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Monitorování dopravní situace s využitím Raspberry PI / Traffic monitoring using Raspberry PIZacpal, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and subsequent implementation of a unit for traffic monitoring using Raspberry PI. First section provides a quick overview of assistance systems, which use a road lane detection techniques. Next there is a description of two diferent methods for road lane detection. Follow the description of monitoring scene. Then the work describe the practical part including the design and realization of supporting electronics, selecting of each components, including the modifying of cameras, mechanical design and creating of unit. Another section is about selection and installation of appropriate software components necessary for running of the unit and the selection of development tools for creating user application. After description of graphical user interafce, there is a description of road lanes detection algorithm. At the end of the thesis is summarized a reliability of unit in real traffic situation. At the appendix there are technical drawings, describing the unit.
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Mobilní app pro měření odstupu od předchozího vozidla v provozu / Mobile App for Measuring the Range from the Preceding Vehicle in TrafficHenry, Andrii January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with development of mobile app for measuring the range from the preceding vehicle in traffic using visual-based methods. This paper describes implementation of computer vision algorithms of detection and tracing objects, detection of horizon on desktop and mobile devices. Also deals with visual-based range measuring without any other mechanisms. The output of the work is implemented detectors of vihicles and horizon using OpenCV library on the Windows platfom and draft of user inerface of a mobile phone aplication on the Android platform.
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Tvorba panoramatických fotografií / Panoramic Photo CreationCacek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues automatic composing panoramic photos from individual photos. Gradually examines the various steps of algorithms and methods used in them, which are used in creating panoramas. It also focuses on the design of the own system based on methods discussed to construct panoramas. This system is implemented using OpenCV library and it is created also a graphical interface using a Qt library. Finally, are in this thesis evaluated outcomes of this designed and implemented system on available datasets.
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Určení pozice mobilního zařízení v prostoru / Localization of Mobile Device in SpaceKomár, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the current localization options of the Android mobile phone platform. It explores the possibilities of locating mobile devices not only with the use of inertial sensors, but also the possibility of localization using integrated video camera. The work describes the measurements done with available inertial sensors, introduces visual localization algorithm and design a system using these two approaches.
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Webové rozhraní pro zpracování obrazu / Web Interface for Image ProcessingBeran, Milan January 2010 (has links)
This paper concerns design and implementation of a system which provides easier control of digital image processing console applications. The work is based on threes information technology domains: distributed systems, image processing and web technologies. The system consist of number of separated components communicating with each other in order of processing desired tasks. Control interface and the task daemon are implemented in PHP language. Image processing programs are implemented in C language using OpenCV graphic library. Control of the system is carried out through web graphical interface using dynamic control components implemented in Javascript language, jQuery library and jQueryUI interface. Part of the work is also a description of employment of the system in practical use in two environments, experiments concerning system performance and web interface user acceptance testing.
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Zpracování obrazu na platformě Raspberry Pi pro mobilní robotiku / Image processing on Raspberry Pi platform for mobile roboticsKapitančik, Maroš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with developing of image processing algorithm for robots controlled by informations taken from visual system. Core of the used system constitutes low-budget platform Raspberry Pi. Before the development of algorithm there is a series of test for image processing which discovers possibilities of used platform. Problem solution is divided to several parts. Limited performance frequently leads to individual problem solving. Afterall is shown sensitivity and performance analysis of developed solution.
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Snímání a zpracování digitálních obrazů s vysokým dynamickým rozsahem / Acquisition and Processing of Digital Images with High Dynamic RangeMrázek, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
The target of this thesis is sumarize the theory of metods used for composition image sequence into single high dynamic range image. Selected methods and algorithms are described in theoretical part and implemented in practical part of this thesis. It was used C++ language with using OpenCV library.
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Rozpoznávání topologických informací z plánu křižovatky / Topology Recognition from Crossroad PlanHuták, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This master‘s thesis describes research, design and development of system for topology recognition from crossroad plan. It explains the methods used for image processing, image segmentation, object recognition. It describes approaches in processing of maps represented by raster images and target software, in which the final product of practical part of project will be integrated. Thesis is focused mainly on comparison of different approaches in feature extraction from raster maps and determination their semantic meaning. Practical part of project is implemented in C# language with OpenCV library.
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Zpracování obrazu pro golfový simulátor / Image Processing for Golf SimulatorHeřman, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes design and practical realization of a golf simulator. It includes specifications of the hardware, that is a necessity for such simulator, and implementation of the detection of a golf swing and ball flight. The simulator has to fulfill several conditions that were stated at the beginning of the draft. One of the most important conditions was low purchase price, and therefore the simulator is based on common USB cameras Playstation Eye 3. The main goal was to create a user friendly simulator, that will be appropriate both for indoor and outdoor conditions. The final solution was compared with Full Swing simulator. The accuracy of our simulator was far better than the compared one at short game and putting through the use of scanning the ball right after the start of its flight. Accuracy at putting ranged: speed of the ball +/- 0.2 m/s, launch angle +/- 1 degree and flight angle +/- 0.8 degrees.
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Entwicklung einer offenen Softwareplattform für Visual ServoingSprößig, Sören 28 June 2010 (has links)
Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, eine flexibel zu verwendende Plattform für Visual Servoing-Aufgaben zu Erstellen, mit der eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Anwendungsfällen abgedeckt werden kann.
Kernaufgabe der Arbeit ist es dabei, verschiedene Verfahren der Gesichtserkennung (face detection) am Beispiel der Haar-Kaskade und -wiedererkennung (face recognition) am Beispiel von Eigenfaces und Fisherfaces zu betrachten und an ausführlichen Beispielen vorzustellen.
Dabei sollen allgemeine Grundbegriffe der Bildverarbeitung und bereits bekannte Verfahren vorgestellt und ihre Implementierung im Detail dargestellt werden.
Aus den dadurch gewonnen Erkenntnissen und dem sich ergebenden Anforderungsprofil an die zu entwickelnde Plattform leitet sich anschließend die Realisierung als eigenständige Anwendung ab.
Hierbei ist weiterhin zu untersuchen, wie die neu zu entwickelnde Software zukunftssicher und in Hinblick auf einen möglichen Einsatz in Praktika einfach zu verwenden realisiert werden kann.
Sämtliche während der Arbeit entstandenen Programme und Quellcodes werden auf einem separaten Datenträger zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine komplett funktionsfähige Entwicklungsumgebung wird als virtuelle Maschine beigelegt.
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