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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship Adjustment in Marriage as Influenced by Psychological Temperament and Family-of-Origin Socialization Experiences

Germann, Heinrich Peter 05 1900 (has links)
This research examined the influence of psychological temperament and family-of-origin socialization influences on relationship adjustment in marriage. The major goals were to determine: (a) if there was a relationship between the temperament of one mate in the marriage and the temperament of his or her spouse, and (b) if there was a relationship between the marital adjustment scores of a mate relative to either personal temperament or that of his or her spouse. A secondary purpose was to determine if certain family-of-origin socialization experiences influenced adjustment in marriage. One hundred seventy-nine couples (H = 358) completed three test instruments including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers, 1962), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976), and the Socialization Background Questionnaire (Church, unpublished), along with a demographic questionnaire. The subjects, volunteers from 12 churches in a large metropolitan area, had mean ages of 35.3 and 33.6 years for husbands and wives, respectively, and had been married for an average of 10.1 years. Five hypotheses and two research questions were tested at the .05 level of significance. The results gathered did not support the hypothesis that there was a relationship between temperament type and mate selection. Similarly, no support was evidenced for any specific relationship between temperament and marital adjustment. On the Socialization Background Questionnaire, one relationship at the prescribed level of significance was present between husbands' self-concept and their marital adjustment scores. At the .10 significance level, there was also indication that husbands' marital adjustment was related to the acceptance they did or did not receive as children., regardless of the expectations held for them. Neither of these relationships was present with regard to wives' marital adjustment scores. The overall conclusions are that couples do not choose mates based on temperaments, that no relationship exists between temperament combinations and marital adjustment, and that socialization experiences affect marital adjustment differently for husbands and wives.

Made in China- Kinesiska lastvagnars varumärken / Made in China : Brands of Chinese truck makers

Fransson, Simon January 2010 (has links)
Den viktigaste förmågan en marknadsförare behöver är kapaciteten att bygga, underhålla, utveckla och skydda varumärken. Varumärken har idag en livsviktig roll för tillverkare av alla sorters produkter.För att lyckas på den globala marknaden räcker det inte med en bra produkt eller kvalitet. Även innebörden av ett starkt varumärke och dess varumärkesvärde är en nyckel till framgång. Enligt Kotler kan ett starkt varumärke ge effekter som ”A powerful brand enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty, and the company will incur lower marketing costs relative to revenues”.Inom lastvagnsindustrin med produkter mellan tillverkare som blir allt mer lika kommer varumärket att få en allt större betydelse. Kinesiska tillverkare är idag ett stort hot mot dagens globala ledare inom lastvagnsindustrin. Produkter från Kinesiska lastvagnstillverkare kan inom en snar framtid konkurrera med dagens globala tillverkare som Volvo och Daimler.Den export som i dagsläget sker av kinesiska fordon är främst lätta lastvagnar till utvecklande nationer i Mellan Östern, Afrika och Latin Amerika, främst nationer med regeringar med vilka den kinesiska central regeringen har goda relationer. Tillverkare inom fordonsindustrin med starka ambitioner om tillväxt har ett tydligt engagemang att etablera sina varumärken på den globala marknaden. Som China National Heavy Truck Corporation (CNHTC) arbetar kinesiska lastvagnstillverkare aktivt med att upprätta sitt varumärke på nya marknader främst utifrån ett lägre pris än redan etablerade konkurrenter.Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera betydelsen av varumärken och positionering i samband med utlandsetableringar inom fordonsindustrin.. Tidigare kunskaper inom marknadsföring och varumärkesstrategier utgör en viktig del till att förstå den helhet som studeras och lösa de problemformuleringar som definierats för studien och därmed har ett hermeneutiskt synsätt valts. Induktiv ansats har använts för att från verkligheten skapa mönster i det som studerats. Både primär och sekundär data har använts i studien som är av kvalitativ form. Urvalet är av strategisk karaktär.Den teoretiska referensramen utgår från väletablerade teorier kring varumärken, positionering och lansering av varumärken på internationella marknader. Även centralt ligger Porter modell forces of competition.Empirin bygger på sammanställningar av tre djupintervjuer med Volvo Lastvagnars marknads/marknadsföringschefer för lastvagnsverksamheten i Vietnam, Indonesien och Thailnad.Generellt sett så har alla de studerade kinesiska varumärkena positionerat sig i det tunga lastvagnssegmentet som ett billigt alternativ till de japanska och europeiska tillverkarna. Däremot brister man i kvalitet och service (uteslutet Dongfeng i Thailand) vilket då skadar varumärket som då som en synergieffekt påverkar Kina som trovärdigt tillverkningsland på den internationella marknaden. Vidare har man till en början haft god försäljning på sina lastvagnar, men när den så efterfrågade servicen inte kan levereras brister förtroendet för varumärket.

Identification of pore type and origin in a Lower Cretaceous carbonate reservoir using NMR T2 relaxation times

Lodola, Domenico Domenico 30 September 2004 (has links)
Determining the distribution of porosity and permeability is one of the main challenges in carbonate petroleum reservoir characterization and requires a thorough understanding of pore type and origin, as well as their spatial distributions. Conventional studies of carbonate reservoirs require interpretation and analysis of cores to understand porosity. This study investigates the use of NMR logs in the determination of pore type and origin. This study is based on the analysis of both thin section petrographic and NMR data from a single well that cored the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) shelf carbonates belonging to the Shuaiba Formation of the Middle East. Photographs of thin sections were used to determine pore type and origin according to Ahr's genetic classification of carbonate porosity. Descriptive statistics and modeling were used to analyze the NMR T2relaxation time distributions. Descriptive statistical analyses included estimating arithmetic average, standard deviation, skewness, median, mode and 90th percentile. T2modeling was performed by fitting multiple log-normal distributions to the measured T2distribution. Data from thin section petrography and from NMR measurements were then compared using conditional probabilities. As expected, thin section analysis revealed the predominance of mud-supported fabrics and micropores between matrix grains Vugs and dissolved rudistid fragments account for most of the macro porosity. Descriptive statistics showed that the mode and th percentile of the T2distribution had the greatest power to discriminate pores by origin. The first principal component (PC1) of the mode-90th percentile system was then used to compute the probabilities of having each pore origin, knowing that PC1 belongs to a given interval. Results were good, with each origin being predictable within a certain range of PC1. Decomposition of the T2distributions was performed using up to 3 log-normal component distributions. Samples of different pore origin behaved distinctively. Depositional porosity showed no increase in fit quality with increasing number of distributions whereas facies selective and diagenetic porosity did, with diagenetic porosity showing the greatest increase.

Identification of pore type and origin in a Lower Cretaceous carbonate reservoir using NMR T2 relaxation times

Lodola, Domenico Domenico 30 September 2004 (has links)
Determining the distribution of porosity and permeability is one of the main challenges in carbonate petroleum reservoir characterization and requires a thorough understanding of pore type and origin, as well as their spatial distributions. Conventional studies of carbonate reservoirs require interpretation and analysis of cores to understand porosity. This study investigates the use of NMR logs in the determination of pore type and origin. This study is based on the analysis of both thin section petrographic and NMR data from a single well that cored the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) shelf carbonates belonging to the Shuaiba Formation of the Middle East. Photographs of thin sections were used to determine pore type and origin according to Ahr's genetic classification of carbonate porosity. Descriptive statistics and modeling were used to analyze the NMR T2relaxation time distributions. Descriptive statistical analyses included estimating arithmetic average, standard deviation, skewness, median, mode and 90th percentile. T2modeling was performed by fitting multiple log-normal distributions to the measured T2distribution. Data from thin section petrography and from NMR measurements were then compared using conditional probabilities. As expected, thin section analysis revealed the predominance of mud-supported fabrics and micropores between matrix grains Vugs and dissolved rudistid fragments account for most of the macro porosity. Descriptive statistics showed that the mode and th percentile of the T2distribution had the greatest power to discriminate pores by origin. The first principal component (PC1) of the mode-90th percentile system was then used to compute the probabilities of having each pore origin, knowing that PC1 belongs to a given interval. Results were good, with each origin being predictable within a certain range of PC1. Decomposition of the T2distributions was performed using up to 3 log-normal component distributions. Samples of different pore origin behaved distinctively. Depositional porosity showed no increase in fit quality with increasing number of distributions whereas facies selective and diagenetic porosity did, with diagenetic porosity showing the greatest increase.

Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos įvežamų negyvūninių maisto prekių maisto kontrolės postų efektyvumo tobulinimas / Improvement of the efficiency of non-animal orgin foodstuff import control posts of state food and veterinary service

Bilkienė, Danguolė 15 December 2006 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - ištirti Lietuvos Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos negyvūninių maisto prekių importo kontrolės egzistuojančią valdymo sistemą ir jai pavaldžiu teritoriniu VMVT maisto kontrolės postu veiklos efektyvumą, įvertinant negyvūninių maisto prekių importo kontrolės tvarką, taikomą jos veikloje, ir numatyti šios veiklos tobulinimo kryptis. / Aim of the study: to analyze the management of the control system of non - animal origin imported foodstuffs and the efficiency of the activities of regional State Food and Veterinary Services (hereinafter - SFVS), in order to evaluate import control procedures of non – animal origin foodstuffs applied within the SFVS, as well as to foresee improvement possibilities for these activities.


卓宏祺, ZHUO, HONG-GI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的旨在探討清代台灣理番政策之成敗得失,而殷盼吾人之有心于邊政 事業者,皆能以台灣理番事業之興衰為鑑鏡,而致力于研究當今台灣山地之種種問題 ,以期使我國之邊疆政策與社會,能臻于郅治。 本論文之研究方法,係就歷史學、政治學、民族學之觀點,以分析、歸納、比較、綜 合之方法來詮釋清代台灣之理番政策。 本論文之研究,所需之文獻資料甚多且雜,如官方之地方志、檔案、秦議及私人傳記 、遊記,例台灣府志、宮中檔案、劉銘傳撫台前後檔案、台灣日記與稟啟、道咸同光 四朝秦議、裨海紀遊……等等。此外,尚參考眾多之近人著作、期刊及外文論著,例 台灣番政志、台灣文獻、台灣 番族研究、台灣文化志、台灣志名研究……等等。因而,于蒐集、處理資料之時,深 感繁蕪冗亂,所以,本論文若有遺漏不足之失,尚祈請諸位先進惠予指教。 本論文共計九萬餘言,分為六章,凡十三節。第一章緒論,係在說明筆者研究之動機 與目的、範圍、限制、方法。第二章旬在介紹台灣番的界說及其早年之生活習俗。第 三章探討清代台灣理番政策形成之背景。第四章說明清代台灣理番政策之內容與項目 。第五章分析清代台灣理番政策蛻變之原因。第六章綜合清代台灣理番政策施行後之 利弊,提出感想,作為結論。 經由本論文之研究結果,得知清廷甫平復台灣之初,因囿于主事者之保守心態,致使 台灣早期之理番事業,實無多少積效可言,迨日軍侵台後,清廷始積極經營開山撫番 之工作,欲令台灣內地化,成為中國國防之一要環,但,因為政策之偏差,終使理番 事業宣告失敗。

論西歐婚姻法法制化起源—以第1至12世紀之世俗婚姻法(Secular Marriage Law)與教會婚姻法(The Marriage of Canon Law)之沿革及相互影響為探討中心 / The research of the origin of the West European marriage legislation—emphasized on the development and the interaction of the Secular Marriage Law and The Marriage of Canon Law

葉光洲, Chou, Yeh-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本文係為探討婚姻法學研究對西歐於文藝復興、宗教改革以及婚姻還俗運動前之婚姻法沿空白所撰。並以「世俗」及「教會」兩個角度切入,依照「羅馬帝國」(西元1-476年)、「初代教會」(1-500年)、「中世紀初期」(500-1000年)、復興改革時期(1000-1200年)之歷史沿革,探討今日婚姻法中諸如婚姻之本質、婚姻之成立、婚姻障礙、婚姻成立後之權利義務及婚姻之解消等制度之由來與發展。 首先,在羅馬帝國方面。按此時期之羅馬婚姻法對「嫁妝」著墨最多,似可顯示羅馬婚姻之重點乃在婚姻締結後對男方家族財產之重新分配,而非單純身分關係之新設、連結與延伸。在此同時,亦可察見自西元一世紀起,源自聖經之教會婚姻觀,強調婚姻之本質係「丈夫與妻子連合,兩人成為一體」之「兩人一體」關係,婚姻之成立係儀式婚,成立後,丈夫與妻子需秉持「愛與順服」彼此相待,且因婚姻為「神所結合,所以人不能分開」而衍生出婚姻不可解消之基本信念。 進入中世紀初期,「神本」之婚姻觀雖藉由散落各地之教會而廣為傳播,然而,對上層王公貴族,即使有如法蘭西之卡洛琳王朝般,與教會關係良好之政權,但一般上層階級,為維護其家族利益,繼承財產與個人私慾,對「兩人一體」之婚姻觀與「婚姻不解消」主義,仍是敬謝不敏,至多於犯罪後前住教會懺悔認罪,或在晚年進入修道院度此餘生。故中世紀初期之聖俗婚姻觀影響結果,係呈現「下聖上俗」之光景。 經歷過千禧年後,整個西歐來說似可稱為進入一個「復興改革時期」。在婚姻規範方面,或因教會改革奏效,民心歸向,且部分國王亦完全服膺教會婚姻規範,故上層階級之婚姻亦逐漸展現「由俗入聖」之趨。在婚姻法制方面,則在1140年左右由格拉濟亞,藉由教會法制史首見之科學分析方式,交出名為「不和諧教會法之調合」(Concordia discordantium canonum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons)之法令集(Decretum),其內之婚姻法案例堪稱教會婚姻法一千多年來之結晶,堪稱為西歐婚姻法制化之源頭。 綜上,本研究發現今日婚姻法之法制起源,並非僅源自於十六世紀之法國民法,而係早在十二世紀之教會婚姻法中便可窺見其萌芽之蹤影,而今日婚姻法中受教會婚姻法影響者,亦非如一般教科書所稱僅「婚姻不解消」一端,而係包括「意思婚」、「一夫一妻制」及「異性婚」,並且禁止「重婚」、「內婚」均直接或間接受十二世紀教會婚姻法之影響。 / Abstract The study was to explore the vacant development of marriage legal history before Renaissance, Religious Reformation and marriage returned to secular(movement de la sécularization du marriage) in Western Europe. Based on the four periods of history including “Roman Empire”(A.D1~A.D476),“the early church” (A.D1~A.D500), “Middle Age(A.D500~A.D1000)”, “the period of renew and reform (A.D1000~A.D1200)”, the study explored the origin and the development of today’s marriage law such as the essence, establishment, obstacle of the marriage, the right and obligation after getting marriage, and the dissolution of marriage, etc. At first, the law of marriage in Roman Empire was established on “Dos’’(dowry) a lot. It showed that the main focus of Roman marriage was on re-allotting the properties of the male’s family instead of simply reconstituting connecting and extending two persons’ relationship after getting marriage. Meanwhile from the first century, the law of marriage in the Church derived from Holy Bible emphasized the essence of marriage on the relationship of “two will became one flesh” in “A man will be united to his wife and they will become on flesh”. And through a ceremony, the marriage was established. After the ceremony, husband and wife should treat each other with love and obedience. Moreover ,the basic conviction of no dissolution after of the marriage was derived from that the marriage was established on the belief “what God has joined together ,let man not separate”. During Middle Age (A.D 500~ A.D 1000), although the churches which spread over everyplace disseminated extensively the concept of “marriage rooted in God”, the upper class of society still didn’t approve the marriage concept of “two will become one flesh” and the conviction of no dissolution of the marriage, since they wanted to safeguard their family benefits, inherit properties, and satisfy their personal desire. Even like Carolingain dynasty in France which maintained good relationship with the Church was also in the same position. The upper class most went to the church and confessed their sin after committing crime, or spent the rest of their elder life in the abbey. As a result , the marriage of the lower class was holy and the upper class was secular showed during Middle Age. To Western Europe, after millennium seemed to be called the period of renew and reformation. (A.D 1000~ A.D 1200). Since reformation in the Church showed results , the public attitude was for the Church, and some kings completely obeyed the marriage regulations of the Church, the marriage in the upper class also gradually displayed from secular to holy tendency. On the marriage legal system, Gratian composed a Decretum named “Concordia discordantium canonnum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons” in A.D.1140 . The Causae of Decretum was recognized as the excellent piece of Church one thousand years age and the origin of marriage legal system in Western Europe. The study found that the origin of today’s marriage legal system was not only derived from French Civil Law in the sixteenth century, but from marriage law in the Church in the twelfth century, And marriage law of the church in the twelfth century impacted today’s marriage law in many aspects. The influence was not only limited on the conviction of no dissolution action of the marriage as the common textbooks declared so, but directly or indirectly on the conviction of “ consensual marriage” ,“monogamy”, and on forbidding “ plural bigamy marriage” and “consanguine marriage.

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