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Supervised learning for back analysis of excavations in the observational methodJin, Yingyan January 2018 (has links)
In the past few decades, demand for construction in underground spaces has increased dramatically in urban areas with high population densities. However, the impact of the construction of underground structures on surrounding infrastructure raises concerns since movements caused by deep excavations might damage adjacent buildings. Unfortunately, the prediction of geotechnical behaviour is difficult due to uncertainties and lack of information of on the underground environment. Therefore, to ensure safety, engineers tend to choose very conservative designs that result in requiring unnecessary material and longer construction time. The observational method, which was proposed by Peck in 1969, and formalised in Eurocode 7 in 1987, provides a way to avoid such redundancy by modifying the design based on the knowledge gathered during construction. The review process within the observational method is recognised as back analysis. Supervised learning can aid in this process, providing a systematic procedure to assess soil parameters based on monitoring data and prediction of the ground response. A probabilistic model is developed in this research to account for the uncertainties in the problem. Sequential Bayesian inference is used to update the soil parameters at each excavation stage when observations are available. The accuracy of the prediction for future stages improves at each stage. Meanwhile, the uncertainty contained in the prediction decreases, and therefore the confidence on the corresponding design also increases. Moreover, the Bayesian method integrates subjective engineering experience and objective observations in a rational and quantitative way, which enables the model to update soil parameters even when the amount of data is very limited. It also allows the use of the knowledge learnt from comparable ground conditions, which is particularly useful in the absence of site-specific information on ground conditions. Four probabilistic models are developed in this research. The first two incorporate empirical excavation design methods. These simple models are used to examine the practicality of the approach with several cases. The next two are coupled with a program called FREW, which is able to simulate the excavation process, still in a relatively simplistic way. The baseline model with simple assumptions on model error and another one is a more sophisticated model considering measurement error and spatial relationships among the observations. Their efficiency and accuracy are verified using a synthetic case and tested based on a case history from the London Crossrail project. In the end, the models are compared and their flexibility in different cases is discussed.
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A Critical Review of the Observational MethodSpross, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Building a sustainable structure in soil or rock that satisfies all predefined technical requirements implies choosing a rational and effective construction method. An important aspect is how the performance of the structure is verified. For cases when the geotechnical behaviour is hard to predict, the existing design code for geotechnical structures, Eurocode 7, suggests the so-called “observational method” to verify that the performance is acceptable. The basic principle of the method is to accept predefined changes in the design during construction, in order to accommodate the actual ground conditions, if the current design is found unsuitable. Even though this in theory should ensure an effective design solution, formal application of the observational method is rare. It is therefore not clear which prerequisites and circumstances that must be present for the observational method to be applicable and be the more suitable method. This licentiate thesis gives a critical review of the observational method, based on, and therefore limited by, the outcome of the performed case studies. The aim is to identify and highlight the crucial aspects that make the observational method difficult to apply, thereby providing a basis for research towards a more applicable definition of the method. The main topics of discussion are (1) the apparent contradiction between the preference for advanced probabilistic calculation methods to solve complex design problems and sound, qualitative engineering judgement, (2) the limitations of measurement data in assessing the safety of a structure, (3) the fact that currently, no safety margin is required for the completed structure when the observational method is applied, and (4) the rigidity of the current definition of the observational method and the implications of deviations from its principles. Based on the review, it is argued that the observational method can be improved by linking it to a probabilistic framework. To be applicable, the method should be supported by guidelines that explain and exemplify how to make the best use of it. The engineering judgement is however not lost; no matter how elaborate probabilistic methods are used, sound judgement is still needed to define the problem correctly. How to define such a probabilistic framework is an urgent topic for future research, because this also addresses the concerns regarding safety that is raised in the other topics of discussion. / För att i berg eller jord kunna konstruera en anläggning, som uppfyller satta tekniska krav, krävs det att man väljer en rationell och effektiv konstruktionsmetod. En viktig aspekt i detta val är hur man verifierar konstruktionens funktion avseende exempelvis bärförmåga eller stadga. För fall när konstruktionens beteende svårt att förutsäga, erbjuder gällande standard (Eurokod 7) den så kallade observationsmetoden. Denna metod tillåter i förväg förberedda förändringar i designen under konstruktionstiden, om observationer av konstruktionens beteende indikerar att så behövs. På så vis anpassas konstruktionen till de faktiska förhållandena i marken. Trots att detta tillvägagångssätt i teorin borde ge en rationell design, används metoden sällan. Det råder därför oklarheter om vilka förutsättningar och omständigheter som krävs för att observationsmetoden ska kunna användas och dessutom utgöra den bästa lösningen. I denna licentiatuppsats granskas observationsmetoden och dess användbarhet. Målet med licentiatuppsatsen är att belysa de aspekter som kan utgöra svårigheter när observationsmetoden används. Dessa identifierades under arbetet med några fallstudier. Licentiatuppsatsen ger därmed en utgångspunkt för fortsatt forskning för att ta fram en mer användbar definition av observationsmetoden. De viktigaste aspekterna som diskuteras i uppsatsen är (1) den skenbara motsatsen mellan användandet av sannolikhetsbaserade beräkningsmetoder för att lösa komplexa dimensioneringsfrågor och kvalitativa ingenjörsmässiga bedömningar, (2) de begränsningar som finns när man använder mätdata för att utvärdera konstruktioners säkerhet, (3) att det för tillfället saknas krav på säkerhetsmarginal mot brott för konstruktioner som byggts med observationsmetoden, och (4) vad svårigheten att uppfylla Eurokodens strikta definition innebär för metodens användbarhet. Utifrån resultatet av granskningen dras slutsatsen att observationsmetoden kan förbättras genom att ge den ett sannolikhetsbaserat ramverk. För att förenkla användningen bör riktlinjer och anvisningar utformas. Även om metoden utvecklas mot en högre grad av beräkningskomplexitet, kommer ingenjörsmässiga bedömningar också framgent att vara viktiga, eftersom en avgörande aspekt är hur problemställningen formuleras. Med ett sannolikhetsbaserat ramverk ökar möjligheten att lösa de frågeställningar kring säkerhet som också diskuteras i uppsatsen. / <p>QC 20140415</p>
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Riskhantering för enledningsschakt : En tillämpning av SGFs riskhanteringsmetodik i utförandeskedetBurlin, Annika January 2022 (has links)
In most civil engineering projects, the risk of slope failure has to be considered for allexcavations performed until the project is completed. The risk is founded in the uncertaintiesof the geotechnical properties of the soil that the excavations are performed in. With the riskof slope failure follows the risk towards the project budget, delays versus time plan andinjures to those involved in the excavation. To prevent the aforementioned risks the SwedishGeotechnical Society, SGF, have written a report that presents a structured way to performrisk management within geotechnical projects.By performing an excavation that simulates one that would be excavated for installing pipeswithin clay, measurement have been performed on wooden sticks that has reflex tape. Thewooden sticks were placed on the head and the toe of the excavated slope, with the intentionto capture the movement of a beginning slope failure. This was performed by using theobservational method for the risk treatment in the risk management process for theexcavation. The results of the measurements in the slope toe indicates a beginning of a slopefailure. However, due to the large spread of measured results on the excavation head theresults could not be used as information for risk treatment.
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Toward a reliability framework for the observational methodSpross, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Constructing sustainable structures in rock that satisfy all predefined technical specifications requires rational and effective construction methods. When the geotechnical behaviour is hard to predict, the European design code, Eurocode 7, suggests application of the observational method to verify that the performance is acceptable. The basic principle of the method is to accept predefined changes in the design during construction to comply with the actual ground conditions, if the current design is found unsuitable. Even though this in theory should ensure an effective design solution, formal application of the observational method is rare. Investigating the applicability of the observational method in rock engineering, the aim of this thesis is to identify, highlight, and solve the aspects of the method that limit its wider application. Furthermore, the thesis aims to improve the conceptual understanding of how design decisions should be made when large uncertainties are present. The main research contribution is a probabilistic framework for the observational method. The suggested methodology allows comparison of the merits of the observational method with that of conventional design. Among other things, the thesis also discusses (1) the apparent contradiction between the preference for advanced probabilistic calculation methods and sound, qualitative engineering judgement, (2) how the establishment of limit states and alarm limits must be carefully considered to ensure structural safety, and (3) the applicability of the Eurocode definition of the observational method and the implications of deviations from its principles. / För att kunna konstruera en anläggning i berg, som uppfyller satta tekniska krav, krävs det en rationell och effektiv konstruktionsmetod. När konstruktionens beteende är svårt att förutsäga, erbjuder den europeiska standarden Eurokod 7 den så kallade observationsmetoden. Denna metod tillåter i förväg förberedda förändringar i designen under konstruktionstiden, om observationer av konstruktionens beteende indikerar att så behövs. På så vis anpassas konstruktionen till de faktiska förhållandena i marken. Trots att detta tillvägagångssätt i teorin ger en rationell design, används metoden sällan i enlighet med Eurokod 7. Denna doktorsavhandling undersöker tillämpbarheten av observa-tionsmetoden när man bygger i och på berg. Målet är att belysa de aspekter som begränsar dess användning och i dessa fall föreslå förbättringar som ökar tillämpbarheten. I ett vidare perspektiv syftar avhandlingen även till att förbättra den konceptuella förståelsen för hur beslut bör fattas i designprocessen när det finns stora osäkerheter. Avhandlingen visar hur observationsmetoden kan användas i ett sannolikhetsbaserat ramverk. Metodiken ger användaren möjlighet att jämföra för- och nackdelarna med observationsmetoden och konventionell dimensionering. Avhandlingen diskuterar bland annat även (1) den skenbara motsatsen mellan användandet av sannolikhetsbaserade beräkningsmetoder för att lösa komplexa dimensioneringsfrågor och kvalitativa ingenjörsmässiga bedömningar, (2) hur larmgränser och brottgränstillstånd bör definieras för att ge tillräcklig säkerhetsmarginal, samt (3) hur Eurokod 7:s strikta definition av observationsmetoden påverkar dess användbarhet. / <p>QC 20160926</p>
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La quête du Team Flow dans les jeux vidéo coopératifs : apports conceptuels et méthodologiques / The quest of Team Flow in the cooperative video games : abstract and methodological contributionsBorderie, Joceran 08 April 2015 (has links)
De récents travaux ont amorcé l’exploration des formes sociales de l’expérience optimale (i.e. group flow et team flow). Toutefois, la connaissance que l’on a de ces processus et des manières de les identifier reste très limitée. Ce travail de thèse visait d’une part à définir le team flow et à en isoler les dimensions conceptuelles, et d’autre part, à élaborer une nouvelle méthode d’observation visant à détecter les différentes formes de flow grâce aux comportements des joueurs et à l’enregistrement des parties de jeu. Dans cette perspective, trois études ont été menés sur différents jeux coopératifs (League of Legends, Resident Evil 5…) et ont révélé : 1) que le team flow est un phénomène qualitativement différent de la forme individuelle du flow et présente donc des dimensions conceptuelles qui lui sont spécifiques ; 2) que l’interdépendance positive et les modèles mentaux partagés semblent jouer un rôle majeur dans l’émergence du team flow. L’interdépendance permet de lier les joueurs dans l’action et de les orienter dans une direction commune. Les modèles mentaux semblent permettre aux joueurs de construire un cadre d’organisation partagé qui favorise l’émergence d’une coopération efficace et fluide ; 3) que le flow, le team flow et le group flow sont des états mentaux qu’il semble possible de détecter en observant le comportement des joueurs et leurs actions dans le jeu. Considérées dans leur ensemble, ces études ont permis de mieux cerner le fonctionnement de l’expérience optimale de coopération, sa singularité face à la version individuelle du flow, ainsi que des pistes pour identifier ces états mentaux en temps réel. Après avoir discuté les principaux résultats de cette thèse, nous suggérons des perspectives de recherches et d’applications dépassant le cadre du jeu vidéo / Recent studies have explored social forms of the optimal experience (i.e. group flow and team flow). However, knowledge about these processes and ways to identify them, is very limited. Therefore, the present thesis aims, first, to define the team flow and its conceptual dimensions, and second, to create a new method to detect the different forms of flow through observation of players’ behavior and game replays. In this vein, three studies were carried out on different cooperative games (League of Legends, Resident Evil 5…) and revealed that: 1) team flow is a phenomenon qualitatively different from individual flow and therefore posseses unique conceptual dimensions; 2) positive interdependence and shared mental models seem to play a major role in the emergence of team flow. Positive interdependence links players in action and points them in a common direction. Mental models appear to allow players to build a shared organizational framework that promotes the emergence of an effective and smooth cooperation; 3) flow, team flow and group flow are mental states that seem to be possibly detectable by observing players’ behavior and their actions in the game. The joint outcomes of these studies help to define the optimum cooperative experience, its functioning, its specific characteristics compared to the individual version of flow, as well as ways to identify these mental states in real time. After discussing the main results of this thesis, we suggest research perspectives and applications beyond the scope of gaming.
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On reliability-based design of rock tunnel supportBjureland, William January 2017 (has links)
Tunneling involves large uncertainties. Since 2009, design of rock tunnels in European countries should be performed in accordance with the Eurocodes. The main principle in the Eurocodes is that it must be shown in all design situations that no relevant limit state is exceeded. This can be achieved with a number of different methods, where the most common one is design by calculation. To account for uncertainties in design, the Eurocode states that design by calculation should primarily be performed using limit state design methods, i.e. the partial factor method or reliability-based methods. The basic principle of the former is that it shall be assured that a structure’s resisting capacity is larger than the load acting on the structure, with high enough probability. Even if this might seem straightforward, the practical application of limit state design to rock tunnel support has only been studied to a limited extent. The aim of this licentiate thesis is to provide a review of the practical applicability of using reliability-based methods and the partial factor method in design of rock tunnel support. The review and the following discussion are based on findings from the cases studied in the appended papers. The discussion focuses on the challenges of applying fixed partial factors, as suggested by Eurocode, in design of rock tunnel support and some of the practical difficulties the engineer is faced with when applying reliability-based methods to design rock tunnel support. The main conclusions are that the partial factor method (as defined in Eurocode) is not suitable to use in design of rock tunnel support, but that reliability-based methods have the potential to account for uncertainties present in design, especially when used within the framework of the observational method. However, gathering of data for statistical quantification of input variables along with clarification of the necessary reliability levels and definition of “failure” are needed. / <p>QC 20170407</p>
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En ansats mot förenklad sprickkartering av borrkärna / An approach towards a simplified joint mapping of drill coresClarin, Viktoria January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en ansats mot en förenklad metod för sprickkartering i borrkärna och utvärderar huruvida en förenklad metod är tillämpbar vid projekt som anläggs under aktiv design och tid är en kritisk faktor. Det föreliggande arbetet är en studie baserad på data från Boliden Mineral AB, från undersökningar utförda i syfte att lokalisera en lämplig, lågpermeabel bergvolym för anläggandet av ett slutförvar för miljöfarligt avfall. Vattenflöde i kristallin bergmassa, liksom den i Sverige, förmodas traditionellt påverkas mest av sprickornas karaktär så som sprickdensitet, sprickvidd, råhet, sprickfyllning etc. Vidare påverkar sprickegenskaperna bergmassans hållfasthet, varför karaktärisering av bergmassan utgör en central roll vid byggande i berg. Effektivisering av sprickkartering under aktiv design undersöktes genom att utvärdera hur väl de parametrar som används vid karaktärisering verkar för identifiering av vattenförande strukturer. Vidare utvärderades möjligheten att minska antalet sprickor att kartera och karaktärisera vid den fysiska kärnan. Resultat i denna studie visar inte några tydliga kopplingar mellan mätsektionernas hydrauliska konduktivitet (K) och de individuella karterade parametrarna. Osäkerheterna är dock stora då mätsektionerna för de hydrauliska testerna utgörs av 10 m för uppskattande av K, som dessutom påverkas av storskaliga företeelser (t.ex. grad av sammankoppling) som vidare inte är möjligt att uppskatta från borrhålsdata. Fjärrkartering av borrhålsfilm underestimerar överlag bergkvaliteten för de tre borrhål som analyserades. En förenklad metod med ett representativt urval sprickor för fysisk kartering beskriver fördelningen av parametervärden väl, vid jämförelse mot en fullständig fysisk kartering för två borrkärnor. Lerfyllda sprickor och höga Ja-värden överestimeras dock vid den förenklade karteringen vilket potentiellt kan leda till en mer konservativ förstärkningsåtgärd än nödvändigt. Fler studier behöver dock genomföras för att utvärdera huruvida den förenklade metoden kan reflektera parametervärdenas fördelning för individuella sprickgrupper. Vidare krävs ytterligare undersökningar för utvärdering av hur robusta de presenterade metoderna är vid kartering av borrkärnor med högre sprickighet än de som använts för analys i denna studie. / This master thesis is the inception of a simplified method for logging fractures in drill holes and comprises an evaluation on whether a simplified method is applicable for projects where the observational method is used and time is a critical factor. The following work is a study based on data from Boliden Mineral AB, acquired from investigations for locating a suitable, low-permeable rock mass for a repository for hazardous waste. Water flow in crystalline bedrock, such as that found in Sweden, is traditionally thought to be most influenced by fracture characteristics like fracture density, aperture, roughness, fillings etc. Moreover, these same characteristics influence the rock mass strength, which is why the characterization of fractures is fundamental for construction in rock. To improve efficiency of fracture logging in projects maintained under the observational method, an evaluation on how well the quantified fracture characteristics work for identification of large-scale water bearing structures was performed. Furthermore, the possibility of decreasing the number of fractures to log and characterize in the core was investigated. The results show no apparent correlations between hydraulic conductivity (K) in test sections and the individually mapped parameters. However, the uncertainties are significant, mainly because of the large sections in which the hydraulic tests were conducted, but also because of largescale features influencing K (e.g. interconnectivity) which are not possible to estimate from core data. Remote logging of borehole images generally underestimates the quality of the rock mass for the three analyzed boreholes. A simplified method with a representative selection of fractures for physical core logging was found to describe the distribution of parameter values well, when compared to a complete physical core log for two drill cores. Clayfillings and high Ja -values are however overestimated when the simplified method is applied which may lead to a more conservative reinforcement measure than necessary. However, more studies need to be carried out to evaluate whether the simplified method can reflect the distribution of parameter values for individual fracture sets. Moreover, additional studies are required to evaluate the robustness of the suggested simplified methods in drill cores from areas of more heavily fractured bedrock than those analyzed in this study.
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Shared representation of work-related musculoskeletal risk factors and comparison of assessment methods : an experimental study in the truck manufacturing industry / Représentation partagée des facteurs de risque des troubles musculosquelettiques et comparaison des méthodes d'évaluation : une étude expérimentale dans le secteur de l’assemblage de camionsZare Mahmoudabadi, Mohsen 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les facteurs de risque de troubles musculo-squelettiques(TMS) tels que les facteurs physiques, organisationnels et psychosociaux sont un défi commun pour les industries de l'assemblage automobile qui entrainent des effets indésirables sur le système et les humains. L’ergonomie a déjà été intégrée dans les systèmes de production de ces industries pour la prise en charge de la prévention des TMS. La question est de savoir si l'approche ergonomique actuelle des industries automobiles, sur la base de normes à l'entreprise et des méthodes d'observation, peut fournir une connaissance partagée des facteurs ergonomiques pour les divers intervenants et pour faciliter l'amélioration des conditions de travail. Cette étude aborde la problématique du positionnement des différents méthodes d'évaluation (utilisées par les différents intervenants) et compare les résultats et apports de chaque méthode d'évaluation. Cette thèse propose que la procédure actuelle d'évaluation des risques de TMS ne favorise pas une connaissance partagée entre les intervenants dans les industries automobiles. On constate que les évaluations par auto-questionnaire (opérateurs) sont significativement différentes de celles issues des méthodes d'observation (ergonome) et des mesures directes (analyse biomécanique). Cependant, les opinions et jugements des opérateurs concernant les facteurs ergonomiques sont importants pour faciliter la réussite d'une approche ergonomique. Un entretien structuré et systématisé, basé sur des données objectives (Video-observations ou de mesure directe) liées aux activités et stratégies des opérateurs, pourrait être une procédure appropriée pour faire progresser l'ergonomie des situations de travail. Enfin, la connaissance tirée de cette thèse souligne que la variabilité des tâches dans l’industrie automobile nécessite une approche ergonomique qui partage les connaissances des risques entre les intervenants. Dans cette approche, les attitudes et les comportements des opérateurs sont pris en compte dans les projets d’amélioration continue. De plus, la participation des intervenants devrait être intégrée afin d'améliorer la prise en compte de l'ergonomie dans la production. Une synthèse de cette thèse en Français a été fournie dans l’annexe première. / Musculoskeletal risk factors such as physical, organizational and psychosocial factors are a common challenge for the automotive assembly industries and result in adverse human and system effects. Ergonomics has already been integrated inthe production systems of such factories to eliminate work related musculoskeletal disorders (WR-MSDs). The issue is whether the current ergonomic approach of car industries, based on corporate standards and observational methods, can provide a shared knowledge of ergonomic factors for various stakeholders and facilitate ergonomic improvement. This study focuses on the positioning of the different assessment methods (used by various stakeholders), agreement between their results in evaluation of physical risk factors and the influence of intervention and improvement following ergonomic assessment. This thesis proposes that the current procedure of risk factor assessment can not provide ashared knowledge and representation of risks between stakeholders in manufacturing industries. It was found that the operators’ assessments of risk factors (self-reported questionnaire) were significantly different from those assessed by observational methods (ergonomist) and direct measurement. However, the operators’ opinions and judgments of ergonomic factors of a job are of particular importance to the success of an ergonomic approach. A structured interview based on objective data (video-observation or direct measurement) linked the activities and strategies of atrisk operators might be an appropriate procedure to advance ergonomics.The knowledge gained from this study emphasizes that the variable nature of tasks in manufacturing industries needs an ergonomic approach which shares knowledge and representation of risks between stakeholders. In such an approach, attitudes and behaviors of operators are taken into consideration in developing new intervention processes, organizational and technical remedies. Moreover, involvement of stakeholders should be integrated and this should result in improving production ergonomics.
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