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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploratory Study of Reception of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Work Related Outcomes: It is Good for Your Co-workers

Che, Xinxuan 01 January 2012 (has links)
The predictors of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) - performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes place - have been studied extensively in previous research. Surprisingly, only a few studies have looked into OCB's effects on individuals who might benefit from it. The purpose of the current study was to explore effects of individual-level OCB on its recipients. Reception of OCB (ROCB) is described and proposed to be related to targets' performance, job stress and job strains. In addition, narcissism and proactive personality were explored as predictors of reception of OCB also as moderators of the relationships between reception of OCB and job-related outcomes. I sampled 372 employed students through online surveys. Results showed that ROCB is positively related to the recipients' proactive personality, narcissism, overall job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, organizational affective commitment, and negatively associated with recipients' work interfere with family and turnover intension. Moreover, the study found no moderating effects of proactive personality or narcissism on these relationships. It was showed that ROCB is an important construct that needs to be taken into account in future organizational studies since it has significant relationships with other commonly studied organizational variables. Future studies should try to replicate the current results using different samples. Moreover, longitudinal design should be used to study the casual relationships between ROCB and organizational variables.

Stressful Scriptures: Gender Role Ideology, Gender Role Stress, and Christian Religiosity

Lommers-Johnson, Tess A 01 January 2016 (has links)
The Gender Role Stress paradigm asserts that individuals experience distress when they cannot or do not want to live up to the roles prescribed to their gender, and this stress is related to Gender Role Ideology. Within American Christian culture, gender roles are socialized and shaped according to tradition and the Bible. To investigate the intersection of these factors, Christian adults will respond to questionnaires about their Gender Role Ideology, Gender Role Stress, and religiosity. Significant positive correlational relationships between Gender Role Ideology and Gender Role Stress, between religiosity and Gender Role Ideology, and between religiosity and Gender Role Stress are expected for both men and women. However, Gender Role Ideology is expected to partially mediate any relationship found between religiosity and Gender Role Stress. This will imply that for Christian individuals, religiosity and Christianity are related to Gender Role Stress but this relationship is dependent on an individual’s beliefs about gender roles. Implications and further directions are discussed, including spiritual gender role negotiation and the sanctification paradigm.

Work-Value Profile and Career Success

Koh, Chee Wee 01 July 2016 (has links)
Work values, defined as the end states people desire and expect to realize through work, appear to play a role in career success, but the small number of past studies have reported conflicting results, some of which may be attributed to research methodology. Using a person-centered approach to model the conjoint effects of intrinsic and extrinsic work values, the present study inductively investigated the association between work-value profile and career success using a three-panel longitudinal dataset consisting of 905 lawyers from the After the Juris Doctorate (AJD) study. Latent profile analysis identified five work-value profiles: (i) Neither Intrinsic nor Extrinsic (NIE); (ii) Moderately Intrinsic and Extrinsic (MIE); (iii) Highly Intrinsic (HI); (iv) Highly Intrinsic, also Extrinsic (HI[E]); and (v) Highly Extrinsic, also Intrinsic (HE[I]). Measurement invariance was established across gender, but gender was an antecedent to profile assignment, with males being more likely to belong to the NIE, MIE, or HE[I] profiles compared to the HI profile. The work-value profile construct displayed intuitive and meaningful relationships with objective and subjective career success indicators over time. The results exposed the inadequacies of methods that examine the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic work values separately. The two sets of values appeared to interact in a non-linear fashion in their associations with career variables, such that modelling them simultaneously, but only linearly, might also be misleading. Contrary to claims made by studies based on the self-determination theory, the HI profile was not positively associated with subjective career success. Generally, the more successful lawyers from early to mid-career also tended to report high intrinsic and high extrinsic work values i.e., those with the HI[E] and HE[I] profiles; the former enjoyed higher subjective career success while the latter exhibited the highest objective career success. The absence of the highly extrinsic profile among this sample of lawyers reinforced past calls to restructure the transactional rewards systems in large law firms.

The Effects of Post-Recall Feedback: Examining Witness Recall Quantity, Accuracy, and Confidence

Hirn Mueller, Dana Elizabeth 18 June 2015 (has links)
Most eyewitness identification protocols recommend withholding feedback after an identification has been made, at least until a measure of confidence can be gathered. Although much research has examined the impact of post-identification feedback on subsequent witness behavior and confidence, research addressing the importance of post-recall feedback remains largely incomplete. The current study examined the effects of post-recall feedback and question type on subsequent witness recall, confidence, and reports of view of the crime. In line with previous eyewitness identification research, it was predicted that participants receiving confirming post-recall feedback would be more confident in their prior recall compared to participants receiving neutral, no, or disconfirming feedback. One hundred and fifty-eight participants viewed a mock crime video of a robbery followed by an interview which included both open-ended and cued questions. Participants were then given either confirming, neutral, no, or disconfirming feedback and asked about their confidence and the clarity of their view of the perpetrator. Under the pretense that the recording equipment failed, participants were interviewed again using the same question format. The second interview was followed by a series of suggestive questions. After the second interview, participants were again asked about their confidence and self-reported quality of view of the perpetrator. Participant interviews were transcribed and scored for quantity, accuracy, and consistency by two blind, independent coders. Analyses revealed that feedback had a systematic impact on confidence such that participants who received confirming feedback were more confident in the overall accuracy of their prior memory accounts than those who received neutral, no, or disconfirming feedback and participants who received neutral or no feedback were more confident in the overall accuracy of their prior memory accounts compared to those in the disconfirming feedback condition. In line with previous eyewitness identification research, there was no significant relationship between recall accuracy and reported confidence. Results from the current study can be used to inform real-world investigative interviewers by highlighting the consequences of offering post-recall feedback. Specifically, feedback can impact witness confidence irrespective of actual recall accuracy.

Women’s Intrasexual Variability in Sexual Psychology and Pain Functioning

Lutz, Charlotte M 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sexual orientation, self-described gender expression and preferred levels of gender expression in romantic partners with ischemic pain performance in healthy young women. It was hypothesized that lesbian and bisexual women would be less sensitive to pain than heterosexual women. It was also hypothesized that regardless of sexual orientation, women who endorse a preference for more feminine romantic partners and who describe themselves as more masculine would report higher pain thresholds, higher pain tolerance, and lower pain intensity levels than women who report attraction to more masculine romantic partners and rate themselves as possessing more feminine dispositions. A total of 172 women completed multiple assessments of identity and gender expression followed by an ischemic pain task. The study demonstrated that ischemic pain performance is associated with sexual orientation, dispositional gender expression, and preferred gender expression in romantic partners in healthy young women. Compared to heterosexual women, lesbian and bisexual women reported lower pain intensity ratings. Among heterosexual women, attraction to more feminine romantic partners was associated with lower pain intensity ratings early into the ischemic discomfort task, and there was a slight association between self-described masculinity and lower pain intensity ratings for heterosexual women. Similar associations emerged between attraction to more feminine romantic partners and higher pain tolerance in the heterosexual group and for dispositional masculinity and higher pain threshold and tolerance levels in the combined lesbian and bisexual group. These findings provide preliminary support for the hypothesis that, irrespective of biological sex, various other aspects of sexual identity are associated with ischemic pain performance.

Does Need for Cognition Moderate the Relationship Between Eyewitness Age and Perceived Credibility?

Pittman, Anna E 01 January 2012 (has links)
The relationship between age and perceived credibility was examined, particularly whether or not middle-aged witnesses were perceived as more credible than older eyewitnesses. Additionally, I was interested in whether or not the relationship between age and credibility was moderated by need for cognition. Participants read a trial transcript about a child pedestrian-car accident wherein a defendant was charged with manslaughter. The sole eyewitness, either a 49 or 79 year-old male, testified that the child hit his head on a rock upon stepping off the curb before being struck by the defendant’s vehicle. Transcripts included direct and cross-examination with half accompanied by the eyewitness’ photo. Participants rated witness credibility on nine dimensions including competence, honesty, and suggestibility, then rendered a verdict. Participants completed the Need for Cognition Scale and a questionnaire measuring attitudes towards punishment. There was a significant three-way interaction between age, information type, and need for cognition on perceived credibility ratings. Perceived credibility ratings were positively correlated with judgments of guilt. Results are discussed in terms of their implications within the criminal justice system.

Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Style

Henderson, Laura Noelle 01 January 2006 (has links)
The relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and conflict management was investigated using 229 college students and 4 3 participants from organizational settings. A positive correlation was found between emotional intelligence scores and use of the integrating style of handling conflict with one's bosses, one's subordinates and one's coworkers. Of the five styles of handling conflict, emotional intelligence had the highest significant positive relationship with the integrating style; this style is generally considered to be the best approach to handling conflict. High levels of emotional intelligence were associated with high levels of socially desirable responding. Emotional intelligence scores decreased with age, and no significant differences were found between scores for males and females. Regression analysis revealed that the three integrating styles of handling conflict, socially desirable responding, age and years of education explain 24% of the variance in emotional intelligence. A significant positive relationship was found between being happy in the workplace and use of the integrating style with subordinates and co-workers. The findings in this study may be applicable for organizations, in that incorporating programs aimed at increasing employees' emotional intelligence skills may be conducive to a more satisfying work environment, as well as an increase in profitability for the organization.

Coaching Styles and the Basic Psychological Need Fulfillment of College Athletes

Byrd, Kelsey Louise 01 June 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent a coach’s coaching style is associated with the athlete’s basic psychological needs fulfillment of autonomy, competence and relatedness. A survey was distributed to 204 varsity student-athletes at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo representing 13 teams. The data were used to determine the impact of coaching style on the athlete’s fulfillment of autonomy, competence and relatedness. An authoritative head coaching style was found to have a positive impact on an athlete’s fulfillment of autonomy, competence and relatedness. A similar result was found for assistant coaches. Overall, these findings can help coaches and athletic departments.

Natural Area Stewardship Volunteers: Motivations, Attitudes, Behaviors

Handelman, Corinne 25 July 2013 (has links)
To better understand the value of those who engage in environmental stewardship of natural areas, we studied volunteer steward's motivation to participate, their sustainable behaviors and attitudes toward stewardship-related constructs. Specifically, we designed and conducted a survey of volunteers who work as stewards in urban natural areas in Portland, Oregon. We hypothesize that as volunteer frequency increases: participants will be more motivated to participate for environmental reasons, volunteers will be more likely to feel a strong connection to the stewardship site, participants will be more likely to engage in public pro-environmental behaviors, and their level of environmental literacy will increase. Participants were sampled using a face-to-face survey methodology over the course of late winter and spring of 2012 during 18 different Portland Parks and Recreation sponsored stewardship events. We examined the motivations, attitudes and behaviors of the volunteers, and devised appropriate management implications for those organizing volunteer efforts. We equated a three-tiered typology of environmental literacy, based upon the frequency of volunteer participation, and analyzed our survey data using a principal component analysis, generalized linear models, and a qualitative coding analysis. The most frequent participants showed a higher likelihood of participation in public environmental behaviors, whereas participants at all frequency levels were also likely to participate in private environmental behaviors, such as removing invasive plants in one's yard. Volunteers across all frequencies of participation were motivated to engage in stewardship events by a desire to help the environment. By understanding volunteers' motivations and linked behaviors, park managers may gain insights about the recruitment, retention, and messaging of volunteers upon whom they may depend to achieve restoration goals. We recommend considering volunteers' motivations and benefits derived from participation in messaging to recruit and retain volunteers. Additionally, park managers should take advantage of educational opportunities linked to stewardship events, such as training programs and chances for volunteer mentorship.

Adult and Juvenile Sexual Offenders: The Use of Violence and Fantasies

Carter, Megan N. 17 March 2004 (has links)
Child sexual abuse (CSA) has been recognized as a widespread and devastating problem in our society. Definitional challenges result in a broad range of prevalence rates for CSA varying from 60/0 to 62% for females and 30/0 to 31 % for males (Finkelhor, Araji, Baron, Browne, Peters, & Wyatt, 1986). Although CSA affects our nation's children in epidemic proportions, researchers have found little conclusive evidence regarding CSA precursors. One promising area for exploring the etiology of CSA may be the differential patterns of sexual fantasies in juvenile and adult sex offenders. Abel, Becker, Mittleman, Cunningham-Rathner, Rouleau and Murphy (1987) found that more than 40% of non-familial child molesters reported the development of deviant sexual fantasies prior to sexually offending. Despite variations in offender subgroups, Marshall, Barbaree and Eccles (1991) found that 22% of the offenders experienced deviant fantasies prior to their first sexual offense. Unfortunately, the literature in this area has been quite limited despite its potential. Understanding offender similarities and differences in adult and juvenile populations may be important due to the large proportion of the offender population who begin sexually offending as juveniles and due to the treatment modalities that may be implemented for developmentally different offenders. As many as 500/0 of adult sex offenders have reported sexually deviant behavior beginning in adolescence (Becker, 1988; Ferhenbach, Smith, Monastersky & Deisher, 1986; Marshall, Barbaree, & Eccles, 1991). Juveniles have also been identified as perpetrators in more than half of all cases (Fehrenbach, Smith, Monastersky, & Deisher, 1986). This study investigates the relationship between offenders' sexual fantasies and their use of physical force to sexually offend. This investigation was also designed to examine the similarities and differences between adult and adolescent sexual offenders on these dimensions. Findings reveal an empirical relationship between offenders' fantasies and behaviors in sexual offending. It is anticipated that additional knowledge regarding potential relationships between fantasies and behaviors will assist in assessing and intervening with accused and convicted sexual offenders. Potential implications for clinical assessment and intervention into sexual abuse are discussed as well as the potential for understanding maintenance factors in the continuation of sexual abuse.

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