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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vägen till klimatneutralitet : Utmaningar och möjligheter med klimatkompensation / The path to carbon neutrality : Challenges and opportunities with carbon offset

Chang, Lisa, Nguyen, Albin, Vingeskog, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
På senaste år har trender inom hållbarhet och miljöarbetet fått mer uppmärksamhet. Allt fler organisationer och privatpersoner börjar bli mer medvetna om potentiella hot som kommer från klimat- och miljöförändringarna, därmed ökar efterfrågan på olika sätt att klimatkompensera. Många tidigare studier har tytt på att det huvudsakliga bakomliggande motivet till att klimatkompensera ska främst vara på grund av etiska skäl och att många företag vill helt enkelt bara ta ansvar för sina miljöskadliga aktiviteter. Dock finns det även andra anledningar som motiverar företagen till att klimatkompensera, bland annat ekonomiska skäl. Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera genomförbara lösningar till hur små och mellanstora företag kan klimatkompensera för verksamhetens befintliga leveransflöden. Denna studie är baserad på den kvalitativa metoden med en deduktiv ansats. Datainsamling har gjorts i form av intervjuer och litteraturstudier, totalt fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts under arbetets gång. Alla intervjuer är inspelade och därmed transkriberade för att undvika låg validitet samt reliabilitet. Resultatet visade för att lyckas med klimatkompensation så krävs det förståelse om både om hur mycket utsläpp som ska kompenseras för samt vilket projekt som är mest relevant att finansiera. Det finns många aktörer som kan stå till hjälp för mindre företag som inte har resurser att genomföra en kartläggning om utsläpp på egen hand. / In recent years, there has been an uprising trend of sustainability and different environmental works have received more attention than before. Many organizations and individuals are becoming more aware of the potential threats that come from climate and environmental changes, thus increasing the demand for different ways of carbon offsetting. Many previous studies have suggested that the main underlying motive for carbon offsetting is mostly due to ethical reasons and that many companies just simply take responsibility for their environmentally harmful activities. However, it is believed that there could also be other reasons that motivate companies to carbon offset, namely economic reasons. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and find possible solutions for how small and medium-sized companies can carbon offset for their supply chain regarding transportation. This study uses a qualitative method with a deductive approach. Data was collected through interviews and literatures, four interviews in total were conducted and was performed in a semistructural way. The Interviews were recorded and transcribed to avoid low validity and reliability. The result showed that in order to successfully compensate for your emissions, the company is required to understand both by how much of the emissions need to be compensated for and which project is most relevant to invest in. There are many actors who can be of much help to the smaller companies that lack the resources to do their own emission mapping.

Návrh číslicově-analogového převodníku s vysokým rozlišením / Design of the digital-to-analog converter with high resolution

Buček, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the digital to analog converter. Technology used for this proposal is ON SEMICONDUCTOR CMOS07 utilizing Cadence design software. The work presents different blocks of the converter, especially the compensation of the amplifier input voltage offset and a reference voltage source.

Automatizace měření Zenerových referencí / Meaurement process automatization of Zener reference

Bábek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with metrology specialized to DC voltage. In the begining of thesis is explanation of technical terms from metrology, summarization of units from International System and explanation of the standards and its kinds in the context of metrology. Primary standards of DC voltage based on Zener diodes and Josephson effect are described as well. In cooperation with Czech metrology institute in Brno this work is focused on automatization of measuring Zener reference standards (ZRS). Goal of this project is to automatize the measuring of Zener reference standards and its relationship with Josephson voltage system using scanner. To do this, there is a need to find out offsets, that can develop on scanner's channels. There is a theoretical analysis of measuring made on the scanner and their uncertainties. Aim of the solution is computation of scanner channels offsets using everyday automatic measuring the system of Zener reference standards (ZRS). For measuring the LabView was used and for computing the data from measured values the Matlab was used. This thesis should short the time needed when measuring DC voltage references, measure values of DC voltage standards and set the scanner channels offsets. In the end there is a summarization of offsets measured on individual scanner channels.

Návrh autokompenzace ofsetu operačního zesilovače / Design of the operational amplifier offset auto-compensation

Dula, Přemysl January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the two-stage operational amplifier with automatic offset compensation. An operational amplifier is designed in Cadence design environment for possible implementation in technology CMOS07. Emphasis work is placed on minimum offset of the operational amplifier and the parameters, that are listed in the assignment of work.

Design ofsetového tiskařského stroje / Design of offset printing machine

Bařina, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Although people meet products of the printing industry daily, they have very shallow knowledge of this sphere. In the theoretical part of this thesis, reader will be briefly acquainted with the printing and its history, focused mainly on the technology of the offset printing. The goal of this thesis is to create an interesting innovative design of offset printing machines in respect of all requirements in terms of ergonomics, safety and functionality of the device. The whole design procedure and its final result are presented in the practical part of thesis.

Self-interference Handling in OFDM Based Wireless Communication Systems

Yücek, Tevfik 14 November 2003 (has links)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier modulation scheme that provides efficient bandwidth utilization and robustness against time dispersive channels. This thesis deals with self-interference, or the corruption of desired signal by itself, in OFDM systems. Inter-symbol Interference (ISI) and Inter-carrier Interference (ICI) are two types of self-interference in OFDM systems. Cyclic prefix is one method to prevent the ISI which is the interference of the echoes of a transmitted signal with the original transmitted signal. The length of cyclic prefix required to remove ISI depends on the channel conditions, and usually it is chosen according to the worst case channel scenario. Methods to find the required parameters to adapt the length of the cyclic prefix to the instantaneous channel conditions are investigated. Frequency selectivity of the channel is extracted from the instantaneous channel frequency estimates and methods to estimate related parameters, e.g. coherence bandwidth and Root-mean-squared (RMS) delay spread, are given. These parameters can also be used to better utilize the available resources in wireless systems through transmitter and receiver adaptation. Another common self-interference in OFDM systems is the ICI which is the power leakage among different sub-carriers that degrades the performance of both symbol detection and channel estimation. Two new methods are proposed to reduce the effect of ICI in symbol detection and in channel estimation. The first method uses the colored nature of ICI to cancel it in order to decrease the error rate in the detection of transmitted symbols, and the second method reduces the effect of ICI in channel estimation by jointly estimating the channel and frequency offset, a major source of ICI.


Naini, Srikar Reddy 12 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Particle Redistribution in Serpentine Engine Inlets

Potts, Ian January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Klimatkompensation – en översikt / Carbon offset – an overview

Kruse, Wilhelm, Wahlberg, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Klimatkompensation är en relativt nyutvecklad mekanism och har till viss del standardiserats efter Kyotoprotokollet. Rapporten syftar till att kartlägga mekanismens applika- tioner, bakgrund, certifikat och program genom en komparativ litteraturstudie. Svenska företag som Tricorona och ZeroMission har utvecklat en verksamhet centrerad i meka- nismen. Aktörerna har en uppenbar positiv syn på klimatkompensation men åsikten är dock inte universal. Miljörörelser som GreenPeace och Jordens vänner är kritiska till mekanismen, specifikt skogsprojekt som enligt organisationerna saknar permanens. Vidare menar de att endast Gold Standard projekt anses legitima, WWF delar åsikten men menar att vissa skogsprojekt är legitima. Naturskyddsföreningen har en liknande upp- fattning, organisationen menar att mekanismen även kan ge en ekonomisk uppfattning av utsläpp. Miljörörelsen har en kollektiv uppfattning om att klimatkompensation bör tolkas som en sista utväg efter interna reformer genomförts. Vidare har Arla, MAX och IKEA analyserats med avseende på deras hållbarhetsstrategier. Företagen är starkt förankrade till hållbarhet genom en omfattande marknadsföring. Det konstateras att Arla och MAX klimatkompenserar primärt genom skogsprojekt. Bå- da företagen redovisar klimatneutrala produkter vilket åstadkommits genom omfattan- de applikation av mekanismen genom ZeroMission. Till skillnad från Arla och MAX klimatkompenserar IKEA genom internt producerade skogsprojekt samt vattenrening. Företaget redovisar skepsis mot skogsprojektens permanens och vill därför undersöka framtida alternativ såsom energiutveckling. Samtliga företag har ambitioner att bli klimatneutrala inom en snar framtid. Rapporten jämför även Project Drawdowns lista över åtgärder för att nå 1,5-gradersmålet med de relaterade projekten. Vidare utförs en komparativ analys mellan företagens ut- släpp relaterad till Sveriges. Det visar sig att projekten som redogörs för rapporten är prioriterade på ett adekvat sätt jämfört med Project Drawdowns lista. Det konstateras att en bred projektportfölj som är prioriterad enligt samma lista är önsk- värd för effektiv klimatkompensation. Mekanismen kan möjliggöra en mjukare reform till ett hållbarare samhälle, men innebär samtidigt rebound effekter och försummande av nödvändiga och svåra förändringar. Därav måste klimatkompensationens alla perspektiv beaktas för att skapa en legitim hållbarhetsstrategi. / Carbon offsetting is a relatively new developed mechanism that has, to some extent, been standardised since the Kyoto Protocol. This report aims to show the mechanisms appli- cations, background, certificates and programs, through a comparative literature study. Swedish companies as Tricorona and ZeroMission have developed a business model based on the mechanism. The companies share a positive view on carbon offsetting , however, it is not universal. Enviromentalists as GreenPeace and Friends of Earth are critical to the mechanism, specifically to projects related to forestry, which according to the enviromentalists lack permanence. Furthermore, the enviromentalists declare the Gold Standard certificate as the only legitimate option. WWF share some of the ideas, yet still think some forestry projects are legitimate. The Swedish organization Natur- skyddsföreningen have a similiar opinion, also, they belive that the mechanism can pro- vide an economic view of emissions. The environmentalists have a collective view that climate compensation should be interpreted as a last resort after internal reforms have been implemented. Furthermore the Swedish companies Arla, MAX and IKEA has been analyzed based on their sustainable strategies. The companies are firmly rooted in sustainability due to extensive marketing. It is found that Arla and MAX carbon offset primarily through forestry projects. Both companies offer climate-neutral products, which have been ac- hieved through extensive application of the mechanism through ZeroMission. In con- trast to Arla and MAX, IKEA carbon offsets through internally developed forestry- and watercleaning-projects. The company declares skepticism towards the permanence of the forestry projects. All companies have ambitions to become climate-neutral in the near future. The report also compares Project Drawdown’s list of measures to reach the 1.5-degree goal with the related projects. Furthermore, a comparative analysis is carried out between the companies’ emissions related to the Swedish. It turns out that the projects presented in the report are adequately prioritized compared to Project Drawdowns’ list. It is stated that a broad project portfolio which is prioritized accordingly is desirable for efficient carbon offsetting. The mechanism may allow a smoother reform to a sustai- nable society, but at the same time involve rebound effects and neglecting necessary and difficult actions. Therefore, all of the perspectives related to carbon offsetting must be taken into consideration in order to create a legitimate sustainable strategy.

Analýza vlivu kalibrace a vyrovnání pásů na geometrickou přesnost bodového mračna pořízeného UAV lidarovým snímáním / Analysis of the influence of the calibration and strip adjustment on the geometric accuracy of UAV LIDAR point clouds

Dvořák, Dennis January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the analysis of the influence of calibration and the method of strips alignment on the geometric accuracy of a point cloud acquired by UAV lidar scanning. The aim was to find out the influence of individual used methods, respectively various combinations. The effect of the design of the cross-flights has also been added. The evaluation was performed using standard deviations of the distances corresponding to the areas scanned in different point bands. Furthermore, verification was performed by comparing checkpoints. The results show that there is no dependence between the individual combinations. The only case was a larger displacement of the point cloud at the edge of the scanned strip in the case of cross-flights.

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