Spelling suggestions: "subject:"osteoarthritis"" "subject:"osteoarthritic""
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Osseous Lesions of the Hand and Foot in Diabetes Mellitus: Correlation between Magnification Roentgenographic Findings and Clinical FindingsISHIGAKI, TAKEO, SAKUMA, SADAYUKI, SAKAI, MICHIKO 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The Nature of Coxofemoral Joint Pathology Across Family CanidaeLawler, Dennis, Tangredi, Basil, Becker, Julia, Widga, Christopher, Etnier, Michael, Martin, Terrance, Schulz, Kurt, Kohn, Luci 26 November 2021 (has links)
We evaluated coxofemoral joints from museum specimens of: Vulpes lagopus; Vulpes vulpes; Vulpes velox; Nyctereutes procyonoides; Urocyon cinereoargenteus; Aenocyon [Canis] dirus; Canis latrans; Canis lupus lupus; Canis lupus familiaris; C. l. familiaris × latrans; and Canis dingo. Acetabular components included: fossa; articular surface; medial and lateral articular margins; and periarticular surfaces. Acetabular components variably revealed: osteophyte-like features; varying appearance of articular margin rims (especially contour changes); rough bone surfaces (especially fossa and articular surface); and surface wear. Proximal femoral components included: articular surface; articular margin; periarticular surfaces; and joint capsule attachment. Femoral components variably revealed: rough bone surface; bone loss; articular margin osteophyte-like features; caudal post-developmental mineralized prominence; and enthesophytes along the joint capsule attachment. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to analyze right-left asymmetric relationships between observed traits, across taxa. Significantly different acetabular trait asymmetry involved only C. latrans-C. l. familiaris; V. vulpes-N. procyonoides, and U. cinereoargenteus-N. procyonoides. There were no significant lateralized differences in proximal femoral traits involving modern canids, ancient and modern C. l. familiaris, or modern vulpines. Thus, the observations were strongly bilateral. We hypothesized high similarity of traits across taxa. The data confirm the hypothesis and strongly suggest broad and deep morphological and mechanistic conservation that almost certainly pre-existed (at least) all modern canids. Further zoological studies are needed to evaluate phylogenic implications in greater detail.
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Secondary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy in Medieval Gotland : Differential Diagnosis and Health Assessment / Sekundär hypertrofisk osteoartropati i medeltida Gotland : Differentialdiagnos och hälsobedömningRydén, Viking January 2024 (has links)
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) is a relatively rare condition seldom diagnosed in osteoarchaeological material. In this study a skeletal material (individual 03) showing bilateral symmetric periosteal new bone formation (PNBF) was examined. Through differential diagnosis, individual 03 was considered likely to suffer from secondary HOA. The medieval urban environment that should have been contemporary with individual 03, likely permitted the spread of disease. This, together with PNBF in the ribs is thought to be indicative of underlying pulmonary disease causing the HOA. With the help of Twaddle’s theory of health and illness, individual 03 was determined to be considered ill in the last period of their life. Likely affecting their physical ability, possibly making them dependant on the care of others. When considered together with the osteological paradox, the periosteal reactions also suggests that the HOA was a complication of a chronic underlying condition. / Hypertrofisk osteoartropati (HOA) är ett relativt sällsynt tillstånd sällan diagnostiserat i det osteoarkeologiska materialet. I denna studie undersöks ett skelettmaterial benämnt individ 03 (individual03) som har bilateral symmetrisk bennybildning (PNBF). Genom differentialdiagnos bedömdesindivid 03 troligen lida av sekundär HOA. Den medeltida urbana miljö som lär ha varit samtida med individ 03, tillät troligen spridningen av sjukdomar. Detta tillsammans med PNBF på revbenen tros indikera underliggande lungsjukdom som orsak till HOA i individ 03. Med hjälp av Twaddles teori om hälsa och sjukdom blev individ 03 bedömd att bli betraktad som sjuk under den sista perioden i livet. Någonting som sannolikt påverkade fysisk förmåga, och som möjligtvis medförde beroende av vård från andra. Sedda utifrån den osteologiska paradoxen, indikerar de periostala reaktionerna att HOA i detta fall var ett resultat av en kronisk underliggande sjukdom.
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Problematika kritické končetinové ischemie a buněčné léčby u syndromu diabetické nohy, patogenetické aspekty Charcotovy osteopatie. / Critical limb ischemia and autologous cell therapy in diabetic foot disease, pathogenesis of Charcot osteoarthopathy.Němcová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Diabetic foot disease (DFD) is a serious complication of diabetes and, along with critical limb ischemia, significantly exacerbates the prognosis of patients. Peripheral arterial disease in patients with diabetes has an atypical clinical course, its diagnosis is challenging and is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality of patients with DFD. The aim of this dissertation focused on the diagnosis and treatment of DFD was to identify a suitable method for evaluating the effect of autologous cell therapy (ACT), to assess options for early diagnosis of Charcot osteoarthropathy (COA) and, possibly, to establish the association between the incidence of cardiovascular disease and DFD. In our studies concerning therapeutic vasculogenesis, we observed a significant increase in the antiangiogenic factor endostatin after ACT in contrast to its unchanged levels after standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; the transient increase in endostatin seems to be a marker of therapeutic vasculogenesis after ACT. A benefit of using calf muscle perfusion scintigraphy in the assessment of microcirculation and ACT effect was not clearly demonstrated. By contrast, a promising method for the evaluation of microcirculation and the effect of revascularization after ACT was MR spectroscopy of calf...
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Ganganalytische Besonderheiten bei Patienten mit diabetischer Neuropathie am Ganganalysesystem GangASSurminski, Oleg 20 March 2003 (has links)
Diabetiker entwickeln nach durchschnittlich 10 Jahren Folgeschäden. Die Polyneuropathie mit nachfolgender Osteoarthropathie des Fußes ist eine meist zu spät erkannte und suboptimal versorgte Komplikation. Nicht rechtzeitig erkannte Schäden führen zu Ulcera, sekundären Infektionen, Osteomyelitiden und Amputationen. Fragestellung: Ist eine Ganganalyse incl. Posturographie in der Lage, eine evtl. bestehende Polyneuropathie zu verifizieren, um eine frühzeitige orthopädische Schuhversorgung vornehmen zu können? Material und Methoden: Es wurden Diabetiker (n = 73) mit (mittels Messung der Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit NLG) nachgewiesener Neuropathie und eine gesunde Vergleichsgruppe (n = 38) ohne Neuropathie am Ganganalysesystem GANGAS untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Allgemeinparameter relative Geschwindigkeit, Schrittlänge und Kadenz, sowie die Belastungsparameter Fersen-, Mittelfuß-, Vorfußbelastung und Belastung beim Auftritt und Abstoß zeigten keine wesentlich signifikanten Unterschiede im Gruppenvergleich. Dagegen zeigte die Posturographie (apparative Untersuchung der Schwankung des Druckschwerpunktes beim Romberg-Test, welche durch die Länge und Geschwindigkeit beschrieben wurde) signifikante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Patientengruppen. So lag z.B. der Median der Weglänge des Druckschwerpunktes beim Test mit geschlossenen Augen bei den Diabetikern bei 21,27 cm und in der Vergleichsgruppe bei 15,4 cm (p = 0,007). Die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit des Druckschwerpunktes beim Test mit geschlossenen Augen betrug im Median 1,33 cm/sec bei den Diabetikern und 0,96 cm/sec in der gesunden Vergleichsgruppe (p = 0,006). Beim Test mit offenen Augen ergab sich kein signifikanter Unterschied im Gruppenvergleich. Klinische Relevanz: Eine Instabilität des Ganges der Patienten mit diabetischer Neuropathie und entsprechenden Folgeschäden des Fußes läßt sich durch die Ganganalyse mit Standardparametern nach vorliegendem Datenmaterial nicht nachweisen. Die Posturographie ist eine einfache, zeitlich mit geringem Aufwand verbundene Methode, die mit statistischer Signifikanz die subjektiven Kriterien der klinisch-orthopädischen Frühdiagnostik sinnvoll ergänzen und damit die Verdachtsdiagnose eine diabetischen Fußes objektiv nachweisen kann, bevor bleibende Schäden am Fuß entstanden sind. / Every diabetic patient after about ten years develops secondary changes in different tissues. Polyneuropathy with consecutive osteoarthropathy of the foot often is recognized too late and suboptimal treated. Diabetic disorders recognized too late may lead to ulcera, secondery infections and even amputations. Question: Is standard gait analysis including posturography able to verify diabetic neuropathy in order to supply the patient with adapted orthopadic shoeware in time? Materials and methods: A group of diabetics (n=73) with proved neuropathy by measuring nerve conduction velocity and a healthy control group (n=38) without neuropathy were examined by the gait-analysis-system GANGAS. Results: The general parameters: relative speed, length of step and cadence as well as the loading parameters of the heel, middle foot and forefoot during treading and repulsion show no significant differences between both groups. Posturography however (apparative examination of the elongation of focal point of pressure (FPP) according to the Romberg test, described by length and speed) shows significant differences between both groups. For diabetics making the test with closed eyes the mean value of walking length of the FPP was 21,27 cm, for the healthy control persons it was only 15,4 cm (p = 0,007). Asimulary results were found for the speed of movement of FPP during the test with closed eyes: mean value in diabetics 1,33 cm/s and for the healthy control persons 0,96 cm/s (p = 0,006). During this test with open eyes there was no significant difference between both groups. Clinical Relevance: Walking instability of patients with diabetic neuropathy and corresponding sequential damage of the foot could not be proved by the current data with standard parameters. Posturography however is able to give additional information with statistical significance to the subjective criteria of the clinical-orthopedic early diagnosis and verify the diagnosis of a beginning diabetic foot before severe disorders have occured.
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