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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essential notation for object-relational mapping

Torres, Alexandre January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta a Notação Essencial para Mapeamento Objeto-Relacional (em inglês, ENORM), uma notação de propósito geral que representa os conceitos estruturais do Mapeamento Objeto-Relacional (MOR). O objetivo de ENORM é facilitar o projeto através da aplicação clara dos padrões MOR, documentação dos mapeamentos com uma notação independente de plataforma, e tornar-se um repositório para transformações dirigidas por modelos, geração parcial de código e ferramentas de engenharia round-trip. ENORM é uma notação baseada em perfil UML, projetada para representar padrões pertencentes a lógica de modelo do domínio, com objetos do domínio incorporando tanto comportamento como dados. A notação representa padrões adotados por frameworks MOR difundidos no mercado (Active Record, do Ruby; SQLAlchemy, do Python; Entity Framework, da Microsoft .net; JPA, Cayenne, and MyBatis, do Java), seguindo os princípios Não se repita e Convenção sobre Configuração. ENORM foi avaliado por experimentos controlados, comparando a modelagem de estudantes com modelos UML e relacionais separados, atingindo um número significativamente maior de objetivos na maioria dos cenários, sem ser significativamente diferente nos piores cenários experimentais. / This thesis presents the Essential Notation for Object-Relational Mapping (ENORM), a general purpose notation that represents structural concepts of Object- Relational Mapping (ORM). The goal of ENORM is to facilitate the design by the clear application of ORM patterns, document mappings with a platform independent notation, and became a repository for model-driven transformations, partial code generation, and round-trip engineering tools. ENORM is a UML profile based notation, designed to represent patterns within a domain modeling logic, with objects of the domain incorporating both behavior and data. The notation represents patterns adopted by widespread ORM frameworks in the market (Active Record, of Ruby; SQLAlchemy, of Python; Entity Framework, of Microsoft .net; JPA, Cayenne, and MyBatis, of Java), following the Don´t Repeat Yourself and Convention over Configuration principles. ENORM was evaluated by controlled experiments, comparing the modeling by students with the use of separated UML and relational models, achieving significantly more goals in the majority of the scenarios, without being significantly different in the worst experimental scenarios.

Temporální rozšíření pro Java Data Objects / A Temporal Extension for Java Data Objects

Horčička, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The content of this thesis is devided into five parts. Firstly basic principles, data models and some languages of temporal databases are introduced. Next chapter describes ways and techniques for persistent storing of data objects in the programming language Java. Following chapters contain main ideas and key concepts of the Java Data Objects standard, draft for temporal extension of this standard and in the final chapter there are details of the actual implementation.

Proposta de um modelo para projetos lógicos gráficos para BDOR com implementação no ArgoUML. / Proposal of a model for logical graphic projects for ORDB with implementation in the ArgoUML.

Castro, Thiago Rais de 18 April 2011 (has links)
Investigou-se neste trabalho a proposta de um Modelo Lógico Gráfico para suporte à fase do Projeto Lógico em BDORs. O Modelo Lógico Gráfico proposto é uma extensão da UML para o Diagrama de Classes. A extensão deu-se por meio da elaboração de um Perfil UML, o qual foi disponibilizado em XMI para ser empregado em ferramentas CASE de diferentes fabricantes. Desenvolveu-se dois módulos para a ferramenta CASE ArgoUML. Esses módulos têm por finalidade a automação do desenvolvimento em BDORs, onde, a partir de um esquema gráfico, projetado utilizando-se o Modelo Lógico Gráfico proposto, gera-se código no padrão da SQL:2003 e no dialeto SQL utilizado pelo Oracle 11g. Foi proposta uma arquitetura baseada na ANSI/SPARC e na MDA para o projeto em BDORs que relaciona as fases do Projeto com as tecnologias empregadas para suportá-las. Por meio dessa arquitetura, destacam-se os pontos onde houve contribuição deste trabalho e os pontos que serão alvos de futuras pesquisas. Esta dissertação difunde os recursos existentes em BDORs e facilita a elaboração do Projeto Lógico em BDORs ao disponibilizar o modelo gráfico proposto e ao automatizar seu desenvolvimento na ferramenta CASE ArgoUML. / A Logical Graphic Model was proposed to support the Logical Design phase in ORDB. The Logical Graphic Model proposed is an extension of the UML Class Diagram. The extension was obtained by the elaboration of a UML Profile, which was released in XMI to be used in CASE tools from different manufacturers. Two modules were developed for ArgoUML CASE tool. These modules were designed to automate the development in ORDB, where, from a logical graphic, projected using the proposed Logical Graphic Model, creates the code standard SQL: 2003 and the SQL dialect used by Oracle 11g. An architecture based on the ANSI / SPARC and MDA for the project in ORDBs was proposed. This architecture associates the Project phases with the technologies used to support them. Through this architecture, the contributions of this paper and the subjects that will be target for future researches are highlighted. This dissertation diffuses the existing resources in ORDBs and facilitates the development of the Logical Design in ORDB, by disposing the proposed graphic model and automating its development in the ArgoUML CASE tool.

Proposta de um modelo para projetos lógicos gráficos para BDOR com implementação no ArgoUML. / Proposal of a model for logical graphic projects for ORDB with implementation in the ArgoUML.

Thiago Rais de Castro 18 April 2011 (has links)
Investigou-se neste trabalho a proposta de um Modelo Lógico Gráfico para suporte à fase do Projeto Lógico em BDORs. O Modelo Lógico Gráfico proposto é uma extensão da UML para o Diagrama de Classes. A extensão deu-se por meio da elaboração de um Perfil UML, o qual foi disponibilizado em XMI para ser empregado em ferramentas CASE de diferentes fabricantes. Desenvolveu-se dois módulos para a ferramenta CASE ArgoUML. Esses módulos têm por finalidade a automação do desenvolvimento em BDORs, onde, a partir de um esquema gráfico, projetado utilizando-se o Modelo Lógico Gráfico proposto, gera-se código no padrão da SQL:2003 e no dialeto SQL utilizado pelo Oracle 11g. Foi proposta uma arquitetura baseada na ANSI/SPARC e na MDA para o projeto em BDORs que relaciona as fases do Projeto com as tecnologias empregadas para suportá-las. Por meio dessa arquitetura, destacam-se os pontos onde houve contribuição deste trabalho e os pontos que serão alvos de futuras pesquisas. Esta dissertação difunde os recursos existentes em BDORs e facilita a elaboração do Projeto Lógico em BDORs ao disponibilizar o modelo gráfico proposto e ao automatizar seu desenvolvimento na ferramenta CASE ArgoUML. / A Logical Graphic Model was proposed to support the Logical Design phase in ORDB. The Logical Graphic Model proposed is an extension of the UML Class Diagram. The extension was obtained by the elaboration of a UML Profile, which was released in XMI to be used in CASE tools from different manufacturers. Two modules were developed for ArgoUML CASE tool. These modules were designed to automate the development in ORDB, where, from a logical graphic, projected using the proposed Logical Graphic Model, creates the code standard SQL: 2003 and the SQL dialect used by Oracle 11g. An architecture based on the ANSI / SPARC and MDA for the project in ORDBs was proposed. This architecture associates the Project phases with the technologies used to support them. Through this architecture, the contributions of this paper and the subjects that will be target for future researches are highlighted. This dissertation diffuses the existing resources in ORDBs and facilitates the development of the Logical Design in ORDB, by disposing the proposed graphic model and automating its development in the ArgoUML CASE tool.

Implementation and evaluation of data persistence tools for temporal versioned data models / Implementation och utvärdering av persistensverktyg för temporala versionshanterade datamodeller

Knutsson, Tor January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate different concepts and tools which could support the development of a middleware which persists a temporal and versioned relational data model in an enterprise environment. Further requirements for the target application was that changes to the data model had to be facilitated, so that a small change to the model would not result in changes in several files and application layers. Other requirements include permissioning and audit tracing. In the thesis the reader is presented with a comparison of a set of tools for enterprise development and object/relational mapping. One of the tools, a code generator, is chosen as a good candidate to match the requirements of the project. An implementation is presented, where the chosen tool is used. An XML-based language which is used to define a data model and to provide input data for the tool is presented. Other concepts concerning the implementation is then described in detail. Finally, the author discusses alternative solutions and future improvements.

ADO.NET och Entity Framework : En jämförelse av prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas

Lindgren, Emelie, Andreasen, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats mäter och jämför prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas. Uppsatsen bygger på en utredande karaktär utifrån vår hypotes och vårt intresse att testa den.Hypotesen bygger på problematiken omkring mängden kod utvecklaren måste skriva för att kunna koppla ihop applikation med databas. En större mängd skriven kod som utvecklaren måste skriva borde göra att prestanda och svarstider blir långsammare. Därför ville vi undersöka om verktyg som medför en mindre mängd skriven kod kan förbättra prestandan och ge snabbare svarstider. Vi valde att testa vår hypotes mellan ADO. NET relationsdatabas och ADO. NET Entity Framework objektorienterade databas då ADO. NET genererar större mängd kod och Entity Framework innehåller verktyg som i sin tur genererar mindre mängd kod. För att kunna mäta och jämföra prestandan utvecklades en mindre kundapplikation kopplad med respektive ramverks databasmodell där båda använder sig av samma databas. Genom att mäta prestandan har vi kunnat jämföra de olika modellerna och då även kunnat se vilka fördelar och nackdelar respektive modell genererat. Vi har även mätt antal kodrader och diskuterat hur det påverkar kostnaden av systemutvecklingen samt underhållbarheten för applikationen. Det som framförallt framkom var att relationsdatabasen resulterade i en något snabbare prestanda mätt i millisekunder trots att antal kodrader blev fler jämfört med en objektorienterad databas. Den objektorienterade databasen resulterade i något sämre prestanda men med färre antal skrivna kodrader. Det medför att den kräver mindre underhåll i koden vid förvaltning av den nya applikationen. Det innebär även att tiden vid utveckling för den vane programmeraren minskar med cirka 50 % och därmed sjunker även utvecklingskostnaden, under förutsättning att en något långsammare prestanda kan accepteras.

Code Generation in Java : A modular approach for better cohesion

Forslund, Emil January 2015 (has links)
This project examines how the quality of a code generator used in an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework can be improved in terms of maintainability, testability and reusability by changing the design from a top-down perspective to a bottom up. The resulting generator is tested in a case study to verify that the new design is more cohesive and less coupled than an existing code generator.

Informační systém pro podporu projektového řízení a týmovou spolupráci / Information System for Project Management and Collaboration Support

Vítek, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
Project management is used in increasing number of companies. Competition on the market requires companies to work more efficiently and approach separate orders as independent projects. Teams that work on the projects consist of employees from different departments, from subcontractors and from the client as well. Rapid development of broadband internet connection changed work methods and use of information technology. Thanks to ubiquitous internet connection software application delivery model known as Software as a Service (SaaS) is gaining on popularity. Main aim of this project is to design an information system that would support project management and allow effective team communication and collaboration.

Generátor databázové vrstvy aplikací / Application Database Layer Generator

Kuboš, Jaroslav Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a framework for the database persistence layer development. This framework is easy to use while keeping the code elegance. It supports object oriented programming features such as inheritance and collections. Other features include versioning of objects and lazy loading. The object metadata are obtained through reflection provided by the .NET framework. The framework is not using any literal for identification (classes, attributes) even in object queries. Most of checks are done by compiler.

建構物件與物件關聯資料庫工作量產生器 / Toward a Generalized Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Database Workload Generator

黃敏男, Huang, Min-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以使用者需求導向為設計原則,提出了建構物件與物件關聯資料庫工作量產生器的發展方式,以解決(1)一般績效評估標準規格因只針對特定應用領域,而無法周詳考慮到使用者的特定需求問題;(2)廠商所發展的工作量產生器則因為可能針對其產品的特定領域作設計與測試,而失去了公正性之問題。我們的目地就是希望能以此資料庫工作量產生器的設計方式使測試資料庫效能的工作量,對使用者而言更具一致性、代表性與正確性,如此測試之結果對使用者而言才能更具意義。 我們首先分析SQL3與ODMG標準,以此構成物件關聯與物件導向資料庫之一般化的工作量模式。然後,再著手以使用者需求導向為原則,設計工作量產生器的運作方式。最後,我們實際發展了工作量產生器的雛形系統,以讓使用者能真正依其需求建立工作量並實際作績效測試,並提供給欲建構物件與物件關聯資料庫工作量產生器的人員作參考。 / This thesis provides a method of establishing Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Database Workload Generator, and this method is designed from the perspective of the user's requirements for addressing two problems: (1) the benchmark standards are generally designed to specific domains, so they are unable think comprehensively users' special requirements. (2) the database workload generators that developed by database providers may lose justice, because they might be designed to their products' special domain. Our purpose is that hope this method can make the Workload more consistent, more representative and more accurate and the test result will be more meaningful to users. Firstly, we analyze the SQL3 and ODMG standards to compose the ORDBs' and OODBs' generalized Workload Models. Then, we design our Workload Generator form the perspective of the user's requirements. Finally, we develop the Workload Generator's prototype system, it can allow users to create Workload according to their actual requirements and really do the benchmark test, and furthermore can provide a reference resource to the people who want to develop ORDB and OODB Workload Generator.

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