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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interferência da moxidectina na motivação sexual e ereção peniana de ratos: envolvimento de neurotransmissores hipotalâmicos e estriatais / Moxidectin interference on sexual motivation and penile erection: involvement of hypothalamic and striatal neurotransmitters

Alves, Patricia de Sa e Benevides Rodrigues 30 November 2007 (has links)
A moxidectina (MOX) é um antiparasitário utilizado na clínica veterinária. Em mamíferos seu mecanismo de ação envolve o ácido ?-aminobutírico (GABA), um neurotransmissor que tem papel relevante na regulação dos comportamentos sexual e motor. Dados anteriores por nós obtidos mostraram que a MOX prejudicou o comportamento sexual e a coordenação motora de ratos machos avaliados na trave elevada. Assim, dando continuidade a esse estudo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da administração da dose terapêutica de MOX (0,2 mg/kg) na motivação sexual e ereção peniana de ratos machos, bem como estudar seu envolvimento em diferentes sistemas de neurotransmissão central. Em todos os experimentos os ratos do grupo experimental receberam a MOX por via subcutânea (SC); e os ratos do grupo controle receberam 1 ml/kg de óleo de amêndoas pela mesma via, e foram avaliados após 72 h. A motivação sexual foi avaliada em um aparelho constituído de uma arena e dois compartimentos separados desta por tela de arame; num compartimento foi colocado um rato macho experiente e no outro uma fêmea sexualmente receptiva. Neste aparelho foi medido o tempo que o rato permaneceu nas proximidades de cada compartimento. Os resultados obtidos neste experimento não mostraram diferenças significantes entre os grupos. A ereção peniana foi induzida pela administração SC de 80 ?g/kg de apomorfina, sendo avaliadas a latência e a freqüência de ereção. Os resultados mostraram aumento da latência e redução da freqüência de ereção peniana dos animais tratados com MOX, enquanto que a administração dos antagonistas GABAérgicos (biculina e faclofen) não alterou estes parâmetros. Por outro lado, observou-se que a biculina (antagonista GABAA) reverteu os efeitos da MOX na ereção peniana, enquanto o faclofen aumentou a freqüência de ereção peniana em ratos tratados com a MOX. Quanto aos níveis hipotalâmicos e estriatais de neurotransmissores e metabólitos, observou-se que a MOX reduziu os níveis estriatais de dopamina e de seu metabólito ácido homovanílico (HVA) e também os níveis hipotalâmicos de GABA. Estes dados sugerem que a MOX embora não interfira na motivação sexual, prejudica o desempenho sexual avaliado pela ereção peniana. Esse efeito da MOX pode ser atribuído a sua ação em receptores GABAA, os quais modulam receptores tipo B, aumentando a liberação de GABA, e 72 h depois, conseqüente redução dos níveis deste neurotransmissor no hipotálamo (uma das áreas centrais envolvidas com o comportamento sexual) e também dos níveis de dopamina e seu metabólito HVA no estriado, área do sistema nervoso central relacionada com a função motora e na qual neurônios GABAérgicos modulam a atividade de neurônios dopaminérgicos. / The moxidectina (MOX) is an antiparasitic drug used in veterinary clinic. In mammals its mechanism of action involves GABA, neurotransmitter that has an important role in the regulation of the sexual and motor behaviors. Previous data showed that MOX impair male rat\'s sexual behavior and motor coordination observed at wooden dowel. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of therapeutic dose of MOX (0.2 mg/kg) in sexual motivation and penile erection of male rats, as well as to study its involvement in different central systems of neurotransmission. In all experiments the rats of experimental groups received MOX subcutaneous (SC), and the rats of control groups received 1.0 mL/kg of almonds oil (SC), and were observed after 72h. Sexual motivation test was performed in an arena with two cages, separate from the arena with a wall of wire screen; in one cage was put an intact male rat and in the other one, a sexually receptive female. In this test was measured the time that the rats stayed near of each cage. The data obtained in this experiment didn\'t show any significant differences among the groups. The penile erection (PE) was induced by 80 ?g/kg of Apomorphine (SC), being evaluated the latency to and frequency of PE. The results showed increased latency and reduction of the frequency of PE of animals treated with MOX, while the GABAergic antagonists\' administration (Biculline and Phaclofen) didn\'t change these parameters. On the other hand, it was observed that the Biculline (GABAA antagonist) reversed the effects of MOX in PE, while the Phaclofen increased the frequency of PE in rats treated with MOX. About Hypothalamic and Striatal neurotransmitters levels and their metabolites, was observed that MOX reduced Dopamine (DA) and its metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) striatal levels and hypothalamic GABA levels. These data suggest that MOX although doesn\'t interfere in sexual motivation, impair sexual performance evaluated by penile erection. This effect of MOX can be attributed to its action in GABAA receptors, which modulate type B receptors, increasing GABA release, and consequent reduction of its levels in the Hypothalamus (one of the central areas involved with sexual behavior) and also, reduction of the DA and its metabolite HVA striatal levels. Striatum is a central nervous system area related with motor function in which GABAergic neurons modulate the activity of dopaminergic neurons.
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Papel dos receptores de glutamato tipo NMDA em macrófagos, células dendríticas e células T CD4  ativadas in vitro. / The role of NMDA glutamate receptors in T lymphocytes activated in vitro.

Fickinger, Andira Michele da Cruz 26 February 2014 (has links)
A neuroimunologia é o ramo da imunologia que estuda a relação entre sistema imune e o sistema nervoso. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado a capacidade direta de neurotransmissores em modular a resposta imune, assim como de citocinas em influenciar funções cognitivas. Neste contexto, o glutamato possui papel de destaque, por se tratar do neurotransmissor excitatório mais importante e mais abundante no sistema nervoso central dos mamíferos. Sua função é exercida através de dois tipos de receptores principais: i) os receptores ionotrópicos (iGluR) e ii) os receptores metabotrópicos (mGluR). A descoberta da expressão de receptores de glutamato em células do sistema imune tem despertado interesse científico, levantando questões acerca de sua expressão e função. No presente trabalho, avaliamos parâmetros como viabilidade celular, linfoproliferação e ativação de MAP quinase pelo receptor NMDAR esplenócitos totais e linfócitos cultivados in vitro. Nossos resultados demonstram que linfócitos em repouso e ativados apresentam diferentes perfis de expressão do receptor NMDAR. O uso do antagonista deste receptor, o MK801, foi capaz de reduzir a proliferação de linfócitos T CD4 e T CD8 estimulados com anti-CD3 em cultura de esplenócitos. Tal redução pode ser explicada por um aumento na taxa de morte celular, o que foi avaliado através de marcação com anexina-V, indicador de apoptose, ou 7-AAD, indicador de necrose. Para entendermos um pouco a respeito da sinalização do receptor NMDAR no sistema imune, avaliamos a fosforilação da MAP quinase ERK 1,2 em linfócitos T CD4 ativados na presença do agonista (NMDA) ou do antagonista (MK801) do receptor. Observamos um aumento na ativação desta quinase na presença de NMDA, o que é revertido na presença do MK801. Ao avaliar o papel do receptor NMDAR in vivo, verificamos uma redução significativa na gravidade da encefalomielite experimental auto-imune em animais tratados com MK801. Mais interessante, esta redução se correlaciona também com uma redução na fosforilação de ERK 1,2 em esplenócitos totais obtidos ao dia 7 pós-imunização. Em resumo, nossos dados sugerem que o receptor NMDA possui o papel de ativador de vias intracelulares importantes, como as da MAP quinase ERK 1,2; e que o seu bloqueio resulta em morte celular in vitro. Logo, isso indica a importância do glutamato como modulador da intensidade da resposta e viabilidade de linfócitos T CD4 e T CD8 in vitro e in vivo. Sendo assim, nossos resultados contribuem para um melhor entendimento dos fenômenos de imunoregulação, especialmente aqueles no campo da neuroimunologia ou neuroimunomodulação. / Neuroimmunology is a field within immunology which studies the relationship between the nervous system and the immune system. Several studies have demonstrated the direct ability of neurotransmitters in modulating the immune response, as for cytokines in influencing cognitive functions. In this context, glutamate stands out for being the most important and abundant neurotransmitter in the mammal central nervous system. Its role is exerted through two main types of receptor: i) ionotropic receptors (iGluR) and ii) metabotropic receptors (mGluR). The discovery of glutamate receptor expression in immune cells has led to scientific interest, raising issues concerning its expression and function. In the present study, we evaluated parameters such as cell viability, lymphoproliferation, and activation of the MAP quinase pathway by the NMDA receptor on total splenocytes and lymphocytes cultured in vitro. Our results demonstrate that naive and activated lymphocytes present different profiles of NMDA receptor expression. The use of MK801, an antagonist for this receptor, was able to reduce the T CD4 and T CD8 lymphocyte proliferation stimulated with anti-CD3 in splenocyte culture. Such reduction may be explained by the increase of the cellular death rate, evaluated by annexin-V staining, indicator of apoptosis or 7-AAD, indicator of necrosis. With the intent of understanding part of the NMDA receptor signaling in the immune system, we evaluated the ERK 1,2 MAP quinase phosphorylation in T CD4 lymphocytes activated in the presence of the agonist (NMDA) or the antagonist (MK801) of the receptor. We observed an increase in this quinase activation in the presence of NMDA, which is reversed by the MK801. When evaluating the role of the NMDA receptor in vivo, we verified a significant reduction in the degree of experimental auto-immune encephalomyelitis in animals treated with MK801. More interesting, this reduction also correlates to a reduction on the phosphorilation of ERK 1,2 in total splenocytes obtained at the seventh day post-immunization. In sum, our data suggest that the NMDA receptor has the role of activating important intracellular pathways, such as the MAP quinases ERK 1,2; and that its blockage results in cellular death in vitro. As so, this indicates the importance of glutamate as a modulator of the intensity of response and the viability of T CD4 e T CD8 lymphocytes in vitro e in vivo. Thus, our result contribute for a better understanding of the immunoregulation phenomena, especially those in the neuroimmunology ou neuroimmunomodulation field.
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Vias centrais purinérgicas envolvidas na regulação do fluxo sangüíneo muscular durante os comportamentos de alerta e defesa / Purinergic central pathways involved in the muscle blood flow regulation during alerting defense behaviours.

Korim, Willian Seiji 15 December 2006 (has links)
As reações de alerta e defesa compreendem ajustes cardiovasculares proporcionando um fluxo sangüíneo muscular adequado nas situações de \"luta ou fuga\". As vias centrais e os possíveis neurotransmissores envolvidos nestes ajustes permanecem ainda, em grande parte, desconhecidas. Neste estudo buscamos analisar a participação da neurotransmissão purinérgica e glutamatérgica no núcleo do trato solitário (NTS) na gênese da vasodilatação muscular durante reações de defesa e o papel das vias glutamatérgicas do NTS para o núcleo rostroventrolateral (RVL) nestas respostas. Ratos Wistar machos (250-350 g) foram anestesiados (uretana 600 mg/kg + alpha-chloralose 50 mg/kg, i.v.), paralisados (d-Tubocurarina, 0,5 mg/kg, i.v.) e ventilados artificialmente. Registramos a pressão arterial média (PAM), a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e o fluxo sangüíneo dos membros posteriores (FSMP). A condutância vascular dos membros posteriores (CVMP) foi determinada como a razão FSMP/PAM e expressa como percentagem do valor basal. A estimulação elétrica (EE; 150 MuA; 0,6 ms; 100 Hz; 6 s) do hipotálamo lateral provocou hipertensão, taquicardia e vasodilatação nos membros posteriores. A microinjeção bilateral de suramin (100 pmol/50 nl), um antagonista não específico de receptores P2x no NTS, reduziu a vasodilatação nos membros posteriores durante a EE do hipotálamo (173±19,0 vs 28±14,1% do basal) sem alterar as respostas pressora e taquicárdica. A microinjeção do agonista P2x alpha, beta-methylene ATP (100 pmol/50 nl) no NTS produziu hipotensão, bradicardia e vasodilatação dos membros posteriores. A microinjeção de suramin (100 pmol/50 nl) bloqueou a vasodilatação muscular (76±15,2 vs 9±2,1% do basal) e a hipotensão (-47±4,5 vs -6±2,0 mmHg). A microinjeção de ácido quinurênico (4 nmol/50 nl), um antagonista glutamatérgico ionotrópico não seletivo no NTS bloqueou, de forma semelhante ao suramin, a vasodilatação durante a EE do hipotálamo (134±21,5 vs 27±12,7% do basal) sem alterar as respostas pressora ou taquicárdica. O bloqueio bilateral no RVL com microinjeções de ácido quinurênico reduziu intensamente a resposta hipotensora (-60±6,1 vs -9±3,7 mmHg) e vasodilatadora (126±16,9 vs 17±4,6% do basal) provocada pelas microinjeções de alpha, beta-methylene ATP (100 pmol/50 nl) no NTS. O agonista purinérgico A2a, CGS21680 (20 pmol/50 nl) no NTS, evocou hipotensão, bradicardia e vasodilatação muscular de longa duração. O bloqueio do RVL com ácido quinurênico (4 nmol/50 nl) reduziu a hipotensão (- 41±4,7 vs -7±1,9 mmHg), a bradicardia (-33±9 vs -10±3,1 bpm) e a vasodilatação nos membros posteriores (81±5,6 vs 8±1,5% do basal). Estes resultados sugerem que a vasodilatação muscular nas repostas de defesa depende da ativação de receptores P2x e receptores glutamatérgicos no NTS. Ajustes cardiovasculares por ativação dos receptores purinérgicos P2x e A2a no NTS provocam vasodilatação muscular que depende da liberação de glutamato no RVL, provavelmente ativando interneurônios inibitórios ali presentes. / The electrical stimulation (ES) of the hypothalamus in the rat produces a well- defined pattern of cardiovascular adjustments including hypertension, tachycardia and skeletal muscle vasodilation. These hemodynamic responses can also be observed in natural conditions during fight and/or flight behaviors. However the neural pathways and possible neurotransmitters involved remain largely unknown. In this study we sought to determine the role of purinergic and glutamatergic receptors into the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the cardiovascular responses induced by hypothalamic ES, also we aimed to analyze the role of glutamatergic neural pathways from the NTS to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) in these responses. Male Wistar rats (250-350 g) were anesthetized (urethane 600 mg/kg + alpha-chloralose 50 mg/kg, iv), paralyzed (d-tubocurarine 0.5 mg/kg, iv) and artificially ventilated. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and hindquarter blood flow (HQBF) were recorded. Hindquarter vascular conductance (HQVC) was calculated as the ratio HQBF/MAP and expressed as percentage of baseline. Hypothalamic ES (6s trains, 0.6 ms square pulses, 100 Hz, 150 MuA) evoked a transitory hypertension, tachycardia and hindlimb muscle vasodilation. After bilateral microinjections of suramin (100 pmol /50 nl), a non-specific P2x receptor antagonist, into the NTS the hindlimb vasodilation was reduced (173±19.0 vs 28±14.1% of baseline), even so the transitory hypertension and tachycardia remained unchanged. A similar vasodilation reduction (134±21.5 vs 27±12.7% of baseline) was observed after microinjections of kynurenic acid bilaterally at the same NTS sites. Microinjections of the P2x receptor agonist alpha, beta-methylene ATP (100 pmol/50 nl) into the NTS produced hypotension, bradycardia and hindlimb muscle vasodilation. Bilateral microinjections of suramin at the same NTS site reduced the hypotension (-47±4.5 vs -6±2.0 mmHg) and the vasodilation (76±15.2 vs 9±2.1% of baseline). After bilateral microinjection of kynurenic acid into the RVLM, both hypotension (-60±6.1 vs -9±3.7 mmHg) and the vasodilation response (126±16.9 vs 17±4.6% of baseline) induced by alpha, beta- methylene ATP into the NTS were reduced. The A2a agonist CGS21680 (20 pmol/50 nl) into the NTS produced a long-lasting hypotension, bradycardia and hindlimb vasodilation. Bilateral RVLM glutamatergic blockade reduced the hypotension (-41±4.7 vs -7±1.9 mmHg), the tachycardia (-33±9.0 vs -10±3.1 bpm) and the muscle vasodilation (81±5.6 vs 8±1.5% of baseline) when CGS21680 was injected into the NTS. Therefore the results suggest that in alerting defense reaction, hindquarter vasodilation is mediated by NTS P2x and also by glutamatergic receptors into the intermediate NTS. Cardiovascular responses evoked by either P2x or A2a receptors stimulation in the NTS are mediated by glutamatergic synapses into the RVLM probably through activation of inhibitory interneurones in this area.
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Comportamento redox e detecção voltamétrica de neurotransmissores, nitrito, derivados purínicos e nitrofural em sensores eletroquímicos à base de carbono / Redox behavior and voltammetric detection of neurotransmitters, nitrite, and purine derivatives in nitrofural electrochemical sensors base carbon

Silva, Robson Pinho da 26 October 2012 (has links)
Sistemas químicos capazes de produzir radicais livres OH• e O2•-, responsáveis por danos no DNA, foram estudados em diversos tipos de eletrodos de carbono previamente modificados. Nitrofural, RNO2, foi reduzido mono eletronicamente ao seu respectivo nitro ânion radical, RNO2•-, em eletrodo de pasta de carbono modificado superficialmente com um filme de guanina. O nitro ânion radical atacou a guanina imobilizada na superfície do eletrodo e, esta interação in situ, resultou na formação de cátions radicais de guanina (G+•), que ao interagirem com a guanina (G), foram identificados pelo pico de oxidação em voltametria pulso diferencial, VPD, nas formas diméricas de guanina na região positiva de potencial. Os outros sistemas estudados se referem ao desenvolvimento de novos eletrodos de carbono modificados ou ainda a utilização procedimentos de modificações desenvolvidas anteriormente, para a detecção de várias moléculas de importância biológica. O ácido ascórbico (AA), ácido úrico (AU), xantina (XA) e hipoxantina (HX) foram detectados simultaneamente em eletrodo de grafite pirolítico, previamente modificado em solução de dopamina (EGPD), utilizando VPD. Os picos de oxidação, obtidos por voltametria cíclica foram detectados em 51; 393; 765 e 1080 mV vs Ag / AgCl, KCl(sat) para AA, AU, XA e HX, respectivamente. O limite de detecção para XA em presença de 5,0 x10-5 mol L-1 de HX foi 2,3 x10-6 mol L-1 (com sensibilidade de 2,8 A mol-1 L cm2), enquanto que o limite de detecção para HX na presença de 5,0 x10-5 mol L-1 de XA foi de 5,6 x10-6 mol L-1 (com sensibilidade de 1,4 A mol-1 L cm-2). XA e HX foram determinadas em amostras de urina e os valores encontrados foram 0,47 µmol L-1 e 5,9 mol L-1, respectivamente. Serotonina (5-HT) e dopamina (DA) foram determinadas simultaneamente em eletrodo de carbono vítreo, previamente modificado em solução de serotonina (GCE - 5HT). A serotonina foi detectada em 379 mV vs Ag / AgCl, KCl(sat), 31 mV menos positivo daquele observado em eletrodo de carbono vítreo (410 mV), enquanto DA foi detectada a 200 mV. Nenhuma interferência foi observada na presença de (AA), tirosina (Tyr), epinefrina (EP) e noradrenalina (NE). Finalmente, na última etapa do presente trabalho lignina, extraída a partir de licor de Kraft, foi solubilizada em acetonitrila / H2SO4 e a solução resultante utilizada para dispersar nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla, NTCPM. Esta suspensão foi empregada para modificar a superfície de um eletrodo de carbono vítreo, posteriormente utilizado na detecção de nitrito por VPD no intervalo de concentração de 4,0 x 10-6 ≤ [NO2-] ≤ 8, 0 x 10-5 mol L-1. O complexo formado entre neocuproina e Cu (I), um composto em potencial para geração de radicais livres e promoção de lesões no DNA, foi sintetizado e caracterizado. / Chemical systems, which are able to produce OH• and O2•- free radicals, responsible for damage in DNA, were studied at different carbon modified electrode surfaces. Guanine carbon paste modified electrode was used to promote the nitrofural (RNO2) monoelectronic reduction to its respective nitro anion radical, RNO2•-, which attacked guanine immobilized on the electrode surface. The interaction in situ promoted the formation of guanine cation radicals (G+•) between guanine (G), after a dimerization process, were detected in the positive potential range by Differential Pulse Voltammetry, DPV. The other studied systems refer to development of new carbon modified electrodes or utilization of carbon modified electrodes, previously described, for the detection of several important biological molecules. Ascorbic acid (AA), uric acid (UA), xanthine (XA) and hypoxanthine (HX) were simultaneously detected at pyrolytic graphite electrode, previously modified into dopamine solution (EGPD), using DPV. The oxidation peak potentials, were obtained by cyclic voltammetry at 51; 393; 0.765 and 1080 mV vs Ag/AgCl, KCl(sat) for AA, UA, XA and HX, respectively. The detection limit for XA in presence of 5.0 x10-5 mol L-1 HX was 2.3 x10-6 mol L-1 (with sensibility of 2.8 A mol-1 L cm-2), while the detection limit for HX in presence of 5.0 x10-5 mol L-1 XA was 5.6 x10-6 mol L-1 (with sensibility of 1.4 A mol-1 L cm-2). XA and HX were determined in urine samples and the values founded were 0.47 µM e 5.9 µM, respectively. Serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) were simultaneously detected at glassy carbon electrode, previously modified in serotonin solution (ECV - 5HT). Serotonin was detected at 379 mV vs Ag/AgCl, KCl (sat), 31 mV less positive potential than that observed at bare glassy carbon electrode (410 mV), while DA was detected at 200 mV. No interference was observed in presence of (AA), tyrosine (Tyr), epinephrine (EP) and noradrenaline (NE). Finally, in the last stage of this work, lignin, extracted from Kraft liqueur, was solubilized in acetonitrile/H2SO4 and used to disperse multi-wall carbon nanotubes, MWNTC. This suspension was used to modify the glassy carbon electrode surface and nitrite was detected, by DPV in the concentration range of 4,0 x 10-6≤ [NO2-] ≤ 8,0 x 10-5 mol L-1. The complex formed between neocuproina and Cu (I), a compound which can produce free radicals and thereby cause damage to DNA, was synthesized and characterized.
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Uma abordagem neurofisiológica da acetilcolina em plantas de milho hidratadas e sob condições de estresse hídrico / A neurophysiological approach to acetylcholine in maize plants hydrated and under water stress conditions

Daneluzzi, Gabriel Silva 18 April 2012 (has links)
A ocorrência de potenciais de ação e neurotransmissores, componentes principais do sistema nervoso animal, em plantas, bactérias e fungos mostra a universalidade dos princípios de sinalização e transmissão de informações na forma de sinais químicos e elétricos em todos os organismos. Esses tópicos de estudo, juntamente com inteligência em plantas e transporte vesicular de auxina, constituem as linhas de pesquisa principais da recém-criada Neurobiologia Vegetal. Entre os neurotransmissores encontrados em plantas, a acetilcolina atua, entre outras situações, no crescimento e desenvolvimento controlado pelo fitocromo e na permeabilidade iônica de membranas. Nesse contexto, foi sugerido que a acetilcolina pode desempenhar um papel importante na regulação do movimento estomático, tendo efeito estimulatório na abertura dos estômatos além de poder atuar na sinalização entre raiz e parte aérea. Dessa forma, foi proposto identificar a presença deste neurotransmissor em plantas de milho hidratadas e submetidas a estresse hídrico, com o objetivo de correlacionar a presença de acetilcolina com as respostas estomáticas de tais plantas. Além disso, foi objetivo do trabalho avaliar parâmetros fisiológicos como potencial hídrico, condutância estomática, transpiração e fotossíntese líquida e suas possíveis relações com a acetilcolina em três folhas das plantas hidratadas e estressadas. Para tanto, foi montado um experimento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial (2x3). Os fatores foram: água, nos níveis de hidratação e estresse, e idade das folhas nos níveis folha 4 (mais velha), folha 5 (idade intermediária) e folha 7 (mais jovem). As plantas foram divididas em 20 blocos, contendo uma planta hidratada e uma sob estresse cada e as análises fisiológicas feitas nas três folhas. As plantas foram colocadas em câmara de crescimento tipo BOD com controle de iluminação e temperatura. Após análises fisiológicas, as folhas foram utilizadas para extração e determinação de acetilcolina. Os extratos purificados e secos foram submetidos à pirólise e cromatografia gasosa e as substâncias identificadas por espectrometria de massas. Não foi detectada acetilcolina nas plantas, apesar de estudos anteriores demonstrarem sua ocorrência em folhas e sementes de milho. Hipóteses foram levantadas para explicar tal fato. Quanto as variáveis fisiológicas, o déficit hídrico reduziu em aproximadamente 59% a transpiração, em 65% a condutância estomática e em 59% a fotossíntese das plantas. Condutância estomática e transpiração, condutância e fotossíntese, e transpiração e fotossíntese apresentaram intensa correlação. Já o potencial hídrico teve baixa correlação com essas variáveis. Quanto ao fator idade, folhas 7 apresentaram maiores valores de fotossíntese, condutância e transpiração que as folhas 4 e 5. / The occurrence of action potential and neurotransmitters, the major components of animal nervous system, in plants, bacteria and fungi, shows the universality of signaling principles and information transmission in the way of chemical and electrical signals in all organisms. These study topics, along with plant intelligence and vesicular-based auxin transport, constitute the major research lines of the newly created Plant Neurobiology. Among the neurotransmitters found in plants, the acetylcholine plays a role in phytochromecontrolled growth and development and in membrane ion permeability. In this context, it was suggested that acetylcholine can play an important role in the regulation of stomatal movements, having stimulatory effect in the stomatal opening. In addition it can play a role in root-to-shoot signaling process. Therefore, it was proposed to identify the presence of this neurotransmitter in maize plants hydrated and under water stress, with the aim of correlating the presence of acetylcholine with the stomatal responses of such plants. Moreover, another aim of the study was to evaluate physiological parameters like water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and net photosynthetic rate and their possible relationship with the acetylcholine in three leaves of hydrated and stressed plants. Therefore, an experiment was set up in randomized block design in 2x3 factorial. The factors were: water, in the levels of hydration and stress, and leaves age in the levels leaf 4 (older), leaf 5 (intermediary age) and leaf 7 (younger). The plants were divided in 20 blocks, and each one has had one hydrated plant and one stressed plant and the physiological analysis was made in three leaves. The plants were placed in B.O.D. growth chamber under controlled conditions of light and temperature. After the physiological analysis, the leaves were used to extraction and determination of acetylcholine. The dried and purified extracts were subjected to pyrolysis and gas chromatography and the substances identified by mass spectrometry. The acetylcholine was not detected in plants, although earlier studies have had demonstrated its occurrence in maize leaves and seeds. Hypotheses were elaborated to explain such fact. Regarding the physiological variables, water stress reduced the plants transpiration rate in 59%, stomatal conductance in 65% and net photosynthesis in 59%. Stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis were strongly related. On the other hand, the water potential showed weak correlation with that variable. As for the age factor, leaves 7 had higher photosynthetic rates, conductance and transpiration than the leaves 4 and 5.
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Social Phobia. From Epidemiology to Brain Function

Furmark, Tomas January 2000 (has links)
<p>Social phobia is a disabling anxiety disorder characterized by an excessive fear of negative evaluation in social situations. The present thesis explored the epidemiology and neurobiology of the disorder. By means of a mailed questionnaire, the point prevalence of social phobia in the Swedish general population was estimated at 15.6%. However, prevalence rates varied between 1.9 and 20.4% across the different levels of distress and impairment used to define cases. Thus, although social anxiety is widespread within the community, the precise diagnostic boundaries for social phobia are difficult to determine. Social phobia was associated with female gender, low educational attainment, psychoactive medication use, and lack of social support. A cluster analysis revealed that subtypes of social phobia mainly differed dimensionally on a mild-moderate-severe continuum, with number of cases declining with increasing severity. Public speaking was the most common social fear in all groups of social phobics and in the population at large.</p><p>In the neurobiological studies, positron emission tomography was used to examine brain serotonin metabolism and changes in the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) response to public speaking stress following treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or cognitive-behavioral group therapy. Social phobics exhibited lowered serotonin turnover, relative to non-phobics, mainly in the medial temporal cortex including the bilateral rhinal and periamygdaloid regions. Symptom improvement with cognitive-behavioral- as well as SSRI-treatment was accompanied by a reduced rCBF-response to public speaking in the amygdala, hippocampus and adjacent temporal cortex, i.e. regions that serve important functions in anxiety. Thorough suppression of rCBF in limbic brain regions was associated with favorable long-term treatment outcome. These results provide neuroimaging evidence for a presynaptic serotonergic dysfunction in social phobia and for a common neural mechanism whereby psychological and pharmacological anti-anxiety treatments act.</p>
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Social Phobia. From Epidemiology to Brain Function

Furmark, Tomas January 2000 (has links)
Social phobia is a disabling anxiety disorder characterized by an excessive fear of negative evaluation in social situations. The present thesis explored the epidemiology and neurobiology of the disorder. By means of a mailed questionnaire, the point prevalence of social phobia in the Swedish general population was estimated at 15.6%. However, prevalence rates varied between 1.9 and 20.4% across the different levels of distress and impairment used to define cases. Thus, although social anxiety is widespread within the community, the precise diagnostic boundaries for social phobia are difficult to determine. Social phobia was associated with female gender, low educational attainment, psychoactive medication use, and lack of social support. A cluster analysis revealed that subtypes of social phobia mainly differed dimensionally on a mild-moderate-severe continuum, with number of cases declining with increasing severity. Public speaking was the most common social fear in all groups of social phobics and in the population at large. In the neurobiological studies, positron emission tomography was used to examine brain serotonin metabolism and changes in the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) response to public speaking stress following treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or cognitive-behavioral group therapy. Social phobics exhibited lowered serotonin turnover, relative to non-phobics, mainly in the medial temporal cortex including the bilateral rhinal and periamygdaloid regions. Symptom improvement with cognitive-behavioral- as well as SSRI-treatment was accompanied by a reduced rCBF-response to public speaking in the amygdala, hippocampus and adjacent temporal cortex, i.e. regions that serve important functions in anxiety. Thorough suppression of rCBF in limbic brain regions was associated with favorable long-term treatment outcome. These results provide neuroimaging evidence for a presynaptic serotonergic dysfunction in social phobia and for a common neural mechanism whereby psychological and pharmacological anti-anxiety treatments act.
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Preparation And Surface Modification Of Noble Metal Nanoparticles With Tunable Optical Properties For Sers Applications

Kaya, Murat 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Metal nanostructures exhibit a wide variety of interesting physical and chemical properties, which can be tailored by altering their size, morphology, composition, and environment. Gold and silver nanostructures have received considerable attention for many decades because of their widespread use in applications such as catalysis, photonics, electronics, optoelectronics, information storage, chemical and biological sensing, surface plasmon resonance and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection. This thesis is composed of three main parts about the synthesis, characterization and SERS applications of shape-controlled and surface modified noble metal nanoparticles. The first part is related to a simple synthesis of shape controlled solid gold, hollow gold, silver, gold-silver core-shell, hollow gold-silver double-shell nanoparticles by applying aqueous solution chemistry. Nanoparticles obtained were used for SERS detection of dye molecules like brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) and crystal violet (CV) in aqueous system. v The second part involves the synthesis of surface modified silver nanoparticles for the detection of dopamine (DA) molecules. Determination of a dopamine molecule attached to a iron-nitrilotriaceticacid modified silver (Ag-Fe(NTA)) nanoparticles by using surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) was achieved. The Ag-Fe (NTA) substrate provided reproducibility and excellent sensitivity. Experimental results showed that DA was detected quickly and accurately without any pretreatment in nM levels with excellent discrimination against ascorbic acid (AA) (which was among the lowest value reported in direct SERS detection of DA). In the third part, a lanthanide series ion (Eu3+) containing silver nanoparticle was prepared for constructing a molecular recognition SERS substrate for the first time. The procedure reported herein, provides a simple way of achieving reproducible and sensitive SERS spectroscopy for organophosphates (OPP) detection. The sensing of the target species was confirmed by the appearance of an intense SERS signal of the methyl phosphonic acid (MPA), a model compound for nonvolatile organophosphate nerve agents, which bound to the surface of the Ag-Eu3+ nanostructure. The simplicity and low cost of the overall process makes this procedure a potential candidate for analytical control processes of nerve agents.
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Characterization of a sacral dorsal column pathway activating autonomic and hindlimb motor pattern generation

Anderson, JoAnna Todd 10 November 2011 (has links)
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) sever communication between supraspinal centers and the central pattern generator (CPG) responsible for locomotion. Because the CPG is intact and retains the ability to initiate locomotor activity, it can be accessed electrically and pharmacologically. The goal of this thesis was to identify and characterize a novel spinal cord surface site along the sacral dorsal column (sDC) for electrically evoking locomotor-like activity in the neonatal rat spinal cord. Stimulation of the sDC robustly activated rhythmic left-right alternation in flexor-related ventral roots that was dependent on the activation of high-threshold C fiber afferents. The C fibers synapsed onto spinal neurons, which project to the lumbar segments as part of a pathway dependent on purinergic, adrenergic, and cholinergic receptor activation. In ventral roots containing only somatic efferents, rhythmic activity was rarely recruited. However, in ventral roots containing both autonomic and somatic efferents, sacral dorsal column stimulation recruited autonomic efferent rhythms, which subsequently recruited somatic efferent motor rhythms. The efferent rhythms revealed a half-center organization with very low stimulation frequencies, and the evoked alternating bursts entrained to the stimuli. Similar entrainment was seen when sDC stimuli were applied during ongoing neurochemically-induced locomotor rhythms. The rhythmic patterns evoked by sDC stimulation operated over a limited frequency range, with a discrete burst structure of fast-onset, frequency-independent peaks. In comparison, neurochemically-induced locomotor bursts operated over a wide frequency range and had slower time to peaks that varied with burst frequency. The overall findings support the discovery of an autonomic efferent pattern generator that is recruited by sacral visceral C fiber afferents. It is hoped that this research will advance the understanding of afferent activation of the lumbar central pattern generator and potentially provide insight useful for future development and design of neuroprosthetic devices.
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Unraveling the role of SNARE interactions in neurotransmitter release

Chen, Xiaocheng. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 2005. / Vita. Bibliography: 209-224.

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