats coralliens et de décrire, à partir d'observations sous-marines parallèles, la côte ouest de l'île comme un site d'alimentation d'individus matures et d'individus en phase de croissance. Ce travail renforce les bases scientifiques nécessaires à la mise en place de stratégies de conservation des tortues marines et de leurs habitats.
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A Necropsy-based Study of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in South-East QueenslandGordon, Anita Nancy Unknown Date (has links)
Causes of morbidity and mortality were investigated for 108 green turtles (Chelonia mydas) stranded in south-east Queensland between 1990 and 1996. This study was undertaken as part of a broader carcass salvage program for south Queensland, and within the context of a population study of C. mydas in the Moreton Bay feeding ground. Accurate pathological characterisation of disease in C. mydas was achieved by detailed necropsy and histological examination. Varied inflammatory responses and degenerative changes were observed in stranded C. mydas. Supportive disciplines of microbiology, parasitology, and clinical chemistry were used to elucidate aetiology and pathogenesis of selected conditions. Heavy metal and pesticide levels were assessed in a sub-sample of turtles. Direct anthropogenic causes (including trauma, foreign body ingestion and drowning) accounted for 34% of mortalities of C. mydas in this study. The majority of the trauma cases were turtles with skull fractures resulting from blunt impacts. The remainder had boat propeller injuries, or miscellaneous trauma. Almost half of the turtles with lethal boat propeller damage had evidence of pre-existing disease which may well have predisposed them to boat strike, emphasising the importance of full necropsy examination, even when the cause of death appears obvious. Fishing line was the only ingested foreign body consistently implicated in the production of fatal intestinal obstruction. Marine turtle fibropapillomatosis, a panzootic viral disease which is considered to involve some indirect anthropogenic factors, accounted for 7% of mortalities. The findings in this study were consistent with much of the previously described pathology of this condition. Naturally-occurring diseases (for which human influences are unknown) accounted for the remaining 59% of strandings. Coccidiosis, caused by Caryospora cheloniae, was recorded for the first time in wild C. mydas. It occurred both as an epizootic (in 1991) and as sporadic cases. A variety of manifestations, including disseminated and enteric forms, were recognised. Infection with a Cryptosporidium-like protozoan appeared to occur concurrently with coccidiosis in one turtle in this study. Attempts to establish experimental coccidial infections in hatchling C. mydas were unsuccessful. Infections with cardiovascular (spirorchid) flukes were almost universal in stranded C. mydas in this study. They ranged from mild, incidental findings (such as occasional fluke vii egg granulomas evident microscopically in otherwise normal tissues) to a variety of severe changes, including thrombosis, which were likely to have produced morbidity. The present study clarified the range of cardiovascular lesions associated with spirorchidiasis, including the sequence of thrombus resolution and exteriorisation from vessels. In some cases spirorchid vasculitis was associated with fatal disseminated bacterial infections. Other sporadic, naturally-occurring diseases included mycotic pneumonia, bacterial meningoencephalitis and a miscellany of gastrointestinal conditions, including chronic intestinal tympany and obstipation, for which the underlying cause could not always be determined. Evidence indicated that gastrointestinal motility in C. mydas was prone to both direct and indirect disturbance and that tympany and obstipation could be final common outcomes of a range of insults. Eighteen abnormally buoyant turtles were examined during this study. The cause could usually be ascribed to an underlying disease, including (in decreasing order of frequency) trapped internal gas, usually intestinal; neurological disease such as traumatic brain injuries; and pulmonary disease. In two cases, no underlying cause was detected. Trace metal (arsenic, cadmium, mercury, selenium and zinc) concentrations were determined in the livers and kidneys of 50 turtles of mixed species (mostly C. mydas). These results were considered to provide baseline data for sea turtles in SE Qld. This study offered the largest dataset available for some metals in C. mydas, and provided evidence of high background levels of cadmium as a normal feature for the species. Some unusual age–related trends in metal accumulation were detected. Concentrations of cadmium, zinc and selenium in the kidney decreased with increasing age, whereas zinc concentrations in the liver tended to increase. Determining the impact of disease on wildlife populations is an increasingly necessary task, which will require multidisciplinary teams. Necropsy surveys like the present study are an essential component of the growing field of conservation medicine. In addition to providing data relevant to management, such as the relative proportions of anthropogenic and naturally-occurring mortalities, necropsy surveys can identify a range of endemic pathogens, and help to collect prevalence data for determining disease impacts at the population level.
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Beach Nourishment: Effects on the Hatching & Emergence Success Rates of Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), Loggerhead (Caretta caretta), and Green (Chelonia mydas) Sea TurtlesCaderas, Jenna 01 July 2016 (has links)
Broward County, Florida is a popular tourism destination. Due to its popularity, much of the shoreline has been modified and natural habitats were replaced with infrastructure such as houses, condominiums, resorts, and restaurants. The same Broward County beaches utilized by tourists and residents are important for three species of nesting sea turtles, including the Leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea, Loggerhead, Caretta caretta, and Green, Chelonia mydas, Turtles. The Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program (BCSTCP) collects yearly data in order to study these endangered reptiles. Increased anthropogenic effects including further coastal development (public & private), public beach events, public beach access, as well as natural events, have caused these important nesting beaches to erode and narrow. In an effort to control this erosion damage, Broward County has performed a number of beach nourishment projects. This study found yearly fluctuations in sea turtle hatching and emergence success rates, and years of beach nourishment projects significantly decreased these rates. Yearly hatching data available from Broward County concludes that beach nourishment, as well as hurricanes and tropical storms cause decreases in sea turtle hatching and emergence success rates in Broward County. Additionally, nest depth and sea turtle size increases the hatching and emergence success rates from females that are not too large or too small that nest in Broward County.
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Ecology of marine turtles under climate changeStokes, Kimberley Laura January 2014 (has links)
Climate change threatens to disrupt biological systems around the globe, sparking debate over natural capacity for adaptation in a fragmented landscape. Marine turtles are evolutionarily ancient and have survived millions of years of prehistoric climate change, but are threatened by the rapidity of modern warming and a history of severe overexploitation that has left most populations depleted. This thesis explores a nesting aggregation of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in northern Cyprus, where a longitudinal programme of both intensive and extensive monitoring enables insight into individual and population level parameters and processes. Nesting on the two coastlines covered by this project is in the early stages of recovery, possibly in response to exhaustive nest protection efforts over the last twenty years. Saturation tagging at one key site allows us to confirm that recruitment of new breeders is an important driver of this trend, and that average clutch frequency has remained stable around three nests per female per year, validating nest-count derived abundance estimates at a regional scale. Concern has been raised, however, regarding recent changes in fishing practices which are impacting the local juvenile neritic phase, which may have a lagged effect on the recovery of this nesting population. A collaborative tracking effort including all other countries with major nesting in the Mediterranean allows us to identify major foraging grounds for this species, with two hotspots accounting for >50% of tracked individuals, as well as coastal and pelagic seasonal corridors of high use. Bycatch levels and mortality rates for turtles in these key areas are largely unknown and should be prioritised for investigation. Hatchling sex ratios from the main study beach are extremely female-biased (estimated 97% female for the twenty year period 1993-2012). A 1oC rise in average incubation temperatures threatens near complete hatchling feminisation on this beach, whilst a 2oC rise could reduce hatch success to less than 50%. Thermal effects on hatchling morphometrics are evident, with a 1oC rise in temperature reducing average length, width and weight by 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. More favourable incubation conditions were found early in the season, in deeper nests laid by larger females, and on beaches of lighter sand. In contrast, adult sex ratios at the main site are male-biased, posing questions regarding sex-specific survival rates and optimal hatchling sex ratios. A phenological shift towards earlier nesting is demonstrated for the first time in this species, and could potentially ameliorate warming effects. Carry-over climate forcing effects from the foraging ground influence the breeding frequency of individuals, driving population level responses in annual magnitude of nesting. This work emphasises the utility and necessity of long-term individual-based monitoring programmes in elucidating population trends and climate responses in iteroparous species with non-annual breeding.
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<div>Understanding what sea turtles are feeding on and where they are feeding is key to understand their overall biology and will aid in understanding what type of management actions are necessary in order to conserve and protect these endangered species. Here I set out to (1) examine the population-level isotopic profiles of three sea turtle species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific; (2) determine differences in their foraging strategies; (3) attempt to gain insights about their pre-nesting origins; and (4) determine whether body size would influence the isotopic values of an individual turtle.</div><div>Stable isotope analysis (δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N values) was conducted on tissue samples from 52 sea turtles nesting on Playa Cabuyal, Costa Rica; 28 Pacific green (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>), 20 olive ridley (<i>Lepidochelys olivacea</i>), and 4 leatherback (<i>Dermochelys coriacea</i>). Nine satellite transmitters were also deployed on a separate population of post-nesting Pacific green turtles from Playa Cabuyal.</div><div>Based on isotopic profiles, green turtles in the Eastern Tropical Pacific were found to be feeding at a higher trophic level when compared to green turtles in other regions and this was supported by their increased δ<sup>15</sup>N values (16 ± 0.8 ‰). Rather than shifting to herbivory as adults, green turtles foraging in the eastern Pacific are potentially remaining omnivorous. Tracking data further confirmed that green turtles are coastal migrators and are probably inhabiting areas with high δ<sup>15</sup>N values within this region. Olive ridley turtles are exhibiting similar behavior to olive ridley turtles elsewhere due to minimal variance in their isotopic profiles (δ<sup>13</sup>C = -15.1 ± 0.7 ‰, δ<sup>15</sup>N =14.2 ± 0.8 ‰) and their known nomadic behavior. Although a small sample size, leatherback turtles showed a shift in their foraging habitats suggesting they are also feeding inshore in addition to their pelagic behavior due to their increased δ<sup>13</sup>C values (-15.5 ± 0.4 ‰). Further, as body size increased in olive ridley’s, the δ<sup>15</sup>N values significantly decreased suggesting that larger turtles prefer deeper pelagic waters with less enriched N isotope concentrations. However, in order to rule out possible external factors influencing this relationship, knowing where the turtle is originating from is crucial. This project provides data for developing isoscapes in the Eastern Tropical Pacific to aid in understanding the spatial distribution of sea turtles and their foraging grounds and the impact that foraging area may have on overall biology of these species. This information can be used to prioritize high use foraging habitats and determine the most effective management practices for protecting these species and the prey and habitat on which they rely.</div>
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Factors Affecting Green Turtle Foraging Ecology Across Multiple Spatial ScalesWhitman, Elizabeth Rose 15 October 2018 (has links)
The hierarchical levels at which resource selection occurs can have important consequences for individual and population energy budgets and structure the impacts of a forager on its ecosystem. Assessing factors affecting resource selection of large marine herbivores across scales is important because of their potentially large impacts on seagrass community dynamics and historical and current changes in their population sizes and those of their potential predators. I explored the factors (predation risk, resource abundance, quality and identity) affecting resource use of large marine herbivores (green turtles, Chelonia mydas) from the scale of habitat patches to forage species within patches. I used a combination of in-water surveys, aerial drone video transects, baited camera surveys, and seagrass community and nutrient content analyses to provide insights into resource use by turtles in multiple ecological contexts.
In Abaco, The Bahamas I found relatively intact shark populations, including apex predators, relative to other parts of the Caribbean. In the context of healthy predator populations in Abaco, I tested a priori predictions rooted in Ideal Free Distribution (IFD) theory. Green turtles off Abaco deviated from predictions of an IFD determined by the standing stocks of seagrass. Instead, distributions are consistent with predictions of the foraging arena hypothesis with turtles largely restricted to safe habitat patches and selecting locations within these where seagrass N content is relatively high.
Marine invasive species can have detrimental effects on coastal ecosystems and economies. Therefore, understanding the effects of, and factors influencing the rate of spread of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea in the Caribbean is important. In the French West Indies (Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Martin), I investigated foraging preferences for native versus invasive seagrass species and whether green turtles might facilitate or attenuate the invasion through their choice of habitats and feeding patterns. Green turtle distributions were correlated with native seagrass distributions. Also, despite similar nutrient contents, turtles preferred feeding on native seagrasses irrespective of their relative abundance within a patch. These results suggest that, as predicted by the Enemy Release Hypothesis, green turtles likely facilitate the invasion and spread of the invasive seagrass that may reduce energy flow into turtle populations.
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<b>Heavy Metal Concentrations in Sea Turtles and </b><b>Their Prey in the Northwest Atlantic </b>Yi Wynn Chan (18414897) 20 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The Northwest Atlantic Ocean, which surrounds the US eastern coastline, is an area rich in marine life. The US eastern coastline is also highly urbanized, resulting in a lot of pollutants (like heavy metals) entering the marine environment. This is of concern for long-lived marine species like sea turtles. Since sea turtles are long-lived and highly migratory, their tissues can often incorporate these pollutants through environmental and dietary exposure. I collected tissue samples from 5 different sea turtle populations in the Northwest Atlantic and analyzed them for concentrations of silver (Ag), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The first chapter looks at skin (reflects exposure ~1 year ago) and scute (reflects exposure from 4-6 years ago) samples collected during necropsies of juvenile green (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>) (n=8), Kemp’s ridley (<i>Lepidochelys kempii</i>) (n=30) and loggerhead (<i>Caretta caretta</i>) (n=17) turtles that were found cold-stunned in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts. In scute samples, the heavy metal with the highest concentration for green turtles was iron, zinc for loggerhead turtles, and arsenic for Kemp’s ridley turtles. In skin samples, the heavy metal with the highest concentration for green turtles was iron, arsenic for loggerhead turtles, and aluminum for Kemp’s ridley turtles. Overall, I found scute samples to have higher heavy metal concentrations than skin samples. The second chapter looks at scute samples collected from loggerhead turtles of different life stages. These samples were collected during necropsies of cold-stunned loggerhead turtles from Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts (CCB; n=17), as well as from live loggerhead turtles in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB; n=37) and off the coast of North Carolina (NC; n=9). We also collected commonly known loggerhead turtle prey items including whelk (<i>Buccinum undatum</i>) (n=12), Atlantic scallop (<i>Placopecten magellanicus)</i> (n=10) and Jonah crab (<i>Cancer borealis</i>) (n=5) from the Mid-Atlantic Bight region to study the occurrence of biomagnification through trophic pathways. NC loggerhead turtles had higher heavy metal concentrations than other locations except for cadmium and zinc, where CCB loggerhead turtles were higher. I found that all heavy metals except silver, cadmium, and lead appear to be biomagnified (TTF>1) in loggerhead turtles. These two chapters provided baseline information on heavy metal concentrations in sea turtles in east coast US.</p>
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Structure et connectivité de la mégafaune marine à l'échelle d’une région océanique : enjeux pour la gestion durable des tortues vertes dans l'océan Indien occidental / Population structure and connectivity of megafauna at the oceanic region scale : keys issues for sustainable management of marine turtles in the Indian OceanBourjea, Jérôme 02 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'insère dans une démarche globale d'acquisition des connaissances sur la tortue verte (Chelonia mydas) dans l'océan Indien occidental et ce afin de disposer d'éléments scientifiques essentiels à la mise en place d'une gestion cohérente et efficace de cette espèce menacée. Dans un premier temps, appliquant différentes modèles statistiques, ce travail a visé à établir des données de référence sur l'abondance des tortues vertes femelles en reproduction et les tendances sur le long terme des principales populations. Dans un second temps, il a consisté à déterminer la structure génétique et les relations qui existent entre les différentes populations de cette espèce. Enfin, la conservation des tortues marines étant étroitement liée aux pressions extérieures, ce travail a tenté dans un troisième temps de caractériser les pressions anthropiques qu'elles subissent, et notamment celles liées à la pêche. L'ensemble de ces résultats a permis de réaliser des avancées majeures dans la connaissance de la biologie et de l'écologie de la tortue verte et de disposer d'une vision régionale fiable de l'état de conservation de cette espèce dans l'océan Indien occidental. Leur compilation a ainsi permis d'identifier des zones régionales prioritaires de protection mais aussi des sites de vigilance plus spécifiques comme celui d'Europa. Enfin cette synthèse met en lumière les priorités de recherche et les approches scientifiques à favoriser à l'avenir pour améliorer les connaissances et affiner les priorités de conservation non seulement des tortues marines, mais aussi de la mégafaune marine en général. / This thesis is a comprehensive work aiming to improve scientific knowledge on the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in order to provide key scientific evidences needed for the implementation of coherent and effective management measures to protect at the Western Indian Ocean scale this threatened species. In a first step, this work aimed to established baseline data on the abundance of green turtles nesting females and long term trends of some key nesting populations of the region by applying different modelling methods. In a second step, this work determined the regional genetic structure of this species and the relationships that exists between the different populations. Finally, the conservation of marine turtles being closely dependant to external pressures, this work tried to characterize theanthropogenic pressures they face, more specifically those related to fishing activities. All these results allowed unraveling some key gaps on the biology and ecology of the green turtle in the region and led to a global vision of the conservation status of this species in the Western Indian Ocean. The compilation of the results enabled the identification of regional priority areas for protection, but also some more specific threatened sites such as Europa. Finally, this synthesis shedslight on research priorities and scientific approaches to be promote in the future to unlock other keyscientific issues and refine conservation priorities, not only of marine turtles, but also of marine megafauna as a whole.
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Spatial Ecology of Inter- and Post-nesting Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Bioko Island, Equatorial GuineaEmily K Mettler (6620087) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Effective conservation
strategies for sea turtles require knowledge of animal movements and protection
of biologically important habitats and life history stages. For breeding adult
sea turtles, understanding both their inshore and pelagic spatial patterns is
imperative to the successful protection of the species and the accurate
identification of their vulnerabilities. This study provides insight into the inter-nesting,
post-nesting, and foraging movements of green sea turtles (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>) that nest on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, by
using satellite telemetry to track green turtles (n=12) during two nesting
seasons (2017-18, 2018-19), and as they migrated to foraging grounds after the
nesting season. These tracks were fit with a switching state space model to
characterize movements, and then analyzed in relation to environmental and
anthropogenic factors. Dive depth data was also used to determine utilization
patterns within the water column. The 12 tagged turtles migrated for an average
of 1064 km to two distinct foraging grounds, with 10 migrating west for an
average of 1115 km to the coastal waters of Ghana, and 2 migrating south for an
average of 1563 km to the coastal waters of Angola. Migrating turtles used both
direct, pelagic migration strategies, and biphasal, coastal strategies, which
included intermittent foraging throughout migrations. Dive depths varied
depending on behavior, with an average of 19.3 m during inter-nesting, 12.6 m
during migration and 8.5 m during foraging. Knowledge of inter-nesting habitat
use, migration patterns, and foraging ground locations will be critical for the
development of marine conservation management plans in the Gulf of Guinea and
aide in sea turtle conservation efforts throughout the area. Additionally, spatial
and dive depth data can inform zonal fishing regulators and provide information
needed for modifications to fishing practices and gear that is most likely to
reduce sea turtle bycatch. These data will provide a more complete
understanding of marine areas critical to sea turtle conservation and aide in
sustainable economic development in the Gulf of Guinea.</p><br>
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