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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovování uhlíku - 14 v plynných výpustech z jaderné elektrárny Temelín a jeho distribuce v životním prostředí / Monitoring of the carbon-14 in the gaseous releases from the Temelín NPP and its environmental distribution

VALÁŠEK, Michal January 2007 (has links)
This work deals with monitoring of the radiocarbon in the gaseous effluents from the Temelín nuclear power plant and its distribution in the environment. The reader should gain a comprehensive image about level of radiocarbon monitoring in ventilation systems in the Temelín nuclear power plant and in the surrounding environment. The work is divided into several parts. Some basic information of physics, chemistry and radiobiology relating to radiocarbon are given in the first part. The origin of radiocarbon in VVER reactor, its pathway to gaseous releases and then to carbon cycle in the environment are described there too. This introductory part continues with description of monitoring methods used in ventilation systems of the Temelín nuclear power plant and in the surrounding environment. Summary of Czech Republic legislation related to radiation protection is stated. The aim of the work and hypothesis are set in the second part. In the third part there are methods used to fulfil the aim of the work. The results in the form of tables and graphs are in the fourth part. In the following part there is a discussion of summarized data and results. Developed findings are summarized in the last part of this work.

Metodika výuky vlastivědy místního regionu na příkladu Mariánskolázeňska / Methodology of regional homeland study education: a case of the local region Mariánskolázeňsko

HÁLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study on a case study on local region Mariánskolázeňsko. In the concrete deals this thesis with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study in the 4th year of the primary school. The thesis wholly results from The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education, its thematic area The Place Where We Live and People and Time from the educational area Humans and Their World. The theoretic part of the thesis is concerned with delimitation and location of the area, its physical and social geographical features, historical developement and places of interest in local region Mariánskolázeňsko. The practical part of the thesis issues from the special informationes in its theoretic part and presents adaptation of the topic for children that attends 4th year of the primary school, which respects The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education. Electronic educational text, worksheets with notes for teachers and suggestion of group works. This thesis includes also a list of questions and its analysis, which was the base for the practical part of the thesis, especially for the group work. This thesis includes common chapters such as the introduction, the analysis of used literuature and the methodology of this thesis, conclusion and list of used literature.

METODIKA VÝUKY VLASTIVĚDY ÚZEMÍ OBCE A OKOLNÍ KRAJINY NA PŘÍKLADU ČESKÉHO KRUMLOVA / Methodology of regional homeland study education: a case study Český Krumlov and its surroundings

NOVÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study on a case study on municipality and the surroundings of Český Krumlov. In the first part of the thesis is detailed description of the studied area (the area of the municipality of Český Krumlov) {--} delimitation and location of the area, its physical and social geographical features, historical development and places of interest in Český Krumlov and in its surroundings. The other part of the thesis issues from the special information introduced in its first part and presents adaptation of the topic for children that attends primary school (from the first to the fifth class). This adaptation respects The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education, its thematic area The Place Where We Live from the educational area Humans and Their World. Educational texts (for third, fourth and fifth class) and worksheets completes the notes for teachers. This thesis includes common chapters such as the introduction, the analysis of used literature, and the methodology of this thesis, conclusion and list of used literature.

Strategie podniku obchodních služeb / Strategy of the organisation of trading services

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis called ?Strategy of the organisation of trading services? is strategic decision for establishing the independent department which will provide the new service with the aim of its own effective distribution. Distribution should satisfy the customer needs by delivering the ordered goods which was prepared at their wholesale outlet to the right address. The main aim is increasing the profitability of the organisation and also increasing the competativeness on the market.

Rozvoj obchodních aktivit společnosti Fasády Šimek s.r.o. / Business Development of Company Fasády Šimek s.r.o.

Kováčová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this master‘s thesis is business development of company, which is providing revitalization of apartment buildings. Theoretical part of this thesis pursues general introduction into issue, define main concepts, methods and instruments used in business activities in company. Practical part provides introduction of company, analysis of current status of company and submittion of own suggestions of solution. The aim of this master’s thesis is to define resulting conception and strategy of business activities for company, which could help to ensure growth of company and ensure the position on the market.

Strategická analýza / Strategy analysis

Votava, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to elaborate the strategic analysis of the Plzeňský Prazdroj a.s. company, i.e. to analyse both the company environment and the inner resources and abilities, to reveal strengths and weaknesses of the company and even oportunities and threats. The aim is also to identify specific merits of the firm and finally to mention strategic recommendations with regard of elaborated analysis. The whole thesis is divided into two main parts: the theoretical part, where are described methods and procedures of the strategic analysis and the application part, where these methods are applied to the Plzeňský Prazdroj a.s. company.

Podnikatelský plán / business plan

Luzan, Dmitrij January 2009 (has links)
My thesis is dedicated to the business plan of the gastronomic facility. The thesis describes foundation of the company, analyses demand for the gastronomic services. The financial plan is being presented as well. The thesis includes the analysis of the company's environment, suppliers and customers. SWOT analysis, net present value analysis, index of the net present value and other ratio indexes are the parts of this thesis.

Využití analýzy sociálních sítí při analýze sociálního okolí projektového manažera / Use of social network analysis in analyzing social environment of a project manager

Hájek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the social environment of a project manager and describes different approaches in its analysis. The social environment is defined as a sum of soft factors that affect a project manager and influence the course of the project. Besides proficiency in various project management methodologies, knowledge of the project plan, and understanding of the client's field of business, awareness of the social environment is essential for eventual project success. Thesis objectives aim at defining the scope of the social environment, and presenting analysis techniques and methods, through which it is possible to enhance overall project performance. Other objectives include stating recommendations for project managers to fully comprehend their social environment, and documenting discussed findings on project related case studies -- among others also on the social networks analysis conducted in a real life project environment. The thesis describes three analysis methods -- social network analysis, stakeholder analysis, and analysis of psychological profile of the team members, which mutually complement each other and provide project managers with a comprehensive overview of their social environments. Social network analysis is elaborated on the most in detail, because it forms theoretical as well as practical introduction to the topic, and a base for further analyses.

The introduction of the new health care procedure for the Czech market / Zavedení nového postupu zdravotní péče pro český trh

Havran, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this work is to analyse the possibility of use of micro -- needles technology as the method of drug delivery in the Czech Republic. The characteristics of this product (application, connection with drug, etc.) suggest three possible target groups: patients, health care providers or pharmaceutical companies. One of the goals is to analyse legal requirements on such products, evaluate current market situation and according to this information choose the best group for the product consumption. Also product itself presents a challenge and there are several designs of micro -- needle or needleless drug applicators. Combined together, this study aims to find, whether is the Czech market able to accept new method of drug delivery, in which form and how can patient reach this technology.

Ekonomická analýza podniku ArcelorMittal Ostrava, a. s. / Economic analysis of the company ArcelorMittal Ostrava, a. s.

Mareček, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the Economic analysis of a company ArcelorMittal Ostrava, a. s. and evaluates its economic condition from 2010 until 2014. Thesis involves strategic analysis and financial analysis. Author describes the topic with a perspective of an external analyst and used companys annual report as his fundamental source. The strategic analysis is based on its micro and macro environment and SWOT analysis as well. The Financial analysis includes calculation of absolute, differential and ratio indicators. On top of that financial analysis contains the pyramid decomposition of the return on equity, economic value added, the bankruptcy and solvency models and comparison among other companies. Based on his research author concludes with recommendations which could lead to improvement of companys economic and market position. Most important findings are summarized and companys condition is evaluated at the end of this thesis.

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