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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental studies on mouse slow and fast twitch muscles

Nurhussen, Filli January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with physiological and mechanical properties of fast and slow twitch mouse muscles. It discusses isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions of mouse <i>extensor digitorum longus</i> ('EDL') and <i>soleus</i> ('SOL') muscles. This project primarily investigated the behaviors of muscles, to give better understanding and improved descriptions for the human system, when subjected to impact or sustained high loading conditions.</p><p>Muscle force has been shown to be length and activation dependent. The effect of passive or active length changes on muscle force production was studied. Isometric activation showed a maximal force at optimum length for each individual muscle, to which all experiments were related. This optimum length was stimulation frequency dependent and maximum produced force shifted towards shorter length with increasing frequency.</p><p>Active shortening of maximally stimulated muscle was shown to produce reduced force, but also a reduced isometric force (force depression) following shortening, regardless of the shortening conditions and the method of muscle stimulation.</p><p>Steady state force depression (Δ<i>F</i><sub>stdep</sub>) was correlated with the instant force depression Δ<i>F</i><sub>idep</sub>, pre-activation time, t0-t1 and the work (WS), performed by the muscle during shortening. It was positively correlated with the Δ<i>F</i><sub>idep</sub> when the shortening magnitude was varied ('VSM'). But in varying the shortening velocity ('VST'), it was negatively correlated with the instant force depression.</p><p>In active stretch, force was analogously enhanced during stretch, and this effect remained after stretch. Steady state force enhancement (Δ<i>F</i><sub>stenh</sub>)following muscle stretch was correlated with the instant force enhancement,Δ<i>F</i><sub>ienh</sub>, pre-activation time, t0-t1 and the work (WL), done on the muscle during stretch. It was positively correlated with Δ<i>F</i><sub>ienh</sub> when the stretch magnitude was varied ('VLM'). But in varying the stretch velocity ('VLT'), Δ<i>F</i><sub>stenh</sub> was negatively correlated with Δ<i>F</i><sub>ienh</sub>.</p><p>Furthermore, the rise time constant, (<i>Tr)</i> of redeveloped isometric forces following the</p><p>shortening and the fall time constant, (<i>Tf)</i> of the relaxed isometric force following muscle stretch were calculated. In VSM, <i>Tr</i> and<i> F</i><sub>stdep</sub> were positively correlated with each other, while in VST, they were negatively correlated. <i>Tf</i> and <i>F</i><sub>stenh </sub>were negatively correlated in both VLM and VLT.</p>

Design av snöskoter

Reldin, Marcus, Lenninger, Thomas January 2007 (has links)
Detta examensarbete på C-nivå behandlar design av en snöskoter. Uppdragsgivaren är företaget SnoWolverine som vill utveckla en snöskoter med tre drivband varav två placerade i fronten. Den omfattande informationsinsamling som har skett under arbetets gång har visat att en trebandad skoter, som har utmärkt framkomlighet, har en stor marknad. De lösningar som finns på marknaden, främst fyrhjuling med bandsats, har alla kompromisser. Produktutvecklingsverktyg som funktionsanalys och QFD har använts i processen. Stort fokus har legat på utveckling av formspråket för snöskoter och utvecklingen av smarta funktioner som efterfrågas av målgruppen. Resultatet är en kraftfull snöskoter med ett kompakt utseende. Främre boggin är gjord så utrymmessparande som möjligt och designad för att vara robust. Unika funktioner är bland annat en vindtunnel som fungerar som vindruta, frontbåge med vinschfäste, utfällbar sadel och förvaringslösningar.

Norrman, Christian January 2008 (has links)
Examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med företaget Mil Tech i Västerås. Arbetet har gått ut på att konvertera en redan existerande turbojetmotor med dragkraft på 110 Newton till en turboaxelmotor där effekten tas ut via en axel. Konverteringen av turbojetmotorn till en turboaxelmotor sker genom att konstruera en modul bestående av ett friturbinsteg som fästes på turbojetmotorn. Arbetets fokus har legat på att få en lättillverkad och enkel moduluppbyggt friturbinsteg som med få medel kan fästas direkt på turbojetmotorns utloppsdel utan att behöva modifiera turbojetmotorn. Det moduluppbyggda friturbinsteget innehåller alla de mekaniska detaljer som gör en konvertering från turbojetdrift till turboaxeldrift möjlig. Arbetet har inletts med att ta fram termodynamiska beräkningar för att avgöra motorns prestanda och motorns fysikaliska krav på design, konstruktion, material och hållfasthet. Examensarbetet innehåller solidmodeller samt konstruktionsritningar som gör det möjligt att utifrån detta bygga en fungerande friturbinmodul.

Utveckling av motocrossadel

Apelstedt, Kristoffer, Dahl, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Applications and characterisation of correlations in quantum optics

Kothe, Christian January 2011 (has links)
Quantum optics offers a huge variety of exciting phenomena. Many of them are still in their infancy and especially when it comes to implementing devices using these effects for more than a proof of principle demonstration still many things have to be investigated and understood. In this thesis I discuss the role of correlations in some areas of quantum optics and in some cases compare it to classical optics. Four papers form the core of the thesis. In the first paper, I propose a new measure for entanglement. This measure is based on correlations between two states. I show, how this measure relates to another measure, the concurrence. It turns out that the measure is a bijective map of the concurrence for a pure state of two qubits. I motivate why the new measure is useful if one wants to implement it experimentally. I discuss its behaviour for the case of two qubits and show its properties when dealing with pure and with mixed states. The second paper extends the result of the first one to the case where one has higher-dimensional states than qubits. In the third paper I look at phase super-resolution. I show that it can be interpreted as a purely classical effect and I analyse what is needed and what is not needed to achieve it. Specifically, I show that quantum correlations in terms of entanglement is not needed to demonstrate phase super-resolution. By doing so I propose how one could achieve arbitrarily high phase super-resolution. Finally, the last paper looks at the efficiency of quantum lithography and quantum imaging. It shows, that some basic assumptions in the original proposals of quantum lithography seems unfounded and that, as a consequence, the efficiency is poor. I give formulæ for the explicit scaling behaviour when changing the number of photons in a mode or when changing the number of pixels. The effect of the results on the future of quantum lithography is discussed as well. / Kvantoptiken erbjuder ett stort antal spännande fenomen. Många av dem är fortfarande i sin linda och särskilt när man vill tillämpa kvantoptiska effekter snarare än att bara visa att principen fungerar så finns det många saker och ting som måste förstås och undersökas bättre. I denna avhandling ska jag diskutera vilken roll korrelationer spelar i några områden inom kvantoptik och i några fall ska jag jämföra dem med klassisk optik. Fyra vetenskapliga artiklar bildar kärnan i avhandlingen. I det första pappret föreslår jag ett nytt sammanflätningsmått. Detta mått har sin ursprung i korrelationer mellan två tillstånd. Jag visar hur måttet förhåller sig till ett annat mått, den så kallade "concurrence". Det visar sig att måttet är en bijektiv avbildning av concurrence för rena tillstånd av två qubitar. Jag motiverar varför det nya måttet är användbart när man vill implementera det experimentellt. Jag diskuterar hur måttet beter sig för två qubitar och visar dess egenskaper för rena och blandade tillstånd. Det andra pappret utvidgar första papprets resultat till situationer där man har tillstånd med högre dimension än qubitar. I det tredje pappret undersöker jag superfasupplösning. Jag visar att man kan tolka detta som en rent klassisk effekt och jag undersöker vad man behöver och vad man inte behöver för att uppnå superfasupplösning. Jag visar särskilt att kvantkorrelationer genom sammanflätning inte behövs för att visa superfasupplösning. Därigenom ger jag förslag om hur man kan uppnå godtyckligt hög superfasupplösning. Slutligen tittar jag i sista pappret på effektiviteten av kvantlitografi och kvantavbildning. Pappret visar att några grundläggande antaganden i originalförslaget till kvantlitografi verkar vara illa underbyggda och att därigenom kvantlitografins effektivitet reduceras kraftigt. Jag ger ekvationer för det exakta skalningsbeteendet när man ändrar antalet fotoner i en mod eller när man ändrar antalet pixlar. Jag diskuterar också implikationerna som det medför för kvantlitografins framtid. / QC 20110524

Lasttester av implementationer av FHIR-stardarden

Piirainen, Päivi January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Aspizua, Lucía January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT This project deals with the search of the most proper offshore foundation to install in the Baltic Sea, in order to reduce costs and environmental impact. A pre-study was performed to define the Baltic Sea conditions and the required knowledge for the following steps. Afterwards, the specifications were set and clarified, and then the concept analysis phase was started. The analysis phase included the description of each one of the current foundations, those which are considered conventional foundations and those which are innovative ones. In order to evaluate these concept foundations, selection methods were used to assess the most relevant features of these foundations which should fulfil the requirements. The concepts ranking was studied and it led to the final results. Two different outcomes were obtained; such as, innovative concepts, which obtained the first position in this report; and conventional concepts, as a second finding. The continuous contact with different experienced professionals of this sector was essential during the whole project, in order to obtain advices, experienced knowledge and feedback.

Evaluation of non-destructive test methods for predicting the static bending stiffness and strength properties of thermally modified timber

Shuchan, Pu January 2017 (has links)
Non-destructive technologies have been applied on predicting the stiffness and strength properties of timber for decades. However, these technologies have rarely been investigated on predicting the properties of thermally modified timber. This study was performed to investigate the non-destructive technologies on estimating of the strength and stiffness properties of thermally modified timber. The material that was utilized for study is full-size structural Norway spruce. Twenty-five thermally modified boards were investigated by applying both non-destructive technologies and static bending test; 25 unmodified boards were used as a control group. Timber grader MTG and Sylvatest Trio are two non-destructive tools that were used for the determining the modulus of elasticity (MOE): MTG is an application of resonance frequency technology and Sylvatest Trio is an application of time-of-flight technology (TOF). The results show that both non-destructive technologies provide good results (??2=0.70 from MTG and??2=0.58 from Sylvatest Trio) on estimating the stiffness properties while poor resultson predicting the strength properties of thermally modified boards.The result shows anoverestimation of modulus of elasticity (MOE) from time-of-flight test compared withthe MOEs gathered from static bending test and resonance frequency test for both thermally modified boards and unmodified ones. The stiffness properties of boards after thermal modification reduced slightly (6.5%) compared with unmodified timbers; while strength properties of thermally modified boards decreased (37.5%) significantlycompared with control group.This study is a part of a bigger study performed at Linneaus University by Joran vanBlokland.

Parallel Aes diffusion inter block diffusion at bit level and compression / Parallel Aes diffusion inter block diffusion at bit level and compression

Shah, Milap January 2020 (has links)
Information is an intelligent data through which knowledgeable and usable things can be convicted or interpreted in a proper manner. With the advancement of technology, transmission of information over the network has come a trend. This information must be transmitted securely over the network. Data security was not a problem if a secure channel was provided for single transmission. It is a necessity to convert the information into an unintelligible form for transmitting it over an unsecured channel. Encryption is a technique through which original information can be converted into unintelligible form. As time has elapsed, various encryption algorithms are employed so that information can be transmitted securely over an unsecured channel. Unless an intruder accesses the encrypted text, he / she cannot gain any information from that text. But as the new algorithms are designed, all the algorithms are challenged and their cryptanalysis is available. In the year 1998, Advanced Encryption Standards (A (S)) were proposed and later it was widely accepted as the most secure encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt the information so that it can be transmitted securely and unsecured. fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who takes four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. than all sequential AЕs. All the algorithms are challenged and their cryptanalysis is available. In the year 1998, To make A morS more fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. Advanced Encryption Standards (AЕS) was proposed and later it was widely accepted as the most secure encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt the information so that it can be transmitted securely over an unsecured channel. To make A morS more fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. Advanced Encryption Standards (AЕS) was proposed and later it was widely accepted as the most secure encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt the information so that it can be transmitted securely over an unsecured channel. To make A morS more fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS.

Design of a innovative ceramic product for the "Cosentino Design Challenge 14"

Mateo Martinez, Julia January 2020 (has links)
HejVän is an exclusive piece of furniture designed for the Hall of your house inspired by Swedish Design. The concept has been designed implementing the behavior of Swedish society and crafts, this can be seen in the use of materials, the smart mirror, the hangers or the dry shoe system. The furniture is all made by Cosentino materials to garantee exclusivity and durability, with the exception of the hangers and the back plates, which are made of pine wood, a fundamental element of Scandinavian design.

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