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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crenças sobre a origem dos bebês em crianças de 4 a 9 anos: uma abordagem a partir da psicogênese piagetiana e da psicanálise freudiana / Beliefs about the origin of babies in children from 4-9 years old: an approach based on Piagetian psychogenesis and Freudian psychoanalysis

Mariana Ines Garbarino 17 August 2012 (has links)
A questão da origem dos bebês constitui uma das perguntas mais antigas da humanidade e um enigma existencial que, desde cedo, interessa às crianças. O tema foi abordado, com distintos focos, por dois dos autores mais relevantes da psicologia: Jean Piaget e Sigmund Freud. Ambas as perspectivas abordam a manifestação da curiosidade sexual infantil e suas perguntas sobre a origem dos bebês como fundadoras de um vínculo particular com o conhecimento. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral investigar as formas e elementos comuns das crenças sobre a origem dos bebês em crianças de 4 a 9 anos por constituir um período de passagem para ambas as teorias. Para a psicogênese piagetiana, contempla a transição entre o pensamento pré-operatório e o operatório concreto. No contexto do desenvolvimento psicossexual postulado pela teoria psicanalítica, esse período considera a passagem da fase fálica ao período da latência. A partir da hipótese de uma possível articulação entre ambos os corpos teóricos, o estudo se propõe explicar e analisar a construção dessas crenças. Para isso, 80 crianças da cidade de Campinas, SP, entre 4 e 9 anos participaram de uma entrevista individual elaborada a partir do método clínico piagetiano. O procedimento incluiu um questionário semi-estruturado e seis pranchas com ilustrações de contos de fadas e personagens infantis, usadas como recurso provocador. As perguntas contemplaram, entre outros eixos temáticos, a fecundação, a alimentação intra-uterina, o nascimento e as diferenças sexuais. Os dados coletados foram organizados em dois grupos etários: de 4 a 6 e de 7 a 9 anos. Para analisar as crenças foram levados em conta os aspectos cognitivos e afetivos postulados por Piaget para explicar a construção pré-operatória e operatória do conhecimento. Foram considerados conceitos como egocentrismo e descentração, os estágios do artificialismo e as conseqüências que o vínculo das crianças com seus pais trazem para a qualidade do conhecimento construído. Na perspectiva da psicanálise, foram especialmente considerados os conceitos: teorias sexuais infantis, processos primários e secundários, complexo de Édipo e pulsão de saber. Conseguiu-se detectar diferenças qualitativas significativas entre as crenças das crianças mais novas e das mais velhas, o que confirma a progressão genética da organização mental postulada por Piaget e o desenvolvimento psicossexual teorizado por Freud. A comparação das crenças mostra, em linhas gerais, uma progressão: do concreto (dados perceptivos) ao abstrato, do subjetivo ao objetivo, do egocêntrico ao descentrado e coordenado, e do difuso ao mais preciso. Os resultados contribuem para a discussão acerca da pertinência do diálogo entre conceitos piagetianos e freudianos para melhor compreender a construção do conhecimento sobre a origem dos bebês e a interação de aspectos cognitivos e afetivos no desenvolvimento infantil em geral / The question of the origin of babies is one of the oldest questions of humanity and it is an existential enigma that, since early age, interests children. The topic was discussed taking into consideration perspectives of two significant authors of Psychology: Jean Piaget and Sigmund Freud. Both perspectives address the manifestation of child sexual curiosity and their questions about the origin of babies as founders of a particular relation with knowledge. This research aims to investigate forms and common elements in the beliefs about the origin of babies in children from 4 to 9 years old. This age group corresponds to periods of transition in both theories. For Piagetian psychogenesis, envisages the transition between pre-operative to concrete operative thinking. In the context of psychosexual development, postulated by the psychoanalytic theory, this period is considered the transition from the phallic phase to the period of latency. From the hypothesis of a possible linkage between the two theoretical approaches, the study explained and analyzed the construction of these beliefs. For this, 80 children in Campinas city (SP) participated in individual interviews based on the Piagetian clinical method. The procedure included a semi-structured questionnaire and six boards with illustrations of fairy tales and cartoon characters, used as a \"provocative\" resource. The issues contemplated themes such as fecundation, intrauterine nutrition, birth and sex differences. The data collected was organized into two age groups: from 4 to 6 and from 7 to 9 years. To analyze the children´s beliefs cognitive and affective aspects postulated by Piaget to explain the construction of pre-operative and operative knowledge were taken into account. Concepts such as egocentricity and decentration, stages of artificiality and the consequences that the relation between children and their parents bring to the quality of knowledge constructed were considered. From the psychoanalitical point of view, concepts of children\'s sexual theories, primary and secondary processes, Oedipus complex and knowledge drive were especially considered. It was able to detect significant qualitative differences between the beliefs of the younger children and the elder ones, which confirms the genetic progression of mental organization proposed by Piaget and the psychosexual development theorized by Freud. The comparison of beliefs in general shows a progression from the concrete (perceptual data) to the abstract, the subjective to the objective, the egocentric thinking to the decentred and coordinated thinking, and from a diffuse to a more precise view. Results contribute to the discussion about the relevance of the dialogue between Piagetian and Freudian concepts to better understand the construction of the knowledge about the origin of babies and the interaction of cognitive and affective aspects in child development

Vliv spirituality na postoje ke smrti / Influence of spirituality over death attitudes

Pavelková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
Bc. Monika Pavelková ABSTRACT The aim of the paper is to study closely the influence of spirituality on attitude towards death among people who find themselves in a situation of proximity to death. Due to the fact that spirituality proves to be a significant factor influencing the process of accepting death, increasing attention is paid nowadays to the spiritual component of personality and to saturation of its spiritual needs. Spirituality is understood in a broader sense as relation towards sanctity of either a religious or an irreligious person. Another aspect is the means by which the person comes to terms with own spirituality, whether it is intrinsic and becomes the goal of the person's life-long endeavour, or it can be described as extrinsic because it does not permeate his or her everyday reality. Spiritual orientation of a person is projected into his or her values and goals, it determines the way towards the meaning of life, which exceeds the person proper. V. E. Frankl speaks about reaching the meaning of life through self- transcendence by way of realization of values of creation, experiences and attitudes. A pronounced element of spirituality and attitude towards death is the belief in life after death, be it literal or symbolic, with reference to Terror Management Theory or Meaning Management...

Traitement interne et externe des dialogues interreligieux et interculturels par les organismes à but non lucratif (OBNL) aconfessionnels œuvrant auprès des populations confessionnelles réfugiées et/ou vulnérables au Liban

Leclercq-Olhagaray, Hortense 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire est le fruit d’une recherche-action dans le contexte des organismes à but non lucratif (OBNL) aconfessionnels œuvrant auprès des populations réfugiées et/ou vulnérables au Liban. À l’heure où les organisations humanitaires, internationales et locales privilégient ce statut aconfessionnel, il présente les résultats d’une étude sur la manière dont ils entrent en dialogue avec des populations en difficultés dont les identités culturelles et religieuses sont parfois plus marquées du fait de leurs déplacements souvent traumatiques. Nous appuyant sur une méthode ethnographique, nous avons suivi quatre OBNL aconfessionnels – deux libanais (Amel et Arcenciel) et deux internationaux (Jusoor et l’IECD Liban) – durant près d’un an, dans leurs actions auprès de ces populations. Adoptant une posture d’observateur participant pour être au cœur de leurs relations et interactions, nous avons surtout observé les formes de dialogues interreligieux et interculturels à la fois entre les membres de ces OBNL et dans leurs relations avec les populations auprès desquelles ils œuvrent. Nous avons également pris en considération l’origine culturelle de ces OBNL pour établir leur impact sur les formes de dialogues développées. Dans un dernier temps, nous combinons ce qui nous semble être les points forts du modèle d’OBNL aconfessionnel libanais – plus prompt à envisager ces types de dialogues – à une approche intervisionnelle développée par Brodeur (2019) pour en extraire un modèle de traitement des dialogues interreligieux et interculturels viable pour les OBNL aconfessionnels œuvrant dans un contexte ouest-asiatique, incluant des formations sur la gestion de ces types de dialogues et de populations sujettes aux discriminations, le recrutement d’une diversité représentative du terrain d’action, ainsi que l’identification des similarités et des valeurs communes aux différents groupes d’acteurs. Reposant sur un cadre conceptuel interdisciplinaire et une enquête qualitative regroupant dix-sept entretiens individuels semi-dirigés, c’est donc sur un terrain peu défriché que s’avance notre étude, dont l’ambition est de pouvoir modestement contribuer à cette question charnière du traitement des dialogues interreligieux et interculturels par les OBNL aconfessionnels. / This action research is looking at the context of non-confessional non-profit organizations (NPOs) working with refugee and vulnerable populations in Lebanon. At a time when humanitarian organizations, international and local, favor this non-denominational status, it seems relevant to study the way in which they enter into dialogue with populations in dire needs, whose cultural and religious identities are sometimes more pronounced due to their often traumatic displacements. Based on an ethnographic method, we followed four NPOs – two Lebanese (Amel and Arcenciel) and two internationals (Jusoor and IECD Lebanon) – for almost a year, in their actions among these populations. Adopting a position of participant observer to be at the heart of their relationships and interactions, we followed the forms of interreligious and intercultural dialogues that came to life, both between the members of these NPOs and in their relations with the populations with whom they work. In order to sharpen our analysis, we also considered the cultural origin of these NPOs to establish their impact on the forms of dialogue they developed. In the final part of this thesis, we try to combine the strong points we found of the Lebanese non-confessional NPO model, in its treatment of these forms of dialogues, with an interworldview dialogue approach developed by Brodeur (2019), to extract a model for the treatment of interreligious and intercultural dialogues feasible for NPOs working in a West Asian context, that includes training on managing these types of dialogues and populations subject to discrimination, recruiting a diversity representative of the field, and identifying similarities and common values among different groups of actors. Based on an interdisciplinary conceptual framework and a qualitative survey bringing together seventeen semi-directed individual interviews, this thesis aims modestly to provide further avenues of research to this transitional question of the treatment of interreligious and intercultural dialogues by non-confessional NPOs.

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