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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A conceptual model to estimate the nitrogen requirement of corn (Zea mays L.)

Lopez Collado, Catalino Jorge 25 April 2007 (has links)
The objectives of this work were to evaluate the vegetative parameters used to estimate crop N demand and to estimate the accuracy and precision of the conceptual model of fertilization using an error propagation method. Corn plants were collected throughout the entire crop life cycle to determine the fresh and dry weight of the aboveground biomass and roots, root index, plant height, and corn grain yield. Three experiments were conducted, two under field conditions and one under greenhouse conditions. In the first field experiment in 2002, three sites were selected. The first site was the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Agricultural Experiment Station Research Farm in which a Ships clay soil was used. The second site was a cooperative farmer's land on a Weswood silt loam soil in Burleson County. These first two sites used Pioneer 32R25 as the corn hybrid. The third site was also a Ships soil in the TAMU Farm, but Dekalb 687 was the corn variety. In 2003, the second experiment was on a Ships soil in the field of TAMU Farm, and the third experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using Ships and Weswood soil. No differences in the root index and harvest index were observed, even when the Dekalb 687 hybrid was included. Variations in plant N concentration, moisture content, and yield were noted, but followed predictable patterns with time over the season. These parameters were consistent throughout the entire life cycle of the crop. The linear relationship between the fresh weight of aboveground biomass and fresh weight of roots was R2 = 0.92, the moisture content of corn plants over time was fit to a second grade polynomial with R2 = 0.98, and plant N content had a close linear relationship (R2=0.90) with the total plant dry weight, including roots, at harvest. The accuracy of the conceptual model was low under field conditions (55%), but high under greenhouse conditions (90%). Precision of the conceptual model was low both in the field (194%) and the greenhouse (115%) conditions.

A conceptual model to estimate the nitrogen requirement of corn (Zea mays L.)

Lopez Collado, Catalino Jorge 25 April 2007 (has links)
The objectives of this work were to evaluate the vegetative parameters used to estimate crop N demand and to estimate the accuracy and precision of the conceptual model of fertilization using an error propagation method. Corn plants were collected throughout the entire crop life cycle to determine the fresh and dry weight of the aboveground biomass and roots, root index, plant height, and corn grain yield. Three experiments were conducted, two under field conditions and one under greenhouse conditions. In the first field experiment in 2002, three sites were selected. The first site was the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Agricultural Experiment Station Research Farm in which a Ships clay soil was used. The second site was a cooperative farmer's land on a Weswood silt loam soil in Burleson County. These first two sites used Pioneer 32R25 as the corn hybrid. The third site was also a Ships soil in the TAMU Farm, but Dekalb 687 was the corn variety. In 2003, the second experiment was on a Ships soil in the field of TAMU Farm, and the third experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using Ships and Weswood soil. No differences in the root index and harvest index were observed, even when the Dekalb 687 hybrid was included. Variations in plant N concentration, moisture content, and yield were noted, but followed predictable patterns with time over the season. These parameters were consistent throughout the entire life cycle of the crop. The linear relationship between the fresh weight of aboveground biomass and fresh weight of roots was R2 = 0.92, the moisture content of corn plants over time was fit to a second grade polynomial with R2 = 0.98, and plant N content had a close linear relationship (R2=0.90) with the total plant dry weight, including roots, at harvest. The accuracy of the conceptual model was low under field conditions (55%), but high under greenhouse conditions (90%). Precision of the conceptual model was low both in the field (194%) and the greenhouse (115%) conditions.

Influences of Nitrogen Supply and Elevated CO2 on Nitrogen Consumption, Nitrogen Loss, Tissue Nitrogen Concentration, and Yield of Hydroponic Wheat

Ritchie, Karl B. 01 May 1994 (has links)
Wheat was grown hydroponically for 23 days ( early boot stage) in a controlled environment at NO3- concentrations of 100 and 1000 μ,M and CO2 levels of 360 and 1200 μ,mol mo1-1. Nitrogen consumption and transpiration were measured daily. Tissue nitrogen concentration, total biomass, and percent root mass were measured at harvest. Nitrogen recovery and nitrogen use efficiency were calculated. Elevated CO2 increased nitrogen consumption of the 100 μ,M NO3- treatment by 13.6% and the 1000 μ,M NO3- treatment by 21.3%. These increases were particularly evident during tillering and early grain fill. Whole plant nitrogen, shoot NO3-, and root NO3- concentrations were increased by elevated CO2. High CO2increased biomass by 15% and increased percent root mass by 11 %. Nitrogen recovery and nitrogen use efficiency were similar at both CO2 concentrations. Transpiration (L m-2ground d-1) decreased by 40% in elevated CO2. The 1000 μ,M NO3- treatment consumed more NO3- than did the 100 μ,M NO3- treatment (8.1% in ambient CO2, 15.5% in elevated CO2); this effect was most pronounced during the last 5 days of the experiment (flag leaf emergence and early grain fill). Percent root mass increased as N concentration decreased from 1000 to 100 μ,M. Nitrogen levels did not significantly affect tissue N concentration or biomass. Nitrogen losses increased as N supply increased; an average of 16% of the nitrogen added to the 100 μ,M NO3- treatment was lost, while the 1000 μ,M NO3- treatment lost 21%. Nitrogen use efficiency and transpiration were similar in both nitrogen treatments.

Etude de la régulation par l’azote de la biosynthèse des anthocyanes dans les cellules de vigne, par une approche intégrative / Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by nitrogen in grapevine berry cells by a systems biology approach

Soubeyrand, Eric 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les anthocyanes sont une famille de polyphénols très répandus chez les végétaux. Chez la vigne, elles sont responsables de la coloration des baies des cépages rouges, et sont impliquées dans les propriétés organoleptiques des vins. Une nutrition azotée faible induit la production des anthocyanes dans les cellules de la pellicule de raisin des cépages rouges via des mécanismes de régulation qui ne sont pas encore totalement élucidés. Dans ce contexte, nous avons étudié les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la réponse de l’accumulation des anthocyanes pour différents niveaux d’apports azotés. Deux matériels biologiques complémentaires ont été utilisés : des suspensions cellulaires de vigne (lignée GT3) et des plants de Cabernet-Sauvignon, cultivés au vignoble.L’augmentation de la synthèse d’anthocyanes en réponse à la diminution de la nutrition azotée a été confirmée dans les baies et les cellules de vigne en culture. Les analyses transcriptomiques globales (génome complet) et ciblées (qPCR) ont mis en lumière des modifications de l’expression génique, notamment de gènes liés au métabolisme des flavonoïdes, en réponse à la nutrition azotée. L’expression de nombreux gènes structuraux impliqués dans la voie de biosynthèse des anthocyanes est induite par une faible nutrition azotée. La variation de l’apport azoté influence également de façon coordonnée l’expression des gènes régulateurs positifs (facteurs de transcription de type MYB) et négatifs (protéine de type Lateral organ Boundary Domain (LBD)) des gènes de la biosynthèse des flavonoïdes chez la Vigne. L’expression de gènes liés à la production d’énergie (NADH, NADPH), est également affectée.En parallèle, une approche intégrative a été développée sur les suspensions cellulaires, en combinant des mesures d’activités enzymatiques, des dosages de métabolites primaires et secondaires, avec un modèle de balance de flux (Flux Balance Analysis, FBA). Les cartes de flux obtenues prédisent que la diminution de l’apport azoté entraîne une augmentation des flux métaboliques dans la voie du shikimate et des phénylpropanoïdes ; ainsi qu’une répression de la majorité des flux dans les différentes voies du métabolisme primaire, à l’exception de la voie des pentoses phosphates, dont le flux est maintenu, et de la voie de synthèse de l’amidon qui est accrue. Les résultats obtenus plaident en faveur d’un lien fort entre synthèse des anthocyanes et statut énergétique (ATP, NADPH) des cellules vigne. / Anthocyanins are polyphenol compounds very abundant in most of the plants. In grapevine, they give color to red berries and they improve red wine quality and increase the organoleptic properties of the wine. Low nitrogen supply stimulates anthocyanin production in berry skin cells of red grape varieties through regulation mechanisms that are far from being fully understood. In this context, we worked on the molecular mechanisms involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis response to nitrogen supply. Two complementary biological materials were used: grapevine cell suspensions (GT3 line) that originate from a teinturier cultivar and produce anthocyanins under normal conditions; and red grape berries of cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon cultivated in a commercial vineyard. Increases of anthocyanins synthesis in response to low nitrogen levels were confirmed in the field-grown berries and the cells suspensions. Both comparative global (microarrays) and targeted (qPCR) transcriptomic analysis showed different regulations on the expression of the genes involved in the secondary (especially the anthocyanin) and nitrogen metabolisms. The expression of most structural genes of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway was induced by a low nitrogen supply. Nitrogen controls also the expression of the positive (MYB transcription factors) and negative (Lateral organ Boundary Domain family protein LBD39) regulatory genes of the flavonoid pathway in grapevine. Furthermore, some genes improved in energy production (ATP, NADPH) were affected. In parallel, an integrative approach combining enzymatic activities and primary and secondary metabolites measurements with developing a Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) modeling approach was used on cells suspensions GT3. The flux maps deciphered that low nitrogen increases metabolic fluxes in shikimate and phenylpropanoid pathways and represses the majority metabolic fluxes in different pathways of primary metabolism. The two exceptions included the pentose phosphate pathway, which the flux metabolism was maintained, and the starch synthesis pathway, which was enhanced. The results obtained showed a strong link between anthocyanin synthesis and energy status (ATP, NADPH) in the berry cell suspensions.

Agronomic performance in Paspalum interspecific hybrids subjected to nitrogen application rates or in mixture with temperate legumes

Motta, Eder Alexandre Minski da January 2018 (has links)
Plicatula is a taxonomic group within of the genus Paspalum that contains interesting species considering their phenotypic diversity for forage traits, and some of these species have been improved through artificial interspecific hybridization. Nitrogen (N) is an important limiting factor to produce biomass. Forage legumes contribute with symbiotic N2 fixation and can increase biomass yield and the nutritive value of the pastures. The objectives of this thesis were: (i) evaluate dry matter yield (DMY), N use efficiency (NUE), nutritive value, cold tolerance and plant persistence in hybrids of Paspalum plicatulum x P. guenoarum subjected to N application rates, (ii) compare biomass yield and nutritive value of the grass–legume system to a grass–N fertilizer system, and (iii) select the best hybrids for new steps within the breeding program. The study was conducted from September 2015 to May 2017. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in split-plot arrangement with three replicates. Treatments were five N rates (0, 60, 120, 240, and 480 kg N ha-1 N), and one grass-legumes mixture (Trifolium repens + Lotus corniculatus) as whole plots, and six genotypes (1020133, 102069, 103084, 103061, P. guenoarum ecotype Azulão and Megathyrsus maximus cv. Aruana used as a control) as subplots. Nitrogen rates of 240 and 480 kg N ha-1 increased Total-DMY, Leaf-DMY, cold tolerance and persistence but decreased NUE. Higher NUE was obtained with N rates between 60 and 120 kg N ha-1. Total-DMY for grass-legume mixture was similar to the N rates of 60 and 120 kg N ha-1. Hybrid 1020133 had Total-DMY similar to Azulão and Aruana, as well as Leaf-DMY greater than Aruana. Hybrid 1020133 showed greater cold tolerance and exhibited greater NUE at 60 kg N ha-1 than the other genotypes. At the N rate of 480 kg N ha-1 increased crude protein (27%) and digestibility (4%) and decreased neutral (6%) and acid (7%) detergent fiber compared to the 0 kg N ha-1. Grass-legume mixture showed greater nutritive value compared to N-fertilized grass. Hybrid 103061 had greater crude protein and digestibility and lower neutral and acid detergent fiber than Azulão and Aruana. Therefore, there is opportunity to increase DMY, NUE, cold tolerance and plant persistence, and improve the nutritive value through genotype selection and N management. In addition, grass-legume mixture showed greater nutritive value than N-fertilized grass and can be an alternative practice to replace to the application of N fertilizer up to the rate of 120 kg N ha-1. Hybrids 1020133 and 103061 should be indicated for new studies, such as seed production and animal performance.

Agronomic performance in Paspalum interspecific hybrids subjected to nitrogen application rates or in mixture with temperate legumes

Motta, Eder Alexandre Minski da January 2018 (has links)
Plicatula is a taxonomic group within of the genus Paspalum that contains interesting species considering their phenotypic diversity for forage traits, and some of these species have been improved through artificial interspecific hybridization. Nitrogen (N) is an important limiting factor to produce biomass. Forage legumes contribute with symbiotic N2 fixation and can increase biomass yield and the nutritive value of the pastures. The objectives of this thesis were: (i) evaluate dry matter yield (DMY), N use efficiency (NUE), nutritive value, cold tolerance and plant persistence in hybrids of Paspalum plicatulum x P. guenoarum subjected to N application rates, (ii) compare biomass yield and nutritive value of the grass–legume system to a grass–N fertilizer system, and (iii) select the best hybrids for new steps within the breeding program. The study was conducted from September 2015 to May 2017. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in split-plot arrangement with three replicates. Treatments were five N rates (0, 60, 120, 240, and 480 kg N ha-1 N), and one grass-legumes mixture (Trifolium repens + Lotus corniculatus) as whole plots, and six genotypes (1020133, 102069, 103084, 103061, P. guenoarum ecotype Azulão and Megathyrsus maximus cv. Aruana used as a control) as subplots. Nitrogen rates of 240 and 480 kg N ha-1 increased Total-DMY, Leaf-DMY, cold tolerance and persistence but decreased NUE. Higher NUE was obtained with N rates between 60 and 120 kg N ha-1. Total-DMY for grass-legume mixture was similar to the N rates of 60 and 120 kg N ha-1. Hybrid 1020133 had Total-DMY similar to Azulão and Aruana, as well as Leaf-DMY greater than Aruana. Hybrid 1020133 showed greater cold tolerance and exhibited greater NUE at 60 kg N ha-1 than the other genotypes. At the N rate of 480 kg N ha-1 increased crude protein (27%) and digestibility (4%) and decreased neutral (6%) and acid (7%) detergent fiber compared to the 0 kg N ha-1. Grass-legume mixture showed greater nutritive value compared to N-fertilized grass. Hybrid 103061 had greater crude protein and digestibility and lower neutral and acid detergent fiber than Azulão and Aruana. Therefore, there is opportunity to increase DMY, NUE, cold tolerance and plant persistence, and improve the nutritive value through genotype selection and N management. In addition, grass-legume mixture showed greater nutritive value than N-fertilized grass and can be an alternative practice to replace to the application of N fertilizer up to the rate of 120 kg N ha-1. Hybrids 1020133 and 103061 should be indicated for new studies, such as seed production and animal performance.

Agronomic performance in Paspalum interspecific hybrids subjected to nitrogen application rates or in mixture with temperate legumes

Motta, Eder Alexandre Minski da January 2018 (has links)
Plicatula is a taxonomic group within of the genus Paspalum that contains interesting species considering their phenotypic diversity for forage traits, and some of these species have been improved through artificial interspecific hybridization. Nitrogen (N) is an important limiting factor to produce biomass. Forage legumes contribute with symbiotic N2 fixation and can increase biomass yield and the nutritive value of the pastures. The objectives of this thesis were: (i) evaluate dry matter yield (DMY), N use efficiency (NUE), nutritive value, cold tolerance and plant persistence in hybrids of Paspalum plicatulum x P. guenoarum subjected to N application rates, (ii) compare biomass yield and nutritive value of the grass–legume system to a grass–N fertilizer system, and (iii) select the best hybrids for new steps within the breeding program. The study was conducted from September 2015 to May 2017. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in split-plot arrangement with three replicates. Treatments were five N rates (0, 60, 120, 240, and 480 kg N ha-1 N), and one grass-legumes mixture (Trifolium repens + Lotus corniculatus) as whole plots, and six genotypes (1020133, 102069, 103084, 103061, P. guenoarum ecotype Azulão and Megathyrsus maximus cv. Aruana used as a control) as subplots. Nitrogen rates of 240 and 480 kg N ha-1 increased Total-DMY, Leaf-DMY, cold tolerance and persistence but decreased NUE. Higher NUE was obtained with N rates between 60 and 120 kg N ha-1. Total-DMY for grass-legume mixture was similar to the N rates of 60 and 120 kg N ha-1. Hybrid 1020133 had Total-DMY similar to Azulão and Aruana, as well as Leaf-DMY greater than Aruana. Hybrid 1020133 showed greater cold tolerance and exhibited greater NUE at 60 kg N ha-1 than the other genotypes. At the N rate of 480 kg N ha-1 increased crude protein (27%) and digestibility (4%) and decreased neutral (6%) and acid (7%) detergent fiber compared to the 0 kg N ha-1. Grass-legume mixture showed greater nutritive value compared to N-fertilized grass. Hybrid 103061 had greater crude protein and digestibility and lower neutral and acid detergent fiber than Azulão and Aruana. Therefore, there is opportunity to increase DMY, NUE, cold tolerance and plant persistence, and improve the nutritive value through genotype selection and N management. In addition, grass-legume mixture showed greater nutritive value than N-fertilized grass and can be an alternative practice to replace to the application of N fertilizer up to the rate of 120 kg N ha-1. Hybrids 1020133 and 103061 should be indicated for new studies, such as seed production and animal performance.

Use of bio-waste as fertiliser for the protected vegetable cultivation

Böhme, Michael Henry 22 February 2019 (has links)
The number of biogas plants in Germany is increasing from 3,711 in 2007 to 8,075 in 2016. In these biogas plants, it occurred more than 50 Mt digestate. Therefore, several investigations are started to use digestate as organic fertiliser mostly for field crop cultivation. Experiment with tomatoes was carried out were digestate was used as a supplement to the growing media in an amount of 5%, 15%, and 25%, compared with a treatment of mineral fertiliser and lupine wholemeal. The tomato yield was highest in the treatment with mineral fertilisation, the yield with 25% digestate was only a little lower. More experiments are necessary for particular regarding the amount and frequency of fertilization with digestate from biogas plants. In Germany and in Vietnam the number of sheep flocks is increasing, high amounts of uncleaned sheep wool are available. Because of the high amount of nutrients - especially nitrogen -, sheep wool pellets could be used as multi-functional fertiliser in vegetable cultivations. Four types of sheep wool pellets have been tested in protected cultivation. Tomatoes were cultivated in a greenhouse using substrate culture with perlite, bark compost, sheep wool slabs, respectively, and sheep wool pellets as fertiliser. Best growth and highest yield for tomatoes were obtained using pine bark and perlite as a substrate, both fertilised with sheep wool pellets. Based on the results of the yield and the analyses of the nutrient content in plants it seems that sheep wool pellets can be used, for the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses. / Số lượng các nhà máy biogas tại CHLB Đức tăng từ 3.711 năm 2017 lên 8.075 năm 2016. Các nhà máy biogas sản sinh ra hơn 50 triệu tấn chất thải. Vì vậy đã có nhiều nghiên cứu liên quan đến sử dụng nguồn chất thải này làm phân bón hữu cơ cho canh tác nông nghiệp. Thí nghiệm với cà chua sử dụng chất thải biogas làm chất bổ sung dinh dưỡng cho giá thể trồng cây theo các tỷ lệ 5%, 15% và 25% đối chứng với công thức sử dụng phân hóa học và bột nguyên vỏ họ đậu. Năng suất cà chua thu được từ các công thức bổ sung chất thải biogas đều cao hơn đối chứng, chỉ có công thức bổ sung 25% có năng suất thấp hơn. Tuy nhiên vẫn cần có những nghiên cứu tiêp theo về lượng và tần xuất sử dụng bón phân với chất thải từ nhà máy biogas. Ở Đức và ở Việt Nam số lượng đàn cừu đang tăng lên, một lượng lớn lông cừu phế phẩm phát sinh. Với hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao, đặc biệt là nitơ, viên nén từ lông cừu phế phẩm có thể sử dụng làm phân bón đa chức năng cho trồng trọt. Nghiên cứu đã sử dụng 4 loại viên nén lông cừu làm phân bón trong điều kiện trồng có kiểm soát. Cà chua được trồng trong nhà kính với 3 loại giá thể là perlite, vỏ cây thông đã ủ hoai, thảm lông cừu với phân bón là viên nén từ lông cừu phế phẩm. Năng suất cao nhất và đem lại sinh trưởng tốt nhất cho cây cà chua là công thức sử dụng vỏ cây thông và perlite. Dựa trên kết quả về năng suất và phân tích dinh dưỡng trong cây và sản phẩm, nghiên cứu cho thấy sự phù hợp của viên nén từ lông cừu phế phẩm làm phân bón cho canh tác rau trong nhà kính.

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