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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito do manejo agrícola, da sazonalidade e dos elementos traço na produção dos óleos voláteis de erva-cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.) / Agricultural management, season and trace elements effect on volatile oil production from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.)

SUSSA, FABIO V. 23 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-23T10:48:05Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-23T10:48:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Este trabalho é um estudo interdisciplinar envolvendo o cultivo de erva-cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.) e sua caracterização química. O objetivo deste estudo foi fornecer informação sobre a adubação orgânica e convencional, a sazonalidade e os efeitos dos elementos traço na produção dos óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis. O modelo experimental utilizado foi em canteiros com delineamento inteiramente casualizados (DIC) com quatro repetições. Melissa officinalis foi submetida a diferentes sistemas de adubação e época de colheita. A concentração elementar foi determinada pela análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental (INAA), espectrometria de absorção atômica por forno de grafite (GF AAS) e espectrometria de emissão óptica com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) nas folhas de Melissa officinalis e nos solos de cultivo. Os óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis foram extraídos pela técnica de hidrodestilação, utilizando-se o aparelho de Clevenger e os principais metabólitos secundários (citronelal, neral, geranial, citronelol, nerol e geraniol) foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (GC-MS). Primavera e verão apresentaram os óleos de melhor qualidade por possuírem menores teores de citronelol, nerol e geraniol. A formação de neral e geranial foi favorecida no manejo convencional correlacionado com a presença dos elementos Co, Cr, Mg e Ni presentes no solo, enquanto que a formação do citronelal foi favorecida no manejo orgânico correlacionado com o elemento Mn presente nas folhas de Melissa officinalis. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Caracterização química de feijão para produção de material de referência certificado / Chemical characterization of beans for production of certified reference material

Lilian Seiko Kato 08 September 2014 (has links)
Alimento base da dieta dos brasileiros, o feijão é a leguminosa de maior importância para consumo direto no mundo. Inúmeras pesquisas em relação às propriedades nutricionais do feijão comum e também do feijão de corda têm sido realizadas, no intuito de avaliar sua composição centesimal, mineral e fatores antinutricionais. Em relação à qualidade das determinações analíticas, sabe-se que os materiais de referência certificados (CRMs) estão se tornando cada vez mais necessários em procedimentos de medição. Contudo, ainda há escassez de CRMs para atender às demandas em todos os setores produtivos, especialmente na agricultura. O domínio da tecnologia para sua produção representa, portanto, um avanço estratégico, por colocar o país em condições de fornecer materiais específicos às próprias necessidades. Dessa forma, este trabalho envolveu a primeira etapa para elaboração de um material de referência certificado de feijão, com a caracterização química e nutricional dos principais tipos comerciais disponíveis no mercado, das espécies Phaseolus vulgaris L. (feijão comum) e Vigna unguiculata (feijão caupi), buscando atender demandas metrológicas específicas da pesquisa e da indústria alimentícia. Foram coletadas 55 amostras de feijão de dez tipos comerciais diferentes no varejo da cidade de Piracicaba. Determinaram-se os elementos químicos Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Mo, Na, Rb, Sc e Zn utilizando análise por ativação neutrônica, a composição centesimal empregando metodologia preconizada pela AOAC e o fator antinutricional ácido fítico segundo o método descrito por Grynspan e Cheryan (1989). Os resultados mostraram diferença significativa entre os tipos comerciais de feijão (p<0,05) para Br, Cs, Co, K, Mo, Na e Zn, e também para os teores de proteínas, cinzas, umidade e ácido fítico. O feijão fradinho, da espécie Vigna unguiculata, apresentou diferenças consideráveis em relação ao feijão comum da espécie Phaseolus vulgaris L., tendo a maior concentração média de Na e as menores concentrações médias de Ca, Co, K e cinzas (p<0,05). O feijão preto apresentou as maiores concentrações médias de Ca, Co, Fe, proteínas e ácido fítico, enquanto o feijão cavalo as maiores concentrações médias de K, Mo e Zn (p<0,05). O feijão carioca apresentou valores médios próximos à média global para todos os parâmetros avaliados, exceto para ácido fítico. Alta variabilidade foi identificada para Br, Cs, Mo, Na, Rb e Sc dentro de um mesmo tipo comercial, enquanto baixa variabilidade foi observada para K, Zn, cinzas e proteínas. O conjunto de dados resultantes da caracterização química das 55 amostras de feijão mostra que os tipos comerciais carioca, preto e fradinho são os mais indicados para produção de material de referência certificado. Considerando o critério de comutatividade, o feijão carioca pode ser utilizado para produzir um material de referência que represente todos os tipos comerciais estudados / Basic food of the Brazilian diet, beans are the most important leguminous for direct consumption in the world. Numerous researches on the nutritional properties of common bean and string bean have been performed in order to assess their centesimal and mineral composition as well the antinutritional factors. Regarding the quality of the analytical determinations, it is known that the certified reference materials (CRMs) are becoming increasingly necessary in measurement procedures. However, there is still lack of CRMs to meet the demands from all productive sectors, especially agriculture. Mastering the technology for their production therefore represents a strategic step forward, to put the country in a position to provide specific materials to own needs. Thus, this work involved the first step in developing a bean certified reference material, with chemical and nutritional characterization of the main commercial types available in the market, from the species Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean) and Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), meeting the specific metrological demand of research and food industry. In the retail market of the city of Piracicaba, 55 bean samples from ten different commercial types were collected. The chemical elements Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Mo, Na, Rb, Sc and Zn were determined by nêutron activation analysis, the proximate composition using methodology recommended by the AOAC and the anti-nutritional factor phytic acid, according to the method described by Grynspan and Cheryan (1989). The results showed significant differences between commercial bean types (p<0.05) for Br, Cs, Co, K, Mo, Na and Zn, and also for protein, ash, moisture and phytic acid. The black-eyed pea from Vigna unguiculata species showed considerable differences from the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. species, having the highest average concentration of Na and the lowest average concentrations of Ca, Co, K and ash (p<0.05). The black bean had the highest average concentrations of Ca, Co, Fe, proteins and phytic acid, while horse bean the highest average concentrations of K, Mo and Zn (p<0.05). The common bean showed mean values close to the global average for all parameters, except for the phytic acid. High variability has been identified for Br, Cs, Mo, Na, Rb and Sc within a commercial type, while low variability was observed for K, Zn, ash, and proteins. The data set resulting from the chemical characterization of 55 samples indicates that the commercial types common bean, black bean and black-eyed pea are more indicated for the production of the certified reference material. Considering the commutability criteria, the common beans could be used to produce a reference material representative of all commercial types studied

Hodnocení průmyslového znečištění životního prostředí Moravskoslezského kraje s použitím radioanalytických metod / Evaluation of Industrial Pollution of the Environment in the Moravian-Silesian Region Using Radioanalytical Methods

Brunčiaková, Miriama January 2016 (has links)
Moravian-Silesian Region is a part of an area so called „small black triangle". It is an area of higher pollution caused by some kind of industrial zone. This region belongs to the most polluted atmosphere in the Czech Republic. The pollution is caused by various factors but the most negative one is metallurgic industry but also mine-mining, transport, and small local furnaces. To analyze pollution, the instrumental neutron activation analysis with analyzing of moss samples were used. The moss has rudimentary root system so it takes nutrients as well as heavy metals from the atmosphere. All irradiation has performed in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP) at the reactor IBR-2M. Two kinds of irradiation have been performed as short-term irradiation as long-term irradiation. Short-term irradiation took about 3 mins and then short-lived isotopes were measured for about 15 mins. The long-lived isotopes were measured twice after about 4 days for 30 mins and after 23 days for 90 mins after 3 days of irradiation. For long term irradiation, the cadmium-screened irradiation channel was used. For analyzation and data processing the software Genie 2000 as well as software developed at FLNP JINR were used. In sum, 43 samples of the terrestrial mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi and Brachythecium rutabulum) were collected in autumn of 2015 in which the concentration of 38 elements were determined, including heavy metals. As a result, the factor analysis have been performed as well as maps analyzation.

WTZ Russland - Fluenzberechnungen für Voreilproben beim WWER-440

Konheiser, Jörg, Grahn, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Der Reaktordruckbehälter (RDB) zählt zu den nicht auswechselbaren Komponenten eines Kernkraftwerkes (KKW). Durch die hohen Neutronen- und Gammaflüsse ist er beschleunigten Alterungsprozessen unterworfen, welche die Lebensdauer eines KKW bestimmen könnten. So haben neben der chemischen Zusammensetzung des RDB-Stahls vor allem die Strahlungsparameter (Neutronen- und Gammafluenzen und deren Spektren) Auswirkungen auf die Versprödungseigenschaften des RDB. Für einen sicheren Betrieb eines KKW ist es daher sehr wichtig, die mögliche Änderung des Materialzustandes vom RDB im Voraus bewerten zu können. Die sogenannten Voreilprobenprogramme gehören deshalb zu den wichtigsten Überwachungsmaßnahmen im KKW. Mit ihnen kann die Restlebensdauer des RDB realistisch und zuverlässig beurteilt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden, neben der Bestimmung der Fluenzen an sich, auch Auswirkungen auf den Teilchenfluss in den Voreilproben, wie zum Beispiel die verschiedenen geometrischen Positionen, untersucht. Damit können mögliche Unsicherheiten bei der Bestimmung der realen Fluenzwerte abgeschätzt werden. Die Berechnungen wurden sowohl mit dem Code TRAMO als auch mit dem Code DORT durchgeführt. Die berechneten Ergebnisse wurden an Aktivierungsmonitoren, die an der RDBAußenoberfläche des KKW Kola, Unit 3 (WWER-440/213), bestrahlt wurden, überprüft. Hauptsächlich kamen Aktivierungsmonitore mit den Reaktionen 54Fe(n,p)54Mn und 58Ni(n,p)58Co zum Einsatz. Die Aktivitätsmessungen wurden vom russischen Partner, dem „Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety“ (SEC NRS) durchgeführt. Es konnte gute Übereinstimmung sowohl zwischen den deterministischen und den stochastischen Berechnungsergebnissen als auch zwischen den berechneten und gemessenen Ergebnissen erzielt werden. Die durchschnittliche Differenz zwischen gemessenen und berechneten Werten betrug nur 5%. Ein Einfluss der Bestrahlungskanäle und der Versteifungsrippen der Kernumfassung auf die Monitoraktivität konnte festgestellt werden. Für die Voreilproben im Bereich des Flussmaximums wurden für den Neutronenfluss E> 0.5 MeV ein Mittelwert von rund 2.45*1012 Neutronen/cm2 berechnet. Dabei können die Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit von der Ausrichtung der Proben zum Reaktorkern bis zu 20% betragen. Abweichungen bis zu 10% können durch die Änderung der Position der Bestrahlungskapseln im Kanal entstehen. Auf Basis dieser Rechnungen wurden die Voreilfaktoren der Bestrahlungsproben bestimmt. Bei mittleren Zykluslängen würde die „End of Life“-Fluenz in den Bestrahlungsproben bereits nach 2 Jahren erreicht werden. Der berechnete maximale Gammafluss beträgt rund 3.4*1012 g/cm2s für E > 1.0 MeV und rund 8.4*1012 g/cm2s für E > 0.5 MeV, wobei der größte Anteil des Flusses (rund 97%) aus Neutronenreaktionen stammt. Damit sind die Gammaflüsse in den Proben zwei bis drei Mal so groß wie die der Neutronen. Trotzdem spielt die Materialschädigung durch die Gammastrahlung eine untergeordnete Rolle, da die DPAQuerschnitte (displacement per atom) von Gammas um etwa zwei bis drei Größenordnungen kleiner sind. Des Weiteren wurde untersucht, ob mögliche Ausheilprozesse durch zu hohe Temperaturen in den Bestrahlungsproben stattfinden könnten. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Energieeintrag in den Bestrahlungsproben basierend auf den berechneten Teilchenflüssen bestimmt und mit einfachen thermohydraulischen Modellen die mögliche Aufheizung ermittelt. Eine Temperaturerhöhung von rund 20 K wurde mit einem konservativen Ansatz berechnet. Unter vergleichsweise realistischen Bedingungen reduzierte sich die Aufheizung auf unter 5 K. / Reactor pressure vessels (RPV) are non-restorable equipment and their lifetime may restrict the nuclear power plant-life as a whole. Surveillance specimen programs for RPV materials are among the most important measures of in-service inspection pro-grams that are necessary for realistic and reliable assessment of the RPV residual lifetime. In addition to the chemical composition of the RPV steel, the radiation pa-rameters (neutron and gamma fluences and spectra) have the most important impact on the RPV embrittlement characteristics. In this work, different geometric positions which have influence on the radiation conditions of the samples are investigated. Thus, the uncertainties can be determined in the fluence values of surveillance specimens. The fluence calculations were carried out by the codes TRAMO and DORT. This study was accompanied by ex-vessel neutron dosimetry experiments at Kola NPP, Unit 3 (VVER-440/213), which provide the basis for validation of calculated neutron fluences. The main neutron-activation monitoring reactions were 54Fe(n,p)54Mn and 58Ni(n,p)58Co. The activity measurements were carried out by “Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS). Good agreement between the deterministic and stochastic calculation results as well as between the calculations and the ex-vessel measurements was found. The aver-age difference between measured and calculated values is 5%. The influence of the channels for surveillance specimens and the shielding effect of a baffle rib on the monitors and on the Monte-Carlo calculated results was studied. For the surveillance specimens in the maximum of the flux, an average flux of around 2.45 * 1012 neutrons/cm2 was calculated for the neutron flux E> 0.5 MeV. The differences in the surveillance specimens could be up to 20% depending on the direction to the core. Discrepancies up to 10% can be caused by the change of the position of the capsules in the irradiation channel. Based on these calculations the lead factor of specimens was determined. The maximum fluence of RPV may be achieved after two cycles. The calculated maximum gamma flux is around 3.4 * 1012 g/cm2s for E> 1.0 MeV and around 8.4 * 1012 g/cm2s for E> 0.5 MeV, with the largest part of the flux (around 97%) from the neutron reactions. The gamma fluxes in the surveillance specimens are two to three times bigger than the neutron fluxes. Nevertheless, the material damage by the gamma radiation is very small, because the dpa (displacement per atom) cross sections of gamma rays are about two to three orders of magnitude smaller. In order to exclude the possibility of healing effects of the samples due to excessive temperatures, the heat release in the surveillance specimens was determined based on the calculated gamma fluences. The analytic treatment of the heat conduction equation and simplified SS geometries were adopted to calculate the range of tem-peratures to be expected. The temperature increase of 20 K above the inlet coolant temperature was estimated using a conservative approach. Under comparatively re-alistic conditions, the heating was reduced to less than 5 K.

A study of obsidian in prehistoric central and Eastern Europe, and it's trace element characterization. An analytically-based study of archaeological obsidian in Central and Eastern Europe, an investigation of obsidian sources in this area, and the characterization of these obsidians using neutron activation analysis.

Thorpe, Olwen Williams January 1978 (has links)
Fieldwork in the Zemplen Mountain area of north-eastern Hungary showed that there are at least eight geological sources of obsidian here, five of which have obsidian of a workable quality. There are a further three sources in the Slovak Zemplen, all of which provide workable obsidian. Sources in Central Slovakia are highly devitrified and not useable, and reported sources in Rumania had been discounted earlier (Nandris, 1975). Forty-six samples of obsidian from the Zemplen sources, and 293 pieces from 87 archaeological sites in Central and Eastern Europe, were analysed by neutron activation analysis for 15 trace and two major elements. The trace elements used included those which are geochemically likely to show the greatest variation between different obsidian sources, and which are not badly affected by devitrification and hydration of the obsidian, for example the rare earth elements. The analytical data was processed using Cluster Analysis. 242 of the archaeological samples came from Slovak sources, 22 from Hungarian sources, 9 from Lipari and 5 from Melos. In addition, 6 samples were tentatively assigned to Carpathian sources, and 9 could not be assigned to any source. Obsidian from the Zemplen Mountains was distributed up to a distance of approximately 480 km from the sources; it was used extensively in Slovakia and Hungary and reached southern Poland, Austria, Moravia, central Yugoslavia, north-east Italy and central Rumania. Obsidian use in central and eastern Europe began in the Mousterian period. The earliest pieces analysed were Aurignacian and came from Hungarian sources. Later, in the Gravettian, Slovakian sources began to be exploited and remained predominant until obsidian use declined sharply in the Later Neolithic, and Copper and Bronze Ages. The Carpathian obsidian distribution overlaps with the Liparian distribution at one site in north-east Italy. There is no evidence for an overlap with Aegean or Near Eastern sources. The rate of fall off of obsidian away from the sources suggests a down-the-line trading mechanism.

The circulation and consumption of Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware: petrographic, chemical and residue analysis

Knappett, C., Kilikoglou, V., Steele, Valerie J., Stern, Ben January 2005 (has links)
Yes / Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware is one of the most recognisable classes of pottery from the Late Bronze Age of the east Mediterranean. Yet both its production source and the nature of its contents and use remain a source of some debate. These questions are tackled here through an intensive programme of scientific analysis involving 95 samples of Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware and related wares from seven sites in Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt. Petrography and instrumental neutron activation analysis are combined in the study of the ceramic fabrics, with a view to specifying the source of this ware; while gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry are used to analyse absorbed and visible residues in and on the sherd samples, in the hope of shedding light on vessel contents and possible use. The results of the fabric analysis show the ware to be extremely homogeneous, indicative of a single source: northern Cyprus is at present the most likely candidate, although further analysis, particularly of clay samples from the region in question, would certainly be desirable. The residue analysis suggests that Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware might have been used to carry some kind of plant oils, possibly perfumed, and that in some instances the vessel interior was coated with beeswax as a sealant. / AHRC

Caracterização de sistemas de café orgânico sombreado e a pleno sol no sul de Minas Gerais. / Characterization of full sun- and shaded- organic coffee systems in the south of Minas Gerais.

Moreira, Cassio Franco 19 January 2004 (has links)
O consumo e o mercado de cafés especiais, como orgânicos, gourmets e socialmente justos, cresce no mundo todo oferecendo preços atraentes para o produtor, enquanto o mercado de cafés commodity encontra grande oferta e preços muito baixos. A produção orgânica revela-se como alternativa ambiental, social e econômica, pois não contamina o meio ambiente e nem as pessoas direta e indiretamente envolvidas, além de agregar mais valor ao produto final. Apesar de o Brasil ser o maior produtor mundial de café, com aproximadamente 45 milhões de sacas em 2002, a produção de café orgânico foi aproximadamente de 70 mil sacas, de acordo com a ACOB (Associação de Cafeicultura Orgânica do Brasil). O México é o maior produtor mundial de café orgânico, com aproximadamente 500 mil sacas em 2002, sendo a maioria proveniente de sistemas sombreados de café. A cafeicultura nacional caracteriza-se por extensas áreas de monocultivo a pleno sol, desconsiderando o fato do café ser uma espécie originária de florestas caducifólias da Etiópia. A produção de café orgânico brasileira também é, em sua maioria, a pleno sol, com pouca biodiversidade e grande input ao sistema. Países produtores de café orgânico em sistemas sombreados e consumidores criticam a ausência de biodiversidade do sistema brasileiro. Portanto, a pesquisa nacional deve avaliar cientificamente diferentes manejos de café orgânico, obtendo informações quantitativas e qualitativas, visando a sustentabilidade sócio-ambiental e ganho de competitividade internacional do produto brasileiro neste nicho de mercado. Na busca de parâmetros que permitam a caracterização do sistema sombreado e do sistema a pleno sol de café orgânico, a composição química elementar avaliada em elevado nível metrológico é uma ferramenta potencial. Esta alta confiabilidade metrológica pode ser obtida através da análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental (INAA). Para a caracterização destes sistemas de produção de café orgânico, vários elementos químicos foram quantificados por INAA em grãos e folhas de café Coffea arabica, variedade Mundo Novo, e nos solos de ambos os sistemas - café sombreado por árvore leguminosa Platycyamus regnellii e café a pleno sol, na fazenda Jacarandá, Machado, Minas Gerais. Foram também avaliados os parâmetros de produtividade, fertilidade do solo, nutrição vegetal e qualidade do café. Os resultados indicam uma perspectiva positiva para a discriminação dos dois sistemas de produção utilizando-se da composição química elementar determinada por INAA. As avaliações demonstram uma tendência à superioridade do sistema sombreado, principalmen te quanto às maiores concentrações de potássio encontrados em grãos, folhas e solo, que podem ter propiciado uma melhor qualidade do café deste sistema. / The consumption of special coffee, mainly organic coffee, is increasing worldwide following the tendency of consuming products socially fair and ecologically sustainable, providing new market opportunities for coffee farmers in developing countries. The organic coffee is considered to have a better quality, once no agrochemicals are used and therefore, only the essential elements of the coffee will be present in the final product. Brazil is the largest world coffee producer, with 2,700,000 tons of green coffee in the 2002 harvest. However, only 4,200 tons are certified organic coffee, according to the Organic Coffee Brazilian Association (ACOB). The cultivation of organic coffee and shaded coffee are common in Central America, while in Brazil both conventional and organic coffee are mainly cultivated in the full sun system. Mexico, the largest world organic coffee producer, harvested 24,000 tons of certified organic coffee in the 2001-2002 season, most of it from shaded organic coffee system. In Brazil, such system is not well trusted and is also known as less productive. The full sun organic system is very criticized because of the lack of biodiversity and the high demand for external organic fertilizers. The shaded coffee system recycles more nutrients and has biodiversity, consequently, less dependent on external organic fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides. To characterize these two distinct organic coffee production systems, several inorganic chemical elements were quantified by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in coffee beans and leaves from Coffea arabica, variety Mundo Novo, leguminous shade tree (Platycyamus regnellii) leaves and soil from both systems at the Jacarandá farm, Machado, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Other parameters such as productivity, soil fertility, plant nutrition and coffee quality were also evaluated. Results show a positive perspective for discrimination of the two production systems, through the chemical composition by INAA. The evaluations show a tendency of superiority for the shaded treatment, mainly according to the higher mass fractions of K in grains, leaves and soil, which may have caused better coffee quality.

\"Comportamento de terras raras e outros elementos-traço em soleiras e derrames da região norte-nordeste da província magmática do Paraná\" / Rare earth and other trace element behaviour in sills and flows from north-northeast region of Paraná Magmatic Province

Rocha Júnior, Eduardo Reis Viana 15 May 2006 (has links)
Foram determinadas as concentrações de terras raras (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb e Lu) e outros elementos-traço (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, Th, Ta, Hf, Co e Sc) em 51 amostras representativas de derrames e soleiras das regiões norte e nordeste da Província Magmática do Paraná, que ocorrem no norte do estado de São Paulo e no sul de Minas Gerais. O método utilizado para estas determinações foi a técnica de ativação com nêutrons térmicos e epitérmicos, seguida de espectrometria gama de alta resolução, que forneceu resultados com elevados níveis de precisão e de exatidão (geralmente com valores inferiores a 10%), conforme atestado pelas concentrações determinadas no material geológico de referência JB-1. Os dados obtidos foram analisados conjuntamente com determinações de elementos maiores, menores e dos traços Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cr e Ni, realizadas por fluorescência de raios ? X. As rochas investigadas são quimicamente representadas por basaltos toleíticos, andesi-basaltos toleíticos e lati-basaltos, enquanto as mais evoluídas (MgO < 3%), que ocorrem de modo muito subordinado, são representadas por latitos e lati-andesitos, além de um riodacito. As rochas básicas (SiO2 < 55% e/ou MgO > 3%) são caracterizadas por apresentarem conteúdos de TiO2 maiores que 3%, sendo que grande maioria possui fortes semelhanças com os magmas-tipo Pitanga, embora tenham sido encontrados alguns derrames, localizados no norte do estado de São Paulo, geoquimicamente semelhantes aos magmas-tipo Urubici (típicos do sul da província). Rochas básicas com concentrações de TiO2 entre 2% e 3% foram também raramente encontradas, as quais representam equivalentes intrusivos de derrames Paranapanema. As rochas mais evoluídas só foram encontradas em soleiras e possuem características geoquímicas que indicam diferenciação a partir de magmas do tipo Pitanga. O comportamento de elementos maiores, menores e traços nas rochas intrusivas e extrusivas do tipo Pitanga, incluindo as mais diferenciadas, é compatível com um processo de evolução por cristalização fracionada envolvendo plagioclásios, clinopiroxênios e titano-magnetitas. A comparação entre derrames e soleiras do tipo Pitanga indica a atuação significativa de processos de diferenciação in situ nas rochas intrusivas, que causaram uma maior variabilidade composicional (soleiras: MgO entre 2,3% e 6,4%; derrames: MgO entre 3,2% e 5,5%). As rochas mais diferenciadas são também caracterizadas por anomalias positivas de európio, que sugerem o acúmulo de plagioclásio devido a esse processo de fracionamento. Os dados obtidos também reforçam que não houve participação significativa de componentes astenosféricos do tipo N-MORB, E-MORB e OIB na gênese das rochas básicas investigadas, as quais possuem grande similaridade geoquímica com os basaltos da Cadeia Rio Grande (sítio 516F) e Cadeia Walvis (sítio 525A), especialmente com os desta última, indicando o envolvimento do componente mantélico EMI. / It is presented the determination of rare earth (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu) and other trace (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, Th, Ta, Hf, Co and Sc) element concentrations in 51 representative samples of flows and sills from northern and northeastern Paraná Magmatic Province, particularly those located at north of São Paulo State and south of Minas Gerais. The employed analytical method to those determinations was thermal and epithermal neutron activation analysis, followed by high resolution gamma ray spectrometry, which provided high precision and accuracy results (in general better than 10%), as verified by determinations in the international geological reference material JB-1. The obtained results were integrated with major, minor and trace (Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cr and Ni) elements determined by X-ray fluorescence. The investigated rocks are mainly represented by tholeiitic basalts, tholeiitic andesi-basalts and lati-basalts, with subordinate relatively evolved (MgO < 3wt%) lithotypes, which are represented by latites and lati-andesites, besides one rhyodacite. The basic rocks (SiO2 < 55% and/or MgO > 3%) are characterized by presenting TiO2 contents higher than 3wt%, very similar to Pitanga magma-type, although some flows, located at northern São Paulo State, geochemically similar to Urubici magma-type (typical of southern Paraná) were also found. Basic rocks having TiO2 contents between 2 and 3 wt% were rarely encountered and represent intrusive equivalents of Paranapanema flows. The more evolved rocks were just found in sills and have geochemical characteristics that indicate differentiation from Pitanga magma-types. Major, minor and trace element behaviour of intrusive and extrusive rocks of Pitanga type, including those differentiated ones, is compatible with evolution by fractional crystallization of plagioclases, clinopyroxenes and titanium magnetites. The comparison between flows and sills of Pitanga type indicates the significant role of in situ differentiation in the genesis intrusive rocks, causing its larger compositional variability (sills: MgO between 2.3 and 6.4wt%; flows: MgO between 3.2 and 5.5wt%). The most evolved rocks are also characterized by positive europium anomalies, which suggest plagioclase accumulation caused by such fractionation process. The obtained data also corroborate the lack of significant participation of N-MORB, E-MORB and OIB asthenospheric mantle components in the genesis of basic rocks, which present very close geochemical similarity with Rio Grande Rise (site 516F) and Walvis Ridge (site 525A) basalts, particularly with the last ones, indicating the involvement of EMI mantle component.

Desenvolvimento de cristais baseados em iodeto de Césio para aplicação como detectores de radiação / Development of crystals based in cesium iodide for application as radiation detectors

Pereira, Maria da Conceição Costa 07 June 2006 (has links)
Cintiladores inorgânicos com tempo de decaimento de luminescência rápido, densidade alta e boa produção de luz têm sido objeto de estudos para aplicações em física nuclear, física de energias altas, tomografia nuclear e outros campos da ciência e da engenharia. Cristais de cintilação baseados em iodeto de césio (Csl) são materiais que apresentam higroscopia relativamente baixa, número atômico alto, fácil manuseio e custo baixo, características que favorecem o seu uso como detectores de radiação. Neste trabalho descreve-se a obtenção de cristais Csl puro, Csl:Br e Csl:Pb, utilizando-se a técnica de Bridgman. A concentração do elemento dopante bromo (Br) foi estudada no intervalo de 1,5x10-1 M a 10-2 M e o elemento chumbo (Pb) no intervalo de 10-2 M a 5x10-4 M. Para avaliar os cintiladores desenvolvidos foram efetuadas medidas sistemáticas de emissão de luminescência e tempo de decaimento de luminescência para a radiação gama, ensaios de transmitância óptica, ensaios de microdureza Vickers, determinações da distribuição dos dopantes ao longo dos cristais crescidos e análise da resposta dos cristais à radiação gama no intervalo de energia de 350 keV a 1330 keV e partículas alfa provenientes de fonte de 241Am com energia de 5,54 MeV. Os resultados obtidos de tempo de decaimento de luminescência para os cristais CsI:Br e CsI:Pb, no intervalo de 13 ns a 19 ns, mostraram-se promissores para medidas de alta energia. O estudo de microdureza mostrou um aumento significativo em função da concentração dos elementos dopantes, quando comparado ao cristal Csl puro, melhorando desta forma a resistência mecânica dos cristais crescidos. A validade de utilização desses cristais como sensores de radiação para medidas de radiação gama e partículas alfa, pode ser demonstrada pelos resultados da resposta à radiação. / Inorganic scintillators with fast luminescence decay time, high density and high light output have been the object of studies for application in nuclear physics, high energy physics, nuclear tomography and other fields of science and engineering. Scintillation crystals based on cesium iodide (CsI) are matters with relatively low higroscopy, high atomic number, easy handling and low cost, characteristics that favor their use as radiation detectors. In this work, the growth of pure CsI crystals, CsI:Br and CsI:Pb, using the Bridgman technique, is described. The concentration of the bromine doping element (Br) was studied in the range of 1,5x10-1 M to 10-2 M and the lead (Pb) in the range of 10-2 M to 5x10-4 M. To evaluate the scintillators developed, systematic measurements were carried out for luminescence emission and luminescence decay time for gamma radiation, optical transmittance assays, Vickers micro-hardness assays, determination of the doping elements distribution along the grown crystals and analysis of crystals response to the gamma radiation in the energy range of 350 keV to 1330 keV and alpha particles from a 241Am source, with energy of 5.54 MeV. It was obtained 13 ns to 19 ns for luminescence decay time for CsI:Br and CsI:Pb crystals. These results were very promising. The results obtained for micro-hardness showed a significant increase in function of the doping elements concentration, when compared to the pure CsI crystal, increasing consequently the mechanical resistance of the grown crystals. The validity of using these crystals as radiation sensors may be seen from the results of their response to gamma radiation and alpha particles.

Estudos da poluição do ar do município de Sete Lagoas, MG utilizando técnicas nucleares / Studies of air pollution in the municipal district of Sete Lagoas, MG using nuclear techniques

Paula Guimarães Moura Queiroz 26 May 2006 (has links)
Nenhuma / Metais tóxicos, tais como Ni, V, Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn e metalóides como o As e Se e seus compostos estão associados, principalmente, com a fração fina do material particulado presente nos aerossóis. Este fato é importante, em especial, do ponto de vista de saúde pública, pois esta é considerada a fração respirável de partículas que pode penetrar nas vias pulmonares e causar danos à região alveolar. Uma vez que na atmosfera as concentrações de metais traços, em geral, encontram-se em níveis muito baixos, a determinação da composição elementar dessas partículas requer o uso de técnicas analíticas apropriadas tais como o PIXE (Particle Induced X-Ray Emission), a análise por ativação neutrônica (AAN) e a espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X (FRX), entre outras. O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi a identificação das fontes geradoras do material particulado presente nos aerossóis atmosféricos do município de Sete Lagoas, um centro urbano de médio porte, onde se concentram diferentes tipos de indústrias. Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de solo e de resíduos sólidos gerados pelas principais tipologias industriais da região, as quais incluem as indústrias de produção de ferro-gusa a carvão vegetal, a extração e/ou beneficiamento de calcário e a fabricação de concreto e produtos cerâmicos, bem como do material particulado total em suspensão (PTS) e do particulado inalável (PM10), ou seja, de partículas com diâmetro aerodinâmico menor que 10 mm. A medida da concentração de elementos traços presentes em cada uma das amostras foi realizada utilizando-se as técnicas de AAN e FRX e a determinação da sua composição mineralógica foi feita pela técnica de difração de raiosX. As análises por ativação neutrônica e de espectrometria de raios-X dos resíduos sólidos e de solo mostraram que os elementos químicos predominantes nestas amostras são o Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Ti e Zn. A análise da composição mineralógica indicou a presença marcante de silicatos (quartzo, microclina) carbonatos (calcita) e óxidos de ferro (hematita) nestas amostras. Durante o período de amostragem (11/01/2005 to 13/02/2005) foram observados altos níveis de concentração de material particulado. Os resultados de concentração massa para PTS indicaram que a qualidade do ar foi considerada Inadequada ou Má em 76% dos dias de amostragem. Para PM10 foi observado que em 53 % dos dias, a qualidade do ar foi considerada como Regular. A determinação da distribuição do tamanho das partículas dos aerossóis atmosféricos sugeriu que aproximadamente 80% das partículas possuem diâmetro aerodinâmico menor que 2,5 m. Os resultados da análise por ativação neutrônica mostraram que o Al, Fe, Cl, Cu, K, Mg e Na são os elementos químicos predominantes no PTS e o Na, Cu, Fe, Ba, Cl, Eu e Sm nas partículas inaláveis PM10. A análise da composição mineralógica pelo método de difração de raios-X indicou que a calcita (> 30%) e o quartzo (10 a 30%) são os minerais predominantes nas amostras de PTS e PM10. O modelo receptor utilizado foi a Análise de Componentes Principias, o qual identificou três perfis de fontes para PTS e quatro para o material PM10. Os resultados indicaram que as fontes poluidoras que mais contribuem na degradação da qualidade do ar na região são: a ressuspensão da poeira de solo, os processos industriais (produção de ferro-gusa e fabricação de concreto e produtos cerâmicos) e a queima combustíveis fósseis. / Toxic metals, such as Ni, V, Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn and metalloids as As and Se and their compositions are associated mainly with the smaller diameter particulates present in the atmospheric aerosols. This fact is important, principally, when it concerns public health, because this is considered the breathable fraction of particles that can penetrate deeply into the lungs and cause damage to the alveoli. Once in the atmosphere the concentrations of trace metals, in general, show very low levels, the determination of the elementary composition of those particles requires the use of appropriate analytical techniques such as Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE), neutron activation analysis (NAA) and of X-rays fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), among others. The main objective of this study was the identification of the generating sources of suspended particles present in the atmospheric aerosols of the municipal district of Sete Lagoas, a medium sized urban center, where different types of industries are found. In order to achieve that, soil samples and of solid wastes generated by the main industries of the area were collected. These include the industries of pig iron production that uses charcoal, the extraction and/or improvement of limestone and the fabrication of concrete and ceramic products, as well as the amount of total suspended particles (TSP) and of PM10 particles (those with an aerodynamic diameter smaller then 10 mm). The measurement of the concentration of trace elements present in each one of the samples was accomplished using the NAA and XRF techniques and the determination of its mineralogical composition was carried out through the technique of X- ray diffraction. The analyses by NAA and XRF of the solid wastes and of soil showed that the predominant chemical elements in these samples are Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Ti and Zn. The mineralogical composition analysis indicated the outstanding presence of silicate (quartz, microcline) carbonates (calcite) and oxides of iron (hematite) in these samples. High levels of particulate concentrations were measured during the sampling period (01/11/2005 to 02/13/2005). The mass concentration results for TPS indicated that in 76% of the days the air quality was considered Inadequate or Bad. The PM10 results showed that in 53% of the days the air quality was considered Reasonable. The determination of the size distribution of the particles presented in the atmospheric aerosols suggested that approximately 80% of the particles possess smaller aerodynamic diameter than 2.5 m. The results of the neutron activation analysis showed that Al, Fe, Cl, Cu, K, Mg and Na are the predominant chemical elements in the TPS and Na, Cu, Fe, Ba, Cl, Eu and Sm in PM10. The analysis of the mineralogical composition by the method of X-ray diffraction indicated that calcite (> 30%) and quartz (10 to 30%) are the most abundant minerals present in both, TPS and PM10. The receptor model used was the Main Component Analysis that identified three profiles of sources for TPS and four profiles for PM10. The results indicated that the pollutant sources that contribute the most for the degradation of the quality of the air in the region are: resuspended soil dust, industrial processes (pig iron production and the fabrication of concrete and ceramic products) and the burning of fossil fuels.

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