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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resurseffektiv kvävereduktion genom nitritation / Resource-efficient nitrogen removal throughnitritation

Ellwerth-Stein, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Resurseffektiv kvävereduktion genom nitritation Problematiken med övergödning i våra akvatiska system har lett till hårdare krav på kväverening vid våra reningsverk. En rejektvattenbehandling har visat sig vara ett bra alternativ för att utöka kvävereningen. Vid Nykvarnsverket i Linköping renas avloppsvatten och sedan 2009 finns en SHARON-anläggning i drift. SHARON står för ”Stable High rate Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite” och är en kvävereningsprocess för rejektvatten utvecklad av Grontmij i samarbete med Tekniska universitetet i Delft. I denna studie har SHARON-processen i Linköping undersökts. Dess funktion har utvärderats, drift- och underhållsbehov har studerats och nyckeltal för processen har tagits fram. Arbetet har utförts under våren 2012 genom teoretiska studier samt genom platsbesök och praktiska undersökningar vid Nykvarnsverket i Linköping. Resultaten av denna studie visar att SHARON-processen i Linköping renar ammonium med en reningsgrad på 92,5 %. Denna kväverening motsvarar 18 % av reningsverkets totala kvävereduktion trots att endast cirka 0,5 % av det totala flödet genom reningsverket behandlas. Kostnaden för den utökade kvävereningen är 9,3 kr/kg N och energiåtgången är 2,2 kWh/kg N. Processen har sedan idrifttagandet haft undermålig luftningskapacitet. Detta har troligen lett till den instabilitet som processen uppvisat och att den uppsatta reningsgraden på 97 % inte nås. På grund av låga syrehalter finns Anammoxbakterier i SHARON-reaktorn. Anammoxbakterierna påverkar kvävereningen, men i vilken utsträckning detta sker är inte klarlagt. En ny blåsmaskin är i drift sedan den 30 april och luftningskapaciteten motsvarar nu ursprunglig processdesign. Effekten av den utökade luftningen behöver utvärderas ytterligare. De stöddoseringar av bland annat fosfor och koppar, som är nödvändiga för mikroorganismernas tillväxt, kan exempelvis behöva justeras då processen reagerat på den utökade syretillförseln. / Resource-efficient nitrogen removal through nitritation Eutrophication in our aquatic systems has led to stricter limits regarding nitrogen removal at our wastewater treatment plants. Side stream treatment of reject water has proven to be a good alternative for extended nitrogen removal. At Nykvarnsverket, in Linköping municipality, in Sweden a SHARON-process has been operational since 2009. SHARON stands for ”Stable High rate Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite” and is a nitrogen removal reject water treatment process developed by Grontmij and Delft University of Technology. In this study the function of the SHARON-process in Linköping has been evaluated. The operating and maintenance costs have been calculated. The study has been performed during the spring of 2012 through theoretical studies and practical investigations at Nykvarnsverket in Linköping. The results show that the SHARON-process in Linköping removes ammonia with an efficiency of 92.5 %. This nitrogen removal corresponds to 18 % of the total nitrogen removal at Nykvarnsverket, in spite of the fact that the reject water treatment constitutes only 0.5 % of the treatment plant’s total hydraulic capacity. The cost of the extended nitrogen removal was 9.3 SEK/kg N and the energy consumption was 2.2 kWh/kg N. Ever since the process was put into operation, there has been a lack of aeration capacity. This is probably the cause of the process instability and the fact that the nitrogen removal efficiency does not reach the design value of 97 %. Because of the low levels of dissolved oxygen there are Anammox-bacteria present in the process. The Anammox-bacteria affect the nitrogen removal, but exactly to what extent has not been determined. A new blower is in operation since the 30th of April and the aeration capacity now corresponds to the original design. The effect of the increased aeration needs further evaluation. The aid dosages of copper and phosphorous, important for the growth of the microorganisms, may need to be fine-tuned when the process has reacted to the increased oxygen supply.

Evaluation of the suppressive effect of intermittent aeration on nitrite-oxidising bacteria in a mainstream nitritation-anammox process / Utvärdering av den hämmande effekten av intermittent luftning på nitritoxiderande bakterier i en huvudströmsnitritation-anammoxprocess

Okhravi, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
An alternative to conventional removal of nitrogen through autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification is autotrophic nitritation-anammox. The anammox bacteria oxidise ammonium directly to nitrogen gas with nitrite as an electron acceptor. Total autotrophic removal of nitrogen in the mainstream would bring wastewater treatment plants closer to being energy self-sufficient as it would allow for a significant reduction of aeration and an increased chemical oxygen demand reduction in the pre-treatment. An increased chemical oxygen demand reduction by mechanical treatment would potentially generate a greater biogas yield in the subsequent anaerobic digestion of the sludge. Nitritation-anammox processes have been successfully implemented over the world for treatment of ammonium rich sludge liquor of higher temperatures, while the feasibility of a mainstream implementation is still under evaluation. Lower ammonium concentrations, lower operating temperatures and better effluent quality represent the main challenges considering this energy autarkic treatment technique. Terminating nitrification at nitritation, i.e. favouring ammonia-oxidising bacteria while supressing nitrite-oxidising bacteria, is vital for a functioning nitritation-anammox process. This study aims to evaluate the suppressive effect of intermittent aeration on nitrite- oxidising bacteria while sustaining anammox activity by ex-situ batch tests in a pilot-scale moving bed biofilm reactor at Sjölunda Wastewater Treatment Plant in Malmö, Sweden. The pilot plant consists of one reactor treating sludge liquor and two mainstream reactors, connected in series, receiving effluent from a high-loaded activated sludge plant. The batch test showed a slight decrease of nitrite-oxidising bacteria activity when the reactors were intermittently aerated. Some loss in activity is expected as oxygen supply is decreased when aeration is switched from continuous to intermittent. Furthermore, the decrease coincided with an increased organic carbon loading favouring fast growing heterotrophic bacteria. The decrease in nitrite-oxidising bacteria activity can thereby be coupled with an increased competition for dissolved oxygen and space with heterotrophic bacteria. The suppression of nitrite-oxidising bacteria was not selective as results indicate a decrease in ammonia-oxidising bacteria activity as well. The nitrogen removal rate was decreased during the study while the potential anammox activity was stable in the mainstream and increased in the sludge liquor reactor. This indicates that the anammox bacteria are not hampered but rather that the availability of nitrite, i.e. the activity of ammonia-oxidising bacteria, is the limiting factor of the process. / Ett alternativ till konventionell kväverening via autotrof nitrifikation och heterotrof denitrifikation är autotrof nitritation-anammox. Anammoxbakterien oxiderar ammonium direkt till kvävgas med nitrit som elektronacceptor. Fullständigt autotrof kväverening skulle föra avloppsreningsverk närmare ett självförsörjande energiläge då luftningsbehovet minskas signifikant och en ökad reduktion av organiskt kol via mekanisk rening skulle möjliggöras. Den ökade reduktionen av organiskt kol ger potentiellt en ökad biogasproduktion i den efterkommande anaeroba rötningen av slammet. Framgångsrika nitritation-anammoxprocesser har implementerats över världen för behandling av ammoniumrikt rejektvatten med högre temperatur medan möjligheten för en huvudströmsimplementation utreds. Lägre ammoniumkoncentrationer, lägre drift- temperaturer och höga krav på utgående vattens kvalitet utgör de största utmaningarna för denna reningsteknik. Att avbryta nitrifikation vid nitritation, det vill säga gynna ammoniakoxiderande bakterier och hämma nitritoxiderande bakterier är vitalt för en fungerande nitritation- anammoxprocess. Denna studie ämnar att utvärdera den hämmande effekten av intermittent luftning på nitritoxiderande bakterier samtidigt som anammoxaktiviteten bibehålls. Detta gjordes med hjälp av ex situ -aktivitetstest med bärare från en bioreaktor i pilotskala med rörligt bärarmaterial på Sjölunda Avloppsreningsverk i Malmö. Pilotanläggningen består av en reaktor för behandling av rejektvatten och två huvudströmsreaktorer, kopplade i serie, som mottar vatten från Sjölundas högbelastade aktivslamanläggning. Aktivitetstesterna visade att aktiviteten av nitritoxiderande bakterier sjönk något. En viss minskning i aktiviteten är dock förväntad enbart utifrån att tillförseln av syre minskat då luftningsstrategin ändrats från kontinuerlig till intermittent. Minskningen av aktiviteten sammanföll även med en ökad belastning av organiskt kol, vilket gynnar snabbväxande heterotrofer. Den minskade aktiviteten av nitritoxiderande bakterier kan därmed förklaras av en ökad konkurrens med heterotrofa bakterier om löst syre och plats. De nitritoxiderande bakterierna hämmades inte selektivt då resultaten tyder på att det även skett en minskning av de ammoniakoxiderande bakteriernas aktivitet. Kväverenings- hastigheten har gått ned under studien medan den potentiella anammoxaktiviteten har varit stabil i huvudströmsreaktorerna och har ökat i rejektvattenreaktorn. Detta indikerar att anammoxbakterierna inte blivit hämmade utan att det snarare är tillgången på nitrit, det vill säga aktiviteten av ammoniakoxiderande bakterier, som är begränsande för processen.

Wastewater Treatment by Partial Nitritation / Anammox -Hydroxyapatite coupled process (PN/A-HAP) / Behandling av avloppsvatten genom partiell nitritering / Anammox -Hydroxyapatit kopplad process (PN/A-HAP)

Abadii, Eyerusalem January 2024 (has links)
Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution is still a serious environmental problem and a major threat to sustainable development, as they mainly cause eutrophication. Therefore, increasingly stricter requirements are placed on wastewater treatment plants when it comes to emissions of nutrients. To meet these requirements, it is important to continuously renew and improve the purification processes, thereby reducing the emissions of nutrients to the sea, lakes, and streams. The effect of simultaneous nitrogen removal and phosphorus recycling was investigated in this study, employing a one-step process for partial nitritation/anammox-hydroxyapatite (PN/HAP). An experiment in a laboratory-scale SBR reactor (Sequence Batch Reactor) was performed using wastewater from the side-stream centrate. This study validated results to a certain extent published studies by other researchers. However, they had almost exclusively used synthetic wastewater, unlike the here presented where real wastewater was used. The innovative PN/A-HAP process showed effective nitrogen and phosphorus removal without additional aeration or pH adjustment, which means lower energy consumption, reduced nitrous oxide emissions, and reduced sludge production. The results showed an average nitrogen removal efficiency of 32.84% and an average phosphorus removal efficiency of 71.48%. These results indicate significant potential for sustainable wastewater management for some nitrogen and phosphorus side streams at the treatment plants. However, further research is required on a larger scale to precisely assess the long-term separation efficiency for nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as the scalability and usability of the process under real conditions.  This Thesis was performed in the frame of a research project 'Process development of CA-induced HAP (Hydroxyapatite) granulation in nitrogen separation with Anammox' funded by the VA Cluster Mälardalen. / Kväve- och fosforföroreningar är fortfarande ett allvarligt miljöproblem och ett stort hot mot en hållbar utveckling, eftersom de främst orsakar övergödning. Därför ställs allt strängare krav på avloppsreningsverken när det gäller utsläpp av näringsämnen. För att uppfylla dessa strängare krav är det viktigt att kontinuerligt förnya och förbättra reningsprocesserna och därigenom minska utsläppen av näringsämnen till hav, sjöar och vattendrag. I denna studie undersöktes effekten av samtidig kväveavskiljning och fosforåtervinning från avloppsvatten med hjälp av en enstegsprocess för partiell nitritering/Anammox-Hydroxyapatit (PN/HAP). Ett experiment i laboratorieskala genomfördes med hjälp av en SBR-reaktor (sequence batch reactor) för behandling av avloppsvatten från sidoströmscentrat. Denna studie validerade delvis resultat från andra forskares publicerade studier.Dessa hade dock nästan uteslutande använt syntetiskt avloppsvatten till skillnad från den här presenterade där riktigt avloppsvatten användes. Den innovativa PN/A-HAP-processen visade effektiv kväve- och fosforavskiljning utan behov av ytterligare luftning eller pH-justering, vilket i praktiken betyder lägre energiförbrukning, minskade lustgasutsläpp och minskad slamproduktion. Resultaten visade en genomsnittlig kväveavskiljningseffektivitet på 32,84% och en genomsnittlig fosforavskiljningseffektivitet på 71,48%. Dessa resultat tyder på en betydande potential för hållbar avloppsvattenhantering för vissa kväve- och fosforrika sidoströmmar vid reningsverken. Det krävs dock ytterligare forskning i större skala för att exakt kunna bedöma den långsiktiga avskiljningseffektiviteten för kväve och fosfor, samt processens skalbarhet och användbarhet under verkliga förhållanden. Denna artikel är skriven som en del av ett forskningsprojekt 'Processutveckling av Ca-inducerad HAP (hydroxyapatit) granulering vid kväveavskiljning med anammox' finansierat av VA-kluster Mälardalen.

Tratamento de despejo de coqueria via nitritação/desnitritação operando um sistema de lodo ativado em bateladas sequenciais. / Coke-oven wastewater treatment over nitritation/denitritation in an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor.

Queiroz, Luciano Matos 19 June 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetivou estudar a remoção dos poluentes presentes em uma água residuária de coqueria, através do processo biológico de nitritação/desnitritação operando um reator de lodo ativado em bateladas seqüenciais em duas etapas sucessivas. Durante a primeira, o reator foi alimentado com um efluente sintético composto por dois poluentes abundantes em despejos de coqueria: nitrogênio amoniacal (500 mg N/L) e fenol (1.000 mg C6H5OH/L). Na segunda, o reator foi alimentado com o despejo gerado na unidade de coqueria de uma indústria siderúrgica integrada. Ao longo da primeira etapa, ao final da fase aeróbia dos 28 ciclos de tratamento, foi possível alcançar eficiências de remoção de N-NH3 superiores a 90% com predominância do N-NO2 - na massa líquida do reator evidenciado pelas relações N-NO2 -/ (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) superiores a 86%. O principal mecanismo de inibição das bactérias oxidantes de nitrito (BON) foram concentrações de amônia livre no conteúdo do reator entre 3,2 e 19,5 mg NH3/L. As taxas específicas de nitritação variaram entre 0,03 e 0,11 kg N-NH3/ kg SSV.dia, para temperaturas no conteúdo do reator entre 15 e 34°C. Durante a fase anóxica, o fenol mostrou-se adequado como fonte de carbono para a biomassa desnitritante, desde que as taxas de aplicação volumétricas fossem inferiores a 0,02 kg fenol/m³.hora. Respeitando essa condição, foi possível alcançar: eficiências de remoção de fenol entre 45 e 56%; taxas específicas de remoção de fenol entre 0,03 e 0,09 kg C6H5OH / kg SSV.dia; taxas específicas de desnitritação entre 0,03 e 0,06 kg N-NO2 -/ kg SSV.dia e eficiências de remoção de (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) superiores a 95%. Ao longo da fase anóxica foram retiradas amostras do conteúdo do reator para a realização de análises de nitrofenóis (NF). Os resultados acusaram a presença de 2 nitrofenol e 4 nitrofenol em concentrações proporcionais à taxa de aplicação volumétrica do fenol na massa líquida do reator. A presença desses compostos em concentrações inferiores a 0,5 mg/L não causou impacto sobre a desnitritação biológica. As análises realizadas em amostras coletadas ao final da reação anóxica, não acusaram a presença de 2 e 4 NF, demonstrando que esses compostos podem ser biodegradados por uma biomassa bem adaptada ao fenol. A concepção do sistema para tratamento da água residuária de coqueria via nitritação/desnitritação envolveu a operação de dois reatores (principal e reator de polimento) operados em bateladas seqüenciais. As condições de operação do reator principal eram manipuladas para viabilizar o acúmulo de NNO2 - ao final da fase aeróbia e promover a desnitritação durante a fase anóxica, utilizando como fonte de carbono a própria matéria orgânica presente no despejo. Como o sobrenadante do reator principal apresentava concentrações elevadas de N-NO2 -, esse efluente era aplicado no reator de polimento, juntamente com etanol como fonte de carbono para redução do NNO2 -. Ao final da fase aeróbia dos ciclos de tratamento conduzidos no reator principal alcançaram-se: relações NO2 -/ (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) superiores a 88%; eficiências de remoções de nitrogênio total superiores a 60%; remoções de N-NH3 superiores a 90%, para valores de pH na massa líquida do reator entre 7,8 e 8,5 e, temperatura entre 23 e 31°C. Tal qual ocorrido durante a primeira etapa da investigação, o principal mecanismo de inibição da atividade das bactérias oxidantes de nitrito foi a toxicidade conferida pelas concentrações de amônia livre (3,7 a 15,7 mg NH3/L) no conteúdo do reator. Durante a fase anóxica, as eficiências de remoção de (N-NO2 - foram limitadas pela disponibilidade de matéria orgânica biodegradável no despejo da coqueria, razões DBO/DQOafluente superiores a 80% resultaram em remoções de N-NO2 - próximas de 100%. Quanto ao reator de polimento, pode-se afirmar que o etanol teve um efeito positivo sobre a remoção de matéria orgânica da água residuária da coqueria, considerando a configuração (dois lodos) utilizada. / The present research aimed to study the coke-oven wastewater treatment over nitritation/denitritation in an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor in two successive phases. During the first one, the reactor was fed with a synthetic effluent composed by two abundant pollutants present in coke-oven wastewaters: total ammonia nitrogen (500 mg TAN.l-1) and phenol (1,000 mg C6H5OH.l-1). During the second phase, the reactor was fed with the wastewater produced in an integrated steel industrys coke-plant. The results of the first phase (28 cycles) showed that was possible to achieve TAN removal efficiencies higher than 90% with NO2 --N predominance in the reactor content, evidenced by the rates NO2 --N/ (NO2 --N + NO3 --N) higher than 86%. The main mechanism of the nitrite oxidizer bacteria (NOB) inhibition was free ammonia concentrations between 3.2 and 19.5 mg NH3.l-1. The specific nitritation rates varied between 0.03 and 0.11 kg TAN. kg VSS-1.d-1, for temperatures between 15 and 34oC. Phenol showed to be suitable as carbon source for denitrifying biomass, once the volumetric application rates were lower than 0.02 kg phenol.m-3.h-1. Obeying this condition, it was possible to achieve: phenol removal efficiencies between 45 and 56%; specific phenol removal rates between 0.03 and 0.09 kg C6H5OH. kg VSS-1.d-1; specific denitritation rates between 0.03 and 0.06 kg NO2 --N . kg VSS-1.d-1 and removal efficiencies of (NO2 --N + NO3 --N) higher than 95%. During the anoxic phase, samples were collected from the reactor content for nitrophenols analyses. The results showed the presence of 2- nitrophenol (2-NP) and 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in concentrations proportional to phenol volumetric application rate in the reactor liquid mass. The presence of those compounds in concentrations lower than 0.5 mg/L does not cause impact over the biological denitritation. The analyses accomplished in samples collected at the end of the anoxic reaction do not show the presence of 2 and 4-NP, demonstrating that these compounds can be biodegraded by a well-adapted biomass. The arrangement of the system for the treatment of coke-oven wastewater (Phase 02) over nitritation/denitritation involved the operation of two sequencing batch reactors (the main reactor and the polishing one). The operational conditions of the main reactor were manipulated to make feasible the NO2 --N accumulation at the end of the aerobic stage and promote the denitritation using the own organic matter present in the cokeoven wastewater as carbon source. As the supernatant of the main reactor presented high nitrite concentrations, this effluent was conducted to a biological denitrifying polishing reactor with ethanol as carbon source. At the end of the aerobic stage of the treatment cycles conducted in the main reactor, it was achieved: NO2 --N/ (NO2 --N + NO3 --N) higher than 88%; total nitrogen removal efficiencies higher than 60%; ammonia nitrogen removal higher than 90%. As occurred during the first phase of the investigation, the main NOB activity inhibition was the toxicity of the free ammonia concentrations (3.7 to 15.7 mg NH3.l-1) in the reactor content. At the end of anoxic stage, the NO2 --N removal efficiencies were limited by the availability of the biodegradable organic matter in the coke-oven wastewater but BOD/CODinfluent higher than 80% resulted in NO2 --N removals next to 100%. Regarding to the polishing reactor, it can be stated that the ethanol had a positive effect over the organic matter removal of the coke-oven wastewater.

Partial nitritation-anammox using pH-controlled aeration in submerged attached growth bioreactors

Shannon, James Murray 01 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Tratamento de despejo de coqueria via nitritação/desnitritação operando um sistema de lodo ativado em bateladas sequenciais. / Coke-oven wastewater treatment over nitritation/denitritation in an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor.

Luciano Matos Queiroz 19 June 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetivou estudar a remoção dos poluentes presentes em uma água residuária de coqueria, através do processo biológico de nitritação/desnitritação operando um reator de lodo ativado em bateladas seqüenciais em duas etapas sucessivas. Durante a primeira, o reator foi alimentado com um efluente sintético composto por dois poluentes abundantes em despejos de coqueria: nitrogênio amoniacal (500 mg N/L) e fenol (1.000 mg C6H5OH/L). Na segunda, o reator foi alimentado com o despejo gerado na unidade de coqueria de uma indústria siderúrgica integrada. Ao longo da primeira etapa, ao final da fase aeróbia dos 28 ciclos de tratamento, foi possível alcançar eficiências de remoção de N-NH3 superiores a 90% com predominância do N-NO2 - na massa líquida do reator evidenciado pelas relações N-NO2 -/ (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) superiores a 86%. O principal mecanismo de inibição das bactérias oxidantes de nitrito (BON) foram concentrações de amônia livre no conteúdo do reator entre 3,2 e 19,5 mg NH3/L. As taxas específicas de nitritação variaram entre 0,03 e 0,11 kg N-NH3/ kg SSV.dia, para temperaturas no conteúdo do reator entre 15 e 34°C. Durante a fase anóxica, o fenol mostrou-se adequado como fonte de carbono para a biomassa desnitritante, desde que as taxas de aplicação volumétricas fossem inferiores a 0,02 kg fenol/m³.hora. Respeitando essa condição, foi possível alcançar: eficiências de remoção de fenol entre 45 e 56%; taxas específicas de remoção de fenol entre 0,03 e 0,09 kg C6H5OH / kg SSV.dia; taxas específicas de desnitritação entre 0,03 e 0,06 kg N-NO2 -/ kg SSV.dia e eficiências de remoção de (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) superiores a 95%. Ao longo da fase anóxica foram retiradas amostras do conteúdo do reator para a realização de análises de nitrofenóis (NF). Os resultados acusaram a presença de 2 nitrofenol e 4 nitrofenol em concentrações proporcionais à taxa de aplicação volumétrica do fenol na massa líquida do reator. A presença desses compostos em concentrações inferiores a 0,5 mg/L não causou impacto sobre a desnitritação biológica. As análises realizadas em amostras coletadas ao final da reação anóxica, não acusaram a presença de 2 e 4 NF, demonstrando que esses compostos podem ser biodegradados por uma biomassa bem adaptada ao fenol. A concepção do sistema para tratamento da água residuária de coqueria via nitritação/desnitritação envolveu a operação de dois reatores (principal e reator de polimento) operados em bateladas seqüenciais. As condições de operação do reator principal eram manipuladas para viabilizar o acúmulo de NNO2 - ao final da fase aeróbia e promover a desnitritação durante a fase anóxica, utilizando como fonte de carbono a própria matéria orgânica presente no despejo. Como o sobrenadante do reator principal apresentava concentrações elevadas de N-NO2 -, esse efluente era aplicado no reator de polimento, juntamente com etanol como fonte de carbono para redução do NNO2 -. Ao final da fase aeróbia dos ciclos de tratamento conduzidos no reator principal alcançaram-se: relações NO2 -/ (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) superiores a 88%; eficiências de remoções de nitrogênio total superiores a 60%; remoções de N-NH3 superiores a 90%, para valores de pH na massa líquida do reator entre 7,8 e 8,5 e, temperatura entre 23 e 31°C. Tal qual ocorrido durante a primeira etapa da investigação, o principal mecanismo de inibição da atividade das bactérias oxidantes de nitrito foi a toxicidade conferida pelas concentrações de amônia livre (3,7 a 15,7 mg NH3/L) no conteúdo do reator. Durante a fase anóxica, as eficiências de remoção de (N-NO2 - foram limitadas pela disponibilidade de matéria orgânica biodegradável no despejo da coqueria, razões DBO/DQOafluente superiores a 80% resultaram em remoções de N-NO2 - próximas de 100%. Quanto ao reator de polimento, pode-se afirmar que o etanol teve um efeito positivo sobre a remoção de matéria orgânica da água residuária da coqueria, considerando a configuração (dois lodos) utilizada. / The present research aimed to study the coke-oven wastewater treatment over nitritation/denitritation in an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor in two successive phases. During the first one, the reactor was fed with a synthetic effluent composed by two abundant pollutants present in coke-oven wastewaters: total ammonia nitrogen (500 mg TAN.l-1) and phenol (1,000 mg C6H5OH.l-1). During the second phase, the reactor was fed with the wastewater produced in an integrated steel industrys coke-plant. The results of the first phase (28 cycles) showed that was possible to achieve TAN removal efficiencies higher than 90% with NO2 --N predominance in the reactor content, evidenced by the rates NO2 --N/ (NO2 --N + NO3 --N) higher than 86%. The main mechanism of the nitrite oxidizer bacteria (NOB) inhibition was free ammonia concentrations between 3.2 and 19.5 mg NH3.l-1. The specific nitritation rates varied between 0.03 and 0.11 kg TAN. kg VSS-1.d-1, for temperatures between 15 and 34oC. Phenol showed to be suitable as carbon source for denitrifying biomass, once the volumetric application rates were lower than 0.02 kg phenol.m-3.h-1. Obeying this condition, it was possible to achieve: phenol removal efficiencies between 45 and 56%; specific phenol removal rates between 0.03 and 0.09 kg C6H5OH. kg VSS-1.d-1; specific denitritation rates between 0.03 and 0.06 kg NO2 --N . kg VSS-1.d-1 and removal efficiencies of (NO2 --N + NO3 --N) higher than 95%. During the anoxic phase, samples were collected from the reactor content for nitrophenols analyses. The results showed the presence of 2- nitrophenol (2-NP) and 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in concentrations proportional to phenol volumetric application rate in the reactor liquid mass. The presence of those compounds in concentrations lower than 0.5 mg/L does not cause impact over the biological denitritation. The analyses accomplished in samples collected at the end of the anoxic reaction do not show the presence of 2 and 4-NP, demonstrating that these compounds can be biodegraded by a well-adapted biomass. The arrangement of the system for the treatment of coke-oven wastewater (Phase 02) over nitritation/denitritation involved the operation of two sequencing batch reactors (the main reactor and the polishing one). The operational conditions of the main reactor were manipulated to make feasible the NO2 --N accumulation at the end of the aerobic stage and promote the denitritation using the own organic matter present in the cokeoven wastewater as carbon source. As the supernatant of the main reactor presented high nitrite concentrations, this effluent was conducted to a biological denitrifying polishing reactor with ethanol as carbon source. At the end of the aerobic stage of the treatment cycles conducted in the main reactor, it was achieved: NO2 --N/ (NO2 --N + NO3 --N) higher than 88%; total nitrogen removal efficiencies higher than 60%; ammonia nitrogen removal higher than 90%. As occurred during the first phase of the investigation, the main NOB activity inhibition was the toxicity of the free ammonia concentrations (3.7 to 15.7 mg NH3.l-1) in the reactor content. At the end of anoxic stage, the NO2 --N removal efficiencies were limited by the availability of the biodegradable organic matter in the coke-oven wastewater but BOD/CODinfluent higher than 80% resulted in NO2 --N removals next to 100%. Regarding to the polishing reactor, it can be stated that the ethanol had a positive effect over the organic matter removal of the coke-oven wastewater.

Application of Partial Nitritation/Anammox Process for Treatment of Wastewater with High Salinity.

Zhang, Xin January 2012 (has links)
The combination of partial nitritation and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) is a composting way to remove the nitrogen in the wastewater. In this article the analysis was made to investigate how the salinity in the wastewater affects the process. Two strategies of salt concentration increase were tested in two reactors. The physical, chemical parameters and the activity of the bacteria in the reactors were monitored. The results of two strategies were compared and the reactor with less salt in each period showed higher bacteria activities and efficiency. Finally the outlook for the future research was made.

Application of on-line measurements and activity tests for the controlling and monitoring of the Nitritation/Anammox process.

Małoszewski, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
Anammox process is continuously tested in order to obtain knowledge about its application in the main stream of sewage. The aim of this study is to improve the controlling and monitoring of the Nitritation/Anammox process by applying on-line measurement of physical parameters and activity tests of different groups of bacteria. Additionally, the concentration of ammonia in inflow was reduced to test the reaction of bacteria to a sudden change in the conditions which may occur in wastewater treatment plants. After five months of tests, favourable results were obtained. Achieved removal of NH4-N was good. On-line measurements proved to be an effective tool to monitor the process. This may show the way for further research and ultimately leading to an effective implementation of the process for the treatment of the main stream of wastewater.

A N-E-W (nutrient-energy-water) synergy in a bioelectrochemical nitritation anammox process

Ghimire, Umesh 30 April 2021 (has links)
Partial nitritation combined with the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) process offers a way of replacing the conventional nitrogen removal process of nitrification-denitrification, lowering the need for oxygen and chemical input, as well as reducing the production of sludge. However, as a by-product of the biochemical reaction driven by anammox bacteria, it produces nitrate-nitrogen (NO3- - N) (16-26% nitrogen removed), which is problematic. Microbial desalination cells (MDCs) are a promising technology capable of converting biodegradable organics into electricity (by electroactive bacteria), providing for simultaneous desalination, and wastewater treatment. Despite being a promising technology, MDCs have limitations. The first-proof of-concept of MDC was demonstrated using acetate as the organic source, expensive platinum as a catalyst, and ferricyanide as an electron acceptor in the cathode that makes MDC costly, environmentally unfriendly, and unsustainable. This research investigated the integration of the anammox and nitration processes in MDCs as a long-term biocatalyst/biocathode for sustainable and energy-efficient nitrogen removal and electricity generation. A series of experiments were designed and performed to evaluate the performance of the anammox process as a biocatalyst in MDCs. The results concluded that the anammox process can be used as a biocatalyst to accept electrons in MDCs producing 444 mW/m3 of power density and 84% of ammonium nitrogen removal. Furthermore, the concept of using a one-stage nitritation anammox process as a biocathode in MDC was evaluated and produced a maximum power output of 1007 mW/m3. Two configurations of anammox MDCs (anaerobic-anammox cathode MDC (AnAmmoxMDC) and nitritation-anammox cathode MDC (NiAmoxMDC) were compared with an air cathode MDC (CMDC), operated in fed-batch mode. The NiAmoxMDC showed better performance in terms of power production and nitrogen removal. The co-existence of aerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and anammox bacteria in the same biocathode of single-stage NiAmoxMDC concluded the resource-efficient wastewater treatment. Furthermore, two-stage nitritation anammox as a biocathode in MDC was evaluated and proved to be energy-efficient bioelectrochemical wastewater treatment by producing 1500 mW/m3 (300 mW/m2) of maximum power output. This research provides the first proof of concept that nitritation-anammox biocathode can provide a sustainable and energy-efficient nitrogen removal along with desalination and bioelectricity generation.

Mechanistic Understanding of the NOB Suppression by Free Ammonia Inhibition in Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Bioreactors

Kent, Timothy Robert 15 February 2019 (has links)
A partial nitritation-anammox continuous flow reactor (CFR) was operated for eight months demonstrating that a mixture of large anammox-supported aerobic granules (ASAGs) and small conventional aerobic granules (CAGs) can be maintained stably for extended periods of time. The influent NH4+ was kept at 50 - 60 mg N L-1 to verify that the upper range of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) for domestic wastewater can supply an inhibitory level of free ammonia (FA) for nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) suppression in CFRs at pH around 7.8. The ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB):NOB activity ratio was determined for a series of granule sizes to understand the impact of mass diffusion limitation on the FA inhibition of NOB. When dissolved oxygen (DO) limitation is the only mechanism for NOB suppression, the AOB:NOB ratio was usually found in previous studies to increase with the granule size. However, the trend is reversed when FA has an inhibitory effect on NOB, as was observed in this study. The decrease in AOB:NOB ratio indicates that the resistance to the diffusion of FA along the granule radius limited its ability to inhibit NOB. This means smaller granules, e.g. diameter < 150 microns, are preferred for nitrite accumulation when high FA is present, e.g. in the partial nitritation-anammox process. The trend was further verified by observing the increase in the apparent inhibition coefficient, KI,FAapp, as granule size increased. This study for the first time quantified the effect of diffusion limitation on the KI,FAapp of NOB in granules and biofilms. A mathematical model was then utilized to interpret the observed suppression of NOB. The model predicted that NOB suppression was only complete at the granule surface. The NOB that did survive in larger granules was forced to dwell within the granule interior, where the FA concentration was lower than that in the bulk solution. This means FA inhibition can be taken advantage of as an effective means for NOB suppression in small granules and thin biofilms. Further, FA and DO were found to be both required for the stratification of AOB and NOB in partial nitritation-anammox CFRs. The structural stratification commonly observed in granules is then concluded to be a consequence but not a cause of the NOB suppression. / MS / A partial nitritation-anammox continuous flow reactor (CFR) was operated for eight months demonstrating that granular sludge can be maintained stably for extended periods of time. In this approach, NH3 is only partially converted to NO2 - (partial nitritation), and the conversion to NO3 - is prevented by the suppression of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). NH3 and NO2 - are then utilized by anammox bacteria to create N2 gas. The influent NH4 + fed to the reactor was kept at 50 to 60 mg N L-1 to verify that the upper range of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) for domestic wastewater can supply a sufficiently high level of free ammonia (FA) to inhibit NOB growth in CFRs at a pH around 7.8. It is expected that the penetration of a substrate into granule sludge will experience diffusional resistance as it moves from water to denser solid material and is consumed by bacteria. The ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB):NOB activity ratio was determined for a series of granule sizes to understand the impact of mass diffusion limitation on the FA inhibition of NOB. When dissolved oxygen (DO) limitation is the only mechanism for NOB suppression, the AOB:NOB ratio was usually found in previous studies to increase with the granule size. However, the trend is reversed when FA has an inhibitory effect on NOB, as was observed in this study. The decrease in AOB:NOB ratio indicates that the resistance to the diffusion of FA, which increases with increasing granule size, along the granule radius limited its ability to inhibit NOB. This means smaller granules, e.g. diameter < 150 µm, are preferred for NO2 - accumulation when high FA is present. The trend was further verified by observing the increase in the apparent inhibition coefficient, KI,FAapp, as granule size increased. This coefficient quantifies the effectiveness of an inhibitor, with larger values indicating weaker inhibition. This study for the first time quantified the effect of diffusion limitation on the KI,FAapp of NOB in granules and biofilms. A mathematical model was then utilized to interpret the observed suppression of NOB. The model predicted that NOB suppression was only complete at the granule surface. The NOB that did survive in larger granules was forced to dwell within the granule interior, where the FA concentration was lower than that in the bulk solution. This means FA inhibition can be taken advantage of as an effective means for NOB suppression in small granules and thin biofilms. Further, FA and DO were found to be both required for the stratification of a layer of AOB at the surface over a layer of NOB in partial nitritation-anammox CFRs. The structural stratification commonly observed in granules is then concluded to be a consequence but not a cause of the NOB suppression.

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