Spelling suggestions: "subject:"olfactory bulk"" "subject:"olfactory bull""
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Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity in the Rat Olfactory BulbGao, Yuan 23 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Transcription Factor Regulation of Olfactory Bulb Interneuron HeterogeneityAllen, Zegary J. 09 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 and Osteopontin in Synaptogenesis and Reinnervation of the Olfactory Bulb Following Brain InjuryPowell, Melissa A 01 January 2016 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious health concern, causing cognitive, motor, and sensory deficits, including olfactory dysfunction. This dissertation explores the effects of TBI on synaptic plasticity within the olfactory system, seeking to define mechanisms guiding postinjury sensory reinnervation. Physical forces induced by TBI can axotomize olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), which innervate olfactory bulb (OB). These axons regenerate OB projections after injury, a process involving growth through a complex extracellular matrix (ECM). As such, we investigated a potential molecular mechanism capable of modifying local OB ECM to support postinjury synaptogenesis. Since matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their ECM substrates are recognized for TBI therapeutic potential, we explored the role of MMP9 and its substrate osteopontin (OPN) in promoting ORN reinnervation of the OB after mild fluid percussion injury (FPI). First, we confirmed that FPI deafferented the mouse OB. In Chapter 2, we showed concurrent activation of neuroglia, elevated spectrin proteolysis and reduction in ORN-specific olfactory marker protein (OMP). As OMP normalized during regeneration, growth associated protein-43kD (GAP-43) peaked, marking OB entry of ORN growth cones. Ultrastructural analysis revealed ongoing ORN axon shrinkage and degeneration, glial phagocytosis of cellular debris, and a reorganization of synaptic structure. To explore ECM role in mediating postinjury OB reinnervation, we defined the time course of MMP9 activity and several downstream targets. Chapter 3 reports biphasic MMP9 activity increase during acute/subacute degeneration, accompanied by robust generation of 48kD OPN cell signaling peptide. OPN receptor CD44 also increased during the acute/subacute interval, suggesting potential interaction of the two proteins. Finally, we utilized MMP9 knockout (MMP9KO) mice to confirm MMP9 role in OB synaptogenesis. In Chapter 4, MMP9KO reversed FPI-induced lysis of 49kD OPN and altered postinjury expression of ORN axon degeneration marker OMP. Additional ultrastructural analysis verified delayed recovery of OB synaptic features within the injured MMP9KO. Overall, we demonstrated that mild FPI elicits ORN axotomy to induce OB reactive synaptogenesis, and that MMP9 supports reinnervation by processing OPN for activation of local glia, cells which reorganize the ECM for synapse regeneration.
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Expression et fonction des microARN dans la neutrogenèse du bulbe olfactif / Expression and function of microRNAs in olfactory bulb neurogenesisFollert, Philipp 14 December 2012 (has links)
Le bulbe olfactif (BO) des mammifères adultes est le siège d'une intense neurogenèse tout au long de la vie. L'intégration des nouveaux neurones dans le BO est alimentée par la génération continuelle de progéniteurs immatures dans la zone periventriculaire (ZPV) du ventricule latéral du cerveau antérieur. Au cours de leur différentiation, ceux-ci migrent « en chaine » de la ZPV vers le BO. Une fois dans le BO ils migrent alors radialement vers leur localisation finale et achèvent leur différentiation. Le phénotype des neurones néoformés est divers et est déterminé par la position des cellules souche dans la ZPV. Outre un intérêt spécifique, cette neurogenèse offre des perspectives uniques pour étudier la neurogenèse en général. En effet, dans ce système, les étapes successives du processus de différentiation sont distinctement séparées dans l'espace.Durant ma thèse j'ai étudié le rôle des microARN dans la neurogenèse du BO. Les microARN sont des ARN d'environs 22 nucléotides qui régulent négativement l'expression des gènes au niveau post-transcriptionnel. En utilisant des souris mutantes conditionnelles pour une enzyme clé dans la synthèse des microARN, j'ai démontré que les microARN étaient essentiels à la génération de nouveaux neurones. Par la suite, pour identifier des microARN candidats, le profil d'expression de l'ensemble des microARN durant la neurogenèse a été réalisé. Cette étude s'est faite par séquençage haut-débit des petits ARN sur un panel d'échantillons représentatifs des différentes étapes de la neurogenèse du BO et des différents compartiments de cellules souche de la ZPV. / New neurons are continuously and extensively generated in the adult mammalian olfactory bulb (OB). The constant integration of new neurons into the OB circuitry is fueled by the continuous generation of immature progenitors in the periventricular zone (PVZ) of the lateral ventricle of the forebrain. Immature precursor cells leave the PVZ and migrate in interwoven chains to the OB. After arrival in the OB they migrate radially to their final positions and undergo terminal differentiation. The phenotype of these new neurons is diverse and determined by the position of the stem cells in the PVZ. Beyond its specific interest, this system of postnatal neurogenesis provides unique, advantageous properties to study neurogenesis in general, as the distinct steps of the neurogenic sequence (stem cell, amplification, migration, final differentiation) are clearly spatially separated. During my PhD I aimed to elucidate the roles of microRNA mediated regulation of gene expression in the OB neurogenesis. MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs around 22 nucleotides in length. They act as negative regulators of gene expression on a post-transcriptional level thereby restricting protein output. Using a conditional knock-out mouse line for a key enzyme of microRNAs synthesis, I first demonstrated that microRNAs are absolutely required to complete the neuronal differentiation process. Subsequently, in order to identify candidates playing a role in neurogenesis, a miRNome profiling was performed by deep sequencing of small RNAs in tissues representative for different stem cell compartments and steps of neurogenesis.
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Développement de l'imagerie multispectrale plein champ pour l'étude de l'activation cérébrale in vivo / Multispectral imaging development for in vivo cerebral activation studyRenaud, Rémi 17 October 2012 (has links)
L'imagerie optique multispectrale du signal intrinsèque permet d'estimer les variations des paramètres hémodynamiques à partir de la collecte des fluctuations de réflectance, à au moins deux longueurs d'onde, induites par une activation cérébrale. Cette thèse propose une étude méthodologique et instrumentale mais aussi une validation in vivo des développements entrepris. Le calcul des paramètres hémodynamiques nécessite l'application d'une loi de Beer-Lambert modifiée introduisant un terme crucial pour la précision du calcul des variations des paramètres hémodynamiques, le DP, que nous avons estimé par simulation Monte Carlo pour les modèles du cortex somatosensoriel et du bulbe olfactif de rat. Nous montrons ainsi que les variations d'absorption, de diffusion ou d'anisotropie n'influe pas sur les valeurs de DP en dessous de 630 nm, que la géométrie et les propriétés optiques des structures a un impact sur celles-ci. Ainsi, le calcul des DP pour chaque structure cérébrale est indispensable. En outre, le choix des longueurs d'onde d'illumination est décisif et s'apprécie en fonction de deux paramètres, la diaphonie et le séparabilité qui ont été calculés pour déterminer les couples et les triplets de longueurs d'onde optimaux pour l'étude du bulbe olfactif de rat. Il apparaît que les valeurs de séparabilité sont négligeables en raison de la forte absorptivité des tissus biologiques dans le visible et que le choix des combinaisons optimales peut se faire en se basant seulement sur les valeurs de diaphonie. La deuxième étape a consisté à construire un banc d'imagerie multispectrale performant et à le valider ainsi que l'étude méthodologique. Les résultats in vivo montrent une différence flagrante des signaux de réflectance et hémodynamiques entre le cortex somatosensoriel et le bulbe olfactif dont l'origine physique et/ou biologique est discutée. / Multispectral imaging of intrinsic optical signal allows to estimate changes in hemodynamic parameters from the collection of reflectance fluctuations, at least with two wavelengths, induced by cerebral activation. This thesis proposes methodological and instrumental studies but also in vivo validation of developments undertaken. The calculation of hemodynamic parameters requires the application of a modified Beer-Lambert law introducing a crucial term for accuracy of hemodynamic parameters changes calculation, the DP, which had been estimated using Monte Carlo simulation models of the somatosensory cortex and olfactory bulb of rats. We show that the variations of absorption, diffusion or anisotropy does not affect the values of DP, whereas geometry and optical properties of the structures have an great impact on them. Thus, calculation of DP for each studied brain structure is essential. In addition, the choice of wavelength illumination is critical and appreciated in terms of two parameters, crosstalk and separability. Pairs and triplets of optimal wavelengths for rat olfactory bulb study were calculated. It appears that the separability values are negligible due to the high absorptivity of biological tissues in the visible and the choice of optimal combinations can be based only on the values of crosstalk. The second step was to build a bench multispectral imaging performance, to validate it and methodological study. The results show a striking difference hemodynamic and reflectance signals between somatosensory cortex and olfactory bulb, which physical origin and/or biological is discussed.
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Caracterização morfológica e celular da zona subventricular e da corrente rostral migratória em encéfalos de fetos caninos / Morphological and cellular characterization of subventricular zone and rostral migratory stream in brains of canine fetusesOrechio, Dailiany 03 June 2016 (has links)
Precursores neurais originados na zona subventricular (ZSV) de algumas espécies animais possuem uma rota de migração neuronal destinada ao bulbo olfatório principal (BOP), onde os neuroblastos migrantes se diferenciam em interneurônios. Esta corrente migratória é mantida na idade adulta. A compreensão de como se organiza na idade fetal é essencial para a compreensão geral e estabelecimento de novas terapias celulares. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a composição celular e organização morfológica da ZSV e da corrente rostral migratória (CRM) em encéfalos de fetos caninos. A ZSV, CRM e BOP foram obtidos de fetos caninos de aproximadamente 57 dias de idade gestacional. O tecido foi analisado através de coloração de Nissl, método de imunohistoquímica de dupla marcação com duplacortina (DCX), fator de transcrição SOX2, proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP), calbindina (CALB), calretinina (CALR) e tirosina-hidroxilase (TH). Foram feitas a análise relativa da expressão da imunorreatividade e análise quantitativa de colocalização celular, além do método de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os resultados mostram que a ZSV dorsal possui células imunorreativas (ir) para o DCX ao longo da parede ventricular, dispostas tangencialmente e fileiras de células SOX2-ir foram encontradas na mesma orientação. A imunorreatividade de GFAP foi mais forte na ZSV dorsal e as células possuem fibras dirigidas tangencialmente adjacentes ao ventrículo lateral e fibras orientadas radialmente em direção ao córtex. A CRM de feto de cão tem início na ZSV anterior e segue caudalmente ao redor da cabeça do núcleo caudado e desce na vertical até se curvar rostralmente em direção ao BOP onde termina na camada de células granulares (CCG). A CRM tem aparência homogênea e densa e possui células positivas para o DCX nas porções iniciais e para SOX2 e GFAP por toda a extensão. Não houve células positivas para CALB, CALR e TH em nenhuma região da ZSV e CRM. No BOP, os resultados mostraram que a camada glomerular (CG) possui células imunorreativas a CALR, TH, SOX2 e GFAP. Na camada plexiforme externa (CPE) houve células imunorreativas a CALB, CALR, SOX2 e GFAP e na CCG, houve células imunorreativas a CALR, SOX2 e GFAP. Na análise de colocalização, foram encontrados na CG neurônios CALR que colocalizam com células SOX2 e uma baixa colocalização de neurônios TH e células SOX2. Na CPE, foi observado um baixo número de colocalização de neurônios CALR e CALB e na CCG, as células SOX2 colocalizam com os neurônios CALR. As conclusões mostram que o feto de cão possui uma CRM em direção BOP, com imunorreatividade celular para DCX, SOX2 e GFAP na ZSV e CRM e para CALB, CALR, TH, SOX2 e GFAP nas principais camadas do BOP / Neural precursors originated in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of some animal species have a migration route destined for main olfactory bulb (MOB), where migrants neuroblasts differentiate into olfactory interneurons. This migratory stream is maintained in adulthood. Understanding how it is organized in fetal age is essential for general understanding and establishment of new cell therapies. The aim of this study is characterize the cellular composition and morphological organization of the SVZ and rostral migratory stream (RMS) of brains of canine fetuses. The SVZ, RMS and MOB was obtained from canine fetuses of the approximately 57 gestacional days-old. The tissue was analyzed by Nissl staining and by immunohistochemical methods for double labelling with doublecortin (DCX), transcription factor SOX2, glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), calbindin (CALB), calretinin (CALR) and tyrosinehydroxylase (TH). Semiquantitative analysis of immunoreactivity and quantitative analysis of colocalization were realized, besides ultrastructural analysis by electron microscopy. The results show that in dorsal SVZ, DCX immunoreactive cells were found along the ventricular wall, arranged tangentially and lines of SOX2 cells were also found in the same orientation. The GFAP immunostaining is stronger in dorsal SVZ with tangentially directed fibers near the lateral ventricle and radially oriented fibers toward the cortex. The RMS of dog fetus begins at anterior SVZ and follows caudally around the head of the caudate nucleus and vertically descends to bend rostrally into the MOB, where it ends in the granular cell layer (GCL).The RMS have SOX2 positive cells on entire length, showing a homogeneous appearance and high cell density. There is no positive CALB cells or CALR in any region of the SVZ and RMS. The results of the MOB show that the glomerular layer (GL) there were cells immunoreactive to CALR, TH, SOX2 and GFAP. In the external plexiforme layer (EPL) there were immunoreactive cells for CALR, CALB, SOX2 and GFAP and, the GCL, the prevalence is higher for CALR neurons, SOX2-ir and GFAP-ir cells. In colocalization analysis, they were found a some CALR positive neurons in GL that colabeled with SOX2 cells and a low colocalization of TH neurons and SOX2 cells. In EPL, was observed a low colocalization number of CALR and CALB neurons and in GCL, SOX2 cells colabeled with CALR neurons. The conclusions show that the dog fetus has a RMS directed to the MOB, with cellular immunoreactivity for DCX, SOX2 and GFAP in the ZSV and RMS and cellular immunoreactivity for SOX2 CALB, CALR, TH and GFAP in main olfactory bulb layers
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A célula periglomerular do bulbo olfatório e seu papel no processamento de odores: um modelo computacional / The Periglomeural Cell of the Olfactry Bulb and its Role in the odor processing: A computational Model.Arruda, Denise de 30 July 2010 (has links)
Os interneurônios do bulbo olfatório são elementos chave para o entendimento do processamento de odores. O papel funcional desses neurônios ainda não é bem compreendido, em especial o papel da célula periglomerular (PG). O presente trabalho consiste em construir um modelo biologicamente plausível da célula PG e investigar os efeitos dessa célula em conjunto com modelos da célula mitral e da célula granular. Esses modelos são acoplados através de conexões sinápticas inspiradas nas conexões existentes no bulbo olfatório, formando uma pequena rede simplificada. A rede é usada para analisar o efeito da inibição inicial da célula mitral por parte da célula PG e os mecanismos que podem influenciar o padrão de atividade da célula mitral. Através deste estudo, verifica-se que a célula PG pode influenciar na frequência, no tempo de disparo e gerar atrasos na propagação do potencial da célula mitral, agindo como um mecanismo de controle nas camadas iniciais do processamento de odores do bulbo olfatório. / Interneurons of the olfactory bulb are key elements for understanding odor processing. The functional role of these cells are not yet well understood, in particular the role of periglomerular cell (PG). This work aims at constructing a biologically plausible model of the PG cell to study effects of the coupling of this cell with model of mitral and granule cells of the olfactory bulb. Single cell models of these three cell types coupled by synaptic connections inspired on existing connections in the olfactory bulb, constituting a small and simple network. This network is used to investigate the effect of early lateral inhibition of the mitral cell by PG cell and the mechanisms witch can influence the output activity pattern of mitral cell. The study shows that the PG cell may influence the spike frequency and the spike timing of the mitral cell, as well as provoke delays in the propagation of action potential along this cell. Therefore, the PG cell may act as a control mechanism in the early odor processing stages in the olfactory bulb.
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A célula periglomerular do bulbo olfatório e seu papel no processamento de odores: um modelo computacional / The Periglomeural Cell of the Olfactry Bulb and its Role in the odor processing: A computational Model.Denise de Arruda 30 July 2010 (has links)
Os interneurônios do bulbo olfatório são elementos chave para o entendimento do processamento de odores. O papel funcional desses neurônios ainda não é bem compreendido, em especial o papel da célula periglomerular (PG). O presente trabalho consiste em construir um modelo biologicamente plausível da célula PG e investigar os efeitos dessa célula em conjunto com modelos da célula mitral e da célula granular. Esses modelos são acoplados através de conexões sinápticas inspiradas nas conexões existentes no bulbo olfatório, formando uma pequena rede simplificada. A rede é usada para analisar o efeito da inibição inicial da célula mitral por parte da célula PG e os mecanismos que podem influenciar o padrão de atividade da célula mitral. Através deste estudo, verifica-se que a célula PG pode influenciar na frequência, no tempo de disparo e gerar atrasos na propagação do potencial da célula mitral, agindo como um mecanismo de controle nas camadas iniciais do processamento de odores do bulbo olfatório. / Interneurons of the olfactory bulb are key elements for understanding odor processing. The functional role of these cells are not yet well understood, in particular the role of periglomerular cell (PG). This work aims at constructing a biologically plausible model of the PG cell to study effects of the coupling of this cell with model of mitral and granule cells of the olfactory bulb. Single cell models of these three cell types coupled by synaptic connections inspired on existing connections in the olfactory bulb, constituting a small and simple network. This network is used to investigate the effect of early lateral inhibition of the mitral cell by PG cell and the mechanisms witch can influence the output activity pattern of mitral cell. The study shows that the PG cell may influence the spike frequency and the spike timing of the mitral cell, as well as provoke delays in the propagation of action potential along this cell. Therefore, the PG cell may act as a control mechanism in the early odor processing stages in the olfactory bulb.
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Plasticité de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la représentation d’une odeur dans le bulbe olfactif de souris / Plasticity of Spatiotemporal Dynamic of Odor Representation in the Mouse Olfactory BulbChery, Romain 12 October 2012 (has links)
La représentation corticale des informations sensorielles est fondamentale dans la perception, la reconnaissance et la mémorisation des différents objets de l’environnement. Les mécanismes de codage d’un stimulus sensoriel au niveau d’une population neuronale prennent place dans le temps et l’espace, deux composantes que nous avons étudiées successivement dans ce travail de thèse. Dans le bulbe olfactif, la dynamique des activités neuronales se traduit par de larges oscillations du potentiel de champ local. Plusieurs études indiquent que ces activités oscillatoires varient en fonction de l’environnement olfactif ou de l’expérience de l’animal. Toutefois peu d’études ont comparé les réponses oscillatoires aux odeurs entre les états d’éveil et d’anesthésie. La composante spatiale du traitement olfactif dans le bulbe se manifeste par l’activation d’unités fonctionnelles, les glomérules. Visualisées par des techniques d’imagerie fonctionnelle, ces activités distribuées à la surface du bulbe olfactif forment une topographie lâche des molécules olfactive reconnues en périphérie par les neurorécepteurs olfactifs. L’existence d’une plasticité de ces cartes spatiales, un aspect crucial du codage de la représentation de l’information dans d’autres modalités sensorielles, est débattue dans le bulbe olfactif. Dans ce cadre, les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s’articulent autour de deux questions : quel est l’impact de l’état d’éveil de l’animal sur les oscillations du potentiel de champ local enregistré dans le bulbe olfactif ? Existe-t-il une plasticité des cartes glomérulaires suite à un apprentissage associatif ? Par l’enregistrement, chez les mêmes souris, des régimes oscillatoires en condition éveillée et anesthésiée (par un mélange de kétamine-xylazine ou kétamine-médétomidine), nous montrons que les profils de réponses oscillatoires évoquées par l’odeur sont similaires dans les deux conditions, et que l’activité spontanée est modulée différemment selon le régime anesthésique. Pour étudier le codage spatial nous avons en premier lieu visualisé et décrit les variations des cartes glomérulaires évoquées par les odeurs en enregistrant par imagerie optique deux types de signaux basés sur l’activité métabolique, le signal intrinsèque et l’autofluorescence des flavoprotéines. Suite au développement d’une fenêtre optique dans le bulbe olfactif en chronique, nous avons pu comparer les cartes spatiales obtenues avant et après un apprentissage olfactif. Nous avons mis en évidence un impact différentiel de deux types de conditionnement sur la représentation spatiale de l’odeur. / The cortical representation of sensory information is fundamental for perception, recognition and storage of different objects in the environment. Sensory coding by neuronal population has two components, time and space, that we studied successively in this thesis. In the olfactory bulb, the rhythmic and transient’s dynamic of the extracellular activities are represented as large oscillations of the local field potential. Several studies indicate that these oscillatory activities vary with the olfactory environment or the experience of the animal. However, very few studies have compared oscillatory profiles evoked by odors between awake and anesthetized animals. The spatial component of sensory processing in the olfactory bulb is characterized by the activation of functional units, the glomeruli, which can be visualized by functional imaging techniques. These distributed activities at the surface of the olfactory bulb form a coarse topography of the olfactory molecules that bind on peripheral olfactory neuroreceptors. However, the fact that these spatial maps are plastic, a crucial aspect of encoding the representation of information in other sensory modalities, is still debated in the olfactory bulb. In this context, the work presented in this thesis is driven by two questions: what is the impact of the level of arousal on the oscillations of local field potential recorded in the olfactory bulb? Are glomerular maps plastic after associative learning? In the same mice, we recorded oscillatory activities in awake and anesthetized conditions (using ketamine-xylazine or ketamine-medetomidine mixtures). We show that the profiles of oscillatory responses evoked by odor stimulations are similar in the two conditions, and that spontaneous activity is differentially modulated according to the anesthetic regime. To study odor spatial coding, we used optical imaging to record odor-evoked glomerular maps using two types of metabolic signals, the intrinsic signal and flavoproteins autofluorescence. We developed chronic optical window on the olfactory bulb that allowed us to compare the spatial maps obtained before and after olfactory learning. We have shown that two types of conditioning exerted a differential impact on the spatial representation of the odor.
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Neurotoxic Effects of Dichlorophenyl Methylsulphones Related to Olfactory Mucosal LesionsCarlsson, Carina January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with the highly potent olfactory mucosa toxicant 2,6-dichlorophenyl methylsulphone (2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>) and its non-toxic 2,5-chlorinated isomer (2,5-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>). In mice, both substances bind firmly in the olfactory mucosa and the olfactory bulb, which are important components of the sensory system. The 2,6-isomer induces olfactory mucosal necrosis with permanent loss of olfactory neuroepithelium and olfactory nerves. A major objective was to clarify the cause of this isomer-specific toxicity, and to identify which physicochemical characteristics determine the olfactory toxicity. The neurobehavioural toxicity of these substances was also examined.</p><p>The results revealed a rapid CYP-catalysed covalent binding of 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> in the rat olfactory mucosa, whereas the 2,5-dichlorinated isomer was not covalently bound. </p><p>Acute and chronic olfactory mucosal pathology were investigated and compared in rats and mice. Twenty-four hours after dosing to rats, 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> induced Bowman’s glands necrosis and sloughing of the olfactory epithelium similar to that previously reported in mice. At 3 weeks, however, there were dramatic differences in histological lesions. In mice, large parts of olfactory epithelium were replaced by respiratory-like epithelium. Large, bilateral, fibrous, cartilage and bone containing polyps occluding the lumen were confirmed. In rats, only minor patches of olfactory epithelium were replaced by a metaplastic atypical respiratory-like epithelium. 2,5-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> was non-toxic in rats as well as in mice.</p><p>In mice, 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> induced a dose-dependent and long-lasting ( ≥12 weeks) hyperactivity as well as long-lasting maze learning deficits. At 2 weeks hyperactivity and maze learning deficits were observed also in rats. Unexpectedly, 2,5-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> induced hyperactivity that lasted for two weeks. No effect on maze learning was observed with this isomer. No major differences between male and female rats or mice were found.</p><p>In conclusion, the results show that a CYP-catalysed formation and covalent binding of a reactive 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>-metabolite in the Bowman’s glands precede the high olfactory mucosal toxicity in rodents. As determined by QSAR-modelling, a 2,6-dichlorinated benzene derivative with a large, polar, and strong electron withdrawing substituent in the primary position has the potential of being an olfactory mucosal toxicant. The observed 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub>-induced increase in motor activity, and maze learning deficits, were not correlated to the olfactory mucosal lesions. I propose that 2,6-diClPh-MeSO<sub>2</sub> causes a direct effect in the brain leading to neurobehaviuoral deficits. </p>
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