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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epidemiology of Monilinia laxa on nectarine and plum : infection of fruits by conidia

Fourie, Paul H. (Paul Hendrik) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Postharvest decay of stone fruit in the Western Cape province of South Africa is caused primarily by Botrytis cinerea (grey mould) and Monilinia laxa (brown rot). Little is known about the relative importance and seasonal occurrence of the two pathogens in nectarine and plum orchards, the mode of penetration of fruits by M laxa, latency and subsequent disease expression by the latter pathogen. These aspects were investigated in this study. By sampling from the Unifruco Quality Evaluation Scheme and from 11 stone fruit orchards, observations were made over a 3-year period of the occurrence of grey mould and brown rot in the major stone fruit regions. Botrytis cinerea was found to be the most important pathogen causing blossom blight and postharvest decay on stone fruit. The pathogen was most prominent on early- and mid-season culti~ars. Brown rot was exclusively caused by M laxa and no evidence was found that M fructicoZa had been introduced into the region. Monilina laxa was most prominent on the later maturing cultivars. Botrytis cinerea blossom infection did not contribute directly to postharvest decay. Both surface inoculum and latent infection consistently occurred on fruit in each orchard, although at fluctuating levels. Disease expression on developing fruit was not governed by the amount of B. cinerea occurring on fruit surfaces, but by the ability of fruit to resist disease expression. The amount of B. cinerea on fruits was generally higher during spring than during summer. Monilinia laxa occurred sporadically on the blossoms of late-maturing cultivars. Immature fruit were generally pathogen-free and disease expression occurred on maturing fruit only. These findings suggest that conidia of M laxa are generally produced in orchards when fruits are approaching maturity and can penetrate and infect maturing fruit only. The behaviour of airborne M laxa conidia was subsequently studied on nectarine (cultivar Flamekist) and plum (cultivar Laetitia) fruit. For these studies, an inoculation method that simulates natural infection by airborne conidia was used. Fruit at pit hardening, 2 wk before harvest, harvest stage and after cold storage (nectarines 4 wk at -o.soC followed by 1 wk at 23°C at ±56% RH; plums 10 days at .....().5°C,18 days at 7.5°C followed by 1 wk at 23°C at ±56% RH) were dusted with dry conidia of M laxa in a settling tower. The fruits were incubated for periods ranging from 3 to 48 h at high relative humidity (2':93%, humid fruit) or covered with a film of water (wet fruit). Behaviour of the solitary conidia was examined with an epifluorescence microscope on skin segments stained in a differential stain containing fluorescein diacetate, aniline blue and blankophor. The ability of solitary conidia to colonise the fruit surface, penetrate fruit skins and to induce disease expression was determined by using a differential set of tests. For these tests, fruit were surface-sterilised (30 s in 70% ethanol) or left Unsterile. From each group, fruit were selected for isolation (skin segment test), immersed in a 3% paraquat solution (paraquat-treated fruit test) or left untreated (sound fruit test). 1be findings demonstrated that solitary conidia of M laxa behaved consistently on plum and nectarine fruit surfaces: appressorium formation and direct penetration was not observed on any of the fruit surfaces and germ tubes penetrated fruit predominantly through stomata, lenticels and microfissures in the fruit skin. The monitoring of airborne conidia revealed subtle effects of the fruits on the behaviour of solitary germlings, which could not be seen when using conidial suspensions. On both fruit types, no deleterious effect was seen on conidial and germling survival when fruit were kept humid at pit hardening, 2 wk before harvest and harvest. However, conidial and germling survival were drastically reduced by prolonged wet incubation of fruits. The findings on disease expression in the skin segment, paraquat-treated fruit and sound fruit tests clearly showed that the skin of both nectarine and plum fruits were not penetrated at the pit hardening stage, latent infections were not established and fruitsreacted resistant to disease expression. These facets on both fruit types were furthermore unaffected by wetness. The barrier capacity of the fruit skin of the two stone fruit types however differed drastically later in the season. On nectarine, fruit skins were more readily penetrated and disease expression became more pronounced when fruit approached maturity. Penetration and disease expression on ripening nectarine fruit were furthermore greatly influenced by wetness. Maturing plum fruit, on the other hand, did not display the drastic change in the barrier capacity of fruit skins as observed on nectarine. The influence of wetness on infection and disease expression was also less pronounced than on nectarine. In fact, plum fruit remained asymptomatic in the sound fruit test after inoculation and humid incubation at the 2 wk before harvest stage, harvest stage and after cold storage. Plum fruit at these stages only developed disease after a prolonged period (~12 h) of wet incubation. The paraquat fruit test revealed that these fruits became more susceptible to latent infection, but they were not as susceptible as nectarine. Collectively, these findings indicate that M. laxa fruit rot epidemics on plum and nectarine are driven by inoculum levels on fruit approaching maturity and by weather conditions prevailing during the preharvest and harvest period. However, the barrier capacity of plum skins is considerably more effective than that of nectarine fruit. Wounds would therefore play an important role in the epidemiology of M. laxa on plum fruit. Infection of fresh wounds by airborne M. laxa conidia, and by conidia and germlings that have established on fruits, was therefore investigated. Plum fruit (cultivar Laetitia) at pit hardening, 2 wk before harvest, harvest stage and after cold storage were dusted with dry conidia of M. laxa in a settling tower.- Infection of rionwounded fruit and of fresh wounds by \ the airborne conidia on dry, humid and wet plum fruit surfaces, and by conidia and germlings that have been established on fruits under the wetness regimes was then investigated. Nonwounded immature and mature fruit remained mostly asymptomatic, whereas nonwounded cold stored fruit decayed readily. Wounding drastically increased infection by airborne conidia. Immature fruits were less susceptible to wound infection by the airborne conidia than mature fruits. Conidia dispersed freshly were more successful in infecting fresh wounds than conidia that were deposited, or germlings that established, on fruit surfaces 4 days prior to wounding. This decrease in infectivity was especially pronounced on humid and even more on wet incubated fruit. This study clearly showed that in order to reduce. the incidence of brown rot, inoculum levels on fruit approaching maturity should be reduced by sanitation practices and fungicide applications. Furthermore, it is essential to protect fruits, especially. near-mature fruits, from being wounded. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: EPIDEMIOLOGIE VAN MONILINIA LAXA OP NEKTARIEN EN PRUIM: INFEKSIE VAN VRUGTE DEUR KONIDIA OPSOMMING Naoesverrotting van steenvrugte in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika word hoofsaaklik veroorsaak deur Botrytis cinerea (vaalvrot) en Monilinia laxa (bruinvrot). Min is bekend oor die relatiewe belang en seisoenale voorkoms van hierdie patogene in nektarienen pruimboorde, asook oor die infeksieweg, latensie en daaropvolgende siekte-uitdrukking van M laxa. Hierdie aspekte is in dié studie nagevors. \ \ Monsters IS oor 'n 3-jaar periode van die Unifruco Kwaliteitsevalueringskema, en ook van 11 steenvrugboorde verkry. Die voorkoms van vaalvrot en bruinvrot in die hoof steenvrugareas is so bepaal. Botrytis cinerea was die belangrikste patogeen wat betref bloeiselversenging en naoesverrotting. Verder was hierdie patogeen ook meer prominent op die vroeë- en middel-seisoen kultivars. Bruinvrot is uitsluitlik deur M Iaxa veroorsaak en geen aanduiding omtrent die moontlike voorkoms van M fructicola in Suid-Afrika is waargeneem nie. Monilinia laxa was meer prominent op die laat-seisoen kultivars. Botrytis cinerea bloeiselinfeksie het nie direk bygedra tot naoesverrotting nie. Beide oppervlakkige inokulum en latente infeksie het deurgaans, maar wel teen wisselende hoeveelhede, op vrugte in die onderskeie boorde voorgekom. Siekte-uitdrukking op ontwikkelende vrugte is egter nie beinvloed deur die hoeveelheid B. cinerea op die vrug nie, maar eerder deur die vermoë van die vrug om siekte-uitdrukking te onderdruk. Die hoeveelheid B. cinerea op vrugte was verder hoër gedurende lente as gedurende somer. Monilinia laxa het slegs sporadies op die bloeisels van laat-seisoen kultivars voorgekom. Groen vrugte was in die algemeen vry van die patogeen en siekte-uitdrukking het slegs op ryp vrugte plaasgevind. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat M laxa in boorde hoofsaaklik op ryper vrugte geproduseer word. Hierdie swam infekteer ook net ryp vrugte. Die gedrag van luggedraagde M laxa conidia is bestudeer op nektarien- (kultivar Flamekist) en pruimvrugte (kultivar Laetitia). 'n Inokulasie-metode wat natuurlike infeksie deur luggedraagde konidia simuleer, is vir hierdie studies gebruik. Vrugte van die pitverharding-, twee weke voor oes-, oesstadium, asook koud-opgebergde vrugte (nektariene, 4 weke by -o.soe gevolg met 1 week by 23°C en ±56% RH; pruime, 10 dae by -O.5°e, 18 dae by 7.Soe gevolg deur 1 week by 23°C en ±56% RH), is met droë konidia in 'n inokulasietoring geïnokuleer. Die vrugte is vir periodes wat gewissel het van 3 tot 48 h geïnkubeer by hoë relatiewe humiditeit (~93% RH, vogtige vrugte), of dit is bedek met'n film water (nat vrugte). Die gedrag van die enkelspore (konidia) op die vrugoppervlak is met 'n epifluorisensiemikroskoop bestudeer. Skilsegmente is gekleur in 'n kleurstof, bevattende fluorisein diasetaat, analien-blou en blankofor. Die vermoë van die enkelspore om die vrugoppervlak te koloniseer, te penetreer en om siekte-uitdrukking te induseer, is met 'n differensiële stel toetse bepaal. Vir hierdie toetse is die vrugte oppervlakkig gesteriliseer (30 s in 70% etanol), of nie-steriel gelaat. In elke groep is vrugte geneem vir isolasie (skilsegment-to\~ts), of gedoop in "n 3% parakwat-oplossing (parakwat vrugtoets), of\, onbehandeld gelaat (onbehandelde vrugtoets ). Die. bevindinge het op die soortgelyke gedrag van M laxa enkelspore op die verskillende vrugsoorte gedui: appressoria en direkte penetrasie is nie waargeneem nie, en kiembuise het die vrugte hoofsaaklik deur huidmondjies, lentiselle en mikro-krakies .in die vrugskil gepenetreer. Deur luggedraagde spore te bestudeer, is sekere subtiele effekte van die vrug op die gedrag van enkelspore op die vrugoppervlak waargeneem. Op beide vrugtipes is geen nadelige effek op konidiurn- en kiembuisoorlewing opgemerk wanneer die vrugte onder hoë vogtoestande geïnkubeer is. Konidiurn- en kiembuisoorlewing is egter drasties verlaag hoe langer die vrugte onder nat toestande geïnkubeer is. Die bevindinge van die skilsegment-, parakwat en onbehandelde vrugtoetse het duidelik daarop gewys dat die vrugskil van nektarien en pruim nie gepenetreer is tydens die pitverhardingstadium nie, latente infeksies is nie gevorm nie, en die vrugte was bestand teen siekte-uitdrukking. Hierdie fasette op beide vrugtipes is ook nie beinvloed deur inkubasie-natheid nie. Die beskermingskapasiteit van die vrugskil van hierdie steenvrugtipes het egter drasties verskil later in die seisoen. Nektarien-vrugskille is meer geredelik gepenetreer en siekte-uitdrukking het toegeneem met rypwording. Penetrasie en siekteuitdrukking is verder in 'n groot mate deur inkubasie-natheid bevoordeel. Rypwordende pruime het egter nie so In drasties verandering in die beskermingskapasiteit van die vrugskil getoon nie. Die invloed van inkubasie-natheid op infeksie en siekte-uitdrukking was ook minder opsigtelik as op nektarien. Pruimvrugte van die twee weke voor oes-, oesstadium, en , koud-opgebergde pruime, wat onder hoë vog geïnkubeer is, het simptoomloos in die onbehandelde vrugtoets gebly. Vrugte van hierdie stadia het slegs simptome ontwikkel na periodes van langer as 12 h onder nat toestande. Die parakwat-behandelde vrugtoets het egter gewys dat die pruimvrugte meer vatbaar vir latente infeksies raak, maar steeds nie so vatbaar soos die nektarienvrugte nie. Gesamentlik dui hierdie bevindinge daarop <41tM laxa bruinvrot epidemies op pruim en nektarien afhanklik is van inokulumvlakke op rypwordende vrugte, asook die weerstoestande gedurende die vooroes- en oesstadia. Die beskermingskapasiteit van pruim vrugskille was egter aansienlik meer effektief as dié van nektarien vrugte. Wonde op vrugte sal dus 'n groter rol speel in die epidemiologic van M laxa op pruim. Infeksie van vars wonde deur luggedraagde M laxa konidia, en deur konidia en kiembuise wat reeds op die vrugoppervlak gevestig is, is gevolglik bestudeer. Pruimvrugte (kultivar Laetitia) van die pitverharding-, twee weke voor oes-, oesstadium, asook koud- \ \ opgebergde vrugte is in 'n inokulasie-toring geïnokuleer met droë M laxa konidia. .Infeksie , , van nie-gewonde vrugte en van vars wonde deur luggedraagde konidia op droë, vogtige en nat pruim vrugoppervlaktes, asook deur konidia en kiembuise wat reeds op die vrugoppervlak onder hierdie toestande gevestig is, is bepaal. Nie-gewonde groen tot ryp vrugte het meestal simptoomloos gebly, terwyl koud-opgebergde ryp vrugte wel verrot het. Wonde .het die hoeveelheid infeksie deur luggedraagde spore drasties vermeerder. Konidia wat geïnokuleer is op vrugte met vars wonde, was meer in staat om hierdie wonde te infekteer as konidia en kiembuise wat 4 dae voor wonding gevestig is. Hierdie afname in infektiwiteit was meer sigbaar op die vogtige, maar veral die nat vrugte. Hierdie studie het duidelik gewys dat inokulumvlakke op rypwordende vrugte verlaag moet word deur sanitasie-praktyke en fungisiedtoedienings. Dit is verder belangrik om vrugte, veral rypwordende vrugte, teen wonding te beskerm.

Diversity of Low Chill Peaches (Prunus persica) from Asia, Brazil, Europe and the USA

Anderson, Natalie A. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
One hundred fifty-five peach (Prunus persica) cultivars, from Asia, Brazil, Europe, and the USA, were examined using eleven Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) to study the genetic relationships among low chill as compared to high chill peach germplasm. Data was analyzed by NTSYSpc to form a similarity matrix using Nei and Li’s Dice similarity coefficient. This similarity matrix was then subjected to a cluster analysis and a dendrogram was constructed using the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method, Arithmetic Mean) method. A wide range of diversity was detected, from 0.33 coefficient of similarity amongst the Thai peaches to 0.97 between two Brazilian peaches. The most distant clusters were the low chill peaches from Thailand and Taiwan and the local cultivars (both fruit and ornamental types) from China. Among the improved germplasm, there were distinct clusters for the Chinese/Japanese cultivars, three clusters for the Brazilian cultivars and one for the cultivars from the USA and Europe. The Brazilian materials clustered according to breeding programs in São Paulo and Pelotas reflecting the different sets of local cultivars used in the breeding efforts. The largest group investigated was the European/USA peaches. This group subdivided into three distinct clusters, with a general clustering of the low chill germplasm. The low chill accessions from Asia were genetically distant from the improved low chill peaches from the USA or Brazil. The low chill peaches from the Americas were more closely related to the high chill peaches developed in the USA and China/Japan due to the introgression of this germplasm into a low chill background.

Nutrient management strategies for nectarine orchards

Krige, Graeme Tertius 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The macro-element uptake and distribution by higher density central leader ‘Donnarine’ nectarine trees was studied through the sequential excavation of trees. A large portion, 41.5%, of the nitrogen manifested in the new growth from dormancy up to pit-hardening, originated from nitrogen reserves in the permanent structure. The permanent structure was also an important source of phosphorous reserves. Of the phosphorous in the fruit, leaves and new shoots at pit-hardening, 35.0% came from reserves in the permanent structure. Potassium did not act as an important reserve in the nectarine trees and was taken up throughout the season. From pit hardening to harvest the fruit represented the most important sink for potassium. Calcium and magnesium, like potassium, did not play significant roles as reserves in the nectarine tree and must be available for uptake from the beginning of the season for new growth and development as well as fruit quality. The micro-element uptake and distribution was also studied through the sequential excavation of the same ‘Donnarine’ nectarine trees. Little scientific data is available on this topic. Manganese and iron was found to act as important reserves in the tree with 46.2% of manganese and 59.5% of the iron found in the new growth at pithardening coming from reserves translocated from the permanent structure. Zinc and boron reserves also play a role in nectarine trees, but to a lesser extent than manganese and iron. The seasonal mineral nutrient demand of the same ‘Donnarine’ nectarine trees was determined through the sequential excavation of trees and losses and fixation was calculated. Guidelines regarding nutritional requirements per ton of fruit produced per hectare by higher density nectarine orchards are respectively 3.82kg nitrogen, 0.35kg phosphorous, 4.43kg potassium, 1.53kg calcium, 0.52kg magnesium, 32.45g sodium, 9.44g manganese, 37.46g iron, 3.24g copper, 13.95g zinc and 10.52g boron. Sodium is not commonly considered to be essential to higher plants, but was included in the trial. Nutrient solutions with four different EC (electrical conductivity) levels were applied to ‘Donnarine’ nectarine trees under pulsating drip fertigation for three periods of different lengths, before harvest. Raising the nutrient solution EC to positively affect fruit quality is a technique widely utilised in the vegetable industry. This technique did, however, not have similar positive effects on nectarine fruit grown under a pulsating drip fertigation system. Good production practices such as accurate nutrition and irrigation as well as the correct horticultural inputs should be the primary focus of producers who wish to alter or improve the fruit quality of their crop. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voedingbestuur strategieë in nektarien boorde Die makro-element opname en verspreiding deur hoër digtheid sentrale leier ‘Donnarine’ nektarien bome is bestudeer d.m.v. opeenvolgende opgrawings van volledige bome en die ontleding van monsters. ‘n Groot hoeveelheid, 41.5%, van die stikstof wat tydens pitverharding in die nuwe groei teenwoordig was, is d.m.v. translokasie vanuit die permanente struktuur van die boom afkomstig. Die permanente struktuur was ook ‘n belangrike bron van fosfaat reserwes. Teen pitverharding was 35.0% van die fosfaat in die nuwe groei afkomstig vanuit die permanente struktuur. Bevindings het getoon dat kalium nie as ‘n reserwe in die nektarien bome opgetree het nie en dié element is deur die groeiseisoen opgeneem. Vanaf pitverharding tot en met oestyd was die vrugte die sterkste setel van aanvraag vir kalium. Kalsium en magnesium het, soos in die geval van kalium, nie ‘n belangrike rol as reserwe vertolk nie. Beskikbaarheid van hierdie elemente vir opname vanaf die begin van die groeiseisoen is dus baie belangrik vir nuwe groei en ontwikkeling asook vrugkwaliteit. Die mikro-element opname en distribusie van dieselfde ‘Donnarine’ nektarien bome is ook bestudeer d.m.v. opeenvolgende opgrawings en analise van volledige bome. Min wetenskaplike literatuur oor hierdie onderwerp is beskikbaar. Bevindings het getoon dat mangaan asook yster baie belangrike reserwes in die nektarien boom is. Tydens pitverharding was 46.2% van die mangaan en 59.5% van die yster wat in die nuwe groei teenwoordig was, afkomstig vanaf reserwes uit die permanente struktuur van die boom. Verder het sink en boor ook as reserwes opgetree, maar tot ‘n mindere mate as mangaan en yster. Die seisoenale behoeftes aan minerale voeding van dieselfde ‘Donnarine’ nektarien bome is bepaal d.m.v. opeenvolgende opgrawings en analise van volledige bome asook die bepaling van verwyderingsverliese en vaslegging. Voedingsriglyne is vasgestel i.t.v. die hoeveelheid voedingstof wat per hektaar benodig word om een ton nektariens te produseer. Die riglyne is as volg: 3.82kg stikstof, 0.35kg fosfaat, 4.43kg kalium, 1.53kg kalsium, 0.52kg magnesium, 32.45g natrium, 9.44g mangaan, 37.46g yster, 3.24g koper, 13.95g sink en 10.52g boor. Natrium word nie in die algemeen as ‘n essensiële plantvoedingselement beskou nie, maar is by die berekeninge ingesluit. Voedingsoplossing met vier verskillende vlakke van EG (elektriese geleiding) is vir drie periodes van verskillende lengtes aan ‘Donnarine’ nekarien bome toegedien. Die verhoging van die EG van voedingsoplossings ten einde kwaliteit te verbeter is ‘n tegniek wat met groot suskses in die groentbedryf toegepas word. Hierdie tegniek het egter nie soortgelyke positiewe effekte op die nektarien vrugkwaliteit gehad nie. Produsente wat hul vrugkwaliteit wil verbeter behoort primêr te fokus op goeie produksiepraktyke soos akkurate voeding en besproeiing asook die korrekte tuinboukundige insette.

A padronização e classificação de fruta como ferramenta de gestão : um estudo na comercialização de pêssego e nectarina.

Dornfeld, Hugo Carlos 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissHCD.pdf: 823965 bytes, checksum: 832c216dc6c20e54dd0a5d50a2acbb87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the use of standardization and classification rules, suggested by the CEAGESP, by peach and nectarine producers and wholesalers and identify the effects of this procedure in the supplying and commercialization of the mentioned fruits. The methodology used was the qualitative study and the study case, where the procedure adopted for the information survey was the interviews with producers from two cities of the São Paulo state and with the wholesalers of the Entreposto Terminal de São Paulo (ETSP). Differences were found among the producers from Guapiara and Paranapanema, which the first region is formed of simpler producers without access of information or any kind of technology. Most producers of the second region are optimist about the use of standardization and classification rules and emphasizes that its use is the reason of the peach and nectarine commercialization success, by this, they invest in the improvement of fruit quality by updating, when possible, the technologies used in the production and post-harvest processes. This way, the use of standardization and classification rules helps and provides more benefits than disadvantages to those producers that adopt it. In relation to the wholesalers, it was identified the preference and valorization of classified peach and nectarine, although these agents says that the market does not yet recognize the proper benefits of the use of standardization and classification rules. The conclusion of this dissertation is that use of standardization and classification rules suggested by the CEAGESP works as a tool to help the management of peach and nectarine commercialization process / O objetivo do trabalho consiste em avaliar a utilização da norma de classificação proposta pela CEAGESP, pelos produtores e atacadistas de pêssego e nectarina e identificar os efeitos deste procedimento no abastecimento e comercialização destas frutas. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa e o estudo de caso, sendo o procedimento adotado para o levantamento das informações as entrevistas com os produtores rurais de dois municípios do Estado de São Paulo e os atacadistas do Entreposto Terminal de São Paulo (ETSP). Verificaram-se diferenças entre os produtores de Guapiara e Paranapanema, sendo que a primeira região é formada por produtores mais simples, sem acesso às informações e a qualquer tipo de tecnologia. Enquanto que a maioria dos produtores da segunda região é mais otimista quanto ao uso da classificação e ressaltam que ela é o motivo do sucesso da comercialização do pêssego e da nectarina, sendo assim, investem na melhoria da qualidade das frutas, atualizando sempre que possível as tecnologias utilizadas na produção e na pós-colheita. Dessa forma, a classificação auxilia e gera mais benefícios do que desvantagens àqueles produtores que a utilizam. Em relação aos atacadistas, identificou-se a preferência e valorização do pêssego e nectarina classificadas, devido ao fato destas serem mais rentáveis, porém, estes agentes relatam que o mercado ainda não reconhece devidamente os benefícios da classificação. Conclui-se que a utilização da norma proposta pela CEAGESP funciona como uma ferramenta auxiliar na gestão do processo de comercialização do pêssego e da nectarina

Quantificação de danos e controle pós-colheita de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus stolonifer) em frutos de ameixa e nectarina / Quantification of damages and control of the postharvest diseases brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus stolonifer) in plum and nectarine fruits

Gonçalves, Fabrício Packer 07 February 2006 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve dois objetivos distintos, quantificar e caracterizar os danos pós-colheita em frutos de ameixa e nectarina na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) e testar produtos que possam ser utilizados no controle das doenças pós-colheita podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus stolonifer) nestes dois frutos. Durante a safra 2003 e 2004, foram realizados 20 levantamentos de quantificação de danos em frutos de nectarina e 11 em frutos de ameixa. Em cada levantamento foram avaliados 1% do total de caixas comercializados em cinco permissionários da CEAGESP. A amostragem foi estratificada por variedade, calibre e procedência dos frutos, sendo quantificados danos mecânicos, fisiológicos e doenças pós-colheita. Para o controle da podridão parda e mole, o efeito curativo e protetor do CaCl2, cera e luz UV-C, em diferentes concentrações e o efeito curativo do tratamento com ozônio foram avaliados. A incidência de danos na CEAGESP em frutos de ameixa variou de 5 a 47%, e em nectarina entre 14 e 54%, considerando as safras 2003 e 2004. Tanto em ameixa como em nectarina os danos mais freqüentes foram os mecânicos, com variação de 2 a 25% em frutos de ameixa e de 7 a 30% em frutos de nectarina. Danos fisiológicos variaram de 1 a 22% e de 2 a 18% em frutos de ameixa e nectarina, respectivamente. Danos provocados por doenças variaram de 0 a 13% em frutos de ameixa e de 1 a 9% em frutos de nectarina. Entre os patógenos mais constatados figuraram fungos do gênero Rhizopus, Monilinia, Geotrichum, Cladosporium, Fusarium e Alternaria, além de bactérias. Correlação entre a incidência de frutos com dano mecânico e a incidência de frutos doentes foi constatada na safra 2004, nos dois frutos. Em ameixa, a variedade Gulfblazer apresentou maior incidência a danos mecânicos e fisiológicos. Não foi observada diferença na incidência de danos mecânicos e de doenças, entre as variedades de nectarina avaliadas na safra 2003. Na safra 2004, a incidência de danos mecânicos e fisiológicos foi superior na variedade Sunraycer comparada às demais variedades. Em relação aos produtos testados, no geral, CaCl2 a 1%, mostrou potencial de controle das duas doenças nos dois frutos, aplicado como protetor ou curativo. A cera ECF 124 a base de carnaúba foi o produto mais eficiente, com redução de até 70% das duas doenças em ambos os frutos, principalmente quando aplicada de maneira protetora, a 9%. As doses (1,4 e 5,2 kJm-2) de UV-C testadas não controlaram as doenças com resultados praticamente iguais à testemunha (dose 0,0 kJm-2). A presença de ozônio não reduziu nenhuma das doenças em nenhum dos dois frutos avaliados. / This study had two distinct objectives, to quantify and characterize the postharvest damages in plums and nectarines in the wholesale market of São Paulo (CEAGESP), and to test products that can be used in the control of the postharvest diseases such as the brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus stolonifer) in these two fruits species. Twenty assessments in nectarine and eleven in plums were carried out in 2003 and 2004. In each year 1% of the total of boxes commercialized in five outlets of CEAGESP was assessed, considering mechanical and physiological damages and postharvest diseases. The selection of samples was conducted through stratified sampling, taking fruit cultivar, place of origin and fruit size as the stratification criteria. Curative and protective control measures of brown and soft rot were analyzed testing CaCl2, wax and UV-C light, in different concentrations. The ozone was studied only as curative treatment. The incidence of damages in plums at CEAGESP ranged from 5 to 47%, and in nectarines from 14 to 54%. Either in plums or in nectarines, postharvest mechanical injuries were the most frequent damages, varying from 2 to 25% in plums and from 7 to 30% in nectarines. Physiological damages ranged from 1 to 22% and from 2 to 18% in plums and nectarines, respectively. Postharvest diseases ranged from 0 to 13% in plums and from 1 to 9% in nectarines. The most frequent postarvest pathogens were Rhizopus, Monilinia, Geotrichum, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Alternaria, besides bacteria. A correlation between the incidence of mechanical damages and the incidence of postharvest diseases in 2004 in both fruits was noticed. Cultivar Gulfblazer (plum) showed more incidence of mechanical and physiological damages than Reubennel. No differences were observed in the incidence of mechanical and physiological damages among the cultivars of nectarines assessed in 2003. No difference in the susceptibility to postharvest diseases among the nectarine cultivars Sunred, Sunripe, Sunraycer and Colombina in 2003 was verified. In 2004 cv. Sunraycer showed incidence of mechanical damages significantly higher than the other varieties. Regarding the products tested, as a whole, CaCl2 at 1% showed potential of controlling the two diseases in both kind of fruits, applied as a protective or curative measure. The carnauba wax (ECF 124) was the most efficient product, with a reduction of up to 70% of both diseases in both kind of fruits, mainly when applied as a protective agent, at 9%. The doses (1,4 e 5,2 kJm-2) of UV-C tested did not control the diseases with results practically similar to the reference dose (0,0 kJm-2). The presence of ozone did not reduce either of the diseases in any of the fruits evaluated.

Backyard Fruit Production at Elevations 3500 to 6000 Feet

Young, Deborah, Call, Robert E, Kilby, Michael, DeGomez, Tom 03 1900 (has links)
Revised; Originally Published: 2000 / 7 pp. / The mid elevations (3,500 to 6,000 feet) in Arizona can be ideal for growing tree fruit. Site selection can make a pronounced effect on how well fruit will grow and produce. The warmer the site the greater the chance of success. Areas where cold air settles are a poor choice for tree fruit production. Variety selection is very important for good fruit production.February and March are the best months to plant bare root trees, although they can be planted anytime during the dormant season. Try to plant 30 days before bud break. Containerized plants are best planted in late September through early October. The open center pruning system allows for more sunlight to reach all the branches of the tree. Whereas the central leader is used with those trees that are less vigorous. Training trees when young is an important step in ensuring a strong scaffold system when bearing. Fruit thinning helps to control fruit size and consistent bearing. Proper fertilization, irrigation, and pest control will promote healthy productive trees.

An advanced evaluation of prohexadione-calcium on apple, pear, plum and nectarine trees

Meintjes, Jacobus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The control of excessive vegetative growth is important in deciduous fruit orchards. Currently the plant growth regulator prohexadione-calcium (p-Ca) is used to control apple shoot growth in the Untited States of America and some European countries. The effect of P-Ca on the shoot and fruit growth of apples (Malus domestica B.), pears (Pyrus cummunis L.), plums (Prunus sa/icina L.) and nectarines (Prunus persica L.) was evaluated. Inhibition of shoot growth can effect fruit growth. Therefore I did a literature review on the fruit growth of pome- and stone fruit. Split pit, a physiological disorder associated with an increased fruit growth rate in stone fruit, was also investigated. During the course of the 2001 / 2002 season two trials were conducted in the Villiersdorp area of the Western Cape on 'Golden Delicious' and 'Granny Smith' apple trees. Single and multiple applications of P-Ca at different rates, with and without the surfactant Dash®, were applied. One of these trials was continued during the 2002 / 2003 season. In the 2001 / 2002 season, P-Ca reduced shoot growth in both trials on 'Golden Delicious'. The shoot growth of 'Granny Smith' was reduced in both trials where PCa was applied three or four times. There was an improvement in the fruit size of 'Golden Delicious' in both trials, but there was no improvement in the fruit size of 'Granny Smith'. In the 2002 / 2003 season, the single P-Ca application did not reduce shoot growth. Unfortunately 'Golden Delicious' was harvested before any data were obtained. Once again P-Ca had no effect on the fruit size of 'Granny Smith'. Dash® did not improve the effect ofP-Ca. In the 2002 / 2003 season we replicated one trial on five different pear cultivars in the Wolsely area of the Western Cape. Single and multiple applications of P-Ca at different rates were compared to a girdling treatment (2 weeks after full bloom). 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie', 'Flamingo', 'Forelle' and 'Packham's Triumph' pear trees were used and Dash®was added to all 0f the treatments. P-Ca reduced shoot growth in all of the pear cultivars. Girdling reduced shoot growth only in 'Forelle'. P-Ca increased fruit set of 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie' and 'Forelle', however, this was associated with a reduced fruit size of 'Early Bon Chretien' and 'Rosemarie'. Girdling did not increase fruit set, but increased fruit size of 'Flamingo' and 'Early Bon Chretien'. P-Ca reduced return bloom of 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Forelle', whereas girdling increased return bloom in all the cultivars except 'Packham's Triumph'. In the 2002 / 2003 season, trials were also conducted on 'Pioneer' and 'Songold' plums and 'May Glo' nectarine in the Wemmershoek and Stellenbosch area of the Western Cape. Single applications at different rates of P-Ca were applied. Dash® was added to all of the treatments. The higher rates of P-Ca reduced the shoot growth of 'Pioneer'. P-Ca only reduced shoot growth of 'Songold' initially and but did not reduce shoot growth of 'May Glo'. P-Ca had no influence on fruit size of 'Pioneer', 'Songold' or 'May Glo'. P-Ca did not aggravate the occurrence of split pit. In conclusion, P-Ca reduced shoot growth in apples and pears when applied at the appropriate rates. Although P-Ca reduced shoot growth of 'Pioneer' plum, more research needs to be done on stone fruit to optimise timing and rate of P-Ca applications. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beheer van oormatige lootgroei is van kardinale belang in vrugtebome. Tans word die plantgroeireguleerder proheksadioon-kalsium (P-Ca) gebruik om die lootgroei van appels te beheer in die Verenigde State van Amerika en sekere lande in Europa. Die effek van P-Ca op lootgroei en vruggrootte is in proewe op appels (Malus domestica B.), pere (Pyrus cummunis L.), pruime (Prunus salicina L.) en nekatriens (Prunus persica L.) geëvalueer. Aangesien lootgroei inhibisie moontlik vruggroei kan vesnel, is 'n literatuurstudie oor die vruggroei van kern-en steenvrugte gedoen. Die ontwikkelling van gesplete pit by steenvrugte ('n fisiologiese defek geassosieer met versnelde vruggroei) is ook ondersoek. Gedurende die 2001 / 2002 seisoen is P-Ca in twee afsonderlike proewe in die Villiersdorp area van die Wes Kaap geëvalueer. Enkel en veelvuldige toedienings van verskeie konsentrasies P-Ca, met en sonder die benatter Dash", is op 'Golden Delicious' en 'Granny Smith' bome toegedien. Een proef is herhaal gedurende die 2002 / 2003 seisoen. In die 2001 /2002 seisoen het die P-Ca behandelings in beide proewe die lootgroei van 'Golden Delicious' verminder. Die lootgroei van 'Granny Smith' is in beide proewe verminder waar P-Ca 3 of 4 keer toegedien is. Die vruggrootte van 'Golden Delicious', maar nie 'Granny Smith' nie, is in beide proewe deur die P-Ca verbeter. In die 2002 / 2003 seisoen kon die enkeltoedienings van P-Ca nie die lootgroei verminder van 'Golden Delicious' of 'Granny Smith' nie. 'Golden Delicious' is geoes voor enige inligting oor die vruggrootte ingesamel kon word. Weereens het PCa geen invloed op die vruggrootte van 'Granny Smith' gehad nie. Dash® het nie die effek van P-Ca verbeter nie.In die 2002 / 2003 seisoen is proewe met P-Ca gedoen op 5 verskillende peer kultivars in die Wolsely area van die Wes Kaap. P-Ca is teen verskillende konsentrasies, met enkel en veelvuldige bespuitings toegedien en vergelyk met 'n ringelerings behandeling (2 weke na volblom). 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie', 'Flamingo', 'Forelle' en 'Packham's Triumph' bome is gebruik en die benatter Dash® is by al die behandelings gevoeg P-Ca toedienings het lootgroei verminder in 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie', 'Flamingo', 'Forelle' en 'Packham's Triumph'. Ringelering kon slegs die lootgroei van 'Forelle' verminder. P-Ca het die vrugset van 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie'en 'Forelle' verhoog. Die toename in vrugset het gelei tot 'n afname in die vruggrootte van 'Early Bon Chretien' en 'Rosemarie'. Ringelering het die vruggrootte van 'Flamingo' en 'Early Bon Chretien' verbeter. P-Ca het 'n afname in die hoeveelheid reproduktiewe knoppe in die volgende seisoen, van 'Packham's Triumph' en 'Forelle' veroorsaak. Ringelering het 'n toename in die hoeveelheid vegetatiewe knoppe in die volgende seisoen gehad vir al die kultivars, behalwe 'Packham's Triumph'. Geduerende dieselfde seisoen is daar ook proewe gedoen op 'Pioneer' en 'Songold' pruime en 'May Glo' nektarienbome in onderskeidelik die Wemmershoek en Stellenbosch areas van die Wes Kaap. Bome is met enkel toedienings van verskillende konsentrasies P-Ca behandel en die benatter Dash® is by al die behandelings bygevoeg. Die hoër dosisse P-Ca het die lootgroei van 'Pioneer' verminder. P-Ca kon slegs die aanvanklike lootgroei op 'Songold' verminder en kon nie lootgroei van 'May Glo' beperk nie. P-Ca het geen invloed op die vruggrootte van 'Pioneer', 'Songold' of 'May Glo' gehad nie. P-Ca het nie die voorkoms van gesplete-pit vererger nie. Om saam te vat kan gesê word dat P-Ca lootgroei op appels en pere goed beperk teen die regte konsentrasies. Alhoewel P-Ca lootgroei suksesvol beheer het op 'Pioneer', moet daar meer werk gedoen word op steenvrugte.

Quantificação de danos e controle pós-colheita de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus stolonifer) em frutos de ameixa e nectarina / Quantification of damages and control of the postharvest diseases brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus stolonifer) in plum and nectarine fruits

Fabrício Packer Gonçalves 07 February 2006 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve dois objetivos distintos, quantificar e caracterizar os danos pós-colheita em frutos de ameixa e nectarina na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) e testar produtos que possam ser utilizados no controle das doenças pós-colheita podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus stolonifer) nestes dois frutos. Durante a safra 2003 e 2004, foram realizados 20 levantamentos de quantificação de danos em frutos de nectarina e 11 em frutos de ameixa. Em cada levantamento foram avaliados 1% do total de caixas comercializados em cinco permissionários da CEAGESP. A amostragem foi estratificada por variedade, calibre e procedência dos frutos, sendo quantificados danos mecânicos, fisiológicos e doenças pós-colheita. Para o controle da podridão parda e mole, o efeito curativo e protetor do CaCl2, cera e luz UV-C, em diferentes concentrações e o efeito curativo do tratamento com ozônio foram avaliados. A incidência de danos na CEAGESP em frutos de ameixa variou de 5 a 47%, e em nectarina entre 14 e 54%, considerando as safras 2003 e 2004. Tanto em ameixa como em nectarina os danos mais freqüentes foram os mecânicos, com variação de 2 a 25% em frutos de ameixa e de 7 a 30% em frutos de nectarina. Danos fisiológicos variaram de 1 a 22% e de 2 a 18% em frutos de ameixa e nectarina, respectivamente. Danos provocados por doenças variaram de 0 a 13% em frutos de ameixa e de 1 a 9% em frutos de nectarina. Entre os patógenos mais constatados figuraram fungos do gênero Rhizopus, Monilinia, Geotrichum, Cladosporium, Fusarium e Alternaria, além de bactérias. Correlação entre a incidência de frutos com dano mecânico e a incidência de frutos doentes foi constatada na safra 2004, nos dois frutos. Em ameixa, a variedade Gulfblazer apresentou maior incidência a danos mecânicos e fisiológicos. Não foi observada diferença na incidência de danos mecânicos e de doenças, entre as variedades de nectarina avaliadas na safra 2003. Na safra 2004, a incidência de danos mecânicos e fisiológicos foi superior na variedade Sunraycer comparada às demais variedades. Em relação aos produtos testados, no geral, CaCl2 a 1%, mostrou potencial de controle das duas doenças nos dois frutos, aplicado como protetor ou curativo. A cera ECF 124 a base de carnaúba foi o produto mais eficiente, com redução de até 70% das duas doenças em ambos os frutos, principalmente quando aplicada de maneira protetora, a 9%. As doses (1,4 e 5,2 kJm-2) de UV-C testadas não controlaram as doenças com resultados praticamente iguais à testemunha (dose 0,0 kJm-2). A presença de ozônio não reduziu nenhuma das doenças em nenhum dos dois frutos avaliados. / This study had two distinct objectives, to quantify and characterize the postharvest damages in plums and nectarines in the wholesale market of São Paulo (CEAGESP), and to test products that can be used in the control of the postharvest diseases such as the brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus stolonifer) in these two fruits species. Twenty assessments in nectarine and eleven in plums were carried out in 2003 and 2004. In each year 1% of the total of boxes commercialized in five outlets of CEAGESP was assessed, considering mechanical and physiological damages and postharvest diseases. The selection of samples was conducted through stratified sampling, taking fruit cultivar, place of origin and fruit size as the stratification criteria. Curative and protective control measures of brown and soft rot were analyzed testing CaCl2, wax and UV-C light, in different concentrations. The ozone was studied only as curative treatment. The incidence of damages in plums at CEAGESP ranged from 5 to 47%, and in nectarines from 14 to 54%. Either in plums or in nectarines, postharvest mechanical injuries were the most frequent damages, varying from 2 to 25% in plums and from 7 to 30% in nectarines. Physiological damages ranged from 1 to 22% and from 2 to 18% in plums and nectarines, respectively. Postharvest diseases ranged from 0 to 13% in plums and from 1 to 9% in nectarines. The most frequent postarvest pathogens were Rhizopus, Monilinia, Geotrichum, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Alternaria, besides bacteria. A correlation between the incidence of mechanical damages and the incidence of postharvest diseases in 2004 in both fruits was noticed. Cultivar Gulfblazer (plum) showed more incidence of mechanical and physiological damages than Reubennel. No differences were observed in the incidence of mechanical and physiological damages among the cultivars of nectarines assessed in 2003. No difference in the susceptibility to postharvest diseases among the nectarine cultivars Sunred, Sunripe, Sunraycer and Colombina in 2003 was verified. In 2004 cv. Sunraycer showed incidence of mechanical damages significantly higher than the other varieties. Regarding the products tested, as a whole, CaCl2 at 1% showed potential of controlling the two diseases in both kind of fruits, applied as a protective or curative measure. The carnauba wax (ECF 124) was the most efficient product, with a reduction of up to 70% of both diseases in both kind of fruits, mainly when applied as a protective agent, at 9%. The doses (1,4 e 5,2 kJm-2) of UV-C tested did not control the diseases with results practically similar to the reference dose (0,0 kJm-2). The presence of ozone did not reduce either of the diseases in any of the fruits evaluated.

Training and Pruning Newly Planted Decidous Fruit Trees

DeGomez, Tom 06 1900 (has links)
6 pp. / Training and pruning newly-planted deciduous fruit trees is one of the most important steps in developing trees with a strong framework (scaffold branches). Trees with a good framework of branches can support heavy crops without limb breakage and will help to bring the young tree into production at an early age. Selection and arrangement of these branches determines the type of development and growth in later years. The goal of pruning and training is to balance vegetative and fruiting wood growth.

Epidemiological aspects of MBC resistance in Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey and mechanisms of resistance

Sanoamuang, Niwat January 1992 (has links)
Isolates of Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey obtained from stone fruit orchards in Hawkes Bay, North Island and from Californian fruit exported to New Zealand, were tested for resistance to methyl benzimidazole carbamate (MBC). Resistant isolates from the North Island had EC₅₀ values of >30,000, and most isolates from the imported fruit had of values approximately 1.5 mg a.i./l carbendazim. Sensitive isolates failed to grow on 1 mg a.i./l carbendazim. A detached peach shoot system was used in controlled conditions for estimation of values for incubation period, latent period and rate of spore production on flowers (cv Glohaven). The same variables and the rate of colonisation of host tissue were measured on fruit (cv Fantasia) in controlled conditions. An inoculum density of 1x10⁴ spore/flower or fruit greatly increased fitness in vivo compared to an inoculum density of 1x10² spore/flower (fruit). Isolates varied considerably, but there was no consistent relationship between the degrees of resistance and fitness. This was in contrast to earlier studies with dicarboximide resistant strains of M. fructicola. The survival in the field of 10 isolates resistant or sensitive to MBC or dicarboximide fungicides on twig cankers and mummified fruit was compared. The ability to produce conidia on twig cankers inoculated in late spring 1989 was maintained by all sensitive and MBC resistant isolates for at least 1 year. The production of conidia on mummified fruit inoculated in February 1990 decreased after 2-3 months in the field but some conidia were still produced on all fruit in the following spring. Dicarboximide resistant isolates produced less conidia than either the MBC resistant and the sensitive isolates. The pathogenicity and fitness of all isolates were similar to the original values after survival for 1 year. A technique was developed to produce apothecia reliably from inoculated peach (cv Black Boy) and nectarine (cv Fantasia) fruit in controlled conditions in the laboratory. The fruit were inoculated with resistant or sensitive isolates, or combinations, and were incubated for 8 weeks at 25°C (±1°C) with 12 hours photoperiod of fluorescent light (Sylvania 2x65 W, daylight) to produce mummified fruit. The fruit were then buried in moist autoclaved peat moss for 10 weeks at 25°C (±1°C) in the dark to form stromata. These fruit were then hydrated with running tap-water (total hardness (CaCO₃) = 47 g/m³ and conductivity at 20°C = 12.7 mS/m) for 72 hours. The hydrated mummified fruit were placed in moist peat moss and were incubated for 13-14 weeks at 8°C (±0.5°C) in the dark. At the end of this period, stipe initials were visible. Differentiation of stipe initials into mature apothecia occurred within 15-20 days after transfer to 12°C (±2 °C) with a 12 hour photoperiod of fluorescent and incandescent light. All isolates produced apothecia when treated in this way. A technique for isolation of ascospore sets in linear arrangement was developed for tetrad analysis of the inheritance of resistance. At least 3 hours of fluorescent and incandescent light at 12°C (±2°C) was essential to allow ascospore ejection from individual asci taken from apothecia previously maintained in a 12 hour photoperiod at 12°C (±1°C). A water film on the surface of water agar was necessary to hold a set of ejected ascospores in linear sequence. Single ascospores were obtained in sequence with the aid of a micromanipulator. Genetic analysis of MBC resistant isolates was carried out on ascospores derived from apothecia produced in the laboratory. Analysis of ascospore sets in linear arrangement and ascospore populations indicated that resistance to >30,000 mg a.i./l carbendazim (high-resistant) is governed by a single major gene and is affected by gene conversion mechanisms. Crossing over was frequent, suggesting that recombination of resistance with other characters, such as pathogenicity and fitness, may occur readily. The segregation ratio (1:1) from most resistant isolates revealed that heterokaryons containing both resistant and sensitive alleles were common in resistant populations and that resistance is dominant. Allozyme analysis of ascospore progeny through electrophoresis revealed a narrow genetic base of M. fructicola in New Zealand. The technique for reliable apothecial production in controlled conditions developed in this study provided an important step for the determination of the biology of M. fructicola strains resistant to MBC fungicides, and the complexity of its life cycle. Genetic heterogeneity in field populations can be conserved in one isolate through heterokaryosis, thus providing for adaptability of the pathogen to the changing environmental conditions. Knowledge on genetic variability, overwintering ability, pathogenicity and fitness factors may be useful for future management strategies of stone fruit brown rot. Special emphasis should be made in particular to prevent primary infection on blossoms, which would delay the establishment of recombinant strains of M. fructicola and the onset of brown rot epidemics.

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