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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploration of selected academic and demographic factors influencing attrition and retention of baccalaureate nursing students

Vincent, Jane E. January 1992 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine which academic and demographic factors predict students' achievement in the nursing major of a baccalaureate program. Records of 128 full time subjects were examined to extract the factors selected to be included in the analysis.Data pertaining to each independent variable were organized into three distinct groups based on the known performance of each subject following certification. One group passed all course work in the nursing major; one group failed one or more courses in the nursing major delaying completion; and one group was no longer enrolled. To investigate the differences in the group membership, discriminant function analyses were performed to examine academic and demographic predictors. A classification technique was utilized to test the adequacy of each discriminant function analysis. All classification analyses were 72.3 percent and above in probability level.Two null hypotheses guided this study: Hypothesis I proposed that academic factors do not predict attrition and/or retention in a baccalaureate nursing program; and Hypothesis II proposed that demographic factors do not interact with academic factors in predicting success. Hypothesis I was rejected , and Hypothesis II was not fully accepted based on discriminant function analyses.The following conclusions were identified from the findings of this study:1. Grade point averages in the required prerequisite courses predicted group membership (achievement) in the nursing major.2. Grade point averages of 3.0 during progression in the nursing major predicted membership in a group defined as continuing successfully in the first attempt of course work and graduating on time.3. Grade point averages of less than 3.0 following the first semester in the nursing major predicted membership in a group defined as failing at least one course, or perhaps predict membership in a group that will experience attrition.4. Ethnicity made a significant contribution with academic factors to predicting group membership for achievement.These results suggest that nursing educators and counselors need to consider the importance of not only closely monitoring each subject's semester grade point average, but also referring the identified problem to the appropriate service provider for intervention.3 / Department of Educational Leadership

An Examination of Locus of Control, Personality Traits, and Selected Demographic Variables as Factors Relating to the Success of First-Year Students in an Associate Degree Nursing Program

Bell, Bob J. 08 1900 (has links)
Two major purposes existed for this study. The first purpose was to compare how persisters and nonpersisters in the first year of a two-year nursing program differed in locus of control, selected personality traits, and seven demographic variables. The second major purpose was to develop a predictive model for the persisters and the nonpersisters. The particular personality variables examined were intelligence, superego strength, extraversion, anxiety, tough poise, and independence as measured by the 16PF. The summary findings were that persisters had significantly higher scores on the NDRT and the B and G traits, significantly lower externality, and were generally younger with no previous nursing experience, and more likely not to have prekindergarten age children than the nonpersisters. The major significance of this research comes from its use of data gathered at the beginning of an educational program to make predictions which can be available to teachers, counselors, and administrators who may make use of the information to improve the chance potential nonpersisters have of completing the nursing program, or perhaps to assist students in reexamination of their career choice.

Enfrentamento do bullying na escola: o Teatro do Oprimido como estratégia de intervenção / Facing bullying in school: the Theater of the Oppressed as intervention strategy

Lidiane Cristina da Silva Alencastro 12 April 2018 (has links)
Bullying escolar é definido como comportamentos negativos e/ou agressivos de intimidação que são realizados intencionalmente e repetidamente, marcado pelo desequilíbrio de poder entre vítimas e agressores. Sem motivação aparente, o fenômeno pode se manifestar nas formas física, verbal e/ou psicológica, implicando diretamente o desenvolvimento dos estudantes devido aos seus efeitos negativos e a suas altas taxas de ocorrência. Ele é caracterizado, ainda, como grave problema de Saúde Pública. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção educativa na ocorrência do bullying entre adolescentes escolares de Cuiabá-MT, por meio de oficinas de dramatização baseadas na metodologia do Teatro do Oprimido. Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, em que oficinas foram realizadas com um grupo (grupo- intervenção) e se estabeleceu um grupo-comparação. Participaram do estudo adolescentes que estudavam no 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas de Cuiabá-MT, selecionados a partir de resultados de pesquisa anterior. Em uma escola ocorreu a intervenção e na outra se constituiu o grupo-comparação. Os dois grupos foram avaliados três vezes para obter os seguintes índices: 1) base de referência antes da intervenção, 2) medida de primeiro efeito ao final da intervenção (pós-intervenção), e 3) medida após seis meses do fim da intervenção (follow up), totalizando um acompanhamento total de oito meses. Na intervenção, os adolescentes vivenciaram jogos grupais, propostos e criados por Augusto Boal e participaram da organização e apresentação de uma encenação de Teatro Fórum. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e a Escala de Agressão e Vitimização entre Pares. Para análise dos dados foi realizado teste de qui-quadrado para as variáveis sociodemográficas, teste t para comparação entre os grupos-intervenção e comparação, frequência e porcentagem para descrever as variáveis entre os tempos e foi considerado nível de significância de 5% (p>0,05). Os resultados apontaram que, logo após a intervenção, a vitimização física direta reduziu significativamente. No seguimento (follow up), essa redução foi identificada na agressão e vitimização físicas diretas. Destaca-se, também, que a escola-comparação apresentou aumento significativo do bullying, em todas suas formas de manifestação, no momento do follow up. No que diz respeito à forma de manifestação da agressão física direta, a intervenção foi mais eficaz na redução significativa do ato de xingar e provocar colegas, enquanto a vitimização física direta de ser xingado por colegas, na fase pós-intervenção, e de ser provocado por colegas, apenas revelou eficácia no período de seguimento (follow up). O presente estudo se apresenta como a primeira intervenção antibullying pautada em oficinas de dramatização, com a técnica do Teatro do Oprimido, no cenário nacional. Desse modo, na pesquisa em tela, pôde-se confirmar a tese de que adolescentes estudantes do Ensino Médio que participaram de uma intervenção educativa de dramatização, com base no Teatro do Oprimido, apresentaram melhor enfrentamento do bullying, com resultados positivos na redução de sua ocorrência / School bullying is defined as negative and / or aggressive behaviors of bullying that are carried out intentionally and repeatedly, marked by the imbalance of power between victims and aggressors. Without apparent motivation, the phenomenon can manifest itself in physical, verbal and / or psychological forms, directly implying student development due to its negative effects and high occurrence rates. It is also characterized as a serious public health problem. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the effects of an educational intervention on the occurrence of bullying among school adolescents in Cuiabá-MT, through drama workshops based on the methodology of the Theater of the Oppressed. It is a quasi-experimental study, in which workshops were carried out with a group (intervention group) and a comparison group was established. The study included adolescents who studied in the 1st Year of High School of two public schools in Cuiabá-MT, selected from previous research results. In one school the intervention occurred and in the other the comparison group was constituted. The two groups were evaluated three times to obtain the following indices: 1) baseline before intervention, 2) first-effect measure at the end of the intervention (postintervention), and 3) measured after six months of the end of intervention ( follow up), totaling a total of eight months. In the intervention, the adolescents experienced group games, proposed and created by Augusto Boal and participated in the organization and presentation of a Theater Forum staging. In the data collection, a sociodemographic characterization questionnaire and the Aggression and Victimization Scale among Peers were used. The chi-square test was used for sociodemographic variables, t-test for comparison between intervention groups and comparison, frequency and percentage to describe the variables between the times, and a significance level of 5% (p> 0.05). The results showed that, shortly after the intervention, direct physical victimization reduced significantly. In follow-up, this reduction was identified in direct physical aggression and victimization. It is also worth noting that school-comparison showed a significant increase in bullying, in all its forms of manifestation, at the time of follow up. Regarding the form of manifestation of direct physical aggression, the intervention was more effective in reducing significantly the act of cursing and provoking colleagues, while the direct physical victimization of being cursed by colleagues in the postintervention phase and of being provoked by colleagues, only showed efficacy in the follow-up period. The present study is presented as the first antibullying intervention based on drama workshops, with the technique of the Theater of the Oppressed, in the national scenario. Thus, in the screen survey, it was possible to confirm the thesis that adolescents of high school students who participated in an educational intervention of dramatization, based on the Theater of the Oppressed, presented a better confrontation of bullying, with positive results in the reduction of their occurrence

Student Retention Efforts iIn Generic Baccalaureate Schools Of Nursing

Okimi, Patricia H. 12 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study are to identify student retention strategies in generic baccalaureate schools of nursing and their supporting institutions to determine if these strategies vary according to identified characteristics of the school of nursing and its supporting institution and to determine the perceived effectiveness of the strategies. Data were collected from 313 administrative heads of schools of nursing that offer generic baccalaureate programs accredited by the National League for Nursing; 217 returned usable questionnaires constituted a national response rate of 69.3 per cent. Frequency distribution and the chi-square test of independence, significant at the .05 level, were used for statistical treatment of the data.

Male nurses: Gender -based barriers in nursing school

Le-Hinds, Nho 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study used three research questions to analyze the barriers male nurses and male nursing students encountered in their nursing education. Further comparison was made between the results of this study and earlier studies using the same survey and recently graduated respondents versus respondents who had been out of nursing school for longer. The findings for this study indicate barriers for male nurses in their nursing program still exist. Nurses are still referred to primarily as "she," there is little to no content on men's contributions to nursing, male nursing students still have difficulty in their Obstetrics clinical rotation, male nurses and nursing students continue to be anxious regarding accusations of sexual inappropriateness when caring for female patients, and male nurses and male nursing students feel like they have to prove themselves because people still expect nurses to be females. Some barriers appear to not be present for most male nurses. The respondents reported feeling accepted by their peers. Respondents were encouraged to strive for leadership roles. People close to the respondents were supportive of their decision to enter nursing. Recommendations for changes in the nursing curriculum were made to help better support men in nursing school. Nursing school administrators can also use the results from this study to help decrease gender-based barriers, which may decrease male nursing students' high attrition rate.

Educação em saúde: análise do ensino na graduação em enfermagem no estado de São Paulo / Health education: analysis of the teaching in nursing graduation courses in the state of São Paulo

Almeida, Alva Helena de 15 December 2009 (has links)
O estudo analisou, na perspectiva da Saúde Coletiva, o ensino de educação em saúde em quatro cursos de graduação no estado de São Paulo, de instituições públicas e privadas. Tratou-se de pesquisa de caráter exploratório-descritivo-analítico, de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou análise documental e entrevista semi-estruturada, com base em roteiro. A análise dos resultados seguiu os passos da análise de conteúdo e identificação de núcleos temáticos. Treze foram os sujeitos pesquisados, sendo a maioria de mulheres, com doutorado, que reconheceram a necessidade e buscaram a formação para o desempenho do papel de docente; percebem o trabalho como dinâmico e estimulante para mudanças próprias e nos alunos. Utilizaram diferentes referenciais teóricos para abordagem educativa, cujo adensamento nem sempre se fez acompanhar da análise crítica das implicações nas práticas assistenciais dos alunos e para a população. O trabalho educativo contribuiu para a formação majoritária de profissionais mais sensíveis à problemática social e à diversidade cultural da população; mais abertos para a escuta das necessidades em saúde dos indivíduos, com potencialidade para a prestação de assistência integral, conhecedor da estrutura assistencial do SUS, dispostos a compartilhar conhecimentos e a continuar aprendendo. Os resultados evidenciam ainda que o ensino desenvolvido permanece vinculado ao modelo biomédico preventivo, e que as concepções de educação crítica e as práticas educativas populares são escassas, por um lado, devido à deficitária formação política dos docentes, por outro, em conseqüência do enfrentamento de um contexto acadêmico de implementação do ideário neoliberal. As mudanças curriculares empreendidas nas Instituições carecem de articulações intra e intersetoriais para viabilizar as transformações necessárias. Esperam os agentes docentes que a enfermagem alcance maior grau de autonomia, realize mudanças na sua prática social a fim de beneficiar-se da potencialidade que possui para o desenvolvimento das ações educativas e que estas ações sejam desenvolvidas por todas as profissões da saúde / The study has analyzed, from the perspective of public health, the teaching of educational actions in health care in four graduation courses in São Paulo, both in public and in private institutions. It has dealt with research of an exploratory-descriptive-analytical character, with a qualitative approach and has used documental analysis and semi-structured interviews based on a plan of action. The analysis of results followed the steps of the content analysis and the identification of thematic nuclei. Thirteen subjects were interviewed, most of them women with a doctors degree who acknowledged the need for education and looked for it to perform the role of professors; they view the work as dynamic and stimulating leading to changes both in themselves and in the students. They used different theoretical references for educational approach, whose density was not always followed by the critical analysis of the implications in health care practices of students and the population. The educational work has contributed for the education of the majority of professionals who were more sensitive to social problems and to the populations cultural diversity; more open to listening to the needs of individuals in terms of health, with the potential for integral assistance service, who were aware of the SUS assistance structure and willing to share their knowledge and to go on learning. The results also show that the teaching developed is still linked to the preventive biomedical pattern, and that critical education concepts and popular educational practices are rare, on the one side, due to the deficient political education of professors, and on the other, as a consequence of having to face the academic context of the implementation of neoliberal ideas. The changes in curriculum performed in institutions lack intra and inter sectorial articulations so as to make necessary changes possible. Professors expect nursing to reach a higher degree of autonomy, to perform changes in its social practice so as to benefit from the potential it has for the development of educational actions, and that these actions are developed by all health professionals

Educação em saúde: análise do ensino na graduação em enfermagem no estado de São Paulo / Health education: analysis of the teaching in nursing graduation courses in the state of São Paulo

Alva Helena de Almeida 15 December 2009 (has links)
O estudo analisou, na perspectiva da Saúde Coletiva, o ensino de educação em saúde em quatro cursos de graduação no estado de São Paulo, de instituições públicas e privadas. Tratou-se de pesquisa de caráter exploratório-descritivo-analítico, de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou análise documental e entrevista semi-estruturada, com base em roteiro. A análise dos resultados seguiu os passos da análise de conteúdo e identificação de núcleos temáticos. Treze foram os sujeitos pesquisados, sendo a maioria de mulheres, com doutorado, que reconheceram a necessidade e buscaram a formação para o desempenho do papel de docente; percebem o trabalho como dinâmico e estimulante para mudanças próprias e nos alunos. Utilizaram diferentes referenciais teóricos para abordagem educativa, cujo adensamento nem sempre se fez acompanhar da análise crítica das implicações nas práticas assistenciais dos alunos e para a população. O trabalho educativo contribuiu para a formação majoritária de profissionais mais sensíveis à problemática social e à diversidade cultural da população; mais abertos para a escuta das necessidades em saúde dos indivíduos, com potencialidade para a prestação de assistência integral, conhecedor da estrutura assistencial do SUS, dispostos a compartilhar conhecimentos e a continuar aprendendo. Os resultados evidenciam ainda que o ensino desenvolvido permanece vinculado ao modelo biomédico preventivo, e que as concepções de educação crítica e as práticas educativas populares são escassas, por um lado, devido à deficitária formação política dos docentes, por outro, em conseqüência do enfrentamento de um contexto acadêmico de implementação do ideário neoliberal. As mudanças curriculares empreendidas nas Instituições carecem de articulações intra e intersetoriais para viabilizar as transformações necessárias. Esperam os agentes docentes que a enfermagem alcance maior grau de autonomia, realize mudanças na sua prática social a fim de beneficiar-se da potencialidade que possui para o desenvolvimento das ações educativas e que estas ações sejam desenvolvidas por todas as profissões da saúde / The study has analyzed, from the perspective of public health, the teaching of educational actions in health care in four graduation courses in São Paulo, both in public and in private institutions. It has dealt with research of an exploratory-descriptive-analytical character, with a qualitative approach and has used documental analysis and semi-structured interviews based on a plan of action. The analysis of results followed the steps of the content analysis and the identification of thematic nuclei. Thirteen subjects were interviewed, most of them women with a doctors degree who acknowledged the need for education and looked for it to perform the role of professors; they view the work as dynamic and stimulating leading to changes both in themselves and in the students. They used different theoretical references for educational approach, whose density was not always followed by the critical analysis of the implications in health care practices of students and the population. The educational work has contributed for the education of the majority of professionals who were more sensitive to social problems and to the populations cultural diversity; more open to listening to the needs of individuals in terms of health, with the potential for integral assistance service, who were aware of the SUS assistance structure and willing to share their knowledge and to go on learning. The results also show that the teaching developed is still linked to the preventive biomedical pattern, and that critical education concepts and popular educational practices are rare, on the one side, due to the deficient political education of professors, and on the other, as a consequence of having to face the academic context of the implementation of neoliberal ideas. The changes in curriculum performed in institutions lack intra and inter sectorial articulations so as to make necessary changes possible. Professors expect nursing to reach a higher degree of autonomy, to perform changes in its social practice so as to benefit from the potential it has for the development of educational actions, and that these actions are developed by all health professionals

Throughput rate of nursing students in the Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences at a university of technology

Jeptha, Ingrid Daphney January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2008. / The Peninsula Technikon and Cape Technikon merged at the beginning of 2005 and became the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). The University consists of six faculties, namely the faculty of: Applied Sciences, Business Studies, Education, Engineering, Health and Wellness Sciences, and Informatics and Design. The high failure rate in the undergraduate nursing course in the faculty of Health and Wellness Science at CPUT, mooted this research due to the devastating impact student failure has on society as a whole. The academic selection criteria and its impact on throughput rates in particular as it pertains to undergraduate nurses enrolled for the 4 year B.Tech qualification, will become the subject of research scrutiny. Descriptive research will be conducted in this dissertation, which will take place in the social world, will be theoretical in nature using both phenomenological and positivistic research paradigms. Case study research will serve as the research method

Acidente com material biológico: risco, perfil e preparo do acadêmico de enfermagem / Accidents with biohazards: risk, profile and preparation of the nursing student

Cardoso, Najara Queiroz 28 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-09-08T19:20:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Najara Queiroz Cardoso - 2015.pdf: 1212319 bytes, checksum: a62a2b81c0b362c4946fa4a9bcf79f92 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-09-08T19:20:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Najara Queiroz Cardoso - 2015.pdf: 1212319 bytes, checksum: a62a2b81c0b362c4946fa4a9bcf79f92 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T19:20:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Najara Queiroz Cardoso - 2015.pdf: 1212319 bytes, checksum: a62a2b81c0b362c4946fa4a9bcf79f92 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / For nursing staff the biohazard is a major concern with physical and emotional impact on the health of these workers, with the graduates of this area under the same risk. The objectives of this study were to analyze the epidemiology of accidents with biological material involving nursing students in the scientific literature; describe the frequency and profile of accidents with biological material among nursing students of a higher education institution; identify activities of academic practice considered risk for accidents with biological material in the view of nursing graduates; characterize the preparation of the nursing academic front of an accident with biological material. This study results were presented in the form of two articles, the first being an integrative review of the literature on accidents involving biological material among nursing students, the descriptor available in the Descriptors in Health Sciences of the Virtual Health Library and the Medical Subject Headings in the PUBMED electronic databases Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), no time frame. They found 1849 articles, these 37 met the inclusion criteria. The investigated items showed that the profile of accidents with biological material among undergraduate students follow the same profile of affected by nursing professionals and are associated with the lack of biosecurity measures, post-exposure recommendations and other factors intrinsic to the vocational training process . The second article was a cross-sectional descriptive study by means of an electronic questionnaire with the third nursing students the tenth periods of a public institution of higher education in the state of Goiás. The study was approved under protocol nº414258. The study included 126 undergraduate students with a mean age of 21.6 years. Among the activities of nursing practice the sharps handling was the most cited (64.4%) and 98.4% of the students said to have received prior guidance on the possibility of contact with body fluids during the course of practical activities. However, most did not know how to describe the post-exposure measures. There were four accidents (3.2%), more frequent exposure of the ocular mucosa (75.0%) with the blood longer present as biological material. Two students reported accidents to teachers who have followed all recommended behaviors. It was found that the communication of the accident to the teacher resulted in adherence to recommended post-exposure measures. / Para a equipe de enfermagem o risco biológico representa uma grande preocupação com impacto físico e emocional na saúde desses trabalhadores, estando os acadêmicos desta área sob o mesmo risco. Os objetivos desse estudo foram: analisar a epidemiologia dos acidentes com material biológico envolvendo acadêmicos de enfermagem na literatura científica; descrever a frequência e o perfil dos acidentes com material biológico entre acadêmicos de enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior; identificar atividades da prática acadêmica considerada risco para ocorrência de acidentes com material biológico na opinião de acadêmicos de enfermagem; caracterizar o preparo do acadêmico de enfermagem frente a um acidente com material biológico. Os resultados do estudo foram apresentados na forma de dois artigos, sendo o primeiro uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre acidente com material biológico entre acadêmicos de enfermagem, foram utilizados os descritores disponíveis no Descritores em Ciências da Saúde da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e no Medical Subject Headings da PUBMED nas bases de dados eletrônicos Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), sem recorte temporal. Foram encontrados 1849 artigos, desses 37 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Os artigos investigados evidenciaram que o perfil dos acidentes com material biológico entre os acadêmicos seguem o mesmo perfil dos acometidos por profissionais de enfermagem e estão associados ao desconhecimento das medidas de biossegurança, as recomendações pós-exposição e a outros fatores intrínsecos ao processo de formação profissional. O segundo artigo foi um estudo transversal, descritivo realizado por meio de um questionário eletrônico com acadêmicos de enfermagem do terceiro ao décimo períodos de uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior do Estado de Goiás. O estudo foi aprovado sob protocolo nº 414.258. Participaram do estudo 126 acadêmicos com média de idade de 21,6 anos. Dentre as atividades da prática de enfermagem o manuseio de perfurocortante foi a mais citada (64,4%) e 98,4% dos acadêmicos afirmaram a ter recebido orientação prévia sobre a possibilidade de entrar em contato com secreções orgânicas durante a realização das atividades práticas. No entanto, a maioria não soube descrever as medidas pós-exposições. Aconteceram quatro acidentes (3,2%), com exposição mais frequente da mucosa ocular (75,0%) tendo o sangue como material biológico mais presente. Dois alunos informaram os acidentes aos docentes, que seguiram todas as condutas recomendadas. Verificou-se que a comunicação do acidente ao docente resultou na adesão às medidas pós-exposição recomendadas.

A National Study of Retention Efforts at Institutions of Higher Education with Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Programs

Catalano, Joseph T. 12 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with the problem of determining the status of.specific student retention efforts at the departmental and institutional levels in institutions of higher education offering baccalaureate degrees in nursing. The purposes of the study include (1) the determination of the percentages of those institutions which have specific programs to increase student retention in place and functioning at the various administrative levels, (2) the determination of those aspects of the many possible retention efforts that are being utilized, (3) identification of those retention efforts which may be most effective, and (4) comparison of retention rates between those institutions with organized retention programs and those without these programs. The population of the study is composed of all 430 of the National League for Nursing (NLN) accredited, Registered Nurse Baccalaureate Degree programs in the United States. The specially designed survey instrument produced a 62 percent response return. Response frequencies and percentages were calculated to show the relative success rates of various retention efforts. In addition, the data were subjected to several statistical procedures to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the various types and levels of retention efforts. The findings indicate that the presence of an organized and functioning program to increase student retention does produce a statistically significant increase in the mean retention rate for those institutions with such programs as compared with those institutions without organized retention programs. This significant increase was constant across the three types or levels of retention programs surveyed (departmental level only, university level only, both university and departmental levels). The majority of the respondents (55.5 percent) do have retention programs in place and functioning at some level in their institutions. Of the six major areas of retention efforts listed on the questionnaire, the area dealing the "Administrative Activities" to increase student retention was present most often among that group of respondents with the highest retention rates.

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