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Plant-virus interactions : role of virus- and host-derived small non-coding RNAs during infection and disease / Interactions plantes-virus : rôle des petits ARN non-codants dérivés du virus et de l’hôte au cours d’une infection et d’une maladiePitzalis, Nicolas 09 November 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle des sRNAs dérivés de l'hôte et du virus lors de l'infection du colza (Brassica napus, Canola) par la souche UK1 du virus de la mosaïque du navet (TuMV-UK1). En utilisant un dérivé de TuMV fusionné avec un gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (TuMV-GFP), deux cultivars de colza (‘Drakkar’ et ‘Tanto’) qui diffèrent par leur susceptibilité à ce virus ont été identifiés. Le profil transcriptionnel des foyers d'infection locale, dans les feuilles de Drakkar et de Tanto, par séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS) a révélé de nombreux gènes exprimés de manière différentielle. Les mêmes échantillons d'ARN provenant de feuilles de Drakkar et de Tanto, traitées par des virus ou utilisées en contrôle, ont également servi à établir le profil NGS des sRNAs (sRNAseq) et de leurs cibles potentielles d'ARN (PAREseq). Les analyses bioinformatiques et leur validation in vivo, ont permis d’identifier les événements de clivage de transcrits impliquant des micro ARN (miRNA) connus et encore inconnus. Fait important, les résultats indiquent que TuMV détourne la voie du RNA silencing de l’hôte avec des siRNAs issus de son propre génome (vsiRNA) pour cibler les gènes de l’hôtes. Le virus déclenche également le ciblage à grande échelle des ARN messagers (ARNm) de l’hôte par l’activation de la production de siRNAs secondaires en phase, à partir de locus PHAS. À leur tour, les vsiRNAs et les siRNAs dérivés de l'hôte (hsRNAs) ciblent et clivent l'ARN viral par le complexe RISC. Ces observations éclairent le rôle des siRNAs dérivés de l'hôte et du virus dans la coordination de l'infection virale. Un autre chapitre de cette thèse est consacré à l'analyse des maladies induites par des virus en utilisant comme modèle de plante Arabidopsis, infectée par un tobamovirus, le virus de la mosaïque du colza (ORMV). De plus, ces observations ont permis de proposer un modèle dans lequel cette guérison dépend d’un adressage important de vsiRNAs secondaires antiviraux depuis leur source de production jusqu’à leurs tissus de destination, et l'établissement d'un apport en vsiRNAs capable de bloquer l'activité VSR impliquée dans la formation des feuilles symptomatiques. / In this thesis, I investigated the role of host- and virus-derived sRNAs during infection of Rapeseed (Brassica napus, Canola) by the UK1 strain of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV-UK1). By using a TuMV derivative tagged with a gene encoding green fluorescent protein (TuMV-GFP), two rapeseed cultivars (‘Drakkar’ and ‘Tanto’) that differ in susceptibility to this virus were identified. Transcriptional profiling of local infection foci in Drakkar and Tanto leaves by next generation sequencing (NGS) revealed numerous differentially expressed genes. The same RNA samples from mock- and virus- treated Drakkar and Tanto leaves were also used for the global NGS profiling of sRNAs (sRNAseq) and their potential RNA targets (PAREseq). The bioinformatic analysis and their in vivo validation led to the identification of transcript cleavage events involving known and yet unknown miRNAs. Importantly, the results indicate that TuMV hijacks the host RNA silencing pathway with siRNAs derived from its own genome (vsiRNAs) to target host genes. The virus also triggers the widespread targeting of host messenger RNAs (mRNAs) through activation of phased, secondary siRNA production from PHAS loci. In turn, both vsiRNAs and host-derived siRNAs (hsRNAs) target and cleave the viral RNA by the RISC-mediated pathway. These observations illuminate the role of host and virus-derived sRNAs in the coordination of virus infection. Another chapter of this thesis is dedicated to the analysis of virus-induced diseases by using Arabidopsis plants infected with the Oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus (ORMV) as a model. Initially, the infected plants develop leaves with strong disease symptoms. However, at a later stage, disease-free, “recovered” leaves start to appear. Analysis of symptoms recovery led to the identification of a mechanism in which the VSR and virus derived-siRNAs play a central role. I used Arabidopsis mutants impaired in transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing pathways (TGS and PTGS respectively) and a plant line carrying a promoter-driven GFP transgene silenced by PTGS (Arabidopsis line 8z2). Using various techniques able to monitor virus infection, small and long viral RNA molecules, VSR activity, as well as phloem-mediated transport with in these lines, this study led to the identification of genes required for disease symptoms and disease symptom recovery. Moreover, the observations allowed to propose a model in which symptoms recovery occurs upon robust delivery of antiviral secondary vsiRNAs from source to sink tissues, and establishment of a vsiRNA dosage able to block the VSR activity involved in the formation of disease symptoms.
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Study of genes of the phytopathogenic fungus Verticillium longisporum involved in the colonization of xylem vessels of its host Brassica napus / Untersuchung von Genen des pflanzen pathogenen Pilzes Verticillium longisporum, die in die Kolonisation der Xylem gefäßen von der host Brassica napus involviert sindSingh, Seema 22 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Genetische Variation und Vererbung von Sinapinsäure-Verbindungen im Raps (<i>Brassica napus L.</i>) / Genetic variation and inheritance of sinapic acid components in rapeseed (<i>Brassica napus L.</i>)zum Felde, Thomas 09 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of intervarietal substitution lines in <i>Brassica napus</i> L. using marker assisted selection and mapping of QTL for agronomically important traits / Entwicklung von intervarietalen Substitutionslinien in <i>Brassica napus</i> L. mit Markergestützte Selektion und Kartierung von QTL für wichtige agronomische MerkmaleKebede, Berisso 19 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Genetic variation and inheritance of phytosterol content in <i>Brassica napus L.</i> / Genetische Variation und Vererbung des Phytosterolgehaltes im Raps (<i>Brassica napus L.</i>)Amar, Samija 09 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Genetic variation and inheritance of secondary seed dormancy in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) / Genetische Variation und Vererbung von sekundärer Dormanz bei Samen im Winterraps (Brassica napus L.)Schatzki, Jörg 31 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchungen zur Sinapinsäureestersuppression und zur Expression von Resveratrol in transgener Rapssaat (Brassica napus L.) / Investigations of sinapic acid ester suppression and expression of resveratrol in transgenic rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)Hüsken, Alexandra 27 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Molecular and functional characterization of potential pathogenicity related genes from <i>Verticillium longisporum</i> / Molekulare und funktionelle Charakterisierung von potenziell pathogenitatsrelevanten Genen aus <i>Verticillium longisporum</i>Beinhoff, Malte 18 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Beteiligung systemischer Signale an der Symptomauslösung bei Brassica napus nach Infektion mit Verticillium longisporum und V. dahliae / Involvment of systemic signals on symptom development of Brassica napus after infection with Verticillium longisporum and V. dahliaeRiediger, Nadine 14 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Arranjo de plantas e seus efeitos na produtividade de grãos e teor de óleo em canola / Plants arrangement and its effects on grain yield and oil content in canolaKruger, Cleusa Adriane Menegassi Bianchi 20 January 2011 (has links)
The adjustment plant arrangement is one of the fundamental management techniques
for canola show positive reaction in the ability to absorb light energy, nutrients and water,
which reflects on maximizing the production of photosynthate directed to the plant and grains.
The aim of this study was to assess the interference of arrangement plant on direct and
indirect components of yield in canola, and includes determining the effects produced in oil
content. The study was conducted at the Instituto Regional de Desenvolvimento Rural do
Departamento de Estudos Agrários da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio
Grande do Sul (IRDeR/DEAg/UNIJUÍ) in Augusto Pestana, RS, involving the execution of
three experiments for different spacing of 0.20, 0.40 and 0.60m. The experimental design
consisted of a factorial arrangement in randomized blocks with four replicates of 2 x 2 x 4, for
the crop year (2008 and 2009), genotype (Hyola 432 and 61) and plant density (20, 40, 60 and
80 plants m-2) in each set line spacing. Components were determined direct and indirect grain
yield, oil content, morphological and adaptive, as well as the thermal and solar radiation
during the grain filling. The year of cultivation was more effective in changing the grain yield
and other traits in canola direct production and oil content, followed by the genetic potential
to grow and smaller share of the planting density. The cv. Hyola 432 shows greater
effectiveness in maximizing grain yield over Hyola 61 regardless of year, row spacing and
planting density. Moreover, in the shortest space of culture, the character of direct and indirect
yield high values of heritability and character number of tertiary branches shows stability
when subjected to strong variations in the plants arrangement. The thermal shows no
correlation with grain yield and oil content. On the other hand, variables related to the crop
cycle are associated with the thermal and solar radiation accumulated in the grain filling stage
of canola. / O ajuste do arranjo de plantas representa um dos termos de manejo fundamental para a
canola mostrar reação positiva na capacidade de absorção de energia luminosa, nutrientes e
água, o que reflete em maximizar a produção de fotoassimilados direcionados a planta e aos
grãos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a interferência do arranjo de plantas sobre os
componentes diretos e indiretos do rendimento de grãos em canola, incluindo também, a
determinação dos efeitos proporcionados no conteúdo de óleo. Nesse sentido, foi
desenvolvido um experimento nos anos agrícolas de 2008 e 2009 no Instituto Regional de
Desenvolvimento Rural, pertencente ao Departamento de Estudos Agrários da Universidade
Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul (IRDeR/DEAg/UNIJUÍ), localizada no
município de Augusto Pestana, RS. Para o estudo dos diferentes arranjos de população, foram
utilizados três espaçamentos entrelinhas (0,20, 0,40 e 0,60 m), quatro densidades de plantas
por metro quadrado (20, 40, 60 e 80 plantas m-2) e utilizando dois híbridos de canola (Hyola
432 e Hyola 61). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completamente casualizados
com quatro repetições, num esquema fatorial 2 x 3 x 4, para ano, genótipo e densidade de
cultivo em três distintos espaçamentos entre linhas, respectivamente. Foram determinados os
componentes direto e indiretos do rendimento de grãos, o conteúdo de óleo, caracteres
morfológicos e adaptativos, bem como a soma térmica e a insolação durante o período de
enchimento de grãos. O ano de cultivo foi mais efetivo em alterar o rendimento de grãos e
demais caracteres diretos de produção em canola, bem como o teor de óleo, seguido do
potencial genético de cultivar e de menor participação da densidade de cultivo. A cultivar
Hyola 432 mostra maior efetividade em maximizar a produção de grãos em relação a Hyola
61, independente do ano, espaçamento entre linhas e densidade de cultivo. Além disso, no
menor espaçamento de cultivo, os caracteres diretos e indiretos do rendimento de grãos
apresentam elevados valores de herdabilidade e o caráter número de ramos terciários
evidencia forte estabilidade quando submetido a variações no arranjo de plantas. A soma
térmica não apresenta correlação com o rendimento de grãos e teor de óleo. Por outro lado,
variáveis relacionadas ao ciclo da cultura apresentam associação com a soma térmica e com a
insolação acumulada na fase de enchimento de grãos de canola.
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