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Vilka faktorer påverkar val av kapitalstruktur? : En kvantitativ studie avseende 226 bolag på StockholmsbörsenHansen, Anna, Sandberg, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Vilka faktorer påverkar val av kapitalstruktur? – En kvantitativ studie avseende 226 bolag på Stockholmsbörsen. Nivå: C-uppsats inom ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Anna Hansen och Robert Sandberg Handledare: Peter Lindberg Examinator: Stig Sörling Datum: 2015 – maj Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar val av kapitalstruktur i bolag på Stockholmsbörsen. Metod: Denna studie bygger på en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Baserat på tidigare forskning väljs ett antal variabler ut för att undersökas. Det insamlade materialet hämtas genom sekundärdatainsamling och exporteras sedan till Microsoft Excel där det sammanställs. En regressionsanalys genomförs i statistikprogrammet SPSS för att undersöka hur stor inverkan dessa variabler har på kapitalstrukturen. Resultat & slutsats: Resultaten visar ett negativt samband mellan skuldsättning och tillväxt samt ett svagt negativt samband mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet. Storlek och materiella tillgångar uppvisar ett svagt positivt samband med skuldsättning medan skuldsättning och ålder inte visar på något samband alls. I tre av nio branscher visar sig bransch vara en variabel med relativt stark inverkan på skuldsättningen. Dessa branscher är industri, konsumenttjänster och fastigheter. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Fler variabler än de som testas skulle kunna undersökas i en ny studie. Eftersom branscherna visar väldigt olika samband med variabeln skuldkvot skulle det vara intressant med en djupgående studie i vilka faktorer som kan tänkas ligga bakom skillnaderna mellan branscherna. Uppsatsens bidrag: Bidraget denna studie lämnar är en ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur olika faktorer påverkar val av kapitalstruktur i svenska börsnoterade företag. Genom att studera hur stor inverkan olika faktorer har på företagens val av kapitalstruktur är det möjligt att kunna kartlägga och förutse hur kapitalstrukturen kommer att se ut i framtiden i olika företag och i olika branscher. Nyckelord: skuldsättning, tillväxt, lönsamhet, storlek, ålder, materiella tillgångar, bransch. / Abstract Title: Which factors affect the choice of capital structure? – A quantitative study of 226 public firms in Sweden. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Anna Hansen and Robert Sandberg Supervisor: Peter Lindberg Date: 2015 - May Aim: The purpose is to investigate which factors affect the choice of capital structure in public firms in Sweden. Method: The study is based on a quantitative method with a deductive approach. Based on previous researches a number of variables are investigated. The material is downloaded through secondary data collection and then exported and processed in Microsoft Excel. Finally the study go through with a regression analysis in the stats program SPSS to see how much influence the variables have on the capital structure. Results & Conclusions: The results show a negative relationship between debts and growth and a weak negative relationship between debts and profitability. The results also show a positive relationship between debts and firm size and debts and tangible assets while debts and age does not show any relationship at all. In three of nine investigated sectors, sector is a factor with a strong impact on debts. These sectors are industrial, consumer services and real estate. Suggestions for future research: More variables than those this study tests could be tested in a new study. Since the sectors shows various context and connections to debts it would be interesting with a study investigating which factors affect the differences between the sectors. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of this study provides a greater knowledge and understanding of how different factors affect the choice of capital structure in public firms in Sweden. By examining how much influence various factors have on a firms choice of capital structure, it is possible to identify and predict how the capital structure will look like in the future in different companies and in different sectors. Key words: debts, growth, profitability, size, age, tangible asset, sector
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Forsknings- och utvecklingskostnader : Definition och anskaffningsvärde ur ett skatterättsligt perspektiv. / Research and Development Costs : Definition and Historic Value From a Tax Law Perspective.Andersson, Pia January 2003 (has links)
<p>Research and Development-costs constitutes an important part in contemporary companies. R&D are treated differently depending on their definition and how the historic value is decided. The main goal for this essay is to bring clarity to how the definiton of the term R&D is decided in accounting as well as in tax law. Another goal is to decide how the historic value is calculated. It is also interesting to examine under which circumstances the costs can be activated in the balance sheet, and under which circumstances deduction for the R&D-costs may be allowed. Besides R&D-projects when searching for new products, there are other areas in which R&D-projects can be found. For example there can be R&D-projects with the purpose to evolve the companies administrative routines and in the area of personal health-care. The historic value contains all the costs that are related to the project. Activation of a cost may be allowed from the day the company decides that the asset is going to generate economic value in the future. The rights to deduct R&D-costs is admitted when the R&D-project is done within the field where the company is operating.</p>
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Forsknings- och utvecklingskostnader : Definition och anskaffningsvärde ur ett skatterättsligt perspektiv. / Research and Development Costs : Definition and Historic Value From a Tax Law Perspective.Andersson, Pia January 2003 (has links)
Research and Development-costs constitutes an important part in contemporary companies. R&D are treated differently depending on their definition and how the historic value is decided. The main goal for this essay is to bring clarity to how the definiton of the term R&D is decided in accounting as well as in tax law. Another goal is to decide how the historic value is calculated. It is also interesting to examine under which circumstances the costs can be activated in the balance sheet, and under which circumstances deduction for the R&D-costs may be allowed. Besides R&D-projects when searching for new products, there are other areas in which R&D-projects can be found. For example there can be R&D-projects with the purpose to evolve the companies administrative routines and in the area of personal health-care. The historic value contains all the costs that are related to the project. Activation of a cost may be allowed from the day the company decides that the asset is going to generate economic value in the future. The rights to deduct R&D-costs is admitted when the R&D-project is done within the field where the company is operating.
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