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Spokojenost zákazníků / Customer SatisfactionPišková, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of customer satisfaction of the internet shop Nejbaby, s. r. o. The first part explains the theoretical concepts associated with the chosen theme. The second part is devoted to analyses of the external and internal surroundings of the selected enterprise and also includes a marketing research containing data collected via customised questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire assessment, proposals are presented in the last section, aiming to increased customer satisfaction.
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Narození / BirthPiskova, Olena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is a continuation of my subject, "Why?", Also includes the theme of man and the environment. I started to be interested in the controversial topic of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering. I found a personal story in it. Now it is difficult to comment on the extent to which these researches are important, but we shouldn’t stop there.
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Rozvoj malé živnostenské firmy / The business plan for creating of new service companyTomšů, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
This master´s thesis analyses a current situation of a trade firm. It suggests development plan to remove weaknesses, eliminate threats and make economic activity more effective.
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Podnikatelský záměr / Business PlanPekárková, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with processing business plan for foundation sport center. The goal is on the basis of made analysis of the external environment proposal to establish an appropriate project.
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Analýza proudění spalin v okolí výfukového ventilu spalovacího motoru s využitím CFD / Fluid flow analysis in vicinity of exhaust valve using CFDŠesták, Josef January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis discuss a flow in a vicinity of exhaust valve using computational of fluid dynamics. In a light of current state of the problem solution this approach is forward but very sophisticated. Intention of author is description of multidimensional boundary of characteristic variables which determinates the flow behaviour for given geometry and boundary conditions. Technical knowlegde of fluid flow in vicinity of exhaust valve allow to design geometry which provide more effective cylinder flush out berofe the exhaust stroke will become. This process reduce quantity of loss work of piston and improve its effective pointers.
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Srovnání cen rodinného domu v různých částech města Havlíčkův Brod v letech 2014 a 2015 / Comparison of house prices in different parts of Havlíčkův Brod in 2014 and 2015Vojíř, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals comparison of house prices in Havlíčkův Brod in 2014 and 2015. The task is to find out and assess influence of lokality for the price of family house. This family house is located in suburb of the town and then for comparison will be moved to the center Havlíčkův Brod. House prices are determined by observed price and market value. The important element of thesis will determine factors, which affect these price.
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Podnikatelský záměr / Business PlanBětík, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with developing the business plan for the construction of an administrative building. First part is theoretical basis for the processing of the business plan. The next section analyzes the current situation in company. At the end is introduced project of realization of the business plan and its overall evaluation, including benefits.
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Vliv biotických interakcí na populační biologii lučních rostlin / The role of biotic interactions in population biology of meadow plantsJanovský, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
In present thesis, I treat the topic of impacts of plant-animal interactions, namely herbivory and pollination, on plant life cycle and lifetime fitness. First, I identify the components of the impact of plant-animal interactions: i) interaction frequency; ii) per-interaction effect; iii) sensitivity of the plant's life cycle to the changes in vital rate impacted by the animals. Furthermore, I also classify other causes changing the outcome of a plant-animal interaction into two categories: i) plant's traits; ii) plant's environment. A review of extant literature on the topic revealed that especially the role of plant's environment in changing the outcome of plant-animal interactions is largely understudied and I attempt to reduce this gap in knowledge in the five detailed studies encompassed in this thesis. The detailed studies focus on a model system of Central European wet grasslands and especially on three species typical to it: Succisa pratensis, Achillea millefolium and A. ptarmica. The first two studies examine the effects of environment on frequency of plant- animal interactions. The next two studies are more integrative, one focusing on the impacts of different herbivore groups on the complete life cycle and the other on interaction of herbivory and pollination on plant lifetime fitness....
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Marketingová strategie společnosti ZDT spol. s r.o. / Marketing Strategy of ZDT spol. s r.o.Pikula, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with problems of marketing strategy proposal for the company ZDT spol. s.r.o. – Agriculture and transport machinery Ltd. A marketing strategy proposal based on theoretical knowledge, analysis of the company’s current condition and questionnaire survey is introduced. This proposal should lead to strengthening our position on domestic market, gaining new market outlet and as a result of this to higher sales and profits.
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Explozívy v češtině: temporální vlastnosti a variabilita při realizaci / Plosives in Czech: temporal characteristics and variability in realizationŠimek, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to closely investigate and describe selected phonetic properties of Czech oral plosives [p t ť k b d ď g] in normal speech. The re- search focuses mostly on temporal characteristics in various contexts; moreover, we deal with the possible manners of plosive articulation in Czech, including non-canonical realizations. Another important part of the present study is a comparison with earlier studies. In the domain of temporal characteristics we examine the influence of various contexts on phone duration. The contexts include: phonetic context, speaker gender, the position of the plosive in the stress unit or articulation rate. We also examine a possible connection between the duration of the plosive and its realization. In the part that deals with the manner of articulation we focus on the individual phonetic properties, for which we investigate especially the conditions and degree of their stability. Furthermore we describe the specific plosive articulations in certain pho- netic contexts and some alternative realizations of certain plosives. The speech material used is mostly spontaneous. All the speakers are non- professionals from various TV broadcasts. Keywords: plosives, duration, phone segmentation, phonetic properties, pho- netic context, gender, articulation...
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