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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detekce elektrického oblouku / Arc Fault Detection

Fendrychová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku analýzy signálů za účelem detekce poruchového oblouku, přičemž analýza signálů je prováděna v časové, frekvenční a smíšené časově-frekvenční oblasti. Práce stručně shrnuje existující normy pro zařízení pro detekci poruchového oblouku. Práce dokumentuje testy a měření, které byly realizovány v souladu s normami IEC 62606:2013 a UL 1699B. Z důvodu nedostatečnosti stávajících norem je v práci popsána nová metoda iniciace poruchového oblouku. naměřená data byla analyzována s využitím rychlé Fourierovy transformace, krátkodobé Fourierovy transformace a vlnkové transformace. Na základě provedeného literárního průzkumu a s využitím výsledků provedených analýz signálu je v práci proveden návrh nové detekční metody pro účely detekce poruchového oblouku v systémech napájených střídavým i stejnosměrným napětím.

Regionale Charakteristik der Nachfrage und des Angebots an Wohnungen in der Ukraine seit dem Jahr 2000:: Wohnungsbestandsentwicklung in den Oblasten der Ukraine vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels

Ortner, Andreas 16 February 2015 (has links)
In der Ukraine sind der demographische Wandel und der damit verbundene Bevölkerungsrückgang von 12 % der Einwohner seit 1990 im europaweiten Vergleich einmalig. Dafür verantwortlich ist aus Sicht der Wissenschaft neben den transformationsbedingten Brüchen innerhalb der Gesellschaft, der flächendeckende Mangel an bezahlbaren Wohnungen. Aktuell ist die Hälfte der ukrainischen Haushalte mit der eigenen Wohnungssituation unzufrieden. Der Großteil des in den 1990er Jahren privatisierten Wohnungsbestands ist marode und in sanierungsbedürftigem Zustand. Den Eigentümern fehlen jedoch die finanziellen Mittel, um Bestandserhaltungsmaßnahmen aus eigener Kraft heraus durchzuführen. Vor allem junge Erwachsene haben keine Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf eine Wohnung und damit auch keine Chance, einen eigenen Haushalt zu bilden. Oft scheitern daran die Gründung einer eigenen Familie und der Wunsch, Kinder zu bekommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat das Ziel, Hinweise auf Zusammenhänge zwischen dem demographischen Wandel, den Haushalten und den bestehenden Wohnungsproblemen in der Ukraine zu finden. Dazu werden die Entwicklungen der Bevölkerung, der Haushalte und des Wohnungsbestands anhand sachlogischer Kenngrößen charakterisiert und regionale Besonderheiten sowie Disparitäten zwischen den 27 Oblasten (Regionen) des Landes aufgezeigt. Basierend auf multivariaten Verfahren, wie der Faktoren- und Clusteranalyse, werden Regionstypen gebildet, die Aussagen zur aktuellen Nachfrage und zum Angebot an Wohnungen zulassen.

Kdo a proč odchází z vědy? Vývoj profesní identity začínajících vědců a vědkyň a jeho oborová a genderová specifika / Who leaves academia and why? Professional identity development of early career researchers and its field and gender specific

Cidlinská, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The thesis follows the research stream focused on changes to the academic environment in the recent decades and their impact on academic professional paths and identities. Specifically, it is concerned with the phenomenon of attrition from academic profession which is pursued through a perspective of professional identity. We understand academic identities as an integral part of current changes to the academic environment and their study thus may help us better understand the changes as well as their influence on the development of academic ambitions. The aim of the thesis is to ascertain what kind of people and with what kind of professional identities enter and leave academia and for what reasons, and on this basis to identify barriers to the development of academic identities and paths. Special attention is paid to research field and gender aspects of the development of professional identities in order to explore the possible influence of specific structural factors (mainly field specific organization of academic production and gender specific biographies) and gain information needed for appropriate policy measures aimed at supporting professional development of early-career researchers. The analysis is based on narrative interviews with people who left academic professional path. The outcome of...

Dobrovolnictví mládeže ve věku 20 - 24 let - zkušenosti, vnímání, role rodiny a vrstevníků v dobrovolnictví / Volunteering of Young People between the age of 20 to 24 - Experiences, perception and the Role of Family and Peers in Volunteering

Ježová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
Volunteering is a really actual issue in abroad and in the Czech republic, too. It is a necessary part of good working civic society. Activities connected with volunteering is desirable to support and pay attention to them. This thesis handles the topic of young people in the age between 20 and 24 and volunteering. It tries to explore the role of family and peers in young peoples' volunteering. Its aim is to describe the perception of volunteering and the importance/sens for young volunteers. Is there a difference between the welfare and mutual field of voluteering? Also it handles the experiences and reasons for choices of type of concrete volunteering activity. There has been a qualitative research conducted within this thesis. The method of focus group and document analysis were used for it.

Jezuitská architektura v Jižní Americe / Jesuit architecture in South America

Vopálková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis called The Jesuit Arquitecture in South America focused on Andean area is treating the jesuit arquitecture in South America and it is focused on the arquitecture in towns in The Andean Area, now the states of Beru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. My final work has an intention to provide a summary of this fascinating part of the colonial history of art of Latin America. I tried to deal with the part of the jesuit history from the arrival of members of the Society of Jesus in the end ot the XVI. century to their expulsion in the year 1767. The content of this thesis is to present the jesuit arquitecture and to present their caracteristics and diferences from the european baroque arquitecture. I wanted to speak about the forms and technologies of the jesuit works and to compare them, to compare the jesuit buildings, which I am dealing with, between them and they are comparated with the itailan jesuit church called Il Gesù. At the end, I included the actual situation of the jesuit building in The Andean Area.

Temporo-limbická dysfunkce u osob s poruchami spánku / Temporolimbic dysfunction in persons with sleep disorders

Hepnerová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medicinal Sciences Student: Bc. Eva Hepnerová Supervisor: Doc. MUDr. Josef Herink, DrSc. Title: Temporolimbic dysfunction in persons with sleep disorders Background: The aim is to demonstrate the occurrence of symptoms of the temporolimbic dysfunction in person with sleep disorders using standard psychosocial questionnaires. Methods: The occurrence of symptoms of the temporolimbic dysfunction was detected by means of CPSI and LSCL-33 questionnaires. Correlation of both questionnaires' results was evaluated by Spearman's coefficient. Results: According to CPSI 11 % patients have abnormal score and they have higher occurrence of symptoms of the temporolimbic dysfunction. According to LSCL-33 achieve 32 % of respondents abnormal score and 7 % respondents have pathologic score, which means the presence of the temporolimbic dysfunction. Conclusions: The occurrence of the temporolimbic dysfunction in persons with sleep disorders have been shown, but it haven't been higher in comparison with healthy population. Keywords: mood disorders, sleep disorders, psychosocial questionnaire, sleep, temporolimbic region

Přírodovědné exkurze pro II. stupeň ZŠ v okolí Třebíče / Biological and Geological Excursions for second degree of primary school in the Třebíč areas

Popelářová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the presented master thesis is to prepare, realise and evaluate an efficiency of the alternative method of biology (natural history) teaching at second grade of primary school via excursion into natural areas of the Třebíč region. Four field trips dealing with botanical, zoological, geological and ecological focuses were realised. The theoretical part of the thesis is characterised the Třebíč region focusing on several different natural aspects with an emphasis on an interesting natural sites in this region that are suitable for teaching. Specific teaching methods that are useful for field trips are included in this part of the thesis. The practical part described four field trips including methodical instructions for teachers. Other didactic materials and worksheets are added in the appendices. The empirical part contains questionnaires and didactic tests that are used to monitor specific attitudes of 120 pupils from primary schools to teaching of natural, field trips and worksheets. The questionnaire results definitely proved the following: a) the biology (natural history) classes are among the favourite subjects of the 2nd grade primary school, b) most pupils considered the field trips as interesting and informative, c) worksheets are useful but do not enjoy it. Results of the...

Projekt cyklistické naučné stezky v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Kokořínsko / Project of Educational cycle trail in protected landscape area in Kokořínsko

Válek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Title A Project of Educational Bicycle Trail in Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area. Objective The aim of this work is to create a project of Educational bicycle trail in Protected Landscape Area (PLA) Kokořínsko, create an information brochure, which could be distributed to tourist information centres in the region. Methods The discussion with employees of Kokořínsko PLA and collection of information on existing bicycle trails, bicycle tracks, educational trails, natural and cultural assets in the area. Classification and verification of collected data. Using the information obtained for creating an Educationl bicycle trail. Presenting a summary in an information brochure. Assessment of the project via questionaires. Results The result of this work is a proposal of two educational cycle trails with possible combinations in Kokořínsko in form of an information brochure. The brochure includes educational texts connected to the areas on the trail, photographs and maps. Keywords Kokořínsko, Educational trail, bicycle trail, bicycle track, protected landscape area (PLA).

Metody lokalizace rozdílů v různých modálitách malířských děl / Methods for Localization of Image Differences in Different Modalities of Paintings

Fürbach, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The work focuses on the analysis of paintings to determine the painting techniques. Specifically, it focuses on the localization of the underdrawing by comparing images taken in the spectra with different penetration depth. Defines the problem associated with the capture of the compared images in different spectra. Specifies methods that determine the dependence between two parts of the spectrum (mainly RGB and IR) and based on the dependence approximates conversion between these two parts of the spectrum (Red spectral component projection, Colour intensity, Weighted average of spectral components, Table conversion, Linear regression, PCA analysis and Edge decomposition). Work also describes more general problems that complicate solving tasks, such as noise, non-uniform illumination and adding the same type of radiation. Problems at work are thoroughly analyzed. We design a Calculation of illumination parameters using a neural network, Approximation of illumination by blur, Polynomial approximation of illumination and TWMJ approximation of illumination for suppressing non-uniform illumination. Define methods Estimation by edge decomposition and Local least squares method solving adding the same type of radiation. In addition, we describe the Gaussian filter, the Averaging, Median filter, Conservative...

Analýza nabídky produktů cestovního ruchu ve vybraném teritoriu / The analysis of the offer of tourism products in the selected region

Mitáčková, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to summarize and valorize the offer of tourism products in the region Zlín. The introductory part of the thesis judges the tourism of the region as a whole. It describes the statistical data of the tourism, the main projects of the tourism and the main tourist attractions of the region. The main part of the thesis consists of the analysis of the tourist offer. Tourist attractions and products of tourism are described separately for each tourist area and they are divided into different categories. Accommodation and additional services are rated as well. The conclusion of the thesis includes the comparison of the areas, SWAT analysis of the region as a whole and a draft of new tourism products.

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