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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physiotherapeutic interventions and rehabilitation regimen of the surgically stabilized proximal humeral fracture – a literature review

Rosén, Kajsa January 2010 (has links)
Proximal humeral fractures requiring surgical stabilization remain a therapeutic challenge, and a fully functioning joint is rarely the outcome after traumatic proximal humeral fractures. A systematic review was conducted to present the current state of knowledge concerning the postoperative rehabilitation. Tree databases was searched (PubMed, PEDro and the Cochrane library), presenting 25 publications eligible for further review and assessment. The literature was evaluated using PEDro and The Swedish Council on Health Technology, SBUs, evaluation grading system GRADE. The main functional impairments were pain and reduced range of motion in the shoulder joint, and were measured by several different scoring systems for functional outcome. Reported results were contradictory and inconsistent, and current studies typically lack randomization, and independent evaluation, with a resultant inability to produce clinical conclusions. According the post-operative rehabilitation procedure, only careful conclusions can be drawn from the literature reviewed which does not focus on, emphasize or explore the physiotherapeutic interventions at any length. It was therefore not possible to compare or connect the Axelina rehabilitation regimen with the literature. The Axelina rehabilitation program of the shoulder joint, are the most commonly used regimen at the physiotherapeutic ward at Uppsala University hospital. Neither was it possible to determine if the post-operative treatment should be different according to classification of fracture or method of stabilization. The results from this systematic review suggest that the data from the published literature are inadequate for evidence-based decision making as regards the treatment and post-operative rehabilitation for complex proximal humeral fractures.

Acute Achilles tendon rupture:epidemiology and treatment

Lantto, I. (Iikka) 03 May 2016 (has links)
Abstract The Achilles tendon is the strongest and largest of human tendons, and its proper function is essential for normal gait. Most acute Achilles tendon injuries occur during sports, particularly in ball games. The purposes of this study were (1) to examine the incidence of total Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) over a 33-year period in the city of Oulu and to investigate its changes with respect to age, sex, and injury mechanism. (2) to compare ≥10-year outcomes of two postoperative regimens after ATR repair: early weightbearing with early mobilization versus early weightbearing with early immobilization in tension, (3) to compare clinical outcome and calf muscle strength recovery after conservative treatment or open surgical repair of acute ATR, followed by identical accelerated rehabilitation programs. The overall incidence per 100 000 person years increased from 2.1 in 1979 to 21.5 in 2011. The incidence increased in all age groups. The incidence of sports-related ruptures increased during the second 11-year period, whereas the incidence of non-sports-related ruptures increased steadily over the entire study period. Early mobilization and immobilization in tension after ATR repair resulted in similar clinical outcomes and isokinetic strengths. Regardless of patient satisfaction with the operative treatment, calf muscle strength did not recover normally, even at the 10-year follow-up. Surgery and conservative treatment of acute ATR resulted in similar Achilles tendon performance score after 18 months, but surgery restored calf muscle strength earlier. Surgery also resulted in better health-related quality of life in the domains of physical functioning and bodily pain. Conservative treatment with a functional protocol is recommended for a large majority of patients. However, patients with high physical expectations could still benefit from operative treatment. In conclusion, the incidence of ATR is rising, postoperative immobilization and early mobilization result in similar long-term results in terms of the Achilles tendon performance score and calf muscle function, and conservative treatment with a functional protocol is the preferred treatment for the majority of patients. / Tiivistelmä Akillesjänne on ihmisen suurin ja vahvin jänne ja sen kunnollinen toiminta on edellytys normaalille kävelylle. Suurin osa akillesjänteen repeämistä syntyy urheilussa, erityisesti pallopeleissä. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä oli tarkoitus selvittää täydellisten akillesjänteen repeämien esiintyvyys Oulussa 33 vuoden aikana ja selvittää potilaiden ikä ja sukupuoli sekä vammamekanismi. Toisessa osatyössä vertailtiin akillesjänteen repeämän hoitotuloksia 11 vuotta vamman jälkeen. Tässä tutkimuksessa verrattiin kahta erilaista leikkauksen jälkeistä hoitomenetelmää; toisessa sallittiin varhainen varaaminen ja nilkan liikuttelu kun taas toisessa sallittiin varhainen varaaminen, mutta nilkka kipsattiin ojennukseen. Kolmannessa osatyössä vertailtiin tuloksia leikattujen ja ilman leikkausta hoidettujen potilaiden välillä. Molemmat ryhmät hoidettiin samanlaisella irrotettavalla varaamisen sallivalla lastalla. Akillesjänteen repeämien esiintyvyys oli 2.1/100 000 vuonna 1979 ja nousi vuoteen 2011 mennessä 21.5/100 000:een ja nousua oli kaikissa ikäryhmissä. Urheiluun liittyvät repeämät lisääntyivät erityisesti jakson keskimmäisen 11-vuotis jakson aikana kun taas urheiluun liittymättömät repeämät lisääntyivät koko seurantajakson ajan. Vertailtaessa kahta erilaista leikkauksen jälkeistä hoitomenetelmää todettiin ettei potilaiden välillä ollut eroa kliinisissä mittareissa tai voimissa 11 vuotta vamman jälkeen. Vaikka potilastyytyväisyys oli hyvä ei pohkeen voima palautunut normaaliksi edes 11 vuotta vamman jälkeen. Vertailtaessa leikkauksella ja ilman leikkausta hoidettuja potilaita ei myöskään todettu eroja kliinisissä mittareissa, mutta kirurgisella hoidolla voima palautui hiukan nopeammin ja ero myös säilyi 18 kuukautta vammasta. Myös elämänlaatumittarilla mitattuna leikkauksella hoidetut olivat kivun ja fyysisen toiminnan osalta tyytyväisempiä. Suurimmalle osalle potilaista konservatiivinen hoito sopii erinomaisesti, mutta jotkut fyysisesti aktiiviset potilaat hyötynevät leikkaushoidosta.

Klinische Ergebnisse der medialen Raffung und der MPFL-Plastik zur Therapie der Patellaluxation unter Berücksichtigung individuellerprädisponierender Faktoren / Clinical Outcome After Medial Reefing and MPFL-Plasty For Treatment Of Patellar Instability Regarding Individual Predisposing Factors

Hopfensitz, Stephanie 19 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Problematika péče o dítě s pes equinovarus congenitus / Issues of nursing care for Clubfoot Diagnosed Child

KOŠNÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The area of the care of a Clubfoot (pes equinovarus congenitus PEC Clubfoot) Diagnosed Child is the topic of this Paper. Currently, the PEC is the second most frequent congenital deformity within orthopaedics. The theoretical part of this Paper deals with a description of the PEC, its diagnostics, cure and a possible risk of relapse. A sub-chapter of the Paper introduces the Achilleus association, which is the only body in the Czech Republic bringing together parents of PEC diagnosed children. The Paper also focuses on nurses and their role(s) in the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children. The empirical part of this Paper covers a research with the following directions: - parental knowledge of PEC diagnosed children care at home; - specifications of the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children; - nurses and their educational role (if fulfilled) in the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children. The research presented in the empirical part of the Paper was based on a semi-structuralized interview and open coding technique. The interviews were conducted with parents of PEC diagnosed children and care providing nurses who also play an important educational role in this matter. The benefit of the Paper, based on collected research data, is to provide a complete overview on the problems relating to the care of PEC diagnosed children. The outcome is supposed to be also presented to appropriate expert public for further consideration. The research outcome presents that the level of parental knowledge of the PEC diagnosed children care at home is very high and that parents provide their children with a quality care. The Paper describes that specifications of the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children are mainly evident in appropriate and consistent education of parents as the homecare is usually a long-term process. Finally, the Paper also shows that nurses in their educational role in the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children do not fulfil their tasks to such an extent that is expected.

The non-operative treatment of Weber B -type ankle fractures and the clinical relevance and treatment of syndesmosis injury

Kortekangas, T. (Tero) 24 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract Despite numerous biomechanical and clinical studies on ankle fractures, the optimal treatment method for a stable fibula fracture is poorly known. Additionally, the clinical relevance and optimal fixation method of syndesmosis injury for different ankle fracture types is unclear. This thesis aimed: (I) to compare six weeks of cast immobilization with three weeks of immobilization (cast or orthosis) in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 247 patients with stable Weber B-type fibular fracture; (II) to compare mid-term outcome of syndesmosis transfixation with no fixation in an RCT of 24 patients with supination external rotation (SER) ankle fractures and syndesmosis injury; (III) to evaluate the significance of the syndesmosis injury on clinical outcome in a case-control study of 48 patients with SER ankle fractures; and (IV) to compare the syndesmosis fixation with a screw versus a suture-button device in terms of the accuracy and the maintenance of syndesmosis reduction in an RCT of 43 patients with pronation external rotation (PER) ankle fractures. Three weeks of immobilization in either a cast or an orthosis resulted in non-inferior outcomes compared to traditional six weeks’ immobilization in patients with stable Weber B-type fibula fracture. In patients with SER ankle fracture and unstable syndesmosis after fixation of bone fractures, leaving unstable syndesmosis unfixed resulted in similar outcomes compared to syndesmosis transfixation at mid-term follow-up. Patients with SER ankle fractures with or without an associated syndesmosis injury had similar clinical outcomes after a minimum of four years of follow-up. The syndesmotic screw and the suture-button fixation in patients with PER ankle fracture and unstable syndesmosis resulted in a low malreduction rate and both methods maintained reduction well. In conclusion, stable Weber B-type fibula fractures can safely be treated with only three weeks of cast immobilization or even with a simple orthosis. A syndesmosis injury in SER ankle fractures seems to be of minor therapeutic or prognostic importance and syndesmosis screw fixation has no effect on patient’s recovery compared to no syndesmosis fixation. An associated syndesmosis injury in PER ankle fractures can be fixed with a syndesmotic screw or a suture-button device with comparable outcomes. / Tiivistelmä Stabiilin nilkkamurtuman konservatiivisen hoidon toteutuksesta on hyvälaatuista tutkimustietoa tarjolla niukasti. Syndesmoosivamman kliininen merkitys ja sen hoitomenetelmät eri nilkkamurtumatyypeissä ovat kirjallisuuden perusteella vielä osittain epäselvät. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä vertailtiin kolmen viikon immobilisaatiota (kipsi tai ortoosi) perinteiseen kuuden viikon kipsihoitoon satunnaistetussa ja kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa, joka käsitti 247 stabiilin Weber B-tyypin pohjeluun murtuman saanutta potilasta. Toisessa osatyössä vertailtiin syndesmoosin ruuvikiinnitystä kiinnittämättä jättämiseen satunnaistetussa ja kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa, johon osallistui 24 SER (supinaatio-ulkorotaatio) -tyypin nilkkamurtumapotilasta, joilla todettiin syndesmoosin epävakaus leikkauksen aikaisessa rasituskokeessa. Kolmannessa osatyössä selvitettiin syndesmoosivamman kliinistä merkitystä SER-tyypin nilkkamurtumapotilailla tapaus-verrokki-asetelmassa. Neljännessä osatyössä vertailtiin syndesmoosin ruuvi- ja jännitelankakiinnitystä syndesmoosin kiinnitystarkkuuden ja kiinnityksen pysyvyyden suhteen satunnaistetussa ja kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa, joka käsitti 43 PER (pronaatio-ulkorotaatio) -tyypin nilkkamurtuman saanutta potilasta. Stabiilin Weber B-tyypin pohjeluun murtuman hoidossa kolmen viikon immobilisaatio joko kipsillä tai ortoosilla oli yhtä hyvä ja turvallinen kuin perinteinen kuuden viikon kipsihoito. Syndesmoosin ruuvikiinnitettyjen ja kiinnittämättä jätettyjen SER-tyypin nilkkamurtumapotilaiden hoitotuloksissa ei todettu merkittäviä eroja keskipitkän aikavälin seurannassa. Syndesmoosivammalla ei todettu merkitystä SER-tyypin nilkkamurtuma-potilaiden hoitotulokseen tai ennusteeseen vähintään neljän vuoden seurannan jälkeen. Syndesmoosin reduktion suhteen ruuvi- ja jännitelankakiinnityksellä saadaan yhtä hyvät varhaisvaiheen tulokset PER-tyypin nilkkamurtumapotilailla ja molemmat kiinnitysmenetelmät säilyttävät syndesmoosin reduktion hyvin. Stabiilin Weber B -tyypin pohjeluun murtuman hoito voidaan toteuttaa turvallisesti ja tehokkaasti kolmen viikon immobilisaatiolla joko nilkkaortoosilla tai saapaskipsillä. Syndesmoosivammalla ei vaikuta olevan kliinistä merkitystä SER-tyypin nilkkamurtumapotilaan ennusteeseen, eikä vamman hoitaminen ruuvikiinnityksellä paranna potilaan hoitotulosta kiinnittämättä jättämiseen verrattuna. PER-tyypin nilkkamurtumiin liittyvän syndesmoosivamman korjauksessa voidaan käyttää joko ruuvikiinnitystä tai jännitelankasidosta yhtä hyvin hoitotuloksin.

Kliničke i patohistološke karakteristike urođenog rascepa vrata u prednjoj srednjoj liniji i njihov značaj za diferencijalnu dijagnozu i hirurško lečenje / Clinical and Histopathological Characteristics of Congenital Anterior Midline Cervical Cleft Relevant to Differential Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment

Simić Radoje 25 August 2015 (has links)
<p>Urođeni rascep sa naborom u prednjoj srednjoj liniji vrata (UR-N PSLV) je retka anomalija sa oko 100-150 bolesnika opisanih u literaturi. Tipičan rascep se sastoji od atrofične, ružičaste kože u obliku žleba, kožne prominencije na gornjem kraju i potkožnog sinusa na donjem kraju tzv. rascepa. Ispod ovih elemenata nalazi se potkožna vezivno-mi&scaron;ićna traka koja izaziva nabor na vratu. Izolovani nabor vrata, kao jedan od tipova rascepa, ima samo potkožnu traku i podbradnu kožnu izraslinu. U radu analiziramo seriju od 11 bolesnika sa UR-N PSLV operisanih u periodu od 12 godina (jul 1998. - jun 2010.). Rezultati lečenja sagledani su u pogledu preciznosti postavljanja dijagnoze (diferencijalna dijagnoza anomalija i oboljenja PSLV) i analize posleoperativnih funkcionalnih i estetskih karakteristika (vrednost cervikomentalnog ugla-CMU, veličina ekstenzije glave i vrata-EGV i karakteristike ožiljka). Rezultati operativnog lečenja rascepa primenom multiple &bdquo;Z&rdquo; plastike sa 4-10 kožnih režnjeva poređeni su sa Sistrunkovom operacijom kod bolesnika sa cistom tiroglosnog duktusa-TGDC (ukupno 128 bolesnika u seriji). S obzirom na veliki broj bolesnika sa različitim izgledom anomalije učinjena je podela UR-N PSLV na tipove (I-IV) i podtipove. Rascep se po embriopatogenezi, izgledu i patohistolo&scaron;kim (PH) karakteristikama jasno razlikuje od TGDC. Deskriptivnom embriologijom rascep se defini&scaron;e kao poremećaj u spajanju prednjih krajeva II (nekad i I) ždrelnih lukova. Kompresija srca u razvoju i odloženo ispravljanje vrata imaju značajnu ulogu. Kožna izraslina je rabdomiomatozni mezenhimalni hamartom kod svih na&scaron;ih bolesnika. Kaudalni sinus po PH izgledu ukazuje na bronhogeno poreklo. Operacijom rascepa vrata ne postiže se normalan CMU i potpuna EGV. Operacijom TGDC vi&scaron;e se menja CMU nego EGV, ali su vrednosti bliže kontrolnoj grupi nego kod dece sa rascepom. Ožiljci, posebno kosi delovi &bdquo;Z&rdquo; plastike, posle operacije UR-N su lo&scaron;ije&nbsp; ocenjeni nego posle operacije TGDC (parametrijski testovi pokazuju manju razliku). Na estetiku i funkcionalnost vrata i glave posle operacije rascepa veoma mnogo utiču hipoplazija donje vilice i deficit mekih struktura prednje strane vrata. Nova operativna tehnika (poprečna eliptična ekscizija i incizija u dva nivoa ili <em>step incision</em>, sa dodatnom &bdquo;Z&rdquo; plastikom na platizmi) primenjena kod dva bolesnika (pri kraju analize rezultata u studiji) daje nadu u dobijanje boljih posleoperativnih rezultata.</p> / <p>Congenital midline cervical cleft and web (CMCC-W) is a rare anomaly with about 100-150 cases described in the literature. The typical CMCC consists of midline groove of atrophic, erythematous skin with a skin protuberance cranially, and a subcutaneous blind sinus tract on the lower end of so-called cleft. Subcutaneous fibro-muscular band is located underneath, causing the web. Isolated CMCW, as one of the cleft types, includes only subcutaneous band and submental skin prominence. We analyzed a series of 11 patients with CMCC-W during the 12-year period (July 1998-June 2010). Treatment outcomes were evaluated according to precisely established diagnosis (differential diagnosis of anomalies and diseases of midline neck) and analysis of postoperative functional and aesthetic features (value of cervico-mental angle (CMA), head and neck extension (HNE) and characteristics of the scar). The results of the surgical treatment using multiple Z-plasty technique with 4-10 skin flaps were compared with Sistrunk procedure in patients with thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) (total of 128 patients in the series). Since a great number of patients had different forms of anomaly, the cases were divided into types (I-IV) and subtypes. Regarding embryo pathogenesis, appearance and histopathology, there was a clear difference between CMCC and TGDC. A cleft is defined, due to descriptive embryology, as a failure of the second (sometimes and first) pharyngeal arches to fuse in the midline. Compression of the heart and postponed extension of the neck played an important role during development period. Skin prominence was a rhabdomyomatous mesenchymal hamartoma in all our patients. Histopathology of the caudal sinus indicated the bronchogenic origin. The normal CMA and complete HNE were not achieved by the operation of CMCC-W. TGDC operation effects more CMA than HNE, but the values are closer to control group than in children having a cleft. Scars, especially oblique parts of Z plasty, after the operation CMCC-W were worse than after TGDC (parametric tests showed lesser difference). Hypoplasia of the mandible and vertical soft-tissue deficit of the anterior neck have a great impact on aesthetics and functionality of the head and neck after cleft surgery. New operative technique (two level transverse elliptical excision and incision or step incision &ndash; with the additional Z-plasty of platysma) was applied in two patients (at the end of the analysis of the results in the study) gives a new hope regarding better postoperative results.</p>

Recovery of calf muscle isokinetic strength after acute Achilles tendon rupture

Heikkinen, J. (Juuso) 29 August 2017 (has links)
Abstract Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) conservative treatment result usually good clinical outcome, but despite the treatment method calf muscle strength deficit persist. Recent evidence suggests that surgery might surpass conservative treatment in restoring strength after ATR, but structural explanations for surgery-related improved strength remain uncertain. The purposes of this thesis were to compare calf muscle isokinetic strength recovery, calf muscle volume, fatty degeneration and AT elongation after conservative treatment or after open surgical repair of ATR. An additional aim was to assess the role of fascial augmentation in terms of calf muscle isokinetic strength recovery, AT elongation, calf muscle volume atrophy and fatty degeneration, and their relationship with calf muscle isokinetic strength in long-term follow-up after ATR surgery. Surgery resulted in 10% to 18% greater plantar flexion strength (P = 0.037) compared to conservative treatment. The mean differences between affected and healthy soleus muscle volumes were -18% after surgery and -25% after conservative treatment (P = 0.042). At 18 months, AT were, on average 19 mm longer in patients treated conservatively compared to surgery (P &#60; 0.001). At 18 months, patients with greater (2–3) fatty degeneration had lower soleus muscle volumes and plantar flexion strength in the healthy leg. In long term, augmentation did not affect any of the strength variables, but the injured side showed 12% to 18% strength deficit compared with the healthy side (P &#60; 0.001). The AT was, on average, 12 mm longer in the affected leg than in the healthy leg (P &#60; 0.001). The mean soleus muscle volume was 13% lower in the affected leg than in the healthy leg (P &#60; 0.001). The mean volumes of the medial- and lateral gastrocnemius muscles were 12% and 11% lower in the affected leg than in the healthy leg, respectively (P &#60; 0.001). AT elongation correlated substantially with plantar strength deficit (ρ = 0.51, P &#60; 0.001) and with both gastrocnemius (ρ = 0.46, P = 0.001) and soleus muscle atrophy (ρ = 0.42, P = 0.002). Calf muscle fatty degeneration was more common in the affected leg compared healthy leg (P &#8804; 0.018). In conclusion, surgery of ATR restored calf muscle isokinetic strength earlier and more completely than conservative treatment. Conservative treatment resulted in greater soleus muscle atrophy and AT elongation compared surgery, which may partly explain the surgery related better strength results. Augmentation provided no long-term benefits compared with simple suturation, and a 12 to 18% plantar flexion strength deficit compared to the healthy side persisted. AT elongation may explain the smaller calf muscle volumes, greater fatty degeneration, and plantar flexion strength deficit observed in long-term follow-up after surgical repair of ATR. / Tiivistelmä Akillesjännerepeämän (ATR) konservatiivisella ja leikkaushoidolla hoidolla saavutetaan hyvät kliiniset tulokset. Viimeisimmät tutkimukset kuitenkin viittaavat leikkaushoidolla saavutettavan paremmat voimat kuin konservatiivisella hoidolla, mutta rakenteelliset selitykset leikkaushoidon paremmalle pohjelihaksen voimille ovat epäselviä. Työn tarkoituksena oli verrata pohjelihaksen isokineettisten voimien palautumista, pohjelihastilavuuksia, rasvadegeneraatiota ja akillesjänteen (AT) pidentymistä ATR:n konservatiivisen- ja leikkaushoidon jälkeen. Tarkoituksena oli arvioida lihaskalvovahvikkeen merkitystä pohjelihaksen isokineettisten voimien palautumisessa pitkäaikaisseurannassa. Lisäksi tutkimme AT pidentymisen, pohjelihastilavuuksien ja rasvadegeneraation suhdetta pohjelihaksen isokineettisiin voimiin ATR:n leikkaushoidon jälkeen 14 v seurannassa. Leikkaushoidolla saavutettiin 10–18 % paremmat pohjelihaksen voimat verrattuna konservatiiviseen hoitoon. Leikkaushoidon jälkeen soleuslihasten tilavuuksien puoliero terveen jalan hyväksi oli 18 % ja konservatiivisen hoidon jälkeen 25 %. 18 kk kohdalla konservatiivisesti hoidettujen AT oli 19 mm pidempi verrattuna leikkauksella hoidettuihin. 18 kk kohdalla potilaat, joilla vamma jalan soleuslihaksen rasva-degeneraatio oli korkea (2–3), kärsivät suuremmasta soleuslihaksen atrofiasta ja pohjelihaksen voima puolierosta. Voimat eivät muuttuneet 12 kk ja 14 v kontrollien välillä. Lihaskalvovahvikkeella ei ollut merkitystä voimien palautumisessa pelkkään suoraan ompeluun verrattuna, mutta vammapuoli jäi 10–18 % heikommaksi verrattuna terveeseen jalkaan. Vammajalan akillesjänne oli 12 mm pidempi terveeseen jalkaan verrattuna. Vammajalan kolmipäisen pohjelihaksen tilavuus oli 11–13 % pienempi verrattuna terveeseen jalkaan. Akillesjänteen pituus korreloi pohjelihaksen voimapuolieron sekä pohjelihasatrofian kanssa. Akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidolla pohjelihaksen isokineettiset voimat palautuvat nopeammin ja täydellisemmin kuin konservatiivisella hoidolla. Leikkaushoitoon verrattuna konservatiivinen hoito johtaa suurempaan soleuslihaksen atrofiaan ja akillesjänteen pidentymään, mikä selittää osittain leikkaushoidon paremmat voimatulokset. 14 v seurannassa lihaskalvovahvikkeesta ei ole etua akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidossa. Akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidosta huolimatta potilaalle jää terveeseen jalkaan verrattuna 10–18 % pohjelihasten voimapuoliero. Akillesjänteen pidentyminen mahdollisesti selittää pohjelihasten atrofian, rasvadegeneraation ja pysyvän pohjelihasten voimapuolieron akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidon jälkeen 14 v seurannassa.

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