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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processamento contínuo de purê de manga (Mangifera indica Linn.), variedade Palmer. / Continuous processing of mango purée (Mangifera indica Linn.), variety Palmer.

Aurea Yuki Sugai 07 March 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho, diferentes condições de pasteurização foram estudadas a fim de desenvolver um purê de manga para pronto consumo, sem adição de açúcares e de conservantes, com estabilidade microbiológica, físico-química e sensorial. A qualidade e a vida de prateleira do purê foram avaliadas por meio de análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas, enzimáticas, reológicas e sensoriais. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, foram estudadas temperaturas de pasteurização entre 65 e 85 °C, em trocador de calor a placas e tubular. Os ensaios mostraram que o trocador tubular foi o mais indicado para a pasteurização do purê de manga. A inativação térmica da peroxidase, uma das enzimas mais termorresistentes encontradas naturalmente em mangas, foi utilizada como parâmetro de pasteurização. Os parâmetros cinéticos para inativação da enzima foram calculados: D77,2 ºC e z iguais a 4,4 s e 14,3 ºC, respectivamente. Na segunda etapa, duas condições de pasteurização, P1 (70ºC/13s) e P2 (75 ºC/13s), foram selecionadas para determinação da vida de prateleira do purê. A pasteurização nestas condições, combinada ao armazenamento refrigerado, foi eficiente para manter a qualidade microbiológica, físico-química e sensorial do purê por 17 semanas. Análises microbiológicas indicaram que os maiores contaminantes do purê cru foram os microrganismos mesófilos e os bolores e leveduras. Com a pasteurização, houve redução significativa destes microrganismos e de coliformes fecais. Todas as características físico-químicas (pH, acidez titulável, teor de sólidos totais, sólidos solúveis, ácido ascórbico e cor) foram influenciadas significativamente pelo tempo de armazenamento. Foi observada diferença significativa do pH a partir da 17ª semana de armazenamento e a perda de ácido ascórbico foi de aproximadamente 45 % após 20 semanas. As medidas reológicas mostraram a natureza pseudoplástica do purê de manga: os valores de n variaram entre 0,27 e 0,29 e os valores de K entre 5,00 e 7,16 Pa.sn. O tempo de armazenamento praticamente não influenciou os parâmetros reológicos dos purês pasteurizados. Na análise sensorial, notas superiores a 6,7 foram obtidas, indicando que o produto teve boa aceitação durante as 17 semanas de armazenamento. O tempo de armazenamento não influenciou significativamente os atributos sensoriais, exceto no purê processado na condição P1. / In this work, different pasteurization conditions were studied in order to develop a ready-to-serve mango purée, with microbiological safety and physical-chemical and sensorial stability. Physical-chemical, microbiological, enzymatic and sensory analyses and rheological measurements were carried out to evaluate quality and shelf life of mango purée. Two types of heat exchanger were used to pasteurize mango purée: a plate heat exchanger and a double pipe heat exchanger. Pasteurization temperatures ranged from 65 to 85ºC. The double pipe exchanger showed to be more suitable for the process, due to characteristics of purée. Thermal inactivation of peroxidase, one of most thermostable enzymes naturally present in mangoes, was used as indicator of pasteurization. Kinetic parameters were calculated: D77.2 ºC = 4.4 s and z = 14.3 ºC. Two pasteurization conditions P1 (70 °C / 13s) and P2 (75 °C / 13s) were selected in order to determine shelf life of mango purée. Pasteurization, combined to refrigerated storage, was effective to maintain microbiological, physical, chemical and sensory quality of purée for 17 weeks. Microbiological analysis showed that the main contaminants of raw purée were mesophilic microorganisms and yeast and moulds. After pasteurization, there was significant reduction of these microorganisms and of thermo-tolerant coliforms. All physical-chemical attributes (pH, titratable acidity, total solids, soluble solids, ascorbic acid and color) were affected significantly by storage time. It was observed significant difference in pH after 17 weeks of storage and ascorbic acid loss was approximately 45 % after 20 weeks. Rheological measurements showed shear thinning nature of mango purée: n values varied from 0.27 to 0.29 and K values from 5.00 to 7.16 Pa.sn. Storage time did not affect significantly rheological parameters of pasteurized purées. Sensory analysis of pasteurized mango purée indicated that the product has good acceptance (scores \'> or =\' 6,7) over 17 weeks of refrigerated storage. Storage time did not affect significantly sensory attributes, except color of P1 mango purée.

Modélisation et méthodologie de conception d'un four de traitement thermique rapide / Modeling and design methodology of a rapid thermal processing furnace

Mouawad, Grace 21 September 2012 (has links)
Au cours du traitement thermique rapide (RTP) des cellules photovoltaïques à couches minces, un suivi du profil de température souhaité et une homogénéité de la chauffe substrat doivent être assurés. Le but de cette thèse est de proposer une méthodologie de conception d'un four RTP permettant d'atteindre la qualité du cycle de la chauffe souhaitée.Une modélisation thermique est réalisée en se basant sur la méthode de réseaux de composants afin de prédire le comportement thermique dynamique du four. L'approximation des flux plans et l'approximation des couches minces semi-transparentes sont utilisées pour le calcul des facteurs d'échanges directs. L'algorithme des revêtements est appliqué pour en déduire les facteurs de transfert. Le modèle thermique développé est validé expérimentalement sur un four de petites dimensions. Une méthodologie de conception du four RTP est proposée en tenant compte de l'aspect dynamique des conditions thermiques du four. Une optimisation par algorithme génétique est effectuée pour trouver l'emplacement des émetteurs. Pour chacune des configurations testées, la distribution de la puissance aux émetteurs à fournir à chaque instant est optimisée par programmation dynamique. Finalement, cette méthodologie est appliquée pour la conception d'un four RTP pour le traitement de cellules photovoltaïques à couches minces de 30 × 60 cm2. Les résultats des essais confirment la validité de la méthodologie proposée. / During the rapid thermal processing (RTP) of thin film photovoltaic cells, the temperature of the latter has to follow a preset time evolution profile, while keeping spatial uniformity of the wafer. The aim of this study is to propose a design methodology of RTP furnace in order to obtain the quality of the required heating cycle.A thermal modeling is performed based on the component interaction network approach to predict the thermal behavior of the furnace. Flux plane approximation and semi-transparent thin layer approximation are used to calculate the direct exchange factor. The plating algorithm is then applied to calculate the transfer factor. The thermal model developed is validated experimentally on a furnace of small dimensions. A methodology to design a RTP furnace is proposed taking into account the dynamic aspect of the thermal conditions of the furnace. An optimization using the genetic algorithm is performed in order to find emitter dispositions. For each tested configuration, the optimal input power distribution over the emitters at each time step is found by using real time dynamic programming. Finally, the methodology is applied for the design of RTP furnace for the heat treatment of thin film photovoltaic cells of 30 × 60 cm2. Test results confirm the validity of the methodology proposed.

Fruit beverages processed using ultrasound technology: physical properties, stability and enzyme inactivation / Bebidas de frutas processadas utilizando tecnologia de ultrassom: Propriedades físicas, estabilidade e inativação enzimática

Meliza Lindsay Rojas Silva 10 November 2016 (has links)
This work studied the improvement of stability, physical properties and enzymatic inactivation in fruit beverages by applying the ultrasound technology (US). In the first part, the effect of the US application on peach juice processing was evaluated. The macroscopic changes on pulp sedimentation stability, turbidity, colour and rheological properties were evaluated. As a result, it was demonstrated that the improvement in each of the properties evidenced at the macroscopic level involves interaction of complex mechanisms which depend directly on changes at the microscopic level, such as the structure, size, composition and interaction between the continuous phase (serum) and dispersed phase (pulp) of the juice. These changes were assessed by microscopy and particle size distribution. In the second and third parts, the inactivation of the enzyme peroxidase (POD) was evaluated in coconut water. In the second part, the effect of the application of US was evaluated for first time for coconut water POD, using two types of ultrasonic equipment (US baht and US probe). It was demonstrated that the changes of enzyme activity during the US process depend on the many forms that the enzyme can adopt, mainly depending on the energy applied to the system. Subsequently, in the third part, the US was applied as a pre-treatment of subsequent thermal processing. The evaluation was carried out under non isothermal conditions, being the POD inactivation kinetics modelled using the Weibull distribution function. Finally, it was observed that the pre-treatment using ultrasound slightly decreased the enzyme activity. Furthermore, the ultrasound effects resulted in a more homogeneous population and heat-sensitive enzymes, significantly reducing the needed time of thermal processing. In conclusion, this work studied and demonstrated that the ultrasound technology is an interesting alternative to improve the physical properties and enzymatic stability in fruit beverages, reflecting the importance from both the academic and industrial point of view. / Neste trabalho estudou-se a melhoria na estabilidade, propriedades físicas e inativação enzimática em bebidas de frutas através da aplicação da tecnologia de ultrassom (US). Na primeira parte, foi avaliado o efeito do US no processamento de suco de pêssego. As alterações macroscópicas na estabilidade de sedimentação da polpa, turbidez, cor e propriedades reológicas foram analisadas. Foi demonstrado que a melhoria em cada uma das propriedades evidenciadas macroscopicamente envolve interação de mecanismos complexos que dependem diretamente de alterações microscópicas, tais como estrutura, tamanho, composição e interação entre as fases contínua (soro) e dispersa (polpa) do suco. Estas alterações foram avaliadas por microscopia e análise de distribuição de tamanho de partículas. Na segunda e terceira partes, a inativação da enzima peroxidase (POD) foi avaliada em água de coco. O efeito da aplicação do US na POD de água de coco foi estudado pela primeira vez, utilizando dois tipos de equipamentos (banho e sonda de US). Demonstrou-se que as alterações na atividade enzimática durante o processamento com US estão relacionadas às diferentes conformações que a enzima pode adotar, dependendo principalmente da energia aplicada ao sistema. Na terceira parte, o ultrassom foi então aplicado como pré-tratamento ao processamento térmico. A avaliação foi realizada sob condições não isotérmicas, sendo a cinética de inativação da POD modelada usando a função de distribuição de Weibull. Foi observado que o pré-tratamento com US diminuiu a atividade enzimática. Além disso, o efeito do US resultou em uma população de enzimas mais homogênea e termosensível, reduzindo significativamente o tempo necessário para o processamento térmico. Desta forma, este trabalho estudou e demonstrou que a tecnologia de ultrassom é uma alternativa interessante para melhorar as propriedades físicas e a estabilidade enzimática de bebidas à base de frutas, indicando sua importância tanto acadêmica quanto industrial.

Degradace solárních článků na bázi GaAs / Degradation of GaAs Solar Cells

Papež, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
Solární články na bázi arsenidu gallia patří mezi nejvýkonější typ dostupných solárních článků vůbec. Jejich výhodou je výborná odolnost vůči tepelnému a ionizujícímu záření, a proto se využívají zejména v náročných podmínkách. Tato disertační práce popisuje stav GaAs fotovoltaických článku vystavených vůči tepelnému namáhání, vysokému ochlazování, gama záření a ozáření širokospektrálním laserem. Vzorky byly zkoumány před, po a i během těchto procesů pomocí několika analytických a charakterizačních metod. Měření bylo zaměřeno na charakterizaci povrchu, optických a elektrických vlastností. Byly objeveny limity a nové chování tohoto typu článků, které jsou ovlivněny i tenkými ochrannými a antireflexními vrstvami.

Modelování zanášení a jeho vlivu na technicko-ekonomické charakteristiky trubkových zařízení na výměnu tepla v linkách termického zneškodňování odpadů / Modelling of fouling and its influence on technical-economic characteristics of tubular heat transfer equipment in units for thermal processing of wastes

Keliš, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The main subject of this study is the improvement of predicative ability of previously developed mathematical model for prediction of so-called “fouling critical velocity”. Attention is devoted especially to the flue gas side fouling process on active heat transfer surfaces in tubular heat exchange tube banks installed in waste incineration process plants and also a technical – economic analysis based on obtained results. The model improvement consists among others in taking into account another forces (electrostatic, capillary etc.) haven't yet been considered, which influence the mutual contact between flue gas particles in case of sedimentation fouling or the contact between particles and heat exchanger tube walls respectively. The improved model has therefore more predicative ability to the reality of fouling process. The results are used for technical – economic analysis, which determines an optimal heat exchanger design with respect to fouling. Furthermore, the algorithm of this analysis, essential fouling mechanisms, fouled heat exchanger surface cleaning methods as well as fundamental knowledge of fouling coefficient prediction are presented, whereas the emphasis is placed on industrial tubular heat exchange equipment installed in waste incineration process plants.

Analýza hydrodynamických podmínek aparátů jednotek pro termické zpracování odpadů / Hydrodynamic analysis of basic equipment in units for the thermal processing of wastes

Říha, Kamil January 2008 (has links)
Thermal processing of wastes is a metod, when during combustion occur reduction of wastes till 10% previous volume. The main advantage of this method is possibility to heat utilization for heat and electric production. Through thermic process develops range of pollutants (NOx, CO, SO2, HCl, HF, PCDD/F) that had to be remove from off-gas or reduced to enviromental values in agreement with laws in force [16]. For this purpose are combustion units equip with range of devices for removing this pollutans. The main task of this diploma thesis is selectoin of ctirical device in term of pressure drops. The value of pressure drop stands significant part in proposition of efficiecy off-gas fan. In increase or decrease total pressure drop consumption of electrical energy of off-gas fan is rising or going down. Change of consumption in total classification is projecting in energy utilization rate of waste where is determinate if it stands of energy utilizatoin or just incineration. In first part of diploma thesis are described in detail availability methods of off-gas cleaning where is described their principle, advanteges, disadvatages and comparison of effectivity. In second part of diploma thesis is made example model about influnce technology on value of total pressure drop. There were chosen two technologies for removing dioxins (technology of catalytic filtration REMEDIA and DeNox/DeDiox). For both technologies were made detailed analysis of pressure drops single components of these technologies. Attainment results were compared and rated with one another. For analysis these two methods were designed mathematical process in software Maple 9.5.

Řízení kvality procesů zpracování biologicky rozložitelných odpadů / Quality control of biodegradable waste process

Krbalová, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The waste production and especially biodegradable waste is following mankind since the beginning of his existence. This thesis deals with a description and dividing of current available waste process technologies, including description of their advantages and disadvantages. The work is also focused on the more detailed description of the composting technology, its control and opportunities to influence on resulting parameters of compost product. The information about technical description of workplace equipments, including industrial and technological processes was provided by the company VIA ALTA from their compost plant in Blansko.

Životnost kuličkových šroubů při různém způsobu výroby a tepelného zpracování profilů valivých drah / The Impact of Different Manufacturing Technologies and Thermal Processing of Groove Profiles on the Service Life of Ball Screws

Drábek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is ball screw service life measurement. Text is divided on two major parts, theoretical one and practical one. Theoretical part describes three basic methods of ball screws manufacturing – rolling, whirling and grinding. Subsequently, methods of heat treatment (inductive and laser hardening) are mentioned. Practical part is devoted to ball screw service life testing and evaluation of results. Tests were carried out on two sets of two ball screws. First set was manufactured by whirling and grinding followed by inductive hardening. Second set was manufactured by grinding followed by inductive hardening in one case and laser hardening in the second one. Test results were evaluated according to international standards.

Cold thermal processing in the spinal cord

Wrigley, Paul John January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / Two recently identified transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, TRPM8 and TRPA1, have been proposed to play an important role in mammalian cool and cold peripheral sensory transduction. When expressed in cell-lines the cloned TRPM8 and TRPA1 receptors have distinct pharmacological and temperature response characteristics. Although these receptors are also transported to the central terminals of primary afferents, little is known about their centrally mediated actions. In this thesis, I use an in vitro electrophysiological approach to investigate the dorsal horn processing of cool afferent modalities and the role of TRP ion channels. The results of this thesis provide further information on thermal processing, indicate direction for further research and suggest possible therapeutic targets for the management of abnormal cold sensory processing. Initial experiments demonstrate that the cooling agents and known TRPM8 and TRPA1 agonists, menthol and icilin, inhibit primary afferent evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in rat spinal cord dorsal horn neurons. In addition, temperature reduction, menthol and icilin increase the frequency of miniature EPSCs without affecting amplitude distribution or kinetics. Little or no direct postsynaptic effect on dorsal horn neurons, GABAergic or glycinergic transmission was found. In combination, these observations demonstrate that temperature reduction, menthol and icilin act presynaptically to increase the probability of glutamate release from primary afferent fibres. Further examination of the changes in glutamatergic synaptic transmission induced by temperature reduction, menthol and icilin reveals a subset of neurons sensitive to innocuous cool (< 29 oC) and low concentrations of icilin (3-10 µM) which closely match the temperature activation and pharmacological profile of TRPM8. In addition, the majority of lamina I and II neurons displayed characteristics partly consistent with TRPA1-activation, including a concentration-dependent response to icilin and blockade by ruthenium red. The present experiments did not allow thermal characterisation of these TRPA1-like responses. Together these observations indicate that the effects of menthol and icilin on glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the superficial dorsal horn are mediated by TRPM8 and possibly by TRPA1. Examination of the anatomical location of neurons activated by temperature reduction, menthol, icilin and capsaicin allowed the central termination pattern of thermoreceptive primary afferent fibres with specific TRP-like response characteristics to be determined. TRPM8-like presynaptic activation was confined to a subpopulation of neurons located in lamina I and outer lamina II, while the majority of neurons throughout laminae I and II received inputs sensitive to menthol, high concentrations of icilin and capsaicin. These findings suggest that innocuous cool sensation projects to a specific subpopulation of superficial dorsal horn neurons unlike other modalities (mediated by TRPV1, possibly TRPA1 and other receptors), which non-selectively engage circuits within the entire superficial dorsal horn. No morphological specificity was identified for recovered neurons after electrophysiological characterisation. Finally, mu-opioids were shown to inhibit basal glutamatergic synaptic transmission as well as menthol- and icilin-induced transmission in the superficial dorsal horn. Of particular interest, delta-opioids selectively inhibited icilin-induced synaptic transmission within the same location. The selective effect of delta-opioids suggests a possible role in modulating receptors activated by icilin (TRPM8 and TRPA1). Overall, this thesis provides further evidence that TRPM8 is responsible for the transduction of innocuous cold sensation in mammals and is a potential therapeutic target in humans with cold hyperaesthesia secondary to abnormal thermal processing. The use of delta-opioid agonists warrants further investigation in cold hypersensitivity states and potentially other forms of pain.

Cold thermal processing in the spinal cord

Wrigley, Paul John January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / Two recently identified transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, TRPM8 and TRPA1, have been proposed to play an important role in mammalian cool and cold peripheral sensory transduction. When expressed in cell-lines the cloned TRPM8 and TRPA1 receptors have distinct pharmacological and temperature response characteristics. Although these receptors are also transported to the central terminals of primary afferents, little is known about their centrally mediated actions. In this thesis, I use an in vitro electrophysiological approach to investigate the dorsal horn processing of cool afferent modalities and the role of TRP ion channels. The results of this thesis provide further information on thermal processing, indicate direction for further research and suggest possible therapeutic targets for the management of abnormal cold sensory processing. Initial experiments demonstrate that the cooling agents and known TRPM8 and TRPA1 agonists, menthol and icilin, inhibit primary afferent evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in rat spinal cord dorsal horn neurons. In addition, temperature reduction, menthol and icilin increase the frequency of miniature EPSCs without affecting amplitude distribution or kinetics. Little or no direct postsynaptic effect on dorsal horn neurons, GABAergic or glycinergic transmission was found. In combination, these observations demonstrate that temperature reduction, menthol and icilin act presynaptically to increase the probability of glutamate release from primary afferent fibres. Further examination of the changes in glutamatergic synaptic transmission induced by temperature reduction, menthol and icilin reveals a subset of neurons sensitive to innocuous cool (< 29 oC) and low concentrations of icilin (3-10 µM) which closely match the temperature activation and pharmacological profile of TRPM8. In addition, the majority of lamina I and II neurons displayed characteristics partly consistent with TRPA1-activation, including a concentration-dependent response to icilin and blockade by ruthenium red. The present experiments did not allow thermal characterisation of these TRPA1-like responses. Together these observations indicate that the effects of menthol and icilin on glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the superficial dorsal horn are mediated by TRPM8 and possibly by TRPA1. Examination of the anatomical location of neurons activated by temperature reduction, menthol, icilin and capsaicin allowed the central termination pattern of thermoreceptive primary afferent fibres with specific TRP-like response characteristics to be determined. TRPM8-like presynaptic activation was confined to a subpopulation of neurons located in lamina I and outer lamina II, while the majority of neurons throughout laminae I and II received inputs sensitive to menthol, high concentrations of icilin and capsaicin. These findings suggest that innocuous cool sensation projects to a specific subpopulation of superficial dorsal horn neurons unlike other modalities (mediated by TRPV1, possibly TRPA1 and other receptors), which non-selectively engage circuits within the entire superficial dorsal horn. No morphological specificity was identified for recovered neurons after electrophysiological characterisation. Finally, mu-opioids were shown to inhibit basal glutamatergic synaptic transmission as well as menthol- and icilin-induced transmission in the superficial dorsal horn. Of particular interest, delta-opioids selectively inhibited icilin-induced synaptic transmission within the same location. The selective effect of delta-opioids suggests a possible role in modulating receptors activated by icilin (TRPM8 and TRPA1). Overall, this thesis provides further evidence that TRPM8 is responsible for the transduction of innocuous cold sensation in mammals and is a potential therapeutic target in humans with cold hyperaesthesia secondary to abnormal thermal processing. The use of delta-opioid agonists warrants further investigation in cold hypersensitivity states and potentially other forms of pain.

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