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Efeito de um programa pré-operatório de fortalecimento supervisionado da musculatura inspiratória na evolução hospitalar de pacientes submetidos a operações cardíacas / Effect of preoperative program of strengthening supervised the inspiratory muscles in evolution of hospital patients undergoing cardiac surgeryFerreira, Paulo Eduardo Gomes 26 April 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A disfunção respiratória é uma das complicações mais frequentes após operações cardíacas. Vários fatores contribuem para que as disfunções respiratórias ocorram, dentre eles está a disfunção da musculatura inspiratória que, por sua vez, pode ser multifatorial. Objetivo: O condicionamento da musculatura inspiratória no período pré-operatório poderia ajudar a reduzir a incidência de complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório de operações cardíacas. Métodos: No presente trabalho 21 pacientes voluntários, de ambos os sexos, com idade mínima de 50 anos, com fraqueza de musculatura inspiratória e candidatos à operação de revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio e/ou operação valvar cardíaca no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos. Em um grupo, 10 pacientes foram submetidos a um período mínimo de 9 dias de treinamento da musculatura inspiratória utilizando um incentivador respiratório marca Threshold® IMT (Respironics, Cedar Grove, NJ, EUA), com carga de 40, 60 e 80% da pressão inspiratória máxima. Os outros 11 pacientes receberam apenas orientações gerais, sem treinamento objetivo da musculatura respiratória. Comparamos os valores espirométricos antes e após o treinamento dentro de cada grupo. A evolução da pressão inspiratória máxima, da pressão expiratória máxima e da gasometria arterial de ambos os grupos, antes e após o treinamento, bem como a sua evolução temporal no pós-operatório, além dos valores de nitrito/nitrato no condensado do exalado pulmonar. Comparamos também a evolução clínica de ambos os grupos. Resultados: Observamos que o treinamento causou elevação significativa do pico de fluxo expiratório (p=0,028) e diminuição nos valores de nitrito/nitrato no condensado do exalado pulmonar (p=0,05) e redução das complicações pós operatórias (p=0,057), sendo as duas últimas não significativas. Todavia, não houve diferença na evolução gasométrica e nem da pressão inspiratória máxima ou da pressão expiratória máxima entre ambos os grupos. Conclusão: O treinamento da musculatura respiratória inspiratória em pacientes internados, além de factível e seguro, resulta em maior fortalecimento dessa musculatura, reduz a morbidade pós-operatória e os níveis de nitrito/nitrato no condensado do exalado pulmonar / Introduction: Respiratory dysfunction is one of the most common complications after cardiac operations. Several factors contribute to respiratory dysfunctions that occur among them is inspiratory muscle dysfunction that, in turn, may be multifactorial. Objective: The conditioning of inspiratory muscles on preoperative could help reduce the incidence of respiratory complications in the postoperative period of cardiac operations. Methods: In this study 21 patients volunteers of both sexes, aged 50 years, with weakness of inspiratory muscles and candidate operation of CABG and / or heart valve surgery at the Hospital of the Medical College of Ribeirão Preto-USP were randomized into 2 groups. In one group, 10 patients underwent a minimum of 9 days of inspiratory muscle training using an incentive spirometry \"Threshold® IMT\" (Respironics, Cedar Grove, NJ, USA) with a load of 40, 60 and 80% of maximal inspiratory pressure. The other 11 patients received only general guidelines without respiratory muscle training goal. We compared spirometric values before and after training within each group. The evolution of maximal inspiratory pressure, maximal expiratory pressure and arterial blood gas analysis of both groups before and after training, as well as its temporal evolution postoperatively, and the values of nitrite / nitrate in exhaled breath condensate. We also compared the clinical outcomes in both groups. Results: We observed that the training caused significant peak expiratory flow (p=0,028) and decrease in nitrite/nitrate in exhaled breath condensate (p=0,05) and reduction of postoperative complications (p=0,057), the last two being non-significant. However, there was no difference in blood gas evolution nor maximal inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure between both groups. Conclusion: The inspiratory muscle training in patients hospitalized, and feasible and safe, results in further strengthening these muscles, reduces postoperative morbidity and levels of nitrite / nitrate in exhaled breath condensate
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Inhibition of mild steel corrosion in cooling systems by low- and non-toxic corrosion inhibitorsAhmed, Mohamed January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the research in this thesis was to study how environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors for cooling water systems might be developed and used. Firstly, reduced toxicity inorganic corrosion inhibitors (i.e. nitrite/molybdate) were considered. Secondly, non-toxic inhibitors based on mono and di-basic salts of carboxylic acids were studied systematically as a function of carbon chain length. For nitrite inhibitor alone, a concentration of 7 mM NaNO2 was effective to inhibit carbon steel in chloride media of 10 mM NaCl, while 10 mM nitrite was needed in sulphate media of 3.66 mM Na2SO4. However, it was found possible to significantly reduce the concentration of nitrite by adding molybdate in synergy. This was attributed to the nitrite passivation combined with ferrous molybdate salt film pore plugging thus promoting a continuous and protective film on the material within these media. Thus, in pH 6-10 an inhibition efficiency of 97% was recorded with a mixture of 3 mM nitrite/2 mM molybdate in both chloride and sulphate media and at 25°C and 60°C. However as the solution pH decreased below pH 4 the inhibition efficiency decreased to about 47%.In the second part of the study, the use of sodium salts of carboxylic acids with different chain lengths has been investigated. In this part a summary of the performances and limitations of both mono- and di-sodium carboxylate inhibitors are presented. For mono-carboxylates, the inhibition efficiency reached a maximum value of 95% in stagnant aerated solutions at a chain length of C=4 with a critical inhibition concentration of 6 mM in 10 mM NaCl solution. However the inhibition efficiency gradually decreased as the number of carbon atoms in the chain length increased to more than 8, or less than 4, and this was in agreement with surface hydrophobicity and contact angle results. For lower chain lengths, the carboxylate anion becomes more acidic and complexing of the metal ion while for longer chain lengths, the carboxylate anion becomes less soluble and tends to micellise wherby the active groups are no longer available for surface adsorption. For di-carboxylates the inhibition efficiency improved in 10 mM NaCl at a given chain length compared with mono-carboxylates, and continued to increase to C=8 (sebacate), which achieved excellent inhibition efficiency. However, sebacate is costly so a blend with ethyl hexanoate was found to be economically favoured.
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Estudo da remoção biológica de nitrogênio via nitrito utilizando fenol como fonte de carbono operando um reator em bateladas seqüenciais (SBR) em escala piloto. / Study of nitrogen biological removal via nitrite using phenol as carbon source operating a pilot scale sequence batch reactor (SBR).Luciano Matos Queiroz 07 November 2006 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propôs avaliar a remoção biológica do nitrogênio pela via simplificada (nitritação) utilizando fenol como fonte de carbono na etapa anóxica (desnitritação) em um sistema de lodos ativados com biomassa em suspensão. Para tanto operou-se um reator piloto (volume útil de 20 litros) em bateladas seqüenciais alimentado com 5 (cinco) litros de água residuária sintética. A investigação foi caracterizada pela utilização do fenol (1.000 mg C6H5OH/L) e pelo aumento gradual da concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal no despejo líquido sintético (200; 300 e 500 mg N/L) buscando as condições que permitissem a predominância do N-NO2 - ao final da fase aeróbia dos ciclos de tratamento e utilização do fenol pelos microrganismos heterotróficos para redução do nitrogênio oxidado durante a fase anóxica. Para a presente pesquisa as condições para predominância do N-NO2 - na massa líquida do reator ao final da etapa aeróbia foram: pH @ 8,3 associado à extensão do período aeróbio do ciclo de tratamento que garantisse uma concentração mínima de amônia livre (> 0,3 mg NH3/L) no conteúdo do reator piloto. Com estas condições, a relação N NO2 - / (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) variou entre 89 e 99%. Mantendo uma concentração de 1,0 mg O2/L no conteúdo do reator durante afase aeróbia e tempo de residência hidráulico de três dias, as eficiências de remoção de N-NH3 variaram entre: 89 e 98% com concentrações no afluente próximas a 200 mg N/L (nove ciclos de tratamento); 95 e 98% para concentrações no afluente da ordem de 300 mg N/L (cinco ciclos de remoção) e 95 e 97% com concentrações no afluente próximas a 500 mg N/L (três ciclos de tratamento). Para temperaturas entre 23,5 e 33°C e concentrações de sólidos em suspensão voláteis entre 3.420 e 2.175 mg SSV/L no conteúdo do reator, a taxa de nitrificação específica variou entre 0,01 e 0,05 kg N-NH3/ kg SSV. dia. Concentrações máximas de amônia livre da ordem de 16 mg NH3/L e de ácido nitroso livre entre 0,001 e 0,009 mg HNO2/L no conteúdo do reator piloto não inibiram a oxidação biológica do nitrogênio. Fenol, em concentrações no afluente próximas a 1.000 mg C6H5OH/L, mostrou-se adequado como única fonte de carbono para remoção de nitrogênio, via nitrito, para concentrações afluentes da ordem de 200 e 300 mg N/L. As eficiências de remoção do nitrogênio oxidado variaram entre 97 e 100%, utilizando taxas de aplicação volumétricas próximas a 0,03 kg fenol /m3.hora.. As taxas de "desnitritação" específicas variaram entre 0,01 e 0,05 kg N-NO2 - / kg SSV .dia; a relação alimento/microrganismo (A/M) esteve compreendida entre 0,06 e 0,13 kg fenol / kg SSV. dia; a relação fenol removido/N-NOx removido variou entre 2,1 e 3,2 g fenol removido / g NNOx removido e as eficiências de remoção do fenol, durante a etapa anóxica estiveram compreendidas entre 37 e 67%. Taxas de aplicação volumétricas da ordem de 0,07 kg fenol /m3.hora inibiram a "desnitritação" biológica. Os três ciclos de tratamento da etapa conduzida com concentração de 500 mg N/L no afluente, foram marcados pela inibição da "desnitritação" e acúmulo de fenol, causados pelas elevadas concentrações de N-NO2 - (@80 a 98 mg N-NO2 -/L) na massa líquida do reator. Ainda durante essa etapa, a coleta de amostra na fase anóxica dos ciclos de remoção para realização de ensaios exploratórios, associando cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massa, detectaram a formação de 2 e 4 - nitrofenol no conteúdo do reator piloto. / This research proposes to evaluate an activated sludge system with suspended biomass in a pilot scale aiming to remove nitrogen by a simplified way (nitritation) using phenol as the carbon source of the anoxic phase (denitritation). A pilot reactor of 20-liters volume was operated in sequence batch stages fed with 5-liters of a synthetic wastewater. The investigation was characterized by the use of phenol (1,000 mg C6H5OH/L) and the gradual increase of ammonium nitrogen concentration in the synthetic wastewater (200, 300 and 500 mg N/L) searching the conditions that allowed the prevalence of N-NO2 - in the end of the aerobic phase of the treatment cycles and the use of phenol for the heterotrophic microorganisms to reduce the oxidized nitrogen during the anoxic phase. To the present research, the conditions to N-NO2 - prevalence in the reactor liquid mass in the end of the aerobic phase were: pH @ 8.3 associated to the extension of the aerobic period of the treatment cycle which guarantees a minimum concentration of free ammonia (> 0.3 mg NH3/L) in the pilot reactor content. Considering these conditions, the relation N-NO2 - / (N-NO2 - + NNO3 -) varied between 91 and 99%. Maintaining a concentration of 1.0 mgO2/L in the reactor content and hydraulic residence time of three days, the removal efficiencies of N-NH3 vary between: 89 and 98% to influent concentrations near 200 mg N/L (nine treatment cycles); 95 and 98% to influent concentrations of the order of 300 mg N/L (five removal cycles) and 95 and 97% to influent concentrations near 500 mg N/L (three treatment cycles). To temperature between 23,5 and 33°C and volatile suspended solid concentrations between 3,420 and 2,175 mg SSV/L in the reactor, the specific nitrification rate varied between 0.01 and 0.05 kg N-NH3/ kg SSV.d-1. Maximum concentrations of free ammonia in the pilot reactor of the order of 16 mg NH3/L and nitrous acid between 0.001 and 0.009 mg HNO2/L didn?t inhibit the nitrogen biological oxidation. Influent phenol concentrations near 1,000 mg C6H5OH/L showed to be adequate as single carbonsource to nitrogen removal as nitrite to influent concentrations of the order of 200 and 300 mg N/L. The oxidized nitrogen removal efficiencies vary between 97 and 100%, using volumetric loading rates near 0.03 kg phenol/m3.hour. The specific denitritation rates vary between 0.01 and 0.05 kg N-NO2 - / kg SSV.d-1; the food / microorganism ratio (F/M) was between 0.06 and 0.13 kg phenol / kgSSV.d-1; phenolremoved/N-NOxremoved ratio varied between 2.1 and 3.2 g phenolremoved/ g N-NOxremoved and phenol removal efficiencies during the anoxic phase were between 37 and 67%. Volumetric loading rates of the order of 0.06 kg phenol / m3.hour inhibited the biological denitritation. The three treatment cycles of the phase conducted with influent concentration of 500 mg N/L showed denitritation inhibition and phenol accumulation caused by high concentrations of N-NO2 - (@80 to 98 mg N-NO2 -/L) in the reactor liquid mass. During this phase, the sampling of the anoxic phase of the removal cycles to the initial tests associating gas chromatography and mass spectrophotometer detected the formation of 2 and 4-nitrophenol in the pilot reactor content.
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Remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de lixiviados de aterro sanitário: tratamento por nitritação/desnitritação biológica e processos físico-químicos. / Removal of organic matter and nitrogen from landfill leachate: treatment by nitritation/denitritation biological and physico-chemical processes.Suher Carolina Yabroudi Bayram 13 November 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetivou estudar a remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de lixiviados de aterro sanitário, através do processo biológico de nitritação/desnitritação, operando um reator de lodos ativados em bateladas sequenciais e pós-tratamento físico químico. O trabalho foi dividido em cinco etapas. Durante a primeira, buscou-se ajustar a duração das etapas anóxica e aerada e as condições operacionais, assim como avaliar a utilização da matéria orgânica presente no lixiviado como fonte de carbono. Ao longo de 16 ciclos de tratamento, os resultados da etapa anóxica indicaram que a duração desta não deveria ser maior que uma hora. A desnitritação ficou limitada ao baixo conteúdo de matéria orgânica de fácil biodegradação no lixiviado, o que levou a baixas taxas, entre 0,010 e 0,142 kg.N-NO2-/ m³.dia. Na segunda etapa, foi ajustada a duração da reação anóxica em uma hora, registrando taxa de desnitritação volumétrica média de 1,704 kg.N-NO2-/ m³.dia, assim como remoção de 80% da DBO e 47% de COT, o que indica que a maior parte da matéria orgânica biodegradável foi empregada pelos micro-organismos heterotróficos na desnitritação. Ao final da fase aeróbia, ao longo da primeira e segunda etapa, mantendo uma concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na massa de líquido do reator de 2,0 mg.O2/L, foi possível alcançar eficiências de remoção de N-NH3 de 98% com predominância do N-NO2-, evidenciado pela relação N-NO2-/(N-NO2-+ N-NO3-) próximo de 1. As taxas volumétrias de nitritação variaram na faixa de 0,095 e 0,199 kg.N-NH3/m³.dia. Como o sobrenadante do reator principal apresentava concentrações elevadas de N-NO2- ao final da fase aeróbia, o efluente foi aplicado em um reator de polimento adicionou-se etanol como fonte de carbono. O tratamento complementar ocorreu sem desequilíbrios, apesar do prolongado tempo de reação anóxica requerido para reduzir toda a massa de nitrito introduzida no sistema, fato que levou a registrar baixas taxas de desnitritação, entre 0,221 e 0,052 kg N-NO2-/kg SSV.dia. Durante a quarta etapa, foi avaliado em um segundo reator de lodo ativado em bateladas sequenciais o processo de nitritação/desnitritação, adicionando dentro do reator, ao início da fase anóxica, o etanol para a redução biológica de todo o nitrogênio oxidado a nitrogênio gasoso. Com concentrações de OD no conteúdo do reator de 2,0 mg.O2/L e valores de pH de 8,27±0,27, a relação N-NO2-/(N-NO2- + N-NO3-) não foi superior a 70% nos 9 ciclos estudados, indicando a presença de nitrato. A hipótese que melhor explica a situação refere-se à possibilidade de que a biomassa esteja se adaptando as novas condições operacionais e a probabilidade de que a adição do etanol durante a reação anóxica possa estar criando condições que favorecem a atividade das bactérias oxidantes de nitrito, assim como os menores diâmetros de floco. A quinta etapa compreendeu a aplicação de um pós-tratamento com redução do pH, adição de sais de ferro e carvão ativado em pó (CAP). Nestes testes, foram registradas remoções de COT e cor de de 93% e 98% respectivamente, mantendo pH em 3,0 e dosagens de 300 mg.Fe+³/L e 15 g.CAP/L. / This research aimed to study the removal of organic matter and nitrogen from landfill leachate through biological process of nitritation/denitritation, operating an activated sludge reactor in sequential batches, and physical- chemical post treatment. The work was divided into five stages. During the first stage, was tried to adjust the duration of the anoxic and aerated stages and operational conditions, and evaluate the use of organic matter present in the leachate as a carbon source. Over 16 cycles of treatment, the results of the anoxic stage indicated that this duration should not be greater than one hour. The denitritation was limited by the low organic matter rapidly biodegradable content into the leachate, which led to low rates between 0.010 and 0.142 kg.N-NO2-/ m³.day. During the second stage, was adjusted the duration of the anoxic reaction to one hour, and showed medium volumetric denitritation rate of 1.704 kg.N-NO2-/m³.day, as well as removal of 80% of BOD and 47% of TOC. These results indicate, most of the biodegradable organic matter was used for heterotrophic microorganisms for denitritation. At the end of aerobic phase, during the first and second stage, and maintaining a concentration of oxygen dissolved into the liquid mass of the reactor in 2.0 mg.O2/L, it was possible to achieve removal efficiencies of NH3-N to 98% with predominance of N-NO2- , that was evidenced by the ratio N-NO2-/(N-NO2-+ N-NO3-) close to 1. The volumetric nitritation rates varied from 0,095 to 0,199 kg.N-NH3/m³.day. The effluent from the principal reactor contained high concentrations of N-NO2- at the end of the aerobic phase, for that reason it was applied a polishing stage where was added ethanol as a carbon source. Complementary treatment transcurred without problems, just was required a prolonged anoxic reaction to reduce the entire mass of nitrite introduced into the system, fact that lead to register low rates of denitritation, between 0.221 and 0.052 kg N-NO2-/kg SSV.day. During the fourth stage, was evaluated in a second activated sludge sequential batch reactor; the nitritation/desnitritation process added ethanol inside the reactor, at the beginning of the anoxic phase, for the biological reduction from nitrogen oxidized to nitrogen gaseous. Maintained OD concentrations into the reactor of 2,0 mg.O2/L and pH values of 8.27± 0.27, the N-NO2-/(N-NO2- + N-NO3-) ratio was not higher than 70% during the 9 cycles studied, indicating the presence of nitrate. The best hypothesis which explains this situation, related to the possibility of the biomass was adapted to the new operating conditions, and the possibility to addition ethanol at the begging of anoxic reaction, may be created adequate conditions for oxidizer nitrite bacteria, as well as the small floc diameters. The fifth stage consisted to apply a physical-chemical post-treatment with pH and addition of iron salts and powdered activated carbon (PAC). During these tests, was removal 93% and 98% of TOC and color respectively, with pH to 3,0 and doses of 300 mg.Fe+³/L and 15 g.PAC/L.
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Formação de nitrato e nitrito e degradação protéica por processamento térmico de sardinha (triportheus angulatus)Marcondes, Daniel Wolinger 06 December 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-06 / Fishing is an important extractive activity in the Amazon, and offering nutritional source income, leisure and food base of a large proportion of its population. His organic constitution, as well as other food matrices, under certain preparation conditions, such as baking, suffers physical and chemical changes, which may give rise to secondary products.
The aim of this study was to analyze the formation of nitrates and nitrites (nitrosating compounds), which are important precursors of nitrous compounds from protein myofibrillar degradation caused by application of heat in samples of sardine (Triportheus angulatus) for 30 to 60 minutes. Being a methodology quick, simple and show a sensitive mechanism able to separate the components of the sample, we used the one-dimensional discontinuous SDS-PAGE under the following conditions: 120 minutes, 100 V and 25 mA. With the same samples were quantified the total proteins by the biuret method, determined by the methodology of the MFI measured turbidity and nitrates and nitrites by spectrophotometry. Research suggests that the reaction of nitrosating compounds (nitrates and nitrites) and nitronisáveis (proteins, amino acids and others) originate secondary substances, nitrous compounds. The zymogram revealed degradation of myofibrils in structures with molecular weight between 10 and 20 KDa. Protein content showed a decrease in the amount of protein in the samples roasted for 30 and 60 minutes from about
12.5%, and the determination of MFI was 42.93. The average nitrite in fresh samples, baked 60 minutes and 30 was 0.0001% (m / m), 0.0063% (w / w) and 0.0030% (w / w) respectively. The average nitrate found in fresh samples, baked 30 and 60 was 0.0020% (m / m), 0.00001% (m / m) and 0.00001% (m / m) respectively, both below 0.02% to 0.1% nitrite and nitrate as an upper limit set by law. Their absence or insignificant formation allows us to conclude that there is no relationship between protein degradation as evidenced by the change of myofibrillar zymogram, the MFI and the decrease of total proteins with a possible formation of secondary substances from nitrates and nitrites. / A pesca é uma importante atividade extrativista na Amazônia, sendo fonte nutricional de renda e lazer de grande parte da população. Sua constituição orgânica, assim como de outras matrizes alimentares, sob determinadas condições de preparo sofre alterações físicas e químicas. Pesquisas indicam que reações entre compostos nitrosantes (nitratos e nitritos) e nitronisáveis (proteínas, aminoácidos entre outros) originem substâncias secundárias, como os compostos nitrosos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a formação de nitratos e nitritos (compostos nitrosantes), importantes precursores de compostos nitrosos, a partir da degradação protéica miofibrilar por aplicação de calor através de assamento de amostras de sardinha (Triportheus angulatus) durante 30 e 60 minutos com carvão vegetal. Para determinar a perda protéica, foi quantificado o MFI pela metodologia da turbidez. Por apresentar uma capacidade de separação mais eficiente de proteínas e de outros compostos, além de ser uma metodologia de simples execução, relativamente rápida, podendo ser aplicada em varias amostras, também foi utilizado SDS- PAGE descontinua monodimensional para demonstrar perda protéica. O zimograma das miofibrilas evidenciou degradação em estruturas com peso molecular entre 10 e 20 KDa. A dosagem de proteínas mostrou diminuição da quantidade de proteínas nas amostras assadas por 30 e 60 minutos de aproximadamente 12,5%, e a determinação do MFI foi de 42,93. A média de nitritos nas amostras in natura, assadas 30 e 60 minutos foi de 0,0001% (m/m), 0,0063% (m/m) e 0,0030% (m/m) respectivamente. A média de nitratos encontrados nas amostras in natura, assadas 30 e 60 foi de 0,0020% (m/m), 0,00001% (m/m) e 0,00001%(m/m) respectivamente, ambos abaixo dos 0,02% de
nitrito e 0,1% de nitrato definidos como limite máximo pela legislação. A sua baixa quantificação tanto in natura, quanto em assado por 30 e 60 minutos permite concluir a
existência de uma relação entre a degradação protéica evidenciada pela alteração do zimograma miofibrilar, da quantificação do MFI e das proteínas totais.
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Nitritação parcial de abate de aves em reator em batelada sequencial e reator de fluxo contínuoAssis, Tatiane Martins de 01 July 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-07-01 / The poultry slaughter industries have been producing an effluent with nitrogen which, when released in watercourses, can have strong impact on natural environments. Mostly, the conventional treatment systems are not able to remove nutrients in the right levels that are demanded by Brazilian legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt post-treatment mechanisms to remove those composts. Thus, the present study aimed at evaluating and comparing both reactors performance concerning partial nitritation with a sequential batch reactor and a continuous flow one, whose biomass is under suspension at pre-ANAMMOX treatment using poultry slaughter effluent. Two reactors were used in this trial: the first model is in the sequential batch, in which the time reductions in cycle of 24, 16, 6, 5 and 4 hours were tested as a mechanism of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria inhibition. The conditions of low concentration of dissolved oxygen, ammonia inhibition or restriction of free alkalinity were also associated in this process. While, nitrite-oxidizing organisms Inhibition was achieved with a 4 hour time cycle, with low dissolved oxygen concentration (0.3 to 0.5 mg.L-1) and supplying alkalinity as carbonates and bicarbonates to 50% ammonia oxidation (restriction alkalinity). A four hour time was not enough to achieve 50% oxidation of ammonia. Then, there were partial nitritation tests according to time, consequently such cycle time reached up an average of 6.03 ± 0.63 hours. So, the continuous flow reactor started working with the best batch conditions, which was operated with a 6 hour HRT, SSV in 2700 mg.L-1 inoculation and 0.015 L.h-1 recycle flow. When the data removal began, the reactor showed a nitrate accumulation as a strategy to inhibit nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, so, there was a reduction in SSV to 1500 mg.L-1, which was effective to inhibit nitrite-oxidizing organisms. But, during the 40 days of operation, the continuous flow reactor did not show stable behavior concerning the effluent attainment as compared to 50% ammoniacal nitrogen and 50% nitrite, available in the pre-ANAMMOX affluent. / As indústrias de abate de aves produzem um efluente nitrogenado, o qual quando lançado em corpos d água pode ter forte impacto sobre os sistemas naturais. Os sistemas de tratamento convencionais muitas vezes não são capazes de promover a remoção de nutrientes de modo a satisfazer a legislação vigente. Portanto, faz-se necessária a adoção de mecanismos de pós-tratamento para a remoção desses compostos. O presente estudo se propôs a avaliar e comparar o desempenho de dois reatores quanto à nitritação parcial, sendo um reator em batelada sequencial e um reator de fluxo contínuo, com biomassa em suspensão no tratamento pré-ANAMMOX de efluente de abate de aves. Neste experimento, foram utilizados dois reatores, o primeiro no modelo em batelada sequencial, em que foram testadas como mecanismo de inibição das bactérias oxidadoras de nitrito as reduções de tempos de ciclo de 24, 16, 6, 5 e 4 horas, associando ainda as condições de baixa concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, inibição por amônia livre ou restrição de alcalinidade. A inibição dos organismos oxidantes de nitrito foi alcançada com tempo de ciclo de 4 horas, baixa concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (na faixa de 0,3 a 0,5 mg.L-1) e fornecimento de alcalinidade na forma de carbonatos e bicarbonatos para oxidação de 50% da amônia (restrição de alcalinidade). O tempo de 4 horas foi insuficiente para atingir a oxidação de 50% da amônia então partiu-se para os testes de nitritação parcial em função do tempo e atingiu-se o tempo de ciclo médio de 6,03±0,63h. Assim, deu-se início à operação do reator em fluxo contínuo com as melhores condições do reator em batelada, o qual foi operado com TDH de 6 horas, SSV na inoculação de 2700 mg.L-1 e vazão de reciclo de 0,015L.h-1. No início da retirada de dados, o reator apresentou acúmulo de nitrato e, como estratégia de inibição das bactérias nitratadoras, houve a redução de SSV para 1500 mg.L-1, eficaz para a inibição dos organismos oxidantes de nitrito. Porém, durante os 40 dias de operação do reator de fluxo contínuo, o mesmo não apresentou comportamento estável quanto à obtenção de efluente com relação de 50% nitrogênio amoniacal e 50% nitrito, desejável no afluente pré-ANAMMOX.
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Interferência dos metais zinco, chumbo e cobre, no processo de nitrificação no tratamento de efluentes de uma indústria química: estudo de caso / not availableCastro, Leonidia Maria de 21 May 2001 (has links)
Durante o estudo de um sistema de tratamento de efluentes de uma indústria química, contendo em suas águas residuárias vários metais pesados foi observada a ineficiência no processo de nitrificação do efluente tratado. Diante dessa constatação, desenvolveu-se este trabalho visando estudar as interferências dos metais pesados, Pb2+, Zn2+ e Cu2+ no desempenho do processo de nitrificação em um sistema similar de tratamento. Para observação dos efeitos dos metais Zn2+, Pb2+ e Cu2+ isoladamente, foram montados 3 reatores e simuladas as concentrações afluentes do tanque de aeração da indústria. Outros três reatores alimentados com soluções contendo Zn+Cu, Zn+Pb e Pb+Cu utilizados para observação de possíveis efeitos de sinergismo e antagonismo. Um outro reator foi alimentado com a solução dos três metais (Zn2+, Cu2+ e Pb2+). Todos os reatores, recebendo adição de metal ou não, apresentaram concentrações muito elevadas de nitrito. Na realização do ensaio de NMP ficou evidente a inibição dos organismos oxidantes de nitrito, que pode ter ocorrido pela alta concentração do próprio nitrito, ácido nitroso ou amônia livre. Efeitos dos metais Zn2+ e Cu2+ não foram evidentes, o Pb2+ foi o único metal que apresentou efeito de inibição no processo de nitrificação. Os reatores que receberam combinação de íons metálicos não evidenciaram efeitos de sinergismo nem antagonismo, sendo que o reator que recebeu adição dos três íons apresentou menor eficiência. / During the study of the chemical industry effluent treatment system containing, several heavy metals, was observed an inefficiency in the nitrification process in final effluent. Therefore, this work was deve!oped to find out ofthe study of the interference of the heavy metals, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ on the performance of nitrification process in a similar system of treatment. For observation of the effects of metals Zn2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ separately, were established three reactors and simulate the influent concentration in the aeration tank of the industry. Other three reactors were fed with solution containing Zn+Cu, Zn+Pb and Pb+Cu for observation of possible synergism or antagonism effects. The other reactor was fed with a solution of the three metals (Zn2+, Cu2+ and Pb2+). All the reactors, receiving the addition of metaIs or not, presented very high concentrations of nitrite. In the realization of the test of NMP, the inhibition of the nitrite oxidizers organisms was evident, that might have happened due to high concentration of nitrous acid, free ammonia and nitrite. The effects of the metals Zn2+ and Cu2+ were not evident; but the Pb2+ was the only metal that presented inhibition effect in the nitrification process. The reactors that received the metallic ion combination didn\'t evidence neither synergism nor antagonism effects, however the reactor that received the addition of the three ions presented smaller efficiency.
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Iron Requirement of Clostridiiyum Botulinum Type A and Characterization of Iron-Sulfur Proteins in Nitrite Treated and Untreated Botulinal CellsReddy, Divya Shree A. 01 May 1985 (has links)
The effect of added iron on the growth of Clostridium botulinum type A in a chemically defined medium was studied. Growth of C. botulinum was supported by an iron level of 0.05 ug/ml with maximum growth observed at a level of 3 ug iron/ml.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies were conducted to detect the presence of iron-sulfur centers and iron-nitric oxide complexes in untreated and nitrite treated cell-free extracts of C. botulinum type A. Untreated extracts of C. botulinum exhibited EPR signals in the oxidized and reduced states characteristic of a "HiPiP-type" iron-sulfur center (g=2.02) in the oxidized state and a reduced signal at g=l.94, characteristic of a reduced iron-sulfur center. Extracts of C. botulinum treated with nitrite exhibited an EPR signal at g=2.035, characteristic of iron-nitrosyl complexes, with the simultaneous disappearance of the the signal at g=l.94. This indicates that nitrite reacts with the iron-sulfur centers in botulinal cells to form iron-nitrosyl complexes. Addition of ascorbate with nitrite intensified the EPR signal at g=2.035, probably by enhancing the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide.
A cytochrome c reduction method was used for the determination of ferredoxin activity in untreated and nitrite treated cells of C. botulinum type A from which ferredoxin had been partially purified. Untreated extracts of C. botulinum reduced cytochrome c which demonstrates ferredoxin activity within the cells. Treatment of the cells with nitrite at a level of 1000 ppm for 45 min was found to inhibit ferredoxin activity by 90%. Boiling the partially purified ferredoxin from the untreated cells for 5 min inactivated the protein.
Pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity in partially purified extracts of nitrite treated and untreated cells of C. botulinum was determined by assaying for FAD reduction and acylhydroxamate formation. Nitrite treated cells exhibited an inhibition of 70% of FAD reducing activity and 80% inhibition of acylhydroxamate formation when compared to the untreated cells. Boiling inhibited the activity of partially purified oxidoreductase activity by more than 90% in both the assays.
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Contribution à l'étude des nitrites en solution aqueuseHagenmuller, Paul 13 June 1950 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude des travaux antérieurs et l'expérience nous ayant amené à constater la présence d'anomalie dans les propriétés physiques de certaines solutions aqueuses de nitrites, il nous a paru intéressant d'effectuer une étude systématique du comportement de l'ion NO<sub>2</sub>. Ray relève une discordance entre la somme des conductivités moléculaires du nitrite mercurique et de nitrites alcalins ou alcalino-terreux et la conductivit moléculaire de sels doubles correspondants...
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Enhancing the Nitrite Reductase Activity of Modified Hemoglobin: Bis-tetramers and their PEGylated DerivativesLui, Francine Evelyn 10 January 2012 (has links)
The need for an alternative to red cells in transfusions has led to the creation of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs). However, evaluations of all products tested in clinical trials have noted cardiovascular complications, raising questions about their safety that led to the abandonment of all those products. It has been considered that the adverse side effects come from the scavenging of the vasodilator – nitric oxide (NO) by the deoxyheme sites of the hemoglobin derivatives. Another observation is that HBOCs with lower oxygen affinity than red cells release oxygen prematurely in arterioles, triggering an unwanted homeostatic response. Since the need for such a product remains critical, it is important to understand the reactivity patterns that contribute to the observed complications.
Various alterations of the protein have been attempted in order to reduce HBOC-induced vasoconstriction. Recent reports suggest that a safe and effective product should be pure, homogenous and have a high molecular weight along with appropriate oxygenation properties. While these properties are clearly important, vasodilatory features of hemoglobin through its nitrite reductase activity may also act as an in situ source of NO. It follows that HBOCs with an enhanced ability to produce NO from endogenous nitrite may serve to counteract vasoactivity associated with NO-scavenging by hemoglobin.
Here we characterize the effects of different protein modifications on the nitrite reductase activity of hemoglobin. We produced a variety of HBOCs that include cross-linked tetramers, polyethylene glycol (PEG) conjugates and bis-tetramers of hemoglobin. We report that the rate of NO production strongly depends on the conformational state of the protein, with R-state stabilized proteins (PEG-Hbs), exhibiting the fastest rates. In particular, we found that PEGylated bis-tetramers of hemoglobin (BT-PEG) exhibit increased nitrite reductase activity while retaining cooperativity and stability. Animal studies of BT-PEG demonstrated that this material is benign: it did not cause significant increases in systemic blood pressure in mice, the major side effect associated with existing HBOCs. BT-PEG exhibits an enhanced nitrite reductase activity together with sample purity and homogeneity, molecular size and shape, and appropriate oxygenation properties, characteristics of a clinically useful HBOC.
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