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Oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos patienter med dentala implantat : en enkätstudie / Oral health- related quality of life in patients with dental implants : a questionnaire studyVahlberg, Virpi January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna enkätstudie var att kartlägga hur dental implantatbehandling påverkar livskvaliteten avseende upplevd tuggförmåga, smak, talet, utseendet och munhygienvanor samt själförtroendet. Material och metod: En empirisk enkätstudie med kvantitativ ansats utfördes på tre olika tandkliniker i Stockholm under perioden feb - april 2012. Enkät med följebrev och frankerat svarskuvert sändes ut genom konsekutivt urval till 83 patienter. Fyrtio patienter varav 15 män och 25 kvinnor, med medelåldrar 66,5 år (34 – 89 år), valde att delta i studien. Analys av svaren utfördes i statistikprogrammet IBM® SPSS® 19. Resultat: Andelen deltagare som upplevde en förbättring i upplevd tuggförmåga uppgick till 42,5 %, talet och smaken upplevdes inte ha förändrats av 85,0 % efter implantatbehandling. Vad gäller utseendet upplevde 27,5 % att det hade blivit bättre och 62,5 % att det inte var någon förändring. Det var 22,5 % som upplevde att självförtroendet hade blivit bättre, medan 75,0 % av deltagarna inte upplevde en förändring i självförtroendet efter implantatbehandlingen. Majoriteten (85,0 %) av deltagarna tyckte inte att deras sociala liv hade förändrats efter behandlingen, medan 7,5 % av patienterna rapporterade att det hade blivit bättre. I resultatet kunde noteras att 17,5 % av patienterna tyckte att det var enklare/lättare att utföra munhygienen medan 75,0 % upplevde ingen förändring med att utföra munhygien efter implantatbehandlingen. Konklusion: En förbättring i oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet avseende alla studerade faktorer kunde ses hos en del patienter efter implantatbehandling. Flertalet patienter upplever dock ingen förändring i oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. / Purpose: The purpose of this survey study was to identify how dental implant treatment affects quality of life regarding chewing ability, taste, speech, appearance, oral hygiene habits, and self-confidence. Materials and methods: An empirical survey study with quantitative data was performed on three different dental clinics in Stockholm during the time period Feb - April 2012. Questionnaire with a covering letter and stamped envelope was sent to a consecutive sample of 83 patients. Participants, 40 patients, 15 men and 25 women, mean age 66.5 years (34 - 89), voluntarily chose to participate in the study. Analyses of responses were performed in statistical software IBM ® SPSS ® 19. Results: The proportion of participants who experienced an improvement in perceived chewing ability was 42,5 %, speech and the taste was perceived not to have changed by 85,0 % after dental implant treatment. Regarding the appearance, 27,5 % said it had improved and 62,5 % that there was no change. There were 22,5 % who felt that their self- confidence had improved, while 75,0 % of participants did not experience a change in self- confidence after dental implant treatment. The majority (85,0 %) of participants did not think their social life had changed after treatment, while 7,5 % of patients reported that it had become better. The result could be noted that 17,5 % of patients found it simpler/ easier to perform oral hygiene while 75,0 % experienced no change in the performance of oral hygiene after dental implant treatment. Conclusion: An improvement in oral health- related quality of life for all studied factors could be observed in some patients after dental implant treatment. Most patients experience no change in oral health- related quality of life after dental implant treatment.
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Sambandet mellan övervikt/fetma och orala sjukdomar hos barn och ungdomar : En litteraturöversikt / The link between overweight/obesity and oral diseases in children and adolescentsKhanbhai, Rashida, Hanna, Nareeman January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt/fetma är ett hälsoproblem som snabbt ökar i Sverige och hela världen. Övervikt/fetma, karies och parodontit är alla kroniska och multifaktoriella sjukdomar. Dessa sjukdomar är vanligt förekommande hos både barn och ungdomar. De orala sjukdomarna är förknippade med ohälsosamma kostvanor som påverkar både orala- och allmänna hälsan och som i sin tur kan påverka vikten hos barn och ungdomar. Syfte: Att studera om det finns ett eventuellt samband mellan övervikt/fetma och orala sjukdomar hos barn och ungdomar. Metod: Detta arbete var en litteraturöversikt. För sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar användes DOSS och PubMed. Totalt genererades 393 träffar varav 50 artiklar valdes ut till fulltextgranskning. Med hjälp av en modifierad granskningsmall granskades sedan artiklarnas bevisvärde och analyserades för att avgöra om graden på artiklarna var svag, måttlig eller stark. Slutligen inkluderades 19 artiklar i studien. Resultat: Socioekonomi, BMI hos barn och föräldrar, utbildningsnivå, etnicitet, hygien- kostvanor och hälsotillstånd var av stor betydelse till utvecklingen av övervikt/fetma samt karies. Övervikt/fetma hade en direkt inverkan på parodontit men då studierna inom detta område var få anser författarna till denna litteraturstudie att ytterligare forskning inom detta område krävs. Slutsats: Merparten av dessa 19 studier har visat ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan övervikt/fetma och orala sjukdomar och detta samband visades vara beroende av flera faktorer. / The link between overweight/obesity and oral diseases in children and adolescents Background: Overweight/obesity is a health problem that is increasing rapidly in Sweden and around the world. Overweight/obesity, dental caries and periodontitis are all chronic and multifactorial diseases. These diseases are common in both children and adolescents. The oral diseases are linked to unhealthy dietary habits that affect both oral- and general health, which in turn may affect the weight of children and adolescents. Aim: To study whether there is a possible link between overweight/obesity and oral diseases in children and adolescents. Me-thod: This work was a literature review. DOSS and PubMed were used for search of scientific articles. Total generated hits were 393 of which 50 articles were selected for fulltext review. Using a modified review the articles were then examined for probative value and analyzed to determine if the the articles are weak, moderate or strong. Finally, 19 articles were included in the study. Results: Socioeconomi, BMI in children and parents, level of education, ethnicity, hygiene, nutrition and health status was of great importance in the development of overweight/obesity and dental caries. Overweight/obesity had a direct impact on periodontal disease but because of the studies in this area being few the authors of this study believe that further research in this area is required. Conclusion: The majority of these 19 studies have shown a statistically significant association between overweight/obesity and oral diseases and the relationship was shown to be dependent on several factors.
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Betydelsen av bitewingundersökning i kombination med klinisk undersökning bland 15 åriga barn i Da Nang, VietnamFisic, Amela January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att enbart jämföra klinisk undersökning med klinisk undersökning i kombination med bitewingundersökning avseende initial och manifest approximalkaries på premolarer och molarer hos 15-åriga barn i Da Nang, Vietnam. Metod och material: En tvärsnittsstudie. Röntgenbilder har använts som material i denna studie. Studien bygger delvis på kliniskt insamlat material från en randomiserad epidemiologisk studie. Studien bestod av sammanlagt 200 slumpmässigt utvalda 15-åriga deltagare. Undersökningen bestod av fyra röntgenbilder med bitewingteknik. Studien fokuserar på mesiala och distala ytor på premolarer och molarer. Resultat: Vid jämförelse av klinisk undersökning med bitewingundersökning hittades ytterligare 152 approximala initiala kariesangrepp respektive 71 approximala manifesta kariesangrepp vid bitewingundersökningen. Total kariesprevalens på molarer och premolarers alla ytor visar ett medelvärde för initialkaries på 2,1 ytor per barn och vid manifest karies ett medelvärde på 4,6 ytor per barn vid klinisk undersökning i kombination med bitewing. Karies förekom oftast på bettets första molarer vid klinisk undersökning och bitewingundersökning. En statistisk signifikant skillnad, p-värde <0,001 fanns mellan klinisk undersökning och klinisk undersökning i kombination med bitewingundersökning av approximal initial och manifest karies. Slutsatser: En kombinerad undersökningsstrategi (klinisk undersökning och bitewingundersökning) är säkrare som metod vid undersökning av initial och manifest approximal karies. / Title: The importance of radiographic examination (bitewing) combined with clinical examination of 15-year old children in Da Nang, Vietnam. Aim: Comparing only clinical examination with clinical examination combined with radiographic examination (bitewing) in initial and manifest proximal caries on premolars and molars of 15-year-old children in Da Nang, Vietnam. Methods: A cross-sectional study. X-ray images were used as material in this study. This study includes partly data from a randomized epidemiological study. The subjects were 200 children, 15 years old. A set of standard posterior bitewing radiographs was taken. Two surfaces (mesial and distal approximal surfaces) of premolars and molars were noted and recorded. Results: On comparing clinical examination findings with radiographic examination, radiographic examination found an additional 154 approximal initial surfaces and 71 approximal manifest surfaces that were not evident clinically. Caries prevalence of molars and premolars on all surfaces with clinical examination combined with radiographic examination showed a mean value of 6,8 decayed surfaces per child. The proximal surfaces most often affected by caries at the radiographic and clinical examination were the first molars. A statistically significant difference, p-value < 0,001 was when comparing the clinical examination alone and clinical examination combined with radiographic examination of proximal initial and manifest caries lesions. Conclusions: The use of bitewing radiographs combined with careful clinical examination is of great advantage in detection of proximal initial and manifest caries of premolars and molars in children.
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Tandhygienisters användning av bildstöd vid möte med barnpatienter / Dental hygienists use of pictorial support when meeting children in a dental environmentBerbic, Jasmina, Omeirat, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka tandhygienisters användning av alternativ kompletterande kommunikation i form av bildstöd i möte med barnpatienter. Metod och material: En digital enkät bestående av 15 frågor skickades ut till samtliga (102 stycken) verksamma tandhygienister i Region Jönköpings län. Antal deltagare var totalt 57 stycken, 54 kvinnor och 3 män. Resultatet redovisades i absoluta – och relativa frekvenser, samt medelvärde. p-värde ≤ 0,05 ansågs statistiskt signifikant. Chi2test användes för jämförelse mellan grupper. Resultat: Intresse för användning av bildstöd fanns bland tandhygienisterna. Totalt var det 32 % som använde bildstöd. Inom specialisttandvård använde samtliga tandhygienister bildstöd och bland tandhygienisterna inom allmäntandvård användes bildstöd av 23,5%.. Resultatet visade även att 55,6% av tandhygienisterna använde bildstöd på alla barn inte bara enstaka grupper. Det fanns inget statistisk signifikant samband mellan användning av bildstöd och längden på tandhygienistutbildningen, men tandhygienister med en treårig utbildning använde sig av bildstöd i större utsträckning än tandhygienister med kortare utbildning. Slutsats: Bildstöd har visat sig vara ett bra hjälpmedel vid möte med barnpatienter inom tandvården. Trots detta använder inte alla tandhygienister sig av bildstöd pga. bland annat tidsbrist. Därför behövs mer kunskap om bildstöd samt om deras användning och fördelar inom tandvården. / Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of pictorial support among dental hygienists when meeting children in a dental environment. Method and material: A digital questionnaire with 15 questions was send out to all (102) actively working dental hygienists in the county of Jönköping. There were a total of 57 participants, 54 women and 3 men who answered the questionnaire. Results were presented with absolute and relative frequencies, mean value and Chi-square test. Results: There was an interest in using pictorial support among dental hygienists. All dental hygienists in special dental care used pictorial support. Among dental hygienists in public dental care 23.5% used pictorial support. Results showed that the majority of dental hygienists preferred using pictorial support on all children. There was no statistically significant difference between using pictorial support and the length of dental hygienist education, but participants who finished a three-year education used pictorial support more often. Conclusion: Pictorial support has found to be a useful tool in dental care, still there are dental hygienists that don’t use it. More knowledge and research are needed about pictorial support so the effect of augmentative and alternative communication can be evaluated.
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Oral health and cardiovascular diseaseHolmlund, Anders January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the past two decades studies have indicated that oral health might be associated with the prevalence for cardiovascular disease (CVD), although the biological link still remains unknown. Bacteria and inflammatory mediators causing periodontal disease have also been suggested to influence the progression of atherosclerosis.</p><p>The aims of this thesis were to study oral inflammation and associations between different oral health parameters and CVD. </p><p>Inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) as well as bone resorption activity (BRA) were significantly higher in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from sites with periodontal disease compared to healthy sites. Treatment resulted in a reduction of BRA as well as the levels of IL-1 for most of the diseased pockets. The levels of IL-1 were not correlated to the amount of BRA.</p><p>Number of teeth (NT) was consistently associated to CVD and was the only oral health parameter that related to all-cause mortality and mortality in CVD in a dose-dependent manner. Subjects with <10 teeth had a 7-fold increase risk for mortality in coronary heart disease compared to those with >25 teeth. Furthermore, NT was also significantly associated to the levels of leukocytes and to the metabolic syndrome, which consists of a combination of cardiovascular risk factors.</p><p>Other investigated oral health parameters, such as severity of periodontal disease, number of deepened pockets, and bleeding on probing, were not related to CVD in a consistent way.</p><p> Oral health parameters as well as myocardial infarction (MI) were related to serum antibody levels against Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), indicating that Pg might be a link between oral health and MI.</p><p>In conclusion, treatment reduced the increased levels of IL-1 and BRA in GCF from sites with periodontal disease. Oral health was associated to CVD with number of teeth being the only oral health parameter that consistently was associated to CVD. Serum antibody levels against P. gingivalis were related to myocardial infarction (MI) as well as to oral health parameters, suggesting that this bacteria could be a link between oral health and CVD.</p>
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Tobaksvanor och uppfattningen om tobakens påverkan i munhålan bland grundlärarstuderande / Tobacco habits and the perceptions of tobacco’s impact in the oral cavity among elementary teacher studentsEkenros, Anna, Svensson, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga tobaksvanor och uppfattningen om tobakens påverkan i munhålan bland grundlärarstuderande. Material och metod: En tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ design genomfördes i form av en enkätundersökning. Enkäten delades ut till 76 grundlärarstudenter där samtliga valde att delta. Resultat: Resultatet visade att det var 13 respondenter som rökte och 4 som snusade, varav en var blandbrukare av snus och cigaretter. Debutåldern för rökning var mellan 11-20 år och för snusning mellan 16-20 år. Den övervägande delen av respondenterna hade uppfattningen att tobak har någon form av påverkan i munhålan. En stor del av respondenterna uppfattade att rökning har en mycket stor betydelse för att utveckla tillstånden dålig andedräkt (73,3%) och missfärgning av tänderna (78,9%), medan majoriteten av respondenterna uppfattade att missfärgning av tänderna (82,7%) har en mycket stor betydelse vid användningen av snus. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att det var fler tobaksanvändare i denna studie i förhållande till tobaksvändningen i övriga Sverige. Studien visar att den övervägande delen av grundlärarstudenterna uppfattade att rökning och snusning påverkar utveckling av olika tillstånd i munhålan. / Objective: The aim of the study was to identify tobacco habits and the perception of its effects in the oral cavity among elementary teacher students at Kristianstad University. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study with quantitative design was performed with a questionnaire survey. It was distributed to 76 elementary teacher students where all participated. Results: The results showed that 13 respondents smoked and 4 used snus, one of those was using both cigarettes and snus. The debut age for smoking was between 11-20 years and 16-20 years when using snus. The vast majority of the respondents perceived that the use of snus and cigarettes effects the oral cavity. Many of the respondents perceived that smoking had very great importance in the development of halitosis (73,3%) and discoloration of the teeth (78,9%), while the majority of the respondents had the perception that the discoloration of the teeth (82.7%) was of very great importance in the use of snus. Conclusion: The result shows that there were more tobacco users in this study in relation to tobacco use in the rest of Sweden. This study shows that the vast majority of the elementary teacher students perceived that smoking and snus had an effect for developing various states in the oral cavity.
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Ausbildungs- und Kenntnisstand sowie Maßnahmen oraler Prävention in stationären und ambulanten Pflegeeinrichtungen in der Region Göttingen / Eine Befragung von Pflegepersonal und Pflegedienstleitung / State of Knowledge and Training Qualifications including Preventive Oral Measures in Stationary and Ambulatory Nursing Care Facilities within the Region of Göttingen / A Survey of Nursing Staff and Care ServicesGeiger, Franziska Dorothee 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Oral behavior, dental, periodontal and microbiological findings in patients undergoing hemodialysis and after kidney transplantationSchmalz, Gerhard, Kauffels, Anne, Kollmar, Otto, Slotta, Jan E., Vasko, Radovan, Müller, Gerhard A., Haak, Rainer, Ziebolz, Dirk 19 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Aim of this single center cross-sectional study was to investigate oral behavior, dental, periodontal and microbiological findings in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and after kidney transplantation (KT). Methods: Patients undergoing HD for end-stage renal failure and after KT were investigated. Oral health behavior was recorded using a standardized questionnaire, e.g. dental behavior, tooth brushing, oral hygiene aids. Oral investigation included screening of oral mucosa, dental findings (DMF-T) and periodontal situation (Papilla bleeding index [PBI] periodontal probing depth [PPD] and clinical attachment loss [CAL]). Additionally, microbiological analysis of subgingival biofilm samples (PCR) was performed. Statistical analysis: Student’s t-test or Mann–Whitney-U-test, Fisher’s exact test (α = 5 %).
Results: A total of 70 patients (HD: n = 35, KT: n = 35) with a mean age of 56.4 ± 11.1 (HD) and 55.8 ± 10.9 (KT) years were included. Lack in use of additional oral hygiene (dental floss, inter-dental brush) was found. KT group presented significantly more gingivial overgrowth (p = 0.01). DMF-T was 19.47 ± 5.84 (HD) and 17.61 ± 5.81 (KT; p = 0. 21). Majority of patients had clinically moderate and severe periodontitis; showing a need for periodontal treatment of 57 % (HD) and 71 % (KT; p = 0.30). Significantly higher prevalence of Parvimonas micra and Capnocytophaga species in the HD group were found (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Periodontal treatment need and lack in oral behavior for both groups indicate the necessity of an improved early treatment and prevention of dental and periodontal disease, e.g. in form of special care programs. Regarding microbiological findings, no major differences between KT and HD patients were found.
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Parodontalzustand, parodontale Bakterienlast sowie pH-Wert und Pufferkapazität des Speichels bei dialysepflichtigen Patienten mit und ohne diabetisches Syndrom – Eine klinische Querschnittsstudie / Dental and periodontal health, microbiological and salivary conditions in hemodialysis patients with or without diabetesSchwabe, Sandra 14 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Insurance Status And Dental Disease in Virginia SchoolchildrenPorter, Allen Stuckey 01 January 2006 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to use data obtained from the 1999 Virginia Statewide Oral Health Survey to provide a descriptive account of the oral health status for Virginia schoolchildren and examine the relationship between a child's insurance status and indicators of oral health status.Methods: The Division of Dental Health (DDH), in the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), completed the 1999 Virginia Oral Health Needs Assessment (VSOHNA) in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Education. The survey used a probability proportional to size (PPS) sample design in selecting school children from public schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Descriptive and multi-variable regression analyses were completed to examine the relationship between insurance status and oral health status indicators. Results: In the primary dentition, schoolchildren with medical and dental insurance had the highest level of caries-free teeth at 46%, compared to the schoolchildren with no insurance at 34%, and those with medical insurance only at 31%. In the primary dentition, schoolchildren with no insurance had the highest prevalence of untreated decay at 65%, when compared to schoolchildren with medical insurance only at 42%, and those with both medical and dental insurance at 25%. There were no significant relationships between insurance status and caries experience or untreated decay in the permanent dentition.Conclusion: In the primary dentition, children with no insurance or medical insurance only were more likely to have untreated decay than those with both medical and dental insurance. Insurance status does not appear to be associated with caries experience or with untreated disease in the permanent dentition.
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