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Elektronické filtrační obvody s obecnými kmitočtovými charakteristikami / Electronic Filtering Circuits with Arbitrary Frequency CharacteristicsKlubus, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with the issue of electronic filtering circuits with arbitrary frequency characteristics. First part of the thesis describes theoretical basis. Second part explores the possibilities of design procedures for filters with arbitrary frequency characteristics. Design procedures are demonstrated on examples accordingly to the presented methods, including their circuit implementation and computer simulation to verify the correctness of theoretical assumptions. Thesis also explores the possibilities of tuning circuit structures and electronic setting for characteristics using controllable active elements.
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Podpora pro monitorování procesů za běhu v prostředí ANaConDA / Support of Run-time Monitoring of Processes in ANaConDA FrameworkMužikovská, Monika January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce rozšiřuje nástroj ANaConDA pro dynamickou analýzu vícevláknových programů o možnost analyzovat také programy víceprocesové. Část práce se soustředí na popis nástroje ANaConDA a mechanismů, které pro monitorování využívá, a na jejich nutné úpravy vzhledem k rozdílům procesů a vláken. Tyto zahrnují nutnost složitějších mechanismů pro meziprocesovou komunikaci, nutnost překládat logické adresy na jiný jednoznačný identifikátor a monitorování obecných semaforů. Rozšíření pro monitorování procesů tyto problémy řeší za vývojáře analyzátorů, čímž velmi zjednodušuje jejich vývoj. Užitečnost rozšíření je ukázána na implementaci dvou analyzátorů pro detekci souběhu (AtomRace a FastTrack), které bylo dosud možné využít pouze na vícevláknové programy. Implementace algoritmu FastTrack využívá happens-before relaci pro obecné semafory, která byla také definována jako součást této práce. Experimenty s analyzátory na studentských projektech ukázaly, že nástroj ANaConDA je nyní schopen detekovat paralelní chyby i ve víceprocesových programech a může tak pomoci při vývoji další skupiny paralelních programů.
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Trénink a výkonnostní předpoklady atletů juniorů / Training and abilities of junior athletesDubský, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Objective: Training and abilities of junior athletes Prepared by: Bc. Petr Dubský Supervisor: PaedDr. Jitka Vindušková, CSc. The aim of the work: The aim of the work was to find out the level of performance preconditions of two junior runners on the middle tracks, analyze the structure and content of their training, their performance in selected tests and the development of performance in their main disciplines. Methodology: The work has the character of a two-case study. Methods of literature search, analysis, comparison and evaluation were used. The analysis of training records and competition results of two athletes from the 2017 season was used to compile this work. I analyzed their performances in individual seasons. I also performed an analysis of training records, where general and special training indicators were evaluated and compared with the results of similar analyzes of other athletes. I analyzed the results of two tests in the biochemical laboratory, which we completed during the preparation for the 2017 season. Conclusion: When comparing the training records with the professional literature and with selected athletes, we come to the conclusion that the training load was insufficient for the monitored athletes. As a result, they could not achieve better results this season. By...
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Evoluční návrh kolektivních komunikací akcelerovaný pomocí GPU / Evolutionary Design of Collective Communications Accelerated by GPUsTyrala, Radek January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides an analysis of the application for evolutionary scheduling of collective communications. It proposes possible ways to accelerate the application using general purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPU). This work offers a theoretical overview of systems on a chip, collective communications scheduling and more detailed description of evolutionary algorithms. Further, the work provides a description of the GPU architecture and its memory hierarchy using the OpenCL memory model. Based on the profiling, the work defines a concept for parallel execution of the fitness function. Furthermore, an estimation of the possible level of acceleration is presented. The process of implementation is described with a closer insight into the optimization process. Another important point consists in comparison of the original CPU-based solution and the massively parallel GPU version. As the final point, the thesis proposes distribution of the computation among different devices supported by OpenCL standard. In the conclusion are discussed further advantages, constraints and possibilities of acceleration using distribution on heterogenous computing systems.
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Detekce pohyblivého objektu ve videu na CUDA / Moving Object Detection in Video Using CUDAČermák, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with model-based approach to 3D tracking from monocular video. The 3D model pose dynamically estimated through minimization of objective function by particle filter. Objective function is based on rendered scene to real video similarity.
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Republikánský mýtus polské aristokracie: Raně novověké pojetí politické identity Stanisława Orzechowského a Andrzeje Frycze Modrzewského / Republican Myth of Polish Aristocracy: Early Modern Concept of Political Identity developed by Stanislaw Orzechowski and Andrzej Frycz ModrzewskiKvětina, Jan January 2018 (has links)
As the main research interest of this study one is able to highlight the issue of early- modern political thought, whose patterns have been analysed as protomodern grounds within the formative process of national identity. The thesis is based on the assumption that the political discourse of Polish aristocracy can be read as a specific part of European republicanism. Republican attributes are thus supposed to have stood for an essential core of Polish political culture at that time; core that was widely accepted by different political writers irrespective of their ideological distinctions. Hence, the study aims to prove that one is able to find the grounds of Polish "national" self-identification neither in ethnical nor in strict class traits, because concerning the question of identity, there was a crucial concept of a republic, closely linked to the peculiar values of liberty, equality and common good, which played a decisive role. In this regard, the thesis contradicts the traditional categories of Sarmatism or Sonderweg and instead of them, it introduces the concept of republican triangle as the hypothesis that is able to identify interdependence between political thought of that time and the image of Polish noble identity. Regarding methodological approaches, the study is based on the...
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Trendy, vývoj a percepce v kontextu programatické reklamy / Trends, development and perception in the context of programmatic advertisingCahlík, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the area of Internet media, namely the monetization of advertising, which Internet provides through the programmatic purchase of an internet advertisements that are focused on Real Time Bidding (RTB). The theoretical part deals with a brief analysis of the US media landscape, especially the phenomenon of the programmatic way of buying online advertisements in connection with technological development and optimization strategies in the Internet environment. It represents the emergence of the programmatic purchase, deals with the various forms of online advertising and its development. There is an introduction to two different online media strategies of banking institutions, which are further explored within the exploratory comparative technique - experiment in the practical part. This section focuses on changing technical settings, along with changing ad buying when changing key settings as a part of the ad serving campaign. The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce the possibilities offered by programmatic advertising within online media in the Czech Republic. It summarizes knowledge in the context of the development of electronic advertising in the application of the two online media strategies of the banking institution.
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Trendy, vývoj a percepce v kontextu programatické reklamy / Trends, development and perception in the context of programmatic advertisingCahlík, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the area of Internet media, namely the monetization of advertising, which Internet provides through the programmatic purchase of an internet advertisements that are focused on Real Time Bidding (RTB). The theoretical part deals with a brief analysis of the US media landscape, especially the phenomenon of the programmatic way of buying online advertisements in connection with technological development and optimization strategies in the Internet environment. It represents the emergence of the programmatic purchase, deals with the various forms of online advertising and its development. There is an introduction to two different online media strategies of banking institutions, which are further explored within the exploratory comparative technique - experiment in the practical part. This section focuses on changing technical settings, along with changing ad buying when changing key settings as a part of the ad serving campaign. The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce the possibilities offered by programmatic advertising within online media in the Czech Republic. It summarizes knowledge in the context of the development of electronic advertising in the application of the two online media strategies of the banking institution.
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Zeleň jako indikátor kvality urbánního prostředí / Greenery an indicator of urban space qualityPondělíček, Michael January 2013 (has links)
The Ph.D. Thesis is based on the principle of open approach into the urban greenery in the frame of sustainability improvement in inner cities. Sustainable inner city planning and management brings also the supply for indicators of sustainability and life quality in urban space. The Ph.D. thesis is interested in evaluation of positive and negative impact of greenery into life quality in the inner city. There is studied the impact of greenery into the human being in the city and what has influence on urban greenery too. The thesis observes existing indicators whose describe urban greenery quality and its utilizing from the point of view of sustainability and collaterally observe the greenery perception from the city inhabitant’s point of view. On the basement of analysis and theoretical knowledge including in the thesis is for urban life quality measurement constructed new aggregated indicator – the Indicator of Common Urban Greenery Quality. This indicator is in the thesis valuated on the data set of 70 Czech cities and medium sized towns. There is valuated its possibility to describe urban greenery potential. The relationship between the indicator and clime change and other urban development changes is also solved. The indicator and its mathematical construction brings new information about urban greenery potential and its impact and usage in city sustainability and urban life quality increasing.
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Akcelerace genetického algoritmu s využitím GPU / The GPU-Based Acceleration of the Genetic AlgorithmPospíchal, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis represents master's thesis focused on acceleration of Genetic algorithms using GPU. First chapter deeply analyses Genetic algorithms and corresponding topics like population, chromosome, crossover, mutation and selection. Next part of the thesis shows GPU abilities for unified computing using both DirectX/OpenGL with Cg and specialized GPGPU libraries like CUDA. The fourth chapter focuses on design of GPU implementation using CUDA, coarse-grained and fine-grained GAs are discussed, and completed by sorting and random number generation task accelerated by GPU. Next chapter covers implementation details -- migration, crossover and selection schemes mapped on CUDA software model. All GA elements and quality of GPU results are described in the last chapter.
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