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Zhodnocení bezbarierovosti veřejných budov z hlediska evakuace handicapovaných osob v katastru města Plzeň / Evaluation of the barrierlessness of public buildings in terms of the evacuation of disabled persons in the cadastre of the City of PilsenMAJEROVÁ, Hana January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis, which is entitled "Evaluation of the barrierlessness of public buildings in terms of the evacuation of disabled persons in the cadastre of the City of Pilsen" is divided into two main sections - theoretical and practical. The theoretical section defines basic terms regarding the evacuation of individuals in general, the divisions of evacuation, divisions and characteristics of physically disabled persons and the risks involved in the evacuation of these individuals. Furthermore, it deals with the inclusion of evacuation and barrierlessness in Czech laws. This thesis also deals with the evacuation of public buildings including the time needed for evacuating individuals, the technical means for evacuation, and both static technical and mobile means. Fire-fighting technology for the evacuation of individuals is also mentioned. In order to gather data for the practical section, qualitative research was carried out in the form of structured interviews and tours of selected public buildings. Questions in the interviews were focused on the evacuation of individuals in general and ensuring preparedness for evacuating disabled individuals from the public building in question. The first goal of the thesis was to assess the preparedness of selected public buildings for evacuating disabled individuals in the cadastre of the City of Pilsen. Results show that selected public buildings are prepared for evacuation, but carrying out such an evacuation, including the evacuation of disabled individuals, is often dealt with in an unsatisfactory manner. The second goal was to propose measures or changes for the improvement of the present state of affairs. These propositions were processed based on results gathered from interviews and visits to public buildings. A total of ten buildings that expressed interest in this issue were incorporated into the research. The value of this thesis lies primarily in the effort to make the issue of evacuating disabled persons more visible. In the future, the thesis may be useful for comparing changes in preparedness for evacuating disabled individuals. At the same time, it may also be used as a source of information on the given issue and on evacuation as such.
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Účetnictví a specifika financování neziskových organizacíVeselá, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá neziskovým sektorem. Rozčleňuje jej z hlediska účetní právní úpravy na vládní a nevládní neziskový sektor. V případě nevládního sektoru jsou vymezeny četně zastoupení formy organizací z právního a účetního hlediska, nevládní sektor je zastoupen příspěvkovými organizacemi. Třetí část je věnována rozboru hospodaření příspěvkové organizace. Čtvrtá část porovnává nevládní neziskové organizace z oblasti školství se střední školou (příspěvkovou organizací).
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Zhodnocení bezbariérovosti veřejných budov z hlediska evakuace handicapovaných osob v katastru města Plzeň / Evaluation of the barrierlessness of public buildings in terms of the evacuation of disabled persons in the cadastre of the City of PilsenMAJEROVÁ, Hana January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis, which is entitled "Evaluation of the barrierlessness of public buildings in terms of the evacuation of disabled persons in the cadastre of the City of Pilsen" is divided into two main sections - theoretical and practical. The theoretical section defines basic terms regarding the evacuation of individuals in general, the divisions of evacuation, divisions and characteristics of physically disabled persons and the risks involved in the evacuation of these individuals. Furthermore, it deals with the inclusion of evacuation and barrierlessness in Czech laws. This thesis also deals with the evacuation of public buildings including the time needed for evacuating individuals, the technical means for evacuation, and both static technical and mobile means. Fire-fighting technology for the evacuation of individuals is also mentioned. In order to gather data for the practical section, qualitative research was carried out in the form of structured interviews and tours of selected public buildings. Questions in the interviews were focused on the evacuation of individuals in general and ensuring preparedness for evacuating disabled individuals from the public building in question. The first goal of the thesis was to assess the preparedness of selected public buildings for evacuating disabled individuals in the cadastre of the City of Pilsen. Results show that selected public buildings are prepared for evacuation, but carrying out such an evacuation, including the evacuation of disabled individuals, is often dealt with in an unsatisfactory manner. The second goal was to propose measures or changes for the improvement of the present state of affairs. These propositions were processed based on results gathered from interviews and visits to public buildings. A total of ten buildings that expressed interest in this issue were incorporated into the research. The value of this thesis lies primarily in the effort to make the issue of evacuating disabled persons more visible. In the future, the thesis may be useful for comparing changes in preparedness for evacuating disabled individuals. At the same time, it may also be used as a source of information on the given issue and on evacuation as such.
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Dlouhodobá strategie rozvoje sociálních služeb pro zdravotně postižené ve správním obvodu Písku jako obce s rozšířenou působností do roku 2030 / Long-term development strategy for social services for the disabled to 2030 in Písek as a municipality with extended competenceGRÓFOVÁ, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
I am about to devote this dissertation to the issues of social services planning in Písek as a provincial city with focus on handicapped people. My aim is to find out whether and under what conditions it would be possible to extend a timeframe of elaborated strategies at least to 15 years. Theoretical part is divided into four chapters. Firstly, I follow conception of social politics and social welfare during the time with future outlook. Then, the area of social services is being analysed - describing their evolution, legislative frame, interpretation of quality and ways of funding. Third chapter is dedicated to community planning, its foundations and principles. In last chapter I tend to target group - handicapped people. The aim of practical part is to find out not only under what conditions the timeframe of planning can be widen but also how exactly is social services planning being done and whether this process evolves towards better quality. All this by means of semistructured interviews with seven participants of social services planning in Písek. Respondents have been selected from the side of demand municipality of Písek and supply representants of non-governmental nonprofit organizations, church and region-donated organizations. Their posts varied from higher management to work force, both in current and previous years. Survey refers to demographic analysis of target group, respondents view of current planning timeframe´s sufficiency and whether quality level of that process is rising. Evaluated interviews showed that demographic analysis were professionally set up and last community planning in given area was significantly more successful compared with previous terms. This was achieved through cooperation with non-profit organization, its methodist and outside supervisor. Extension of current social planning timeframe can be possible, according to respondents, only if a long-term state-wide strategy gets formed, being regularly updated with action plans added for up to five years long period. Main obstacles for this are frequent changes in legislative and the issue of turbulent circumstances considering target group like people in crisis. However, for handicapped people and senior citizens extending the timeframe might be more possible considering stable situation and therefore usability of long-term statistical predictions.
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Neziskové právnické osoby dle nového občanského zákoníku / Non-governmental organisations under the new Civil CodeHůlková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The submitted thesis examins the issues of non-governmental organisations regulated by the new codification of private law, i.e. law No. 89/2012 Coll. Civil Code - and possibilities of their practical application in theatre practice.
The thesis maps legal forms that were used for theatre conduct until the end of 2013 as well as non-governmental organisations established by the new Civil Code. The last chapter of the thesis enumerates the new options that have arisen for each type of legal persons conducting theatre activities.
The purpose of the thesis is to create an exhausting overview of non-governmental organisations occurring in the legal order of the Czech Republic, with a special focus on the field of theatre.
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Zvuk jako nástroj herce / SOUND AS A TOOL OF AN ACTORČtvrtník, Jan January 2015 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the use of sound in the theater, especially the sound that is formed by the actor. The work consists of insight into the theory of sound in the theater, which includes rather general view of the issue and tries to formulate the concepts. Hereafter I use these in the second part, which is a reflection of the practical work, for which I selected three concrete examples of completed performances.
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Handicap jako dar / Handicap as a GiftBeran, Radek January 2017 (has links)
In my thesis the potential of technical struggles and various mechanical limitations of puppets themselves is explored. Related to that also other limitation of puppetry and even drama as a genre itself are uncovered. Surprising analogy with the world of people with disabilities can be found here. So a disabilitity becomes a substantial point of view and a kind of subjects of demonstration which have been used in my work up to now. In the first part resources and terms related to disabilities are considered as well as the reasons triggering my interest in this phenomenon. A particular project subconsciously drew my attention to my higher sensitivity to various forms of disabilities in life and art as well
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Užívání návykových látek u osob bez přístřeší / Use of addictive substances by homeless peopleKubíková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focus on the issue of homelessness in the context of the usage of addictive substances. The aim of this thesis was to analyse links between addiction's behaviour and homelessness. And, to recommend suitable and effective tools for re-socialization of homeless people in accordance with the study results. The research was developed at the turn of the years 2017/2018 in the form of extensive questionnaire survey within the group of homeless people in the Prague city. The research included 300 participants. The methods of the data collection were the structured questionnaire. The research used common statistical techniques. The survey population was selected according to the methods of non-probability purposing sampling. The survey showed alarming information - 65 % of all participants within the homeless people are problematic users of alcohol and drugs. According to the research, homelessness determined the usage of addictive substances, as well as it is the consequence of that. One of the common characteristics of the homeless problematic users of addictive substances is the childhood, or at least the half of the childhood spent in the children's home, or in another diagnostic or detention centre. Half of the participants were imprisoned. The research showed that imprisonment and...
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Aktuální možnosti rozvoje osobnosti klientů ústavů sociální péče (Jihočeský kraj) / Current personality development possibilities of welfare service institutions clients (South Bohemia region)HRUŠKOVÁ, Marie January 2007 (has links)
The institutional care problematic is a topical subject, as many mentally retarded people in the Czech Republic are dependent on such care. However, the institutional care has many liabilities, which can have negative influence on the personality development of these individuals. That{\crq}s why it{\crq}s essential to focus on humanization of the current inward facilities, while applying modern approaches to mentally affected people. In my pursuit, I analyzed the services provided by individual institutions for disordered people (daily or weekly care homes in some cases) in the South Bohemia region. I focused especially on the range of available current methods and forms, which develop personalities of the disordered people. This relates to the possibility of applying work and other specific therapies, but also involves other fields, such as the quality of living, education, worthwhile spending of leisure time and respecting bio-psycho-social needs of the clients. Assertion of these principles leads to personality development of the clients, increases the quality of their lives and generally contributes to the humanization of the institutional care. In order to find the corresponding information, we have used the method of questioning, the technique of controlled interview and the technique of questionnaire. The target file for proving the hypothesis were - when using the controlled interview - chosen leaders of institutes of social care (mostly directors of such establishments), for questionnaires home{\crq}s employees (mostly instructors and persons employed in social services), who enforced some of their actual methods of work and forms of personality development of mentally affected persons. The results of the research have shown that the most commonly used method of personality development besides education is ergotherapy and operational therapy. The facilities also use plenty of forms of rehabilitation including hipotherapy. Often used methods also are artetherapy, music therapy and also very common are canistherapy and logopedics. Dramatherapy, basal stimulation, aromatherapy and dance therapy belong to the group of methods, which are present in lower cases. Moreover, it was found that there are vast differences in the broad offer of these methods between particular establishments. The establishments offer at least three next to the most of ten types of therapies.
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Přičitatelnost jednání státu podle mezinárodního práva veřejného / Attribution of Conduct to a State according to Public International LawBruner, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis firstly describes how the concept of attribution of private conduct to a state changed during the history. Original ancient conception of collective responsibility was absolute. One could attribute to a State or ancient community any unlawful act of its members. The damaged country or community could choose whether to demand and accept reparation or resort to use of force. This conception changed in the late middle ages and modern times. The responsibility of state was made more subjective. The international relations were perceived as inter-personal relations among the sovereigns. Unlawful conduct of private persons was not attributed to those sovereigns. This subjective conception of responsibility prevailed; it was based on concept of fault of the sovereign, either in form of action or omission or negligence. Later, the attribution of conduct of the sovereign to a State widened and included also the attribution of conduct of state organs. Since the 19th century the responsibility has been gaining more objective character in certain areas of international law. The concept of diplomatic protection allowed attribution of a failure to guarantee certain standard and of a failure to protect the interests of foreigners on the territory of particular state. Another concept of due diligence prescribed...
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