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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge transfer practices and knowledge sharing behaviour : a South African manufacturing perspective / Marcel Alexander van Schadewijk

Van Schadewijk, Marcel Alexander January 2015 (has links)
The field of knowledge sharing, especially within the context of ICT, is a fairly new field of study. This limits the extent to which research can be used to facilitate the practical application of KS and KM interventions. This study attempted to establish a standardised measuring instrument, which could be used to benchmark an organisation and organisational disciplines against industry peers. This study will assist organisations with the identification of intervention opportunities for implementing KM using ICT. The general organisational KT culture, its ICT proficiency and the factors which might constrain the effective transfer and management of knowledge were assessed and identified. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The relationship between organisational culture and lifelong learning

Mohidin, Jasmine 30 October 2013 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to (1) establish whether a relationship exists between individuals’ perception of organisational culture, measured by the South African Cultural Instrument (2005) and lifelong learning, measured by the Dimensions of the Learning Organisation Questionnaire (2003); and (2) determine whether the participants differed with regard to these variables in terms of sociodemographic contextual factors such as age, race, gender, education, years of service, disability status and job level. A quantitative study, using primary data, was conducted on a convenient sample (N=257) of full-time public service officials in a South African public service organisation. Correlational and inferential statistical analyses revealed statistically significant positive relationships between individuals’ perception of organisational culture and lifelong learning. Significant differences were found in the perception of these variables for individuals with different years of service and for individuals of different age groups. The findings should contribute valuable knowledge to the field of organisational behaviour, which could be used to promote a lifelong learning culture in public service organisations. The study concludes with recommendations for future practice / Industrial & Organisational Psychology

Knowledge-centric capabilities : a configurational approach

Cruywagen, Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the past 15 years knowledge management has emerged as a key new organisational practice with numerous organisations implementing processes aimed at facilitating knowledge creation, integration and sharing. With knowledge management positioned as a strategic imperative, numerous studies have explored its resource-base and management alternatives. These studies have played an important role in establishing knowledge management as a field of inquiry within the business sciences, but a number of weaknesses put knowledge management at risk of becoming another passing fad. Previous research tends to prescribe a tool, method or way of looking at knowledge while disregarding any differences in organisational context and displaying little attempt to differentiate organisations in a meaningful way. This assumed homogeneity constitutes a deficiency in knowledge management research. The knowledge-based view of the firm emphasises distinct knowledge as the key source of firm heterogeneity, and the role of the organisation as that of knowledge creation. This view largely ignores the personal and social nature of knowledge, and the role of the firm in providing the organisational context for creating, sharing and integrating knowledge. Knowledge management, as an embodiment of the knowledge-based view, thus also fails to explore organisational context as a possible source of competitive advantage, thereby limiting the potential of knowledge management initiatives. The central theme of the study is that the capacity to provide an institutional context for the creation, sharing and integration of knowledge, henceforth the knowledge-centric capability, rather than distinct knowledge, is the key strategic resource of the organisation. The objective of the study therefore is to understand how different knowledge-centric capabilities configure in different organisational contexts. The objective is achieved by addressing three research questions, namely what dimensions can be used to describe a knowledge-centric capability, what configurations of knowledge-centric capabilities emerge in different organisational contexts, and why do specific configurations of knowledge-centric capabilities emerge in specific organisational contexts? Considering the philosophical foundations of the study, namely knowledge as personal, social and context-specific and the organisation as an open, adaptive system, the study follows a social constructionist research philosophy. The study’s focus on identifying emerging patterns or configurations of knowledge-centric capabilities necessitates a configurational research approach. This allows the study to move beyond uncovering relationships that hold across all organisations, affording the opportunity to identify multi-dimensional constellations of conceptually distinct characteristics that commonly occur together. A sequential mixed-method research methodology is employed to address the research objective and research questions. First a conceptual framework is developed from the extant literature in order to identify the dimensions of a knowledge-centric capability. Next a theorydriven survey, based on the dimensions of the conceptual framework, is employed to obtain data from which the configurations of knowledge-centric capabilities are derived using cluster analysis. Finally, four case studies are presented to explain the emergence of the configurations within specific organisational contexts. This research is important for two main reasons. First, it addresses the identified shortcoming of existing research by providing a mechanism to explore an organisation’s knowledgecentric capability following a context-sensitive approach. Second, the research demonstrates that knowledge-centric capabilities can indeed be used to differentiate between organisations at a strategic level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope 15 jaar het kennisbestuur as ‘n belangrike nuwe besigheidspraktyk ontwikkel, met talle ondernemings wat prosesse implementeer wat daarop gemik is om die skepping, integrasie en deel van kennis te fasiliteer. Met die posisionering van kennisbestuur as ‘n strategiese noodsaaklikheid, het verskeie studies die hulpbron-basis en bestuurs alternatiewe ondersoek. Hierdie studies het ‘n belangrike rol gespeel om kennisbestuur as ‘n navorsingsveld te vestig in die bestuurswetenskappe, maar ‘n aantal gebreke laat kennisbestuur die gevaar loop om net ‘n verbygaande gier te word. Bestaande navorsing neig om ‘n instrument, metodiek of manier voor te skryf om na kennis te kyk. Maar terselfdetyd word enige verskille in organisasies se konteks geïgnoreer en is daar min aanduiding van ‘n poging om organisasies op ‘n sinvolle wyse te onderskei. Hierdie veronderstelde homogeniteit vorm ‘n gebrek in kennisbestuur navorsing. Die kennis-perspektief van die organisasie beklemtoon unieke kennis as die belangrikste bron van firma heterogeniteit, en die rol van die organisasie as dié van kennis skepping. Hierdie uitkyk ignoreer grotendeels die persoonlike en sosiale aard van kennis en die rol van die firma in die voorsiening van ‘n organisasie konteks vir die skep, deel en integrasie van kennis. Kennisbestuur, as ‘n vergestalting van die kennis perspektief, faal dus ook om organisasie konteks to ondersoek as ‘n moontlike bron van mededingings voordeel. Sodoende word die potensiaal van kennisbestuur inisiatiewe beperk. Die uitganspunt van die studie is dat die kapasiteit om ‘n institusionele konteks te voorsien vir die skeppping, deel en integrasie van kennis, of te wel die kennis-sentriese vermoë, eerder as unieke kennis die kern strategiese helpbron van ‘n organisasie is. Die doel van die studie is dus om te verstaan hoe verskillende kennis-sentriese vermoëns konfigureer in verskillende organisasie kontekste. Die doel word behaal deur drie navorsingsvrae te adresseer, naamlik watter dimensies kan gebruik word om ‘n kennis-sentriese vermoë te beskryf, watter konfigurasies van kennis-sentriese vermoëns tree na vore in verskillende organisasie kontekste en waarom tree spesifieke konfigurasies van kennis-sentriese vermoëns na vore in spesifieke organisasie kontekste? Met inagneming van die filosofiese grondslag van die studie, naamlik kennis as persoonlik, sosiaal en konteks-spesifiek en die organisasie as ‘n oop, aanpasbare stelsel, volg die studie ‘n sosiaal konstruksionistiese navorsingsfilosofie. Die studie se fokus op die identifisering van patrone en konfigurasies van kennis-sentriese vermoëns, noodsaak ‘n konfigurasionele-benadering tot die navorsing. Dit laat die studie toe om verder te gaan as om bloot verwantskappe te identifiseer wat vir alle organisasies geld, en stel die studie in staat om multi-dimensionele konstellasies van konseptueel-unieke eienskappe wat tipies saam voor kom te identifiseer. ‘n Sekwensieële gemengde metode navorsingsmetodologie is gebruik om die navorsingsdoel en navorsingsvrae te addresseer. Eerstens is ‘n konseptuele raamwerk uit die bestaande literatuur ontwikkel om sodoende die dimensies van ‘n kennis-sentriese vermoë te identifiseer. Volgende is ‘n teorie-gedrewe vraelys, gebaseer op die dimensies van die konseptuele raamwerk, gebruik om die data te versamel waaruit die konfigurasies van kennissentriese vermoëns met die gebruik van trosanalise. Laastens is vier gevallestudies ontwikkel om die figurering van die konfigurasies binne spesifieke organisasie kontekste te verduidelik. Hierdie navorsing is belangrik vir twee bepaalde redes. Eerstens adresseer dit die geïdentifiseerde tekortkoming van bestaande navorsing deur ‘n meganisme te voorsien waarmee ‘n organisasie se kennis-sentriese vermoë ondersoek kan word, deur ‘n kontekssensitiewe benadering te volg. Tweedens demonstreer die navorsing dat kennis-sentriese vermoëns inderdaad gebruik kan word om op ‘n strategiese vlak tussen organisasies te onderskei.

Opening up the 'black box' of Competence Development Implementation : - How the process of Competence Development Implementation is structured in the Swedish debt-collection industry.

Karlsson, Linda January 2013 (has links)
In spite of the need for organisations to develop competencies among its employees as a source for gaining competitive advantage, and in spite of previous research efforts to find out what contributes to it and the effects of it, the process of Competence Development (CD) implementation is still a ‘black box’, whose internal linkages are unknown. Furthermore it is noticed in previous research that there is a lack of empirically-based research in organisations, and the purpose of this dissertation is therefore to explore the process of CD implementation, as perceived by employees within the debt-collection industry of Sweden.   A case-study on a Swedish Debt-Collection Company was conducted, and data collected through interviews with employees and managers, in order to find out how the process of CD implementation is structured. In order to investigate the internal linkages in the process an extensive literature review was performed in the field of CD, and used for developing a conceptual model, showing how the various stages interact and depend upon each other in gaining competence among its employees. The model was then tested empirically and the findings suggest that the CD implementation was structured mostly in line with the model, although adjustments had to be made.   The findings suggest that in the process of CD implementation conceptualisation of CD plans and selection of participants is conducted in one integrated step and not two distinct steps, as suggested in previous literature. Performance Management and Reflection- and Evaluation are not conducted in two steps but more or less simultaneously. Furthermore, this study suggests that it is the organisation’s responsibility to provide a foundation, opportunities and resources that enable CD, while the employees themselves set the standard for how much they will take advantage of it. Therefore this study argues that if employees can have input and influence on each stage of the process, better outcomes will be provided since it will be aligned with their objectives, personal and professional.   Up to this point, the process of CD implementation has been a ‘black box’, a mechanism that generates a certain level of output but whose internal workings are unknown. It is important to open up that box and to understand how CD operates to produce superior performance for an organisation. The findings in this study help to bridge that gap better, and are useful for managers conducting and implementing Human Resource practices that aim to develop competencies among the company’s workforce in order to gain better performance.

Knowledge management influence on government organisations' competitiveness

Buheji, Mohamed Jasim January 2013 (has links)
The need for government organizations to become competitive is growing with the huge instability in the economy. In parallel, Knowledge Management (KM) has been rapidly growing in the past decade as a source of influence on organisational development practices. Furthermore, the past decade research approaches largely failed to show the importance of KM initiatives in creating synergy with other initiatives to an extent that would lead towards organizational competitiveness. This study address whether KM holistically influences the different organisational development practices, specifically in the context of the government sector. To ascertain the relationships between KM and four prevalent organisational development practices identified in the literature and increasingly used in practice, a quantitative survey approach was undertaken using a series of researcher-developed scales. Based on the literature review, Organisational Excellence (OE), Organisational Learning (OL), Organisational Innovation (OI) and Organisational Competitiveness (OC) were identified to be the most repeated relations with KM. A conceptual framework was designed to test the concept of the holistic influence of KM on the four identified organisational development practices. A total of 625 valid responses were collected from top and middle management from 54 government organizations in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The model was statistically tested according to the research hypotheses by regression analysis then Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Results reveal strong and significant correlations amongst the five prevalent organisational development practices. Even though the holistic influence of the model could not be confirmed, findings show positive KM influence on the remaining organisational development practices, thus KM is an essential factor for government organisations. Besides illustrating KM as an important source of influence, this research establishes a new direction that helps to integrate all governmental organisations initiatives in relevance to organisation development practices leading to better competitiveness. The study makes a novel contribution since it increases the probability of a holistic approach model that brings support for the decision makers to enhance the overall government organizations competitiveness. The scale developed for the model tested can be generalised and used as a self assessment tool for organisational practices in KE. This work sets a baseline for KM practices in the Government of Bahrain and similar GCC Governments and can act as a reference for researchers on KM and competitiveness in the emerging economies countries. Nevertheless, the model need to be further investigated in future research to explore the missing variables in this model to make it more fit. Therefore, the concept of holistic model needs to be further subject to empirical investigations to explore its viability. The major limitation of this research is it been addressed only in the government sector and in one country.

An investigation of the prevalence and impact of organisational learning in UK police forces

Ritchie, Stephen Harvey January 2010 (has links)
This research aims to inform the relevance of Organisational Learning (OL) to policing management practice by investigating its impact and prevalence in UK policing. In the prescriptive literature, OL is propounded as an important aspect of effective organisations that needs to be leveraged. The field of OL is found to be diverse, lacking empirical work, and in need of suitable research techniques. To focus the research, a specific example of OL is proposed in performance management (PM) practice. The PM literature shows the theoretical foundations for practice are underdeveloped. This research addresses this by combining these two fields. As a result, practical data is made available to support an examination of OL and a theoretical basis for PM is developed. In the absence of a suitable model to structure data collection, a new OL model of PM is derived from the literature. A Critical Realist position is adopted which aims to identify the nature of the phenomena underlying OL. Three case studies with UK Police Forces, which involved fifty-two interviewees, were undertaken during 2008. A pilot case study was undertaken in Scotland, with the follow-up case studies in England and Northern Ireland. The data from interviews is analysed in NVivo using a range of coding techniques. Using the results from these case studies, the provisional OL Model of PM is tested and developed further. PM practice is found to involve the creation of knowledge and the creation of action and the relationship to organisational purpose is highlighted. Six elements of the OL process are defined as Attention, Analysis, Advising, Adjusting, Affecting and Achieving. Dimensions influencing PM practice in the cases are identified. The outcomes of the research indicate relevance to policing management practice, as well as to the wider fields of PM practice and OL theory.

The application of post-project reviews in events management by cultural operators

Benadict Rajasegaram, Annet January 2016 (has links)
Organisations have evidently shifted towards the projectification of their activities and operations across the world and across industries by which project management is not only limited to construction and engineering projects anymore. The projectification has shed light on the amount of project success and failure in which both have been noted to have a steep difference between each other. Whilst many factors have been discovered to be a trigger of failure or success one emerging subject that has been gaining attention across management institutions and organisationsis the integration of knowledge management principlesinto the closure stage of a project, by which the term post-project review awakens. Post-project reviewsreceive a lot of attention and strong suggestion from textbooks and other academic literature, however it was found that its application was not as effective as is suggested by the literature. Literature also indicated that cultural operators within the events management have progressively applied project management tools and techniques. At the same time there is debate concerning theproject management rationale, which collide with the prime principles of art. Here art presents itself as the core focus pointforcultural operators. In the light of this argument the author started researching the subject of Post-project reviews within the events management industryand found that the subject has been scarcely researched overall, in the events management sector and especially in the cultural branch, hence the author had identified a research gap. Consequently, this research intends to explore the application of post-project reviews by cultural operators within the events management industry. The study employed a qualitative research design in which semi-structured interviews were conducted across three different organisational size segments; micro, small and medium. The organisational size was determined with the amount of employees per organisation; each size segment had two representatives in which all of the respondents ran a non-profit organisation.The research revealed that medium organisations employed the most formal manner of a PPR by which PPR’s are considered on a strategic level whilst micro organisations still used a simplerecord and report principle, in which none of the recorded numbers were formally analysed. At the same time, the comprehensiveness of a PPR was very much dependent on the size of the project, which denoted on the amount of funding, and external stakeholders there was involved.

Managing tacit knowledge in a hi-tech learning organisation

O'Neill, Shawn January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)-Business Studies Unit, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005 xiii, 96 leaves, Annexures A-C / Project managers are faced with the challenge of matching skills to a task rather than merely assigning people to a job. If these skills are not readily available, the project may not be able to be executed with the desired level of quality and timescales may not be met. Nowadays, organisations need to respond faster to market requirements than before due to increased competition and rapid advances in technology. Coupled to this is the trend for human resources to be more mobile, as lifelong commitment to an organisation becomes a thing of the past. These two trends present modern organisations with the requirement that their human resources require increasing levels of skills, yet they are faced with the risk that these skills may be lost due to their mobility. Organisations, therefore, need to understand what their core competencies are and ensure that these competencies are developed such that the organisation retains an adequate supply of core skills. The aim of the study is to identify the core competencies and associated skills within an organisation and devise a method whereby these competencies and skills can be measured and duplicated such that core knowledge is retained and developed within the organisation. / M

The influence of acquisition experience and post-acquisition strategies on the performance of emerging market acquirers : empirical evidence from Turkey

Evran, Mehmet January 2014 (has links)
In the last decade, the number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities by emerging market firms has rapidly increased to exploit growing markets at home and abroad. In order to be successful in their M&A goals, these firms need to develop a specific M&A capability and manage post-M&A processes effectively. Drawing on the dynamic capabilities view, I develop a theoretical framework for emerging market acquirers that outlines the development of the acquisition capability mechanisms. I first examine the influence of prior acquisition experience on acquisition performance. I then go on to study the integration capability of emerging market firms and examine the effect of post-M&A integration strategies on the performance of acquisitions by emerging market firms. The overall results indicate that a firm‘s focal acquisition performance positively relates to prior acquisition experience that is similar to the focal acquisition. Moreover, post-M&A integration strategies vary depending on the geographical similarity of the focal acquisition. Replacing the target‘s top manager is a particularly important determinant of acquisition performance in domestic M&A. Finally, in this research, I also extend the organisational learning view and develop a multi-level analysis that examines the role of business groups alongside firm-level learning from acquisitions. The usual focus in emerging market studies is on the big emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC). I focus instead on the country case of Turkey, one of the second tier of ―biggish‖ growing economies of ―MIST‖ (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey). The empirical results are based on a unique hand-collected dataset of acquisitions in Turkey culled from publicly available data. The final dataset consists of 279 acquisitions between 1998 and 2011.

Overcoming intercultural communication barriers : Organisational Culture and Organisational Learning within a Swedish Textile Company / Overcoming intercultural communication barriers : Organisational Culture and Organisational Learning within a Swedish Textile Company

This thesis attempts to discover what actions are necessary to mitigate these problems within textile companies. Theories on organisational culture, organisational learning, and international management, were addressed in relation to intercultural communication. Using an exemplifying case of one single person within Eton AB, a case study research design was conducted. The data was collected through a qualitative research strategy and method, using self-completion/self-administrative questionnaires, and analysed using grounded theory. The general result of the thesis indicates that few communication errors between Eton AB and the participant exist. Therefore this interrelation can be seen as a positive example of intercultural communication within a textile company. In this context, it was the authors’ intention to identify the influence organisational culture and organisational learning have on intercultural communication. Certain aspects within an organisational culture are of importance to create a better integration of employees, hence influence intercultural relations positively. Organisational learning, likewise, has a positive impact, since it contributes to the creation of a better environment for integration. This thesis concludes with generalised measures which can be seen as a guideline and as first steps for textile companies in order to reduce intercultural communication errors. / Program: Textile Management,textile value chain management

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