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Nursing students´attitudes towards domestic violence : a quantitative study at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, Moshi,TanzaniaBlideman, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Gender-based violence is a widespread health problem all over the world and in Tanzania, domestic violence and rape within marriage are widely spread. Since nursing students are likely to meet abused women within their future profession, it is important to explore their attitudes towards the subject. The aim with the study was to describe nursing students' attitudes towards domestic violence. The method used was descriptive, quantitative and the instrument used was a questionnaire containing questions from Domestic Violence Blame Scale (DVBS) and Domestic Violence Myths Acceptance Scale (DVMAS), two selfconstructed questions were also added. The respondents (n=30) were nursing students at KCM College, in Moshi Tanzania. The result shows that the general opinion among the students was that the likeliness of domestic violence to occur was affected by situational factors, such as family living conditions. Almost half of the respondents strongly agreed that the Tanzanian society was male-dominated, and that it contributes to the occurrence of domestic violence and many of the students thought that women instigate domestic violence and that they have themselves to blame. Since the result shows that many of the students seem not to fully understand the mechanisms of domestic violence and that they tend to blame the victim for the crime it is essential with more education on the subject. / Våld mot kvinnor är ett omfattande hälsoproblem över hela världen och i Tanzania är våld mot kvinnor, såsom våld i nära relationer och våldtäkt inom äktenskapet, vida spritt. Eftersom sjuksköterskestudenter troligtvis kommer att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor i sitt framtida yrke är det viktigt att undersöka deras attityder kring ämnet. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Metoden för studien var deskriptiv, kvantitativ och instrumentet som använts är ett frågeformulär med frågor från Domestic Violence Blame Scale (DVBS) och Domestic Violence Myths Acceptance Scale (DVMAS), samt två frågor tillagda av författaren till studien. Respondenterna (n=30) var sjuksköterskestudenter på KCM College, I Moshi Tanzania. Resultatet visar att den generella åsikten bland studenterna var att situationen, som till exempel familjeförhållanden påverkar sannolikheten för att våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer ska uppstå. Knappt hälften av respondenterna höll med om att samhället är mansdominerat, vilket bidrar till förekomsten av våld mot kvinnor och många av studenterna tyckte att våld i nära relationer är en konsekvens av kvinnans eget beteende och att hon får skylla sig själv. Eftersom resultatet visar att många av studenterna inte fullt förstod mekanismerna kring våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer, och att de tenderade till att skuldbelägga kvinnan för brottet, är mer utbildning i ämnet av högsta vikt.
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Ethical Reasoning Among Baccalaureate Female Nursing StudentsSwanson, Jacqueline V. (Jacqueline Viola) 08 1900 (has links)
The focus for this study was ethical reasoning among baccalaureate female nursing students. This descriptive and correlational study examined the ethical reasoning of freshmen and senior students at a large southwestern university for women.
The research instrument used was the Defining Issues Test developed by Rest. The senior nursing students differed significantly (p < ,05) from the freshmen nursing students in ethical reasoning. However, nursing majors did not differ significantly from the non-nursing majors.
A multiple regression analysis was performed that identified two factors associated with ethical reasoning (viz., age and GPA), The correlation coefficients were r= .377 for age and P_ score and r= .315 for GPA and P score. Older students were found to be significantly more advanced in ethical reasoning than were younger students. Students with higher GPAs used principled reasoning significantly more often than did students with lower GPAs.
Of interest are the findings related to demographic characteristics, ethnicity, and religious preference. The sample was predominantly white, but a significant difference in use of principled reasoning between whites and non-whites was found. In the sample, whites used ethical reasoning more often than did non-whites.
The students in the sample who labeled themselves as Baptists were significantly different from Traditional Christians (Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and members of the Church of Christ) and Other Christians (all others, excluding Baptists, Catholics, and the Traditional Christians). The Baptist group used principled reasoning less often than did the other two groups of Christians. The Catholics were not significantly different from the Baptist, Traditional Christian, or Other Christian groups. The results are ambiguous and may reflect only a conservative philosophy or a conservative theological ideology rather than cognitive processing.
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Relationships Between Early Academic Indicators and Accelerated-Baccalaureate Student Nurse SuccessWhite, Bonnie J. 01 January 2017 (has links)
In 2013, the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses' (NCLEX-RN) passing standard was increased, leading to a decrease in NCLEX-RN pass rates. The passing standard increase was prompted by an advisory panel's determination that a gap in safe, competent practice existed among new graduate nurses. New graduates' success on NCLEX-RN is critical to meet workplace demand for new nurses. The purpose of this study was to examine whether cumulative grade point average at completion of 200-level nursing courses and scores on the standardized final exam in the 200-level fundamentals course were related to on-time nursing program completion and a Health Education Systems, Inc. Exit Exam score of 900 or higher. Research questions specific to relationships between early academic indicators and accelerated-baccalaureate student nurse success guided this explanatory correlational study. Classical test theory provided the framework for understanding the relationship between an observed score on an examination and an underlying proficiency that is unobserved. Archival data from a nonprobability convenience sample of 842 accelerated-baccalaureate nursing students at a university who graduated between 2011 and 2014 were analyzed using point-biserial correlation. Statistically significant, moderate positive relationships were found between early academic indicators and accelerated-baccalaureate student nurse success. A remediation curriculum has been developed as a recommended intervention. Curriculum promoting student retention can contribute to social change by improving student success and producing a more competent nursing workforce. These successes are important to retaining diverse students and addressing health disparities in the larger patient community.
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Self-Efficacy and Cultural Competency Assessment of the Associate Degree Nursing StudentHartman, Deborah Smith 01 January 2017 (has links)
Effective nursing care can be threatened when nurses are not culturally attuned with their patients. Associate degree nursing (ADN) students receive information about diverse ethnicities in the nursing curriculum, but it may not be sufficient to provide the expertise necessary to care for patients of various cultural backgrounds. The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore the 2nd year ADN students' levels of cultural competence and their perceptions of self-efficacy in working with Caucasian, African American, Native American, Hispanic, and Asian ethnicities. The study used a cross-sectional survey design to determine if a relationship existed between the students' reported cultural competencies and their self-efficacy scores while providing care to patients of these diverse cultures. The process of cultural competence in the delivery of health care services was used as the theoretical framework for this study. A volunteer convenience sample of 64 2nd-year ADN students completed the Nurse Cultural Competence Scale and the Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale. The Pearson-Product Moment correlation revealed a significant negative, moderate relationship between self-efficacy and the students' perceptions of cultural competence. A project was designed to enhance skills and knowledge to improve the students' cultural competency while caring for patients of Asian, Native American, and Hispanic cultures because minimal familiarity of those cultures contributed most to the negative correlation. Research on methods to improve cultural competence among health care professionals should be continued. Positive social change will occur as nursing students gain proficiency in their abilities to provide culturally appropriate care to patients of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
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Clinical accompaniment in a rural hospital : student and professional nurses experience / Steppies Richard RikhotsoRikhotso, Steppies Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital. Nursing students are allocated to clinical facilities for clinical exposure and learning opportunities; to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and professional socialization under guidance and support from professional practitioners. Although the rural hospital, as context for this study, provides unique and challenging learning opportunities for clinical teaching and learning, the environment as such and the relationship between the stakeholders (nursing students and professional nurses) seem to be questionable and not conducive for learning.
A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design served as framework for this study. Data was collected by means of semi–structured focus–group interviews with samples selected from two (2) populations of stakeholders with first hand experience of the clinical accompaniment of nursing students allocated to the rural hospital for clinical exposure and learning. The first sample consisted of thirteen (n=13) nursing students and the second sample consisted of professional nurses (n=6) directly involved in the clinical accompaniment of the nursing students. The focus of the interviews was the participants' experience of the clinical accompaniment in a specific rural hospital.
Data was analyzed by means of the process of content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Three (3) themes and eight (8) subthemes emerged from the data collected from the nursing students. The data collected from the professional nurses resulted in five (5) themes and eleven (11) subthemes. The collected data was integrated with relevant national and international literature to culminate in eight (8) conclusive statements. The conclusive statements served as basis for the proposal of guidelines to improve the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital and to enhance learning in the clinical practice area. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Clinical accompaniment in a rural hospital : student and professional nurses experience / Steppies Richard RikhotsoRikhotso, Steppies Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital. Nursing students are allocated to clinical facilities for clinical exposure and learning opportunities; to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and professional socialization under guidance and support from professional practitioners. Although the rural hospital, as context for this study, provides unique and challenging learning opportunities for clinical teaching and learning, the environment as such and the relationship between the stakeholders (nursing students and professional nurses) seem to be questionable and not conducive for learning.
A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design served as framework for this study. Data was collected by means of semi–structured focus–group interviews with samples selected from two (2) populations of stakeholders with first hand experience of the clinical accompaniment of nursing students allocated to the rural hospital for clinical exposure and learning. The first sample consisted of thirteen (n=13) nursing students and the second sample consisted of professional nurses (n=6) directly involved in the clinical accompaniment of the nursing students. The focus of the interviews was the participants' experience of the clinical accompaniment in a specific rural hospital.
Data was analyzed by means of the process of content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Three (3) themes and eight (8) subthemes emerged from the data collected from the nursing students. The data collected from the professional nurses resulted in five (5) themes and eleven (11) subthemes. The collected data was integrated with relevant national and international literature to culminate in eight (8) conclusive statements. The conclusive statements served as basis for the proposal of guidelines to improve the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital and to enhance learning in the clinical practice area. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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The mindful self : sense of self and health-promoting lifestyle behaviours among Thai college women : a thesis presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at Massey University, New ZealandMongkhonsiri, Pitsini January 2007 (has links)
Wellness educators have faced a great challenge to develop strategies to move people toward the adoption of positive lifestyle behaviours. This research explores concepts of self and the impact of Thai culture on the motivation of young college women to engage in health-promoting lifestyle behaviours (HPLBs) in the context of northeastern Thailand. A sequential mixed methods design enables an exploration of the relationships among sense of coherence, identity status, and HPLBs in the first phase, and an inductive analysis of the impact of Thai cultural context in the second phase. In study A, three instruments: the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Behaviors Profile II (HPLP II), the Extended Version of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (EOM-EIS), and the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-29), were used with 350 senior college women. Sense of Coherence was significantly correlated with achieving a sense of identity, lessening diffusion identity and engaging in health-promoting behaviours. Although a considerable proportion of the variance (26.7 %) for engaging in HPLBs was accounted for by SOC, identity achievement, and identity moratorium, the magnitude of the unexplained variance was considerable. This led to inductive exploration of other variables influencing HPLBs in Study B. By data-driven thematic analysis, the Model of the Mindful Self emerged from in-depth interviews with 25 college women. The model describes three main themes: (a) the cultural background and the surrounding ongoing influences which impact on the development of Thai women's sense of self and their health-related behaviours, (b) the sense of self and identity formation in the Thai context, and (c) the health-related behaviours that stem from the sense of self. Sense of self and its behaviours are socially constructed within the specific culture in which individuals are embedded. The social phenomena and research outcomes are interpreted under the lens of social constructionism. The knowledge generated by this study provides guidance for teaching about health promotion in Thai undergraduate nursing programmes and also provides a basis for initiating health-promoting programmes based on the individual's sense of self for female adolescents in Thailand.
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Vivências e percepções de acadêmicos de enfermagem em fórum onlineAlves, Elcilene Andreine Terra Durgante January 2013 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental retrospectiva com abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. O objetivo foi identificar as vivências e as percepções dos acadêmicos de enfermagem frente à prática curricular hospitalar, descritas no fórum de discussão online. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com os registros digitais realizados pelos alunos durante a prática educativa Fórum de Discussão Online produzida no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, na disciplina de Fundamentos do Cuidado Humano III do curso de graduação em enfermagem, no primeiro semestre de 2011. Os dados analisados foram provenientes das 162 postagens registradas no fórum de discussão online, produzidas por 36 alunos, seis professores e quatro monitores da disciplina. Esses dados foram acessados por meio de download e analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo temática, com o apoio do software NVivo 9®. A realização da pesquisa foi aprovada pela Comissão de Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem e pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFRGS (CAAE 02007812.6.0000.5347). Da análise, emergiram dois temas: a compreensão dos estudantes de enfermagem sobre a prática profissional e o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem sob a ótica dos estudantes de enfermagem. O estudo demonstrou que o fórum de discussão online pode ser usado como recurso para problematizar as questões inerentes à formação do futuro profissional enfermeiro. Seu uso como apoio à prática curricular surge como possibilidade de abrir um espaço amplo de discussão, permitindo que discente e docente interajam na construção de um ambiente mais seguro para a realização da atividade prática no ambiente hospitalar. / This is a desk retrospective research, with a case study qualitative approach. The research aimed to identify the experiences and perceptions of nursing students across the curriculum hospital practice, described in the online discussion forum. This study was developed in the Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, using digital records produced by the students during the learning practice Online Discussion Forum, which was available in the virtual environment for learning Moodle, in the first semester of 2011, in the discipline Human Care Fundamentals III, which is part of the graduation course in nursing. The data analyzed were from 162 posts registered in the online discussion forum, written by 36 students, six professors and four academic tutors. These data were accessed by download and analyzed by the content analysis technique, with the software NVivo 9®. This research was approved by the Nursing School's Research Commission and by the University's Ethics in Research Committee (CAAE 02007812.6.0000.5347). The analysis allowed us to identify two thematic categories: the nursing students comprehension about the professional practice and the teaching and learning process through nursing students standpoint. This study showed that the online discussion forum can be used as a resource to debate topics related to the education of the future nurse. Its use to support the curricular practice provides moments of discussion, allowing learners and professors to interact in the process of building a safer environment to the practice in hospitals. / Se trata de una investigación documental retrospectivo, con un enfoque cualitativa del tipo estudio de caso. El objetivo fue identificar las experiencias y percepciones de los estudiantes de enfermería de todo el plan de estudios de la práctica hospitalaria, que se describe en el foro de discusión online. El estudio fue conducido en la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul con registros digitales hechos por los estudiantes, durante la práctica educativa del Foro de Discusión Online producida en el ambiente virtual de aprendizaje Moodle, en la disciplina de Fundamentos del Cuidado Humano Básico III del curso de licenciatura en Enfermería, en el primer semestre de 2011. Los datos analizados procedían de los 162 mensajes registrados en los foros de discusión online producidas por 36 estudiantes, seis profesores y cuatro monitores de la disciplina. Se accede a estos datos a través de download y analizados mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. En este proceso se ha utilizado el software NVivo 9®. La investigación fue aprobada por la Escuela de Investigación de Enfermería y por el Comité de Ética en la Investigación de la UFRGS (CAAE 02007812.6.0000.5347). Del análisis surgieron dos temas: a comprensión de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre la práctica profesional y el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes de enfermería. El estudio demostró que el foro de discusión online puede ser utilizado como un recurso para problematizar las cuestiones relacionados con la formación de los futuros enfermeros. Su uso como complemento a la práctica curricular se plantea como la posibilidad de abrir un espacio amplio de discusión que permite a los profesores y estudiantes a interactuar y construir un ambiente más seguro para la realización de la actividad práctica en el ámbito hospitalario.
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Vivências e percepções de acadêmicos de enfermagem em fórum onlineAlves, Elcilene Andreine Terra Durgante January 2013 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental retrospectiva com abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. O objetivo foi identificar as vivências e as percepções dos acadêmicos de enfermagem frente à prática curricular hospitalar, descritas no fórum de discussão online. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com os registros digitais realizados pelos alunos durante a prática educativa Fórum de Discussão Online produzida no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, na disciplina de Fundamentos do Cuidado Humano III do curso de graduação em enfermagem, no primeiro semestre de 2011. Os dados analisados foram provenientes das 162 postagens registradas no fórum de discussão online, produzidas por 36 alunos, seis professores e quatro monitores da disciplina. Esses dados foram acessados por meio de download e analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo temática, com o apoio do software NVivo 9®. A realização da pesquisa foi aprovada pela Comissão de Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem e pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFRGS (CAAE 02007812.6.0000.5347). Da análise, emergiram dois temas: a compreensão dos estudantes de enfermagem sobre a prática profissional e o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem sob a ótica dos estudantes de enfermagem. O estudo demonstrou que o fórum de discussão online pode ser usado como recurso para problematizar as questões inerentes à formação do futuro profissional enfermeiro. Seu uso como apoio à prática curricular surge como possibilidade de abrir um espaço amplo de discussão, permitindo que discente e docente interajam na construção de um ambiente mais seguro para a realização da atividade prática no ambiente hospitalar. / This is a desk retrospective research, with a case study qualitative approach. The research aimed to identify the experiences and perceptions of nursing students across the curriculum hospital practice, described in the online discussion forum. This study was developed in the Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, using digital records produced by the students during the learning practice Online Discussion Forum, which was available in the virtual environment for learning Moodle, in the first semester of 2011, in the discipline Human Care Fundamentals III, which is part of the graduation course in nursing. The data analyzed were from 162 posts registered in the online discussion forum, written by 36 students, six professors and four academic tutors. These data were accessed by download and analyzed by the content analysis technique, with the software NVivo 9®. This research was approved by the Nursing School's Research Commission and by the University's Ethics in Research Committee (CAAE 02007812.6.0000.5347). The analysis allowed us to identify two thematic categories: the nursing students comprehension about the professional practice and the teaching and learning process through nursing students standpoint. This study showed that the online discussion forum can be used as a resource to debate topics related to the education of the future nurse. Its use to support the curricular practice provides moments of discussion, allowing learners and professors to interact in the process of building a safer environment to the practice in hospitals. / Se trata de una investigación documental retrospectivo, con un enfoque cualitativa del tipo estudio de caso. El objetivo fue identificar las experiencias y percepciones de los estudiantes de enfermería de todo el plan de estudios de la práctica hospitalaria, que se describe en el foro de discusión online. El estudio fue conducido en la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul con registros digitales hechos por los estudiantes, durante la práctica educativa del Foro de Discusión Online producida en el ambiente virtual de aprendizaje Moodle, en la disciplina de Fundamentos del Cuidado Humano Básico III del curso de licenciatura en Enfermería, en el primer semestre de 2011. Los datos analizados procedían de los 162 mensajes registrados en los foros de discusión online producidas por 36 estudiantes, seis profesores y cuatro monitores de la disciplina. Se accede a estos datos a través de download y analizados mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. En este proceso se ha utilizado el software NVivo 9®. La investigación fue aprobada por la Escuela de Investigación de Enfermería y por el Comité de Ética en la Investigación de la UFRGS (CAAE 02007812.6.0000.5347). Del análisis surgieron dos temas: a comprensión de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre la práctica profesional y el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes de enfermería. El estudio demostró que el foro de discusión online puede ser utilizado como un recurso para problematizar las cuestiones relacionados con la formación de los futuros enfermeros. Su uso como complemento a la práctica curricular se plantea como la posibilidad de abrir un espacio amplio de discusión que permite a los profesores y estudiantes a interactuar y construir un ambiente más seguro para la realización de la actividad práctica en el ámbito hospitalario.
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Zdraví všeobecných sester a studentů ošetřovatelství / Health of nurses and nursing studentsPŘIBYLOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with health of nurses and nursing students. The World Health Organization defines health as follows: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition includes three components - physical, mental and social. In case that it comes to disharmony in one of the three components, it means a disorder of human health, what is subsequently blending into the other components. By this reason it is important for people to be concerned about their health properly. However, health care should not only be the task of health service. Everyone should realize the value of health and should have a big share of its sustaining. The thesis includes two parts. The theoretical part focuses on the prevention of health, personality of nurses and their health care. There is also described how can employers take care of nurses´ health and what lifestyle do the nursing students keep. The conclusion of the theoretical part deals with healthy lifestyle and proper observance of wholesome principles. The second part of this thesis presents an empirical part. The research has been realized in the form of quantitative survey. There were used electronic questionnaires within the research addressed to two groups of respondents, i.e. nurses and nursing students. The questions in the questionnaires have been focused on health and compliance being in accordance with the wholesome principles of respondents. The first research group has been formed of nurses who pursue their profession in various medical facilities in the Czech Republic.There have been provided five goals For the purpose of this research work. The purpose of the first goal has been to compare how the nurses and students keep their own health. The results showed that in the context of compliance with health wholesome activities are not striking differences between the nurses and students. Both groups (nurses, students) take care about their health almost to the same degree. There are no significant differences even in case of doing harmful activities (smoking, alcohol consumption, taking drugs). The second goal of this work has been to determine what health problems start the students their studies with. By the research there was found out that the most students have been gone on their studies with chronic health problems such as asthma and allergies (26%), diseases and musculoskeletal pains (17%) and diseases of gastrointestinal tract (11%). The third aim should determine whether their health - from the perspective of students - was changed during their studies. The results of that survey have showed that 17% of students really changed the state of their health during their studies. The fourth aim has been to find out which health problems take nurses to their jobs with. The nurses commence with more diseases and musculoskeletal pains (23%) following by asthma and allergy (14%) unlike the students. The last aim has been set in order to find out if the health status of nurses is changing during the pursuit of their professions. The results have been pointed out that 46% of nurses changed their health status during their careers.The thesis has been conceived very widely because of the extensive concept of health and healthcare. Moreover, the both experimental groups represent a large part of the population and include various differences. In this work have been outlined various issues that could definitely be a good basis for further research. In case that anyone would be able to deal with this issue, it could be good to split the two groups and focus on the specific problems of selected groups only. Definitely it is necessary to start dealing with the health status of nursing students.
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