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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Současný stav tradičního teritoriálního dialektu v mluvě staré generace v obci Vír / The Present-Day State of the Local Dialect in the Speech of the Old Generation in the Village of Vír

Ostrýžová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The M.A. thesis explores the dialect of the village Vír, which is situated in Czech-Moravian boundary dialectal area. The exploration focuses on selected features from phonetics and phonology and morphology, specified on the basis of isoglosses described in the Český jazykový atlas (Czech Dialect Atlas) or in older publications. The research of features followed is based on interviews with old generation informants, which is delimited in accordance with the Czech Dialect Atlas as speakers older than 65. The audiorecordings were further processed, the material was transcribed according to standard rules for dialectological transcription. A comparison with standard works of Czech dialectology (such as Běličʼs Nástin české dialektologie, Český jazykový atlas, Utěšenýʼs Nářečí přechodného pásu česko-moravského. Hláskosloví) shows that the oldest generation speakers in Vír still keep some of the typical traits of the Czech-Moravian dialectal group while other such features are retreating. Key words: Czech-Moravian dialectal group, old generation, local dialect, Vír

Cestovní ruch jako faktor rozvoje Tachova

Kramulová, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce zkoumá, zda cestovní ruch hraje významnou roli v rozvoji města Tachova a jeho okolí. Zabývá se potenciálem území a jeho propagací. Porovnává cíle, vytčené v koncepčních dokumentech, s realitou a investicemi, které město a region realizuje. Práce také popisuje možnosti spolupráce města s jinými subjekty a díky partnerství s nimi možnosti rozšíření nabídky pro turisty.

Procesní analýza společnosti Technika denního světla s.r.o. / Processional analysis of company Technika denniho svetla s.r.o.

Růžička, Tomáš January 2006 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je seznámit se v teoretické části se základními pojmy procesního řízení a procesů vůbec a vykreslit situaci jejich využívání v současnosti. Dále nastínit některé metodiky procesního reengineeringu a postihnourt některé IT nástroje, jež podporují procesní řízení firem. Praktická část je empirickou studií toho, jak se střední podnik potýká s transformací svých funkčních struktur na procesně orientované, včetně změny organizační struktury, nákladových modelů a informačně technologické základny.

Podnikatelský plán MSP / Business plan SME

Beránková, Alena January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a business plan for a start-up enterprise acting in the hospitality industry with an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle. The thesis consists of two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part, based on the literature, provides the reader with methodological procedures, which are applied in the plan. At First there are described the basic concepts of business and general recommendations in connection with this issue, next parts are the structure of the business plan. The practical part is the real business plan. Equally important part of the work is the conclusion which summarizes the findings identified in the practical part, about the benefits and feasibility of the project.

Těžba uhlí ve světě a dopady útlumu: případová studie ČR a Německo / Coal Minig in the World and the Impacts of the Decline in Particular Regions: Case Study of the Czech Republic and Germany

Schottková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the impacts of the decline of coal mining on an example of two countries, namely the Czech Republic and Germany, and then to compare selected impacts and tools that have been used against the negative consequences. The work is divided into three parts, the first chapter describes the basic characteristics of coal, its use and exploitation. Second chapter deals with the current development of coal mining in the world along with its geographical presence. The final chapter analyzes and compares the Industrial Region of Ostrava and the Ruhr Valley and their current socio-economic challenges.

Metropolitní město a historické kontexty jeho vývoje (Odhad budoucího urbanistického rozšíření dle historických metod) / Metropolitan city with historical contexts of its development (Prediction of urbanistic expansion according to historical methods)

Balcer, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis explains the development of the metropolitan area of the capital city Prague and also shows the process of urbanization with emphasis into local specifities. Thesis approximates the local urbanization process and its phases through the detail subscription of this phenomenon which is later applied to Europe and also Eastern Europe. This part of thesis describes eastward influence and its specific developmental stages and changes in Prague metropolitan area. Thesis practically shows each of the selected period and phase of development in the metropolitan area with the definitions of key milestones for the development of spatial and architectural layout of the city and its surroundings. Work confronts theoretical assumptions of urbanization and suburbanization under scrutiny of its developmental specifics and historical contexts, and in the final part, case study provides the subjective opinion of the author on the future development of the area according to the historical processes.

Analýza reálné konvergence vybraných nových členských zemí eurozóny / Analysis of real convergence of selected new member countries of the Eurozone

Polakovič, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of real convergence of new member countries of the Eurozone. Development in recent years in Europe has clearly shown that monetary union is suitable only for homogenous group of countries. The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the progress of convergence in Slovakia, Slovenia and Estonia after the year 2000 and answer the question which country was best prepared to join the monetary union. Used method of investigation is analysis of historical time series and regression analysis. Main conclusion of the thesis is that highest level of convergence was achieved in Slovenia, but the country with lowest cost of joining Eurozone was Estonia. In final part of the thesis is presented own forecast of future development of real convergence until the year 2030. Theoretical background of the prognosis is based on Solow's growth model and resulting theory of convergence.

Zařízení pro kontrolu velmi nízkých teplot při detekci defektů solárních článků / The equipment for control very low temperatures during the detection defects of solar cells

Stojan, Radek January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with measuring of very low temperatures during the detection defects of solar cells by photoluminescence method. Liquid nitrogen is used to cooling solar cells. Properties of liquid nitrogen and safety of handling are described in this work. Themperature in cryo area is measured by the thermocouple senzors. A main part of this work was to concept and creation of equipment for themperature controling in cryo technique. This equipment signalling danger scorch in low temperatures. The device was created to complement work place for the detection defects of solar cells by photoluminescence method.

POF - polymerová optická vlákna / POF - polymer optical fibres

Mikulec, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
This work focuses on polymer optical fiber (POF). It describes basic properties of polymer optical fibers, materials for production and methods of manufacturing processes. In following chapters are given individual fibers that vary different refractive indexes and diameter of fiber. Also there are analyse connectors which are used for joining. As very suitable solution for home installation seems to be using the system Optolock without connectors. In the work is also written several areas where it is possible to use the POF. It can break through in automotive industry, home networks or as a sensor. The practical part contains measuring polygon draft and FTTH proposal using POF for distribution system in the house, where P2P topology is choosen. It´s also made a proposal for distribution of POF in the apartment. For installation in the apartment prices of network components are compared between POF distribution and UTP cat.6 cabling. UTP cat.6 is in this comparison many times more cheaply. Final chapter evaluate demands on work with POF fibers. Describes preparation of fiber before communication and creation of small experimental network. Important findings of the work are summarized in the conclusion.

Analýza variability srdečního rytmu pomocí fraktální dimenze / Fractal dimension for heart rate variability analysis

Číhal, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This work is focused on fractal dimension utilization for heart rate variability analysis. Both the theory of heart rate variability and the methods of HRV analysis in time domain and using the fractal dimesion are summarized. Short comparsion of time domain and fractal dimension method is presented.

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