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Impact of work-related activities on the outflow to employment and education within guarantees JDG and JGY. A study of public employment offices / Effekten av arbetsplatsförlagda aktiviteter på utflödet till arbete och utbildning inom garantierna JOB och UGA. En studie av de offentliga arbetsförmedlingarnaSukhanova, Ekaterina January 2013 (has links)
This study uses employment office-level panel data to investigate the impact of work-related activities on the outflow from unemployment to work and education. The two largest labor market programs in Sweden are studied: Job and Development Guarantee and Job Guarantee for the Youth. To examine how activity participation affects the outflow to employment/education I had to examine differences between offices (office heterogeneity). This heterogeneity could be differences in local labor market conditions, office’s managerial ability, quality of activities and other features that are non-varying for each individual office. The method to answer the research question is fixed effects distributed lag regression analysis with lagged values of the independent variable “activity participation rate”. In addition to the one-way office-specific fixed effects model, a model with time-specific fixed effects was introduced to check for seasonal impacts and fixed macroeconomic conditions that influence all offices. According to the two-way fixed effects regression results, the seasonal variations seem to have a stronger impact on the outflow to work/education than the work-related activities participation rates. Particularly, when time-specific fixed effects were added to the model with office-specific effects, the overall effect of work-related activities on the outflow rate became statistically non-significant and brought inconclusive results. The results have shown that the month of September has the strongest and most positive influence on the outflow rate as more people find work and leave to education during this month. The months that have the lowest impacts on the dependent variable are March and October, which means that fewer individuals left to work/education during these months across offices, in comparison to other months. / Denna studie använder paneldata på kontorsnivå för att undersöka effekterna av arbetsplatsförlagda aktiviteter på utflödet från arbetslöshet till arbete och utbildning. De två största arbetsmarknadspolitiska programmen i Sverige studeras: Jobb-och utvecklingsgarantin (JOB) samt Jobbgarantin för ungdomar (UGA). För att undersöka hur aktivitetens deltagande påverkar utflödet till arbete/utbildning kontrollerade jag för skillnader mellan kontoren (kontors heterogenitet). Denna heterogenitet kan bestå av skillnader i lokala förhållanden på arbetsmarknaden, kontorets förvaltningsförmåga, kvalitet på verksamheten och andra funktioner som är icke - varierande för varje enskilt kontor. Metoden som har använts för att besvara frågeställningen är "fixed-effects distributed lag regressions analysis" med eftersläpande värden för den oberoende variabeln ”aktivitetsgrad”. Förutom kontors - specifika "fixed effects", infördes en modell med tid - specifika effekter för att kontrollera för säsongsmässiga effekter och fasta makroekonomiska förhållanden som påverkar alla kontor. Enligt de två-vägs "fixed effects" regressionsresultaten så verkar säsongsvariationerna ha en större inverkan på utflödet till arbete/utbildning än den arbetsplatsförlagda aktivitetsgraden. Framför allt när tid-specifika fasta effekter inkluderades i modellen med kontors-specifika effekter, blev den totala effekten av arbetsrelaterade aktiviteter på utflödeshastigheten statistiskt icke-signifikant och gav osäkra resultat som utfall. Resultaten har visat att september månad har den starkaste och mest positiva inverkan på utflödet, vilket betyder att fler människor hittar arbete eller återgår till utbildning just under denna månad. De månader som har visat sig ha lägst påverkan på den beroende variabeln är mars och oktober, vilket innebär att färre individer hittar arbete eller påbörjar utbildning under dessa månader i jämförelse med andra månader.
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Design e tecnologia : resgatando ícones de inovação em móveis para escritórios via arqueologia industrialGobbi, Manlio Maria January 2011 (has links)
O estudo a seguir mostra como a arqueologia industrial pode ser utilizada para resgatar ícones, mais especificamente, de Design. Esta dissertação aborda, especificamente, o caso do Design de móveis, num período compreendido entre as décadas de 40 a 80. Trata-se de todo o histórico, desde o nascimento da idéia, sua implantação no mercado e venda da empresa de mobiliário para escritório das linhas MaGnalínea e MaGnaspazio, que acabaram por se tornar os carros chefe da empresa Manlio Gobbi & Cia Ltda. A empresa veio a se tornar líder do mercado no Rio Grande do Sul a mercê do Design diferenciado de seus produtos e da seriedade da política de marketing, pois se tratava de um produto honesto, transparente e de uma modulação inusitada, no qual havia se conseguido a eliminação do supérfluo em prol da utilização de formas simples, num conceito totalmente inovador para a área de móveis para escritórios. Tal conceito agradou plenamente aos seus usuários, transformando-se num verdadeiro ícone e é utilizado largamente até os dias de hoje. Nesta dissertação é feita uma apreciação profunda do Cenário específico e até político da época. Perpassa-se também a realidade histórica da área moveleira, bem como conceitos dos mais variados que auxiliaram na consecução do projeto. A arqueologia industrial realizada neste estudo possibilitou o entendimento do êxito obtido pela empresa, através de características como diferenciação na padronagem de cores, versatilidade dos móveis (possibilitando ao usuário montar diferentes combinações), utilização de diferentes espécies de madeira e de peças nobres (como madeira mássica, alumínio, cubos em zamac). Além disso, é mostrado como surgiu e se desenvolveu a idéia inovadora que acabou por transformar a empresa num verdadeiro núcleo de inovações, devido ao fato do grupo de trabalho ser altamente categorizado e entusiasmado com a repercussão positiva de seu trabalho.Como resultado são gerados subsídios importantes para contribuir com a moderna ciência que trata da Arqueologia Industrial. / The project, described below in all its particulars to assess the possibility of developing a product that actually had a promising impact in the decades of 70/80/90. This is all history from the birth of the idea until its market presence, product MaGnalínea and MaGnaspazio, which eventually became the head of the company cars Manlio Gobbi & Cia Ltda. The company went on to become the market leader in Rio Grande do Sul Design mercy of differentiated products and the seriousness of the marketing policy, because it was an honest product, transparent and an unusual modulation, which had achieved the elimination of the superfluous, in a completely new concept for the area of office furniture, a concept that fully pleased its users, becoming a true icon. The project is made a thorough examination of the specific scenario and even political season, it is shown how it emerged and developed the innovative ideas that have transformed the company into a real core of innovation, because the working group was categorized and highly enthusiastic about the positive impact of their work. It covers also the historical reality of the furniture area, as well as a variety of concepts that helped in achieving the project. As a result, are generated substantial subsidies to contribute to modern science that deals with the Industrial Archeology.
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Rede de atores, ideias e agendas : o papel das associações de defensores e de defensorias em seu processo de fortalecimento institucional na América LatinaGeliski, Leonardo January 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como objeto a atuação das associações transnacionais de defensorias públicas e de defensores públicos, especialmente a Associação Interamericana de Defensorias Públicas (AIDEF) e o Bloco de Defensores Públicos Oficiais do MERCOSUL (BLODEPM), e a sua mobilização em prol da difusão da defensoria como modelo nas Américas, e de seu fortalecimento institucional. A análise realizada neste trabalho foi exploratória, na medida em que buscou reconstituir a atuação das instituições regionais de representação defensorias nas Américas. Como metodologia, o estudo utilizou análise de conteúdo para examinar as atas das associações, buscando mapear a rede de atores com os quais estas instituições interagiram. O referencial teórico desta pesquisa são os estudos sobre acesso à justiça e reforma judicial, associados ao debate sobre difusão de ideias, constituição de redes e processos de mobilização. Os achados deste trabalho complementam a literatura sobre políticas de acesso à justiça (BERNEY; PIERCE, 1975; SMITH, 2011) e a sua explicação para o desenvolvimento das instituições que prestam o serviço de assistência judiciária gratuita baseada quase exclusivamente em condicionantes internas dos países, de modo a apresentar que prováveis fatores externos podem influenciar o desenho desse tipo de política. Consideramos que a criação das instituições transnacionais como a AIDEF e o BLODEPM e a adoção de normativas regionais que recomendam aos países a adoção do modelo de defensorias públicas independente e autônoma na região é algo excepcional que permite olhar para os processos de estruturação e reformas destes serviços nos países latino-americanos sob o viés da mobilização de defensores públicos e da difusão de ideias. / The research has as its object the work of the transnational associations of public defenders and public defenders, especially Inter-American Association of Public Defender´s Office (AIDEF) and the MERCOSUR Official Public Defender Block (BLODEPM), and its mobilization for the dissemination of de Defender’s Office as a model in the Americas, and its institutional strengthening. The analysis carried out in this study was exploratory, because it sought to reconstitute the performance of regional representative representation institutions in the Americas. As a methodology, the study used content analysis to examine the minutes of the associations, seeking to map the network of actors with whom these institutions interacted. The theoretical framework of this research is the studies on access to justice and judicial reform, associated with the debate about the diffusion of ideas, the constitution of networks and processes of mobilization. The findings of this study complement the literature on access to justice policies (BERNEY; PIERCE, 1975; SMITH, 2011) and its explanation for the development of institutions providing free legal aid services based almost exclusively on internal conditions of countries, in order to show that probable external factors can influence the design of this type of policy. We believe that the creation of transnational institutions such as AIDEF and BLODEPM and the adoption of regional norms recommending countries to adopt the model of independent and autonomous Public Defender’s Offices in the region is an exceptional opportunity to look at the processes of structuring and reforming these services in the Latin American countries under the bias of the mobilization of public defenders and the diffusion of ideas.
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The Messiah and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: The Christological Significance of Jesus' Role as the Giver of the Spirit in Luke-ActsGodshall, Matthew 30 December 2013 (has links)
Without rejecting the general consensus among scholars that Luke emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, this dissertation attempts to contribute to the field of Lukan Christology by contending that there is more to the Lukan portrait of Jesus than what is generally acknowledged. Through his particular presentation of Jesus as the Spirit-Giver, Luke unveils the divine identity of the Messiah.
Chapter 1 provides a history of research of Lukan Christology and highlights the various controlling categories scholars have proposed for analyzing Lukan Christology. It concludes that there is a need for a study on Luke's Spirit-giver motif and its contribution to Lukan Christology.
Because the OT provides the conceptual world from which Luke develops his Spirit-Giver motif, chapter 2 examines the eschatological passages in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Joel, and Zechariah to see how that act of giving the Spirit is linked with the unique identity of Yahweh. The primary claim in this chapter is that the OT consistently presents the act of giving the eschatological Spirit as an act unique to the divine identity of Yahweh. This claim is supported in three ways: first, the primary metaphors employed to describe the giving of the Spirit are new creation and new exodus; second, the prophets explicitly link the act of giving the Spirit with Yahweh's identity as Israel's God; third, the act of giving the Spirit is reserved for Yahweh alone.
Chapter 3 explores how the act of giving the eschatological Spirit was understood in Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism. This chapter highlights the continuity between the OT and Jewish literature: the act of giving the Spirit is linked with God's identity as the creator and redeemer. Despite its diversity, early Judaism associated the act of giving the Spirit with the unique identity of God and no other figure is ever presented as sharing this role.
Chapters 4 and 5 examine Luke's Gospel and Acts respectively in the attempt to understand how Luke himself has uniquely developed the Spirit-Giver motif. In drawing upon the OT promise of the outpouring of the Spirit, Luke presents Jesus as participating in a role that was reserved exclusively for Yahweh and unique to his identity as Israel's creator and covenant God. As the Spirit-Giver theme unfolds, the identity of Jesus and the Father overlap in their shared role as the Spirit-Giver. This theme is thus evidence of Lukan divine identity Christology.
Chapter 6 concludes the argument and explores implications for Lukan Christology.
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The Era of Artificial Intelligence in Swedish Banking : Exploring Customer Attitudes Towards AI as a Substitute to Brick and Mortar OfficesBergström Stacey, Isabel, Svenningsson, Philip, Thoresson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Background: The wave of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is marching on, replacing jobs and traditional services, and is predicted to be one of the biggest marketing trends in the close future. Four of the major Swedish banks have started to implement AI as a customer service channel. Simultaneously, the Swedish banking industry is experiencing an all-time low in customer satisfaction, where one of the main reasons is the diminishing number of local branches. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the attitudes that customers have towards AI in customer service, as a substitute to local brick and mortar offices within the Swedish bank industry, as well as uncover any significant factors that could influence these attitudes. Method: This is a qualitative study of exploratory nature where five focus groups have been used to collect empirical data. A total sample of 26 participants, ranging from 20-55 years old, have partaken in the focus groups. Conclusion: Findings show that there mainly exists a negative attitude towards AI as a substitute to brick-and-mortar offices, but positive attitudes towards it as a complement. Factors that influence the attitudes were found to be Convenience, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, Risk and Social influence. Awareness and Prior Technological Experience were found to not have great influence on customer attitudes.
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Layout, conforto e satisfa??o dos usu?rios em escrit?rios: uma avalia??o p?s-ocupa??o no edif?cio da sede administrativa do INPE-CRNDamore, Aline Dantas de Ara?jo 25 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the
design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal,
visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual
integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study
conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de
Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used
was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout
of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some
techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout
is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration,
communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access,
visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The
environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in
workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or
she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and
analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get
adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes
in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and
characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible
environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including
comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides
comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the
environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental
comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort,
depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort;
and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of
strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a rela??o entre o layout dos espa?os de trabalho
em escrit?rios e as estrat?gias projetuais para o conforto ambiental. As estrat?gias pesquisadas
foram voltadas ao conforto t?rmico, lum?nico e visual neste caso, o conforto visual foi
relacionado ?s quest?es de integra??o visual interna e entre o interior e o exterior do edif?cio.
Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado na sede administrativa do Centro Regional Nordeste
do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), localizada em Natal/RN. A estrat?gia
metodol?gica utilizada na pesquisa foi a Avalia??o P?s-Ocupa??o, que combinou o
levantamento de dados sobre o edif?cio (layout dos espa?os de trabalho, estrat?gias
bioclim?ticas adotadas nos projetos, uso dessas estrat?gias) com t?cnicas voltadas para
aquisi??o de informa??es qualitativas relacionadas aos usu?rios. O layout dos ambientes de
trabalho ? fundamental para a satisfa??o e produtividade dos trabalhadores. Quest?es como
concentra??o, comunica??o, privacidade, identidade pessoal, densidade e efici?ncia espacial,
barreiras (de acesso, visuais e, at?, de ventila??o e ilumina??o), dentre outras, est?o associadas
ao layout. O conforto ambiental ? um dos elementos indispens?veis para a manuten??o da
qualidade de vida dos usu?rios. Al?m disso, ? um fator importante na percep??o do usu?rio
em rela??o ao espa?o em que est? inserido. Tanto as quest?es relacionadas ao layout quanto
ao conforto ambiental devem ser levantadas e analisadas na fase de estabelecimento do
programa de necessidades. Dessa forma, ? poss?vel obter respostas adequadas a estas quest?es
nas fases de projeto subsequentes. Verificou-se que mudan?as no programa ocorridas ao
longo do tempo, especialmente relativas ?s pessoas (quantidade e caracter?sticas), resultaram
em mudan?as no layout, geraram ambientes com densidade elevada e inflex?veis, o que
dificulta a adequa??o do mobili?rio ?s necessidades dos ocupantes, inclusive de conforto. No
entanto, a presen?a das estrat?gias de conforto proporciona qualidade ambiental aos espa?os,
garantindo que, mesmo em situa??es n?o consideradas ideais, os usu?rios percebem o
ambiente de forma positiva. Verificou-se que a rela??o entre layout e conforto ambiental se d?
das seguintes formas: na altera??o da percep??o do conforto, dependendo dos arranjos no
layout; nas adequa??es de layout em decorr?ncia de necessidades de conforto; e na eleva??o
da satisfa??o dos usu?rios e da qualidade ambiental, devido ? presen?a de estrat?gias de
conforto, mesmo em situa??es de inadequa??o do layout
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Pracovní rehabilitace a její zabezpečení úřady práce v Ústeckém kraji / Work rehabilitation and its security provided by labour offices in the Ústecký regionJEŽKOVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Working rehabilitation is the topic of my diploma thesis. Finding out the ways of securing working rehabilitation by the employment offices in the region of Ústí nad Labem on the basis of secondary sources and qualitative talks is the aim of this diploma thesis. So far in the Czech Republic hasn´t been the system providing comprehensive solution of the health handicapped employment. The Act Employment n.435/2004, Code introduces the institute of working rehabilitation in order to provide the access and comeback to the labour market for the health handicapped. Supporting the policy which enable to employ these handicapped people is the the next objective of this institute. The employment offices as the state administration bodies provide the employment facilities in a given region, they are independent subjects, territorially organized in districts and their legislative duties contain working rehabilitation securing. Research respondents were the particular employment offices in the region of Ústí nad Labem personnel who are interested in working rehabilitation and really practise it. The region of ústí nad Labem belongs to the Czech Republic area maintaining the primacy in the field of the unemployment. The unemployment as a result of labour market functioning is one of the contemporary world problems. Labour market is very dynamic phenomenon which reacts to technological development and economic situation. Nowadayas with the essential decrease in working positions there is a decrease in free working positions reserved for the handicapped and thus the participation of the handiccaped in the total number of job applicants has been steadily increased. The integration of these handiccaped to the labour market is affected by lots of factors among others by insuficcient awareness of their needs and weak points of the contemporary functioning from the legistation and practise view point. Creating procedures which enable to make provision for needs and skills of working rehabilitation participants and thereby increasing their participation at labour market was the intention of this diploma thesis. The targets were fulfilled so there were suggested three variants which show various possibilities of the initiation of working rehabilitation process and enable the effective usage of their particular forms. The diploma thesis results can be used either by the employment offices personnel throughout the Czech Republic or by the specialized experts who are interested in the problem of working rehabilitation.
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Design e tecnologia : resgatando ícones de inovação em móveis para escritórios via arqueologia industrialGobbi, Manlio Maria January 2011 (has links)
O estudo a seguir mostra como a arqueologia industrial pode ser utilizada para resgatar ícones, mais especificamente, de Design. Esta dissertação aborda, especificamente, o caso do Design de móveis, num período compreendido entre as décadas de 40 a 80. Trata-se de todo o histórico, desde o nascimento da idéia, sua implantação no mercado e venda da empresa de mobiliário para escritório das linhas MaGnalínea e MaGnaspazio, que acabaram por se tornar os carros chefe da empresa Manlio Gobbi & Cia Ltda. A empresa veio a se tornar líder do mercado no Rio Grande do Sul a mercê do Design diferenciado de seus produtos e da seriedade da política de marketing, pois se tratava de um produto honesto, transparente e de uma modulação inusitada, no qual havia se conseguido a eliminação do supérfluo em prol da utilização de formas simples, num conceito totalmente inovador para a área de móveis para escritórios. Tal conceito agradou plenamente aos seus usuários, transformando-se num verdadeiro ícone e é utilizado largamente até os dias de hoje. Nesta dissertação é feita uma apreciação profunda do Cenário específico e até político da época. Perpassa-se também a realidade histórica da área moveleira, bem como conceitos dos mais variados que auxiliaram na consecução do projeto. A arqueologia industrial realizada neste estudo possibilitou o entendimento do êxito obtido pela empresa, através de características como diferenciação na padronagem de cores, versatilidade dos móveis (possibilitando ao usuário montar diferentes combinações), utilização de diferentes espécies de madeira e de peças nobres (como madeira mássica, alumínio, cubos em zamac). Além disso, é mostrado como surgiu e se desenvolveu a idéia inovadora que acabou por transformar a empresa num verdadeiro núcleo de inovações, devido ao fato do grupo de trabalho ser altamente categorizado e entusiasmado com a repercussão positiva de seu trabalho.Como resultado são gerados subsídios importantes para contribuir com a moderna ciência que trata da Arqueologia Industrial. / The project, described below in all its particulars to assess the possibility of developing a product that actually had a promising impact in the decades of 70/80/90. This is all history from the birth of the idea until its market presence, product MaGnalínea and MaGnaspazio, which eventually became the head of the company cars Manlio Gobbi & Cia Ltda. The company went on to become the market leader in Rio Grande do Sul Design mercy of differentiated products and the seriousness of the marketing policy, because it was an honest product, transparent and an unusual modulation, which had achieved the elimination of the superfluous, in a completely new concept for the area of office furniture, a concept that fully pleased its users, becoming a true icon. The project is made a thorough examination of the specific scenario and even political season, it is shown how it emerged and developed the innovative ideas that have transformed the company into a real core of innovation, because the working group was categorized and highly enthusiastic about the positive impact of their work. It covers also the historical reality of the furniture area, as well as a variety of concepts that helped in achieving the project. As a result, are generated substantial subsidies to contribute to modern science that deals with the Industrial Archeology.
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Modulayer-Berea Park Learner's Resource CentreStrydom, Cornus 20 November 2003 (has links)
The designed building is a proposed Learner's Resource Centre situated in Berea Park. The development will be funded by the European Union and managed by a section 21 company of tertiary institutions and government departments. It creates a community facility that is needed in the Pretoria inner city, addressing lack of study space and urban parks in the CBD. The main building includes a digital library, offices, auditorium, conferencing facilities and a restaurant. This building forms the focus of the investigation, while the rest of the campus development forms part of an Urban Design scheme proposed for the Pretoria inner city. The functions included on the campus are overnight facilities, workshops, classrooms and a multi purpose hall. The thesis is introduced by an investigation into the theory of the meaning in architecture. This includes research in the fields of semiotics and visual culture and the conclusion of that theory into a designed building. / Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Paradiplomacie regionů v EU / Paradiplomacy of the Regions in the European UnionNovák, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This paper deals with the new phenomenon of international relations - the foreign relations of subnational units. It describes it in the framework of new regionalism and in the concept of paradiplomacy. It analyses the main channels of regional representation at the level of European Union: the Committee of Regions, the European Commission, the Council of ministers, the European parliament, regional representation offices and transnational associations. At the end, the paper focuses on examples of Flandern, Baden-Würtemberg, Burgundy, Voivodship of Opole and Central Bohemian region.
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