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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An intracellular glucose biosensor based on nanoflake ZnO

Fulati, Alimujiang, Usman Ali, Syed M., Asif, Muhammad H., Hassan Alvi, Naveed Ul, Willander, Magnus, Brännmark, Cecilia, Strålfors, Peter, Börjesson, Sara I., Elinder, Fredrik, Danielsson, Bengt January 2010 (has links)
In this study, an improved potentiometric intracellular glucose biosensor was fabricated with immobilization of glucose oxidase on a ZnO nanoporous material. The ZnO nanoporous material with a wall thickness around 200 nm was grown on the tip of a borosilicate glass capillary and used as a selective intracellular glucose sensor for the measurement of glucose concentrations in human adipocytes and frog oocytes. The results showed a fast response within 4 s and a linear glucosedependent electrochemical response over a wide range of glucose concentration (500 nM-10 mM). The measurements of intracellular glucose concentrations with our biosensor were consistent with the values of intracellular glucose concentrations reported in the literature. The sensor also demonstrated its capability by detecting an increase in the intracellular glucose concentration induced by insulin. We found that the ZnO nanoporous material provides sensitivity as high as 1.8 times higher than that obtained using ZnO nanorods under the same conditions. Moreover, the fabrication method in our experiment is simple and the excellent performance of the developed nanosensor in sensitivity, stability, selectivity, reproducibility and anti-interference was achieved. All these advantageous features of this intracellular glucose biosensor based on functionalised ZnO nanoporous material compared to ZnO nanorods demonstrate a promising way of enhancing glucose biosensor performance to measure reliable intracellular glucose concentrations within single living cells. / <p>Original Publication:Alimujiang Fulati, Syed M. Usman Ali, Muhammad H. Asif, Naveed Ul Hassan Alvi, Magnus Willander, Cecilia Brännmark, Peter Strålfors, Sara I. Börjesson and Fredrik Elinder, An intracellular glucose biosensor based on nanoflake ZnO, 2010, Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, (150), 2, 673-680.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2010.08.021Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com/</p>

Synthesis, Characterization and Ferroelectric Properties of LN-Type ZnSnO<sub>3</sub> Nanostructures

Kons, Corisa 05 November 2015 (has links)
With increasing focus on the ill health and environmental effects of lead there is a greater push to develop Pb-free devices and materials. To this extent, ecofriendly and earth abundant LiNbO3-type ZnSnO3, a derivative of the ABO3 perovskite structure, has a high theoretically predicted polarization making it an excellent choice as a suitable alternative to lead based material such as PZT. In this work we present a novel synthesis procedure for the growth of various ZnSnO3 nanostructures by combined physical/chemical processes. Various ZnSnO3 nanostructures of different dimensions were grown from a ZnO:Al template layer on a Si (100) substrate deposited by pulsed laser deposition followed by a strategic solvothermal process. The ferroelectric properties of each sample were explored and a remanent polarization as high as nearly 30 μC/cm2 was found in aligned nanowire arrayed films. An in-depth understanding of the structure-property relationship is key to the future development of this material and is the subject of future investigations.

Synthesis, characterization and application of WS₂ nanowire-nanoflake hybrid nanostructures

Asres, G. A. (Georgies Alene) 17 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials crystalize in a layered structure with a stoichiometry MX₂ where M is a transition metal (Mo, W, Tc, Re, V, Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, Hf) and X is a chalcogen (S, Se, Te). While there is a strong covalent bond between the chalcogen and the metal atoms in each 2-dimensional (2D) sheet, the bulk 3-dimensional crystals are held together by weak van der Waals forces acting on the adjacent 2D sheets allowing for micromechanical and liquid phase exfoliation into nanostructures composed of either a single layer or a few layers. Since the electronic band structure depends not only on the chemistry but also on the number of layers, a whole new range of metal, semimetal and semiconductor materials may be achieved. These properties, among many other advantages (e.g. tunable band structure, high mobility of carriers, easy intercalation with ions), make TMDs appealing and timely for applications in solar cells and photodetectors, heterogeneous catalysis, electrocatalytic electrodes, energy storage and in (electro) chemical sensing. Motivated by the anticipated fascinating properties of TMDs, this research work focuses on the synthesis, characterization and application of a novel hybrid WS₂ nanomaterial. While the original goal of the research work was to develop a simple method to synthesize WS₂ nanowires, it became clear that instead of nanowires a hybrid nanowire-nanoflake (NW-NF) structure could be synthesized by a simple thermal sulfurization of hydrothermally grown WO₃ nanowires. The structure, morphology and composition of the new materials were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Temperature dependent electrical measurements carried out on random networks of the nanostructures showed nonlinear characteristics and a negative temperature coefficient of resistance indicating that the hybrids were semiconducting. Resistive gas sensors were prepared and exposed to H₂S, CO, NH₃, H₂ and NO and to which the devices displayed ultra-high sensitivity (0.043 ppm⁻¹) towards H₂S with a detection limit of 20 ppb. The results suggest further exploration of gas sensing with TMDs as potential competitive alternatives to the classical metal oxide based devices. Moreover, photodetector devices with excellent visible light response were also demonstrated using an individual WS₂ NW-NF hybrid as well as its random networks having photoresponsivity of up to 400 mAW⁻¹. This was two orders of magnitude higher than that measured for other 2D materials based devices. Overall, the WS₂ nanowire-nanoflake hybrid is a truly multipurpose and multifunctional semiconductor making it a promising material for advanced micro, nano and optoelectronics devices. / Tiivistelmä Siirtymämetallidikalkogenidistä (transition metal dichalcogenide, TMD) olevat materiaalit kiteytyvät kerroksittaisiksi rakenteiksi, joiden stoikiometria on MX₂, missä M on siirtymämetalli (Mo, W, Tc, Re, V, Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, Hf) ja X on kalkogeeni (S, Se, Te). 2-ulotteisessa (2D) tasossa kalkogeenin ja metallin välillä on voimakas kovalenttinen sidos, mutta suuremmassa kolmiulotteisessa kiteessä viereisiä tasoja sitoo toisiinsa vain heikot van der Waals-voimat, jolloin tasot on mahdollista erottaa mikromekaanisesti ja nestefaasikuorinnalla yksittäisiksi tai muutamasta kerroksesta koostuvaksi nanorakenteeksi. Koska elektronivyörakenne ei riipu ainoastaan kemiallisesta koostumuksesta vaan myös kerrosten lukumäärästä, voidaan muodostaa täysin uusia metallisia, puolimetallisia tai puolijohdemateriaaleja. Nämä ominaisuudet monien muiden lisäksi (esim. räätälöity vyörakenne, korkeanliikkuvuuden varauksen kuljettajat, helppo ionien interkelaatio) tekevät TMD-materiaaleista kiinnostavia ja ajankohtaisia aurinkokennoihin, valokennoihin, heterogeeniseen katalyysiin, sähkökatalyyttisiin elektrodeihin, energiavarastoihin ja sähkökemiallisiin antureihin. TDM-materiaalien oletettavasti kiehtovien ominaisuuksien motivoimana tämä tutkimus keskittyy uusien hybridi-WS₂-nanomateriaalien synteesiin, karakterisoimiseen ja sovellutuksiin. Tutkimuksen alkuperäinen tavoite oli kehittää yksinkertainen menetelmä WS₂-nanolankojen syntetisoimiseksi, mutta kävi ilmi että nanolankojen sijaan syntyi nanolanka-nanohiutale -hybridirakenne (nanowire-nanoflake, NW-NF), kun hydrotermisesti kasvatettuja WO₃-nanolankoja rikitettiin termisesti. Näiden uusien materiaalien rakenne, morfologia ja koostumus on analysoitu röntgendiffraktiolla, Raman-spekstrokopialla, elektronimikroskoopilla ja röntgenfotoelektronispektroskopialla. Valikoimattomista nanorakenteista koostuvien verkostojen lämpötilasta riippuvien sähköisten ominaisuuksien mittaukset osoittavat epälineaarisia piirteitä ja negatiivinen resistanssin lämpötilakerroin viittaa hybridien puolijohtavuuteen. Materiaalista valmistettiin resistiivisiä kaasuantureita, jotka altistettiin H₂S:lle, CO:lle, NH₃:lle, H₂:lle ja NO:lle, näistä anturi osoitti erittäin suurta herkkyyttä H₂S:lle (0.043 ppm) havaintorajan ollessa 20 ppb. Tulokset kannustavat TMD-materiaalien kaasuanturisovellutusten jatkotutkimukseen tarjoten potentiaalisesti kilpailukykyisen vaihtoehdon perinteisille metallioksidi-pohjaisille laitteille. Lisäksi, yksittäisillä WS₂-nanolanka-nanohiutalepartikkeleilla sekä valikoimattomilla nanolanka-nanohiutalehybridiverkostoilla demonstroitiin valokenno, jonka vaste näkyvään valoon oli jopa 400 mAW⁻¹ ollen kaksi kertaluokkaa korkeampi kuin muilla 2D-materiaaleihin perustuvilla kennoilla. Kaiken kaikkiaan, WS₂-nanolanka-nanohiutalehybridi on todella monikäyttöinen ja monipuolinen puolijohde ollen lupaava materiaali kehittyneille mikro-, nano- ja optoelektronisille laitteille.

The Influence of Particle Morphology and Heat Treatment on the Microstructural Evolution of Silver Inks for Additively Manufactured RF Applications: A Comparison between Nanoflake and Reactive Inks

Summers, Jason Masao 05 1900 (has links)
In recent years, advancements in additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have paved the way for 3D-printed flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) and created opportunities for extending these gains to RF applications. However, printed metal interconnects and devices are typically characterized by high porosity and chemical impurities that significantly limit their electrical conductivity and RF performance compared to bulk equivalents. Using direct ink writing (DIW), two silver inks, a nanoflake suspension and a nanoparticle-reactive ink, were investigated to understand the relationship between free interfacial energy, sintering behavior, DC conductivity, and RF loss. The printed silver samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to monitor microstructural evolution, grain size and orientation, and chemical purity as a function of heat treatment temperature. Three heat treatments were applied to each ink: the manufacturer's recommendation, 225°C for 30 minutes, and 350°C for 30 minutes. Four-wire structures and coplanar waveguides were printed to compare the DC and RF performance up to 18 GHz, respectively. The results show that ink formulations that facilitate larger grains, high density, and good chemical purity have superior RF performance. A low resistivity of 1.4 times bulk Ag, average of 0.8% greater RF loss factor than evaporated Ag, and a maximum current density of 4.6 x 105 A/cm2 were achieved with printed structures. This work highlights the importance of engineering a high density and high purity microstructure in printed silver components necessary for high-performance printed electronics.

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