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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Použití předpovědního modelu při řízení hydroenergetické funkce vybrané soustavy nádrží / Application of the prediction model on the control of hydropower function of selected multi-reservoir system

Šejnoha, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The diploma sthesis is focused on verifying the influence of the length of the prediction period and the accuracy of the predicted mean monthly inflows of water sources in the management of hydropower function selected water management system. To determine the predicted inflows into the reservoir system is applied zonal prediction model. When the solution is used a simulation model that is hand-built in Microsoft Excel and optimization model, which is automatically built into the program SOMVS and is applying the principles of adaptive control.

Strategické řízení zásobní funkce fiktivní vodní nádrže / Strategic control of storage function of fictive water reservoir

Sobek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused at verifying the functionality of adaptive control of fictive water reservoir. Flow rates are predicted using zonal prediction model. Fictive reservoirs located on the same flow in the other profiles. Functionality is verified by the control in 2000 – 2006. Next functionality is verified by the control in selected years.

Metody řešení dvouúrovňových optimalizačních úloh / Solving methods for bilevel optimization problems

Lžičař, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The presented thesis discusses bilevel programming problems with the focus on solution algorithms. Bilevel programming problem is a hierarchical programming problem, where constraints contain another programming problem. We formulate basic bilevel optimization theory and describe three types of so- lution algorithms for bilevel programming problems: Algorithms based on KKT reformulation where the lower level is replaced by its KKT conditions, algorithms based on optimal value function where the bilevel programming problem is re- duced to a single level problem using the optimal value function of the lower level problem, and algorithms solving linear bilevel programming problems. Using real data for portfolio optimization bilevel programming problems, we compare ability to solve the problems and computing time of some of the pre- sented algorithms. 1

Logické úlohy a hlavolamy jako optimalizační problémy / Logical puzzles and brainteasers as optimization problems

Lukesová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
This thesis applies classical optimization problems such as assignment or set-covering problem on logical puzzles or brainteasers. Listed in the first part are mathematical model, description and typical example of each optimization problem used in this thesis. The second part contains these models applied to the particular brainteasers for example Sudoku or Einstein's Puzzle. Exercises are divided into simpler and more complex ones. There is specification, source and a described method of solution stated for each of them. The calculation examples use Lingo or MS Excel or both. The aim is to show the possibility to address logical puzzles and brainteasers with the use of optimization problems, and thus confirm the wide possibilities of using these models. These examples can clarify and diversify the curriculum.

Určení řezných podmínek pro výrobu vybraných leteckých součástí / Establishment of cutting conditions for selected aircraft parts

Baron, Yoann January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce obsahuje přehled superslitin na bázi niklu, jejich obrábění za vysokého tlaku chladicí kapaliny, týká se také metod optimalizace pro tento typ obrábění a následné analýzy opotřebení nástroje. Tato studie byla vytvořena ve spolupráci se společností Safran, experimentální část byla zrealizována ve výrobním závodě Evry-Corbeil ve Francii. Experimentální část práce se týká optimalizace řezných podmínek pro vnitřní hrubovací soustružení součástí pro letecký průmysl za vysokého tlaku chladicí kapaliny. Cíle práce byly následující: srovnání rozdílných vyměnitelných břitových destiček dodaných společností Safran, návrh hrubovacích strategií a určení optimálních podmínek pro každou z vybraných strategií. Byly uvažovány dvě rozdílné strategie: soustružení s konstantním posuvem a šířkou záběru ostří a tzv. „ramping“. Pro každou ze strategií byla provedena operace čelního a podélného soustružení. Výsledky byly porovnány na základě ekonomického a produktivního kritéria.

Automatizovaná podpora procesu vývoje webu s důrazem na SEO / Automated support of web development process with emphasis on SEO

Hejl, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
Principal aim of this thesis is the design of new website development process model and the design and implementation of its automated support by information technologies instruments. Process design itself will be build on identified best practices of available methodics for web applications development and this process will also respect and apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles Biggest contribution of this thesis is designed web application development process model which is based on web application development methodics best practices and also contains additional activities which have to be done but they aren't part of these methodics. Mapping of the optimization process and designed process activities and implementation of automated support for these activities via desktop application are next important contributions of this thesis. This thesis is divided into five main chapters (except introduction and conclusion). First chapter is focused on definition of application development basic concepts and mainly on analysis of web application development methodics. Second chapter takes up analysis outputs and it forms the basis of this thesis. Design and description of web development process model generate the content of this chapter. Third chapter deals with SEO problems, in the concrete, it deals with definition of SEO, presentation of optimization process and especially with presentation of optimization recommendations. Fourth and fifth chapters are focused on automated support for web development process model with emphasis on SEO. Within the scope of fourth chapter, process model activities which can be supported by application are identified and user requirements are defined for these activities. Last fifth chapter is focused on presentation of implemented application for web development with emphasis on SEO support.

Efektivní techniky pro měření výkonu programů / Efficient Techniques for Program Performance Analysis

Pavela, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce představuje optimalizační techniky zaměřené na proces sběru výkonnostních dat v rámci výkonnostní analýzy a profilování programů v nástroji Perun.   Rozšíření architektury a implementace těchto nových optimalizačních technik v nástroji Perun (a převážně pak v jeho modulu Tracer) zlepšuje jeho škálovatelnost a umožňuje tak provádět výkonnostní analýzu i nad rozsáhlými projekty.   Zaměřujeme se především na zvýšení přesnosti sběru dat, redukci množství instrumentovaných bodů programu, omezení časové režie procesu sběru dat a výkonnostního profilování, snížení objemu sbíraných dat a velikosti výsledného výkonnostního profilu.   Optimalizace je dosažena pomocí aplikace statistických metod, množství technik statické a dynamické analýzy (případně jejich kombinací) a využitím pokročilých možností a schopností nástrojů SystemTap a eBPF.   Na základě vyhodnocení provedeného na dvou vybraných projektech a množství experimentů můžeme konstatovat, že se nám úspěšně podařilo dosáhnout značné optimalizace u téměř všech sledovaných metrik a kritérií.


Picek, Matěj Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with the basic principles of the functioning of the technology of generative design, using the method of topology optimization and finding their potential with the capabilities of the application in the field of furniture design. The main outcome is a functional prototype of a low relaxing chair, which specific construction is designed using the method of topology optimization.

Termické zpracování odpadů jako klíčový prvek efektivních systémů odpadového hospodářství / EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE IN HEAT AND POWER SYSTEMS

Putna, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focused on the issue of energy recovery of waste. It contributes to optimization models developed in the author's workplace in the long term, which serve to simulate material flows in waste management and to search for an optimal waste management strategy. The main objective is to assess the potential for the use of heat produced in waste-to-energy plants as a key factor for the economy of these facilities. The thesis therefore represents an activity on the border of the fields of waste management and heating. Partial mathematical models were developed within the scope, for which it was necessary to collect input data, especially in relation with district heating networks. These models were then used in a comprehensive optimization model describing the integration of waste-to-energy plants with other heat sources. This main model was extended to include the environmental aspect.

Optimalizační algoritmus pro příhradové ocelové konstrukce / Optimization Algorithm for the Truss Steel Structures

Zeizinger, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
The work deals with the optimization of trusses construction building and transport machinery. The goal was to create an algorithm that can design an optimized design. The simulation took place on two experiments involving 52 sets of different entries, which are processed in detail into graphs. One-dimensional target mass or price function is used as part of optimization, but there is also an incorporated multidimensional purpose function. The finite element variation method for the beam system is used for the strength calculation of the truss structure and the genetic algorithm is used for optimization. At the end of the work, specific steps are formulated that lead to the most appropriate algorithm settings.

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