Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noticed""
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru ve francouzském právu v porovnání s českou právní úpravou / Notice in the French employment law compared with the employment law in the Czech republicJakubec, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Abrégé Cette memoire a pour le but la présentation de la demission et le licenciement dans le droit du travail français et la comparaison de ceux-ci avec le droit du travail tchèque. La partie préliminaire présente en bref le code du travail français et explique aussi le statut du salarié et de l'employeur dans le droit français et mentionne des problèmes qui s'attachent à cette problématique. La partie préliminaire, qui parle du caractère élémentaire de la relation de travail est suivie par la seconde partie, la partie principale, qui disserte sur des conditions dans lesquelles la relation de travail peut être rompue dans le droit français et compare leurs différences avec le droit tchèque. A la fin l'auteur délibère sur ceux différences et leurs avantages et désavantages.
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Právní ochrana nájemce bytu / Legal protection of the tenantKoubek, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines legal protection of the tenant. With respect to a limited extent the thesis focuses only on the selected issues that are significant from a perspective of tenant. The topic was chosen because of the fact that tenancy is one of the most common legal relations with an important social aspect, because many people fulfill their accommodation requirements through it. The new Civil Code, effective as of 1.1.2014, brought many major changes that could have real impact on tenants' lives. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze these changes and compare them with the previous legal regulation. Moreover, this thesis tries to identify problematic provisions of the new Civil Code and provide the readers with a practical advice and recommendations as well. From the structural point of view the thesis is divided into chapters, each of them focused on different issue. The first chapter briefly describes what residential lease is, shows its principle features and finally deals with the protective character of the legal regulation. The second chapter focuses on the rights and duties of the contracting parties. Running a business in an apartment is described as well as the apartment maintenance. The chapter number three draws an attention to a renting to the pet owners and provides with a...
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru / Notice of employmentHomolková, Simona January 2011 (has links)
The Notice of Employment The main reason I have chosen this topic for my diploma thesis is that we have to deal with questions of labour law in our everyday lives. Generally speaking it is a common issue and I believe that it is therefore very important to understand it correctly. The notice of employment can bring serious economic and social consequences into the life of every employee and at the same time have an impact on his family members. On the other hand the employers should be able to terminate employment with such employees who are irresponsible or incompetent. Hence, the aim of this thesis is to analyse the regulation of the notice of termination of employment in the legal order of the Czech Republic, explain the essential principles of this regulation and point out various options of its interpretation. The paper is divided into seven chapters. First, there is a general outline of the examinated issue followed by chapters dealing with the historical evolution of legal regulation and the European Communities` regulation of the notice of employment. Further passages are in regards to a closer analysis of the notice of employment in general, notice given by the employee, notice given by the employer and their legal reasons. Relevant judicial decisions were also incorporated in each of...
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Nájem bytu / Residential leaseKotrba, Radim January 2012 (has links)
Residential lease The thesis examines residential lease. For the reason of limited length the paper does not deal with the topic in general but focuses primarily on the aspects of residential lease termination. This particular topic was chosen because of the fact that it is one of the significant legal relations occurring among the subjects of law, many people fulfil their accommodation requirements through it and almost everyone gets in touch with it in his/her life, in a way. Taking into consideration the social implications of rental housing the topic goes beyond the legal area. It is politically sensitive and it involves frequent disputes between the parties that are on the opposite sides of the political spectrum, mainly because of the different levels of regulation. The goal of the thesis is to explore and evaluate the effective legal regulation in the light of practice of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. Moreover, the thesis tries to be proactive and predict possible questionable aspects and it aims to provide the readers with practical advice and recommendations at the same time. From the structural point of view the thesis is divided into chapters, each of them dealing with different features. Firstly, chapter one briefly describes what the residential lease is, furthermore, it explains its...
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru z organizačních důvodů podle § 52 písm. a) až c) zákoníku práce / Notice of termination due to organizational reasons under Section 52(a) through (c) of the Labour CodeZábranský, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to deal with the notice of termination due to organizational reasons under Section 52(a) through (c) of the Labour code. The topic of the thesis does not consist only in organizational changes and a notice of termination linked to them, its purpose is to describe the whole picture of the process of giving the notice to an employee and details which an employer must remember to keep the notice valid. The thesis is composed of ten chapters not counting the Introduction describing the motive for choosing the topic of the thesis and the aims of the thesis and the Conclusion containing the brief evaluation of the legal regulation. Chapter One deals with the labour-law relations, their concept and the distinctions between the individual labour-law relations and the collective labour-law relations. Chapter Two is concerned with the termination of employment in general and describes the division of the ways in which employment may be terminated, i.e. legal acts, legal events or authoritative decisions. Chapter Three elaborates the issues common to all reasons for the notice, which means that the attention is paid to these reasons, the written form of notice, delivering and the withdrawal of the notice and the participation of trade unions in a termination of employment. Special attention...
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru / The notice of terminationŠkopek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to provide a summary of the legal regulation and to point out legal problems connected with the Notice of termination in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of eleven chapters, the introduction and the conclusion. Chapter One is introductory and defines concept and position of Labour law in the system of law in the Czech Republic and function of Labour law. Chapter Two examines, in general relation, between Civil law and Labour law. In chapter Three, author tries to explain legal regulation of legal acts. The chapter consists of two parts. Part one focuses on legal regulation of legal acts in the Civil Code and Part two focuses on legal regulation of legal acts in the Labour Code. Chapter Four describes basic principles of Labour law. In chapter Five is short excursion to the history of labour legislation in our territory. This chapter is divided into three subchapters according to some important historical events of our labour legislation. Chapter Six concentrates on domestic source of law in the area of notice of termination. This chapter is divided into three parts. First part is about constitutional acts, second part is about statutes and third part is about case law in the Czech Republic. In chapter Seven are described international source of law in the area...
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru ve vybraných členských státech EU / Notice of termination of employment in selected EU member statesMihálik, Matej January 2014 (has links)
Notice of termination of employment in selected EU member states The aim of this thesis is comparison of legal regulation of the notice of termination of employment in three legal systems within the EU: Slovak, English and Swedish. The thesis deals with the notices of employers and in the conclusion it contains comparison and evaluation of the legal systems. The thesis comprises four chapters. The first chapter deals with international and european legal regulation of employment termination, in particular regulation of notice of termination. The chapter contains description of international treaties and conventions concluded mainly within International Labour Organisation as well as european legal regulations and directives dealing with this matter. The second chapter deals with the Slovak regulation. At the beginning, it starts with general description of employment termination, it continues with the general requirements on notice and notice period. In the next part, the chapter describes specific notice reasons, special duties of the employer during the termination of employment and ban on the dismissal for protected groups of employees. The final part of the chapter focuses on the remedies of an employee in the case the notice of termination is declared invalid. The third chapter contains the...
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Důvody výpovědi z pracovního poměru / Grounds for termination of employmentPlch, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of grounds for notice of termination of employment. It also analyses institutes that are closely related to this issue, like termination of employment in general, notice of termination and its requisites, protective periods, or employer's obligations that arise from notice of termination in certain cases. When evaluating and assessing the legislation it's necessary to keep in mind two legal principles, the principle of flexibility and the principle of protection of the weaker party (the employee). In the legislation of termination of employment and in labour law in general these two principles clash. One of the specifics of labour law is relatively rigid and enforced legislation that tries to equalize the inequalities in the employment relationship between employee and employer by, among other things, tying the possibility of the employer to terminate employee's employment on fulfilling particular material requirements. In practice, this legislation can be perceived as excessively restrictive. In particular, the thesis focuses more closely on these material requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for the employer to be able to terminate the employee's employment. The grounds for notice of termination themselves are defined exhaustively in the Labour Code and we can...
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru po soukromoprávní rekodifikaci / Notice of termination of employment after restatement of private lawSkovajsa, Marián January 2018 (has links)
Notice of termination of employment relationship after private law recodification Main theme of my thesis is notice of termination of employment relationship after private law recodification. I have chosen this topic, because every labour relationship termination and especially notice of termination, can have essential influence to every single person in productive age and even to his family. Law provides protection to both employers and employees, but to employees, as a weaker contracting party, is protection provided in wider range. I have divided my thesis into seven chapters, many of them are divided further. The first chapter is about labour law in general. The second chapter describes relationship between labour and civil law, from the Labour Code from 1965 to present time and also the principle of delgation and its change by Constitutional Court of the Czech republic fading into the principle of subsidiarity. In the third chapter I have stated the most important international documents, which are regulating notice of termination of employment relationship. Fourth part of my thesis describes employment relationship in general, ways of its termination and legal facts, which are leading to the termination of employment relationship in general. Key chapter is chapter number five, in which I am...
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Výpověď z pracovního poměru / Notice of termination of employmentŠmídová, Klára January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of the notice of termination of employment in the Czech labour law. The thesis sets out multiple primary goals. The first goal is to introduce the reader to the context of the legal framework of the notice of termination of employment, including an analysis of selected case law relevant to the topic. The second goal is to provide a comparative outline via the exploration of Belgian labour law and its legal regulation of the notice of termination of employment. Thirdly, the author reflects the findings gathered throughout the thesis and offers some amendments de lege ferenda. The diploma thesis is divided into eleven parts. The first three parts relate to the general description of the matter - the first is devoted to the labour law in the context of the legal system of the Czech Republic, the second is devoted to specific characteristics of an employment relationship and its subject and object. The third part discusses the termination of employment in general and it also takes into account the strategy of flexicurity. The fourth part aims at enlightening the effect of the international law and the law of the European Union on the legal regulation of the notice of termination of employment. The fifth part is devoted to the notice of termination of employment...
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