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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification and Characterization of Genes Required for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Medicago truncatula Tnt1 Insertion Mutants

Cai, Jingya 07 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation I am using M. truncatula as a model legume that forms indeterminate nodules with rhizobia under limited nitrogen conditions. I take advantage of an M. truncatula Tnt1 mutant population that provides a useful resource to uncover and characterize novel genes. Here, I focused on several objectives. First, I carried out forward and reverse genetic screening of M. truncatula Tnt1 mutant populations to uncover novel genes involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Second, I focused on reverse genetic screening of two genes, identified as encoding blue copper proteins, and characterization of their mutants' potential phenotypes. Third, I further characterized a nodule essential gene, M. truncatula vacuolar iron transporter like 8 (MtVTL8), which encodes a nodule specific iron transporter. I characterized the expression pattern, expression localization and function of MtVTL8. Additionally, I characterized several residues predicted to be essential to function using a model based on the known crystal structure of Eucalyptus grandis vacuolar iron transporter 1 (EgVIT1), a homologous protein to MtVTL8. I identified several potential essential residues of the MtVTL8 protein, mutagenized them, and through complementation experiments in planta and in yeast assessed functionality of the resulting protein. This helped us to better understand the potential mechanism by which MtVTL8 functions.

Contention-Aware Scheduling for SMT Multicore Processors

Feliu Pérez, Josué 27 March 2017 (has links)
The recent multicore era and the incoming manycore/manythread era generate a lot of challenges for computer scientists going from productive parallel programming, over network congestion avoidance and intelligent power management, to circuit design issues. The ultimate goal is to squeeze out as much performance as possible while limiting power and energy consumption and guaranteeing a reliable execution. The increasing number of hardware contexts of current and future systems makes the scheduler an important component to achieve this goal, as there is often a combinatorial amount of different ways to schedule the distinct threads or applications, each with a different performance due to the inter-application interference. Picking an optimal schedule can result in substantial performance gains. This thesis deals with inter-application interference, covering the problems this fact causes on performance and fairness on actual machines. The study starts with single-threaded multicore processors (Intel Xeon X3320), follows with simultaneous multithreading (SMT) multicores supporting up to two threads per core (Intel Xeon E5645), and goes to the most highly threaded per-core processor that has ever been built (IBM POWER8). The dissertation analyzes the main contention points of each experimental platform and proposes scheduling algorithms that tackle the interference arising at each contention point to improve the system throughput and fairness. First we analyze contention through the memory hierarchy of current multicore processors. The performed studies reveal high performance degradation due to contention on main memory and any shared cache the processors implement. To mitigate such contention, we propose different bandwidth-aware scheduling algorithms with the key idea of balancing the memory accesses through the workload execution time and the cache requests among the different caches at each cache level. The high interference that different applications suffer when running simultaneously on the same SMT core, however, does not only affect performance, but can also compromise system fairness. In this dissertation, we also analyze fairness in current SMT multicores. To improve system fairness, we design progress-aware scheduling algorithms that estimate, at runtime, how the processes progress, which allows to improve system fairness by prioritizing the processes with lower accumulated progress. Finally, this dissertation tackles inter-application contention in the IBM POWER8 system with a symbiotic scheduler that addresses overall SMT interference. The symbiotic scheduler uses an SMT interference model, based on CPI stacks, that estimates the slowdown of any combination of applications if they are scheduled on the same SMT core. The number of possible schedules, however, grows too fast with the number of applications and makes unfeasible to explore all possible combinations. To overcome this issue, the symbiotic scheduler models the scheduling problem as a graph problem, which allows finding the optimal schedule in reasonable time. In summary, this thesis addresses contention in the shared resources of the memory hierarchy and SMT cores of multicore processors. We identify the main contention points of three systems with different architectures and propose scheduling algorithms to tackle contention at these points. The evaluation on the real systems shows the benefits of the proposed algorithms. The symbiotic scheduler improves system throughput by 6.7\% over Linux. Regarding fairness, the proposed progress-aware scheduler reduces Linux unfairness to a third. Besides, since the proposed algorithm are completely software-based, they could be incorporated as scheduling policies in Linux and used in small-scale servers to achieve the mentioned benefits. / La actual era multinúcleo y la futura era manycore/manythread generan grandes retos en el área de la computación incluyendo, entre otros, la programación paralela productiva o la gestión eficiente de la energía. El último objetivo es alcanzar las mayores prestaciones limitando el consumo energético y garantizando una ejecución confiable. El incremento del número de contextos hardware de los sistemas hace que el planificador se convierta en un componente importante para lograr este objetivo debido a que existen múltiples formas diferentes de planificar las aplicaciones, cada una con distintas prestaciones debido a las interferencias que se producen entre las aplicaciones. Seleccionar la planificación óptima puede proporcionar importantes mejoras de prestaciones. Esta tesis se ocupa de las interferencias entre aplicaciones, cubriendo los problemas que causan en las prestaciones y equidad de los sistemas actuales. El estudio empieza con procesadores multinúcleo monohilo (Intel Xeon X3320), sigue con multinúcleos con soporte para la ejecución simultanea (SMT) de dos hilos (Intel Xeon E5645), y llega al procesador que actualmente soporta un mayor número de hilos por núcleo (IBM POWER8). La disertación analiza los principales puntos de contención en cada plataforma y propone algoritmos de planificación que mitigan las interferencias que se generan en cada uno de ellos para mejorar la productividad y equidad de los sistemas. En primer lugar, analizamos la contención a lo largo de la jerarquía de memoria. Los estudios realizados revelan la alta degradación de prestaciones provocada por la contención en memoria principal y en cualquier cache compartida. Para mitigar esta contención, proponemos diversos algoritmos de planificación cuya idea principal es distribuir los accesos a memoria a lo largo del tiempo de ejecución de la carga y las peticiones a las caches entre las diferentes caches compartidas en cada nivel. Las altas interferencias que sufren las aplicaciones que se ejecutan simultáneamente en un núcleo SMT, sin embargo, no solo afectan a las prestaciones, sino que también pueden comprometer la equidad del sistema. En esta tesis, también abordamos la equidad en los actuales multinúcleos SMT. Para mejorarla, diseñamos algoritmos de planificación que estiman el progreso de las aplicaciones en tiempo de ejecución, lo que permite priorizar los procesos con menor progreso acumulado para reducir la inequidad. Finalmente, la tesis se centra en la contención entre aplicaciones en el sistema IBM POWER8 con un planificador simbiótico que aborda la contención en todo el núcleo SMT. El planificador simbiótico utiliza un modelo de interferencia basado en pilas de CPI que predice las prestaciones para la ejecución de cualquier combinación de aplicaciones en un núcleo SMT. El número de posibles planificaciones, no obstante, crece muy rápido y hace inviable explorar todas las posibles combinaciones. Por ello, el problema de planificación se modela como un problema de teoría de grafos, lo que permite obtener la planificación óptima en un tiempo razonable. En resumen, esta tesis aborda la contención en los recursos compartidos en la jerarquía de memoria y el núcleo SMT de los procesadores multinúcleo. Identificamos los principales puntos de contención de tres sistemas con diferentes arquitecturas y proponemos algoritmos de planificación para mitigar esta contención. La evaluación en sistemas reales muestra las mejoras proporcionados por los algoritmos propuestos. Así, el planificador simbiótico mejora la productividad, en promedio, un 6.7% con respecto a Linux. En cuanto a la equidad, el planificador que considera el progreso consigue reducir la inequidad de Linux a una tercera parte. Además, dado que los algoritmos propuestos son completamente software, podrían incorporarse como políticas de planificación en Linux y usarse en servidores a pequeña escala para obtener los benefi / L'actual era multinucli i la futura era manycore/manythread generen grans reptes en l'àrea de la computació incloent, entre d'altres, la programació paral·lela productiva o la gestió eficient de l'energia. L'últim objectiu és assolir les majors prestacions limitant el consum energètic i garantint una execució confiable. L'increment del número de contextos hardware dels sistemes fa que el planificador es convertisca en un component important per assolir aquest objectiu donat que existeixen múltiples formes distintes de planificar les aplicacions, cadascuna amb unes prestacions diferents degut a les interferències que es produeixen entre les aplicacions. Seleccionar la planificació òptima pot donar lloc a millores importants de les prestacions. Aquesta tesi s'ocupa de les interferències entre aplicacions, cobrint els problemes que provoquen en les prestacions i l'equitat dels sistemes actuals. L'estudi comença amb processadors multinucli monofil (Intel Xeon X3320), segueix amb multinuclis amb suport per a l'execució simultània (SMT) de dos fils (Intel Xeon E5645), i arriba al processador que actualment suporta un major nombre de fils per nucli (IBM POWER8). Aquesta dissertació analitza els principals punts de contenció en cada plataforma i proposa algoritmes de planificació que aborden les interferències que es generen en cadascun d'ells per a millorar la productivitat i l'equitat dels sistemes. En primer lloc, estudiem la contenció al llarg de la jerarquia de memòria en els processadors multinucli. Els estudis realitzats revelen l'alta degradació de prestacions provocada per la contenció en memòria principal i en qualsevol cache compartida. Per a mitigar la contenció, proposem diversos algoritmes de planificació amb la idea principal de distribuir els accessos a memòria al llarg del temps d'execució de la càrrega i les peticions a les caches entre les diferents caches compartides en cada nivell. Les altes interferències que sofreixen las aplicacions que s'executen simultàniament en un nucli SMT, no obstant, no sols afecten a las prestacions, sinó que també poden comprometre l'equitat del sistema. En aquesta tesi, també abordem l'equitat en els actuals multinuclis SMT. Per a millorar-la, dissenyem algoritmes de planificació que estimen el progrés de les aplicacions en temps d'execució, el que permet prioritzar els processos amb menor progrés acumulat para a reduir la inequitat. Finalment, la tesi es centra en la contenció entre aplicacions en el sistema IBM POWER8 amb un planificador simbiòtic que aborda la contenció en tot el nucli SMT. El planificador simbiòtic utilitza un model d'interferència basat en piles de CPI que prediu les prestacions per a l'execució de qualsevol combinació d'aplicacions en un nucli SMT. El nombre de possibles planificacions, no obstant, creix molt ràpid i fa inviable explorar totes les possibles combinacions. Per resoldre aquest contratemps, el problema de planificació es modela com un problema de teoria de grafs, la qual cosa permet obtenir la planificació òptima en un temps raonable. En resum, aquesta tesi aborda la contenció en els recursos compartits en la jerarquia de memòria i el nucli SMT dels processadors multinucli. Identifiquem els principals punts de contenció de tres sistemes amb diferents arquitectures i proposem algoritmes de planificació per a mitigar aquesta contenció. L'avaluació en sistemes reals mostra les millores proporcionades pels algoritmes proposats. Així, el planificador simbiòtic millora la productivitat una mitjana del 6.7% respecte a Linux. Pel que fa a l'equitat, el planificador que considera el progrés aconsegueix reduir la inequitat de Linux a una tercera part. A més, donat que els algoritmes proposats son completament software, podrien incorporar-se com a polítiques de planificació en Linux i emprar-se en servidors a petita escala per obtenir els avantatges mencionats. / Feliu Pérez, J. (2017). Contention-Aware Scheduling for SMT Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79081 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Overtourism in Dichotomies: Uncovering Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Costs and Benefits in Three Tourism Destinations

Baktash, Aarash 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The phenomenon of overtourism, characterized by its multifaceted impacts on destinations, has emerged as a major concern in the tourism industry. This dissertation aims to explore the dynamics of overtourism, emphasizing the dual impacts of main-source tourism markets on destinations in terms of their economic, social, and environmental consequences. Unlike existing literature, which focuses primarily on the negative aspects of overtourism, the present study illustrates the nuanced interaction between tourism markets by highlighting both their potential benefits and disadvantages. This study offers an in-depth analysis of cost and benefit factors based on a priori and a posteriori segmentation methodologies, combined with time-series analysis and limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) methods. Based on three case studies—Hong Kong, Malta, and Barbados—from 1980 to 2021, this study demonstrates the heterogeneous nature of the impacts across destinations and the complexities of market aggregation and interaction. The study identifies gaps in the conventional narrative of overtourism and introduces an interdisciplinary approach to the investigation. Based on the symbiotic framework, coupled with the Portfolio Theory, market aggregations and interactions can be classified into mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Additionally, the ‘limits of acceptable change' (LAC) and the ‘level of analysis problem' (LAP) frameworks have been utilized to further examine dominant and non-dominant markets' aggregation effects and interaction dynamics, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of overtourism's complexity. Key findings suggest tailoring strategies to address overtourism, emphasizing the balance between minimizing costs and optimizing benefits. Based on the findings of this study, policymakers and stakeholders must develop strategies that respond to the challenges associated with overtourism by integrating empirical measures with theoretical frameworks.

Biodiversité et biogéographie des nématodes entomopathogènes au Liban : étude phylogénique et valorisation des potentiels en lutte biologique / Biodiversity and biogeography of Entomopathogenic nematodes in Lebanon : phylogenetic study and valorisation in biological control

Noujeim Abi Nader, Elise 25 February 2011 (has links)
Les Nématodes Entomopathogènes (NEP) de la famille des Steinernematidae et Heterorhabditidae sont des parasites pour les insectes. Ils hébergent dans leur intestin un symbiote bactérien (genres Xenorhabdus et Photorhabdus) essentiel au succès parasitaire. Les NEP sont présents dans les sols des cinq continents de la planète. Leur diversité génétique et leurs propriétés biologiques constituent une intéressante ressource biologique. Grâce à leur entomotoxicité, les NEP sont de bons outils de lutte biologique en agriculture et en culture ornementale un peu partout dans le monde. La diversité et la biogéographie des NEP dans les cinq continents de la Terre (à l'exception de l'Antarctique) ont été étudiées partout dans le monde mais le Liban est parmi les rares pays du moyen orient où aucune prospection de ces nématodes n'a été réalisée alors que des NEP en Turquie, Syrie, Jordanie, Palestine et Egypte ont déjà été trouvés et caractérisés. L'objet de la thèse est de procéder à une étude biogéographique dans le but de connaître la diversité des NEP au Liban. L'enjeu scientifique est donc de combler un « vide » dans la connaissance de la répartition et de la biodiversité mondiale des NEP. Pour cela, un échantillonnage à l'échelle des étages de végétation est mené au Liban. Des échantillons de sol sont ainsi prélevés, mis en contact avec des larves de Galleria mellonella pour isoler les nématodes entomopathogènes et leurs symbiotes. Les nématodes et leurs symbiotes sont par la suite identifiés morphologiquement et moléculairement. Par la suite, une approche à l'échelle de l'habitat fait l'objet de cette thèse également pour étudier les interactions biotiques et abiotiques influençant la présence des nématodes entomopathogènes dans le sol. Les enjeux technologiques, exposés au second volet de la thèse, sont liés aux propriétés biologiques des nématodes et de leurs symbiotes afin de valoriser leur entomotoxicité en lutte biologique. Dans ce cadre, la sensibilité des Cephalcia tannourinensis, ravageur des cédraies au Liban, par rapport aux nématodes entomopathogènes est exploitée in vitro ; différentes espèces de nématodes entomopathogènes sont testées pour suivre leur cycle à l'intérieur des Cephalcia. / Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are parasites of soil-dwelling insects that occur in natural and agricultural soils around the world. Thanks to their entomotoxicity, EPNs are good tools for biological control in agriculture almost everywhere in the world. They are ubiquitous, having been isolated from every inhabited continent (except Antartica) from a wide range of ecologically diverse soil habitats including cultivated fields, forests, grasslands, deserts, and even ocean beaches. Biogeographic assessments of EPNs in the Eastern Mediterranean basin have been conducted in several countries such as Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Egypt. Lebanon is among the few countries of the Middle East for which no survey of EPNs has been done. The scientific stake is thus to fill a gap in our knowledge of EPNs distribution in the Mediterranean basin. Survey of EPNs was conducted in this framework to cover the different vegetation levels defined in Lebanon. Soil samples were removed placed in contact with Galleria mellonella to isolate entomopathogenic nematode and their symbiotic bacteria. EPNs and their bacteria were then identified morphologically and molecularly. On the other hand, despite the different national surveys conducted on EPNs distribution around the world, habitat preferences remain inadequately known for entomopathogenic nematodes. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of their distribution and the various biotic and abiotic factors influencing their presence is also a second object of our work. Beside a technological approach related to the biological properties of the nematodes and their symbiotics: valorisation of the entomotoxicity in biological control will be part of the third shutter of the thesis. In this framework, the sensibility of cedar pests, Cephalcia tannourinensis against entomopathogenic nematodes is exploited in vitro; different EPNs species were tested to study their life cycle inside Cephalcia larvae.

Etude de la spécificité d’association béta-rhizobia-Mimosa : approches par l'écologie microbienne et la génomique fonctionnelle. / Characterization of symbiotic specificities between beta-rhizobia and Mimosa pudica by microbial ecology and functional genomic studies.

Melkonian, Rémy 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les béta-rhizobia sont des symbiotes de légumineuses retrouvées principalement associés au genre Mimosa. Les études des symbiotes de Mimosa pudica révèlent différents profils de diversité au sein des alpha (Rhizobium spp) et béta-rhizobia (Burkholderia, Cupriavidus) le long de la ceinture tropicale, les béta-rhizobia étaient toujours majoritaires dans les nodosités de cette plante hôte. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié cette spécificité d'association béta-rhizobia/Mimosa pudica, par une approche couplant l'étude des traits symbiotiques bactériens à l'analyse des profils d'expression de leurs génomes dans les premières étapes de la symbiose, et en comparaison avec les alpha-rhizobia. Nous avons analysé les traits symbiotiques (compétitivité pour la nodulation, efficience symbiotique) au niveau intra et interspécifique de 4 espèces de béta-rhizobia et 4 d'alpha-rhizobia. Si l'efficience symbiotique est similaire parmi toutes les souches testées, différents niveaux de compétitivité ont été trouvés selon l'espèce, B. phymatum et B. tuberum étant les plus compétitives. Les tests effectués sur différentes variétés de M. pudica montrent un effet variétal sur la compétitivité de C. taiwanensis. Les traits symbiotiques mesurés expliquent en partie les profils de diversité des symbiotes de M. pudica dans les zones d'origine (Amérique du Sud) ou en zone introduite (Taiwan). Les transcriptomes de trois bactéries ayant des traits symbiotiques différents (B. phymatum STM815, C. taiwanensis LMG19424 et R. mesoamericanum STM3625) ont été comparés (par RNAseq), pour relier les différentes réponses induites par les exsudats racinaires aux traits symbiotiques de chaque rhizobium. Chaque bactérie développe une stratégie spécifique liée à ses traits symbiotiques et à l'origine de la symbiose dans son groupe bactérien. / Beta-rhizobia are legume symbionts mainly found associated to the Mimosa genus. Diversity studies of Mimosa pudica symbionts in native and introduced areas reveal different diversity patterns of alpha (Rhizobium spp) and beta-rhizobia (Burkholderia, Cupriavidus), with beta-rhizobia being always the main symbionts in the nodules of this legumes species. In this thesis we have studied the symbiotic specificity between beta-rhizobia and M. pudica (and the comparison with alpha-rhizobia) by a dual approach combining the study of bacterial symbiotic traits and the analysis of their transcriptomes in the first steps of symbiosis. We analysed symbiotic traits (nodulation competitiveness, symbiotic efficiency) at intra and interspecific levels on four species of beta-rhizobia and four of alpha-rhizobia. If symbiotic efficiency is similar among all strains, different levels of competitiveness were measured with a strong strain effect largely explained by the species affiliation, B. phymatum and B. tuberum being the most competitive species. Tests on different M. pudica varieties showed an impact on the competitiveness of C. taiwanensis. Symbiotic traits explained in part the symbiont patterns observed in diversity studies in French Guiana (M. pudica native area) and Taiwan (introduced). Root-exudates induced transcriptomes of three bacteria (two beta--rhizobia: B. phymatum STM815, C. taiwanensis LMG19424 and one alpha, R. mesoamericanum STM3625) with contrasted symbiotic traits were compared (by RNAseq). Each bacterium develops a specific strategy linked to its symbiotic traits and the origin of symbiosis in its bacterial group.

Diversidade micorrízica em Coppensia doniana (Orchidaceae) e filogenia de fungos micorrízicos associados à subtribo Oncidiinae / Mycorrhizal diversity in Coppensia doniana (Orchidaceae) and phylogeny of mycorrhizal fungi associated with the Oncidiinae subtribe

Valadares, Rafael Borges da Silva 22 January 2010 (has links)
Na natureza, as orquídeas são totalmente dependentes de fungos micorrízicos para germinar. Estes fungos podem penetrar nas células das raízes e formar pélotons, os quais, quando digeridos pela planta, providenciam açúcares simples para o embrião. Durante a fase aclorofilada de desenvolvimento da plântula, orquídeas são obrigatoriamente dependentes dos fungos; algumas continuam assim por toda vida enquanto outras se tornam facultativamente responsivas à colonização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar quantos clados de fungos podem estabelecer associação micorrízica com Coppensia doniana (sin. Oncidium donianum), uma orquídea amplamente distribuída nos arredores de Campos do Jordão e, demonstrar como as características morfológicas dos isolados, quando analisadas com ferramentas de estatística multivariada, podem ser úteis para a taxonomia destes fungos. Dez plantas foram amostradas em um sítio com vegetação típica de campos de altitude, junto ao Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão. Fungos foram isolados pela transferência asséptica de cortes de raízes contendo pélotons para meios de cultura BDA modificados. Três clados de fungos foram formados, tanto analisando as características qualitativas das culturas quanto as quantitativas. Os clados foram identificados como dois morfotipos do gênero Ceratorhiza (fase anamórfica de Ceratobasidium) e uma Rhizoctonia-uninucleada. O sequenciamento da região ITS produziu resultados idênticos a estes, mostrando os mesmos três clados. Todas as sequências tiveram alta correlação com sequências de Ceratobasidium depositadas no Genbank, o que sugere uma alta afinidade de Coppensia doniana com este gênero. Também ficou demonstrado que os dados morfológicos, quando associados à estatística multivariada são uma ferramenta útil na taxonomia polifásica de Rhizoctonia spp. As sequências dos isolados de Coppensia doniana também foram comparadas com as de isolados de outras orquídeas, dentro da subtribo Oncidiinae, incluindo: Ionopsis utricularioides e Psygmorchis pussila, coletadas na região do Valle del Cauca Colômbia e isolados de 10 Ionopsis utricularioides, Oncidium altissimum e Tolumnia variegata, estudados por Otero (2002, 2004, 2007), em diferentes regiões de Porto Rico, Costa Rica, Cuba e Panamá. Esta última análise veio a comprovar a preferência de orquídeas da subtribo Oncidiinae por fungos do gênero Ceratobasidium, apesar de que os clados obtidos no Brasil e na Colômbia foram distantes filogeneticamente dos clados previamente estudados na América Central. Representantes dos três clados obtidos de C. doniana em Campos do Jordão foram também testados quanto à capacidade de induzir germinação em suas sementes. Todos isolados testados tiveram sucesso na germinação das sementes, levando as plântulas a estádios avançados de desenvolvimento após 30 dias, o que indica um alto potencial para utilização biotecnológica destes isolados para a germinação das sementes destas orquídeas, tanto para a floricultura comercial quanto para programas de reintrodução de espécies de orquídeas ameaçadas de extinção. / In nature, orchids are fully dependent on mycorrhizal fungi for germination. These fungi can penetrate root cells and form pelotons, whose digestion provides simple sugars for the embryo. During the achlorophyllous seedling stage, orchids are obligatory dependent on the fungi, and some species remain so through life, while others become facultatively responsive to fungal infection. The aim of this study was to identify how many fungal clades can establish mycorrhizal associations with Coppensia doniana, a widespread orchid from Campos do JordãoBrazil, and to demonstrate how their morphological features, analyzed with multivariate statistics, can be useful for classification. Ten plants were sampled in an Araucaria forest near Campos do Jordão. Fungi were isolated by transferring surface disinfected root segments containing pelotons to PDA culture medium. Three main fungal clades were formed by qualitative and quantitative morphological data. They were identified as two morphotypes of Ceratorhiza (anamorphic stage of Ceratobasidium) and one uninucleated Rhizoctonia. The ITS sequencing corroborates this identification, since the same three clades were found. All sequences were highly correlated to Ceratobasidium ITS data deposited at the Genebank, suggesting a high affinity between this species of Oncidiinae and Ceratobasidium. It also could be shown that morphological data associated with multivariate statistics can be a useful tool in fungal multi-level taxonomy. C. doniana sequences were also compared to sequences obtained from isolates of other orchids, belonging to the sub-tribe Oncidiinae, including: Ionopsis utricuarioides and Psygmorchis pussila, collected in Valle del Cauca Colombia and isolated from I. utricularioides, Oncidium altissimum and Tolumnia variegata, studied by Otero (2002, 2004, 2007) in different regions of Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and other Caribbean islands. This last analysis confirmed the preference of this Oncidiinae sub-tribe for Ceratobasidium, although isolates obtained in Brazil or Colombia belong to different clades from those previously studied in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama and Cuba. 12 Fungi representing the three clades obtained from C. doniana in Campos do Jordão were also tested for their ability to induce germination of C. doniana seeds, with a positive response for all of them, being able to bring the seedlings to advanced development stages in 30 days. These results suggest a high biotechnological potential of these isolates, to be used in orchid symbiotic germination for commercial flower production or for the reintroduction of endangered Brazilian orchid species.

Inclusão do conceito de simbiose industrial na definição do layout: uma proposta conceitual / Including the industrial symbiosis concept in layout definition: a conceptual proposal

Camparotti, Carlos Eduardo Soares 10 April 2015 (has links)
O aspecto ambiental está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano das empresas, as quais necessitam reduzir custos e diminuir seus impactos ambientais sempre, concomitantemente a isso tem a necessidade de diminuir a disposição de resíduos na natureza e a extração desenfreada de recursos naturais finitos. Um conceito importante encontrado na literatura é a Simbiose Industrial (SI), a qual busca reutilizar resíduos para obter um sistema fechado com a diminuição de impactos ambientais. A SI ocorre entre empresas e estas são preferíveis que estejam dentro de um parque para maior eficiência, portanto pode-se considerar que a proximidade geográfica influencia no sucesso dela e que o arranjo físico do parque deve ser planejado para atingir melhores resultados. Este trabalho propõe um procedimento composto por seis passos, baseados principalmente no modelo Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) de Muther (1973) para planejar o layout de empresas que participam da SI dentro de um sistema com limites definidos, de forma a encontrar o melhor arranjo físico que favoreça as trocas simbióticas e os relacionamentos criados. O procedimento proposto direciona desde a coleta de dados, passando pelo matching, análise e fluxo, até o estabelecimento das inter-relações das empresas dentro do espaço. Para demonstrar a aplicação do procedimento e os possíveis resultados, realizou-se uma aplicação deste através da coleta de dados de empresas que irão participar de um parque ecológico no interior de São Paulo. Os dados foram utilizados e o procedimento resultou em um arranjo físico das empresas, com foco naquelas que realizam trocas simbióticas. O resultado foi analisado teoricamente, principalmente em relação a SI, que necessita ser o centro do layout final, sendo considerado satisfatório por atender o objetivo proposto, além disso foram colocadas algumas ideias para melhorar a questão da proximidade geográfica ao máximo. Os trabalhos futuros necessitam considerar o fluxo de produtos, em caso da presença de uma cadeia logística no parque e a necessidade de implementação do resultado para maiores análises. / The environmental aspect is increasingly present in daily companies routine, these companies always need to reduce costs and decrease their environmental impacts, concomitantly to that there is the need to reduce the residue disposal in the nature and the unbridled extraction of finite natural resources. An important concept found in literature is the Industrial Symbiosis (IS), which seeks to reuse residues to obtain a closed system with the environment impacts diminution. The IS occurs between companies and they are preferable to be inside a park for more efficiency, so it can be considered that geographical proximity influences in its success and that the park layout must be well planned to reach better results. This research proposes a procedure composed by six steps mainly based on Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) model from Muther (1973) to plan the layout of companies which participate in IS inside a system with defined limits, to find the best layout that favors the symbiotic exchanges and the created relationships. The proposed procedure directs since the data collection, passing by the matching, the flow analysis, until the establishment of the companies interrelationships inside the space. To demonstrate the procedure application and the possible results, this research held an application of the procedure through the data collection in the companies that are going to participate at an ecological park within the state of São Paulo. The data was used and the procedure resulted in the layout of the companies, focusing on that ones which perform symbiotic exchanges. The result was theoretically analyzed, mainly in relation to the IS, which needs to be the center of the final layout, it was considered satisfactory because attended the proposed objective, furthermore some ideas were given to improve the question of the geographic proximity to the maximum. The future researches need to consider the products flow, in case of the presence of a logistic chain in the park and the necessity of the implementation of the results to better analysis.

Tratamento de sementes de soja com níquel para o aumento da fixação biológica e atividade da urease / Nickel soybean seed treatment for improving biological nitrogen fixation and urease activity

Franco, Guilherme de Castro 11 March 2015 (has links)
O Níquel (Ni) é um micronutriente para as plantas, por ser componente estrutural das enzimas urease e hidrogenase, que desempenham função no metabolismo do nitrogênio (N) nas plantas leguminosas. A aplicação de Ni via tratamento de semente em soja pode potencializar o processo de fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN) com a finalidade de proporcionar maior produção de biomassa da parte aérea e de grãos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da aplicação de doses de Ni, via tratamento de semente, no processo de FBN em plantas de soja, por meio da atividade de nitrogenase (ANase) e da abundância natural de 15N (? 15N?). Foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação, em condições controladas. O genótipo de soja BMX POTÊNCIA RR foi cultivado em solo arenoso e submetido à aplicação de 0; 45; 90; 135; 180; 360; e 540 mg kg-1 de Ni aplicado via tratamento de semente. As plantas de soja foram conduzidas até o estádio fenológico R7 (maturação dos grãos). Foram avaliadas a concentração de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas utilizadas para diagnose, determinou-se o teor de clorofila, a atividade enzimática da urease, bem como se quantificou a massa seca de nódulos, no estádio fenológico R1 (Início da floração: até 50% das plantas com flor). Foram ainda determinados: as produções de massa seca de parte aérea e de grãos, o índice de colheita, os acúmulos de Ni e de N na semente e a contribuição da fixação biológica de nitrogênio, por meio da técnica de abundância natural de 15N e indiretamente através da técnica da redução do acetileno (atividade da nitrogenase). Observou-se que as doses de Ni exerceram efeitos em todos os parâmetros avaliados. A aplicação de Ni na dose de 45 mg kg-1 aumentou a fixação biológica de N na ordem de 12% em relação ao tratamento controle (sem adição de Ni) e incrementou o acúmulo de Ni e de N no grão, com efeito na atividade da enzima urease. A aplicação de 45 e 90 mg kg-1 de níquel via semente resultou, respectivamente, no aumento de 67% e 77% da atividade da NAase em relação ao controle. Pela análise da abundância natural de 15N no grão (?15N?) observou-se que houve diferença na FBN entre os tratamentos e que a aplicação da dose de 45 mg kg-1, de Ni via semente, revelou que 99% do N acumulado no grão foi proveniente da FBN, enquanto que no tratamento sem adição de Ni via semente, a contribuição da FBN foi de apenas 77%. Nas condições do experimento, a aplicação de Ni na semente refletiu em maior produção de massa seca de parte aérea e na produção de grãos de soja / Nickel (Ni) is an essential micronutrient for plants due to its role on structural component of the enzymes urease and hydrogenase, which perform nitrogen (N) metabolism in legumes plants. Seed treatment with Ni in soybean might improve the symbiotic or biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) process, by increasing biomass production and grain yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soybean seed treatment with Ni rates on the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) process by evaluating the nitrogenase activity (NAase), the natural 15N abundance (? 15N ?) and urease activity in soybean plants, as well. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse with controlled conditions. The soybean cultivar used was BMX POTÊNCIA RR, which was grown in sandy soil, and submitted to application of 0, 45, 90,135, 180, 360 and 540 mg kg-1 of Ni on the seed treatment. Soybean plants were grown up to the R7 developmental stage (grain maturity). Macro and micronutrients concentration in the leaves used for diagnosis, as well as the chlorophyll content and urease activity have been determined on these tissues, and dry weight of nodules were evaluated in developmental stage R1 (flowering stage). The following measurements also were made: dry matter yield of plant top, dry matter yield of grains, the harvest index, uptake of Ni and N in the seed and the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation by 15N natural abundance and to indirectly way by the reduction of acetylene technique (nitrogenase activity), as well. It was observed that Ni rates influenced all parameters. Application of Ni rate of 45 mg kg-1 increased biological nitrogen fixation in the order of 12% as compared to the control. Ni rates of 45 and 90 mg kg-1 via seed treatment increased the NAase activity, respectively, in 67% and 77% compared to the control. Other benefits of Ni-soybean seeds treatment were the increased accumulation of Ni and N on the grain and its positive influence on the urease activity. By analyzing the natural abundance of 15N on the grain (?15N ?) it was observed that there were differences between treatments in the symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Around 99% of total N taken up in the seeds came from biological nitrogen fixation by supplying Ni-seed application rate of 45 mg kg-1, whereas in the control, the contribution of BNF was only 77%. In these experimental conditions, seed treatment with Ni reflected in higher dry matter production of plant top and grain yield

Tratamento de sementes de soja com níquel para o aumento da fixação biológica e atividade da urease / Nickel soybean seed treatment for improving biological nitrogen fixation and urease activity

Guilherme de Castro Franco 11 March 2015 (has links)
O Níquel (Ni) é um micronutriente para as plantas, por ser componente estrutural das enzimas urease e hidrogenase, que desempenham função no metabolismo do nitrogênio (N) nas plantas leguminosas. A aplicação de Ni via tratamento de semente em soja pode potencializar o processo de fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN) com a finalidade de proporcionar maior produção de biomassa da parte aérea e de grãos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da aplicação de doses de Ni, via tratamento de semente, no processo de FBN em plantas de soja, por meio da atividade de nitrogenase (ANase) e da abundância natural de 15N (? 15N?). Foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação, em condições controladas. O genótipo de soja BMX POTÊNCIA RR foi cultivado em solo arenoso e submetido à aplicação de 0; 45; 90; 135; 180; 360; e 540 mg kg-1 de Ni aplicado via tratamento de semente. As plantas de soja foram conduzidas até o estádio fenológico R7 (maturação dos grãos). Foram avaliadas a concentração de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas utilizadas para diagnose, determinou-se o teor de clorofila, a atividade enzimática da urease, bem como se quantificou a massa seca de nódulos, no estádio fenológico R1 (Início da floração: até 50% das plantas com flor). Foram ainda determinados: as produções de massa seca de parte aérea e de grãos, o índice de colheita, os acúmulos de Ni e de N na semente e a contribuição da fixação biológica de nitrogênio, por meio da técnica de abundância natural de 15N e indiretamente através da técnica da redução do acetileno (atividade da nitrogenase). Observou-se que as doses de Ni exerceram efeitos em todos os parâmetros avaliados. A aplicação de Ni na dose de 45 mg kg-1 aumentou a fixação biológica de N na ordem de 12% em relação ao tratamento controle (sem adição de Ni) e incrementou o acúmulo de Ni e de N no grão, com efeito na atividade da enzima urease. A aplicação de 45 e 90 mg kg-1 de níquel via semente resultou, respectivamente, no aumento de 67% e 77% da atividade da NAase em relação ao controle. Pela análise da abundância natural de 15N no grão (?15N?) observou-se que houve diferença na FBN entre os tratamentos e que a aplicação da dose de 45 mg kg-1, de Ni via semente, revelou que 99% do N acumulado no grão foi proveniente da FBN, enquanto que no tratamento sem adição de Ni via semente, a contribuição da FBN foi de apenas 77%. Nas condições do experimento, a aplicação de Ni na semente refletiu em maior produção de massa seca de parte aérea e na produção de grãos de soja / Nickel (Ni) is an essential micronutrient for plants due to its role on structural component of the enzymes urease and hydrogenase, which perform nitrogen (N) metabolism in legumes plants. Seed treatment with Ni in soybean might improve the symbiotic or biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) process, by increasing biomass production and grain yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soybean seed treatment with Ni rates on the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) process by evaluating the nitrogenase activity (NAase), the natural 15N abundance (? 15N ?) and urease activity in soybean plants, as well. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse with controlled conditions. The soybean cultivar used was BMX POTÊNCIA RR, which was grown in sandy soil, and submitted to application of 0, 45, 90,135, 180, 360 and 540 mg kg-1 of Ni on the seed treatment. Soybean plants were grown up to the R7 developmental stage (grain maturity). Macro and micronutrients concentration in the leaves used for diagnosis, as well as the chlorophyll content and urease activity have been determined on these tissues, and dry weight of nodules were evaluated in developmental stage R1 (flowering stage). The following measurements also were made: dry matter yield of plant top, dry matter yield of grains, the harvest index, uptake of Ni and N in the seed and the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation by 15N natural abundance and to indirectly way by the reduction of acetylene technique (nitrogenase activity), as well. It was observed that Ni rates influenced all parameters. Application of Ni rate of 45 mg kg-1 increased biological nitrogen fixation in the order of 12% as compared to the control. Ni rates of 45 and 90 mg kg-1 via seed treatment increased the NAase activity, respectively, in 67% and 77% compared to the control. Other benefits of Ni-soybean seeds treatment were the increased accumulation of Ni and N on the grain and its positive influence on the urease activity. By analyzing the natural abundance of 15N on the grain (?15N ?) it was observed that there were differences between treatments in the symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Around 99% of total N taken up in the seeds came from biological nitrogen fixation by supplying Ni-seed application rate of 45 mg kg-1, whereas in the control, the contribution of BNF was only 77%. In these experimental conditions, seed treatment with Ni reflected in higher dry matter production of plant top and grain yield

Inclusão do conceito de simbiose industrial na definição do layout: uma proposta conceitual / Including the industrial symbiosis concept in layout definition: a conceptual proposal

Carlos Eduardo Soares Camparotti 10 April 2015 (has links)
O aspecto ambiental está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano das empresas, as quais necessitam reduzir custos e diminuir seus impactos ambientais sempre, concomitantemente a isso tem a necessidade de diminuir a disposição de resíduos na natureza e a extração desenfreada de recursos naturais finitos. Um conceito importante encontrado na literatura é a Simbiose Industrial (SI), a qual busca reutilizar resíduos para obter um sistema fechado com a diminuição de impactos ambientais. A SI ocorre entre empresas e estas são preferíveis que estejam dentro de um parque para maior eficiência, portanto pode-se considerar que a proximidade geográfica influencia no sucesso dela e que o arranjo físico do parque deve ser planejado para atingir melhores resultados. Este trabalho propõe um procedimento composto por seis passos, baseados principalmente no modelo Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) de Muther (1973) para planejar o layout de empresas que participam da SI dentro de um sistema com limites definidos, de forma a encontrar o melhor arranjo físico que favoreça as trocas simbióticas e os relacionamentos criados. O procedimento proposto direciona desde a coleta de dados, passando pelo matching, análise e fluxo, até o estabelecimento das inter-relações das empresas dentro do espaço. Para demonstrar a aplicação do procedimento e os possíveis resultados, realizou-se uma aplicação deste através da coleta de dados de empresas que irão participar de um parque ecológico no interior de São Paulo. Os dados foram utilizados e o procedimento resultou em um arranjo físico das empresas, com foco naquelas que realizam trocas simbióticas. O resultado foi analisado teoricamente, principalmente em relação a SI, que necessita ser o centro do layout final, sendo considerado satisfatório por atender o objetivo proposto, além disso foram colocadas algumas ideias para melhorar a questão da proximidade geográfica ao máximo. Os trabalhos futuros necessitam considerar o fluxo de produtos, em caso da presença de uma cadeia logística no parque e a necessidade de implementação do resultado para maiores análises. / The environmental aspect is increasingly present in daily companies routine, these companies always need to reduce costs and decrease their environmental impacts, concomitantly to that there is the need to reduce the residue disposal in the nature and the unbridled extraction of finite natural resources. An important concept found in literature is the Industrial Symbiosis (IS), which seeks to reuse residues to obtain a closed system with the environment impacts diminution. The IS occurs between companies and they are preferable to be inside a park for more efficiency, so it can be considered that geographical proximity influences in its success and that the park layout must be well planned to reach better results. This research proposes a procedure composed by six steps mainly based on Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) model from Muther (1973) to plan the layout of companies which participate in IS inside a system with defined limits, to find the best layout that favors the symbiotic exchanges and the created relationships. The proposed procedure directs since the data collection, passing by the matching, the flow analysis, until the establishment of the companies interrelationships inside the space. To demonstrate the procedure application and the possible results, this research held an application of the procedure through the data collection in the companies that are going to participate at an ecological park within the state of São Paulo. The data was used and the procedure resulted in the layout of the companies, focusing on that ones which perform symbiotic exchanges. The result was theoretically analyzed, mainly in relation to the IS, which needs to be the center of the final layout, it was considered satisfactory because attended the proposed objective, furthermore some ideas were given to improve the question of the geographic proximity to the maximum. The future researches need to consider the products flow, in case of the presence of a logistic chain in the park and the necessity of the implementation of the results to better analysis.

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