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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Feliciano-Rivera, Merari 01 January 2011 (has links)
Kentucky reported a solid 13.1% growth in certified organic land from 1997 to 2002. The relative lack of research on disease management practices in Kentucky consistent with organic regulations is an issue that needs to be addressed to provide more reliable information to local farmers. Thus, the first objective of this research was to investigate the potential disease control obtained with natural, organically certifiable spray materials against Colletotrichum orbiculare in vitro and in vivo. The second objective was to test certifiable spray materials in combinations to identify synergistic interactions. The third objective was to evaluate Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI)-certified materials for managing Septoria leaf spot and early blight in tomato under field conditions. The fourth objective was to evaluate chitosan-based products against C. orbiculare in vitro and in vivo. Essential oils, Trilogy®, and Actinovate®, failed to suppress C. orbiculare in vitro as well as cucurbit anthracnose. Bicarbonate salts, Regalia®SC, Sonata®, copper based-products, lime sulfur and water-soluble chitosan showed high antifungal activity in vitro. Bicarbonate salts, Sonata®, Serenade Max®, Soil Gard 12G®, copper based-products and lime sulfur reduced anthracnose disease severity in vivo. In the synergism experiments only a limited number of mixtures showed synergistic interactions, but even in those cases, the effect was not consistent between experiments. The main response obtained was antagonism. In field experiments the most effective fungicides for managing Septoria leaf spot and early blight of tomato were copper-based fungicides. None of the biological-based products (Sonata® and Serenade Max®)), plant-based extracts (Trilogy® and Regalia® SC), chitosan, ammonium bicarbonate nor horticultural lime sulfur provided a significant reduction in disease severity. For the fourth objective, water-soluble chitosan with a molecular weight between 3 to 10 kDa (80 and 85% deacetylated) showed the highest antifungal activity among all chitosan-based products evaluated in vitro. Also, combining the in vitro and in vivo results suggest that the antifungal activity of chitosan-based products is molecular weight- and concentration-dependent. These results provide a significant advance in the evaluation of the efficacy of OMRI-certified materials and natural materials to help organic farmers in Kentucky and the USA to manage diseases.

Persuasions of archaeology : the achievements and grandeur of the Omrids at their royal cities of Samaria and Jezreel

Schneider, Catharina Elizabeth Johanna 01 1900 (has links)
Our perception, of the Omrid kings of the Kingdom oflsrael in the ninth century BCE, is based on the Books of 1 and 2 Kings in the Hebrew Bible. The Biblical author's concentration, on Omrid apostasy rather than on their abilities and accomplishments, has robbed these competant monarchs of the prominence allotted to kings like David and Solomon. Recent archaeological excavations, in conjunction with extra-Biblical sources, have however projected a different image. Excavations at the royal Omrid cities of Samaria, and especially Jezreel, have indicated that Omri, and his son Ahab, had erected immense and grandiose structures. These edifices bear testimony to periods of peace, stability and great economic prosperity. The Omrids deserve new assessments as to their accomplishments, and therefore, by means of visible and tangible structural remains, I wish to promote the persuasion of archaeology as vindication of Omrid grandeur and achievement at Samaria and Jezreel. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Persuasions of archaeology : the achievements and grandeur of the Omrids at their royal cities of Samaria and Jezreel

Schneider, Catharina Elizabeth Johanna 01 1900 (has links)
Our perception, of the Omrid kings of the Kingdom oflsrael in the ninth century BCE, is based on the Books of 1 and 2 Kings in the Hebrew Bible. The Biblical author's concentration, on Omrid apostasy rather than on their abilities and accomplishments, has robbed these competant monarchs of the prominence allotted to kings like David and Solomon. Recent archaeological excavations, in conjunction with extra-Biblical sources, have however projected a different image. Excavations at the royal Omrid cities of Samaria, and especially Jezreel, have indicated that Omri, and his son Ahab, had erected immense and grandiose structures. These edifices bear testimony to periods of peace, stability and great economic prosperity. The Omrids deserve new assessments as to their accomplishments, and therefore, by means of visible and tangible structural remains, I wish to promote the persuasion of archaeology as vindication of Omrid grandeur and achievement at Samaria and Jezreel. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Development of Overhauser-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in vivo : application to molecular imaging of proteolysis. / Développement de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique rehaussée par l'effet Overhauser in vivo : application à l'imagerie moléculaire de la protéolyse.

Koonjoo, Neha 08 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail fait l’objet d’une avancée scientifique dans le développement de la technique d’IRM rehaussée par l’effet Overhauser dans la souris à 0,2 T. Cette dernière repose sur le transfert de polarisation des spins électroniques saturés d’un radical libre vers les spins des protons (généralement de l’eau) voisins pour rehausser le signal RMN du proton. Notre équipe a développé cette technique pour détecter une activité protéolytique au travers de deux stratégies. La première partie de la thèse a été de détecter pour la première fois une activité protéolytique in situ dans des souris saines et in vitro sur cellules vivantes. L’efficacité du rehaussement par effet Overhauser repose sur le temps de corrélation des spins des électrons non-appariés. Un radical nitroxyde greffé à l’élastine a été utilisé comme substrat. La protéolyse de ce dernier par des élastases pancréatiques a conduit l’observation en 3D d’un rehaussement du signal RMN de plus de 10 fois dans le tube digestif de souris vivantes. De plus, des développements méthodologiques, tels que l’implémentation de la séquence TrueFISP, le sous-échantillonnage par la méthode “Keyhole”, et la reconstruction des données en 3D ont été faits. La deuxième stratégie repose sur des molécules de nitroxyde ayant l’unique propriété de pouvoir décaler leurs pics de résonance après hydrolyse. Un nitroxyde phosphorylé en position Béta pouvant être détecté à deux fréquences spécifiques différentes avant et après hydrolyse d’un groupement chimique a été synthétisé par des chimistes à Marseille. L’hydrolyse de cette macromolécule a été observée in vivo dans l’estomac de souris saines avec des rehaussements de plus de 400% et imagée en 3D avec une bonne résolution spatio-temporelle. Ainsi, une prochaine étape serait de poursuivre ce travail sur un modèle pathologique et développer cette technique à un champ magnétique plus bas. / This work relates the continuity and advances in the implementation of the Overhauser-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique on a 0.2 T scanner. Briefly, OMRI technique is based on polarization transfer of saturated electronic spins from free nitroxide radicals to proton spins of surrounding water molecules in the aim to drastically enhance proton NMR signal. To this technique, our research team has merged specific strategies for proteolytic activity detection. The first strategy relies on a 3D visualization of proteolytic activity happening in intact living cells or in vivo in healthy mice. With an Overhauser switch based upon changes in molecular tumbling time, high Overhauser enhancements of 10-fold were observed in the intestinal tract of mice after that elastolytic activity of our probe: the nitroxide-labeled elastin macromolecule took place. In addition, MRI developments - TrueFISP sequence implementation, undersampling Keyhole method and data reconstruction were carried out for imaging these rapid biological processes. A second exquisite strategy is also described using nitroxides with shifting resonant peaks. Here, a Beta-phosphorylated nitroxide molecule was specifically detected at two distinct frequencies: one for its substrate and the other for its product once hydrolysis took place. This hydrolysis was imaged in 3D in the stomach of living mice with Overhauser enhancements of more than 400% and with a good spatiotemporal resolution. The perspectives of this work lie on a future detection of a pathological proteolytic activity in vivo and eventually and development of very low magnetic field OMRI.

The archaeological sources which elucidate the history of the northern kingdom and neighboring lands: from Omri (876 BCE) to the exile (721 BCE)

Depew, Patricia Ruth 31 March 2004 (has links)
This dissertation provides a survey of the available archaeological sources that have been discovered that help illuminate the history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel from King Omri (876 BCE) into the Assyrian Exile (721 BCE) of the Iron II a and b periods. This history is given in the Hebrew Scriptures as found in 1 Kings 16:16 to 2 Kings 17:6. To accomplish this research, several resources have been organized in a systematic approach. The artifacts and physical remains are examined in categories including: pottery, town planning, architecture, literacy and inscriptions, temples, gods, cult objects, metallurgy, weapons and warfare, weights and measures, farming, food preparation, music, jewelry, art, and burial. Photographs of several artifacts are included. With the background developed on the material culture, the next topic of importance to be considered is the archaeological sites and their relationship to this historic period. The relevant archaeological excavations and in-situ artifacts surveyed were found in areas of the former cultures including: Israel, Judah, Sinai, Edom, Moab, Amman, Lebanon, Syria, Aram, Assyria, Babylon and Persia. A vast number of these sited reveal information regarding the time period from King Omri, his son King Ahab and Ahab's wife, Queen Jezebel. There was interaction between Israel and Judah, and the kingdoms in Moab, Ammon, Lebanon, Aram, and Assyria. Eventually in 721 BCE many people were taken from the Israel into Exile and captivity by the Assyrians. The conclusion of this dissertation ties together the findings of the material sources with the historic events. The material sources have given considerable light on the history of the Northern kingdom as was given in the Hebrew Scriptures as is presented in this final section of the dissertation. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

The archaeological sources which elucidate the history of the northern kingdom and neighboring lands: from Omri (876 BCE) to the exile (721 BCE)

Depew, Patricia Ruth 31 March 2004 (has links)
This dissertation provides a survey of the available archaeological sources that have been discovered that help illuminate the history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel from King Omri (876 BCE) into the Assyrian Exile (721 BCE) of the Iron II a and b periods. This history is given in the Hebrew Scriptures as found in 1 Kings 16:16 to 2 Kings 17:6. To accomplish this research, several resources have been organized in a systematic approach. The artifacts and physical remains are examined in categories including: pottery, town planning, architecture, literacy and inscriptions, temples, gods, cult objects, metallurgy, weapons and warfare, weights and measures, farming, food preparation, music, jewelry, art, and burial. Photographs of several artifacts are included. With the background developed on the material culture, the next topic of importance to be considered is the archaeological sites and their relationship to this historic period. The relevant archaeological excavations and in-situ artifacts surveyed were found in areas of the former cultures including: Israel, Judah, Sinai, Edom, Moab, Amman, Lebanon, Syria, Aram, Assyria, Babylon and Persia. A vast number of these sited reveal information regarding the time period from King Omri, his son King Ahab and Ahab's wife, Queen Jezebel. There was interaction between Israel and Judah, and the kingdoms in Moab, Ammon, Lebanon, Aram, and Assyria. Eventually in 721 BCE many people were taken from the Israel into Exile and captivity by the Assyrians. The conclusion of this dissertation ties together the findings of the material sources with the historic events. The material sources have given considerable light on the history of the Northern kingdom as was given in the Hebrew Scriptures as is presented in this final section of the dissertation. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Nimsiede en sosiale transformasie : ’n histories-kritiese en affektiewe studie van Psalm 15 / The Nimsides and social transformation : a historical-critical and affective study of Psalm 15)

De Lange, Daniel Petrus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Nimsiede het gedurende die laat 9de en vroeë 8ste eeue oor Israel geregeer. Psalm 15 is waarskynlik gedurende die 8ste eeu, tydens die regering van koning Jerobeam II geskryf. ’n Mondelinge tradisie het in die tyd van die Omriede ontstaan en is gedurende die Nimsiede-periode voortgesit . Psalm 15 reflekteer iets van die sosio-ekonomiese konteks van hierdie tydperk. ’n Analise word gedoen om ’n moontlike verbinding met die regering van die Nimsiede te bevestig. ’n Analise word ook gedoen van die emosies wat in die psalm uitdrukking vind. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)

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