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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mass Loading of Space Plasmas

Lidström, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
The solar wind interaction with an icy comet is studied through a model problem. A hybrid simulation is done of a box with evenly distributed water ions and protons, where initially the water ions are stationary, and protons move with the speed of the solar wind. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the interaction between the two species through the convective electric field, and focus is on early acceleration of pick-up ions, and deflection of the solar wind. It is relevant to the cometary case, because it enables study of the physics of this interaction, without involving other mechanisms, such as bow shock, magnetic field pile-up and draping. The species are found to exchange kinetic energy similar to a damped oscillator, where the dampening is caused by kinetic energy being transferred to the magnetic field. At early times, i.e. times smaller than the gyration time for the water ions, the solar wind does not lose much speed when it is deflected. For comparable number densities, the solar wind can be deflected more than 90° at early times, and loses more speed, and water ions are picked up faster. The total kinetic energy of the system decreases when energy builds up in the magnetic field. The nature of the energy exchange is strongly dependent on the number density ratio between water ions and protons. A density instability with behaviour similar to a plasma beam instability forms as energy in the magnetic field increases, and limits the amount of time the simulation preserves total energy, for the particular hybrid solver used. There is a discussion on the structure of the density instability, and it is compared to cometary simulations.

Modélisation numérique de la plasticité des transformations de phase diffusives à l'état solide / Numerical modelling of the plasticity induced during diffusive phase transformations in steels

Hoang, Ha 27 May 2008 (has links)
Lors d'une transformation de phase à l’état solide d'un acier, l'interaction entre la phase naissante et la phase parente, chacune avec ses propriétés mécaniques propres, génère des contraintes au voisinage de l'interface entre phases. L’accommodation de ces contraintes est réalisée à travers la plastification de la phase parente notamment, celle dont la limite d'élasticité est la plus faible. La transformation se faisant, si une contrainte déviatorique - même faible- est exercée, la plasticité locale sera canalisée dans la direction de la contrainte appliquée et apparaît à l’échelle macroscopique. Cette déformation est appelée plasticité de transformation ou TRIP (TRansformation Induced Plasticity) ; seuls des modèles dédiés peuvent en rendre compte. Cette plasticité peut aussi apparaître sans charge externe durant la transformation, si la phase austénitique a été soumise à un pré-écrouissage juste avant sa transformation. Les modèles de plasticité de transformation actuels ne sont dans ce cas pas toujours à même de reproduire les observations expérimentales. Afin d'identifier les mécanismes responsables de la plasticité issue de transformations diffusives pour différents cas de chargement, une modélisation numérique des conséquences mécaniques de telles transformations est proposée dans ce travail. La résolution, à chaque instant de la transformation, du problème d'interaction mécanique entre phases utilise la méthode des éléments finis. Ceci donne accès à la description locale des champs de contrainte et de déformation dus à cette interaction. Une première approche de la modélisation porte, comme dans la plupart des modèles courants de plasticité de transformation, sur la croissance d'une particule unique de phase naissante interagissant avec la matrice mère. On peut ainsi analyser les hypothèses portées sur les champs mécaniques auxquelles il est fait appel dans les modèles analytiques. Cette approche est ensuite étendue au cas d'un milieu homogène où apparaissent des germes aléatoirement dans le temps et dans l'espace, avec des lois de distribution données. Cette deuxième approche met en évidence l'importance de la densité spatiale de germes et du taux de germination sur les prédictions de TRIP. Elle pose en outre les bases d'une modélisation de transformation diffusive dans un milieu cristallin hétérogène, où les propriétés effectives sont déterminées par moyennation d'ensemble sur des multicristaux. Avec l'une comme l'autre des approches, l'accord qualitatif avec les mesures expérimentales de TRIP est correct, pour le cas classique de chargements constants pendant la transformation comme pour les conséquences d'un pré-écrouissage. / During the solid-solid phase transformation of a steel, the interaction between new phase and parent phase, each having its own properties, leads to accommodation stresses in the vicinity of the interface between phases. Dislocations are thus produced in the parent phase, the one which has the lowest yield stress. If an external loading stress -even small- is exerted during the transformation, dislocations result to a permanent strain at the macroscopic scale, in the direction of the load. This strain is called transformation plasticity or TRIP (TRansformation Induced Plasticity); only dedicated models can predict it. This plasticity may also be observed without any external load during the transformation, if the austenitic phase as been pre-hardened just before the transformation. In this latter case, current transformation plasticity models do not always provide correct predictions as compared to experimental observations. A numerical modelling of the mechanical consequences of diffusive transformations is proposed in this work. It is meant to identify the mechanisms which are responsible for the plasticity induced by such transformations for all cases of loading. The finite elements method is used to solve the problem of the mechanical interaction between phases at any instant of the transformation. This gives access to a local description of the stress and strain fields due to this interaction. In a first approach of the modelling inspired from most current transformation plasticity models, a single growing particle interacting with its mother phase is considered. This allows to analyse the hypothesis on mechanical fields according to which analytical formulations of transformation plasticity can be obtained. This approach has then been extended to the case of a homogeneous medium in which nuclei appear randomly in time and space, with prescribed distribution laws. With this improved approach, the importance of the spatial density of nuclei and of the rate of nucleation on TRIP predictions could be evidenced. Besides, this approach provides the basis of a modelling of diffusive transformation in a crystalline heterogeneous material, where the effective properties are determined by ensemble averaging over multicrystals. With both approaches, a correct qualitative agreement with experimental measures could be obtained, in the classical case of constant load during the transformation as well as concerning the consequences of a pre-hardening.

Dinâmica da desembocadura do rio Itanhém, Alcobaça, BA / Morphodynamics at the Itanhaém Inlet, Alcobaça, BA

Cussioli, Mariana Coppede 05 October 2010 (has links)
Os processos morfodinâmicos em sistemas de desembocaduras estão relacionados a uma variedade de condições forçantes que criam condições hidrodinâmicas únicas. Correntes de maré, ondas e descarga fluvial, interagindo em diferentes níveis resultam em complexos padrões dinâmicos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é entender os processos que controlam a dinâmica da desembocadura do estuário do rio Itanhém, Alcobaça, BA. A dinâmica do ambiente foi analisada através de imagens de satélite LANDSAT5-TM e da aplicação de um modelo numérico. As imagens de satélite disponíveis, para os anos de 1987, 1990, 1996, 2007, 2008 e 2009, foram utilizadas para extrair os contornos da linha de costa que, juntamente com dados batimétricos constituíram as malhas para o desenvolvimento de uma série de experimentos numéricos. O modelo numérico utilizado foi o MIKE 21 FM. Foram utilizados três módulos: propagação de ondas, hidrodinâmico e de transporte de sedimento, com retroalimentação entre as mudanças morfológicas e a hidrodinâmica. A descrição dos processos observados pelas imagens de satélite, juntamente com os resultados dos experimentos numéricos mostraram que na região ocorreu acúmulo de sedimentos com consequente crescimento de um pontal a barlamar da desembocadura entre 1987 e 2007. Em 2007 o pontal atingiu seu tamanho máximo, e em função de um evento de alta energia, se rompeu ao norte, deixando dois canais. No período quando o canal era mais estreito, houve maior transporte pela deriva verificado pelo crescimento do banco. Já no período de canal mais largo, houve interrupção na deriva e o banco não cresceu. O mecanismo principal de transporte de sedimentos na área de estudo deve-se principalmente à incidência das ondas do quadrante nordeste, que gera uma corrente de deriva litorânea para sul. As ondas do quadrante sul e sudeste, mais energéticas, e que poderiam gerar deriva na direção oposta, são refratadas pela presença dos parcéis e da progradação da linha de costa em Caravelas, localizados a sudeste e sul da área de estudo. O novo canal formado pelo rompimento do pontal tornou-se o principal meio de fluxo das correntes. Este fluxo atua como uma barreira, interrompendo a deriva litorânea de sedimentos, aprisionando-os a barlamar e limitando o suprimento de sedimentos responsáveis pelo crescimento do banco arenoso ao sul. Nota-se que o tamanho e a largura do novo canal definem a quantidade de sedimentos que atravessa a desembocadura, controlando o crescimento deste banco. / The morphodynamic processes at inlet systems are related to a variety of forcing conditions that create unique hydrodynamic conditions. The interaction of tidal currents, wave conditions, and river discharge at different levels result in complex dynamic patterns. The present work aims to understand the processes that control the dynamics of the Itanhaém River, Alcobaça (BA). The system dynamics was analyzed through the combined application of LANDSAT5-TM satellite images, field measurements and numerical modelling. A set of satellite images (for 1987, 1990, 1996, 2007, 2008 and 2009) was used to extract the coastline contours which, combined with the bathymetric data, defined the grids for a series of numerical experiments. Three modules of the MIKE 21 FM model have been applied: wave propagation, hydrodynamic and sediment transport, including the feedback between the morphological changes and the hydrodynamics. The description of the processes observed through the satellite images and the results of the numerical experiments show that there is a spit growth driving the inlet southwards between 1987 and 2007. In 2007 the spit reached its maximum extent and a high wave energy event breached the spit leaving the system with two openings to the ocean. The sediment supply to the southern sandbar is controlled by the longshore drift, with its quantities being apparently controlled by the inlet width. The main mechanism of sediment transport in the study area is mainly due to the northeasterly waves, moving sediments southwards. The more energetic southerly waves, which could lead to transport in the opposite direction, are refracted due to the wide shelf and the presence of coral reefs in the region. The new inlet formed by the spit breach became the main flow channel. This flow interrupts part of the littoral drift, retaining sediment updrift and limiting the sediment supply downdrift. The size and width of the new inlet define the amount of sediment being bypassed, controlling the growth of the sandbar.

Análise teórica e experimental do comportamento ao cisalhamento de vigas em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto / Numerical and experimental analysis of the shear behaviour of concrete block masonry beams

Moraes, Rafael Santos de 19 December 2017 (has links)
O comportamento mecânico de vigas em alvenaria estrutural submetidas ao cisalhamento é abordado de forma aprofundada neste trabalho. São apresentados neste estudo um extensivo levantamento bibliográfico, o qual estabelece um panorama sobre o tema, um programa experimental com ensaios de caracterização do material alvenaria e de vigas em escala natural e um estudo numérico das vigas ensaiadas em laboratório. Na etapa de caracterização dos materiais o comportamento compósito da alvenaria é analisado por meio de prismas submetidos à compressão em duas direções ortogonais, normal e paralela à junta. Para o estudo das vigas são realizados trinta e sete ensaios, nos quais são avaliadas as influências da geometria, das taxas de armaduras e da relação a/d (em que a é a distância da carga aplicada até o apoio e d é a altura útil) na capacidade resistente ao cisalhamento. Posteriormente, é realizada a modelagem numérica através do software DIANA® com o propósito de complementar as análises dos ensaios. A partir dos resultados experimentais e numéricos pôde-se concluir que, com exceção das vigas com armaduras longitudinais de 10 mm de diâmetro, os demais modelos atingiram a ruína por cisalhamento, devido à ausência de estribos ou pela sua insuficiência. O aumento da taxa de armadura longitudinal de 0,45 para 1,18% resultou em um incremento de 18,4% na resistência ao cisalhamento convencional. Para as duas geometrias (vigas com duas e três fiadas) e as duas relações a/d (0,77 e 1,72), constatou-se que não há uma melhora significativa na capacidade resistente quando a taxa de armadura transversal é aumentada de 0,05 para 0,07%. Os mecanismos resistentes, como o efeito de pino, foram efetivos na resistência dos modelos. Por fim, as análises numéricas reproduziram de forma satisfatória os experimentos, tanto no que diz respeito ao comportamento pré e pós-pico quanto na previsão da força última. / This work is an in depth study about the mechanical behaviour of masonry beams subjected to shear forces. An extensive literature review, which establishes a panorama on the subject, an experimental program considering material characterization and full scale beams tests and a numerical study for the tested beams are presented. For the beams, thirty seven tests are carried out in which the influence of geometry, reinforcements ratio and a/d ratio (where a is the distance from the load to adjacent support and d is the effective depth) on the shear strength are evaluated. Computational modelling is performed using the DIANA® software in order to complement the experimental results. From the experimental and numerical results it was possible to conclude that, except for beams with 10 mm diameter steel bar, the other models failed in shear, due to the absence of stirrups or their insufficiency. An increase in longitudinal reinforcement ratio from 0,45 to 1,18% improved the theoretical shear strength in 18,4%. For the beams with two and three courses and for a/d ratios 0,77 and 1,72 it was found that there is no significant improvement on the load capacity when the transverse reinforcement ratio is increased from 0,05 to 0,07%. Shear strength mechanisms, such as the dowel action, were effective in the models load capacity. Finally, the numerical analyzes satisfactorily reproduced the experiments, regarding to the pre and post-peak behaviour and in the prediction of the ultimate load.

Chimie interstellaire des hydrures d'azote : modélisation - observations / Interstellar nitrogen chemistry

Le Gal, Romane 12 December 2014 (has links)
La nouvelle fenêtre spectroscopique dans le sub-millimétrique, ouverte par l’avènement del’observatoire spatial Herschel, a permis la détection d’espèces azotées simples, les hydruresd’azote NH, NH2 et NH3, dans les enveloppes froides de proto-étoiles. Ces enveloppes sontconstituées de gaz dense et froid caractéristique des conditions physico-chimiques des nuagesmoléculaires. L’observation d’hydrures d’azote dans de tels environnements a donc permis d’apporterde nouvelles contraintes sur la chimie interstellaire de ces nuages, et nous a donné enparticulier l’occasion de ré-explorer la chimie de l’azote.L’objectif de mon travail de thèse a été d’analyser en détail cette chimie interstellaire etprincipalement la formation en phase gazeuse d’espèces polyatomiques simples : les hydruresd’azote. Dans des conditions de gaz dense et froid (n = 104 cm−3, T = 10 K), la chimie de cesderniers est initiée par une chimie lente (la conversion de N en N2 par réactions neutre-neutre),contrairement à celles de ses analogues oxygénés et carbonés. Nous nous sommes particulièrementintéressés à cette étape de la chimie de l’azote, au vu des récents travaux théoriqueset expérimentaux menés par plusieurs équipes d’experts (Bordeaux, Besançon). De plus, lesrécents travaux concernant la conversion ortho-para de l’hydrogène moléculaire et les nouveauxcalculs de rapports de branchement de spins nucléaires pour les voies de production des hydruresd’azote dans leurs configurations ortho et para, menés à l’IPAG, nous ont permis d’entreprendrele calcul auto-cohérent des différentes symétries de spin des hydrures d’azote et de l’hydrogènemoléculaire. Nous avons ainsi pu développer un nouveau réseau chimique de l’azote, bénéficiantdes taux cinétiques les plus à jour pour les réactions critiques impliquées dans la chimie deshydrures d’azote.Ce nouveau réseau est utilisé pour modéliser l’évolution temporelle des abondances desespèces azotées dans des conditions de gaz dense et froid ( 103 < n < 106 cm−3, T ≤ 50 K).Les résultats à l’état stationnaire sont comparés aux observations de NH, NH2 et NH3, dans lesenveloppes froides de proto-étoiles de faible masse, en étudiant l’influence des abondances totalesen phase gazeuse du carbone, de l’oxygène et du soufre. Nos modèles chimiques reproduisent lesabondances des hydrures d’azote observés et leurs rapports pour un rapport C/O élementaire, enphase gazeuse, de ∼ 0.8 et à condition que l’abondance totale de soufre soit déplétée d’au moinsun facteur 2. Les rapports ortho/para prédits par nos modèles, pour NH2 et NH3, respectivement∼ 2.3 et ∼ 0.7, sont compatibles avec les observations de ces derniers dans des nuages diffusfroids. Les abondances des hydrures d’azote, dans des conditions de nuages sombres, sont donccohérentes avec une synthèse purement en phase gazeuse. De plus, nos résultats soulignent lefait que NH provient d’une voie de formation différente de celle de NH2 et NH3. NH vient de larecombinaison dissociative de N2H+ alors que la formation de NH2 et NH3 est principalementdue à la recombinaison dissociative de l’ion ammonium (NH+4 ), lui même molécule fille deN+. Ainsi, NH2 et NH3 procèdent de l’échange de charge dissociatif N2 + He+, tandis que NHprovient de la réaction N2 + H+3 . / The new spectroscopic window opened by the advent of the Herschel Space Observatory,has enabled the detection of simple nitrogen species, the nitrogen hydrides NH, NH2, and NH3,in the cold envelope of protostars. These envelopes are made of dense cold gas characteristicof the physico-chemical conditions of molecular clouds. The observation of nitrogen hydrides insuch environments has brought new constraints on the interstellar chemistry of these kind ofclouds, and gives, in particular, the opportunity to revisit the chemistry of nitrogen.The aim of my thesis was to comprehensively analyse the interstellar chemistry of nitrogen,focussing on the gas-phase formation of the simplest polyatomic species, namely nitrogen hydrides.Under dense, cold gas conditions (n = 104 cm−3, T = 10 K), the chemistry of theselatter is initiated by a slow chemistry (the conversion from N to N2 with neutral-neutral reactions),in contrast to their carbonated and oxygenated analogues. We have investigated andrevisited this specific part of the nitrogen chemistry in the light of recent theoretical and experimentalwork carried out by several expert teams (Bordeaux, Besançon). In addition, recentwork about the ortho-para conversion of molecular hydrogen and new calculations of nuclearspin branching ratios for the production pathways of nitrogen hydrides in their ortho and paraconfigurations conducted at IPAG, enabled us to treat self-consistently the different spin symmetriesof the nitrogen hydrides together with the ortho and para forms of molecular hydrogen.We were able to develop a new network of chemical nitrogen in which the kinetic rates of criticalreactions involved in the nitrogen chemistry have been updated.This new network is used to model the time evolution of the nitrogen species abundancesin dense cold gas conditions (T ≤ 50 K, 103 < n < 106 cm−3). The steady-state resultsare compared to observations of NH, NH2 and NH3 towards a sample of low-mass protostars,with a special emphasis on the influence of the overall amounts of gaseous carbon, oxygen, andsulphur. Our chemical models reproduced the nitrogen hydrides abundances and their ratios fora gas-phase elemental C/O ratio of ∼ 0.8, provided that the total amount of sulphur is depletedby at least a factor of two. Our predicted ortho-to-para ratios for NH2 and NH3, ∼ 2.3 and∼ 0.7 respectively, are in good agreement with the observations towards cold diffuse clouds.Then, in dark gas conditions, the nitrogen hydride abundances are consistent with a pure gasphasesynthesis. Moreover, our results are based on the fact that NH is coming from a differentpathway than NH2 and NH3. NH is the daughter molecule of N2H+, deriving from the reactionN2+H+3 , while NH2 and NH3 proceed from NH+4 , itself daughter molecule of N+, resulting fromthe dissociative charge exchange N2 + He+.

Interprétation structurale et équilibre mécanique : La calcul à la rupture appliqué aux chaînes d'avant-pays. Cas du Jura. / Structural interpretation and mechanical equilibrium : the Limit Analysis applied to fold-and-thrust belts. The Jura case.

Caër, Typhaine 13 September 2016 (has links)
Les chaînes plissées d'avant-pays sont des objets géologiques qui se forment dans un contexte compressif et représentent la partie externe des orogènes.Elles sont composées de nombreuses structures plissées associées à des chevauchements généralement enracinés au sein d'un niveau de décollement peu profond situé dans la partie basale de la couverture sédimentaire. Ces objets géologiques ont été beaucoup étudiés au XXème siècle.Ils ont été modélisés cinématiquement, analogiquement et mécaniquement.S’il est indispensable de tenir compte de l’aspect mécanique en géologie structurale, les modèles mécaniques restent cependant trop peu utilisés par le géologue structuraliste.L'objectif de cette thèse est de montrer comment apporter des contraintes mécaniques à l'étude des structures géologiques, grâce à une théorie mécanique facilement utilisable en géologie structurale.Cette théorie, le calcul à la rupture (Limit Analysis), représente en effet un bon intermédiaire entre les modèles cinématiques et les modèles mécaniques en éléments finis, très complets mais relativement complexes d'utilisation.Nous étudions ici des exemples appartenant à la chaîne plissée d’avant-pays du Jura et utilisons les logiciels Optum G2 et SLAMTec.Nous procédons alors selon deux approches. La première approche, présentée en première partie de ce manuscrit consiste à étudier la déformation passée.Nous nous focalisons sur la région de Saint-Ursanne dans le Nord-Est du Jura, en Suisse et réalisons dans un premier temps une coupe géologique d'une structure que nous étendons ensuite en 3D via une série de coupes balayant l'ensemble de la zone d'étude.Pour réaliser ces coupes nous utilisons à la fois des principes d’équilibrage cinématique, des modélisations mécaniques par calcul à la rupture et des modélisations analogiques en boîte à sable.Nous montrons ainsi l’importance de l’héritage tectonique sur la mise en place des structures de cette région et modélisons mécaniquement l’influence d’un décalage du niveau de décollement par une faille normale héritée, lors d’un épisode compressif ultérieur.Nous montrons alors que ce décalage représente un générateur de failles ainsi qu’un point d’accroche qui ralenti la propagation du front de déformation, contrôlant par ailleurs la direction de la structure qui se développera.Nous montrons également que la topographie joue un rôle majeur dans la mise en place des structures géologiques.Dans la deuxième partie du manuscrit nous abordons une seconde approche qui consiste à étudier la déformation actuelle.Nous changeons cette fois-ci d’échelle pour nous intéresser à la tectonique actuelle de l’ensemble du Jura.Nos modélisations prédisent que cette chaîne plissée, formée par une tectonique de couverture, est aujourd’hui partiellement affectée par une tectonique de socle.Alors que la partie ouest du Jura serait toujours affectée par une tectonique de couverture, le socle devrait aujourd’hui être impliqué dans la déformation au niveau de la partie nord-est.Nous montrons cependant qu’une tectonique de socle n’empêche pas l’activation simultanée des niveaux de décollements situés dans la couverture (les évaporites triasiques, dans le cas du Jura).L’intérêt pratique de ces méthodes est illustré par des questions industrielles : le dernier chapitre présente une étude des coupes géologiques d’un terrain d’étude de la Nagra, situé dans l’est du Jura.Nous regardons la réponse mécanique actuelle en compression de l’interprétation structurale proposée.Les outils numériques utilisés dans l’ensemble de ce travail ont, par ailleurs, fait l’objet d’un tutoriel réalisé dans le cadre d’une mission au sein de l’entreprise Total. / Fold-and-thrust-belts form in a compressive geological context and represent the external part of orogens.They are composed of numerous folds and thrusts generally rooted in a shallow décollement level located in the basal part of the sedimentary cover.These belts have been studied extensively during the XX century. They have been modeled kinematically, analogically and mechanically.The mechanical aspect of deformation must be taken into account in structural geology, but yet, mechanical models remain underused by the structural geologist.The objective of this thesis is to show how to bring mechanical constraints to the study of geological structures with a mechanical theory easily usable in structural geology, the Limit Analysis.This theory represents a good compromise between the kinematic models and the finite element mechanical models, very complete but relatively complicated to use.We study here examples from the Jura fold-and-thrust belt and use the softwares Optum G2 and SLAMTec.We proceed with two different approaches.The first one is presented in the first part of this manuscript and consists in studying the past deformation.We focus on Saint-Ursanne area, in the North-East Switzerland Jura.We construct first a 2D geological cross section of the Mont Terri structure and then we extend this work in 3D by a series of cross sections that scan the whole Saint Ursanne area.These cross-sections are drawn using kinematical rules, mechanical modeling with Limit Analysis and analog sandbox modeling.We show the importance of the tectonic inheritance on the onset of structures in the studied region and we mechanically model the influence of a décollement offset due to an inherited normal fault during a subsequent compressive episode.We show that this offset represents a “fault generator” and a catching point that slows the propagation of the deformation front and furthermore controls the orientation of the structure that develops.We also show that the topography plays a major role in the establishment of geological structures.In the second part of the manuscript we follow a second approach that consists in studying the current deformation.We change of scale and study the current tectonics of the entire Jura.Our models predict that this belt, formed in thin-skin tectonics, is currently partially affected by thick-skin tectonics.The western Jura would be still affected by a thin-skin tectonics, but the basement should be involved in the deformation in the north-east Jura.However, we show that a thick-skin tectonics does not preclude the simultaneous activation of the shallower décollements contained by the sedimentary cover (Triassic evaporites, in the Jura).Practical interest of these methods is illustrated by industrial questions: the last chapter presents a study of geological cross-sections from a studied area of Nagra in the eastern Jura.We look at the current mechanical answer under compression of the proposed structural interpretations.The numerical tools used in this work have been the subject of a tutorial made during a mission at Total company.

Numerical modelling of braiding processes in gravel-bed rivers

Baral, Bishnu Raj January 2018 (has links)
Gravel bed braided rivers are distinctive natural environments that provide a wide range of key environmental, economic and recreational services. There is, however, a growing concern that over the twentieth century, an increasing number of braided rivers have metamorphosed into wandering or single thread channels, representing a loss of key habitats, geodiversity and amenity. While in some situations, shifts in channel pattern may be unambiguously linked to abrupt changes in flow or sediment supply, the lack of a theoretical basis underpinning the development and maintenance of braiding makes identification of the cause and effect of channel metamorphosis hazardous. A growing body of research has suggested that the transition between channel patterns may depend on the poorly understood interaction between the flow regime, sediment supply and vegetation colonisation. Such interactions are governed by critical thresholds, due to changes in flow resistance and bank strength associated with the distribution, form and intensity of vegetation colonisation. Subtle changes in flow or sediment supply that promote vegetation growth or indeed remove it through inundation or attrition. This can lead to complex non-linear shifts in the balance of forces that govern sediment transport and bedform morphodynamics, ultimately resulting in one-way changes in channel morphology. There is, therefore, a critical need to develop a quantitative understanding of these feedbacks in order to design sustainable river management programmes that seek to optimize the ecological and socio-economic benefits these rivers offer. During the last three decades, significant advances in the understanding of the morphodynamics of braided rivers have been made through a combination of field and physical experimentation. More recently, the emerging field of numerical modelling has created a new avenue to investigate the processes that govern channel dynamics. While this methodology offers significant promise through the construction of virtual experiments that examine the spectrum of drivers and responses of river systems, such models require careful and critical evaluation before they can be used to guide management practice. The wider goal of this research is to explore the application of a numerical modelling to investigate the feedbacks associated with the development and maintenance of braiding. Specifically, the state-of-the-art numerical model, BASEMENT, was used to examine channel responses to steady, and unsteady flow regimes, with and without the representation of vegetation. The research focuses on four main contributions: 1. The development of a systematic framework to quantify the evolving form and processes of braided rivers that can be used as part of a comprehensive approach to model validation. 2. Simulation of braiding development and maintenance using BASEMENT under steady flow conditions. Model simulations based on the natural prototype of the braided River Feshie were used to examine the sensitivity of emergent channel morphologies to the model parameterisation, focusing in particular on the representation of bank erosion and gravity-driven sediment transport. A novel multi6metric framework for model validation is presented and the results demonstrate the critical importance of lateral bank migration processes in order to maintain braided morphologies under steady flow. 3. A critical evaluation of the simulation of braiding under different form of steady and unsteady flow regimes is presented. These experiments investigate how the morphodynamics of braiding vary under energetically-normalised flow regimes characterized by differences in hydrograph form (peak discharge and duration). This experiment provides a novel insight into the role of flow variation in the maintenance of braiding. 4. Finally, the feedback between flow regimes, sediment transport and vegetation growth are examined using a novel model of vegetation colonisation and die- back. Four scenarios are presented, a no-vegetation model, one based on low growth rate, one based on an intermediate growth rate, and finally a high growth rate parameterisation. These simulations provide a clear insight into the non-linear processes driving channel evolution and demonstrate how subtle changes in the balance between flow frequency and vegetation growth can lead to divergent channel patterns. In summary, this thesis aims to advance our understanding of the morphodynamics of braided rivers and the role numerical models may have in helping to interrogate their behaviour and governing controls. It is hoped that this work may contribute, albeit in a small way, to advancing the science that promotes the sustainability of these fascinating and valuable environments.

Análise da diluição no Método Câmaras Transversais utilizando modelagem numérica : estudo de caso mina Arenal Deeps

Cordova, Diogo Peixoto January 2016 (has links)
O impacto econômico da diluição não planejada está distribuído no aumento de custos diversos do processo, como carregamento, transporte, britagem e moagem, ocasionando um desperdício na capacidade total de processo. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo inicial quantificar a ocorrência de diluição não planejada existente no hangingwall de uma mina subterrânea de ouro com método Transversal Stope e recuperação de pilares com uso de enchimento cimentado. Posteriormente está o uso de modelagem numérica com o objetivo de reproduzir a ocorrência de diluição, além de proporcionar a verificação e otimização de diferentes geometrias para os stopes. A diluição pode ser atribuída tanto a forma de extração (desenho dos stopes, sequência, perfuração e desmonte), além de problemas geomecânicos (qualidade do maciço, cablebolts e estado tensional). Otimizações para reduzir a diluição não planejada requerem um entendimento de todos esses fatores que afetam direta e indiretamente o ingresso de material estéril do hangingwall nos stopes. Este trabalho tem como foco principal verificar a diluição proveniente de problemas geomecânicos e de desenho dos stopes. As ferramentas utilizadas para analisar e quantificar os fatores de diluição foram: escâner de cavidades (CMS - Cavity Monitoring System) e software 3D capaz de efetuar operações booleanas. A diluição no hangingwall foi quantificada por meio da metodologia do fator ELOS. Para reproduzir a diluição nos stopes foram utilizados modelos numéricos de elementos finitos sendo que cinco stopes primários foram selecionados e utilizados para calibração dos modelos. O volume da zona de relaxamento no hangingwall, produzido pelos modelos, apresentou uma boa correlação com o volume da diluição real, refletindo a realidade dos stopes produzidos na mina. Então, a partir dos modelos calibrados, foram produzidos novos modelos com diferentes geometrias de stopes onde foi possível observar diversas oportunidades de melhorias na redução da diluição do método, fazendose modificações no desenho dos stopes/galerias e nos cablebolts instalados no hangingwall. / The economic impact of unplanned dilution is distributed in an increase in many costs of the process, such as loading, transport, crushing and grinding, resulting in less overall process capability. This work has as main goal quantify the unplanned dilution in the hangingwall of an underground gold mine with pillar less Transversal Stopes method, using cemented rock fill. After, numerical modeling will be used in order to reproduce the occurrence of dilution, and provide verification and optimization of different geometries for stopes. Overbreak can be attributed to both the shape extraction (design of the stopes, sequence, drill and blast), and geotechnical problems (rock quality, cablebolts and tensional state). Efforts to reduce unplanned dilution require an understanding of all these factors that directly and indirectly affect the inflow of waste material from hangingwall to the open stopes. This work is mainly focused on checking the dilution from geomechanical problems and design of the stopes. The main tools used in the analysis of dilution factors were Cavity Monitoring System (CMS) and 3D software able to perform boolean operations. The dilution in the hanging wall was quantified by the ELOS methodology. To reproduce the dilution in the stopes, numerical finite element models were used and five primary stopes were selected as calibration models. The volume of the relaxation zone at the hanging wall, produced by the models, showed good correlation with the volume of actual dilution, reflecting the reality of stopes produced at the mine. Then, from the calibrated models were produced new models with different stopes geometries where we could see several opportunities for improvement in reducing the dilution of the method, making some modifications to the design of the stopes/galleries and in cablebolts of the hangingwall.

Estudo teórico e experimental da interação de paredes de alvenaria estrutural submetidas a ações verticais / Theoretical and experimental study of the interaction of structural masonry walls subjected to vertical loading

Capuzzo Neto, Valentim 05 May 2000 (has links)
No Brasil há uma crescente demanda por projetos de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural, com a progressiva elevação do número de pavimentos, impondo a necessidade de aprimoramento dos modelos de cálculo. Uma questão pouco estudada é o comportamento da interseção de paredes sob carregamento vertical, fenômeno que influencia a distribuição das ações ao longo da altura do edifício. Alguns autores admitem a transferência de forças de uma parede para outra, desde que haja o intertravamento dos blocos ao longo das interfaces das paredes. Há pelo menos duas formas de considerar a interação no dimensionamento estrutural: durante a distribuição das ações verticais ou na consideração do enrijecimento da parede. Para verificar esta interação das paredes e investigar a taxa de transferência de força foram realizados ensaios em escala real no laboratório de estruturas da EESC-USP. Realizou-se a modelagem numérica via MEF dos painéis de alvenaria ensaiados, para comparação do comportamento. Estendeu-se esta modelagem a outros painéis de alvenaria, variando-se suas dimensões, para a determinação das taxas de transferência de forças entre paredes. / In Brazil there is an increasing demand for high rise structural masonry buildings design which imposes the necessity to refine design models. One of the phenomenon on which little interest has been directed is the behaviour of wall intersections under vertical load, a phenomenon that influences the distribution of forces along the height of the building. Some authors argue that there is a transfer of forces from one wall to another in as much as there exist interlocking between the blocks along the wall interface. There are at least two ways to consider the interaction of walls in the structural design: during the distribution of the vertical load or on considering the stiffening of the wall. In order to verify the interaction of wall and thus investigate the force transfer ratio, full-scale specimens were tested at the EESC-USP laboratory. The tested panels were also modelled numerically by the FEM in order to compare with results from laboratory tests. The propose numerical model was then extended to structural masonry panels of varying dimensions in order to determine the force transfer ratio between structural masonry walls.

Impact des processus de surface sur la déformation actuelle des Pyrénées et des Alpes / Non renseigné

Genti, Manon 03 December 2015 (has links)
Lorsque l’extension de la croûte sous les parties hautes des chaînes de montagnes est colinéaire à la direction de convergence, il est traditionnellement admis que le moteur est l’effondrement gravitaire. Pourtant, des études récentes remettent en cause ce paradigme en montrant que l’érosion induit un soulèvement et de l’extension dans la partie centrale des chaînes de montagne à faible taux de convergence. L’objectif de notre étude est d’étudier l’impact de la dénudation de la topographie sur le régime sismo-tectonique des chaînes de montagnes.La première partie de ce travail présente une compilation de données dans les chaînes de montagnes afin de dégager des relations entre régime sismo-tectonique et érosion. Sur la base de ces observations, un modèle cinématique simple permettant de prévoir le régime de la chaîne est proposé. Ainsi, pour les chaînes à faible taux de convergence et d’élévation moyenne, ce modèle prédit de l’extension lorsque le taux de dénudation est 15% plus élevé que le taux de convergence.La deuxième partie est consacrée au développement d’un modèle thermo-mécanique 2D en éléments finis pour étudier l’impact des processus de surface sur la déformation des Pyrénées. Les résultats montrent que la réponse isostatique à l’érosion permet de réactiver des structures pré-existantes. La cinématique d’un plan de faille hérité peut être prédite grâce au gradient du profil des vitesses de surface horizontales. Ainsi, un plan situé dans la zone d’érosion est réactivé en faille normale alors qu’en bordure de cette zone une faille est réactivée en régime inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la déformation actuelle des Pyrénées pourrait être la conséquence d’un processus d’érosion.Compte tenu du faible nombre d’études quantifiant les taux d’érosion dans les Pyrénées, les modèles développés dans la deuxième partie souffrent d’une forte incertitude. Pour y remédier, nous avons cherché à les quantifier dans les Pyrénées Centrales grâce à une étude qui combine deux types de données : taux de dénudation des bassins versants à partir des isotopes cosmogéniques, et vitesses d’incision à partir des sédiments piégés dans les karsts). Ces résultats sont présentés dans la troisième partie. Les profils de dénudation obtenus sont compatibles avec un rejeu en faille normale d’un plan situé dans la Zone Nord Pyrénéenne des Pyrénées Centrales. Dans les Alpes, une bonne corrélation apparaît entre la valeur du taux d’érosion et la vitesse verticale géodésique, ce qui pose la question de l’impact de la déglaciation tardi-Wurmienne dans les Alpes sur la déformation actuelle. Un modèle numérique détaillant cette relation est présenté dans le quatrième chapitre. Les résultats montrent que la déglaciation des Alpes occidentales est contrôlée par l’hétérogénéité rhéologique de la croute. Certains de nos modèles prédisent des vitesses de surrection compatibles avec celles mises en évidence par la géodésie. / When mountain ranges upper parts express crustal extension direction collinear to the convergence direction, it is traditionally accepted that the extensive motor is gravitational collapse. However, recent studies challenge this paradigm by showing that erosion induces uplift and extension in the central part of the low convergent mountain ranges. Our goal is to investigate the impact of the denudation on the seismotectonic regime of mountain ranges.In order to identify a relationship between seismotectonic regime and erosion, the first part of this work presents a compilation of data in the mountain ranges. Based on these observations, a simple kinematic model is proposed to predict the seismotectonic regime of the chain. Thus, for low convergence rate chains with a moderate mean elevation, this model predicts an extension regime when the denudation rate is 15% higher than the convergence rate.The second part is devoted to the development of thermomechanical 2D finite element model to study the impact of surface processes on the deformation of the Pyrenees. The results show that the isostatic response to erosion reactivates pre-existing structures. The kinematics of an inherited fault plane can be predicted due to the gradient of the horizontal surface velocities profile. Thus, a plane located in the eroded zone is reactivated in normal fault when in a border area of this same plane is reactivated in reverse fault. These results suggest that the current deformation in the North Pyrenean Zone could be the result of surface processes.Given the small number of studies quantifying erosion rates in the Pyrenees, the models developed in the second part suffer from high uncertainty. To remedy this, we sought to quantify it in the central Pyrenees through a study that combines two types of data: watershed denudation rates from cosmogenic isotopes concentration, and incision rates from sediments buried in the karst. These results are presented in chapter 3. Denudation profiles obtained are consistent with a replay of a normal fault plane located in the North Zone of the Central Pyrenees.In the Alps, a good correlation appears between the value of the rate of erosion and geodetic vertical velocities, which raises the question of the impact of the late-würmian deglaciation in the Alps on the present deformation. A numerical model detailing this relationship is presented in the fourth chapter. The results show that deglaciation of the western Alps is controlled by the rheological heterogeneity of the crust. Some of our models predict uplift rates consistent with those highlighted by geodesy.

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