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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historie basketbalu v českých zemích od roku 1945 do současnosti / The history of basketball in the Czech Lands from 1945 to the present

KRAJCIGR, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
The graduation thesis is focused on the history of basketball in the Czech Lands from 1945 to the present. The present, in this thesis, is set as the year of 2000. This year has been selected because of the thesis range and the information availability on the internet. The main purpose is to analyse the specific official international competitions, in which the Czechoslovaks and the Czechs were participated. The next purpose is to analyse the main basketball league for men and women in the Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic. The whole thesis is divided into six main chapters. In every chapter is described a brief outline of socio economic conditions for years, on which is the chapter focused on. In every part of the thesis are also described international events. The major focused is on the events, that our representation had a great result. The other subject, which can be found in every chapter, is home main basketball competition for men and for women. Every part of the work is completed with photographs, pictures and charts, that have connection with the specific period.

A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of performance appraisal in the Western Cape Provincial Treasury (WCPT)

Jantjies, SO January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2006. / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, instructs the Public Service Commission (PSC) to propose measures to ensure effective and efficient performance in the public service, which includes National and Provincial Departments (1996:108).Various view points on this issue have been expressed why even some hard working staff members of the Western Cape Provincial Treasury (WCPT) are found to be surprised and disappointed over the performance management process especially, when their hard work throughout the year goes unnoticed or are under-rated by their superiors.The bias scoring by certain performance evaluators also causes plenty of animosity, hostility and resentment among colleagues because "friendly" staff is prejudiced ahead of other staff.The Public Service Act 103 of 1994 states that an executive authority has powers and duties regarding the performance management of officers and employees of that office or department (1994:14). "... a head of department shall be responsible for the efficient management and administration of his or her department, including the effective utilisation and training of staff..." .

Die voorbereiding tot aftreebeplanning binne plaaslike owerhede

Brand, Hugo January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Technikon, 1999. / Although retirement planning is well known in most South African organizations it is an aspect that enjoys a low priority in the majority of organisations resulting in weak and insufficient retirement planning. The aforementioned together with a lack of sufficient retirement planning preparation within local authorities often leads to the formation of an incorrect perception when individuals retire. Aspects affecting retirement planning include the continued high inflation rate, affirmative action, political and economic uncertainty, the population explosion, unemployment and rationalization. It is therefore imperative that officials receive the necessary training and leadership for the expected success of retirement. An important shortcoming exists in this unique field to school and prepare officials and the importance of establishing an independent future after an active career becomes essential. The focus point for this investigation was to determine to what degree retirement planning is operational in local authorities. Secondly, the degree to which available information in connection with retirement planning is used to prepare officials effectively for the process was determined. Subsequently problems experienced with the application and implementation of a retirement plan for officials as well as obstacles that could hinder the process of successful timeous retirement planning was also looked at.

Assessing challenges in public appointments and recruitment processes in Chris Hani District Municipality: a case study of human resource department in Lukhanji Local Municipality

Gijana, Andile Patrick January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess challenges in Public Appointments and Recruitment Processes in Chris Hani District Municipality: A case study of Human Resource Department in Lukhanji Local Municipality (2008-2010) of the Eastern Cape Province. There has never been a detailed research study conducted in the Chris Hani Human Resource Department, regarding the subject in question. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa in Section 195(i) directs that Public Administration must be broadly representative of the South African people, with employment and personnel management practices based on ability, objectivity, fairness and the need to redress the imbalances of the past to achieve broad representation. The literature review explored extensively the models used in implementing recruitment and appointment processes globally. From those tested models elsewhere, it was evident that South Africa has a great Constitution and good policies regarding Local Government Human Resource Department recruitment and appointment processes not withstanding some challenges cited in the study. This assessment of challenges in the public appointments and recruitment processes in Chris Hani District Municipality assisted in the establishment of the real facts about effective and fair recruitment and appointment processes in the Local Government Human Resource Management Department to deserving communities. It became clear from the study that providing efficient and fair recruitment and appointments processes to the Local Government Human Resource Department in South Africa requires a broader advocacy agenda encompassing the development of Human Resource systems and the generation of numerous skills and expertise to deliver services to the poor people of our country.

Estudo dos egressos do programa de formaÃÃo profissionalizante dos funcionÃrios da educaÃÃo bÃsica, na modalidade à distÃncia - PROFUNCIONARIO, no estado do Cearà / Study of the graduates of the program of vocational training of employees of basic education, in the distance mode - PROFUNCIONARIO, in the state of CearÃ

Jordana Torres Costa 28 August 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / Nas Ãltimas dÃcadas, um dos desafios na Ãrea da educaÃÃo, diz respeito Ãs demandas para a formaÃÃo profissional dos funcionÃrios da educaÃÃo, englobando os docentes e os nÃo-docentes. Foram dÃcadas de lutas em busca de valorizaÃÃo e de reconhecimento profissional. Recentemente, o segmento de funcionÃrios nÃo docentes conquistaram junto ao MinistÃrio da EducaÃÃo a criaÃÃo da PolÃtica Nacional de FormaÃÃo dos Profissionais da EducaÃÃo BÃsica. Na ocasiÃo, foi criado o Programa de FormaÃÃo Inicial em ServiÃo dos Profissionais da EducaÃÃo BÃsica dos Sistemas de Ensino PÃblico â ProfuncionÃrio, com a oferta de quatro cursos tÃcnicos profissionalizantes, a saber: AlimentaÃÃo Escolar, Infraestrutura Escolar, Secretaria Escolar e Multimeios DidÃticos. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa à avaliar, a partir da percepÃÃo dos egressos, a contribuiÃÃo do programa ProfuncionÃrio para sua formaÃÃo e atuaÃÃo profissional, tendo em vista as propostas das diretrizes do referido programa. Ademais, foi realizado um estudo das diretrizes do programa e um breve relato sobre o profissional da educaÃÃo bÃsica pÃblica, sobre o ensino tÃcnico profissionalizante na modalidade a distÃncia e sobre o programa ProfuncionÃrio. A metodologia utilizada contou com pesquisa empÃrica e descritiva. O estudo, por ser de levantamento, caracteriza-se como sendo do tipo survey, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi o questionÃrio composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas que foram analisadas tanto na perspectiva quantitativa quanto qualitativa. Em funÃÃo do quantitativo de respondentes e das caracterÃsticas de cada curso, definiu-se uma amostra probabilÃstica estratificada proporcional. Foram coletados e analisados dados de 260 egressos, sendo 22 de Infraestrutura Escolar, 30 de Multimeios DidÃticos, 41 de AlimentaÃÃo Escolar e 167 de Secretaria Escolar. Os principais resultados encontrados revelam que 78% dos egressos sÃo do sexo feminino, que a faixa etÃria predominante à de 31 a 40 anos, que 72% trabalham em escolas pÃblicas municipais e que 54,2% atuam na Ãrea do curso tÃcnico que concluÃram. Com relaÃÃo as contribuiÃÃes do programa para a formaÃÃo profissional do funcionÃrio nÃo docente, os resultados obtidos demonstram que 95,4% dos egressos se reconhecem como educadores, integrando o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, na ocasiÃo foram identificados aspectos positivos e negativos do programa, bem como foram sugeridas melhorias. Com base na literatura pesquisada e levando em consideraÃÃo que o objetivo do programa à a valorizaÃÃo dos funcionÃrios nÃo docentes, os resultados encontrados indicam que o programa, embora precise de pequenos ajustes, està atendendo ao objetivo pelo qual foi implementado. / In the last decades, one of the challenges in the area of education, concerns the demands for professional training of education officials, including documents and non-teachers. Goals of struggles in search of valorization and professional recognition. Recently, the segment of non-teaching staff conquered with the Ministry of Education the creation of the National Policy for the Training of Primary Education Professionals. At the time, the Initial Training Program was created in the Service of Professionals of the Basic Education of Public Education Systems - ProfuncionÃrio, with an offer of four courses of professional technicians, namely: School Feeding, School Infrastructure, School Secretary and Didactic Multimeters. The general objective of this research is to evaluate, based on the perception of the graduates, the contribution of the ProfuncionÃrio program to its training and professional performance, in view of the proposals of the guidelines of said program. In addition, a study of the guidelines of the program and a brief report on the professional of the public basic education, on the vocational technical education in the distance modality and on the ProfuncionÃrio program was carried out. The methodology used included empirical and descriptive research. The study, being a survey, is characterized as being of the survey type, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The data collection instrument used was the questionnaire composed of open and closed questions that will be analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative perspective. According to the quantitative of respondents and the characteristics of each course, a proportional stratified probabilistic sample was defined. Data from 260 graduates were collected and analyzed, being 22 of School Infrastructure, 30 of Didactic Multimeters, 41 of School Feeding and 167 of School Secretary. The main results show that 78% of the graduates are female, that the predominant age group is 31 to 40 years, that 72% work in municipal public schools and that 54.2% work in the area of the technical course they have completed. With regard to the contributions of the program to the professional training of non-teaching staff, the results obtained show that 95.4% of the graduates recognize themselves as educators, integrating the teaching and learning process. At the time, positive and negative aspects of the program were identified, as well as improvements were suggested. Based on the researched literature and taking into account that the objective of the program is the valuation of non-teaching staff, the results indicate that the program, although it needs small adjustments, is meeting the objective by which it was implemented.

An assessment of the performance appraisal system utilised for junior and middle level management within the South African National Defence Force

Terblanche, Graham Martin January 2004 (has links)
The research problem of this study was to assess the extent to which the appraisal system for junior and middle level managers in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) met the requirements and guidelines for performance appraisal as stipulated in the literature. To achieve this objective, the following procedure was followed: · A survey of existing literature, related to performance appraisal, was conducted. The literature study focused on the requirements for an effective performance appraisal system, appraisal methods and appraisal errors. Attention was also focused on who should take responsibility for performance appraisal and the importance of regularly evaluating the performance appraisal system to meet the demands of a changing environment. The second part of the literature study dealt with the guidelines for establishing an effective appraisal system as well as performance management processes and cycles that are critical for the effectiveness of an appraisal system. The theoretical study formed the basis for the development of a survey questionnaire to establish the extent to which junior and middle level managers in the SANDF agreed with the theoretical guidelines. The survey was administered to a randomly selected group of junior and middle level managers who were representative of the South African Army, Airforce and Medical Services. The empirical results indicated that there was concurrence with many of the guidelines in the literature, but that there were areas that could be improved. It became evident that many respondents felt that the current system was not entirely fair and was not adapted to meet the needs of the integrated SANDF. Specifically, results indicated that the system should be re-evaluated to eliminate bias and to enhance the development of clear standards, both on a quantitative and qualitative level. It became clear that training and communication were important to the successful development and utilisation of a performance appraisal system. An effective performance appraisal system that is integrated with the overall performance management system of an organisation will enhance productivity, satisfaction and the attainment of goals.

Contribution à l'étude des problèmes posés par l'intégration européenne: La scolarisation des enfants de fonctionnaires du CERN

Goldschmidt-Clermont, Luisella January 1971 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Framing Genetically-modified Foods Communication in China: A Content Analysis of News Coverage of People’s Daily and Southern Metropolis

Lu, Linqi 01 November 2017 (has links)
Grounded in framing theory, this thesis presents a qualitative content analysis of newspaper coverage of genetically modified foods by two Chinese newspapers- People’s Daily and Southern Metropolis, in 2000-2017. The political, economic, public opinion and legal implications involved have made the reports of genetically modified (GM) foods present different framing, themes, and positions between People’s Daily and Southern Metropolis. This study aims to examine the various frames used in the coverage of GM foods in two major Chinese newspapers that operate within different media frameworks. Results of the content analysis illustrated that significant differences existed in the newspapers in their framing of GM foods, the themes of GM foods, the positions, news source, and media attributes. While the frames used by People’s Daily and Southern Metropolis were similar in the emphasis on the importance of “Supervision to GM product”, “Worries & Potential Risk/Safety”, and “International perspective”, Southern Metropolis presented a significance of pluralistic standpoint than People’s Daily whose attitude was likely to neutral and pro-GMO. People’s Daily preferred to use the frames of “Advanced Technology”, “International Perspective” or “Economic Consequences”, whereas Southern Metropolis preferred to produce the framed stories of “Worries & Potential Risk/Safety”.

The new reality: participation of elected government officials of the state of Kansas in emergency management training post September 11, 2001

Norton, Susan Parkinson January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Educational Leadership / W. Franklin Spikes / This study sought to understand reasons for participation and non-participation in national incident management system (NIMS) and incident command system (ICS) training by elected officials in the state of Kansas as well as motivations and perceived barriers to participation in this training. County commissioners and mayors from first class and second class cities in the state were the population for this study (n = 202). One instrument comprised of three parts was utilized; a slightly modified version of the Deterrents to Participation Scale (DPS-G) developed by Darkenwald and Valentine in 1984, a slightly modified version of the Education Participation Scale (EPS-A) used by Morstain and Smart (1974) and based on the original work of Boshier (1971), and the third part of the instrument which gathered demographic information. Findings for the study noted that while there was a self-reported percentage of over 51% completion of NIMS training, the target population may be unaware of the Homeland Security and Kansas Emergency Management parameter for participation and are not in compliance with the emergency management institute (EMI) testing and reporting standards. The question of motivations to participation noted that although the EPS-A showed strong reliability to the target population, upon closer scrutiny the questions did not align for this population as they had for previously surveyed populations. A new version of the EPS for elected officials has been suggested for subsequent studies. The DPS-G was found to be a valid and reliable instrument for the target population. Additional demographic variables of age, rural/urban and time in position were explored. None of these variables were found to be significant to the participation decision. The possibility of a prediction model for participation was explored through a stepwise logistic regression. The model should be explored further utilizing several factors from the DPS – G (personal problems, lack of personal priority, and lack of confidence) as possible significant barriers. The qualitative responses on the survey noted the high percentage of respondents that had a lack of knowledge or understanding of the requirements or had questions on availability of the training. Implications and recommendations for the target populations and to the field of study are discussed.

`n Integrale geletterdheids-ontwikkelingsprogram vir hulpvlakpersoneel in Telkom

Harmse, Gert Jacobus 12 September 2012 (has links)

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