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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constructed Wetlands and Buffer Zones as Measures for Agricultural Phosphorus Leakage on a Sub-catchment Scale : The Söderköping River Project

Kokic, Jovana January 2010 (has links)
The Baltic Sea has a major problem with eutrophication where acts have been taken by the EU commission to sign a common action plan, the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP). The overall goal is to reach a good environmental status by the year 2021, where one of the sub-goals is that the Baltic Sea should be unaffected by eutrophication. For Sweden, the goal for phosphorus (P) is to reduce the annual load with 290 tonnes by the year 2021. Since phosphorus is the main limiting nutrient, it is targeted for reduction when it comes to addressing problems with eutrophication. The objective of this thesis is to estimate the effect of constructed wetlands (CW) and buffer zones (BZ), as measures for reducing agricultural phosphorus, in a specific sub-catchment area of the Söderköping river. The waters in this sub-catchment area have the status unsatisfying and poor. If these measures are suitable for this area and where, and if the effect implementation would fulfill a good status for these waters, are questions that this thesis will aim at. An assigned P reduction has been calculated for the sub-catchments where the waters with unsatisfying and poor statuses are present. Areas for CWs have been calculated with the help of the assigned reduction and retentions found in the literature, and location for them has been suggested. With the help of calculated areas for potential BZs for this area, the effect of them have been calculated by retentions found in the literature with 9 and 10 m widths. The results show higher results for assigned P reduction than the actual P load that is present in the sub-catchments. This gives odd results for the effect of the CWs where they show a P reduction of 59-234 %. The method for assigned P reduction is therefore questioned, where the method for the reference value that is used is not without flaws. For BZs, a reduction of 5-14 % is shown, where the reduction is larger with larger areas for potential BZs. Whether the implementation of the measures will fulfill a good status for the waters is difficult to say, due to the inadequate methods and the odd results given in this thesis.

Approaches to participative planning : Potential applications in municipal energy planning

Ljung, Stina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores potential participatory approaches suitable for a municipal energy planning context. It also analyses the possibility of using those approaches in energy planning processes in ten Swedish municipalities. Swedish municipal energy plans display differences in terms of quality, comprehensiveness and implementation. According to participation literature, planning processes can be improved by stakeholder participation. This study was carried out in four steps: creation of a theoretical framework, survey investigating the municipal energy planners’ views on participation, relating the planners’ views with the theoretical framework and creating suggestions for which participatory approaches to use in the municipalities. Participatory approaches found in literature were categorised into: democracy based, social learning and policy driven participation. Literature states that stakeholder participation should be done as early as possible in a process, but findings from the survey show that those municipalities that have come furthest in their planning process are the ones most interested in stakeholder participation. Indicating that energy planning processes need to gain a sense of maturity before it is even possible to think about involving other stakeholders. Another result shows differences in objectives, central values and targeted stakeholders between the different municipalities. One conclusion from this thesis is the importance for municipalities to understand their objectives for stakeholder participation, since objectives partly determines what kind of participatory approach that will be suitable to use in a given situation.

Impacts of Climate Changeson Reservoirs in Northern Sweden : case study of Akkajaure reservoir by modelling

Chang, Yan January 2010 (has links)
Since the middle of the 20th century, the average temperature of the atmosphere near Earthsurface has increased. The global warming causes many effects in hydrological systems, suchas changes in thermal structure, water quality, aquatic ecosystems, etc. This thesis studies theimpact of climate change on Akkajaure reservoir, the second largest regulated reservoir inSweden, by simulating a predicted temperature rise based on the climate and hydrologicalconditions of Akkajaure in 1998-2002. The congeal duration, ice thickness and the turbulentkinetic energy (TKE) in the lake were calculated by the catchment hydrological model and thelake model. The movement of phytoplankton and their mean net production (MeanNP) rateare simulated by the dispersion model and the photosynthesis model. By comparing thesimulation results of past situation and three predicted scenarios, it is obtained that theincreases of temperature shorten the congeal duration, which is a lead factor for shortening thetrough period and amplification of peak value of TKE. The comparison of plankton particlesposition illustrates that the particles stay in a deeper position for a longer time because of thechanges of TKE. Though the plankton stays in euphotic zone longer as the temperatureincreases, the comparison of the mean production rate between the real scenario and thepredicted scenarios concludes that the mean production rate grows as the temperatureincreases because the shortened ice cover period makes the duration of absorbed sunlightincreases in lake. The effects of global warming may influence the distribution of microalgaein on high latitude lakes and reservoirs. The phytoplankton will stay in deeper water layers fora longer time.

Reduktion av järn, mangan och CODMn i dricksvatten : Ett pilotförsök vid Högåsens vattenverk / Reduction of iron, manganese and CODMn in potable water : A pilot study atHögåsens water treatment facility

Olausson, Tommy January 2012 (has links)
Högåsens vattenverk som förser Nyköping och Oxelösunds tätorter med vatten använder sig av konstgjord grundvattenbildning. Verket har under en längre tid haft besvär med att producera önskad kvantitet dricksvatten. Kapaciteten begränsas av att ur marken pumpat vatten vid höga uttag innehåller järn- och manganhalter som överstiger lagstadgade gränsvärden. I förhoppning om att öka kapaciteten vid vattenverket borrades 2011 en ny grundvattenbrunn, benämnd V7. Kemiska analyser på vattnet från V7 i samband med provpumpning av brunnen visade dock på förhöjda halter järn, mangan samt COD Mn – kemisk syreförbrukning.För att utreda möjligheterna att använda V7 för dricksvattenproduktion samt komma till rätta med Högåsens mangan- och järnproblem utfördes på vatten från V7 ett pilotförsök, där syresättning och filtrering användes för att reducera halterna av järn och mangan i vattnet. Resultaten visar på att järnhalten reduceras effektivt, medan manganhalten ej förändras genom pilotanläggningen. Den kemiska syreförbrukningen i råvattnet från V7 är hög, vilket ger bilden av ett syrefattigt grundvattenmagasin som under lång tid belastats med syreförbrukande organiskt material. För att kunna använda grundvattenbrunn V7 för dricksvattenproduktion föreslås tillsats av ett starkare oxidationsmedel än syre, följt av en avskiljning av utfällda oxider. Alternativt föreslås en fällning och flockning samt sedimentation/flotation följt av filtrering av råvattnet från både ytvattentäkten och grundvattenbrunn.

Sustainable development analysis of national methods of assessing potentially contaminated sites

Holmström, Christina January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, several national methods used for investigating and/or assessing potentially contaminated sites have been analysed from a sustainable development perspective. To add a practical perspective to the analysis, a case study of the Swedish method’s initial site investigation was performed. The aim was to see how the national methods take the sustainable development aspects into consideration and based on the results see which method that would be most suitable when working towards sustainable development. The results showed that the methods do take the aspects of sustainable development into consideration. Based on how the aspects were taken into consideration, the methods used in the United Kingdom (England and Wales) and Norway are considered to be the most suitable when working towards sustainable development. The case study showed that differences between the theoretical and practical work can be found, and that the economic aspect in particular is given more priority in praxis.

Nutrients and runoff in a small catchment during spring 2010

Skoog, Peter, Bodin-Sköld, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
Eutrophication is an increasing problem in the Baltic Sea and is caused by an excess of nutrients in the water which are primarily transported with the runoff from cultivated land. The peninsula Vikbolandet in Östergötland is dominated by arable land and has stream outflows to the bays of Bråviken and Slätbaken. In this study five streams of Vikbolandet have been sampled during the spring flood period with the aim of connecting concentrations of nutrients in the streams with turbidity and runoff in the catchment. This analysis has then been related to the land use in the small catchment of Vadsbäcken in order to investigate the impact of land uses with areal losses of phosphorus. The results indicate that there are increasing concentrations of phosphorus downstream in the sites of Vadsbäcken and that the transported amounts of phosphorus increases with the spring flood and at a rainstorm event. It is shown that the distribution of agricultural blocks in the catchment of Vadsbäcken has a major impact on the nutrient leakage. There is a co-variation between turbidity and runoff during a rainstorm event and between particulate-bound phosphorus and runoff over time. A further aim has been to investigate possibilities for use of an easily managed, cost-effective environmental monitoring method for nutrient measurements in watercourses. Within four out of five streams at Vikbolandet there is a significant co-variation between turbidity and total phosphorus. Using field measurements of turbidity for environmental monitoring could provide a viable alternative for environmental monitoring of watercourses but will need further investigations of co-variation before being brought into use. Further, this study shows that the transport of phosphorus is underestimated in environmental monitoring

Transport of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Saturated Porous Media

Dixiao, Bao January 2012 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been one of the most studied nanoparticles and incorporated into various consumer products. It has been reported that CNTs can enter groundwater systems by accidental or intentional release into the subsurface. As transport mechanisms of CNTs are not well understood, investigation on mobility of CNTs in the subsurface will be helpful to define disposal regulations of CNTs. The objective in this study is to investigate the effect of solution chemistry (pH and ionic strength) and physical factors (collector grain size and flow rate) on the transport of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). One-dimensional convection-dispersion model incorporated with collector efficiency for cylindrical nanoparticles was used to simulate the transport of MWCNTs in porous media. It was observed that higher pH led to increase in mobility of MWCNTs. The critical point of ionic strength for MWCNTs getting mobilized was narrowed down in the range of 2 to 5 mM. It was observed that the finer porous media could retain more nanoparticles. The decrease in pore water velocity resulted in a clear retardation, lowered the hydrodynamic force acting on the particles and led to more retention.

Installation av grundvattenrör för användning inom undervisning

Forsgård, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Den dokumenterade nyttan med att undervisa på ett varierat vis har gjort att Uppsala universitet vill ge sina hydrologistudenter möjlighet till mera fältarbete. Detta skall göras genom att installera grundvattenrör i vilka grundvattnets nivå samt kemiska sammansättning kommer att undersökas. Detta ställer krav på att området där rören installeras har en sådan geologi och topografi så att fältarbetet blir givande. Därför eftersöks områden med egenskaper som ger variationer mellan rören. Variationer i grundvattennivå förväntas främst uppkomma av olika lagerföljder eller en lutande markyta. Variationer i grundvattnets sammansättning förväntas främst bero på huruvida man befinner sig i ett inströmnings- eller utströmningsområde. Efter en undersökning av grundvattenrör i fyra redan existerande fältområden konstateras det att flera av dessa besitter några av de eftersökta kvaliteterna. Därför kommer ett av dessa områden att utökas med flera nya rör. Det valda området ligger i Marsta cirka 10 kilometer norr om Uppsala. Marsta har flera fördelar, exempelvis en variation när det gäller lagerföljder som skapar möjligheter att jämföra grundvattennivån mellan rören och diskutera resultaten. Vidare kommer en grundvattenrörsinstallation i nämnda område att gynna flera aktörer vilket ytterligare ökar nyttan. Efter en genomförd marknadsundersökning väljs företaget Zublin Scandinavia AB till att utföra installationerna. I framtiden kan flera av de andra undersökta områdena komma att bli aktuella för användning eller utökning. Då kan denna sammanställning användas för att ge grundläggande fakta om platserna och rören. / The documented benefits of teaching in a varied manner have motivated Uppsala University to provide hydrology students with the opportunity of having more fieldwork. This will be done by installing groundwater tubes in which the groundwater level and the chemical composition will be studied. This requires that the area where the tubes are installed possesses such a geology and topography so that the field work is rewarding. Areas with features that provide variations between the groundwater tubes are therefore sought. Variations in the groundwater level are expected primarily to depend on different stratigraphies or sloping land surfaces. Variations in groundwater composition are expected to mainly depend on whether the sampling sites are located in a recharge or discharge area. After having performed an investigation of ground water tubes at field sites that already exist, it is concluded that several of them possess some of the desired qualities. Therefore one of these areas will be expanded with several new tubes. The chosen area is in Marsta, about 10 kilometers north of Uppsala. Marsta has several advantages, such as a variation in stratigraphy that creates opportunities to compare the groundwater level between the pipes and discuss the results. In addition, an installation of groundwater tubes in the region mentioned above will most possibly benefit more people, which further increases its usefulness. A marketing study was performed and the company Züblin Scandinavia AB was chosen to carry out the installations. In the future, more of the other investigated areas may be considered for use or extension. This compilation will then be used to provide basic facts about the areas and the groundwater tubes.

Anaerobic digestion of biological sludge from the pulp and paper industry

Karlsson, Robin January 2009 (has links)
The need for - and use of non-fossile fuels such as biogas have increased due to global warming, oil depletion and stricter environmental regulations. Organic wastes can be anaerobically digested in order to produce biogas, which can be utilized to generate heat or electricity. So far, little attention has been directed towards anaerobic digestion of organic wastes from the forest industry. Due to high sludge management costs and more rigorous environmental legislation, the demand for new and/or improved disposal methodologies has increased. Substrate treatment methods such as enzyme addition and ultrasound are of interest in order to make anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, e.g. biological sludge, economically feasible. The aim of this study is to evaluate if biological sludge from the pulp and paper industry can be used for methane production in anaerobic digestion and to investigate the effects of ultrasound pre-treatment and enzyme treatment. The aim of the study was accomplished by performing four batch experiments, during 67-110 days, and a six months laboratory-scale semi-continuous digestion experiment. Substrates were provided by a chemical and a mechanical paper mill, whereas Kemzymes® from Kemira and ultrasound equipment from Ultra Sonus were used for sludge treatment. The short term average accumulation of methane per added g VS rate increased both when ultrasound pre-treatment and enzyme treatment was applied in batch experiments. The enzyme treatment was considered to have a greater potential in larger scale and was consequently used in the semi-continuous digestion experiment. Positive effects of the treatment were however difficult to prove. Adapting the enzyme treatment to be more specific for the degradation of the sludge is recommended. It is possible that there are inhibitory interactions between ultrasound pre-treatment and enzyme treatment. 75% ultrasound pre-treatment is an alternative to complete pre-treatment and renders equivalent average accumulation of methane per added g VS. Storage of ultrasound pre-treated biological sludge at 4°C for six and 13 days does not affect the average accumulation of methane per added g VS. Enzyme treatment of biological sludge enhanced the average accumulation of methane per added g VS from indigenous material in the inoculum. It is likely that anaerobic digestion of biological sludge from the pulp and paper industry can render a stable biogas production. High viscosity and agitation problems were predominant in the semi-continuous digestion experiment and can be difficult to control in larger scale. The results from the semi-continuous digestion experiment are similar with those obtained from the batch experiments. The methane production rates in this study are lower (biological sludge from chemical pulp process) or higher (mechanical ditto) in comparison to those presented data by Puhakka et al. (1992). Different types of biological sludge were used and might explain the prevailing differences.

Livcykelanalys av golvvård : En jämförande studie av Twister™-metoden och golvvårdsmetoder med polish och vax / Life Cycle Assessment of floor care : A comparative study of the Twister™-method and floor care methods using polish and vax

Larsson, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
I dagens samhälle finns det en stor variation på golv och golvmaterial. Till dessa finns det en stor variation av de produkter och metoder som används för att hålla dessa golv funktionsdugliga. Samtliga golv och produkter ger upphov till miljöpåverkan av olika storlek och sort. Denna studie är skriven på uppdrag av avdelningen för industriell miljöteknik, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling (IEI) Linköpings Universitet, som vill veta vilken miljöpåverkan Twister™-metoden har. Detta sker genom en livscykelanalys. En livscykelanalys ställer en produkt eller tjänst miljöpåverkan utifrån helhetsperspektiv innefattande materialframställning, tillverkning, användning och resthantering. Som hjälp i denna studie har programvaran SimaPro 7.0 använts vari metoden Eco-indikator 99 valts. I studien ställs Twister™-metoden mot andra golvvårdsmetoder innefattande polish och vax. I analysen sker även en nedbrytning av Twister™-metoden likväl en nedbrytning av den Twister™-rondell som HTC Sweden AB tillverkar. Resultatet visar att den del av Twister™-metoden som har störst miljöpåverkan är den skurmaskin som används och den energianvändning som Twister™-metoden kräver. Resultatet visar även att Twister™-metoden har signifikant lägre miljöpåverkan än de andra golvvårdsmetoderna polish och vax. De delar av Twister™-rondellen som har störst miljöpåverkan är de industridiamanter och den rondell, som Twister™-rondellen består av.

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