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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interpréter pour (inter)agir et apprendre : la course d'orientation en Education physique et sportive au Baccalauréat. / Interpret to (inter)act and learn : orienteering in Physical Education, French Baccalauréat

Bonnard, Anne 04 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude propose une approche centrée sur l’activité de l’élève telle que définie et expériencée en cours d’Education Physique et Sportive. Il s’agit d’accéder à ce qui fait sens pour lui/elle lorsque confronté à une situation de résolution de problème, étant entendu que la démarche menée est inductive, participante et internaliste. Le contexte de l’étude se place dans un cycle complet de Course d’Orientation (T = 16h de pratique effective ; 8 séances) mené par un enseignant expert de l’approche réflexive et de l’APSA, auprès d’une classe optionnaire de 19 élèves (âge moyen 17ans ½). Trois études sont menées afin de caractériser le fonctionnement des élèves confrontés à l’épreuve de Baccalauréat et à sa préparation. La première étude porte sur l’analyse de la performance à différents moments du cycle. La seconde étude porte sur les interactions entre profils moteurs, verbaux et réflexifs des élèves à partir des traces écrites de leur activité. La troisième étude s’intéresse, à partir d’un test ante/post cycle inspiré de la théorie des intelligences multiples de Gardner, à cerner l’évolution des capacités déclarées par les élèves. Les résultats montrent que les élèves voient leurs profils évoluer avec une réussite variable au cours du cycle ; ces profils s’expriment en contexte en fonction des situations d’apprentissage, des ressources mobilisées et de l’interprétation des relations carte/milieu naturel. Un suivi de cas permet d’individualiser les résultats qui viennent à la fois questionner la manière dont est abordée l’APSA Course d’Orientation et les stratégies complexes déployées par les élèves / This study focuses on the student’s activity as defined and experienced in Physical Education. The target was to reach what makes sense for him/her when confronted with a problem solving task. The method used an inductive, participative and internalist approach. The study’s context was an optional full learning cycle of Orienteering (T= 16 hours duration; 8 sequences; n = 19 students 17 and half years old) taught by an expert teacher on critical thinking approach and on this sport practice. Three studies are expected to characterize the student functioning when confronted with the Baccalaureat examination and preparation. The first study layed on the analyzis of the performance at different moments of the learning. The second study was on the interactions between student motor, verbal and reflective profiles from the written reports of their activity. The third study was based on the pre/post test inspired from Gardner’ theory of the multiple intelligences: it helped describing the evolution of the declared capabilities of the students. Results showed that student profiles evolve according to a variable success all along the learning cycle; these profiles express within the situated context according to the learning tasks, the mobilized resources and the interpretation of the relationship between the map and the effective natural environment. A case study allowed individualizing the observations so as to question at a time the way Orienteering has to be taught and the complex strategies used by students


Rognsvåg, Elise, Carlberg, Annika January 2019 (has links)
The present study aimed to examine how physical exertion influences cognitive performance.Orienteers (n = 23) competing at primarily a national to international level were recruited toparticipate. A randomised control trial using a cross-over research design required participantsto complete two trials measuring performance over a duration of 35 minutes. Specifically, inone trial participants undertook a cognitive testing protocol divided into five blocks comprisedof three separate cognitive tests that each lasted approximately one minute, between each testparticipants rested for one minute (i.e., one minute testing, followed by one minute resting fora duration of 35 minutes). The other trial required participants to complete the same cognitivetesting protocol whilst simultaneous completing a cycling time trial (i.e., aiming to cycle amaximum distance within the time of 35 minutes). Analyses revealed participants performedsignificantly worse on the cognitive tests whilst simultaneously completing the cycling timetrial. Upon closer scrutiny of the individual tests, designed to measure the cognitive functionsof decision-making, working memory, and updating, a similar trend in performance wasobserved although it was not found to be statistically significant. The findings of the presentstudy highlights implications for athletes, coaches, and sports psychologists in attempts tooptimise sport performance and minimize cognitive impairments during physical exertion. Thestudy supports the need for greater ecological validity in the investigation of cognitiveperformance in sport science research. The findings of the present study indicate that appliedsport psychology research may be enhanced by the use of research designs comprised ofcognitive tests that more closely replicate the cognitive demands of competition settings. / Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur fysisk ansträngning påverkar kognitivprestation. Urvalet bestod av orienterare tävlandes på huvudsakligen nationell tillinternationell nivå (n = 23). Studien var en randomiserad korsstudie där deltagarna genomfördekognitiva tester vid två försökstillfällen på 35 minuter vardera. Under det ena försökstillfälletgenomförde deltagarna ett kognitivt testprotokoll, indelat i fem block innehållande tre testervardera, där varje test varade i ungefär en minut, följt av en minuts vila mellan testerna (dvs.en minuts testning, följt av en minuts vila med en varaktighet på 35 minuter). Det andraförsökstillfället bestod av att deltagarna genomförde samma kognitiva testprotokoll samtidigtsom de cyklade, med målet att komma så lågt som möjligt i distans under 35 minuter.Resultaten visade på signifikant lägre kognitiv prestation när deltagarna cyklade samtidigt.Genom närmare analys av varje enskilt test (som ämnade mäta de kognitiva funktionernabeslutsfattande, arbetsminne och uppdatering) hittades samma trend, men utan signifikans.Fynden kan vara av vikt för idrottare, tränare och idrottspsykologer i deras arbete för attoptimera prestation och minimera kognitiv försämring under fysisk ansträngning. De stödjeräven behovet av ekologisk validitet i studier ämnade att undersöka kognitiv prestation inomidrott. Vidare indikerar fynden att tillämpad idrottspsykologisk forskning kan förbättras genomatt använda en forskningsdesign innehållande kognitiva test som är mer jämförbara med dekognitiva utmaningar idrottare ställs inför under tävlingssammanhang.

Stochastic orienteering on a network of queues with time windows

Zhang, Shu 01 July 2015 (has links)
Motivated by the management of sales representatives who visit customers to develop customer relationships, we present a stochastic orienteering problem on a network of queues, in which a hard time window is associated with each customer and the representative may experience uncertain wait time resulting from a queueing process at the customer. In general, given a list of potential customers and a time horizon consisting of several periods, the sales representative needs to decide which customers to visit in each period and how to visit customers within the period, with an objective to maximize the total reward collected by the end of the horizon. We start our study with a daily orienteering problem, which is a subproblem of the general problem. We focus on developing a priori and dynamic routing strategies for the salesperson to implement during a day. In the a priori routing case, the salesperson visits customers in a pre-planned order, and we seek to construct a static sequence of customers that maximizes the expected value collected. We consider two types of recourse actions. One is to skip a customer specified by an a priori route if the representative will arrive late in the customer's time window. The other type is to leave a customer immediately after arriving if observing a sufficiently long queue (balking) or to leave after waiting in queue for a period of time without meeting with the customer (reneging). We propose customer-specific decision rules to facilitate the execution of recourse actions and derive an analytical formula to compute the expected sales from the a priori route. We tailor a variable neighborhood search (VNS) heuristic to find a priori routes. In the dynamic routing case, the salesperson decides which customer to visit and how long to wait at each customer based on realized events. To seek dynamic routing policies, we propose an approximate dynamic programming approach based on rollout algorithms. The method introduces a two-stage heuristic estimation that we refer to as compound rollout. In the first stage, the algorithm decides whether to stay at the current customer or go to another customer. If departing the current customer, it chooses the customer to whom to go in the second stage. We demonstrate the value of our modeling and solution approaches by comparing the dynamic policies to a priori solutions with recourse actions. Finally, we address the multi-period orienteering problem. We consider that each customer's likelihood of adopting the representative's product stochastically evolves over time and is not fully observed by the representative. The representative can only estimate the adoption likelihood by meeting with the customer and the estimation may not be accurate. We model the problem as a partially observed Markov decision process with an objective to maximize the expected sales at the end of the horizon. We propose a heuristic that decomposes the problem into an assignment problem to schedule customers for a period and a routing problem to decide how to visit the scheduled customers within the period.

Zimní příprava orientačních běžců v tělocvičně / Winter orienteering training in a gym

Voborníková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
Title: Winter orienteering training in a gym Objectives: The main goal is to create a book of orienteering games and exercises for pupils and adolescents, which lead both to improving orientation skills and improving physical and mental fitness during winter training in a gym or in a club house. Methods: In this thesis I used the method of literary research, which analysed methodological documents of Czech and foreign orienteering federations. I also analysed bachelor and master theses and created a collection of games, which I also enlarged with my own games. I then tested these games on children attending orienteering trainings as their free time activity. Results: The main outcome of this thesis is a collection of games, which also includes printable material. Keywords: orienteering, training, games, winter training, gym

Data-centric solution methodologies for vehicle routing problems

Cakir, Fahrettin 01 August 2016 (has links)
Data-driven decision making has become more popular in today’s businesses including logistics and vehicle routing. Leveraging historical data, companies can achieve goals such as customer satisfaction management, scalable and efficient operation, and higher overall revenue. In the management of customer satisfaction, logistics companies use consistent assignment of their drivers to customers over time. Creating this consistency takes time and depends on the history experienced between the company and the customer. While pursuing this goal, companies trade off the cost of capacity with consistency because demand is unknown on a daily basis. We propose concepts and methods that enable a parcel delivery company to balance the trade-off between cost and customer satisfaction. We use clustering methods that use cumulative historical service data to generate better consistency using the information entropy measure. Parcel delivery companies route many vehicles to serve customer requests on a daily basis. While clustering was important to the development of early routing algorithms, modern solution methods rely on metaheuristics, which are not easily deployable and often do not have open source code bases. We propose a two-stage, shape-based clustering approach that efficiently obtains a clustering of delivery request locations. Our solution technique is based on creating clusters that form certain shapes with respect to the depot. We obtain a routing solution by ordering all locations in every cluster separately. Our results are competitive with a state-of-the-art vehicle routing solver in terms of quality. Moreover, the results show that the algorithm is more scalable and is robust to problem parameters in terms of runtime. Fish trawling can be considered as a vehicle routing problem where the main objective is to maximize the amount of fish (revenue) facing uncertainty on catch. This uncertainty creates an embedded prediction problem before deciding where to harvest. Using previous catch data to train prediction models, we solve the routing problem a fish trawler faces using dynamically updated routing decisions allowing for spatiotemporal correlation in the random catch. We investigate the relationship between the quality of predictions and the quality of revenue generated as a result.

Automatisk identifiering av branter för orienteringskartor

Sundlöf, Martin, Persson, Hans January 2011 (has links)
Orientering är en sport som går ut på att besöka ett antal förutbestämda kontrollpunkter med hjälp av en karta. Orienteringskartan redovisar olika objekt som finns i verkligheten så som stenar, gropar, höjder och branter. Att tillverka en orienteringskarta är dyrt och tidskrävande. Omkring 120 000–150 000 kr och mellan 20–30 h/km2 fältarbete läggs ner på varje karta som skapas. Eftersom orienteringskartorna framställs av ideella föreningar är alla sätt som gör kartframställningen billigare välkomna.   I detta examensarbete har en funktion skapats i ett befintligt program vid namn OL Laser. Funktionens syfte är att automatiskt identifiera branter i laserdata för användning som grundmaterial vid framställning av orienteringskartor. För att räknas som en orienteringsbrant krävs det att tre stycken kriterier uppfylls, nämligen minst 1 m höjdskillnad, minst 1 m utbredning och en lutning större än 85°. Dessa kriterier bestämdes genom att komplettera de befintliga avgränsningarna som anges i Internationella Orienteringsförbundets regleringar för orienteringskartor med egna mätningar i tre stycken olika referensområden kring Gävle. Därefter programmerades funktionen så att genom att klicka på en knapp startas en sökning i ett höjdraster. Steg för steg söks höjdrastret igenom efter pixlar som uppfyller de givna parametrarna för höjdskillnad, utbredning och lutning. Värdet på parametrarna för lutning, höjdskillnad och utbredning bestämdes genom att kalibrera funktionen mot referensområdena. Kalibrering gjordes för att det skulle vara möjligt att automatiskt identifiera branter. De inställningar på parametrarna som användes i funktionen efter kalibrering var 42,5° lutning, 0,6 m höjdskillnad och en utbredning över minst två sammanhängande pixlar. Resultatet utgörs av de pixlar som funktionen identifierar som en brant.   Resultatet visar att funktionen klarar av att hitta branter automatiskt, även i områden som den inte kalibrerats mot. För att använda branterna till en orienteringskarta krävs det att en kartritare verifierar resultat av funktionen ute i fält. Med hjälp av funktionen sparas både tid och pengar i framställningen av orienteringskartor. / Orienteering is a sport where the purpose is to visit a number of predefined control points using a map. The orienteering map shows various objects such as rocks, pits, knolls and cliffs. It is expensive and time consuming to produce an orienteering map. Approximately 120.000-150.000 SEK and 20–30 h/km2 field work is invested in every map produced. Considering orienteering maps are financed by non-profit orienteering organizations every time and money saving process is welcome.   In this degree project a function has been created in a software called OL Laser. The aim of the function is to automatically identify cliffs in laser data for the usage as base maps in the production of orienteering maps. First the definition for cliffs in orienteering was defined. To be classified as a cliff three requirements had to be fulfilled, namely at least 1 m in height difference, at least 1 meter wide and a gradient greater than 85°. These requirements were determined by supplementing the existing restrictions specified in the regulations for orienteering maps with own measurements in three different reference areas around Gävle. The function was programmed so that a search in a height raster was started. Step by step the raster was scanned for pixels that meet the given parameters of the height difference, the width and gradient. The values of the parameters were determined by calibrating the function in the reference areas. The calibration was made to make it possible to automatically identify cliffs. The settings of the parameters used in the function after the calibration were 42.5° gradient, 0.6 m height difference and a propagation of at least two consecutive pixels. The pixels that the function identified as a cliff is the result.   The result shows that the function is able to automatically find the cliffs, even in areas which it is not calibrated against. To be able to use the cliffs on an orienteering map, the cartographer has to verify the result of the function in the field. Both time and money is saved by using the function when producing orienteering maps.

Base stations for communication in obstructed environments

Gollbo, Simon, Sköld, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to produce signal relay stations that could receive information via 2.4 GHz radio and relay the information to a designated target station. If a relay station was located outside of signal range for the target station it was supposed to utilize other relay stations to transfer the information to the target station, so called multi-hop. The would-be application of the relay stations was orienteering. When an orienteer punches a checkpoint the signal stations would relay information of who punched the control, when it was punched and the checkpoint that was punched to the speaker tower in the goal area. The work resulted in prototypes which fulfilled the statement of purpose and was tested at an orienteering competition with satisfactory results. The performance of the prototypes was tested and found adequate for the would-be application.

Map-Aided GPS Tracking in Urban Areas : Application to Runner Tracking in Sprint Orienteering / Kartstödd GPS-tracking i Urbana Områden

Hallmén, Mathias January 2015 (has links)
The GPS tracking in sprint orienteering is often a poor supplement to the viewer experience during events taking place in urban areas because of multipath effects. Since the GPS tracking of runners is an important means to making the sport more spectator friendly, it is of interest to make it more accurate. In this thesis project, the information provided by the map of a competition is fused with the GPS tracker position measurements and punch time data in a particle filter to create estimates of the runner trajectories. The map is used to create constraints and to predict motion of runners, as well as to create a model of the GPS reliability depending on map position. A simple observation model is implemented, using the map to decide if a GPS measurement is reliable or not depending on the distance to the closest building. A rather complex motion model is developed to predict the runner motion within the constraints given by the map. The results show that given certain conditions the improvements are vast compared to the traditional GPS tracking. The estimates are bound to possible routes, and they are often very good given that alternative route choices are easily separable. It is however principally difficult to generally improve the tracking using this method. Better measurements or observation models are needed in order to receive a fully satisfying tracking.

An advanced tabu search approach to the intratheater airlift operations problem with split loading

Martin, Kiel 20 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation details an algorithm to solve the Intratheater Airlift Operations Problem (IAOP) using advanced tabu search. A solution to the IAOP determines the routes and assignment of customer requests to a fleet of aircraft over a given time horizon. This problem and other variants comprise an ongoing challenge for United States Air Force (USAF) planners who manage detailed logistics throughout many theaters of operations. Attributes of the IAOP include cargo time windows, multiple cargo types, multiple vehicle cargo bay configurations, vehicle capacity, route duration limits, and port capacities. The IAOP multi-criteria objective embraces several components with the primary goal of satisfying as much of the demand as possible while minimizing cost. The algorithm is extended to allow split load deliveries of customer requests, allowing a shipment to be split into two or more sub-loads which are delivered separately to the customer. The split load relaxation, while significantly increasing the complexity of the problem, allows for possible improvement in the solution. The necessary changes to the model and algorithm are detailed, providing a foundation to extend any local search algorithm solving a vehicle routing problem to allow split loading. Results allowing split loading are presented and compared with results without split loading. The algorithm is also extended to include a rolling time horizon. Starting from a solution found at a previous time step, the algorithm is limited on how the solution can be modified. This reflects the reality of operations in which near-term plans are locked as they approach and enter execution while longer-term plans are continually updated as new information arrives. / text

Skirtingo amžiaus ir lyties orientacininkų kojų raumenų galingumas ir vargstamumas atliekant vertikalius šuolius / Muscle power and fatigue resistance during vertical jumping in orienteers of different age and gender

Jusas, Giedrius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti įvairaus amžiaus ir lyties orientacininkų kojų tiesiamųjų raumenų galingumą ir atsparumą nuovargiui vertikalaus šuoliavimo testo metu. Buvo ištirti 92 orientacininkai, pagal amžių (metais) ir lytį (moteriška, M; vyriška, V) suskirstyti į šešias grupes: M15–17 merginos (n = 19), M18–20 merginos (n = 9), M>21 moterys (n = 4), V15–17 jaunuoliai (n = 21), V18–20 vaikinai (n = 18), V > 21 vyrai (n = 21). Vertikalių šuolių aukštį matavome pagal C. Bosco metodiką. Po standartinės pramankštos tiriamieji ant 60x60 cm dydžio kontaktinio kilimėlio atliko po tris vienkartinius maksimalių pastangų vertikalius šuolius su rankų mostu ir be mosto, o paskui 60 s šuoliavo maksimaliomis pastangomis, amortizuojamai pritūpdami iki 90° kampo per kelius (rankas laikydami ant juosmens). Vienkartinio vertikalaus šuolio aukštis (taigi ir kojų tiesiamųjų raumenų galingumas) nepriklausė nuo amžiaus, tačiau visose amžiaus grupėse vyriška lytis tiriamieji pašokdavo aukščiau. Lyginant orientacininkių gebėjimą aukštai pašokti su rankų mostu ir be mosto, reikšmingus pašokimo aukščio skirtumus nustatėme 15–17 ir 18–20 metų amžiaus orientacininkių grupėse, o tarp orientacininkų šis skirtumas buvo reikšmingas visose amžiaus grupėse (p < 0,001). Išanalizavę šuolių aukščio kaitą 1 min. šuoliavimo testo metu pastebėjome, kad statistiškai reikšmingi vargstamumo skirtumai amžiaus aspektu buvo tik tarp M15–17 ir M18–20 grupių (p < 0,05), o lyties aspektu – tarp M15–17 ir V15–17 grupių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to estimate vertical jumping performance in orienteers of various age and both sexes. The study embraced 92 orienteers of national level. According to age (years) and gender (males, M; females, F), six groups of athletes were singled out: F15–17 (n = 19), F18–20 (n = 9), F>21 (n = 4), M15–17 (n = 21), M18–20 (n = 18), and M>21 (n = 21). After a standard warm-up, subjects performed maximal intensity vertical jumps on the contact mat sized 60x60 cm. After orienteers made jumps with and without arm swing (3 attempts each), all-out vertical jumps for 60 sec with a shock-absorbing squat to 90° knee angle, arms akimbo, were performed. The jump height was measured according to C. Bosco et al., using a flight-phase time as a sole indicator. There were no statistically significant differences in the height of the single vertical jump between age groups, irrespectively of the gender. However, statistically significant differences were observed in the height of the single vertical jump in all age groups in respect to gender. The comparison of vertical jumps performed by females with and without arm swing revealed statistically significant difference only between F15–17 and F18–20 groups, while the difference in jump height between two modes was statistically significant in male orienteers of all age groups (p < 0.001). F15–17 and F18–20 groups differed in respect to fatigue index during 60 sec test (p < 0.05). The different fatigue index was observed in respect... [to full text]

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