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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh restrukturalizace firmy / Proposal of Restructuralization of Company

Hlávková, Radana January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of two strategic business units of the company Lexmark and based on this analysis I recommend which SBU should continue in operation and which one should be closed. As a tool for recommendation I use the general company environment analysis by the MAP method, the industrial environment analysis applying Porter´s model with the ETOP method, the analysis of internal factors by the SAP method and the stakeholders analysis. I use the SWOT analysis for summarization. The first part is dedicated to the theory of strategic management. The next part is practical. I present the company Lexmark, describe the analysis and summarize the analysis results. I recommend the company restructuralization based on the analysis including the expectations of restructuralization, cost savings and cost, with focus on the critical factors and the process of restructuralization.

Podnikatelský plán-zřízení malého podniku / Business Plan-Establishment of a Small Business

Zbranková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the business plan for starting a new small business specializing in healthy lifestyle that would fill a gap in the market. The goal is to start operating business entity, analyze competition, state marketing strategy and focus on the target group of customers, but also to evaluate the company from a financial point of view.

Využití marketingu k posílení konkurenceschopnosti firmy / Usage of Marketing for Improving Competitiveness of Company

Kurowská, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with proposal of activities impoving competitiveness of the company Infinit in providing wellness stays, with a specific focus on the website of the company. The theoretical part is devoted to the competition, competitiveness, marketing and methods of marketing analysis. The practical part examines the business of the company, analyses its internal and external environment and proposes appropriate measures aimed at increasing competitiveness and will use for furure development of the company.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu garáž v lokalitě Třeboň a okolí / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Garage-type Real Estate in the Locality of Třeboň and its Surroundings

Hadač, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
Thesis "Comparative study on the valuation of property type in the garage area and around Trebon" deals with the measurement of ten real estate garage type selected valuation methods and their mutual comparison. Used the cost method, comparative method and comparative method of creating a database. The thesis consists of a theoretical part is the introduction of basic concepts, market analysis and valuation of real estate. This is followed by a practical part, where the description of the site and the actual value selected garages with their descriptions and photographs. In conclusion, this is a recap of the results and their entry into the chart.

Strategie vybraného podniku

Šauer, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the design of corporate strategy for the company AMPO, s.r.o., which is created through the outputs of the strategic analysis and by using methods, tools and models, and should improve the situation of the company and achieve the selected strategic. The author in creating a new strategy for the company AMPO, s.r.o. Used modeling methods and the final outcome was a summary of the recommendations and create a graphical model of the proposed strategy. The literature search focused on the topic of strategy and strategic management. They described various methods, tools and models, which were then used in the practical part and are the basis for the formulation and implementation strategies.

Strategická analýza firmy / Strategic Analysis of a Firm

Huniovský, Martin Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce charakterizuje činnost konkrétní firmy působící na domácím trhu v oblasti dovozu a distribuce potravin. Měnící se podmínky trhu vyžadují přizpůsobení se těmto změnám, kdy prvním krokem k úspěchu je pečlivá analýza současného stavu. Rozbor vnějšího okolí firmy, zejména prostřednictvím PEST analýzy, Porterova modelu konkurenčních sil a BCG matice, a vnitřního prostředí pomocí stručné marketingové analýzy a finanční analýzy, je základním prvkem pro tvorbu SWOT analýzy, jako výstupu analýz vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí. Návrh optimální strategie firmy na základě výsledků SWOT analýzy s cílem přizpůsobení se daným podmínkám trhu.

VYUŽITÍ PŘÍRODNÍCH A HISTORICKÝCH ZAJÍMAVOSTÍ ČESKOKRUMLOVSKA VE VÝUCE NA 1. STUPNI ZŠ / The use of natural and historical attractions of Cesky Krumlov and its surroundings in teaching at primary school

KMOCHOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines The use of natural and historical attractions of Cesky Krumlov and its surroundings in teaching at primary school. It is based on the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education - Humans and Their World - The Place Where We Live and People and Time. Theoretical part surveys the Cesky Krumlov area ? location, characterization, economic and social system, historical development and landscape singularity. The first half of the practical part takes advantage from the previous chapters and it summarises general information which had been readjusted for use in the classes. The other half forms the certain projects for lessons. The important part of this thesis is survey, which was done at several primary schools in Cesky Krumlov area, and the analysis of the didactical conceptions.

Ladislav Lábek a Zdeněk Wirth - přátelství i spolupráce / The Ladislav Lábek and Zdeněk Wirth - friendship and cooperation

PEŘINOVÁ, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma work compares two life stories of friendship and cooperation of a museologist and founder of museum ?Národopisné muzeum Plzeňska? Ladislav Lábek from Pilsen (1882?1970) and his friend a historian of art Zdeněk Wirth from Vysoké Mýto (1878?1961). The first chapter after introduction is about personal and professional life of Ladislav Lábek. The chapter tells his life´s story from his birth to the beginnig of the ?First World War?. The next chapter is about the life story of Zdeněk Wirth in the same time period. The chapter number four is about first Labek´s and Wirth´s projects when their started their big cooperation and relationship which (1911?1961) when Zdeněk Wirth died. In this chapter we can find some main institutions like ?Klub Za starou Prahu? or ?Kroužek přátel starožitností v Plzni? that helped Lábek and Wirth to save many historical memories in Pilsen and thanks them they both found future friends and collegues. The chapter number five is about life, work and cooperation of Lábek and Wirth in the ?World War the First? when they fought on the fields of ?Eastern front? but they both still worked on their projects from the museum´s and monument preservation area. The next chapter is about one of the most interesting years of Lábek and Wirth, which were between two world wars when they helped to constitute museum´s organization and monument preservation during the beginning of the Czechoslovak Republic. In this time period Lábek and Wirth wrote many interesting historical titles that have been still updated. They both also hepled each other with their life proffesional and family projects. The next chapter is about life of Wirth and Lábek during the ?World War the Second?, about lifes of their families, work and their revolt against nacistic occupation. In the last two chapters we can read about life periods of Lábek and Wirth after the ?World War the Second? and time periods after fatal year 1948 in Czechoslovakia. Chapter is ended by the death of both personalities. In the last chapters we can find the summary of diploma work, the summary of literature and sources, the edition of 23 interesting letters between Lábek and Wirth and also some visual supplements.

Rodina s mentálně postiženým dítětem a společnost aneb pohled na etický přístup odborníků a sociálního okolí očima rodiny / Family of mentally handicapped child and society, or look at the ethical approach of professionals and social environment through the eyes of the family

PAZDERSKÁ, Soňa January 2012 (has links)
This diploma project deals with how a family with mental handicapped child perceives the social environment and the stand of experts on themselves. The work includes basic concepts relating to the issues examined here. The thesis also mentions the importance of ethical codes of expert professions such as doctors, social workers and educators. The way how the doctors should communicate with the parents of handicapped child and how to advise the parents of inconvenient diagnosis. The thesis also deals with how the families put up with diagnosis of their child in different stages. Theoretical chapter explains how the family could be threatened by the social exclusion. The research section describes the data collection, witch was realized by interviews the families of handicapped children. The analysis of responses to predetermined research questions follows the methodology of data collection. Final results are summarized in tables.

Radiačně indukovaná nádorová onemocnění u obyvatel obcí v okolí MAPE Mydlovary / Radiation-induced cancer in the population of villages around MAPE Mydlovary

KREJČÍ, Klára January 2014 (has links)
In 1959, the building of chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary was initiated in a small village Mydlovary, near České Budějovice. In October 1962, the operation and processing of the uranium ore started. During operation, about 17 million tons of uranium ore were processed and the material from processed uranium ores was stored into the contiguous sludge lagoons. The operation of this plant was terminated in November 1991. The premises of MAPE Mydlovary were partially liquidated, decontaminated and handed over for privatization, nowadays there are recovery and reclamation works in process. Even though, MAPE Mydlovary is nowadays one of the most dangerous strains for environment, which emerged after mining and processing of uranium ores in the Czech Republic. The projection is to liquidate the consequences of this process for many more years from now. In immediate closeness to the premises of MAPE Mydlovary there lie the villages Mydlovary, Olešník and Zahájí. It can be assumed that during the processing of uranium ores and subsequent storing of waste into the contiguous sludge lagoons there could have been some impact on the inhabitants of these villages by radio nuclides. The possibility that there are still some sources of contamination and effect on the inhabitants of the three neighboring villages cannot be excluded nowadays, even after almost 23 years after the shutdown of the plant. For this reason this diploma thesis is dealing with the effects of the preparation plant MAPE Mydlovary on the inhabitants of Mydlovary, Olešník and Zahájí, specifically on the amount of deaths due to cancer diseases of inhabitants of these villages. Data was collected from October 2013 till April 2014 and it includes figures from the period 1971-2010. It was collected using non-standardized interviews and was provided by practicing physicians of the investigated villages; furthermore, data was collected from websites of the Czech Statistical Office. Aim of this thesis was to analyze and compare the deaths due to cancer diseases of the inhabitants in the surroundings of MAPE Mydlovary and of inhabitants in the whole Czech Republic (whole republic´s cancer disease mortality) and evaluate the possible influence of the radiation load on the number of deaths due to cancer diseases of inhabitants in the surroundings of MAPE Mydlovary. The analysis and comparison of the number of deaths was carried out using statistical research. Non parametric testing was used for the statistical research and the so called Fisher exact test was used, which is carried out by means of statistical software www.ncss.com. For this test the level of significance - = 0, 2 was used. The influence of the radiation load on the number of deaths due to cancer diseases is statistically significant only in the village Mydlovary, where it is possible to prove statistically an increased number of deaths due to cancer diseases in comparison to the number of deaths due to cancer diseases in the whole Czech Republic. Based on the evaluation of the obtained data we can state that the chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary most likely had and still may have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the neighboring villages, especially on the inhabitants of the village Mydlovary. For this reason it is very important to continue with the recovery and reclamation works in the premises of the chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary and their main objective is to protect the inhabitants of surrounding villages against possible exposure to the radio nuclides. Nevertheless, the impacts of processing the former chemical preparation plant of uranium ore MAPE Mydlovary will be eliminated for many more years.

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