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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low salinity habitat use patterns of southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) on the Texas Gulf Coast

Nims, Megan Katherine 26 April 2013 (has links)
Southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) populations have declined over the last 25-30 years throughout its range. With this rapid decline, the sustainability of the southern flounder fishery and population viability of this commercially and recreationally important fish has come into question. Previous research conducted in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and North Carolina, has shown that southern flounder often reside in freshwater for significant periods of time during the juvenile life history stage. Juvenile southern flounder have been collected at salinities below 10 in Aransas Bay (TX), suggesting that Texas southern flounder might also have critical periods of freshwater residency. However, the presence of a low salinity residency period in southern flounder in Texas has not previously been tested. Patterns of low salinity residence were determined using otolith microchemistry, using Ba/Ca ratios to determine movements across salinity boundaries. Water samples were collected from the major tributaries to the area in order to establish the Ba/Ca freshwater signature. Otolith Ba/Ca values revealed a high degree of variability in habitat use patterns among individuals. The mean percent time that an individual spent in low salinity habitat was skewed toward the lower end (15%) but a significant proportion of the individuals sampled (59%) used low salinity habitat at some point during their life. The remaining individuals (49%) never entered low salinity habitat. This work indicates that there are two distinctly different groups of habitat use patterns in the population. This work demonstrates that southern flounder in Texas exhibit different habitat use patterns from their congeners in North Carolina and the Northern Gulf of Mexico and can help contribute to the spatial management of the southern flounder population on the Gulf Coast of Texas. / text

Recruitment Sources of Blue Catfish Ictalurus Furcatus and Channel Catfish I. Punctatus Inhabiting the Middle Mississippi River

Laughlin, Troy 01 August 2015 (has links)
Insight into environments and habitats that contribute recruits to adult fish stocks in riverine systems is vital for effective population management and conservation. Catfishes are important recreational species in the Mississippi River and are commercially harvested. However, contributions from main channel and tributary habitats to catfish recruitment in large rivers such as the middle Mississippi River (between St. Louis, MO and Cairo, IL) are unknown. Stable isotope and trace elemental signatures in otoliths have been useful for determining environmental history of fishes in a variety of aquatic systems, including the Mississippi River. The objectives of this study were to identify the principle natal environments of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus and blue catfish I. furcatus in the middle Mississippi River (MMR) using otolith stable oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) and strontium:calcium ratios (Sr:Ca). Catfish were sampled in the MMR during July-October 2013 and 2014 and lapilli otoliths were analyzed for δ18O and Sr:Ca. Water samples from the MMR and tributaries were collected seasonally from 2006-2014 to characterize site-specific signatures. Persistent differences in water δ18O and Sr:Ca among the MMR and tributaries (including the upper Mississippi, Illinois, and Missouri rivers as well as smaller tributaries) were evident, enabling identification of natal environment for individual fish. Results indicated that blue and channel catfish stocks in the MMR primarily recruited from the largest rivers (Missouri and Mississippi rivers) in our study area and received minimal influence from smaller tributaries. Recruitment and year class strength investigations and efforts aimed at enhancing blue and channel catfish spawning and nursery habitats should be focused in the large rivers with less emphasis in the smaller tributaries.


SCHILLER, AARON Lee 01 December 2018 (has links)
Knowledge of natal environments and dispersal of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) inhabiting the Ohio River, and Kentucky and Barkley lakes would inform development of strategies to control established and emerging populations. However, the principal natal environments supporting the emerging bigheaded carp population in the Ohio River basin are unknown. There is also a need to assess the role of tributaries as nursery sites to increase understanding of dispersal patterns and better target young fish. The goal of this study was to identify recruitment sources and determine dispersal patterns of Silver Carp in the Ohio River basin using evidence from otolith core trace element compositions relative to ambient water elemental measurements. Fish were collected from the Ohio River, and Kentucky and Barkley lakes from 2014-2017 and water samples were taken during summer 2012-2017. Water samples maintained temporal stability and spatial differentiation for the Ohio River and tributaries during the sampling period. Results suggest that most Silver Carp in the Ohio River are utilizing tributaries during early life. Results also suggest there is passage of carp through the locks into the lakes from the Ohio River and natural reproduction is occurring in or above Kentucky and Barkley lakes. Results will inform development of efforts to target and remove spawning and young bigheaded carps as well as direct management efforts in the Tennessee and Cumberland River systems.

Evaluation of trace-metal and isotopic records as techniques for tracking lifetime movement patterns in fishes

Granneman, Jennifer E. 04 July 2018 (has links)
The focus of this work was on the use of otolith microchemistry and fish eye lens chemical profiles to measure fish movement and provided indirect support for the use of otolith microchemistry to examine exposure to crude oil. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the applications of otolith microchemistry and eye lens isotopic profiles. In the second chapter, which examined associations between metal exposure and lesion formation in fishes collected after the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill, I did not observe any change in oil-associated metal concentrations in otoliths coinciding with the timing of the DWH oil spill. This suggests that either the technique used is not sensitive enough to detect any transient changes that may have occurred because of exposure to the oil spill or that the fish examined were not exposed to the oil spill. However, I did find that lesioned fish may have been exposed to a persistent source of trace-metals in the GoM prior to, during, and after the oil spill, and metal-induced immunomodulation may have occurred in these fish. These interactions between the physiological and environmental modulation of otolith element incorporation were explored further in Chapter 3 in which multiple tests demonstrated that physiology explained more of the variation in otolith chemical tags than ambient water chemistry. These findings suggest that the use of otolith microchemistry alone to track fish movement and potential exposure to harmful metals may be complicated by physiological control of otolith microchemistry. Thus, in Chapter 4, I pursued a novel method to evaluate the movement of fish across isoscapes of varying δ15N. I validated the use of fish eye lenses as potential lifetime recorders of isotopic histories and in Chapter 5 compared the use of fish eye lens δ15N profiles to otolith microchemistry profiles to examine fish movement. Both techniques suggested similar patterns of movement in Red Snapper from the northern GoM to the West Florida Shelf. This is the first study to use these complimentary techniques to track fish movement.

Impact de l'évolution spatio-temporelle de la limite septentrionale de répartition sur des traits de vie chez la daurade royale Sparus aurata / Impact of the spatio-temporal evolution of the northern distribution limit on life history traits in the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata

Avignon, Solène 06 July 2017 (has links)
La daurade royale (Sparus aurata) est une espèce de sparidé dont l’aire de répartition s’étend des côtes du Sénégal à l’Irlande, et est commune en mer Méditerranée. Elle est considérée comme rare en limite nord de répartition (Manche, mer d’Irlande et mer du Nord). Depuis une dizaine d’années, l’abondance d’individus pêchés en limite nord ne cesse d’augmenter. Ce phénomène peut être expliqué par l’évolution septentrionale de son aire de répartition, en lien avec le réchauffement climatique. Aucune donnée écologique sur les populations de cette espèce en limite nord de répartition, devenues une ressource de pêche en Manche, n’est actuellement publiée dans la littérature. Les traits de vie de S. aurata ont été étudiés face à la modification spatio-temporelle de son aire de répartition, via l’analyse du régime alimentaire, de la croissance et des déplacements côtiers. D’autre part, l’étude a conduit à l’analyse de la structure de ces populations septentrionales par une approche multi-marqueur couplant la génétique et la microchimie des otolithes.L’analyse des contenus stomacaux des populations de S. aurata en limite nord de répartition confirme un régime opportuniste, avec une forte proportion d’espèces-proies du genre Mytilus. Malgré un régime alimentaire similaire, la croissance des individus est, quant à elle, plus faible que celle observée sur des individus de mer Méditerranée, ce phénomène étant conditionné par les paramètres du milieu (température, salinité). Les variations élémentaires des otolithes ont permis de caractériser les migrations côtières lors des premières années de vie des poissons avec un passage en mer en hiver et la fréquentation de zones côtières. Cela suggère la présence de zones de nourricerie le long du pourtour atlantique et de la Manche. Une variabilité inter-individuelle a été mise en évidence suggérant une plasticité comportementale des individus. Les approches de génétique, combinant l’emploi de marqueurs mitochondriaux et des microsatellites, et de microchimie des otolithes ont mis en évidence l’absence de structure au sein des populations en limite nord de répartition. Ce phénomène concorde avec la colonisation récente des populations. Cependant, une différenciation entre les individus échantillonnés le plus au sud et ceux en limite nord d’échantillonnage a été mise en évidence, suggérant peu de mélange génétique. Les allèles communs entre les individus échantillonnés évoquent une colonisation des individus de proche en proche depuis la mer Méditerranée. Des différences génétiques et de traits de vie ont été observées entre les individus échantillonnés en Manche, suggérant l’existence d’une barrière biogéographique au sein de cet environnement. La présence de conditions environnementales favorables constitue un atout majeur pour cette espèce prédatrice qui semble présenter une capacité d’acclimatation importante. L’ensemble des approches abordées dans le cadre de ces travaux ont permis d’apporter les premières données sur les traits de vie et la structure des populations d’une espèce à fort intérêt commercial dans une zone d’expansion récente en lien avec des modifications globales des conditions environnementales. / The gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) is a sparidae species whose natural distribution stretches from Senegal to Ireland coasts, with its common habitat in the Mediterranean Sea. This species is still considered as rare in its northern limit of distribution. For a decade, the abundance of individuals caught in the northern limit (English Channel, Irish Sea and North Sea), has increased. This species is now a fishing resources in the English Channel. This phenomenon, in link with global warming, is explained by the northern expansion of its distribution range. No ecological data about this species in northern distribution range is currently published. Life history traits of S. aurata in relation to the spatio-temporal modification of its distribution range has been studied, through diet, growth and sea/coastal movement analysis. On the other hand, the population structure analysis of these northern populations has been done with a multi-marker approach coupling the genetics and otolith microchemistry.Analysis of the stomach contents of S. aurata at the northern range confirms an opportunistic diet with a high proportion of prey species from the genus Mytilus. The growth of individuals is lower than that observed on individuals in the Mediterranean Sea. This phenomenon is conditioned by environmental parameters (temperature, salinity) at the distribution range limit. Elemental composition of the otoliths allowed us to characterize the sea/coastal migrations during the first year of life, with a sea transition in winter and the occupation of coastal zones. A variability between individuals has been observed as a behavioral plasticity of individuals. This suggests the presence of nursery areas along the Atlantic and Channel Sea coasts. Otolith microchemistry and genetic approaches, combining the use of mitochondrial and microsatellites markers, have demonstrated the lack of structure within populations at the northern distribution range. This phenomenon matches with the recent population colonization. However, a differentiation was identified between the most southern individuals sampled and those at the northern sampling boundary, suggesting little genetic mixing. Common alleles between individuals suggest a “step by step” colonization of individuals from the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic and life history traits differences were observed between individuals sampled in the Channel Sea, suggesting a biogeographic barrier within this environment.Favorable environmental conditions are a major asset for this predatory species, which appears to have a huge acclimatization ability. All the various approaches discussed in this work have then made it possible to provide the first data on the life characteristics and the population structure of a species with a high commercial interest on the northern range of its distribution.

Etude de la connectivité entre les communautés de poissons de différents habitats du lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie par microchimie des otolithes et de l'environnement / Study of connectivity between fish communities of different habitats of the lagoon of New-Caledonia using microchemistry of otoliths and environment

Paillon, Christelle 22 April 2014 (has links)
La connectivité écologique se mesure via l'estimation des mouvements réalisés par les organismes au cours de leurs vie. Parmi les outils existants, seule la microchimie des otolithes est capable de reconstruire les mouvements des poissons au cours de leur vie entière, notamment lors des migrations ontogénétiques. Son utilisation au sein des milieux oligotrophes et chimiquement peu contrastés tels que les récifs coralliens reste cependant marginale. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit ce travail sur la microchimie des otolithes des poissons des récifs coralliens et mangroves de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Il se divise en deux parties. La première, méthodologique, est axée sur l'estimation du potentiel de l'outil microchimie des otolithes en Nouvelle-Calédonie, avec un chapitre sur la détermination des signatures multi-élémentaires caractéristiques des différents habitats de la Grande Terre et un chapitre sur l'étude de la relation entre la microchimie de l'environnement et celle des otolithes. La seconde partie se concentre sur l'application de la méthodologie précédemment développée a des thématiques écologiques, avec un chapitre sur le rôle des mangroves sur le cycle de vie et la distribution géographique d'une espèce de Lutjanidae, Lutjanus fulviflamma, et un chapitre centré sur les mouvements réalisés au cours de la vie de cette espèce. Les résultats démontrent que la microchimie des otolithes présente un potentiel élevé en Nouvelle-Calédonie avec un fort pouvoir de discrimination entre la mangrove et les récifs coralliens. La relation entre la microchimie de l'environnement et celle des otolithes est complexe et dépend fortement des espèces considérées. Cependant, les contrastes chimiques marqués de l'environnement se retrouvent au sein des otolithes. Les résultats démontrent une connexion forte entre les différents habitats pour L.fulviflamma, particulièrement entre la mangrove et les récifs coralliens avec une importance cruciale de la mangrove comme zone de nurserie. Trois différents patrons de mouvements entre habitats ont été identifiés. Cette diversité illustre une forte variabilité de la connectivité écologique entre les individus, avec pour certains d'entre eux, une fréquentation de l'habitat juvénile durant la phase adulte. / Ecological connectivity is defined by organism movements between habitats.Among the tools used to measure connectivity, otolith microchemistry is the only one able toreconstruct the fish movement throughout their entire lifetime, and thus include ontogeneticmigrations. However, it is seldom used in oligotrophic environments that typically show poorchemical contrasts such as coral reefs. In this context, this study focused on otolith microchemistryof coral reef and mangrove fishes of New Caledonia. This work comprises two parts. First, amethodological part to assess the potential of otolith microchemistry in New Caledonia, with onechapter on the determination of multi-elemental signatures of habitats from the Main Island and onechapter on the relationships between environmental and otoliths microchemistries. Second, thepreviously developed methodology was applied to ecological questions, with a chapter on theimportance of mangrove on the life cycle and the spatial distribution of a Lutjanidae, Lutjanusfulviflamma, and a chapter on the lifetime movement patterns of this species. Results revealed ahigh potential of otolith microchemistry in New Caledonia with a high power of discriminationbetween mangroves and coral reefs. Relationships between environmental and otolithmicrochemistries were complex and species-specific. However, strong chemical contrasts in theenvironment were traduced in the otoliths. Results showed a strong connection between differenthabitats for L. fulviflamma, in particular between mangroves and reefs with a crucial importance ofmangroves as nursery grounds. Three different patterns of lifetime movements among habitats wereidentified. This diversity illustrates a high variability of ecological connectivity patterns amongindividuals, with a possible return to the juvenile habitat during the adult stage.

Assessment of Site-Fidelity and Straying in Lake Erie Steelhead Trout

Budnik, Richard R. 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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