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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Prevalence and Predictive Nature of Victimization, Substance Abuse and Mental Health on Recidivism: A Comparative Longitudinal Examination of Male and Female Oregon Department of Corrections Inmates

Papadopulos, Anastacia Konstantinos 01 January 2011 (has links)
As a consequence of increased awareness and the current scholarly debate regarding women's differential predictors of recidivism, criminal justice agencies are working with researchers in the field to expand their knowledge in this area. In 2007, Portland State University researchers in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Corrections conducted an investigation of factors emerging in the pathways and gender responsive literature as predictive of women's recidivism in a randomly selected sample of female (n=150) and male (n=150) inmates. This study used information gathered from that investigation for two purposes: (1) to assess the prevalence rates of victimization experiences (childhood, adolescent and adulthood), substance abuse and mental health diagnosis across male and female ODOC inmates, and (2) to assess the predictive nature of victimization experiences, substance abuse and mental health diagnoses on recidivism across gender after a three year period. Findings suggest that females suffered from higher rates of victimization experiences throughout their lifetime than male ODOC inmates and higher rates of DSM-IV-TR mood and anxiety diagnosis. Similar rates were found across gender when assessing substance abuse and diagnosis of co-occurring disorders. When assessing the predictive impact of victimization, substance abuse and mental health diagnosis on recidivism this study found support for both gender neutral and gender responsive perspectives.

Indigent v. Non-Indigent Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Sentencing in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties, Oregon

Linder, Dorelei Victoria 06 July 1995 (has links)
The present paper is a descriptive study of sex offender sentencing in three Oregon counties in 1992. It examines the relationship between sentencing practices and indigent offenders. It focuses specifically on the question of offender indigent status and court ordered sex offender treatment. The study also provides information about the number of sex offenders in each of the three counties, how the offenders' sentences were determined by the courts through the use of the sentencing guidelines matrix, what type of plea was used, and what if any influence indigence had in the sentencing outcomes for the felony sex off enders in this study. Viewed from a conflict theoretical perspective, it was expected that indigent sex offenders would experience differential treatment by the courts. Two-tailed chi-square tests were computed to determine if a difference exists between sentences given indigent and non-indigent offenders. The same tests were applied to determine if there exists a difference between indigent and non-indigent in regard to the addressing of treatment in the sentence order. The tests were considered significant at the . 05 level. A significant difference was found between probation sentences and prison sentences for indigent versus non indigent offenders. Frequency scores were examined for this study by the number of indigent sex offenders that were convicted in each sample county for 1992, guilt type, guilt type and sentence, sentencing guidelines matrix score, indigence and race, and treatment by county. There is minimal information on the topic of sex offenders and the possible relationship between indigence, sentence disposition and treatment. The information contained in this study will contribute to the body of knowledge in the area of sex offenders and the results of this study will provide information useful for further research.

The management of mentally ill detainees in the correctional system : a comparative study

Naidoo, Rishidevi 01 1900 (has links)
There are approximately 5 million mentally ill detainees across the globe and a further 1 million who suffer from a severe mental illness. Various research has shown that the prevalence of mental illness within the corrections system is more substantive than that of the general population. On average, there is an upsurge by 1 million mentally ill detainees globally per year. Approximately all detainees detained in a correctional facility encounter depression or stress symptoms, however low rates of identification and treatment prevail. Further to this, the quality of the treatment provided to mentally ill offenders is questionable. The aim of the research study is to explore the prevalence of mental illness amongst detainees in South Africa, Nigeria, Germany, and the United States of America. The study investigates the availability of legislation in all four countries using the various international guidelines as a benchmark, the provisioning of rehabilitation programmes, and the challenges in providing rehabilitation, mental health care, and treatment to the mentally ill. Furthermore, the study sets out to ascertain whether the treatment and conditions in detention facilities meet international standards. Whilst considering that not all mentally ill offenders will need specialist psychiatric treatment, differing levels of care should be available on a continuous basis by personnel who are adequately proficient in reducing mental harm and in promoting mental health among offenders. Recommendations include the need to conduct wider-scale national studies to make for easier comparisons and for benchmarking purposes. The availability of mental health legislation in itself is not a panacea for reducing mental health illness, but having to put this into practice is of paramount importance. The corrections system is at the end of the value chain and does not have a choice of closing their doors to offenders. They therefore need to partner with various government departments (criminal justice system, social systems, education systems, and community structures amongst others), to find an integration point to share knowledge and insight into the challenges facing corrections and for the Criminal Justice System to acknowledge that severely mentally ill individuals should never be sent to corrections. / Daar is ongeveer 5 miljoen sielsieke aangehoudenes wêreldwyd en ʼn verdere 1 miljoen wat aan ʼn ernstige geestesversteuring ly. Navorsing toon dat die voorkoms van geestesversteuring in die korrektiewe stelsel meer substantief as by die algemene bevolking is. Daar is jaarliks ʼn gemiddelde styging van 1 miljoen sielsieke aangehoudenes wêreldwyd. Feitlik alle aangehoudenes in ʼn korrektiewe fasiliteit ervaar simptome van depressie of stres, maar die syfers ten opsigte van identifisering en behandeling is laag. Die gehalte van die behandeling wat sielsieke oortreders ontvang, is boonop twyfelagtig. Die oogmerk van hierdie navorsing was om die voorkoms van geestesversteuring onder aangehoudenes in Suid-Afrika, Nigerië, Duitsland en die Verenigde State van Amerika te ondersoek. Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die beskikbaarheid van wetgewing in al vier die lande, met behulp van die verskillende internasionale riglyne as ʼn maatstaf, die voorsiening van rehabilitasieprogramme en die uitdagings wat met die voorsiening van rehabilitasie, geestesgesondheidsorg en behandeling van die geestesiekes gepaardgaan. Die studie het ook ten doel gehad om te bepaal of die behandeling en toestande in aanhoudingsfasiliteite aan internasionale standaarde voldoen. Met inagneming daarvan dat nie alle sielsieke gevangenes spesialis- psigiatriese behandeling benodig nie, moet verskillende vlakke van sorg deurlopend beskikbaar gestel word deur bekwame personeel wat oor die vermoë beskik om geesteskade te verminder en om gevangenes se geestesgesondheid te bevorder. Aanbevelings sluit die behoefte in om studies op ʼn groter skaal landswyd uit te voer vir doeleindes van makliker vergelykings en vir normstelling. Hoewel die beskikbaarheid van wetgewing oor geestesgesondheid nie opsigself ʼn wondermiddel is vir die vermindering van geestesversteuring nie, is dit uiters noodsaaklik dat die wetgewing in plek moet wees. Die korrektiewe stelsel is aan die einde van die waardeketting, dus is dit nie ʼn opsie om hul deure vir oortreders te sluit nie. Hulle moet dus met verskeie staatsdepartemente (onder andere, strafregsplegingstelsel, maatskaplike stelsels, opvoedingstelsels en gemeenskapstrukture) saamspan om ʼn integrasiepunt te vind om kennis en insig rakende die uitdagings wat die korrektiewe stelsel in die gesig staar te deel, en sodat die strafregsplegingstelsel sal erken dat individue met ernstige geestesversteurings nooit na korrektiewe fasiliteite gestuur moet word nie. / Kukhona abantu abacishe babengu 5 miliyoni abagula ngengqondo abavalelwe kuwo wonke umhlaba, kanti kukhona abanye abangu 1 miliyoni abahlushwa yisifo sengqondo. Ucwaningo lukhombise ukuthi ubukhona besifo sengqondo kwinqubo yezamajele bukhulu kakhulu ukudlula kwisizwe sonkana ngokunabile. Ngokwesilingniso, kukhona ukwenyuka kwabantu abagula ngengqondo abavalelwe abangu 1 miliyoni kuwo wonke umhlaba ngonyaka. Cishe bonke abantu abavalelwe ezindawo zamajele babanokuxineka kwengqondo noma izimpawu zingcindezi, kodwa izinga lokuphawulwa kwabo kanye nokuthola ukwelashwa liphansi. Kanti futhi okunye, iqophelo lokwelashwa elihlinzekwa abantu abonile abagula ngengqondo alilihle. Inhloso yalesi sifundo socwaningo, bekuwukuphenya ngobukhona bokugula ngengqondo kubantu abavalelwe eNingizimu Afrika, eNigeria, eGermany nase-United States of America. Ucwaningo luphenyisise ngobukhona bemithetho kuwo womane amazwe ngokusebenzisa imikhombandlela kazwelonke njenge-benchmark, ukuhlinzekwa kwezinhlelo zokwelapha kanye nezinselele ezikhona ngokuhlinzeka ngokwelapha, unakekelo lwezempilo yengqondo kanye nokwelashwa kwabagula ngengqondo. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo belufuna ukuqinisekisa ukuthi ngabe ukwelashwa nezimo ezikhona ezindaweni zokuvalelwa emajele kuhlangabezana namazinga amazwe omhlaba. Ngisho noma kubonelelwa ukuthi akuyibo bonke ababoshiwe abagula ngengqondo abadinga ukwelashwa ngokwengqondo kwezinga le-psychiatric, kodwa amazinga ehlukene onakekelo, kumele atholakale ngokuqhubekela phambili okunikezwa ngabantu abanolwazi nekhono ngokufanele ekuphunguleni ukulimala kwengqondo kanye nokuqhubekisela phambili impilo yezengqondo kwababoshiwe Izincomo zibandakanya isidingo sokwenza ucwaningo olunabile kumazwe ukwenzela ukuthi kubelula ukuqhathanisa kanye nenhloso yokwenza i-benchmarking. Ubukhona bemithetho yonakekelo lwempilo yengqondo akusona isixazululo sakho konke ngokuphungula ukugula ngengqondo, kodwa ukuba nemithetho esebenzayo kubaluleke kakhulu. Inqubo yezamajele isekugcineni, kanti ayinalo ukhetho lokuvala iminyango kubantu ababoshiwe. Ngakho-ke izikhungo zababoshiwe kumele zisebenzisane neminyango ehlukene kahulumeni (inqubo yezobulingiswa yamajele, izinqubo zenhlalakahle yabantu, izinqubo zemfundo kanye nezakhiwo zemiphakathi, phakathi kokunye) ukuthola indawo ehlangene yokwabelana ngolwazi mayelana nezinselele amajele abhekane nazo kanye nenqubo yezobulungisa yamajele ukwamukela ukuthi abantu abagula kakhulu ngengqondo akumele bathunyelwe emajele. / Go na le bagolegwa ba ka bago 5 milione bao ba lwalago ka monaganong lefaseng ka bophara le ba bangwe ba 1 milione ba ba nago ba lwalago kudu ka monaganong. Dinyakisiso di bontshitse gore go ata ga malwetsi a monagano ka gare ga tshepediso ya ditshokollo go bohlokwa kudu go feta ka gare ga setshaba ka kakaretso. Ka kakaretso, go na le koketsego ya bagolegwa bao ba lwalago ka monaganong ba 1 milione lefaseng ka bophara ka ngwaga. Ba e ka bago bagolegwa ka moka bao ba golegilwego lefelong la tshokollo ba itemogela kgatelelo ya monagano goba dika tsa kgatelelo, eupsa dikelo tsa boitshupo le boitshwaro le kalafo di fase. Go feta mo, boleng bja kalafo ye e fiwago basenyi ba ba lwalago ka monaganong bo a belaetsa. Maikemisetso a dinyakisiso tse e be e le go utolla go ata ga bolwetsi bja monagano gare ga bagolegwa ka Afrika Borwa, Nigeria, Germany le United States of America. Dinyakisiso di nyakisisitse go hwetsagala ga melao dinageng ka moka tse nne go somiswa ditlhahli tsa go fapafapana tsa boditshabatshaba bjalo ka motheo, kabelo ya mananeo a tsosoloso le ditlhohlo tsa go abela tshokollo, tlhokomelo ya maphelo a monagano le kalafo go bao ba lwalago ka monaganong. Go feta moo, dinyakisiso di ile tsa ikemisetsa go netefatsa gore kalafo le maemo a dikgolego a fihlelela maemo a boditshabatshaba. Ge re ntse re nagana gore ga se bagolegwa fela ka moka bao ba lwalago ka monaganong ba tla hloka kalafo ye e kgethegilelego ya malwetsi a monagano, tlhokomelo ye e fapanego e swanetse go hwetsagala ka mo go tswelago pele ke bahlankedi ba ba nago le bokgoni bjo bo lekanego bja go fokotsa dikotsi tsa monagano le go tswetsa pele maphelo a monagano gare ga bagolegwa. Ditigelo di akaretsa tlhokego ya go dira dinyakisiso tse di tseneletsego tsa setshaba go dira dipapiso tse bonolo le bakeng sa merero ya go bea maemo. Go hwetsagala ga molao wa maphelo a monagano ka bowona ga se pheko ya go fokotsa malwetsi a mongano, eupsa go somisa molao wo ke selo se bohlokwa kudu. Tshepediso ya ditshokollo e mafelelong a tatelano ya tshepediso gomme ga e na kgetho ya go tswalelela basenyi ka ntle. Ka gona ba hloka go somisana le dikgoro tsa go fapafapana tsa mmuso (tshepediso ya toka go bosenyi, ditshepediso tsa leago, ditshepediso tsa thuto le dikarolo tsa setshaba, gare ga tse dingwe) go humana ntlha ya kopanyo go abelana tsebo le temoso ditlhohlong tse di lebanego le ditshokollo bakeng sa tshepediso ya toka go bosenyi go amogela gore batho bao ba lwalago kudu ka monaganong le gatee ga ba swanela go romelwa ditshokollong. / Criminology and Security Science / Ph. D. (Criminal Justice)

Understanding why male juveniles perpetrate: An exploratory study

O'Sullivan, Debbie Lee 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of why social workers believe a male juvenile would commit a sexual abuse act toward another child and how this juvenile should be understood within the social services system and society. Social workers believe interventions are needed once the abuse has occurred.

Nie-formele opleidingsgeleenthede vir vrouegevangenes in die Wes-Kaap

Basson-Regue, Yvette Charmaine January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (MTech(Education))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 1999 / Imprisonment is imposed on increasing numbers of women. Women on trial are also spending time in prisons. It is accepted that crime must be punished but it should and can simultaneously be transformed so that human potential can develop into learning opportunities. Personal interest and empathy with imprisoned women served as motivation for this study; the starting-point being a further conviction that such women have already been punished when starting to serve their sentence and that imprisonment should from then on focus on rehabilitation. The question is what learning opportunities are created for women in prisons, and if insufficient as far as individual needs are concerned, what can be done to facilitate and/or contribute to rehabilitation and the subsequent re-admittance to society upon discharge. Two empirical studies were undertaken in order to obtain the data identified in a situation analysis. A national survey was undertaken in the first place with the aid of the Chief of Training, Department of Correctional Services, in order to determine the training available. The finding provided in Chapter Two of this thesis, shows such opportunities to be rare and unstructured. In comparison with that available to male prisoners, it is indeed quite insufficient and even ineffective. In addition to this general national survey, visits were made to Western Cape prisons where ladies were held. Interviews were conducted with the latter as well as with control officers. Specific needs were identified, which, together with the first survey, enabled the researcher to make meaningful recommendations. Chapter Three of this study was devoted to programme design, a curriculum model was implemented in order 10 provide structure 10 the above data, and aspects of human reality was utilised as criterium. A summary and recommendations for improved learning opportunities for female persons complete the study. Criteria for the design of training programmes are provided and specific mention is made of the role of the National Qualification Framework and accreditation of leaming outcomes in the form of unit standards. It is hoped that the above will make a difference, not only as far as the rehabilitation of women in prisons is concerned, but also with regard to the manager(s) of the learning opportunities as well as the women to enable them to make a positive change to their living environment upon discharge

Can recidivism be predicted among rapists and pedophiles during their first year of parole in the state of California?

Bogdanoff, Michael Daniel, Hamm, Harvey Darnell 01 January 2000 (has links)
A multi-regression analysis was performed utilizing the variables, age, ethnicity, criminal background, and facets of treatment, but differentiated between the rapist and pedophile, examining the variance of recidivism.

Female property crime offenders: Explanations from economic marginalization perspective

Su, Susan Chih-Wen 01 January 2004 (has links)
This research explores whether women offenders who committed property crimes suffer from feminization of poverty, and social deprivations as asserted by the economic marginalization theory. Social deprivations include being a single parent with dependent children at home, being the main financial supporter of a household and being primary caretaker to minor children.

Employment expectations of former female offenders

James, Jessuina Katia 02 1900 (has links)
Most studies in South Africa focus on male offenders as they make up the majority of the offending population. With female offenders being in the minority, they receive less of the research attention. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the subjective experience of finding employment with a criminal record from the perspectives of six female former offenders who participated in the study. Participants were asked to share their accounts during semi-structured interviews. The transcripts were analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. A total of nine themes were identified, namely; confronting the labour market; it affected my life not my chances; experiences of vocational skills and labour in corrections; current financial status versus previous financial status; those left behind: the impact of incarceration on the family. I am Human too, entering and adjusting in the correctional system, finding God and oneself, and rehabilitation and reintegration programmes. The findings showed that the experience of incarceration cannot be separated from the experience of adjusting back into society and finding employment. Employment and unemployment had an effect on participants’ financial status but also affected self-esteem and the relationship with family. The findings illustrated how participants used different coping methods to deal with not being able to find employment, dealing with the stigma attached to being a former offender as well as adjusting back into the community. The analyses from the interviews were compared to existing literature, thus creating a rich discussion. An overview of the discussion and some recommendations were provided and the limitations of the study were also taken into account. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

“We are human too”: a narrative analysis of rehabilitation experiences by women classified as maximum security offenders in the Johannesburg Correctional Centre

Qhogwana, Sibulelo Agatha 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English / While correctional centres are often associated with men, there is an increasing number of incarcerated women who have rehabilitation needs that are specific to their gender. Historically correctional centres have responded through offering rehabilitative programmes that stereotyped women offenders into socially constructed gender roles. Using a feminist criminology framework, the current study aimed to explore the subjective inner experience and meaning given by women classified as maximum security offenders to the rehabilitation processes in the Johannesburg Correctional Centre. Data was collected from 18 incarcerated women who are and were once classified as maximum offenders. A narrative analysis was used in understanding the data from the interviews. Women’s narratives in the current study reflect unique and common experiences with rehabilitation in the correctional centre. Being a maximum security offender presents a challenge of further perceived discrimination, alienation and isolation amongst women who describe limited involvement in rehabilitation as a result of this identity. Also highlighted in the study are challenges in implementing gender sensitive programming in a penal system infused with power dynamics; a discipline and punish narrative; patriarchy; binary view of gender and ethnocentrism. A continued reinforcement of traditional structures, systems and practices that seek to perpetuate gendered form of existence is also evident in the current study. Therefore, a need for the reformation of the correctional centre context and culture is suggested so as to respond in a manner that is not only gender sensitive, but also inclusive enough in recognising both in theory and in practice, the various locations of inequality in society that influence female criminality. The principle of Ubuntu demonstrated through caring, compassion and hospitability which empowers and edifies the other person through interrelatedness is one of the promising initiatives that can guide correctional centres and society in the implementation of gender sensitive programmes, while paying attention to the socio-cultural dynamics that influence women’s pathways to crime. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

A qualitative analysis of womens' experiences before, during and after imprisonment in South Africa

Agboola, Caroline Aderonke 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the experiences of South African women prior to, during and after incarceration. The theoretical bases for this study include the general strain theory (GST), feminist pathways approach and Goffman’s “total institutions”. The study made use of a qualitative research design. In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of twenty female ex-prisoners, who were selected using snowball sampling, to obtain information about their experiences during the periods indicated. The findings of the study indicated that, in respect of the three periods mentioned, the participants cited their experiences during incarceration as the most prominent as they tended to dwell more on this phase of their lives than any other phase. This is, in fact, not surprising as their narratives portrayed their lives behind bars as having been traumatic with far-reaching consequences for their lives after their incarceration. The study found that some of the participants had histories of emotional and physical abuse before their offending behaviours. It emerged that consensual same-sex sexual relationships between females in South African prisons exist and that these relationships are, sometimes, accepted by the family members of the female inmates. The participants reported that coercive sexual relationships also take place in female prisons in South Africa. It was also reported that the conditions under which females are incarcerated are, for the most part, deplorable. It emerged that the female prisoners use a unique monetary system which is based mainly on the trade by barter system. In addition, the findings revealed that female inmates often experience daunting challenges upon their release from prison, including high rates of unemployment, stigma and discrimination, family breakdown and the psychological effects of imprisonment, all of which often compound the resolve of some of the participants to live crime-free lives. / Sociology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

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