Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oblasti.""
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Obraz východoukrajinského konfliktu ve vybraných místních médiích / Framing of conflict in Eastern Ukraine in local mediaŠtěpán, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyses framing of news in four local on-line media of Donetsk Oblast in Eastern Ukraine. Two of the analysed on-line news websites (Novosti Donbassa and Mariupolskie Novosti) are based in Ukraine-controlled part of Donetsk Oblast, the two other (DAN and Gorlovka.Today) are located in so-called Donetsk People's Republic established by pro- Russian rebels. The thesis focuses on news reporting of two major events of the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine which occurred in 2015: The battle of the city of Debaltseve and the preparations of local elections in so-called people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The analysis is based on Robert N. Entman's definition of framing analysis which consists of searching for keywords, phrases and other tools which build the frame.
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Současný stav českého jazyka v obci Veselynivka na Ukrajině / The Present-Day State of Czech in the Village of Veselynivka in the UkraineBrázdová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the Czech language in the context of the language situation in the Czech community situated in the south of the Ukraine in the village of Veselynivka in the Odesa Region. The core of the thesis is formed by results of a field research conducted by the author in 2018. The first part of the text presents a wider context for exploring Czech communities abroad, dealing with eastern emigration from the Czech lands and the current state of the Czech minority in the Ukraine. Next part of the work is devoted to the history and socio-cultural environment of the village of Veselynivka with a focus on education and religion. The following chapters deal with a comprehensive analysis of Veselynivkaʼs Czech, in which we proceed along different language levels - phonetic and phonological, morphological, syntactical and lexical. Linguistic analysis is carried out with an emphasis on two aspects. The first is the coincidence, or mismatch, of individual identifying characteristics with the dialects of Northeastern Bohemia. The second aspect of the research is the influence of the Russian or Ukrainian languages on the local dialect. The research proper draws mainly on transcripts of recordings and data collected in a supplementary dialectological questionnaire. Key words Czech...
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Analýza variability srdečního rytmu / Analysis of Heart Rate VariabilityŠkrtel, Karol January 2008 (has links)
The project describes the methods useful for observe changes of heart rate in ECG signal. Heart rate variability become (HRV) the conventionally accepted term to describe variations of NN intervals between consecutive heart beats and generally it is function of instantaneous heart rate or NN interval on time. HRV may be evaluated by time domain or frequency domain measures. In Matlab was developed algorithm, realized like function, which counts HRV parameters from ECG signal series. Analysis in time domain adverts to high correlation between statistic and geometric parameters and similarly with signal HRV. Results of frequency domain analysis shows similarity of power spectral density, which was calculated by two different ways (from interpolated and no interpolated signal HRV). Functionality of developed algorithm was verified on each signal. Project results have signification in progress of analysis ECG signal methods with a view to observe pathological changes in heart rate.
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Projekt cyklistické naučné stezky v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Český kras / Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Bohemian KarstTesařová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Title: Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Bohemian Karst Objective: The objective of this work was to create an Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Karst. The trail, natural and cultural attractions and other information process into guidebook which will be available at tourist information centers and on the Internet. Methods: Collecting and sorting information about the natural and cultural wealth of the region. Summarizing information in guidebook and creating a trail. Subsequent test the applicability of a booklet form of a questionnaire to a group of cyclists who created the route with the completed booklets. Results: The results of this work are two proposal of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Karst, which are processed into guidebook that contains trail description, information about each trail and map material. The final form of the trail is also based on results of questionnaires and direct responses of testees. The guidebook can be offered to information centers in the area of Bohemian Karst or through them be available in electronic form on the Internet. Keywords: cycling, Educational trail, Protected Landscape Area, Bohemian Karst.
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Ontogenetický vývoj eokrinoidních ostnokožců kambria barrandienské oblasti / Ontogenetic development of Cambrian eocrinoid echinoderms of the Barrandian areaNohejlová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the first study focused on the ontogenetic development of eocrinoid echinoderms in the Czech Republic. Parsley's work (2012) on ontogeny of the genus Gogia from south China is the model study. The aim of this thesis is a comparable study of ontogeny of eocrinoid echinoderms from Cambrian of the Barrandian area. Akadocrinus jani Prokop, 1962 was studied. Using detailed morphological description and measurement of various parameters, three different ontogenetic stages have been established: juvenile ontogenetic stage, mature ontogenetic stage and gerontic ontogenetic stage. Thecal height is the deciding factor for the determination of the specific ontogenetic stage. Further, during ontogeny of this species some trends in changes in the size of body parts are observed (e.g., changes in the diameter of thecal plates). In-depth study of morphological details showed that the originally distinguished two species, Akadocrinus jani Prokop, 1962 and Akadocrinus nuncius Prokop, 1962, represent one species only. Keywords: eocrinoid echinoderms, Akadocrinus jani, ontogeny.
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Biomechanická reflexe cervikokraniální oblasti při frontálním nárazu / Biomechanical reflection of the cervicocranial part during frontal impactKozel, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Title: Biomechanical reflection of the cervicocranial part during frontal impact Objectives: The aim of the work was to analyze in which parameters differs ATD from human participant during frontal impact. Characterize the head movement, compare maximal post impact head speed between ATD and human volunteers and defereneces between volunteer with eye control and without. Methods: Measuring was done with 8 volunteers and ATD (Manikin, 50th percentile man). For each volunteer were done two measurements, first without eye control and second with eye control. ATD was measured twice. It was recorded by Qualisys system, specifically by three optical cameras, on crash simulator. Results were processed in Qualisys Track Manager. There were tracked three markers, two on the body - forehead, shoulder and one on the sledge. Results: Results showed that speed of the head depends on eye control. Volunteer without eye control had higher post impact speed of head (4,94 m/s) than ATD (3,67 m/s) and volunteer with eye contact (3,19 m/s). Quite the same result was observed in change of distance between head and sledge after impact. There was higher value for volunteer without eye contact than for ATD. Keywords: Whiplash, frontal impact, Qualisys, crash simulator, cervicocranial part
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Projekt cyklistických naučných stezek v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Křivoklátsko / Project of Educational cycle trails in the Protected Landscape Area in Krivoklatsko.Šnajdr, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Title: Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Krivoklatsko. Objective: The aim is to create cycling trails nature trails in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area. Paths and routes the information to the stop and focus on routes processed into a form guide. Methods: Gathering and sorting information about the natural and cultural richness of the area. Summary information through research. Creating a printed guide with the different routes of trails. Subsequent verification of application of the resulting guide in the form of a questionnaire to a group of cyclists who tracks created by the guide completed. Results: The result of the work projects are three cycling nature trails in the protected landscape area Křivoklátsko, which are processed into a printed guide which contains a description of trails, information on routes and stops map material. The guide will be available at tourist information centers in the area and also on the Internet with the help of QR codes will be placed through stickers on existing information boards in the area. Keywords: cycling, nature trail, protected landscape area Křivoklátsko
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Euroregiony a euroregionalismus v ČR a EU. / Euroregions and euroregionalism in Czech republic and European unionŠpinka, Milan January 2008 (has links)
The subject of my dissertation is the information process in reference to euroregionalism and the origin of euroregions in the area of EU and especially Czech republic. I will focus on the fundamental causes of the european cross-border cooperation and the historical roots of first euroregion's origin -- the theoretical and practical resources of the euroregion's inception and operation. I will examine the legislative and institutional assurance of euroregions -- documents (for instance the implication of the Madrid agreement) and principles that result from the european and national legislation, on which the foundation of the euroregions functions. The euroregion legislation specifications in the countries of central and eastern Europe and especially Czech republic will also be mentioned. In the next section of my dissertation I will focus on the euroregion's definition, which occur in Czech republic -- the origin's causes and the historical roots, the financial framework (the inner sources of cross-border cooperation's financing, European funds and enterprises etc.). The objective of the practical part of the dissertation will be the evaluation of the executed cross-border cooperation benefits for the development of the peripheral area.
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La Russie en Arctique occidental : strategies d'Etat et interactions des acteurs / Russia in the Occidental Arctic, State Strategies and Interactions among actorsAlvarado, Adrian 17 October 2016 (has links)
Au cours de la première décennie du XXIe siècle l'Arctique a fait l’objet d’une attention croissante de la part des chercheurs, des politiciens et des multinationales. En effet, les problématiques liées au changement climatique, et le regain d’interêt politique et économique des Etats côtiers et non côtiers, a peu à peu fait apparaître cette région comme un endroit stratégique sur l'échiquier des grandes puissances. Depuis 2001, la Fédération de Russie a entrepris plusieurs actions afin de garantir ses intérêts nationaux dans ce qu'elle considère comme l’Arctique russe, un espace qui comprend environ 22600 kilomètres de littoral avec l'océan Arctique. Or, le changement climatique, les développements socio-économiques et les impératifs stratégiques ont conditionné cette politique pour l’Arctique. Les oblasts de Mourmansk et d’Arkhangelsk jouent, de nos jours, un rôle majeur dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie russe pour la région arctique. Ce travail évaluera donc les défis majeurs de stratégie et de sécurité nationale russes en Arctique occidental au regard des récents changements du modèle politique et économique russe, du rôle émergent d'acteurs privés et étrangers ainsi que des spécificités des régions arctiques et sous-arctiques. Dans une première partie de notre travail nous essayerons de souligner l’importance stratégique et économique de l’Arctique Occidental pour la Fédération de Russie. Une approche historique nous permettra de mieux comprendre le rôle actuel des oblasts de Mourmansk et d’Arkhangelsk tandis que l’analyse de l’évolution démographique, industrielle et commerciale de ces régions nous fera apprécier son potentiel socio-économique. Enfin, une analyse de l’adaptation des industries énergétiques et du complexe militaro-industriel aux marchés internationaux sera entreprise ainsi qu’une évaluation des risques liés au changement climatique et à la pollution industrielle. Dans une deuxième partie, nous analyserons les principales problématiques rencontrés par les acteurs étatiques et privés en Arctique occidental. Afin d’identifier les principaux enjeux, nous avons transposé des théories des relations internationales à la géopolitique (Waltz, Keohane, Putnam). Tout particulièrement, nous utiliserons pour cette analyse les modèles conceptuels de Graham Allison et son approche sur les intérêts nationaux. / During the first decade of the XXIth century, the Arctic has received growing attention from scholars, policymakers and multinational corporations. Climate change as well as renewed political and economical interests from coastal and non-coastal States had repositioned this region as a prospective theater in the Great powers chessboard. Since 2001, the Russian Federation has taken several international and domestic actions to guarantee its national interest in what it considers as the Russian Arctic, a space that comprises about 22 600 kilometers of national coastline with the Arctic Ocean. But climate change, historical socio-economic developments and strategic imperatives have conditioned this engagement.The Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts plays nowadays a leading role in the implementation of a cross-domain Russian strategy for the Arctic region. This dissertation will then assess the central challenges of Russian National Security and Strategy in the Occidental Arctic taking in consideration recent changes in the Russian Federation political and economical model, the emerging role of private and foreign actors and the specificity of Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.The first part of this dissertation will try to underline the past/current strategic and economical relevance of the Occidental Arctic for the Russian Federation. A historical approach will allow us to better understand the current role of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts while we will appreciate its socio-economic potential thanks to the analysis of demographic, industrial and commercial developments of these regions. Finally, a study on defense and energy industries adaptation to international markets will be conducted as well as a regional risk-assessment concerning climate change and industrial pollution.In a second part, our main objective is to demonstrate the strategic and economical importance of the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts for the Russian Arctic policy. This will lead us to analyse core issues in the Occidental Arctic for state and industry actors. The methodology applied to identify the main trends in these issues is a combination of the French school of geopolitics with relevant theories of international relations (Waltz, Keohane, Putnam). Graham Allison’s conceptual models and his approach on national interests will be applied in the analysis.
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Je Evropská unie optimální měnovou oblastí? / Is the EU an optimum currency area?Čechová, Iveta January 2006 (has links)
Práce podává přehled o vzniku a vývoji evropské měnové integrace a společné evropské měny euro. Dále mapuje vznik a vývoj teorie optimálních měnových oblastí. Její autoři definují kritéria optimálních měnových oblastí, která jsou v práci analyzována ve vztahu k Evropské unii. Analýza tak odpovídá na otázku zda je Evropská unie optimální měnovou oblastí a zda je Česká republika optimálním kandidátem vstupu do eurozóny.
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