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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dissecting the Role of a lncRNA and Involvement of <em>Plasmodium</em> Infections in the Innate Immune Response: A Dissertation

Chan, Jennie 14 April 2015 (has links)
The innate immune system is a multicomponent response governed by intricate mechanisms of induction, regulation and resolution to elicit antimicrobial defenses. In recent years, the complexity of eukaryotic transcriptomes has become the subject of intense scrutiny and curiosity. It has been established, that RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcribes hundreds to thousands of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), often in a stimulus and cell-type specific manner. However, the functional significance of these transcripts has been particularly controversial. While the number of identified lncRNAs is growing, our understanding of how lncRNAs themselves regulate other genes is quite limited. In chapter 2, a novel lncRNA is identified, more specifically, a natural antisense transcript, that mediates the transcription of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1α. Through loss-of-function studies, I report the necessity of this transcript in mediating IL-1α mRNA expression by affecting RNAPII binding to the IL-1α promoter after toll-like receptor signaling. For the first time, I show that IL-1α is regulated at the transcriptional level. As a second independent component of this thesis, we explore the role of the innate immune response after infection by the malaria-causing parasite, Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA), and how innate immune components are both beneficial and detrimental to the host depending on when and where inflammation is triggered during infection. We attempt to identify the “malarial toxin” responsible for aberrations in the immune response that is detrimental for disease outcomes and the innate signaling pathways that are involved. Many pathogens induce pathological inflammatory conditions that lead to irreparable homeostatic imbalances and become fatal to the host. Here, type I Interferon signaling is required to dampen parasite load during liver-stage infections, but leads to host mobidity if these pathways are activated in the erythrocytic phase of infection. Together, this thesis provides new insights on how components of the innate immune system are regulated, and how dysregulation of immunity can potentially lead to adverse effects during active infections.

XIST and CoT-1 Repeat RNAs are Integral Components of a Complex Nuclear Scaffold Required to Maintain SAF-A and Modify Chromosome Architecture: A Dissertation

Kolpa, Heather J. 08 April 2016 (has links)
XIST RNA established the precedent for a noncoding RNA that stably associates with and regulates chromatin, however it remains poorly understood how such RNAs structurally associate with the interphase chromosome territory. I demonstrate that transgenic XIST RNA localizes in cis to an autosome as it does to the inactive X chromosome, hence the RNA recognizes a structure common to all chromosomes. I reassess the prevalent thinking in the field that a single protein, Scaffold Attachment Factor-A (SAF-A/hnRNP U), provides a single molecule bridge required to directly tether the RNA to DNA. In an extensive series of experiments in multiple cell types, I examine the effects of SAF-A depletion or different SAF-A mutations on XIST RNA localization, and I force XIST RNA retention at mitosis to examine the effect on SAF-A. I find that SAF-A is not required to localize XIST RNA but is one of multiple proteins involved, some of which frequently become lost or compromised in cancer. I additionally examine SAF-A’s potential role localizing repeat-rich CoT-1 RNA, a class of abundant RNAs that we show tightly and stably localize to euchromatic interphase chromosome territories, but release upon disruption of the nuclear scaffold. Overall, findings suggest that instead of “tethering” chromosomal RNAs to the scaffold, SAF-A is one component of a multi-component matrix/scaffold supporting interphase nuclear architecture. Results indicate that Cot-1 and XIST RNAs form integral components of this scaffold and are required to maintain the chromosomal association of SAF-A, substantially advancing understanding of how chromatin-associated RNAs contribute to nuclear structure.

Evolution and function of long noncoding RNAs in Drosophila

Young, Rob January 2011 (has links)
Not all transcribed DNA encodes protein, and some of these noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as roX1 and roX2, may play important roles in the cell. The functional roles of the majority of these, however, remain largely unknown. In this thesis, I first used EST and mRNA evidence to define 2,788 lincRNA loci within the Drosophila melanogaster genome. I suggest that up to 1,652 of these are functional, as 1,411 show evidence for significant evolutionary constraint while 241 fast-evolving loci are enriched in short RNA species. A distinct set of 1,119 lincRNA loci were defined by RNA-seq, the vast majority of which show clear primary sequence constraint. Their expression profiles and enrichment in particular chromatin domains indicate that these lincRNAs are likely involved in developmental regulation. I also identified 42 potential analogous lincRNAs with shared genomic locations between Drosophila and mouse. Constrained, non-embryonic lincRNAs defined by ESTs are transcribed preferentially in the vicinity of protein-coding genes encoding transcription factors and I demonstrated that one of these, which I name dEvf-2, positively regulates the expression of its genomically adjacent transcription factor, Dll, in cell culture. Finally, I used a reverse genetics approach to search for lincRNA promoter mutations and examined the effect of these on lincRNA expression. My findings suggest that many, previously unknown, functional lincRNAs exist within the Drosophila genome and are worthy of further in-depth experimental investigation.

INXS, um longo RNA não codificador de proteínas mediador da apoptose / INXS, a long noncoding RNA that mediates apoptosis

Pereira, Carlos de Ocesano 29 January 2015 (has links)
O splicing alternativo do pré-mRNA de BCL-X produz duas isoformas de mRNAs com funções antagônicas, a pró-apoptótica BCL-XS e a anti-apoptótica BCL-XL, cujo balanço regula a homeostasia celular. Entretanto, o mecanismo que regula esse processamento ainda é desconhecido. Nesse trabalho, nós identificamos e caracterizamos um longo RNA não codificador de proteínas (lncRNA) nomeado INXS, que é transcrito a partir da fita oposta do locus genômico de BCL-X, sendo menos abundante em linhagens celulares tumorais e tecidos tumorais de pacientes quando comparados com os respectivos pares não tumorais. INXS é um RNA unspliced de 1903 nts, é transcrito pela RNA Polimerase II, possui cap 5\', está enriquecido na fração nuclear das células e se liga à proteína Sam68 do complexo modulador de splicing. O tratamento de células tumorais 786-O com cada um de três agentes indutores de apoptose aumentou a expressão endógena do INXS, levando ao aumento expressivo da proporção entre os mRNAs de BCL-XS / BCL-XL, e ativação das caspases 3, 7 e 9. Estes efeitos foram anulados na presença do knockdown do INXS. Da mesma forma, a superexpressão ectópica do INXS causou uma mudança no splicing favorecendo a isoforma BCL-XS e ativação das caspases, aumentando os níveis da proteína BCL-XS e conduzindo as células à apoptose. Utilizando um modelo in vivo, cinco injeções intra-tumorais do INXS durante 15 dias causaram uma regressão acentuada no volume dos xenotumores. Portanto, INXS é um lncRNA que induz a apoptose, sugerindo que essa molécula seja um possível alvo a ser explorado na terapia contra o câncer. / BCL-X mRNA alternative splicing generates pro-apoptotic BCL-XS or anti-apoptotic BCL-XL, whose balance regulates cell homeostasis. However, the mechanism that regulates the splice shifting is incompletely understood. Here, we identified and characterized a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) named INXS, transcribed from the opposite genomic strand of BCL-X, that was less abundant in tumor cell lines and patient tumor tissues compared with non-tumors. INXS is an unspliced 1903 nt-long RNA, is transcribed by RNA Polymerase II, 5\'-capped, nuclear enriched and binds Sam68 splicing-modulator. The treatment of tumor cell line 786-O with each of three apoptosis-inducing agents increased endogenous INXS lncRNA, increased BCL-XS / BCL-XL mRNA ratio, and activated caspases 3, 7 and 9. These effects were abrogated in the presence of INXS knockdown. Similarly, ectopic INXS overexpression caused a shift in splicing towards BCL-XS and activation of caspases, increasing the levels of BCL-XS protein and then leading the cells to apoptosis. In a mouse xenograft model, five intra-tumor injections of INXS along 15 days caused a marked regression in tumor volume. INXS is an lncRNA that induces apoptosis, suggesting that INXS is a possible target to be explored in cancer therapies.

Expressão de RNAs não codificadores intrônicos longos em linhagens celulares humanas e o seu controle epigenético por metilação do DNA / Long intronic noncoding RNA expression in human cell lines and its DNA methylation epigenetic control

Camargo, Lauren 27 September 2012 (has links)
Estudos recentes têm revelado que uma fração significativa do transcriptoma de eucariotos é composta por RNAs não codificadores longos (lncRNAs). Este trabalho investigou o padrão de expressão de um conjunto de lncRNAs originados a partir de regiões intrônicas de genes codificadores de proteínas em três linhagens celulares tumorais humanas utilizando microarranjos de DNA customizados. Realizamos uma série de análises in silico com a perspectiva de identificar propriedades globais desses transcritos, tais como a abundância relativa em diferentes tecidos, características evolutivas, estruturais e regulatórias, além de possíveis funções celulares. Avaliamos também a contribuição da metilação do DNA, um mecanismo de silenciamento epigenético da expressão de genes codificadores de proteínas, na regulação da expressão de lncRNAs intrônicos. Observamos que uma fração dos lncRNAs intrônicos detectados nas linhagens estudadas são conservados evolutivamente, tem padrão de expressão tecido específico, e está enriquecida em elementos regulatórios na sua extremidade 5\'. Foram identificados subconjuntos de lncRNAs intrônicos possivelmente atuando sobre genes associados a vias regulatórias importantes para o controle do desenvolvimento de organismos e ciclo celular. Comparativamente a mRNAs, uma menor proporção de lncRNAs intrônicos possui ilhas CpGs (CGIs) na vizinhança de seu início de transcrição. Apesar disso, observamos que um subconjunto desses transcritos teve sua expressão sensível ao tratamento com o agente desmetilante de DNA 5-AZA, demonstrando que lncRNAs intrônicos transcritos podem estar sujeitos a regulação transcricional mediada por metilação do DNA. Dentre os lncRNAs intrônicos regulados por metilação do DNA, destaca-se o lncRNA AS-APP, cuja expressão aumentou em 25 a 80 vezes nas linhagens celulares DU-145 e HEK293, respectivamente, após tratamento com 5-AZA. Este lncRNA possui uma CGI metilada e um promotor ativo a cerca de 4 kb de distância do seu início de transcrição conhecido. O aumento da transcrição do lncRNA AS-APP após desmetilação do DNA correlacionou-se a uma diminuição significativa dos níveis de expressão do mRNA do gene APP. Este resultado sugere uma possível ação regulatória em cis do lncRNA AS-APP no locus APP, um importante gene envolvido na doença de Alzheimer e com expressão associada ao prognóstico de alguns tipos de câncer. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho reforçam a ideia de que lncRNAs intrônicos constituem unidades transcricionais independentes que se encontram sobre controle regulatório nos diferentes tipos celulares. Foi gerado também um catálogo de lncRNAs intrônicos regulados por metilação que permitirá a seleção de candidatos com maior potencial de relevância funcional para caracterização detalhada. / Recent studies have revealed that a significant fraction of the eukaryotic transcriptome is composed of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). This work investigated the expression pattern in three human tumor cell lines of a set of lncRNAs originated from intronic regions of protein coding RNAs, using custom DNA oligoarrays. In silico analyses were performed to identify global properties of these transcripts such as relative abundance in different human tissues, regulatory, evolutionary and structural aspects, as well as their possible cellular functions. In addition, we evaluated the contribution of DNA methylation, an important epigenetic mechanism that control the expression of protein coding genes, in the regulation of intronic lncRNAs expression. We found that a fraction of the intronic lncRNAs detected in the cell lines are evolutionarily conserved, show a tissue specific expression pattern, and is enriched in regulatory elements at their 5\' end region. Subsets of intronic lncRNAs possibly acting on genes associated to important regulatory pathways controlling organism development and cell cycle were identified. A smaller proportion of intronic lncRNAs relative to mRNAs displayed CpG islands (CGI) in the vicinity of the transcription start site. Notwithstanding, we observed that a subset of these transcripts responded to treatment with the DNA demethylation agent 5-AZA, demonstrating that intronic lncRNAs may be under transcriptional regulation mediated by DNA methylation. Among intronic lncRNAs regulated by DNA demethylation, stands out AS-APP lncRNA, which was up regulated 25 to 80 times in DU-145 and HEK293 cell lines following 5-AZA treatment, respectively,. This lncRNAs has a methylated CGI and an active promoter at 4-kb upstream from its known transcription start site. Increased AS-APP lncRNA transcription following DNA demethylation correlated with a significant decrease of APP gene messenger RNA levels. This finding suggests a possible cis-regulatory action of the lncRNA AS-APP in the APP locus, an important gene involved in Alzheimer disease and whose expression is associated with prognosis of different cancer types. The results obtained in this study reinforce the idea that intronic lncRNAs constitute independent transcriptional units under regulatory control in the different cell types. It was generated a catalog of intronic lncRNAs regulated by DNA methylation that will allow the selection of candidates with higher potential of functional relevance for detailed characterization

Implementação de abordagens computacionais para identificação de RNAs longos não codificadores envolvidos na diferenciação neural / Implementation of computational approaches for identification of long noncoding RNAs involved in neural differentiation

Zaniboni, Gabriel Francisco 03 December 2015 (has links)
Cada vez mais, RNAs longos não codificadores (lncRNAs) surgem como importantes reguladores da biologia celular, principalmente em processos de diferenciação durante o desenvolvimento. O interesse no estudo das funções e mecanismos de atuação dessa classe de transcritos durante esses processos é crescente, e mostra-se bastante relevante no processo de diferenciação neural, pelo qual são gerados neurônios e células da glia. A linhagem celular P19, uma célula pluripotente advinda de um tipo de carcinoma embrionário murino, é bem consolidada como modelo in vitro de diferenciação neural. Após tratamento com ácido retinóico, ela é capaz de se diferenciar em neurônios e células da glia (astrócitos e oligodendrócitos). Em busca de evidências que indiquem a atuação de lncRNAs durante o processo de diferenciação neural, nosso grupo realizou experimentos utilizando microarranjos para averiguar os níveis de expressão gênica de lncRNAs e genes codificadores de proteínas (mRNAs) durante a diferenciação de células P19 em neurônios (predominância após 10 dias de diferenciação) e glia (predominância em 14 dias de diferenciação). Em um primeiro momento foi realizada a reanotação das sondas referentes a esses lncRNAs da plataforma de microarranjo, visto que as informações presentes nos arquivos de anotação da mesma eram muito escassas e desatualizadas. Registros de lncRNAs e mRNAs foram obtidos a partir de bancos de dados públicos para esse fim, e ao final dessa etapa aproximadamente 25,0% das sondas que não tinham uma anotação foram reanotadas com identificadores advindos desses bancos de dados. A partir dos dados de expressão, foram identificados todos os lncRNAs e mRNAs que apresentaram expressão diferencial entre as diferentes condições estudadas. As informações dos mRNAs diferencialmente expressos foram então utilizadas para a realização de análises de enriquecimento de categorias gênicas do Gene Ontology, nas ontologias de processo biológico e função molecular. A partir das sondas reanotadas, foram realizadas análises de coexpressão entre lncRNAs e mRNAs. A partir do cruzamento das informações obtidas, foram selecionados lncRNAs que através dos princípios de guilt by association se mostraram propensos a desempenharem um papel regulatório na diferenciação neural. Assim, as informações geradas nesse trabalho servirão como base para estudos futuros de validação funcional desses lncRNAs. / Increasingly, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) emerge as important regulators of cell biology, especially in differentiation processes during development. The interest in the study of functions and mechanisms of action of this class of transcripts during these processes is growing, and shows quite relevant in the neural differentiation process by which neurons and glia are generated. The P19 cell line, pluripotent cells arising from a type of murine embryonal carcinoma, is well established as an in vitro model of neural differentiation. After treatment with retinoic acid, it is capable of differentiating into neurons and glial cells (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes). In search of evidence that indicate the action of lncRNAs during the neural differentiation process, our group conducted experiments using microarrays to assess gene expression levels of lncRNAs and protein coding genes (mRNAs) during differentiation of P19 cells into neurons (mainly after 10 days of differentiation) and glial cells (mainly after 14 days of differentiation). At first was performed the reannotation of the probes relating to these microarrays lncRNAs, as the information provided in the annotation files were very scarce or outdated. LncRNAs and mRNAs records were obtained from public databases for this purpose, and at the end of this stage approximately 25.0% of the probes without annotation were reannotated with identifiers arising from these databases. From the expression data, we identified all lncRNAs and mRNAs that showed differential expression between the different studied conditions. The information of differentially expressed mRNAs were then used to perform Gene Ontology enrichment, in the ontologies biological process and molecular function. From the reannotated probes, coexpression analyses were performed for lncRNAs and mRNAs. From the crosscheck of information obtained, we selected those lncRNAs that by the principles of guilt by association proved likely to play a regulatory role in neural differentiation. Thus, the information generated in this study will serve as a basis for future studies of functional validation of these lncRNAs.

Genome-wide Analysis of Ctcf-RNA Interactions

Kung, Johnny Tsun-Yi January 2014 (has links)
Ctcf is a "master regulator" of the genome that plays a role in a variety of gene regulatory functions as well as in genome architecture. Evidence from studying the epigenetic process of X-chromosome inactivation suggests that, in certain cases, Ctcf might carry out its functions through interacting with RNA. Using mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and a modified protocol for UV-crosslinking and immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (CLIP-seq), Ctcf is found to interact with a multitude of transcripts genome-wide, both protein-coding mRNA (or noncoding transcripts therein) as well as many long-noncoding RNA (lncRNA). Examples of the latter include both well-characterized species from imprinted loci and previously unannotated transcripts from intergenic space. RNA binding targets of Ctcf are validated by a variety of biochemical methods, and Ctcf is found to interact with RNA through its C-terminal domain, distinct from its DNA-binding zinc-finger domain. Ctcf chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq done in parallel reveals distinct but correlated binding of Ctcf to DNA and RNA. In addition, allelic analysis of Ctcf ChIP pattern reveals significant differences between Ctcf binding to the presumptive inactive and active X chromosomes. Together, the current work reveals a further layer of complexity to Ctcf biology by implicating a role for Ctcf-RNA interactions in its recruitment to genomic binding sites.

Etude des longs ARNs non codants dans la leucémie aiguë myéloblastique à caryotype normal / Study of long non coding RNAs in acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotype

De Clara, Etienne 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les longs ARN non codants (lncRNAs) sont définis comme des transcrits de plus de 200nt et n'ayant pas de potentiel codant. Des études récentes ont démontré que les lncRNAs pouvaient être impliqués dans la régulation de la transcription, de la traduction, de la différenciation cellulaire, de l'expression génique, du cycle cellulaire et des modifications de la chromatine. De plus, il a été montré un impact fonctionnel de certains lncRNAs dans le processus de cancérogenèse mais nos connaissances actuelles sur ces molécules dans le cancer, et plus particulièrement dans la leucémie, restent extrêmement limitées. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons analysé l'expression des lncRNAs par RNA-sequencing sur 40 patients atteints de leucémie aiguë myéloblastique (LAM) à caryotype normal. Parmi les 11065 lncRNAs exprimés dans nos échantillons, nous avons identifié une signature de lncRNAs associée à la mutation de NPM1. Afin de mettre en évidence les fonctions putatives des lncRNAs sélectionnés, nous avons utilisé un algorithme de prédiction d'interaction protéine/ARN. De manière intéressante, plus de la moitié des lncRNAs présentent des sites d'interactions potentiels à SUZ12, une sous unité du complexe PRC2 (Polycomb repressive complex 2), connu pour être recruté par des lncRNAs pour la régulation épigénétique de gènes cibles. Par RNA immunoprécipitation (RIP) de SUZ12, nous avons pu démontrer que le lncRNA XLOC_087120 interagissait avec SUZ12. De plus, son expression est anti-corrélée avec celle des gènes voisins codants des histones, suggérant un rôle dans la régulation négative des histones par ce lncRNA. L'impact de la dérégulation de XLOC_087120 sur les histones a été confirmé par des expériences de surexpression et d'inhibition de ce lncRNA dans des lignées de LAM. De plus, même si la mutation NPM1 ne semble pas affecter directement l'expression de ce lncRNA, des expériences d'infection de la forme mutée de NPM1 dans une lignée LAM ont montré que NPM1 pourrait réguler la localisation nucléaire/cytoplasmique de XLOC_087120 et moduler sa fonction de répresseur. En conclusion, ces données suggèrent que les lncRNAs sont des facteurs clés dans la pathogenèse des LAMs. / Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are defined as RNA transcripts that are larger than 200 nt but do not appear to have protein- coding potential. Recent studies have demonstrated that lncRNAs regulate many processes such as transcription, translation, cellular differentiation, gene expression regulation, cell cycle regulation, and chromatin modification. Cumulative evidence points towards an important role of lncRNAs in cancer initiation, development, and progression. However, our overall knowledge of lncRNAs in cancer, including leukemia, remains extremely limited. In this study, we investigated lncRNA expression by RNA-sequencing in 40 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients with normal karyotype. Among 11065 lncRNA expressed in our samples, we identified specific lncRNA signature associated with the presence of NPM1 mutation. To go further into the putative function of these lncRNAs, we used catRAPID Omics algorithm to predict potential protein partners. Interestingly, the majority of the selected lncRNAs contains putative SUZ12 binding sites, a PRC2 (Polycomb Repressive Complex 2) component known to be linked to lncRNAs and to epigenetically regulates target genes. By using SUZ12 RNA Immunoprecipitation, we identify one lncRNA named XLOC_087120 linked to SUZ12. XLOC_087120 is located in a region enriched in histone genes. Pearson correlation showed a significative anti-correlation between XLOC_087120 and histone neighboring coding gene expression suggesting a role of this lncRNA in the regulation of histone genes. The impact on histone genes expression was confirmed by overexpression and inhibition of XLOC_087120 in AML cell lines. Overexpression of NPM1 mutant in an AML cell line showed that NPM1 modulates the nuclear/cytoplasmic localization of XLOC_087120 and consequently its repressive function. Altogether, these data suggest that lncRNAs should be considered as key players in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemias.

Expressão de RNAs não codificadores intrônicos longos em linhagens celulares humanas e o seu controle epigenético por metilação do DNA / Long intronic noncoding RNA expression in human cell lines and its DNA methylation epigenetic control

Lauren Camargo 27 September 2012 (has links)
Estudos recentes têm revelado que uma fração significativa do transcriptoma de eucariotos é composta por RNAs não codificadores longos (lncRNAs). Este trabalho investigou o padrão de expressão de um conjunto de lncRNAs originados a partir de regiões intrônicas de genes codificadores de proteínas em três linhagens celulares tumorais humanas utilizando microarranjos de DNA customizados. Realizamos uma série de análises in silico com a perspectiva de identificar propriedades globais desses transcritos, tais como a abundância relativa em diferentes tecidos, características evolutivas, estruturais e regulatórias, além de possíveis funções celulares. Avaliamos também a contribuição da metilação do DNA, um mecanismo de silenciamento epigenético da expressão de genes codificadores de proteínas, na regulação da expressão de lncRNAs intrônicos. Observamos que uma fração dos lncRNAs intrônicos detectados nas linhagens estudadas são conservados evolutivamente, tem padrão de expressão tecido específico, e está enriquecida em elementos regulatórios na sua extremidade 5\'. Foram identificados subconjuntos de lncRNAs intrônicos possivelmente atuando sobre genes associados a vias regulatórias importantes para o controle do desenvolvimento de organismos e ciclo celular. Comparativamente a mRNAs, uma menor proporção de lncRNAs intrônicos possui ilhas CpGs (CGIs) na vizinhança de seu início de transcrição. Apesar disso, observamos que um subconjunto desses transcritos teve sua expressão sensível ao tratamento com o agente desmetilante de DNA 5-AZA, demonstrando que lncRNAs intrônicos transcritos podem estar sujeitos a regulação transcricional mediada por metilação do DNA. Dentre os lncRNAs intrônicos regulados por metilação do DNA, destaca-se o lncRNA AS-APP, cuja expressão aumentou em 25 a 80 vezes nas linhagens celulares DU-145 e HEK293, respectivamente, após tratamento com 5-AZA. Este lncRNA possui uma CGI metilada e um promotor ativo a cerca de 4 kb de distância do seu início de transcrição conhecido. O aumento da transcrição do lncRNA AS-APP após desmetilação do DNA correlacionou-se a uma diminuição significativa dos níveis de expressão do mRNA do gene APP. Este resultado sugere uma possível ação regulatória em cis do lncRNA AS-APP no locus APP, um importante gene envolvido na doença de Alzheimer e com expressão associada ao prognóstico de alguns tipos de câncer. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho reforçam a ideia de que lncRNAs intrônicos constituem unidades transcricionais independentes que se encontram sobre controle regulatório nos diferentes tipos celulares. Foi gerado também um catálogo de lncRNAs intrônicos regulados por metilação que permitirá a seleção de candidatos com maior potencial de relevância funcional para caracterização detalhada. / Recent studies have revealed that a significant fraction of the eukaryotic transcriptome is composed of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). This work investigated the expression pattern in three human tumor cell lines of a set of lncRNAs originated from intronic regions of protein coding RNAs, using custom DNA oligoarrays. In silico analyses were performed to identify global properties of these transcripts such as relative abundance in different human tissues, regulatory, evolutionary and structural aspects, as well as their possible cellular functions. In addition, we evaluated the contribution of DNA methylation, an important epigenetic mechanism that control the expression of protein coding genes, in the regulation of intronic lncRNAs expression. We found that a fraction of the intronic lncRNAs detected in the cell lines are evolutionarily conserved, show a tissue specific expression pattern, and is enriched in regulatory elements at their 5\' end region. Subsets of intronic lncRNAs possibly acting on genes associated to important regulatory pathways controlling organism development and cell cycle were identified. A smaller proportion of intronic lncRNAs relative to mRNAs displayed CpG islands (CGI) in the vicinity of the transcription start site. Notwithstanding, we observed that a subset of these transcripts responded to treatment with the DNA demethylation agent 5-AZA, demonstrating that intronic lncRNAs may be under transcriptional regulation mediated by DNA methylation. Among intronic lncRNAs regulated by DNA demethylation, stands out AS-APP lncRNA, which was up regulated 25 to 80 times in DU-145 and HEK293 cell lines following 5-AZA treatment, respectively,. This lncRNAs has a methylated CGI and an active promoter at 4-kb upstream from its known transcription start site. Increased AS-APP lncRNA transcription following DNA demethylation correlated with a significant decrease of APP gene messenger RNA levels. This finding suggests a possible cis-regulatory action of the lncRNA AS-APP in the APP locus, an important gene involved in Alzheimer disease and whose expression is associated with prognosis of different cancer types. The results obtained in this study reinforce the idea that intronic lncRNAs constitute independent transcriptional units under regulatory control in the different cell types. It was generated a catalog of intronic lncRNAs regulated by DNA methylation that will allow the selection of candidates with higher potential of functional relevance for detailed characterization

Identificação e caracterização de lncRNAs e genes codificadores linhagem-específicos em Andropogoneae = padrões comuns de evolução de genes emergentes = Identification and characterization lncRNAs and lineage specific coding genes in Andropogoneae : common patterns of evolution of emerging genes / Identification and characterization lncRNAs and lineage specific coding genes in Andropogoneae : common patterns of evolution of emerging genes

Canesin, Lucas Eduardo Costa, 1988- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Renato Vicentini dos Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T20:26:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Canesin_LucasEduardoCosta_M.pdf: 8460459 bytes, checksum: 3fde4864bd253faed92b7dfd9071be3c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Recentemente, a análise de dados de genômica comparativa, buscando elucidar melhor a hipótese nula de modelos evolutivos, i.e. evolução neutra, originou uma nova teoria que eleva o tamanho populacional como principal fator evolutivo. Populações pequenas estão sujeitas a forte influência de deriva genética, o que causa o aumento da entropia do genoma. A complexidade genômica, leia-se conteúdo de sequencias informativas, como genes, é então um subproduto do aumento da entropia e a seleção teria então um papel secundário, sobretudo como moduladora do processo evolutivo. Assumindo este modelo, a emergência e degeneração de transcritos linhagem-específicos estão submetidas primariamente a evolução neutra. A transcrição pervasiva, sobretudo em linhagens germinais, é o agente causal do nascimento de genes e a fixação destes, frente ao reduzido tamanho populacional de eucariotos multicelulares, como as plantas Saccarum officinarum e Sorghum bicolor, ocorre por deriva genética. A inserção de novos genes, que são inicialmente neutros ou levemente deletérios, em redes funcionais ainda é pouco compreendida. A integração se torna gradativamente mais robusta com a evolução individual destes loci. Neste contexto, este estudo buscou identificar genes codificadores e não-codificadores de proteínas de recente emergência em cana-de-açúcar e sorgo a fim de se elucidar a hipótese de que sua arquitetura gênica e integração em redes biológicas apresentam padrões evolutivos comuns. Para isso, realizamos a identificação de lncRNAs de cana a partir de bancos de cDNA, o que permitiu a caracterização da expressão desses transcritos contrastando seis variedades distintas. Em decorrência da disponibilidade do genoma de sorgo, a identificação de genes linhagem-específicos codificadores e não codificadores pode ser resolvida com maior precisão. Pudemos determinar uma correlação entre a sua arquitetura gênica e integração nas redes biológicas e sua idade relativa. Apesar da correlação encontrada, o efeito mais forte observado em transcritos não codificadores revelam outros fatores que devem estar influenciando sua evolução. Levantamos a hipótese de que o evento de tradução possa elevar a eficiência da seleção negativa sobre o transcrito emergente, o que resultaria no turnover mais acentuado de lincRNAs e maior conservação de genes linhagem-específicos / Abstract: Recently, comparative genomics studies, aiming to better elucidate the null hypothesis of models of evolution, i. e. the neutral evolution, originate a new theory that elects the population size as the main factor acting in evolution. Small populations are subject to stronger influence of genetic drift, which raises genomic entropy. Genomic complexity, which means the information content in genome, such as genes, is a byproduct of the high entropy levels and selection would then display a secondary role, mainly as a modulator of the evolutionary process. Assuming this model, the emergence and degeneration of lineage-specific transcripts are primarily subject to neutral evolution. The pervasive transcription, especially in germinal cell lines, is the causal agent of birth of genes and their fixation, in face to the reduced population size of multicellular eukaryotes, as Saccarum officinarum and Sorghum bicolor plant species, is ruled by genetic drift. The integration of new genes, initially neutral or weakly deleterious, in functional networks is still poorly understood. The integration becomes more robust with the individual historical evolutionary path of these loci. In this context, this study aimed identify protein coding and noncoding genes of recent emergence in in sugarcane and sorghum to elucidate the hypothesis that the gene architecture and integration in biological networks display common patterns of evolution. We then identified sugarcane lncRNAs from public cDNA databases that allowed us to characterize the expression of these transcripts in six different contrasting varieties of sugarcane. As sorghum bicolor genome is available, the identification of lineage-specific coding and noncoding could be done to a higher resolution. We could then determine a correlation between gene architecture and network integration with its relative age. Despite the correlation observed, a stronger effect seen in noncoding transcripts reveals other factors that may be influencing their evolution. We propose the hypothesis that the translation event may increase negative selection efficiency over the emerging transcript, what would result in the stronger turnover of lincRNAs and higher conservation levels of coding lineage-specific genes / Mestrado / Bioinformatica / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

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